
Translation strings (translate)

ACCOUNT_CONFLICT_CONFIRM_LOAD_FACEBOOK 'By selecting Load, the account above will be synced with Facebook.'
ACCOUNT_CONFLICT_CONFIRM_LOAD_GAMECENTER 'By selecting Load, the account above will be synced with Game Center.'
ACCOUNT_CONFLICT_CONFIRM_OVERWRITE_FACEBOOK 'By selecting Overwrite, the account above will be synced with Facebook. Your previous game progress will be overwritten.'
ACCOUNT_CONFLICT_CONFIRM_OVERWRITE_GAMECENTER 'By selecting Overwrite, the account above will be synced with Game Center. Your previous game progress will be overwritten.'
ACCOUNT_CONFLICT_CONFIRM_OVERWRITE_GOOGLEPLAY 'By selecting Overwrite, the account above will be synced with Google Play. Your previous game progress will be overwritten.'
ACCOUNT_CONFLICT_DESC_FACEBOOK 'You have an existing game on another device connected to your Facebook account.'
ACCOUNT_CONFLICT_DESC_GAMECENTER 'You have an existing game on another device connected to your Game Center account.'
ACCOUNT_CONFLICT_DESC_GOOGLEPLAY 'You have an existing game on another device connected to your Google Play account.'
ACCOUNT_CONFLICT_LOAD_DESC 'Load previously saved game'
ACCOUNT_CONFLICT_OVERWRITE_DESC 'Overwrite previously saved game'
ACCOUNT_SYNC 'Restore Progress'
ACCOUNT_SYNC_AUTH_ERROR_FACEBOOK 'There was an authentication error syncing your game with your Facebook account. Please try again later.'
ACCOUNT_SYNC_AUTH_ERROR_GAMECENTER 'There was an authentication error syncing your game with your Game Center account. Please try again later.'
ACCOUNT_SYNC_AUTH_ERROR_GOOGLEPLAY 'There was an authentication error syncing your game with your Google Play account. Please try again later.'
ACCOUNT_SYNC_CONFLICT 'There is existing game progress synced to {0}. Would you like to restore this progress to your device?'
ACCOUNT_SYNC_CONFLICT_RECOVERY 'We see you recently lost your game progress. Please hit "Restore" to recover your account, then head to your HQ for a special crate. Thanks for your patience! '
ACCOUNT_SYNC_CONNECT_NEW_GAME_INFO 'Are you sure you want to discard the stored game progress? The current game progress will replace the stored game progress. [e40b18]This transaction cannot be undone.[-]'
ACCOUNT_SYNC_ERROR 'Account Sync Error'
ACCOUNT_SYNC_ERROR_FACEBOOK 'The Facebook account you are signed into is different than the Facebook account that has already been linked with your game. Please sign into that Facebook account to get sync functionality.'
ACCOUNT_SYNC_ERROR_FACEBOOK_GAMECENTER 'The Facebook account you are signed into already has another Game Center account associated with it. You need to sign out of your current Game Center account to be able to sync with this Facebook account.'
ACCOUNT_SYNC_ERROR_FACEBOOK_GOOGLEPLAY 'The Facebook account you are signed into already has another Google Play account associated with it. You need to sign out of your current Google Play account to be able to sync with this Facebook account.'
ACCOUNT_SYNC_ERROR_GAMECENTER 'The Game Center account you are signed into is different than the Game Center account that has already been linked with your game. Please sign into that Game Center account to get sync functionality.'
ACCOUNT_SYNC_ERROR_GAMECENTER_FACEBOOK 'The Game Center account you are signed into already has another Facebook account associated with it. You need to sign out of your current Facebook account to be able to sync with this Game Center account.'
ACCOUNT_SYNC_ERROR_GOOGLEPLAY 'The Google Play account you are signed into is different than the Google Play account that has already been linked with your game. Please sign into that Google Play account to get sync functionality.'
ACCOUNT_SYNC_ERROR_GOOGLEPLAY_FACEBOOK 'The Google Play account you are signed into already has another Facebook account associated with it. You need to sign out of your current Facebook account to be able to sync with this Google Play account.'
ACCOUNT_SYNC_EXISTING_SYNCED 'Account synced to {0}'
ACCOUNT_SYNC_LAST_DATE 'Last synced: {0}/{1}/{2}'
ACCOUNT_SYNC_LOAD_INFO 'Are you sure you want to restore game progress to this device? The current game progress will be lost.'
ACCOUNT_SYNC_LOAD_SUCCESS 'Your existing {0} game progress has been restored! Your game will now restart.'
ACCOUNT_SYNC_NEW_SYNC 'New account to sync to {0}'
ACCOUNT_SYNC_NEW_SYNCED 'New account synced to {0}'
ACCOUNT_SYNC_SUCCESS 'You have successfully stored your current game progress to {0}!'
ACCURACY 'Accuracy: {0}'
ACTIVATE_INSTRUCTION 'Activate Equipment by Tapping Below'
ACTIVE_DAY_AGO 'Active 1d ago'
ACTIVE_HOUR_AGO 'Active 1h ago'
ACTIVE_LESS_MIN_AGO 'Active < 1m ago'
ACTIVE_MIN_AGO 'Active 1m ago'
ADD_DROID 'Add Droid'
AGE_GATE_SCREEN_DESC 'Swipe to set your age'
AGE_GATE_SCREEN_TITLE 'How old are you?'
ALERT 'Alert'
ALL_CRATES_ALREADY_PURCHASED 'You have collected all current Data Fragments. Check back later.'
ALL_LANGUAGES 'English (US)|Español|Français|Deutsch|Italiano|Português|简体中文|繁體中文|日本語|한국어|Русский'
ALL_STARSHIPS 'All starships:'
ALL_TROOPS 'All troops:'
ALREADY_IN_A_GUILD 'You are already in a Squad, please leave your current squad first.'
ALREADY_IN_SQUAD '[FF0000]You are already in a Squad[-]!'
ALREADY_IN_THIS_SQUAD '[FF0000]You are already in this Squad[-]!'
ANY 'Any'
APPLE_PROMO_SCREEN_DESC 'Welcome, Commander! Your exclusive gifts are ready for use! Tap on the ‘news’ icon after completion of the tutorial to claim them.'
APPLE_PROMO_SCREEN_TITLE 'App Store Exclusive Gift!'
APPLY 'Apply'
APPLY_LEAVE_SQUAD_ALERT 'Are you sure you want to apply to [F2D62F]{0}[-], and leave [F2D62F]{1}[-] if your application is accepted?'
APPLY_REQUEST 'Request to Join {0}'
APPLY_REQUEST_DEFAULT "I'd like to join your squad."
APPLY_TO_SQUAD_CONFIRMATION 'Application sent to [F2D62F]{0}[-].'
AREA_INVALID 'Can not place troop here!'
AREA_OF_EFFECT 'Area of Effect'
ARMORY_CAPACITY 'Equipment capacity after activating: {0}/{1}'
ARMORY_CTA 'Select a piece of equipment to activate'
ARMORY_FULL 'Your Armory is at capacity; deactivate current equipment to activate this item.'
ARMORY_INACTIVE_CAPACITY_REACHED 'Not enough capacity to activate equipment.'
ARMORY_INVALID_EQUIPMENT_PLANET 'This equipment cannot be activated on {0}.'
ARMORY_NOT_ENOUGH_CAPACITY 'Not enough capacity to activate equipment.'
ARMORY_UPGRADE_CTA 'Upgrade in the Research Lab'
ATTACKED_BY 'Attacked By:'
ATTACKER_BUFFS 'Attacker Advantages:'
ATTACKS_LEFT 'Attacks Left : {0}'
ATTACKS_WON 'Attacks Won : {0}'
ATTACK_RESULT 'Attack Result:'
AVAILABLE_HEROES 'Available Heroes'
AVAILABLE_TROOPS 'Available Troops'
A_LONG_TIME 'A long time'
BACK_TO_PLANET 'Back to Planet'
BARRACKS_CAPACITY 'Barracks Capacity: {0}/{1}'
BARRACKS_EMPTY 'Barracks Empty'
BARRACKS_FULL 'Barracks Full'
BASE_ON_INCORRECT_PLANET 'This equipment cannot be activated on {0}.'
BASE_POINTS '{0} Medals'
BASE_RATING 'Base Rating'
BATTLE_REPLAY_SHARE 'Share Battle Replay'
BATTLE_REPLAY_SHARE_DEFAULT 'Check out this battle!'
BEAM_DAMAGE 'Damage: Up to {0}% of target max health'
BLURB_CANTINA 'Mercenaries for hire...'
BUFF_BASE_NAME_LEVEL '{0}\nLevel {1}'
BUFF_BASE_NAME_VEHICLE_DAMAGE 'Experimental Weapons Factory'
BUFF_BASE_OWNERSHIP_OPPONENT 'Opponent Squad Advantage: {0}'
BUFF_BASE_OWNERSHIP_PLAYER 'Your Squad Advantage: {0}'
BUFF_BASE_PRODUCES 'Advantage Provides:'
BUFF_DESC_HEALTH_REGENERATION '[F2D62F]Defense:[-] Non-hero infantry regenerate health.'
BUFF_DESC_INFANTRY_DAMAGE '[F2D62F]Attack:[-] Non-hero infantry deal increased damage.'
BUFF_DESC_MAX_HEALTH '[F2D62F]Defense:[-] Defensive Outpost walls and HQ have increased hitpoints.'
BUFF_DESC_SHIELD_REGENERATION '[F2D62F]Defense:[-] Defensive Outpost Shield Generators and Droidekas have regenerative shields.'
BUFF_DESC_SPECIAL_ATTACK_DAMAGE '[F2D62F]Attack:[-] Starfighters deal increased damage.'
BUFF_DESC_VEHICLE_DAMAGE '[F2D62F]Attack:[-] Non-hero vehicles deal increased damage.'
BUFF_NAME_MAX_HEALTH 'Durasteel Plating'
BUILDING_INFO '{0} - Level {1}'
BUILDING_MAX 'Maximum built'
BUILDING_REPUTATION 'Reputation capacity:'
BUILDING_REQUIREMENT 'Level {0} {1} Required'
BUILDING_UPGRADE '{0} - Upgrade to Level {1}?'
BUILDING_UPGRADE_ALL_WALLS 'All Level {0} Walls ({1})'
BUILDING_UPGRADE_REQUIREMENT 'Upgrade {0} to build more'
BUILD_MORE_CONTRABAND_STORAGE 'Build more Safehouses to increase Contraband storage'
BUILD_MORE_CREDIT_STORAGE 'Build more Credit Vaults to increase Credit storage'
BUILD_MORE_MATERIAL_STORAGE 'Build more Alloy Depots to increase Alloy storage'
CALL_SIGN_CONFIRMATION_DESCRIPTION 'After you choose a call sign, it can not be changed.\nDo you want to set your call sign to {0}?'
CALL_SIGN_CONFIRMATION_TITLE 'Confirm your call sign?'
CALL_SIGN_DESCRIPTION 'This is how other players will identify you'
CALL_SIGN_ERROR_INVALID 'Sorry, that name is invalid!'
CALL_SIGN_ERROR_TOO_SHORT 'Your name must be at least {0} characters long!'
CALL_SIGN_TITLE_EMPIRE 'Choose Your Empire Call Sign!'
CALL_SIGN_TITLE_REBEL 'Choose Your Rebel Call Sign!'
CALL_SIGN_TYPE_HERE 'Type here...'
CAMPAIGN_ALLSTARS_COMPLETE 'All stars earned! Great!'
CAMPAIGN_BEGINS_IN 'Begins in {0}'
CAMPAIGN_CHAPTER_COMPLETE 'Earn three stars in every mission to get the Chapter Mastery reward!'
CAMPAIGN_CONFIRM_MISSING 'Are you sure you want to purchase this?'
CAMPAIGN_CONFIRM_SPEND 'Buy {0} for {1} points?'
CAMPAIGN_ENDS_IN 'Ends in {0}'
CAMPAIGN_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS "You don't have enough Event Points to purchase this."
CAMPAIGN_MAX_REACHED 'Max Quantity Reached'
CAMPAIGN_POINTS '{0} Event Points'
CAMPAIGN_POINTS_TO_SPEND 'You have {0} Event Points to spend'
CAMPAIGN_REWARD_REQUIRED 'Campaign Reward Required'
CANCEL 'Cancel'
CANCEL_REPAIR_MESSAGE 'Do you really want to cancel the action? You will lose repair progress.'
CANCEL_REPAIR_TITLE 'Cancel {0} repair?'
CANCEL_UPGRADE_MESSAGE 'Do you really want to cancel the action?\nOnly 50% of the cost will be refunded.'
CANCEL_UPGRADE_TITLE 'Cancel {0} upgrade?'
CANNOT_DEDUCT_NEGATIVE_AMOUNTS 'You do not have enough of the troops selected to donate them.'
CANNOT_DEPLOY_MULTIPLE_HEROES "You've already deployed a hero in this battle"
CANNOT_DEPLOY_THIS_HERO "You've already deployed this hero"
CANTINA_CAPACITY 'Cantina Capacity: {0} / {1}'
CANTINA_EMPTY 'Cantina Empty'
CANTINA_FULL 'Cantina Full'
CANT_COLLECT_REWARD 'You do not have enough storage to fit your reward! Please upgrade your storage.'
CANT_REMOVE_MEMBER_IN_WAR 'You cannot remove a Squad member while in Squad War matchmaking or a Squad War.'
CAN_ONLY_DONATE_TROOPS 'Some of the selected troops were invalid.'
CAPACITY 'Capacity: {0}/{1}'
CHANGE_TURRET 'Select new turret type'
CHANGE_TURRET_TO 'Change to {0}?'
CHAPTER_NUMBER 'Chapter {0}'
CLEARABLE_FOUND 'You found {0} {1} in the {2}!'
COMING_SOON 'This feature is coming soon!'
CONFIRM_END_BATTLE 'Are you sure you want to end the battle?'
CONFLICT_BONUS_EXPLAIN 'Earn these rewards with every victory!'
CONFLICT_DESC_NOT_PLAYED 'Conflict started, attack any rival by tapping Find a Match above'
CONFLICT_DESC_NOT_PLAYED_LOCKED 'Unlock this world to join the Conflict!'
CONFLICT_DESC_NOT_PLAYED_RELOCATE 'Relocate to this world to join the Conflict!'
CONFLICT_DESC_ON 'After the Conflict, bonuses per victory are based on your League ranking'
CONFLICT_DESC_POST 'Defeat rivals on any world to earn Victory Bonuses'
CONFLICT_DESC_PRE 'When conflict begins, attack any rival by tapping Find a Match above'
CONFLICT_DESC_PRE_LOCKED 'Unlock this world to join the upcoming Conflict!'
CONFLICT_DESC_PRE_RELOCATE 'Relocate to this world to prepare for the upcoming Conflict!'
CONFLICT_DIRECTIONS 'Attack any rival by tapping Find a Match above. Win rewards based on your league!'
CONFLICT_END_POPUP_TITLE 'Conflict on {0} has Ended'
CONFLICT_FIND_ME_FAIL_MESSAGE 'Attack rivals to earn {0} Conflict Medals!'
CONFLICT_GAL_ATTACK_NOW '{0} - Join in the Conflict!'
CONFLICT_GAL_ENDED '{0} - Conflict Ended'
CONFLICT_GAL_TOP '{0} - Top {1}% - {2} {3}'
CONFLICT_NEWSPAPER_DESC 'Earn points to purchase special rewards and unlock the new unit before the event ends!'
CONFLICT_POINTS_CALCULATING 'Calculating Conflict Rating...'
CONFLICT_RATING_DELTA 'Conflict Rating: {0}'
CONFLICT_REWARD_REQUIRED 'Conflict Reward Required'
CONFLICT_STORE_POINTS_AT_END 'Event Points will be given at the end of the tournament'
CONFLICT_TIERS 'Conflict Leagues'
CONFLICT_TIERS_DESCRIPTION 'Win battles against rival players to climb the leagues. At the end of the Conflict, players in higher leagues earn more [F2D62F]bonus loot per victory[-] for the reward period.'
CONFLICT_TIERS_DESCRIPTION_END 'Once a Conflict has ended, the Victory Bonus period begins'
CONFLICT_TIERS_INFO_1 'Attack a Rival'
CONFLICT_TIERS_INFO_2 'Win the Battle'
CONFLICT_TIERS_WITH_NAME 'Conflict Leagues: {0}'
CONFLICT_TIER_1 'Carbonite'
CONFLICT_TIER_2 'Durasteel'
CONFLICT_TIER_3 'Bronzium'
CONFLICT_TIER_4 'Obsidian'
CONFLICT_TIER_5 'Ultra Chrome'
CONFLICT_TIER_BONUS 'Conflict Victory Bonus'
CONFLICT_TIER_NEW 'Your New Ranking'
CONFLICT_TIER_REQ_ANY 'Attack any player'
CONNECT_FB_DESC 'Log in with Facebook to find squads your friends are in.'
CONNECT_FB_FACTION_DESC 'Log in to Facebook to see who your friends are aligned with.'
CONNECT_FB_INCENTIVE_DESC 'Log in with Facebook to find squads with your friends and get {0} Crystals (once per base)'
CONNECT_FB_SETTINGS_DESC 'Log in to save your progress and play with multiple devices.'
CONSTRUCTION_CAPACITY 'Construction capacity:'
CONTINUE 'Continue'
CONTRABAND 'Contraband'
CRATE_EXPIRATION_WARNING_TOAST_DESC 'Go to HQ Inventory to open crate'
CRATE_FLYOUT_REWARD_COUNT 'Contains {0} Rewards'
CRATE_INVENTORY_TO_STORE_TITLE 'Get Supply Crates Instantly!'
CRATE_REWARD_POPUP_DESC '{0} has been delivered to your HQ Inventory'
CRATE_REWARD_POPUP_TITLE 'Supply Crate Delivered'
CRAWL2_BODY 'The Rebels continue to\nstrike out at the dubious \nambitions of the Galactic \nEmpire, who march on, \nretaliating with seemingly \nlimitless forces.\n\nAs the conflict escalates, \nboth factions seek to\ngain the upper hand, vying\nfor strategic positioning \nin a treacherous game of \ngalactic cat and mouse….'
CREATE_LEAVE_SQUAD_ALERT 'You are about to leave [F2D62F]{0}[-] and create a new squad'
CREATE_SQUAD 'Create a Squad'
CREATE_SQUAD_CONFIRMATION 'Squad Created, you are now the leader of [F2D62F]{0}[-].'
CREDITS 'Credits'
CRYSTAL 'Crystal'
CRYSTALS 'Crystals'
CURRENT_PLAYER_EJECTED 'You have been removed from the squad.'
DAMAGE 'Damage: {0}'
DAMAGE_100 '100% Damage'
DAMAGE_50 '50% Damage'
DAMAGE_DPS 'Damage Per Second: {0}'
DAMAGE_PERCENT '{0}% Damage'
DAMAGE_TYPE 'Damage Type:'
DAYS '{0} days'
DAYS_HOURS '{0}d {1}h'
DAY_AGO '1d'
DEFEAT 'Defeat!'
DEFENDER_BUFFS 'Defender Advantages:'
DEFENSES_WON 'Defenses Won : {0}'
DEMOTE_SQUAD_MEMBER_ALERT 'Are you sure you want to demote {0} to {1} rank?'
DEPLOY_DEFENSE_INSTRUCTIONS 'Tap to deploy a Starship Strike'
DEPLOY_INSTRUCTIONS 'Tap or press and hold to deploy troops'
DESTROY_HQ 'HQ Destroyed'
DESYNC_BANNED 'Sorry, you have been banned.  Please contact customer service at [url=https://zyngasupport.helpshift.com/a/star-wars-commander/?contact=1][00D4FFFF][u]Customer Service[/u][-][/url].\n\nYour player is {0}'
DESYNC_BATCH_MAX_RETRY 'Connection Error!\nUnable to connect to the server. Check your internet connection and reload the game.'
DESYNC_COMMAND_MAX_RETRY 'Command Failed!\nThe server was unable to execute the command. Please reload and try again. If the problem continues please contact customer support.'
DESYNC_CRITICAL_COMMAND_FAIL 'Command Failed!\nThe server was unable to execute the command. Please reload and try again. If the problem continues please contact customer support.'
DESYNC_DUPLICATE_SESSION 'Session Closed. Duplicate session of Commander has begun on another device.'
DESYNC_RECEIPT_FAILED 'Purchase Failed!\nThe game was unable to complete your purchase. Please try your purchase again. If the problem continues please contact customer support.'
DESYNC_STATUS 'Status: {0}'
DEVICE_NOT_SUPPORTED 'Your device may not be able to run this software. Press OK to continue.'
DROID_HUT '{0}/{1} Available'
Demotion_SQUAD_NOTIF '{0} has been demoted to {1}'
EDIT_SQUAD 'Edit Squad'
EDIT_SQUAD_CONFIRMATION 'Squad Edited, you have altered the squad record for [F2D62F]{0}[-].'
ENDS_IN 'Ends in {0}'
EPISODE_ENDS_IN 'Event ends in {0}'
EPISODE_SKIP_PROGRESS_BODY 'Do you want to instantly earn remaining @ec?¢ec:ec=current'
EPISODE_SKIP_PROGRESS_TITLE 'Earn @ec¢ec:ec=current'
EPISODE_SKIP_TIMEGATE_BODY 'Do you want to instantly finish this research?'
EQUIPMENT_LOCKED 'Collect {0} data fragments to unlock'
EQUIPMENT_REQUIRES_BUILDING 'Requires {0} building level {1}'
EQUIPMENT_RESEARCH_LOCKED 'You must build an Armory first.'
EQUIPMENT_UPGRADE_LOCKED 'Collect {0} data fragments to upgrade'
ERROR 'Error'
EVENT_DETAILS_HEADER_ANH40 '40th Anniversary Objectives'
EVENT_DETAILS_HEADER_ANH40RR 'Black Market Objectives'
EVENT_DETAILS_HEADER_ANH40RR_3X 'Black Market Objective Rush - 3x Until 8/23!'
EVENT_DETAILS_HEADER_ANH40_DBL '40th Anniversary Objective Rush - 2x Until 5/3!'
EVENT_DETAILS_HEADER_ARCTIC_OPS_DBL 'Arctic Ops Objective Rush - 2x Until 3/30!'
EVENT_DETAILS_HEADER_EXPIRED_ANH40 '40th Anniversary Objectives - Expired'
EVENT_DETAILS_HEADER_EXPIRED_ANH40RR 'Black Market Objectives - Expired'
EVENT_DETAILS_HEADER_EXPIRED_NAVALEVT 'Naval Assault Objectives - Expired'
EVENT_DETAILS_HEADER_EXPIRED_UNDEADEVT 'Undead Offensive Objectives - Expired'
EVENT_DETAILS_HEADER_FOREST_OPS_DBL 'Forest Ops Objective Rush - 2x Until 3/2!'
EVENT_DETAILS_HEADER_NAVALEVT_3X 'Naval Assault Objective Rush - 3x Until 10/18!'
EVENT_DETAILS_HEADER_NEWHEROEVENT_3X 'Heavy Firepower Objective Rush - 3x Until 9/27!'
EVENT_DETAILS_HEADER_UNDEADEVT 'Undead Offensive Objectives'
EVENT_DETAILS_HEADER_UNDEADEVT_3X 'Undead Offensive Objective Rush - 3x Until 10/18!'
EVENT_OBJECTIVES_ANH40 '40th Anniversary Objectives'
EVENT_OBJECTIVES_ANH40RR 'Black Market Objectives'
EVENT_OBJECTIVES_ANH40RR_3X 'Black Market Objective Rush'
EVENT_OBJECTIVES_ANH40_DBL '40th Anniversary Objective Rush'
EVENT_OBJECTIVES_NAVALEVT 'Naval Assault Objectives'
EVENT_OBJECTIVES_NAVALEVT_3X 'Naval Assault Objective Rush'
EVENT_OBJECTIVES_NEWHEROEVENT_3X 'Heavy Firepower Objective Rush'
EVENT_OBJECTIVES_UNDEADEVT 'Undead Offensive Objectives'
EVENT_OBJECTIVES_UNDEADEVT_3X 'Undead Offensive Objective Rush'
EVENT_REWARD_REQUIRED 'Event Reward Required'
EVENT_STORE 'Event Store'
EVENT_STORE_CLOSED 'Event Store Closed'
EXIT_APP_SCREEN_MESSAGE 'Are you sure you want to exit?'
EXIT_APP_SCREEN_TITLE 'Exit Star Wars: Commander'
EXIT_WARNING 'You are now leaving Star Wars: Commander.'
EXPENDED 'Troops Expended:'
Ejected_SQUAD_NOTIF '{0} was removed from the squad.'
FACEBOOK_PERMISSION_ERROR_MESSAGE 'There was a problem retrieving your Facebook credentials.  Please update your permission settings.'
FACTION_CONFIRMATION_DESCRIPTION 'Are you sure you want to join {0}?'
FACTION_FLIP_CONFIRMATION_DESCRIPTION 'Switch to {0} base? {1} base will be frozen in its current state.'
FACTION_FLIP_CURRENT_BASE_EMPIRE 'Current Base: [A90606]Empire[-]'
FACTION_FLIP_EMPIRE_TITLE 'Battle for the Empire'
FACTION_FLIP_INSTRUCTIONS 'Maintain both Rebel and Empire bases. Crystals are transferred from base to base. Only one base is active at a time.'
FACTION_FLIP_LEARN_MORE_INFO '[F2D62F]Maintain both a Rebel and Empire base![-]\n\n• You can switch back and forth between bases at any time.\n• Only one base can be active at a time.\n• Inactive Bases can be attacked. \n• Resource generators and timers for your inactive base will pause.\n• Damage Protection for your inactive base will not pause.\n\n[F2D62F]Both bases will share[-]:\n• Crystals balance\n• Facebook and Game Center connections\n• Settings (Music, Sound Effects, Language, Notifications)\n\n[F2D62F]Both bases will not share[-]:\n• Credits and Alloy balances\n• Game progress (HQ and buildings)\n• Medals balance \n• Chapter progress \n• Event rewards\n\n'
FACTION_FLIP_LOCKED 'Unlock a new {0} base once your {1} base is at Level {2}'
FACTION_FLIP_REBEL_TITLE 'Battle for the Rebellion'
FACTION_ICON_DESCRIPTION '{0} Victories to Rank {1}'
FACTION_ICON_FACTION_FLIP_ALERT_DESC 'Faction flipping is now accessible through the Settings menu.'
FACTION_ICON_LEVEL 'Current: Rank {0}'
FACTORY_CAPACITY 'Factory Capacity: {0}/{1}'
FACTORY_EMPTY 'Factory Empty'
FACTORY_FULL 'Factory Full'
FAVORITE_TARGET 'Favorite Target:'
FB_INVITE_MESSAGE 'Come play Star Wars : Commander with me.'
FB_INVITE_TITLE 'Star Wars : Commander Friend Request'
FIND_ME_FAIL_MESSAGE 'Could not find your location in the leaderboard. Attack a rival base to join the conflict!'
FINISH 'Finish'
FLYOUT_ADVANCED_EQUIPMENT_DATA_FRAGMENTS '[c][99B4FF]Advanced Equipment Data Fragments {0}[-][/c]'
FLYOUT_BASIC_EQUIPMENT_DATA_FRAGMENTS '[c][B2B2A8]Basic Equipment Data Fragments {0}[-][/c]'
FLYOUT_CONTRABAND '[c][CA305A]Contraband {0}[-][/c]'
FLYOUT_CREDITS '[c][F0CA5A]Credits {0}[-][/c]'
FLYOUT_CRYSTALS '[c][B2EA00]Crystals {0}[-][/c]'
FLYOUT_DETAIL_CRYSTALS '[c][B2EA00]{0}[-][/c]'
FLYOUT_DISCLAIMER 'Alternative items may be granted if reward requirements are not met.'
FLYOUT_ELITE_EQUIPMENT_DATA_FRAGMENTS '[c][FFC25B]Elite Equipment Data Fragments {0}[-][/c]'
FLYOUT_MATERIALS '[c][AEC0F2]Alloy {0}[-][/c]'
FLYOUT_REPUTATION '[c][DCF1FA]Reputation {0}[-][/c]'
FLYOUT_REWARDS_FROM_GROUP '{0} rewards from this group'
FLYOUT_REWARD_FROM_GROUP '{0} reward from this group'
FLYOUT_UNIT_DATA_FRAGMENTS '[c][DBC0FF]Unit Data Fragments {0}[-][/c]'
FLYOUT_UNIT_SAMPLES '[c][23ABFA]Unit Samples {0}[-][/c]'
FORCED_UPDATE_MESSAGE 'Great news, Commander. An update is available! Download now to get the latest improvements.'
FORCED_UPDATE_TITLE 'Update Available'
FRACTION '{0}/{1}[-]'
FUE_TRAIN_TROOPS 'Troops {0} / {1}'
FULL_CONTRABAND_STORAGE 'Contraband storage is full'
FULL_CREDIT_STORAGE 'Credit storage is full'
FULL_MATERIAL_STORAGE 'Alloy storage is full'
FUTURE_EVENT_UNLOCK 'Limited Edition Unlock'
FUTURE_EVENT_UNLOCK_DAN 'Unlock on Dandoran'
FUTURE_EVENT_UNLOCK_TAT 'Unlock on Tatooine'
GENERIC_DONATE_ISSUE 'There was an issue while donating.  Please try again later.'
GENERIC_SEARCH_ISSUE 'No Squads found with the provided search string.  Please try again.'
GENERIC_SQUAD_CREATE_ISSUE 'Unable to create a Squad at this time.  Please try again later.'
GENERIC_SQUAD_EDIT_ISSUE 'Unable to update Squad details.  Please try again later.'
GENERIC_SQUAD_INFO_ISSUE 'Unable to view squad details at this time.  Please try again later.'
GENERIC_SQUAD_ISSUE 'There was an issue with your Squad request.  Please try again later.'
GENERIC_SQUAD_JOIN_ISSUE 'Unable to join this Squad right now.  Please try again later.'
GENERIC_SQUAD_LEAVE_ISSUE 'Unable to leave your Squad at this time.  Please try again later.'
GET_AMOUNT 'Get {0}'
GET_PVP_TARGET_FAILURE 'Could not find an opponent. Please try again.'
GUILD_IS_FULL 'The Squad you tried to join is full, please try a different one.'
GUILD_IS_NOT_OPEN_ENROLLMENT 'The Squad you tried to join is private.'
GUILD_NAME_ALREADY_TAKEN 'Squad Name is already in use.'
GUILD_SCORE_REQUIREMENT_NOT_MET 'Your score is not high enough to enter this Squad.'
HEALING_POWER 'Healing Power:'
HEALTH 'Health: {0}'
HERO_ABILITY_ACTIVE "This hero's ability is already active"
HERO_ABILITY_COOLDOWN "This hero's ability is recharging"
HERO_CAPACITY 'Hero capacity after mobilization: {0}/{1}'
HERO_TRAINER_DESTROYED 'Hero Command destroyed! No more Hero units can be deployed in this battle!'
HIRE_CAPACITY 'Hiring Capacity:'
HN_NO_LEADER_FOUND 'No Leader Found'
HOLONET_RELOCATE_NO_PC 'You need a Planetary Command in order to relocate to new worlds!'
HOURS '{0}h'
HOURS_MINUTES '{0}h {1}m'
HOUSING_CAPACITY 'Unit capacity after training: {0}/{1}'
HQ_CELEB_UNLOCKED 'You’ve Unlocked:'
HQ_CELEB_UPGRADED 'Headquarters upgraded to'
IAP_DISABLED_ANDROID_DESCRIPTION 'Thank you for playing Star Wars: Commander. Crystal purchases will be offline for several weeks while we prepare to re-launch the game on Android. You can continue to use any Crystals you have purchased or earned and play the game during this brief period. We appreciate your patience.'
IAP_DISCLAIMER_DESC 'This app contains in-app purchases and advertising messages, including the option to watch ads for rewards. In-app purchases cost real money and are charged to your account. To control in-app purchases, adjust your device settings.'
IDLE_MESSAGE 'Your game session has been disconnected due to inactivity. Please reload to continue playing.'
IDLE_TITLE 'Connection Timed Out'
INIT_SQUAD_DESC_INPUT 'Squad Description...'
INSUFFICIENT_TROPHIES "[FF0000]You don't have enough medals to join this squad[-]!"
INTRO_TEXT_1 'Chapter I'
INTRO_TEXT_3 'After the destruction of\nthe Imperial DEATH STAR,\nthe war between the Rebel\nAlliance and the Galactic\nEmpire rages on.\n\nIn the far reaches of the\nOuter Rim a rugged band\nof mercenaries land on the\ndesert planet of TATOOINE\nto establish a new base of\noperations....'
INVALID_DEPLOY_BUILDING 'No room to deploy troops here.'
INVALID_DEPLOY_SHIELD 'A shield is protecting this area!'
INVALID_SQUAD_DESC 'Sorry, the squad description contains invalid words.'
INVALID_SQUAD_NAME 'Sorry, the squad name is invalid.'
INVALID_TEXT 'Sorry, the text contains invalid words.'
INVENTORY_IS_FULL 'Your inventory is currently full. Please use some items before making another purchase'
INVENTORY_NO_FLEET_COMMAND 'Starship Command Required'
INVENTORY_NO_HERO_COMMAND 'Hero Command Required.'
INVENTORY_NO_ITEM 'This inventory tab is currently empty. Get more {0} by participating in galactic events.'
INVENTORY_NO_ROOM 'You do not have enough storage for these resources. Would you still like to use this currency pack? You will lose any currency that exceeds your storage limit.'
INVENTORY_NO_ROOM_HERO 'Hero command is full.'
INVENTORY_NO_ROOM_HERO_IN_QUEUE 'Hero is already in the hero command.'
INVENTORY_NO_STARSHIP_COMMAND 'Starship Command Required.'
INVENTORY_REWARD_USED_CURRENCY '{0} has been added to your reserves'
INVENTORY_REWARD_USED_HERO '{0} has been placed in your Hero Command'
INVENTORY_REWARD_USED_TROOP '{0} has been added to your reserves'
INVENTORY_TRANSFER '{0} is now in your inventory (accessible via the HQ).'
INVENTORY_UNLOCK '{0} is purchased. Visit {1} for usage.'
INVITE_FB_DESC 'Invite your Facebook friends to play.'
IN_WAR_CANT_LEAVE_SQUAD 'You cannot leave a Squad while in Squad War matchmaking or a Squad War.'
IN_WRONG_FACTION 'You cannot join an enemy squad.'
IN_YOUR_CAMP 'Standing By'
JOIN 'Join'
JOIN_A_SQUAD 'Join a Squad'
JOIN_LEAVE_SQUAD_ALERT 'You are about to leave [F2D62F]{0}[-] and join [F2D62F]{1}[-]'
JOIN_SQUAD_CONFIRMATION 'You are now a member of [F2D62F]{0}[-].'
JoinRequestAccepted_SQUAD_NOTIF "{0}'s application to join the squad was approved."
JoinRequestRejected_SQUAD_NOTIF "{0}'s application to join the squad was rejected."
Join_SQUAD_NOTIF '{0} has joined the squad.'
LABEL_CAMPAIGN_DETAIL_MISSIONS '{0} / {1} Missions Complete'
LABEL_LEVEL 'Level: {0}'
LABEL_MISSION_REWARDS 'Credits: {0}, Materials: {1}'
LABEL_UPGRADE_TIME_REMAINING '{0} remaining until upgrade complete.'
LEADERBOARD_YOUR_NAME '[c][00B5FF]{0}[-][/c] [FFFFFF](You)'
LEAVE_A_SQUAD 'You have left [F2D62F]{0}[-].'
LEAVING_SQUAD_ALERT 'Are you sure you want to leave the squad?'
LEAVING_SQUAD_ALERT_TITLE 'You are about to leave your squad.'
LEAVING_SQUAD_ALERT_WITH_REWARDS 'You have {0} unclaimed rewards that will be lost if you leave your squad. Are you sure?'
LEVEL 'Level {0}'
LIMITED_TIME_REWARD 'Limited Time Rewards!'
LOOT_BONUS 'Reward Per Victory'
LOOT_BONUS_ENDS 'Per Victory Bonus ends in {0}'
LOOT_CREDITS 'Loot {0} Credits'
Leave_SQUAD_NOTIF '{0} has left the squad.'
MAX_LEVEL 'Max Level'
MERCENARY 'Mercenary'
MERCENARY_CAPACITY 'Unit capacity after hiring: {0}/{1}'
MINS '{0} mins'
MINUS '-{0}'
MIN_AGO '1 min'
MIN_HQ_NOTE 'Note: You need to upgrade your headquarters to Level {0}.'
MIN_TROPHY_REQ 'Min. Medals Required'
MOBILIZATION_CAPACITY 'Mobilization capacity:'
MOBILIZE_TITLE 'Starship Production'
MONSTER_RAID_REWARD 'Monster Raid reward!'
MORE_VIDEOS 'More Videos'
NEED_MORE 'You need more {0}'
NEED_MORE_BUY_MISSING 'Buy the missing {0} {1}?'
NEED_MORE_MULTI 'More Resources Needed'
NEED_MORE_MULTI_BUY_MISSING 'Buy the missing resources?'
NEWSPAPER_TITLE 'Commander News'
NEXT_WAVE_IN 'Next wave attacks in {0} seconds'
NO 'No'
NOT_ENOUGH_CRYSTALS 'You do not have enough Crystals.'
NOT_ENOUGH_CRYSTALS_BUY_MORE 'Would you like to purchase more from the Shop?'
NOT_ENOUGH_DROIDS 'You do not have enough available droids.'
NOT_ENOUGH_GUILD_TROOP_CAPACITY 'Squad unit capacity full.'
NOT_ENOUGH_HOUSING 'You do not have enough capacity.'
NOT_ENOUGH_RESOURCES 'You do not have enough resources.'
NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE 'You do not have enough space.'
NOT_ENOUGH_STORAGE 'Build more or upgrade existing {0} storages.'
NOT_ENOUGH_TROOPS_FOR_ATTACK 'You currently have no troops in your Unit Transport.  Build up your forces before beginning this attack.'
NOT_IN_GUILD 'You are not currently in a squad.'
NOT_IN_SAME_GUILD 'The user you are donating to is not in the same squad as you.'
NO_INTERNET 'No internet connection found!'
NO_OBJECTIVES_AVAILABLE 'There are currently no Objectives for this world.'
NO_VALID_POSITION_FOR_UNSTASH 'There is not enough space to place this building.'
OBJECTIVES 'Objectives'
OBJECTIVE_DETAILS_HEADER '{0} Objective Details'
OR '[c][C8E8FF]or[-][/c]'
PACK_BADGETEXT_CRYSTALBONUS1500 '1500 Extra Crystals!'
PACK_BADGETEXT_CRYSTALBONUS4000 '4000 Extra Crystals!'
PACK_CRYSTALS1 'Pile of Crystals'
PACK_CRYSTALS2 'Bag of Crystals'
PACK_CRYSTALS3 'Box of Crystals'
PACK_CRYSTALS4 'Chest of Crystals'
PACK_CRYSTALS5 'Crate full of Crystals'
PACK_CRYSTALS6 'Vault full of Crystals'
PACK_CURRENCY1 'Fill Storages by 10%'
PACK_CURRENCY2 'Fill Storages by Half'
PACK_CURRENCY3 'Fill {0} Storages'
PACK_PROTECTION1 'One Day Protection'
PACK_PROTECTION2 'Two Day Protection'
PACK_PROTECTION3 'One Week Protection'
PERCENT_COMPLETE '{0}% Complete'
PERK_ACTIVATE_NO_SLOT_AVAILABLE 'All perks slots full. Cancel an active perk or wait for perk to expire.'
PERK_ACTIVATE_POPUP_REP_REQ 'Reputation Unlock Required'
PERK_ACTIVATE_POPUP_TITLE 'Activate perk: {0}'
PERK_ACTIVE_AVAILABLE_TITLE 'Activate individual perks for your base:'
PERK_CANCEL_POPUP_DESC "Cancelling will stop this perk's effects and remove it from the slot.\n\nThe full cooldown time is still required and activation costs will not be refunded. Do you wish to continue?"
PERK_CANCEL_POPUP_TITLE 'Cancel this perk?'
PERK_CHAT_DONATE_DESC 'Earn {0} Reputation each day by donating {1} Units'
PERK_CHAT_DONATE_PROGRESS '{0} / {1} Units Donated'
PERK_CHAT_DONATE_TIMER 'Refreshes in: {0}'
PERK_COOLDOWN_POPUP_DESC '{0} will be available in:\n{1}\nDo you want to instantly make it available for {2} Crystals?'
PERK_SQUAD_CHAT_LEVEL_UP 'The squad has reached level {0}!'
PERK_SQUAD_CHAT_PERK_UNLOCK 'The squad has unlocked a new perk: {0}'
PERK_SQUAD_CHAT_PERK_UPGRADE 'The squad has upgraded {0} to Tier {1}!'
PERK_SQUAD_LEVEL_TOOLTIP 'Squad Level increases as squad members invest Reputation, providing access to new and better perks.'
PERK_UPGRADE_CELEBRATION_TITLE '{0} upgraded from Tier {1} to {2}!'
PERK_UPGRADE_INVEST_MAX_TIER 'Perk is already at max tier'
PERK_UPGRADE_INVEST_NOT_ENOUGH_REPUTATION 'Donate troops and win Squad Wars to earn more Reputation'
PERK_UPGRADE_POPUP_CTA_DESC 'Set Reputation Amount:'
PERK_UPGRADE_POPUP_DESC 'Invest in Tier {0} Upgrade'
PERK_UPGRADE_TITLE 'Help your squad unlock and upgrade perks:'
PER_UNIT_DAMAGE 'Per Unit Damage:'
PER_UNIT_HEALTH 'Per Unit Health:'
PHOTON_CHAT_DISABLED_MESSAGE 'Chat is currently disabled. Please try again later.'
PLANETS_GALAXY_LOCKED 'Build the Planetary Command to explore the Galaxy!'
PLANETS_GNC_HQ_UPGRADE_REQUIRED 'Level {0} Headquarters required to upgrade Planetary Command and unlock new worlds.'
PLANETS_GNC_INSTANT_MODAL_DESC 'Spend {0} Crystals to unlock {1} with Planetary Command upgrade?\n\nYou will be able to unlock additional worlds after your next Planetary Command upgrade.'
PLANETS_GNC_RELOCATION_STATUS 'Relocation Status: Battle More Rivals!'
PLANETS_GNC_RELOCATION_STATUS_AVAILABLE 'Relocation Status: Relocation Available'
PLANETS_GNC_SELECT_UNLOCK 'First choose a world, then press Unlock.'
PLANETS_GNC_SELECT_UPGRADE 'Choose a new world to unlock with this upgrade:'
PLANETS_GNC_SLOTS 'Worlds Unlocked:'
PLANETS_GNC_TUTORIAL_MESSAGE 'Unlock {0}?\nYou will be able to unlock additional worlds after your next Planetary Command upgrade.'
PLANETS_GNC_UNLOCK_MODAL_DESC 'Unlock {0}?\nYou will be able to unlock additional worlds after your next Planetary Command upgrade.'
PLANETS_GNC_UPGRADE_CONFLICT_ENDS 'Conflict ends in [C11C1E]{0}[-]'
PLANETS_GNC_UPGRADE_NEXT_CONFLICT_BEGINS 'Next conflict begins in [10C1FB]{0}[-]'
PLANETS_GNC_UPGRADE_REQUIRED 'Level {0} Planetary Command required'
PLANETS_PLAY_BUILD_PC 'Build a Planetary Command to access the Galaxy Map'
PLANETS_RELOCATE_CONFIRM_FIRST 'To relocate again, you must earn stars by battling rivals on [FFB300]{0}[-].'
PLANETS_RELOCATE_CONFIRM_STARS 'More victories over your rivals on [FFB300]{0}[-] are required to relocate to [FFB300]{1}[-]. Do your part, Commander!'
PLANETS_RELOCATE_CONFIRM_TITLE 'Relocate your base to [FFB300]{0}[-]?'
PLANET_INFO_ITEM_TIMER 'Available for {0}'
PLANET_LOCKED_REQUIREMENT 'You must unlock access to this world in the Planetary Command.'
PLANET_OBJECTIVES '{0} Objectives'
PLANET_PLAYSCREEN_INFO 'World Rewards and Info'
PLANET_RELOCATE_EQUIPEMNT_DEACTIVATE_WARNING 'Your equipment may deactivate on relocation.'
PLANET_RELOCATE_EQUIPMENT_DEACTIVATE_WARNING 'Relocating your base may deactivate your equipment.'
PLAYER_IS_IN_SQUAD_WAR 'This squad is engaged in a Squad War or in Squad War matchmaking. Please try again when the Squad War has ended.'
PLAYER_MAP_CORRUPTED_MESSAGE 'There are buildings at invalid positions on your map.'
PLAYER_NAME_AND_REAL_NAME '[c][00B5FF]{0}[-][/c] [FFFFFF]({1})'
PLAY_NOW 'Play Now'
PLUS '+{0}'
PLUS_UPGRADE '{0} +{1}'
PREFERRED_TARGET 'Preferred Target:'
PRODUCTION_PER_HOUR '{0} per hour'
PRODUCTION_RATE 'Production rate:'
PROMOTE_SQUAD_MEMBER_ALERT 'Are you sure you want to promote {0} to {1} rank?'
PROTECTION_COOLDOWN "You've already purchased this protection. "
PROTECTION_COOLDOWN_TIMER 'Time until you can buy:'
PROTECTION_INVALIDATE 'Attacking cancels protection, and other players may attack you. Continue?'
PROTECTION_REMAINING '[F2D62F]Protection Active: [-]'
PURCHASE_CRATE 'Open a {0} for {1} crystals?'
PURCHASE_CRYSTALS 'Purchase {0} Crystals for {1}?'
PURCHASE_DROID 'Purchase a new droid for {0} Crystals?'
PURCHASE_NOW 'Purchase Now'
PURCHASE_PROTECTION 'Purchase {0} for {1} Crystals?'
PURCHASE_SOFT_CURRENCY 'Purchase {0} {1} for {2} Crystals?'
PUSH_ATTACK_MESSAGE 'Your base was attacked by {0}! Get revenge now!'
PUSH_ATTACK_MESSAGE_EMPIRE 'Your Empire base was attacked by {0}! Get revenge now!'
PUSH_ATTACK_MESSAGE_REBEL 'Your Rebel base was attacked by {0}! Get revenge now!'
PUSH_DAMAGE_PROTECTION_MESSAGE 'Your damage protection is about to expire!'
PUSH_DAMAGE_PROTECTION_MESSAGE_EMPIRE 'Your Empire base damage protection is about to expire!'
PUSH_DAMAGE_PROTECTION_MESSAGE_REBEL 'Your Rebel base damage protection is about to expire!'
PUSH_DONATION_MESSAGE '{0} has donated troops to your cause!'
PUSH_FB_SQUAD_INVITE '{0} has invited you to join their squad!'
PUSH_FULL_DONATION_MESSAGE 'Your squadmates have answered your call for help. Your Squad Center is ready for action!'
PVP_ATTACKED_TITLE 'You were attacked!'
PVP_ATTACK_DESC '{0} people attacked while you were away!'
PVP_ATTACK_DESC_SING '{0} person attacked while you were away!'
PVP_LVL '{0}'
PVP_MEDALS_GAINED 'Medals gained: {0}'
PVP_MEDALS_LOST 'Medals lost: {0}'
PVP_TARGET_BATTLE_ERROR 'Cannot enter battle with this opponent. Please try again.'
PVP_TARGET_CANNOT_BE_ATTACKED 'Opponent cannot be attacked!'
PVP_TARGET_HAS_RELOCATED 'Target has relocated.'
PVP_TARGET_ONLINE 'Opponent is currently online and cannot be attacked.'
PVP_TARGET_UNDER_ATTACK 'Opponent is already under another attack.'
PVP_TARGET_UNDER_PROTECTION 'Opponent is currently under protection and cannot be attacked.'
PVP_WAIT_MESSAGE 'Please wait, your base will reload automatically'
PVP_YOU_ARE_UNDER_ATTACK 'You are being scouted or are under attack!'
PVP_YOU_ATTACKED_DESC 'You attacked {0} people!'
PVP_YOU_ATTACKED_SING 'You attacked {0} person!'
Planets_Chapter_Coming_Soon 'Awaiting Mission Authorization'
Planets_Chapter_Preview 'Preview'
Planets_Info_No_Squad 'No Squadmates on this world'
Planets_Relocate_Button 'Relocate'
Planets_Relocate_Locked 'Upgrade Planetary Command'
Planets_Tournament_Attack_Bonus 'Per Victory Bonus:'
Planets_Tournament_Attack_Bonus_Ends_In 'Ends in {0}'
Planets_Tournament_Final_Tier ' '
Planets_Tournament_Results_Title 'Planetary Conflict Results:'
Planets_Tournament_not_played 'Conflict Not Played'
Promotion_SQUAD_NOTIF '{0} has been promoted to {1}'
RAID_CONFIRM_DESC 'Give the order to engage the enemy and activate base defenses?'
RAID_START 'Defend Now'
RAID_TIME_REMAINING_ACTIVE 'Time left to defend against nearby enemies: {0}'
RAID_TIME_REMAINING_INACTIVE 'Enemy forces will enter operational range in: {0}'
RAID_TIME_REMAINING_TICKER_ACTIVE 'Heroic Defense ends in: {0}'
RAID_TITLE_ACTIVE '[c][FF0000]Heroic Defense[-][/c]'
RAID_WAIT_DESC 'Don’t wait too long, Commander; there’s not much time to engage the enemy force. Victory will be rewarded!'
RAID_WAIT_TITLE 'Scouts Standing By'
RANGE 'Range:'
RATE_APP_SCREEN_MESSAGE "If you're enjoying Star Wars: Commander, please take a moment to rate it."
RATE_APP_SCREEN_NO_BUTTON 'Your Mind Powers Will Not Work On Me'
RATE_APP_SCREEN_TITLE 'You Want to Rate this App'
RELOAD 'Reload'
RELOCATE_TO_PLANET_MESSAGE 'You must relocate to {0} to finish these objectives'
REMOVE_SQUAD_MEMBER_ALERT 'Are you sure you want to remove {0} from the squad?'
REPLAY_DATA_NOT_FOUND 'Sorry, this replay is currently unavailable.'
REPUTATION 'Reputation'
REQUEST_TIME_LEFT_MESSAGE 'Request troops again in {0} min'
REQUEST_TIME_LIMIT_MESSAGE 'You may request troops every {0} min'
REQUEST_TROOPS 'Request Troops'
REQUEST_WAR_TROOPS_DEFAULT 'Please send reinforcements for my Defensive Outpost on Sullust.'
REQUEST_WAR_TROOPS_FULL_MESSAGE 'Defensive Outpost has reached maximum troop capacity!'
RESEARCH_ENDS_IN 'Research completes in {0}'
RESEND_TROOP_REQUEST 'Resend Troop Request'
RESTRICTED_WEB_ACCESS_WARNING "You don't have permission to access this."
RETURN_HOME 'Return Home'
REWARD_DURATION 'Bonus Time Remaining: {0}'
SCOUT 'Scout'
SEARCH_INSTRUCTIONS 'Please enter a valid search string.'
SEARCH_LENGTH_ISSUE 'Your search term must be at least 3 characters in length.'
SEARCH_NO_RESULTS 'No results found.'
SECONDS '{0}s'
SELECT_SQUAD_SYMBOL 'Select a symbol for your squad'
SELECT_STARSHIP 'Select a Starship to mobilize'
SELECT_SYMBOL 'Select Symbol'
SERVER_MAINTENANCE_MESSAGE 'Sorry, the servers are undergoing maintenance at the moment. Please try again soon.'
SETTINGS_ABOUT_COPYRIGHT 'Star Wars™ & © Lucasfilm Ltd. All Rights Reserved.'
SETTINGS_ABOUT_TRADEMARK 'This program was created using Unity {0}. Portions\nof this program: ©2005-{1} Unity Technologies.'
SETTINGS_ABOUT_VERSION 'Version: {0}, Build {1}'
SETTINGS_CONFIRMLANGUAGE 'Are you sure you want to change your language to {0}?'
SETTINGS_CREDITS_LASTTHANKS_SUBHEAD 'Thanks for playing Star Wars™: Commander!'
SETTINGS_DISNEY 'Disney Referral Store'
SETTINGS_EVERYPLAY 'Everyplay Auto-Capture'
SETTINGS_LINK_FORUMS 'https://forums.starwarscommander.com/'
SETTINGS_LINK_HELP 'https://zyngasupport.helpshift.com/a/star-wars-commander/?contact=1'
SETTINGS_LINK_PRIVACY 'https://www.zynga.com/privacy/policy'
SETTINGS_LINK_TOS 'https://www.zynga.com/legal/terms-of-service'
SETTINGS_SFX 'Sound Effects'
SETTINGS_TOS 'Terms of Service'
SHIELD_HEALTH 'Shield Health:'
SHIELD_RANGE 'Shield Range:'
SHOT_COUNT 'Shot Count:'
SINGLE_TARGET 'Single Target'
SKIP_FUTURE_CONFIRMATION 'Skip future confirmation'
SPEED 'Movement Speed: {0}'
SPLASH_AREA 'Splash Area: {0}'
SQD_WELCOME_NOTIF '{0} has joined the squad!'
SQUAD_ACCEPTED_MESSAGE 'Congratulations, you have been accepted into [F2D62F]{0}[-] squad!'
SQUAD_ADVANCEMENT_OVERVIEW_DESC '[F2D62F]Perk Activation[-]: Activate perks to gain temporary benefits, such as cheaper troops or space for more troops in your squad donation requests. Activating a perk costs resources, and only affects your base.\nEach active perk takes up a perk slot. Level up the squad to unlock more slots and have more perks active at the same time.\n\n[F2D62F]Reputation[-]: Earn Reputation by donating troops and winning squad wars.\n• Each day, donate [F2D62F]10 troops[-] to squadmates for [F2D62F]1 Reputation[-]\n• Achieve [F2D62F]a Squad War victory[-] for [F2D62F]10 Reputation[-]\n\n[F2D62F]Perk Upgrades[-]: Invest Reputation to upgrade the effects of existing perks. Any Reputation invested by any squad member counts for everyone in the squad, so work together!\n\n[F2D62F]Squad Level[-]: The squad level increases as squad members invest Reputation. Squad level up rewards include access to new perk unlocks, higher tiers of existing perks, and more perk slots.'
SQUAD_APPLICATION_ACCEPTED 'Your applicaton has been accepted! You have left [F2D62F]{0}[-] and are now a member of [F2D62F]{1}[-].'
SQUAD_APPLICATION_ACCEPTED_BODY 'Your applicaton has been accepted! You have left [F2D62F]{0}[-] and are now a member of [F2D62F]{1}[-].'
SQUAD_CENTER_DESTROYED 'Squad Center destroyed! No more Squad units can be deployed in this battle!'
SQUAD_CREATE 'Create Squad'
SQUAD_CREATE_DESC 'Let the Force be your guide... Create your own squad'
SQUAD_CREATE_INSTRUCTIONS '[FF0000]Must enter a valid Squad Name.[-]'
SQUAD_DEFENSE 'Defense Against:'
SQUAD_DONATED_TO_USER 'Current Defensive Outpost troops:'
SQUAD_DONATE_EMPIRE 'The Emperor thanks you.'
SQUAD_DONATE_LIMIT 'Donate up to {0} units'
SQUAD_DONATE_NO_CAPACITY 'Not enough squad capacity for any unit'
SQUAD_DONATE_NO_CAPACITY_FOR_UNIT 'Not enough squad capacity for this unit'
SQUAD_DONATE_NO_TROOPS 'No available troops to donate.'
SQUAD_DONATE_REBEL 'May the Force be with you.'
SQUAD_DONATE_TO_USER 'Donate Units to {0}'
SQUAD_HIGHEST_RANK 'Highest Leaderboard Rank Achieved:'
SQUAD_INCENTIVE 'Join or create a squad to help squadmates in battle'
SQUAD_INTRO 'Join a Squad and Control the Galaxy\n- Donate Troops\n- Share replays\n- Chat with Squadmates\n- Defend your base'
SQUAD_INVITED_BY 'Invited by {0}'
SQUAD_INVITE_ACCEPTED_CHAT "{0} has accepted {1}'s invite to join the squad."
SQUAD_INVITE_ALREADY_IN_A_GUILD 'The player you have invited is already in a squad.'
SQUAD_INVITE_FAILED 'The invite could not be sent. Please try again later.'
SQUAD_INVITE_GUILD_IS_FULL 'Your squad is full.'
SQUAD_INVITE_NOT_ENOUGH_GUILD_RANK 'You must be an officer or leader to invite players.'
SQUAD_INVITE_REJECT_FAILED 'Could not dismiss invite. Please try again later.'
SQUAD_INVITE_SUCCESS 'Your invite has been sent.'
SQUAD_INVITE_WRONG_FACTION 'The player you have invited is on the enemy side!'
SQUAD_IS_FULL 'This squad is full.'
SQUAD_IS_WRONG_FACTION 'This is an enemy squad.'
SQUAD_JOIN_OR_CREATE 'Join or Create a Squad!'
SQUAD_JOIN_REQUEST_INFO 'This squad requires member authorization'
SQUAD_MEMBER_COLORIZE '[c][00B5FF]{0}[-][/c]'
SQUAD_OFFENSE 'Offensive Attack:'
SQUAD_OVERVIEW_RANK 'Leaderboard Rank:'
SQUAD_RANK 'Rank: {0}'
SQUAD_REJECTED_MESSAGE 'You have not been accepted into [F2D62F]{0}[-] squad!'
SQUAD_ROLE_EMPHASIS '[c][00B5FF] - {0}[-][/c]'
SQUAD_ROLE_EMPHASIS_PRESTIGE '[c][BB9933] - {0}[-][/c]'
SQUAD_WAR_LOG_EMPTY_HAS_REQUIREMENTS 'Your Squad has not participated in a Squad War.'
SQUAD_WAR_LOG_EMPTY_LACKS_REQUIREMENTS 'Your Squad has not participated in a Squad War. Requires 15 members of at least HQ level 3.'
STARPORT_CAPACITY 'Total unit capacity:'
STARPORT_FULL 'All Unit Transports Full!'
STARSHIP_CAPACITY 'Starship capacity after commissions: {0}/{1}'
STARSHIP_COMMAND_CAPACITY 'Starship Command: {0}/{1}'
STARSHIP_COMMAND_EMPTY 'Starship Command Empty'
STARSHIP_COMMAND_FULL 'Starship Command Full'
STARSHIP_TRAINER_DESTROYED 'Starship Command destroyed! No more Starship Strikes can be used in this battle!'
STAR_MESSAGE_2 'Fantastic!'
STAR_MESSAGE_3 'Perfect!'
STOPPED 'Stopped!'
STORAGE_CAPACITY 'Storage capacity:'
STORE_CLOSES 'Store closes in {0}'
STORE_MESSAGE_MAX "You've built the maximum amount of these buildings."
STORE_MESSAGE_UNLOCK 'Build a level {0} {1} to unlock this!'
STORE_MESSAGE_UNLOCK_PRESTIGE_FORMAT 'Build a level {0} {1} to unlock this!'
STORE_MESSAGE_UPGRADE 'Upgrade your {0} to build more!'
STORE_OPENS_IN 'Store opens in {0}'
STORE_TREASURE_LIMIT "You don't have enough storage space to purchase this."
SupplyRewardFormat '{0} x {1}'
TARGET 'Target:'
TILE_COUNT '{0} Tiles'
TILE_RANGE '{0}-{1} Tiles'
TIMEGATE_START 'Start Research'
TIME_AGO '{0} ago'
TOURNAMENT_DIRECTIONS 'Attack any rival by tapping Find a Match above. Win rewards based on your league!'
TOURNAMENT_ENDED 'Tournament has ended'
TOURNAMENT_NEWSPAPER_DESC 'Earn points to purchase special rewards and unlock the new unit before the event ends!'
TOURNAMENT_NEWSPAPER_TITLE 'New Galactic War Tournament:'
TOURNAMENT_RATING_DELTA 'Tournament Rating: {0}'
TOURNAMENT_REWARD_REQUIRED 'Tournament Reward Required'
TOURNAMENT_STORE 'Tournament Store'
TOURNAMENT_STORE_POINTS_AT_END 'Event Points will be given at the end of the tournament'
TOURNAMENT_TIERS 'Tournament Leagues'
TOURNAMENT_TIERS_DESCRIPTION 'Win battles against rival players to increase your Tournament Score, and climb the leagues. At the end of the tournament you will earn points based on your final league placement. Spend your points before the store closes, or they will be lost.'
TOURNAMENT_TIER_1 'Carbonite League'
TOURNAMENT_TIER_2 'Durasteel League'
TOURNAMENT_TIER_3 'Bronzium League'
TOURNAMENT_TIER_4 'Obsidian League'
TOURNAMENT_TIER_5 'Ultra Chrome League'
TOURNAMENT_TIER_REQ_ANY 'Attack any player'
TRAINING_CAPACITY 'Training capacity:'
TRAINING_TRAIN_STARSHIPS 'Commission Starship Strike'
TRAIN_INSTRUCTIONS 'Select a {0} to {1}'
TRAP_TRIGGER_RADIUS 'Trap Trigger Radius'
TROOP 'Troop'
TROOPS_DONATED 'Troops Donated : {0}'
TROOPS_RECEIVED 'Troops Received : {0}'
TROOPS_RECEIVED_FROM '{0} donated troops to your cause!'
TROOP_INVALID 'No more of this troop!'
TROOP_REQUEST_TO_EARLY 'Send another troop request in now for {0}?  Wait time {1}'
TROOP_UNITS 'Troop Units:'
TURRET_COUNT 'You have {0}/{1} turrets'
Tooltip_BaseRating 'Your base rating is determined by the level of your buildings.'
Tooltip_Medals 'Medals represent your competitive ranking. Attack other players and defend your base to improve your medal count.'
TroopDonationMessage_SQUAD_NOTIF '{0} donated {1} {2}{3} to {4}.'
TroopDonationMessage_plural 's'
UNLOCKED_UNIT 'You have unlocked the {0}!'
UNLOCKED_UPGRADE_UNIT '{0} has been upgraded to Level {1}!'
UNLOCKS_BUILDINGS 'Unlocks buildings:'
UNLOCKS_HEROES 'Unlocks heroes:'
UNLOCKS_MERCENARIES 'Unlocks Mercenaries:'
UNLOCKS_STARSHIPS 'Unlocks starships:'
UNLOCKS_TROOPS 'Unlocks troops:'
UNLOCKS_VEHICLES 'Unlocks vehicles:'
UNLOCK_AFTER_TOURNAMENT 'Tournament Rewards Required'
UNLOCK_EQUIPMENT_TITLE 'Equipment Unlocked:'
UNLOCK_INSTRUCTIONS 'Activate this Equipment in the Armory'
UNLOCK_IN_EVENT_ONLY 'Limited Edition'
UNLOCK_IN_EVENT_STORE 'Unlock in Event Store'
UNLOCK_IN_FUTURE_EVENT 'Future Campaign Rewards Required'
UNLOCK_SHRD_CREATURE_INSTRUCTIONS 'Capture this unit at the Strix Beacon'
UNLOCK_SHRD_HERO_INSTRUCTIONS 'Mobilize this Hero in the Hero Command'
UNLOCK_SHRD_INFANTRY_INSTRUCTIONS 'Train this unit in the Barracks'
UNLOCK_SHRD_MERCENARY_INSTRUCTIONS 'Hire this Mercenary in the Cantina'
UNLOCK_SHRD_STARSHIP_INSTRUCTIONS 'Commission this Starfighter in the Starship Command'
UNLOCK_SHRD_STARSHIP_TITLE 'Starfighter Unlocked:'
UNLOCK_SHRD_VEHICLE_INSTRUCTIONS 'Build this unit in the Factory'
UPDATE_COMING_MESSAGE 'Hang tight, Commander. Our servers are updating with brand new stuff, just for you! Check back soon.'
UPDATE_COMING_TITLE 'Server Maintenance'
UPGRADE_AFTER_TOURNAMENT 'Tournament Rewards Required'
UPGRADE_CONTRABAND_STORAGE 'Upgrade your Safehouse to increase Contraband storage'
UPGRADE_CONTRACT_ACTIVE 'You must complete the current research before beginning another.'
UPGRADE_CREDIT_STORAGE 'Upgrade your Credit Vaults to increase Credit storage'
UPGRADE_EQUIPMENT 'Upgrade Equipment'
UPGRADE_HQ_LOOT_NOTE 'Note: Upgrading your HQ will increase your base score and unlocks new buildings.'
UPGRADE_IN_EVENT_ONLY 'Campaign Rewards Required'
UPGRADE_IN_FUTURE_EVENT 'Future Campaign Rewards Required'
UPGRADE_MATERIAL_STORAGE 'Upgrade your Alloy Depots to increase Alloy storage'
UPGRADE_RESEARCH_CENTER_ACTIVE 'Finish Research Center construction to upgrade this unit'
UPGRADE_SELECT_TROOP 'Select a troop to upgrade'
UPGRADE_UNIT 'Upgrade {0}'
VEHICLE 'Vehicle'
VEHICLE_CAPACITY 'Unit capacity after building: {0}/{1}'
VICTORY 'Victory!'
VICTORY_BONUS_MESSAGE "Congratulations! You've earned your first Conflict Medals. Fight rivals to improve your rewards at the end of a Conflict."
VICTORY_POINTS_EARNED '{0} Uplinks Disabled'
VIEW_EVENT_STORE 'View Event Store'
WAITING 'Waiting'
WAR_ATTACK_BUFF_BASE_ENDED 'The {0} is open for attack!'
WAR_ATTACK_BUFF_BASE_NOT_UNLOCKED_MESSAGE 'You must unlock {0} in your Planetary Command before you can attack this Outpost.'
WAR_ATTACK_BUFF_BASE_STARTED 'The {0} is under attack by {1}!'
WAR_ATTACK_PLAYER_STARTED '{0} is being attacked by {1}!'
WAR_BASE_LAYOUT_TITLE 'Defensive Outpost Layout'
WAR_BASE_PREP_END_TEXT 'Time for action! The Preparation phase has ended. Unsaved Defensive Outpost changes will be lost.\n\nGo to the War Room to scout the enemy and strategize with your squad.'
WAR_BASE_PREP_END_TITLE 'Preparation Phase Ended'
WAR_BASE_PREP_TIME_REMAINING 'Squad War begins in: {0}'
WAR_BATTLE_CURRENT_ADVANTAGES "Your squad's advantages:"
WAR_BOARD_ACTION_GRACE_PHASE_DESC 'We are compiling the reports from the war. The results should be in shortly.'
WAR_BOARD_BUFF_BASE_CAPTURE_REQUIREMENT 'Destroy 50% or the Outpost HQ to capture this base'
WAR_BOARD_BUFF_BASE_LEVEL 'HQ {0} - {1} Captured'
WAR_BOARD_CAPTURED_BASES 'Captured Factory Outposts'
WAR_BOARD_EDIT_BASE 'Edit Defensive Outpost'
WAR_BOARD_INSUFFICIENT_LEVEL_BODY 'You must have an HQ of level 3 or higher to participate in squad wars, but you can still donate troops to your squadmates!'
WAR_BOARD_MATCHMAKING_EXIT_BODY 'Your Squad has entered matchmaking.'
WAR_BOARD_PREP_GRACE_PHASE_DESC 'Preparing Squad War Bases for battle. The war will begin shortly.'
WAR_BUFF_BASE_ALREADY_CAPTURED '{0} has already been captured by your squad.'
WAR_BUFF_BASE_CAPTURED 'The {0} was captured by {1}!'
WAR_BUFF_BASE_UPGRADED '{0} upgraded to Level {1}'
WAR_BUTTON_START_WAR 'Start a Squad War'
WAR_CANCEL_MATCHMAKE_TEXT 'Are you sure you want to cancel the Squad War?'
WAR_DISABLED_BODY 'Squad Wars is currently disabled. Retry again later.'
WAR_DISABLED_TITLE 'Squad Wars Disabled'
WAR_END_NEWSPAPER_CTA_DESC 'Details and rewards in the War Room'
WAR_END_NEWSPAPER_DESC 'The squad war has ended!'
WAR_END_NEWSPAPER_TITLE '[F2D62F]Squad Wars Update[-]'
WAR_END_RESULTS_DRAW_CTA 'Collect Salvage Crate'
WAR_END_RESULTS_DRAW_REWARD 'Supplies were salvaged in the withdrawal.'
WAR_END_RESULTS_EMPIRE_LOSS 'Your squad was defeated.'
WAR_END_RESULTS_EMPIRE_WIN '{0} Squad is Victorious!'
WAR_END_RESULTS_LOSS_CTA 'Collect Salvage Crate'
WAR_END_RESULTS_LOSS_REWARD 'Supplies were salvaged in the retreat.'
WAR_END_RESULTS_REBELS_LOSS 'Your squad was defeated.'
WAR_END_RESULTS_REBELS_WIN '{0} Squad is Victorious!'
WAR_END_RESULTS_TITLE 'The squad war has ended.'
WAR_END_RESULTS_WIN_CTA 'Collect Victory Crate'
WAR_END_RESULTS_WIN_REWARD 'Victory will be rewarded!'
WAR_END_SCREEN_BODY 'Final Results:'
WAR_END_SCREEN_TITLE 'Squad War Has Ended'
WAR_END_TRANSMISSION_CTA_DESC 'See squad war details and collect rewards:'
WAR_END_TRANSMISSION_TITLE 'The squad war has ended!'
WAR_ERROR_BUFF_BASE_IN_BATTLE 'This Factory Outpost is already under attack.'
WAR_ERROR_BUFF_BASE_OWNED 'Your squad has already captured this Factory Outpost.'
WAR_ERROR_ENDED 'The Squad War has already ended.'
WAR_ERROR_OPPONENT_HAS_NO_POINTS 'All Uplinks have already been disabled.'
WAR_ERROR_OPPONENT_IN_BATTLE 'The opponent is currently under attack.'
WAR_HELP_ACTION_FACTORY_BODY 'Capture a Factory Outpost to give your squad a powerful tactical advantage in a Squad War. You can only attack outposts on worlds you have unlocked.'
WAR_HELP_ACTION_FACTORY_TITLE '[F2D62F]Capture Factory Outposts[-]'
WAR_HELP_ACTION_TROOP_BODY 'Request troops from your squad to bring reinforcements with your attacks, ensuring a Squad Wars victory.'
WAR_HELP_ACTION_UPLINK_BODY 'Earn victory stars in battle to disable the enemy uplinks. The squad who disables the most enemy uplinks wins.'
WAR_HELP_ACTION_UPLINK_TITLE '[F2D62F]Disable Enemy Uplinks[-]'
WAR_HELP_OVERVIEW_BODY "[F2D62F]Assemble a party of 15[-] fellow squad members to assault an enemy squad on the planet of [F2D62F]Sullust[-].\n\nStrategize with your squad and [F2D62F]use your 3 attacks[-] to disable as many of the enemy squad's [F2D62F]uplinks[-] as possible."
WAR_HELP_PREP_DEFTROOP_BODY 'Troops donated to a main base are used to attack. Troops donated to a Defensive Outpost are used to defend it during a Squad War.'
WAR_HELP_PREP_WARBASE_BODY 'Your Defensive Outpost is a copy of your main base that can be modified during the Preparation Phase. This base will be saved for your next Squad War.'
WAR_HELP_PREP_WARBASE_TITLE '[F2D62F]Construct a Defensive Outpost[-]'
WAR_HELP_PREP_WARN_BODY 'Once the War Phase begins, you will not be able to edit or request troops for your Defensive Outpost.'
WAR_HELP_PREP_WARN_TITLE '[F2D62F]Time-Limited Editing[-]'
WAR_HELP_REWARD_BODY 'Earn unique [F2D62F]Supply Crates[-] only from Squad Wars with a chance for 100% refills of Credits or Alloy, plus Data Fragments!\n\nSquad War winners also receive 10 [F2D62F]Reputation[-] each.'
WAR_HELP_WARBASE_EDIT_BODY "There's no looting in a Squad War, so design your Defensive Outpost to maximize protection of your HQ. "
WAR_HELP_WARBASE_PERMANENCE_BODY 'After each defense, Traps, Droidekas and troop donations, are rearmed and refilled 100% on your Defensive Outpost.'
WAR_HELP_WARBASE_UPGRADE_BODY 'Building upgrades completed during the Preparation Phase will be reflected in your Defensive Outpost on Sullust. Upgrade your defenses!'
WAR_HELP_WARBASE_UPGRADE_TITLE '[F2D62F]Synced Building Upgrades[-]'
WAR_HOLONET_ACTION 'Engage the enemy!'
WAR_HOLONET_DESC_PREPARED 'Preparations for the Squad War are complete!'
WAR_HOLONET_PREPARE 'Rally your squad!'
WAR_HOLONET_TITLE_PREPARED 'Prepared for Squad War!'
WAR_INFO_TITLE 'Squad War Info'
WAR_INTERSTITIAL_MESSAGE 'Wage war across the galaxy! Join forces with your Squad to fight your rivals in a 15 vs 15 battle for planetary dominance. Are you ready?'
WAR_IN_MATCHMAKING ' - In Matchmaking'
WAR_IN_WAR ' - In Squad War'
WAR_MATCHMAKE_CANCEL_CONFIRM_TEXT 'Are you sure you want to exit the matchmaking queue? Tap "OK" to confirm and exit the queue. Tap back to return to the previous menu.'
WAR_MATCHMAKE_TEXT 'Your squad has entered into the matchmaking queue. This can take up to 48 hours, please check back later.'
WAR_MATCHMAKE_TITLE 'Squad War Matchmaking'
WAR_MATCHMAKING_STARTED 'Your squad has entered matchmaking. This can take up to 48 hours.'
WAR_MEMBERS_SELECTED '{0}/{1} Members Selected'
WAR_MEMBER_NAME '{0} - HQ {1}'
WAR_NO_TURNS_NO_SCOUTING 'You can not scout when you have no turns left.'
WAR_PLAYER_ATTACKED '{1} attacked {0} and disabled {3} Uplinks!'
WAR_PLAYER_DETAILS_REQ_1 'Destroy 50% or HQ'
WAR_PLAYER_DETAILS_REQ_2 'Destroy 50% and HQ'
WAR_PREVENT_ALLY_SCOUT_WRONG_PHASE 'The Squad War has ended. You may no longer scout ally bases.'
WAR_PREVENT_BUFF_BASE_SCOUT_WRONG_PHASE 'The Squad War has ended. You may no longer scout Factory Outposts.'
WAR_PREVENT_ENEMY_SCOUT_WRONG_PHASE 'The Squad War has ended. You may no longer scout enemies.'
WAR_SAME_FACTION_CHECK_E 'Allow Empire Squad matches to reduce wait time'
WAR_SAME_FACTION_CHECK_R 'Allow Rebel Squad matches to reduce wait time'
WAR_SAME_FACTION_DESC_E 'The amount of available Rebel squads may be limited. Enabling this feature will allow squads of the same faction to match against each other to reduce wait time.'
WAR_SAME_FACTION_DESC_R 'The amount of available Empire squads may be limited. Enabling this feature will allow squads of the same faction to match against each other to reduce wait time.'
WAR_SCOUT_CANCEL 'Back to War Room'
WAR_SCOUT_NOT_IN_ACTION_PHASE_ERROR_PVE 'You are unable to capture Factory Outposts until the Squad War begins.'
WAR_SCOUT_NOT_IN_ACTION_PHASE_ERROR_PVP 'You are unable to attack enemies until the Squad War begins.'
WAR_SCOUT_NOT_IN_WAR_ERROR_PVE 'You may not capture Factory Outposts unless you are battling in the Squad War.'
WAR_SCOUT_NOT_IN_WAR_ERROR_PVP 'You may not attack enemies unless you are battling in the Squad War.'
WAR_SCOUT_NO_TURNS_LEFT_ERROR_PVE 'You have used all of your actions for this Squad War.'
WAR_SCOUT_NO_TURNS_LEFT_ERROR_PVP 'You have used all of your actions for this Squad War.'
WAR_SCOUT_NO_VICTORY_POINTS_LEFT_ERROR_PVP "This enemy's Uplinks are all disabled."
WAR_SCOUT_UNDER_ATTACK_ERROR_PVE 'This Factory Outpost is already under attack.'
WAR_SCOUT_UNDER_ATTACK_ERROR_PVP 'This enemy base is already under attack.'
WAR_SCOUT_UNDER_PLAYER_ATTACK_ERROR_PVE 'You cannot attack the Factory Outpost while you are being attacked.'
WAR_SCOUT_UNDER_PLAYER_ATTACK_ERROR_PVP 'You cannot engage the enemy while you are being attacked.'
WAR_START_ATTACK 'Start Attack!'
WAR_START_DESCRIPTION_NONOFFICER "Assault an opposing Squad's Defensive Outposts, disable their Uplinks and gain the upper hand on Sullust.\n\nRequest your Squad Leaders to start a war!"
WAR_START_DESCRIPTION_NOSQUAD "Assault an opposing Squad's Defensive Outposts, disable their Uplinks and gain the upper hand on Sullust.\n\nJoin a squad and start a war!"
WAR_START_DESCRIPTION_OFFICER "Assault an opposing Squad's Defensive Outposts, disable their Uplinks and gain the upper hand on Sullust.\n\nChoose a team and start the war!"
WAR_START_DESCRIPTION_OFFICER_INELIGIBLE "Assault an opposing Squad's Defensive Outposts, disable their Uplinks and gain the upper hand on Sullust.\n\nMinimum requirement of HQ 3 must be met in order to participate."
WAR_START_HQ_INELIGIBLE 'Minimum requirement of HQ 3 must be met in order to participate.'
WAR_START_TITLE 'Start a Squad War!'
WAR_TARGET_NO_POINTS '{0} has no active Uplinks left.'
WEEKS_DAYS '{0}w {1}d'
X_AND_Y_DONATED_TROOPS_TO_Z '{0} and {1} donated troops to {2}!'
X_DONATED_TROOPS_TO_Y '{0} donated troops to {1}!'
X_Y_AND_Z_DONATED_TROOPS_TO_A '{0}, {1}, and {2} donated troops to {3}!'
X_Y_Z_AND_A_DONATED_TROOPS_TO_B '{0}, {1}, {2}, and more donated troops to {4}!'
YES 'Yes'
YOU_LOST 'You Lost'
YOU_WON 'You Won'
ability_desc_EmpireTognath1 'Once in range, fires a penetrating charged blast that decimates droidekas'
ability_desc_RebelTognath 'Once in range, fires a penetrating charged blast that decimates droidekas'
ability_desc_SecurityDroid1 'Upon deploy, throws sonic grenades to fracture enemy defenses.'
ability_desc_TroopBigMouthAlien1 'Upon deploy, throws sonic grenades to fracture enemy defenses.'
ability_desc_TroopBrute1 'Upon deploy, seeks to clear the field of troops and vehicles with his thermal detonators.'
ability_desc_TroopGamorrean1 'Upon defeat, hurls his ax forward in a last-ditch effort to ensure mass destruction.'
ability_desc_TroopRider1 'Upon defeat, expends all his supplies, initiating a widespread damage boost to all active allied units.'
ability_desc_TroopTwilek1 'A finishing strike detonates her flamethrower, dealing massive area damage to all nearby enemies.'
ability_desc_abilityHeroDarthDefend 'For a few seconds Vader deflects all incoming blaster fire from turrets and troops and deals heavy damage in a small area around himself.'
ability_desc_abilityHeroLukeDefend 'Luke activates his lightsaber and for a few moments deflects blaster shots from units and turrets while also dealing damage in a small area around him.'
ability_title_EmpireTognath1 'High Impact Shot'
ability_title_RebelTognath1 'High Impact Shot'
ability_title_SecurityDroid1 'Sonic Grenade'
ability_title_TroopBigMouthAlien1 'Sonic Grenade'
ability_title_TroopBrute1 'Flushing Frag'
ability_title_TroopGamorrean1 'Final Thunder'
ability_title_TroopRider1 'Yard Sale'
ability_title_TroopTwilek1 'Nova Blaze'
ability_title_abilityATRTIonShot 'Ion Shot'
ability_title_abilityHeroDarthDefend 'Lightsaber Sweep'
ability_title_abilityHeroEmpireSpiderDroid1 'Probe Killers'
ability_title_abilityHeroEmpireSpiderDroid10 'Probe Killers'
ability_title_abilityHeroEmpireSpiderDroid2 'Probe Killers'
ability_title_abilityHeroEmpireSpiderDroid3 'Probe Killers'
ability_title_abilityHeroEmpireSpiderDroid4 'Probe Killers'
ability_title_abilityHeroEmpireSpiderDroid5 'Probe Killers'
ability_title_abilityHeroEmpireSpiderDroid6 'Probe Killers'
ability_title_abilityHeroEmpireSpiderDroid7 'Probe Killers'
ability_title_abilityHeroEmpireSpiderDroid8 'Probe Killers'
ability_title_abilityHeroEmpireSpiderDroid9 'Probe Killers'
ability_title_abilityHeroLukeDefend 'Lightsaber Whirlwind'
ability_title_abilityHeroRebelSpiderDroid1 'Probe Killers'
ability_title_abilityHeroRebelSpiderDroid10 'Probe Killers'
ability_title_abilityHeroRebelSpiderDroid2 'Probe Killers'
ability_title_abilityHeroRebelSpiderDroid3 'Probe Killers'
ability_title_abilityHeroRebelSpiderDroid4 'Probe Killers'
ability_title_abilityHeroRebelSpiderDroid5 'Probe Killers'
ability_title_abilityHeroRebelSpiderDroid6 'Probe Killers'
ability_title_abilityHeroRebelSpiderDroid7 'Probe Killers'
ability_title_abilityHeroRebelSpiderDroid8 'Probe Killers'
ability_title_abilityHeroRebelSpiderDroid9 'Probe Killers'
ability_title_abilityMTVIonShot 'Ion Shot'
ability_title_abilityRailGun10Empire 'Magnetic Pulse Shot'
ability_title_abilityRailGun10Rebel 'Magnetic Pulse Shot'
ability_title_abilityRailGun1Empire 'Magnetic Pulse Shot'
ability_title_abilityRailGun1Rebel 'Magnetic Pulse Shot'
ability_title_abilityRailGun2Empire 'Magnetic Pulse Shot'
ability_title_abilityRailGun2Rebel 'Magnetic Pulse Shot'
ability_title_abilityRailGun3Empire 'Magnetic Pulse Shot'
ability_title_abilityRailGun3Rebel 'Magnetic Pulse Shot'
ability_title_abilityRailGun4Empire 'Magnetic Pulse Shot'
ability_title_abilityRailGun4Rebel 'Magnetic Pulse Shot'
ability_title_abilityRailGun5Empire 'Magnetic Pulse Shot'
ability_title_abilityRailGun5Rebel 'Magnetic Pulse Shot'
ability_title_abilityRailGun6Empire 'Magnetic Pulse Shot'
ability_title_abilityRailGun6Rebel 'Magnetic Pulse Shot'
ability_title_abilityRailGun7Empire 'Magnetic Pulse Shot'
ability_title_abilityRailGun7Rebel 'Magnetic Pulse Shot'
ability_title_abilityRailGun8Empire 'Magnetic Pulse Shot'
ability_title_abilityRailGun8Rebel 'Magnetic Pulse Shot'
ability_title_abilityRailGun9Empire 'Magnetic Pulse Shot'
ability_title_abilityRailGun9Rebel 'Magnetic Pulse Shot'
act_tut_pla3_gvInfo 'A tactical visualization of the galaxy'
attacker_jundlandgeneral 'The Jundland General'
aug2016CrystalBonus_title 'Limited-Time Crystal Bonus!'
back_to_shop_categories 'Shop Categories'
bat_name_4doors-3 '4doors-3'
bat_name_BloodDawnBase 'Blood Dawn Base'
bat_name_BloodDawnHQDestroyed 'Ruins of Blood Dawn HQ'
bat_name_BloodDawnVehicleYard 'Blood Dawn Vehicle Yard'
bat_name_CapturedEmpireBase 'Captured Empire Base'
bat_name_CapturedRebelBase 'Captured Rebel Base'
bat_name_CrashedTransport 'Crashed Transport'
bat_name_CrazyLianas 'Liana\'s "Like New" Warmachines'
bat_name_DestroyedSettlement 'Destroyed Settlement'
bat_name_DewbackHerd 'Smuggler Dewback Tannery'
bat_name_EmpireBase 'Empire Base'
bat_name_EmpireCounterAttack 'Imperial Counter Attack'
bat_name_EmpireDetentionCamp 'Imperial Detention Camp'
bat_name_EmpireFacility 'Empire Facility'
bat_name_EmpireGarrison 'Imperial Garrison'
bat_name_EmpireListeningStation 'Empire Listening Station'
bat_name_EmpireOutpost 'Empire Outpost'
bat_name_EmpirePrison 'Empire Prison'
bat_name_EmpireShuttleYard 'Empire Shuttle Yard'
bat_name_EmpireStagingArea 'Empire Staging Area'
bat_name_EmpireStarport 'Empire Starport'
bat_name_ErkitBase "Er'Kit Militia Base"
bat_name_ErkitGarisson "Er'Kit Garrison"
bat_name_ErkitVillage "Occupied Er'Kit Village"
bat_name_FortSunfire 'Imperial Fort Ironhand'
bat_name_FortSunfireEast 'Imperial Garrison'
bat_name_FortSunfireWest 'Imperial Garrison'
bat_name_GenericBattle '.'
bat_name_HawkCompanyBase 'Hawk Company Base'
bat_name_HawkCompanyOutpost 'Hawk Company Outpost'
bat_name_HomeEmpire 'Empire Garrison'
bat_name_HomeRebel 'Rebel Base'
bat_name_ImperialResearchFacility 'Imperial Research Facility'
bat_name_JabbasMenagerie "Jabba's Menagerie"
bat_name_JohharsGambit 'Outpost 23'
bat_name_KraytAttack 'Krayt Dragon Assault'
bat_name_KraytGraveyard 'Krayt Graveyard'
bat_name_LandingZone 'Landing Zone'
bat_name_MalachorCompanyBase 'Malachor Company Base'
bat_name_MalachorCompanyOutpost 'Malachor Company Outpost'
bat_name_PilotAcademy 'Pilot Academy'
bat_name_RancorDen 'Rancor Den'
bat_name_RebelBase 'Rebel Base'
bat_name_RebelBaseEast 'Rebel Base East'
bat_name_RebelBaseMain 'Rebel Base Main'
bat_name_RebelBaseWest 'Rebel Base West'
bat_name_RebelCounterAttack 'Rebel Counter Attack'
bat_name_RebelEnclave 'Rebel Enclave'
bat_name_RebelFacility 'Rebel Facility'
bat_name_RebelHideout 'Rebel Hideout'
bat_name_RebelOutpost 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_RebelShuttleYard 'Rebel Shuttle Yard'
bat_name_RebelStagingArea 'Rebel Staging Area'
bat_name_RebelStarport 'Rebel Starport'
bat_name_ReinforcementFacility 'Reinforcement Facility'
bat_name_RockE 'Rocket Turret Test - Empire'
bat_name_RockR 'Rocket Turret Test - Rebel'
bat_name_SecretBase 'Secret Base'
bat_name_SecretRebelBase 'Secret Rebel Base'
bat_name_ShippingDepot 'Shipping Depot'
bat_name_SmugglerBase 'Smuggler Base'
bat_name_SmugglerHideout 'Smuggler Hideout'
bat_name_SmugglerOutpost 'Smuggler Outpost'
bat_name_SpawnTest 'Reinforcement Spawn Test Map'
bat_name_StorageFacility 'Storage Facility'
bat_name_TrainingBase 'Training Base'
bat_name_TuskenCorral 'Tusken Bantha Corral'
bat_name_TuskenEnclave 'Tusken Enclave'
bat_name_WompRatBullseye 'Womp Rat Bullseye'
bat_name_WompRatNests 'Womp Rat Nests'
bat_name_YourBaseEmpire 'Empire Garrison'
bat_name_YourBaseRebel 'Rebel Base'
bat_name_artEmpire 'The Art Gallery'
bat_name_artEmpire2 'The Art Gallery'
bat_name_artEmpire3 'The Art Gallery'
bat_name_artRebel 'The Art Gallery'
bat_name_artRebel2 'The Art Gallery'
bat_name_artRebel3 'The Art Gallery'
bat_name_artSmuggler 'The Art Gallery'
bat_name_artSmuggler2 'The Art Gallery'
bat_name_artTatooine 'The Art Gallery'
bat_name_artTurrets 'The Art Gallery'
bat_name_artUnitsEmpire 'The Art Gallery'
bat_name_artUnitsHeroes 'The Art Gallery'
bat_name_artUnitsRebel 'The Art Gallery'
bat_name_artUnitsSmuggler 'The Art Gallery'
bat_name_artUnitsTusken 'The Art Gallery'
bat_name_bat_1_utts_e_1 'Womp Rat Nests'
bat_name_bat_1_utts_e_10 'Under the Twin Suns X'
bat_name_bat_1_utts_e_2 'Outlaw Laboratory'
bat_name_bat_1_utts_e_2a 'Mercenary Stronghold'
bat_name_bat_1_utts_e_3 'Under the Twin Suns III'
bat_name_bat_1_utts_e_4 'Under the Twin Suns IV'
bat_name_bat_1_utts_e_5 'Under the Twin Suns V'
bat_name_bat_1_utts_e_6 'Mercenary Base'
bat_name_bat_1_utts_e_7 'Under the Twin Suns V'
bat_name_bat_1_utts_e_8 'Under the Twin Suns VIII'
bat_name_bat_1_utts_e_9 'Mercenary Base'
bat_name_bat_1_utts_r_1 'Womp Rat Nests'
bat_name_bat_1_utts_r_10 'Under the Twin Suns X'
bat_name_bat_1_utts_r_2 'Outlaw Laboratory'
bat_name_bat_1_utts_r_2a 'Mercenary Stronghold'
bat_name_bat_1_utts_r_3 'Under the Twin Suns III'
bat_name_bat_1_utts_r_4 'Under the Twin Suns IV'
bat_name_bat_1_utts_r_5 'Under the Twin Suns V'
bat_name_bat_1_utts_r_6 'Mercenary Base'
bat_name_bat_1_utts_r_7 'Under the Twin Suns V'
bat_name_bat_1_utts_r_8 'Under the Twin Suns VIII'
bat_name_bat_1_utts_r_9 'Mercenary Base'
bat_name_bat_2_tsw_e_1 'The Sacred Waters I'
bat_name_bat_2_tsw_e_2 'The Sacred Waters II'
bat_name_bat_2_tsw_e_2a 'The Sacred Waters III'
bat_name_bat_2_tsw_e_3 'Moisture Farm'
bat_name_bat_2_tsw_e_4 'The Sacred Waters V'
bat_name_bat_2_tsw_e_5 'Tusken Enclave'
bat_name_bat_2_tsw_r_1 'The Sacred Waters I'
bat_name_bat_2_tsw_r_2 'The Sacred Waters II'
bat_name_bat_2_tsw_r_2a 'The Sacred Waters III'
bat_name_bat_2_tsw_r_3 'Moisture Farm'
bat_name_bat_2_tsw_r_4 'The Sacred Waters V'
bat_name_bat_2_tsw_r_5 'Tusken Enclave'
bat_name_bat_3_tjg_e_1 'The Jundland General I'
bat_name_bat_3_tjg_e_10 "Jundland General's Enclave"
bat_name_bat_3_tjg_e_2 'The Jundland General II'
bat_name_bat_3_tjg_e_2a 'The Jundland General III'
bat_name_bat_3_tjg_e_3 'Tusken Enclave'
bat_name_bat_3_tjg_e_4 'The Jundland General V'
bat_name_bat_3_tjg_e_5 'The Jundland General VI'
bat_name_bat_3_tjg_e_6 'The Jundland General VII'
bat_name_bat_3_tjg_e_7 'The Jundland General VIII'
bat_name_bat_3_tjg_e_8 'Tusken Enclave'
bat_name_bat_3_tjg_e_9 'The Jundland General X'
bat_name_bat_3_tjg_r_1 'The Jundland General I'
bat_name_bat_3_tjg_r_10 "Jundland General's Enclave"
bat_name_bat_3_tjg_r_2 'The Jundland General II'
bat_name_bat_3_tjg_r_2a 'The Jundland General III'
bat_name_bat_3_tjg_r_3 'Tusken Enclave'
bat_name_bat_3_tjg_r_4 'The Jundland General V'
bat_name_bat_3_tjg_r_5 'The Jundland General VI'
bat_name_bat_3_tjg_r_6 'The Jundland General VII'
bat_name_bat_3_tjg_r_7 'The Jundland General VIII'
bat_name_bat_3_tjg_r_8 'Tusken Enclave'
bat_name_bat_3_tjg_r_9 'The Jundland General X'
bat_name_bat_4_sotm_e_1 'Servant of Two Masters I'
bat_name_bat_4_sotm_e_10 'Servant of Two Masters X'
bat_name_bat_4_sotm_e_11 'Mercenary Base'
bat_name_bat_4_sotm_e_12 'Mercenary Base'
bat_name_bat_4_sotm_e_13 'Servant of Two Masters XIII'
bat_name_bat_4_sotm_e_14 'Hutt Cartel Smuggling Site'
bat_name_bat_4_sotm_e_2 'Servant of Two Masters II'
bat_name_bat_4_sotm_e_3 'Mercenary Compound'
bat_name_bat_4_sotm_e_4 'Mercenary Staging Area'
bat_name_bat_4_sotm_e_5 'Mercenary Base'
bat_name_bat_4_sotm_e_6 'Servant of Two Masters VI'
bat_name_bat_4_sotm_e_7 'Servant of Two Masters VII'
bat_name_bat_4_sotm_e_8 'Servant of Two Masters VIII'
bat_name_bat_4_sotm_e_9 'Servant of Two Masters IX'
bat_name_bat_5_aoc_r_1 'Alliance of Convenience I'
bat_name_bat_5_aoc_r_2 'Alliance of Convenience II'
bat_name_bat_5_aoc_r_3 'Alliance of Convenience III'
bat_name_bat_5_aoc_r_4 'Alliance of Convenience IV'
bat_name_bat_5_aoc_r_5 'Alliance of Convenience V'
bat_name_bat_5_aoc_r_6 'Alliance of Convenience VI'
bat_name_bat_5_aoc_r_7 'Alliance of Convenience VII'
bat_name_bat_5_aoc_r_8 'Alliance of Convenience VIII'
bat_name_bat_5_tih_e_1 'The Iron Hand I'
bat_name_bat_5_tih_e_2 'The Iron Hand II'
bat_name_bat_5_tih_e_3 'Jawa Gathering'
bat_name_bat_5_tih_e_4 'The Iron Hand IV'
bat_name_bat_5_tih_e_5 'Moisture Farm'
bat_name_bat_5_tih_e_6 'The Iron Hand VI'
bat_name_bat_5_tih_e_7 'The Iron Hand VII'
bat_name_bat_5_tih_e_8 'Mercenary Tank Yard'
bat_name_bat_6_bs_e_1 'Tusken Village'
bat_name_bat_6_bs_e_10 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_bat_6_bs_e_11 'Buried Secrets XI'
bat_name_bat_6_bs_e_12 'Buried Secrets XII'
bat_name_bat_6_bs_e_13 'Buried Secrets XIII'
bat_name_bat_6_bs_e_14 'Rebel Observation Post'
bat_name_bat_6_bs_e_2 'Old Shipwreck'
bat_name_bat_6_bs_e_3 'Smuggler Salvage Yard'
bat_name_bat_6_bs_e_4 'Buried Secrets IV'
bat_name_bat_6_bs_e_5 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_bat_6_bs_e_6 'Buried Secrets VI'
bat_name_bat_6_bs_e_7 'Buried Secrets VII'
bat_name_bat_6_bs_e_8 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_bat_6_bs_e_9 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_bat_6_wos_r_1 'Crash Site'
bat_name_bat_6_wos_r_10 'Empire Outpost'
bat_name_bat_6_wos_r_11 'Wreckage of Secrets XI'
bat_name_bat_6_wos_r_12 'Wreckage of Secrets XII'
bat_name_bat_6_wos_r_13 'Wreckage of Secrets XIII'
bat_name_bat_6_wos_r_14 'Wreckage of Secrets XIV'
bat_name_bat_6_wos_r_2 'Crash Site'
bat_name_bat_6_wos_r_3 'Mercenary Salvage Yard'
bat_name_bat_6_wos_r_4 'Wreckage of Secrets IV'
bat_name_bat_6_wos_r_5 'Empire Listening Post'
bat_name_bat_6_wos_r_6 'Wreckage of Secrets VI'
bat_name_bat_6_wos_r_7 'Wreckage of Secrets VII'
bat_name_bat_6_wos_r_8 'Empire Outpost'
bat_name_bat_6_wos_r_9 'Empire Outpost'
bat_name_bat_8_rsf_r_1 'Imperial Outpost'
bat_name_bat_8_rsf_r_10 'Fort Sunfire'
bat_name_bat_8_rsf_r_11 'Empire Armored Attack'
bat_name_bat_8_rsf_r_12 'Empire 68th Legion Attack'
bat_name_bat_8_rsf_r_2 'Imperial Outpost'
bat_name_bat_8_rsf_r_3 'Imperial Outpost'
bat_name_bat_8_rsf_r_4 'Imperial Outpost'
bat_name_bat_8_rsf_r_5 'Imperial Outpost'
bat_name_bat_8_rsf_r_6 'Imperial Outpost'
bat_name_bat_8_rsf_r_7 'Imperial Outpost'
bat_name_bat_8_rsf_r_8 'Imperial Outpost'
bat_name_bat_8_rsf_r_9 'Imperial Listening Post'
bat_name_bat_8_tat_e_1 'Mercenary Attack'
bat_name_bat_8_tat_e_10 "Liana's Dandoran Base"
bat_name_bat_8_tat_e_11 "Liana's Revenge!"
bat_name_bat_8_tat_e_12 "Where's the Party AT-AT?"
bat_name_bat_8_tat_e_13 'Smugglers, Scoundrels, and Schemes'
bat_name_bat_8_tat_e_2 "Liana's Outpost"
bat_name_bat_8_tat_e_3 'Traitors and Thieves'
bat_name_bat_8_tat_e_4 'Traitor Garrison'
bat_name_bat_8_tat_e_5 'Traitor Forces Outpost'
bat_name_bat_8_tat_e_6 'Traitor Forces Outpost'
bat_name_bat_8_tat_e_7 'Traitor Forces Outpost'
bat_name_bat_8_tat_e_8 'Traitor Forces Outpost'
bat_name_bat_8_tat_e_9 "Liana's Outpost"
bat_name_bat_9_sss_r_10 'Smugglers, Scoundrels, and Schemes'
bat_name_bat_9_sss_r_11 'Smugglers, Scoundrels, and Schemes'
bat_name_bat_9_sss_r_12 'Smugglers, Scoundrels, and Schemes'
bat_name_bat_9_sss_r_2 'Smugglers, Scoundrels, and Schemes'
bat_name_bat_9_sss_r_3 'Smugglers, Scoundrels, and Schemes'
bat_name_bat_9_sss_r_4 'Smugglers, Scoundrels, and Schemes'
bat_name_bat_9_sss_r_5 'Smugglers, Scoundrels, and Schemes'
bat_name_bat_9_sss_r_6 'Smugglers, Scoundrels, and Schemes'
bat_name_bat_9_sss_r_7 'Smugglers, Scoundrels, and Schemes'
bat_name_bat_9_sss_r_8 'Smugglers, Scoundrels, and Schemes'
bat_name_bat_9_sss_r_9 'Smugglers, Scoundrels, and Schemes'
bat_name_battle1 'Empty Battle'
bat_name_battle11 'Rebel Encampment'
bat_name_battle13 'Post FUE Base Rebel'
bat_name_battle14 'Post FUE Base Empire'
bat_name_battle15 'Turret Tester'
bat_name_battle3 'Stronghold'
bat_name_battle4 'The Gauntlet'
bat_name_battle5 'Mortar Test'
bat_name_battle6 'My Base'
bat_name_battle7 'New Player'
bat_name_battle8 'Active Player'
bat_name_battle9 'Elder Player'
bat_name_btl_fue_impShow_00 'Tusken Raider Camp'
bat_name_btl_fue_rebShow_00 "Saponza's Homestead"
bat_name_burn_empire 'Perish in flames, Imperial dogs!'
bat_name_burn_rebel 'Burn, Rebel scum!'
bat_name_clumps 'clumps'
bat_name_dewback 'dewback'
bat_name_ebat_1_cw_e_0 'Rebel Base'
bat_name_ebat_1_cw_e_1 'Rebel Base'
bat_name_ebat_1_cw_e_10 'Rebel Base'
bat_name_ebat_1_cw_e_11 'Rebel Base'
bat_name_ebat_1_cw_e_12 'Rebel Base'
bat_name_ebat_1_cw_e_13 'Rebel Base'
bat_name_ebat_1_cw_e_14 'Rebel Base'
bat_name_ebat_1_cw_e_15 'Rebel Base'
bat_name_ebat_1_cw_e_16 'Rebel Base'
bat_name_ebat_1_cw_e_17 'Rebel Base'
bat_name_ebat_1_cw_e_18 'Rebel Base'
bat_name_ebat_1_cw_e_19 'Rebel Base'
bat_name_ebat_1_cw_e_2 'Rebel Base'
bat_name_ebat_1_cw_e_20 'Rebel Base'
bat_name_ebat_1_cw_e_21 'Rebel Base'
bat_name_ebat_1_cw_e_22 'Rebel Base'
bat_name_ebat_1_cw_e_3 'Rebel Base'
bat_name_ebat_1_cw_e_4 'Rebel Base'
bat_name_ebat_1_cw_e_5 'Rebel Base'
bat_name_ebat_1_cw_e_6 'Rebel Base'
bat_name_ebat_1_cw_e_7 'Rebel Base'
bat_name_ebat_1_cw_e_8 'Rebel Base'
bat_name_ebat_1_cw_e_9 'Rebel Base'
bat_name_ebat_1_cw_r_0 'Empire Base'
bat_name_ebat_1_cw_r_1 'Empire Base'
bat_name_ebat_1_cw_r_10 'Empire Base'
bat_name_ebat_1_cw_r_11 'Empire Base'
bat_name_ebat_1_cw_r_12 'Empire Base'
bat_name_ebat_1_cw_r_13 'Empire Base'
bat_name_ebat_1_cw_r_14 'Empire Base'
bat_name_ebat_1_cw_r_15 'Empire Base'
bat_name_ebat_1_cw_r_16 'Empire Base'
bat_name_ebat_1_cw_r_17 'Empire Base'
bat_name_ebat_1_cw_r_18 'Empire Base'
bat_name_ebat_1_cw_r_19 'Empire Base'
bat_name_ebat_1_cw_r_2 'Empire Base'
bat_name_ebat_1_cw_r_20 'Empire Base'
bat_name_ebat_1_cw_r_21 'Empire Base'
bat_name_ebat_1_cw_r_22 'Empire Base'
bat_name_ebat_1_cw_r_3 'Empire Base'
bat_name_ebat_1_cw_r_4 'Empire Base'
bat_name_ebat_1_cw_r_5 'Empire Base'
bat_name_ebat_1_cw_r_6 'Empire Base'
bat_name_ebat_1_cw_r_7 'Empire Base'
bat_name_ebat_1_cw_r_8 'Empire Base'
bat_name_ebat_1_cw_r_9 'Empire Base'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_1 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_10 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_11 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_12 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_13 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_14 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_15 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_16 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_17 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_18 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_19 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_2 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_20 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_21 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_22 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_23 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_24 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_25 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_26 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_27 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_28 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_29 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_3 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_30 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_31 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_32 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_33 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_34 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_35 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_36 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_37 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_38 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_39 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_4 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_40 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_41 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_42 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_43 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_44 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_45 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_46 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_47 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_48 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_49 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_5 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_50 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_51 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_52 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_53 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_54 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_55 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_56 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_57 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_58 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_59 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_6 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_60 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_61 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_62 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_63 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_64 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_65 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_66 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_67 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_68 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_69 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_7 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_70 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_71 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_72 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_73 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_74 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_75 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_76 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_77 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_78 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_79 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_8 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_80 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_81 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_82 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_83 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_84 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_85 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_ebat_2_itm_e_9 'Rebel Outpost'
bat_name_fue_battle1 "Saponza's Homestead"
bat_name_fue_battle1point5 'My Rubbled Base'
bat_name_fue_battle2 'My New Base'
bat_name_fue_battle3 'Tusken Central'
bat_name_fue_battle4 'Valerian'
bat_name_fue_battle5 'Smuggler Rubble'
bat_name_mortars 'mortars'
bat_name_narrowdoor3 'narrowdoor3'
bat_name_range 'Range Test'
bat_name_sat1 'Dandoran Rebel Base'
bat_name_sat10 'Dandoran Empire Base'
bat_name_sat11 'Dandoran Rebel Base'
bat_name_sat12 'Dandoran Empire Base'
bat_name_sat13 'Dandoran Rebel Base'
bat_name_sat14 'Dandoran Empire Base'
bat_name_sat15 'Secret Manufacturing Base'
bat_name_sat2 'Dandoran Empire Base'
bat_name_sat3 'Dandoran Rebel Base'
bat_name_sat4 'Dandoran Empire Base'
bat_name_sat5 'Dandoran Rebel Base'
bat_name_sat6 'Dandoran Empire Base'
bat_name_sat7 'Dandoran Rebel Base'
bat_name_sat8 'Dandoran Empire Base'
bat_name_sat9 'Dandoran Rebel Base'
bat_name_shields1 'Shield Test 1'
bat_name_shields2 'Shield Test 2'
bat_name_shieldsfx 'Shield FX'
bat_name_stresstest 'Performance Evaluation'
bat_name_testbase_t3_e 'testbase_t3_e'
bat_name_testbase_t3_r 'testbase_t3_r'
bat_name_testbase_t4_e 'testbase_t4_e'
bat_name_testbase_t4_r 'testbase_t4_r'
bat_name_testbase_t5_e 'testbase_t5_e'
bat_name_testbase_t5_r 'testbase_t5_r'
bat_name_yshape 'yshape'
bld_desc_crashedShipBow '.'
bld_desc_crashedShipStern '.'
bld_desc_empireAlpha 'Show your loyalty to the Empire with these Imperial Banners. This building is cosmetic only.'
bld_desc_empireArmory 'Arms, ammunition, and equipment are stored and equipped to your infantry, vehicles, heroes, starfighters and other structures in this building. Upgrading the armory allows you to use more powerful equipment.'
bld_desc_empireBarracks 'The Barracks is where you train infantry to use in battle. After each battle you will need to retrain troops to replace troops expended in battle. Upgrading the barracks unlocks new types of infantry with more specialized roles.'
bld_desc_empireBurstTurret 'Burst Turrets are manned by groups of infantry using mounted guns. Their armor-piercing capabilities are effective against bruisers (heavily armored units).'
bld_desc_empireContrabandCantina 'Trade-in Contraband at this seedy Cantina in exchange for the services of some very dangerous and powerful mercenaries.'
bld_desc_empireContrabandGenerator 'The Trade Port is where smugglers working for the Hutt Cartel deliver Contraband under your protection.'
bld_desc_empireContrabandStorage 'The Safehouse is a smuggler designed, well fortified vault for keeping Contraband secret and safe.'
bld_desc_empireCreditGenerator 'Credit Markets are automated facilities that trade credits on the galactic market, generating income for your war effort. Upgrading them increases the amount they can generate before filling up.'
bld_desc_empireCreditStorage "Credit Vaults are fortified buildings that store your accumulated credits while you're waiting to spend them. They are an enticing target for enemies, so make sure to guard them well. Upgrading Credit Vaults increases their storage capacity."
bld_desc_empireDroidHut 'Droid Huts store and maintain the droids that manage your base and remove junk. You can purchase additional droids for Crystals.'
bld_desc_empireFactory 'Factories produce vehicles for your war effort. Vehicles are tougher and more powerful than infantry, but correspondingly more expensive and require greater space in the Unit Transport. Upgrading a Factory unlocks new types of vehicles with new roles.'
bld_desc_empireFleetCommand 'Starship Commands allow you to direct local space-based support from fighters and bombers to your own Strix freighter. Upgrading the Starship Command unlocks new starship strikes for use in offensive and defensive battles.'
bld_desc_empireGlop 'Glop Turrets fire a stream of rapid-hardening impact foam, known as "glop", which temporarily roots attackers in place. They are highly effective when paired with other forms of defense. Upgrading turrets increases their defense and health.'
bld_desc_empireHQ 'The Headquarters is the nexus of your base and the level of your HQ directly affects the maximum level of every other building you can build. Upgrading the HQ increases its health and unlocks new levels of other base buildings.'
bld_desc_empireMaterialsGenerator 'Alloy Refineries generate alloy used in building and upgrading your base from locally procured resources. Upgrading them increases the amount they can generate before they become full and increases their health.'
bld_desc_empireMaterialsStorage 'Alloy Depots store your accumulated alloy for use in upgrading and building your base. They are a big target for attackers, so be sure to guard them well. Upgrading Alloy Depots increases the amount of alloy they can hold and increases their health.'
bld_desc_empireMortar 'Mortars lob explosive bundles in an arc at incoming enemies, dealing moderate damage to a medium area. They are most effective against clustered ground troops.'
bld_desc_empireNavigationCenter "Every high-ranking Commander's connection to the larger galaxy, the Planetary Command collects and surfaces galactic intel. Unlock new worlds and get authorization for relocation by earning stars in rival battles."
bld_desc_empireOffenseLab 'Use the Research Lab to increase the effective health and damage of your infantry, vehicles, heroes, and starship strikes. Upgrading a Research Lab increases its health and unlocks new upgrade levels.'
bld_desc_empirePlatformDroideka "This platform houses and repairs the Droideka Sentinel when it's not protecting your base or on an attack mission."
bld_desc_empirePlatformHeavyDroideka "This platform houses and repairs the Droideka Oppressor when it's not protecting your base or on an attack mission."
bld_desc_empireRapidFireTurret 'Rapid Fire Turrets excel at taking out Support units, and have no specific weaknesses against any other units.'
bld_desc_empireRocketTurret 'Rocket Turrets fire volleys of high velocity rockets designed to destroy hardened targets such as vehicles. The rockets are not high explosive, and thus are ineffective against masses of infantry.'
bld_desc_empireScoutTower "Uses specialized sensors and Scout Trooper patrol dispatch to scan the garrison's perimeter for enemy activity. Once detected, you may engage waves of incoming enemies, actively defending with heroes and starfighters."
bld_desc_empireShieldGenerator "Shield Generators form a deflective radius around themselves, protecting anything inside from damage until the generator is destroyed or the shield is collapsed. Upgrading a Shield Generator increases the shield's health and radius."
bld_desc_empireSonicTurret 'These turrets discharge a massively concussive wave of sound, blasting through all enemy units in its path. Each unit hit receives a percentage of its max health in damage, making it most effective against bruisers.'
bld_desc_empireSquadBuilding 'Squads are groups you join with your friends for mutual support and communication. The Squad Center allows you to join and form squads.'
bld_desc_empireStarport 'The Unit Transport is where your infantry and vehicles are stored prior to being deployed in battle. Every unit has a capacity, which tells you how much space it will occupy in the Unit Transport. Upgrading the Unit Transport increases max capacity and health.'
bld_desc_empireTacticalCommand 'The Hero Command is where you recruit Heroes from across the galaxy to aid you in your war effort. Heroes must be recruited after each time they are used. The Heroes you recruit are not available during Missions. You may only deploy one Hero per battle.'
bld_desc_empireTrapDropship 'When enemy troops come in proximity to this trap, an Imperial Dropship Transport is called to deploy Heavy Troopers, providing mobile defensive reinforcements at that location.'
bld_desc_empireTrapDropshipCreature 'This beacon helps Saponza identify where to deploy the exotic animal he currently has captured in the hold of the Strix.'
bld_desc_empireTrapMiniTurret 'When this proximity trap is triggered by enemy troops, a stationary attack droid is spawned in its place.'
bld_desc_empireTrapStrikeAOE 'This trap triggers when enemy troops get too close. A TIE Bomber is called to strike at the trap location, destroying most vehicles of equal level.'
bld_desc_empireTrapStrikeGeneric 'This trap triggers when enemy troops get too close. A TIE fighter is called to strike at the trap location, devastating infantry of equal level.'
bld_desc_empireTrapStrikeHeavy 'This trap triggers when enemy troops get too close. A TIE Striker is called to bombard the trap location, dealing heavy damage in a large radius to both vehicles and infantry.'
bld_desc_empireWall 'Walls are a basic and effective form of defense, best suited to protecting valuable targets such as resource storage, HQ, and turrets. Upgrading walls increases their health.'
bld_desc_empire_ab_BurstTurret 'Burst Turrets are manned by groups of infantry using mounted guns. Their armor-piercing capabilities are effective against bruisers (heavily armored units).'
bld_desc_empire_ab_Mortar 'Mortars lob explosive bundles in an arc at incoming enemies, dealing moderate damage to a medium area. They are most effective against clustered ground troops.'
bld_desc_empire_ab_RapidFireTurret 'Rapid Fire Turrets excel at taking out Support units, and have no specific weaknesses against any other units.'
bld_desc_empire_ab_RocketTurret 'Rocket Turrets fire volleys of high velocity rockets designed to destroy hardened targets such as vehicles. The rockets are not high explosive, and thus are ineffective against masses of infantry.'
bld_desc_empire_ab_SuperLaserTurret 'After the destruction of the Death Star, the Rebels acquired parts of the Superlaser weapons the battlestation boasted. They reverse engineered them to create these deadly base defense turrets. Excels at destroying any stationary target, but has a very long recharge.'
bld_desc_moistureVaporatorLarge '.'
bld_desc_moistureVaporatorSmall '.'
bld_desc_rebelAlpha 'Show your devotion to the Rebel Alliance with these Rebel Banners. This building is cosmetic only.'
bld_desc_rebelArmory 'Arms, ammunition, and equipment are stored and equipped to your infantry, vehicles, heroes, starfighters and other structures in this building. Upgrading the armory allows you to use more powerful equipment.'
bld_desc_rebelBarracks 'The Barracks is where you train infantry to use in battle. After each battle you will need to retrain troops to replace troops expended in battle. Upgrading the barracks unlocks new types of infantry with more specialized roles.'
bld_desc_rebelBurstTurret 'Burst Turrets are manned by groups of infantry using mounted guns. Their armor-piercing capabilities are effective against bruisers (heavily armored units).'
bld_desc_rebelContrabandCantina 'Trade-in Contraband at this seedy Cantina in exchange for the services of some very dangerous and powerful mercenaries.'
bld_desc_rebelContrabandGenerator 'The Trade Port is where smugglers working for the Hutt Cartel deliver Contraband under your protection.'
bld_desc_rebelContrabandStorage 'The Safehouse is a smuggler designed, well fortified vault for keeping Contraband secret and safe.'
bld_desc_rebelCreditGenerator 'Credit Markets are automated facilities that trade credits on the galactic market, generating income for your war effort. Upgrading them increases the amount they can generate before filling up.'
bld_desc_rebelCreditStorage "Credit Vaults are fortified buildings that store your accumulated credits while you're waiting to spend them. They are an enticing target for enemies, so make sure to guard them well. Upgrading Credit Vaults increases their storage capacity."
bld_desc_rebelDroidHut 'Droid Huts store and maintain the droids that manage your base and remove junk. You can purchase additional droids for Crystals.'
bld_desc_rebelFactory 'Factories produce vehicles for your war effort. Vehicles are tougher and more powerful than infantry, but correspondingly more expensive and require greater space in the Unit Transport. Upgrading a Factory unlocks new types of vehicles with new roles.'
bld_desc_rebelFleetCommand 'Starship Commands allow you to direct local space-based support from fighters and bombers to your own Strix freighter. Upgrading the Starship Command unlocks new starship strikes for use in offensive and defensive battles.'
bld_desc_rebelGlop 'Glop Turrets fire a stream of rapid-hardening impact foam, known as "glop", which temporarily roots attackers in place. They are highly effective when paired with other forms of defense. Upgrading turrets increases their defense and health.'
bld_desc_rebelHQ 'The Headquarters is the nexus of your base and the level of your HQ directly effects the maximum level of every other building you can build. Upgrading the HQ increases its health and unlocks new levels of other base buildings.'
bld_desc_rebelMaterialsGenerator 'Alloy Refineries generate alloy used in building and upgrading your base from locally procured resources. Upgrading them increases the amount they can generate before they become full and increases their health.'
bld_desc_rebelMaterialsStorage 'Alloy Depots store your accumulated alloy for use in upgrading and building your base. They are a big target for attackers, so be sure to guard them well. Upgrading Alloy Depots increases the amount of alloy they can hold and increases their health.'
bld_desc_rebelMortar 'Mortars lob explosive bundles in an arc at incoming enemies, dealing moderate damage to a medium area. They are most effective against clustered ground troops.'
bld_desc_rebelNavigationCenter "Every high-ranking Commander's connection to the larger galaxy, the Planetary Command collects and surfaces galactic intel. Scout new planets and get authorization for relocation by earning stars in rival battles."
bld_desc_rebelOffenseLab 'Research Labs are where you use resources to increase the effective health and damage of your infantry, vehicles, heroes, and starship strikes. Upgrading a Research Lab increases its health and unlocks new tiers of upgrades.'
bld_desc_rebelPlatformDroideka "This platform houses and repairs the Droideka Sentinel when it's not protecting your base or on an attack mission."
bld_desc_rebelPlatformHeavyDroideka "This platform houses and repairs the Droideka Oppressor when it's not protecting your base or on an attack mission."
bld_desc_rebelRapidFireTurret 'Rapid Fire Turrets excel at taking out Support units, and have no specific weaknesses against any other units.'
bld_desc_rebelRocketTurret 'Rocket Turrets fire volleys of high velocity rockets designed to destroy hardened targets such as vehicles. The rockets are not high explosive, and thus are ineffective against masses of infantry.'
bld_desc_rebelScoutTower "Uses specialized sensors and Pathfinder patrol dispatch to scan the base's perimeter for enemy activity. Once detected, you may engage waves of incoming enemies, actively defending with heroes and starfighters."
bld_desc_rebelShieldGenerator "Shield Generators form a deflective radius around themselves, protecting anything inside from damage until the generator is destroyed or the shield is collapsed. Upgrading a Shield Generator increases the shield's health and radius."
bld_desc_rebelSonicTurret 'These turrets discharge a massively concussive wave of sound, blasting through all enemy units in its path. Each unit hit receives a percentage of its max health in damage, making it most effective against bruisers.'
bld_desc_rebelSquadBuilding 'Squads are groups you join with your friends for mutual support and communication. The Squad Center allows you to join and form squads.'
bld_desc_rebelStarport 'Unit Transports are where your infantry and vehicles are stored prior to being deployed in battle. Every unit has a size, which tells you how much space it will occupy in the Unit Transport. Upgrading the Unit Transport increases max capacity and health.'
bld_desc_rebelSuperLaserTurret 'After the destruction of the Death Star, the Rebels acquired parts of the Superlaser weapons the battlestation boasted. They reverse engineered them to create these deadly base defense turrets. Excels at destroying any stationary target, but has a very long recharge.'
bld_desc_rebelTacticalCommand 'The Hero Command is where you recruit Heroes from across the galaxy to aid you in your war effort. Heroes must be recruited after each time they are used. The Heroes you recruit are not available during Missions. You may only deploy one Hero per battle.'
bld_desc_rebelTrapDropship 'When enemy troops come in proximity to this trap, a Low Altitude Assault Transport is called to deploy soldiers, providing Heavy Soldier reinforcements at that location.'
bld_desc_rebelTrapDropshipCreature 'This beacon helps Saponza identify where to deploy the exotic animal he currently has captured in the hold of the Strix.'
bld_desc_rebelTrapMiniTurret 'When this proximity trap is triggered by enemy troops, a stationary attack droid is spawned in its place.'
bld_desc_rebelTrapStrikeAOE 'This trap triggers when enemy troops get too close. A Y-wing Bomber is called to strike at the trap location, destroying most vehicles of equal level.'
bld_desc_rebelTrapStrikeGeneric 'This trap triggers when enemy troops get too close. An X-wing fighter is called to strike at the trap location, devastating infantry of equal level.'
bld_desc_rebelTrapStrikeHeavy 'This trap triggers when enemy troops get too close. A Fang Fighter is called to bombard the trap location, dealing heavy damage in a large radius to both vehicles and infantry.'
bld_desc_rebelWall 'Walls are a basic and effective form of defense, best suited to protecting valuable targets such as resource storage, HQ, and turrets. Upgrading walls increases their health.'
bld_desc_rebel_ab_BurstTurret 'Burst Turrets are manned by groups of infantry using mounted guns. Their armor-piercing capabilities are effective against bruisers (heavily armored units).'
bld_desc_rebel_ab_Mortar 'Mortars lob explosive bundles in an arc at incoming enemies, dealing moderate damage to a medium area. They are most effective against clustered ground troops.'
bld_desc_rebel_ab_RapidFireTurret 'Rapid Fire Turrets excel at taking out Support units, and have no specific weaknesses against any other units.'
bld_desc_rebel_ab_RocketTurret 'Rocket Turrets fire volleys of high velocity rockets designed to destroy hardened targets such as vehicles. The rockets are not high explosive, and thus are ineffective against masses of infantry.'
bld_desc_rebel_ab_SuperLaserTurret 'Rocket Turrets fire low explosive, high velocity rockets designed to destroy hardened targets, such as vehicles. The area of effect is quite small, so they are vulnerable to groups of infantry.'
bld_desc_sarlaccBeak '.'
bld_desc_sarlaccTentaclePbaoe '.'
bld_desc_sarlaccTentacleRock '.'
bld_desc_smugglerBarracks '.'
bld_desc_smugglerCreditGenerator '.'
bld_desc_smugglerCreditStorage '.'
bld_desc_smugglerDrillLarge '.'
bld_desc_smugglerDroidHut '.'
bld_desc_smugglerFUETurret '.'
bld_desc_smugglerHQ '.'
bld_desc_smugglerMaterialsGenerator '.'
bld_desc_smugglerMaterialsStorage '.'
bld_desc_smugglerRapidFireTurret '.'
bld_desc_smugglerRocketTurret '.'
bld_desc_smugglerStarport '.'
bld_desc_smugglerWall '.'
bld_desc_tuskenAutoTurret1 '.'
bld_desc_tuskenHouseLarge '.'
bld_desc_tuskenHouseSmall '.'
bld_desc_tuskenWall1 '.'
bld_desc_tuskenWall2 '.'
bld_desc_tuskenWall3 '.'
bld_desc_tuskenWall4 '.'
bld_desc_tuskenWall5 '.'
bld_desc_tuskenWall6 '.'
bld_desc_tuskenWall7 '.'
bld_desc_tuskenWall8 '.'
bld_group_title_cosmetic 'Cosmetic'
bld_title_crashedShipBow 'Crashed Ship Bow'
bld_title_crashedShipStern 'Crashed Ship Stern'
bld_title_empireAlpha 'Imperial Banner'
bld_title_empireArmory 'Armory'
bld_title_empireBarracks 'Barracks'
bld_title_empireBarracksLocked 'Barracks Upgrade Required'
bld_title_empireBurstTurret 'Burst Turret'
bld_title_empireContrabandCantina 'Cantina'
bld_title_empireContrabandGenerator 'Contraband Trade Port'
bld_title_empireContrabandStorage 'Contraband Safehouse'
bld_title_empireCreditGenerator 'Credit Market'
bld_title_empireCreditStorage 'Credit Vault'
bld_title_empireDroidHut 'Droid Hut'
bld_title_empireFactory 'Factory'
bld_title_empireFactoryLocked 'Factory Upgrade Required'
bld_title_empireFleetCommand 'Starship Command'
bld_title_empireFleetCommandLocked 'Starship Command Upgrade Required'
bld_title_empireGlop 'Glop Turret'
bld_title_empireHQ 'Headquarters'
bld_title_empireHQLocked 'Empire Headquarters'
bld_title_empireMaterialsGenerator 'Alloy Refinery'
bld_title_empireMaterialsStorage 'Alloy Depot'
bld_title_empireMortar 'Mortar Turret'
bld_title_empireNavigationCenter 'Planetary Command'
bld_title_empireOffenseLab 'Research Lab'
bld_title_empireOffenseLabLocked 'Research Lab'
bld_title_empirePlatformDroideka 'Droideka Sentinel Platform'
bld_title_empirePlatformHeavyDroideka 'Droideka Oppressor Platform'
bld_title_empireRapidFireTurret 'Rapid Fire Turret'
bld_title_empireRocketTurret 'Rocket Turret'
bld_title_empireScoutTower 'Scout Tower'
bld_title_empireShieldGenerator 'Shield Generator'
bld_title_empireSonicTurret 'Sonic Cannon Turret'
bld_title_empireSquadBuilding 'Squad Center'
bld_title_empireStarport 'Unit Transport'
bld_title_empireSuperLaserTurret 'Superlaser Turret'
bld_title_empireTacticalCommand 'Hero Command'
bld_title_empireTacticalCommandLocked 'Hero Command Upgrade Required'
bld_title_empireTrapDropship 'IDT Trap'
bld_title_empireTrapDropshipCreature 'Strix Beacon'
bld_title_empireTrapMiniTurret 'Mini-Turret Trap'
bld_title_empireTrapStrikeAOE 'TIE Bomber Trap'
bld_title_empireTrapStrikeGeneric 'TIE Fighter Trap'
bld_title_empireTrapStrikeHeavy 'TIE Striker Trap'
bld_title_empireTrapTIEBomber 'TIE Bomber Trap'
bld_title_empireTrapTIEFighter 'TIE Fighter Trap'
bld_title_empireWall 'Wall'
bld_title_empire_ab_BurstTurret 'Burst Turret'
bld_title_empire_ab_Mortar 'Mortar Turret'
bld_title_empire_ab_RapidFireTurret 'Rapid Fire Turret'
bld_title_empire_ab_RocketTurret 'Rocket Turret'
bld_title_empire_ab_SuperLaserTurret 'Superlaser Turret'
bld_title_junkLarge 'Large Junk'
bld_title_junkLarge-dan 'Large Junk'
bld_title_junkLarge-erk 'Large Junk'
bld_title_junkLarge-hth 'Large Debris'
bld_title_junkLarge-tat 'Large Junk'
bld_title_junkLarge-tfa 'Large Debris'
bld_title_junkLarge-yav 'Large Debris'
bld_title_junkMedium 'Medium Junk'
bld_title_junkMedium-dan 'Medium Junk'
bld_title_junkMedium-erk 'Medium Junk'
bld_title_junkMedium-hth 'Medium Debris'
bld_title_junkMedium-tat 'Medium Junk'
bld_title_junkMedium-tfa 'Medium Debris'
bld_title_junkMedium-yav 'Medium Debris'
bld_title_junkSmall 'Small Junk'
bld_title_junkSmall-dan 'Small Junk'
bld_title_junkSmall-erk 'Small Junk'
bld_title_junkSmall-hth 'Small Debris'
bld_title_junkSmall-tat 'Small Junk'
bld_title_junkSmall-tfa 'Small Debris'
bld_title_junkSmall-yav 'Small Debris'
bld_title_moistureVaporatorLarge 'Moisture Vaporator'
bld_title_moistureVaporatorSmall 'Moisture Vaporator'
bld_title_rebelAlpha 'Rebel Banner'
bld_title_rebelArmory 'Armory'
bld_title_rebelBarracks 'Barracks'
bld_title_rebelBarracksLocked 'Barracks Upgrade Required'
bld_title_rebelBurstTurret 'Burst Turret'
bld_title_rebelContrabandCantina 'Cantina'
bld_title_rebelContrabandGenerator 'Contraband Trade Port'
bld_title_rebelContrabandStorage 'Contraband Safehouse'
bld_title_rebelCreditGenerator 'Credit Market'
bld_title_rebelCreditStorage 'Credit Vault'
bld_title_rebelDishTurret 'Superlaser Turret'
bld_title_rebelDroidHut 'Droid Hut'
bld_title_rebelFactory 'Factory'
bld_title_rebelFactoryLocked 'Factory Upgrade Required'
bld_title_rebelFleetCommand 'Starship Command'
bld_title_rebelFleetCommandLocked 'Starship Command Upgrade Required'
bld_title_rebelGlop 'Glop Turret'
bld_title_rebelHQ 'Headquarters'
bld_title_rebelHQLocked 'Rebel Headquarters'
bld_title_rebelMaterialsGenerator 'Alloy Refinery'
bld_title_rebelMaterialsStorage 'Alloy Depot'
bld_title_rebelMortar 'Proton Mortar'
bld_title_rebelNavigationCenter 'Planetary Command'
bld_title_rebelOffenseLab 'Research Lab'
bld_title_rebelOffenseLabLocked 'Research Lab'
bld_title_rebelPlatformDroideka 'Droideka Sentinel Platform'
bld_title_rebelPlatformHeavyDroideka 'Droideka Oppressor Platform'
bld_title_rebelRapidFireTurret 'Rapid Fire Turret'
bld_title_rebelRocketTurret 'Rocket Turret'
bld_title_rebelScoutTower 'Scout Tower'
bld_title_rebelShieldGenerator 'Shield Generator'
bld_title_rebelSonicTurret 'Sonic Cannon Turret'
bld_title_rebelSquadBuilding 'Squad Center'
bld_title_rebelStarport 'Unit Transport'
bld_title_rebelSuperLaserTurret 'Superlaser Turret'
bld_title_rebelTacticalCommand 'Hero Command'
bld_title_rebelTacticalCommandLocked 'Hero Command Upgrade Required'
bld_title_rebelTrapDropship 'LAAT Trap'
bld_title_rebelTrapDropshipCreature 'Strix Beacon'
bld_title_rebelTrapMiniTurret 'Mini-Turret Trap'
bld_title_rebelTrapStrikeAOE 'Y-wing Trap'
bld_title_rebelTrapStrikeGeneric 'X-wing Trap'
bld_title_rebelTrapStrikeHeavy 'Fang Fighter Trap'
bld_title_rebelTrapXWing 'X-wing Trap'
bld_title_rebelTrapYWing 'Y-wing Trap'
bld_title_rebelWall 'Wall'
bld_title_rebel_ab_BurstTurret 'Burst Turret'
bld_title_rebel_ab_Mortar 'Mortar Turret'
bld_title_rebel_ab_RapidFireTurret 'Rapid Fire Turret'
bld_title_rebel_ab_RocketTurret 'Rocket Turret'
bld_title_rebel_ab_SuperLaserTurret 'Superlaser Turret'
bld_title_rockLarge 'Large Rock'
bld_title_rockLarge-dan 'Large Brush'
bld_title_rockLarge-erk 'Large Rock'
bld_title_rockLarge-hth 'Large Icy Rock'
bld_title_rockLarge-tat 'Large Rock'
bld_title_rockLarge-tfa 'Large Rock'
bld_title_rockLarge-yav 'Large Rubble'
bld_title_rockMedium 'Medium Rock'
bld_title_rockMedium-dan 'Medium Brush'
bld_title_rockMedium-erk 'Medium Rock'
bld_title_rockMedium-hth 'Medium Icy Rock'
bld_title_rockMedium-tat 'Medium Rock'
bld_title_rockMedium-tfa 'Medium Rock'
bld_title_rockMedium-yav 'Medium Rubble'
bld_title_rockSmall 'Small Rock'
bld_title_rockSmall-dan 'Small Brush'
bld_title_rockSmall-erk 'Small Rock'
bld_title_rockSmall-hth 'Small Icy Rock'
bld_title_rockSmall-tat 'Small Rock'
bld_title_rockSmall-tfa 'Small Rock'
bld_title_rockSmall-yav 'Small Rubble'
bld_title_sarlaccBeak '.'
bld_title_sarlaccTentaclePbaoe '.'
bld_title_sarlaccTentacleRock '.'
bld_title_smugglerBarracks 'Barracks'
bld_title_smugglerCreditGenerator 'Credit Market'
bld_title_smugglerCreditStorage 'Credit Vault'
bld_title_smugglerDrillLarge 'Resource Drill'
bld_title_smugglerDroidHut 'Droid Hut'
bld_title_smugglerFUETurret 'Autoturret'
bld_title_smugglerHQ 'Headquarters'
bld_title_smugglerHQLocked 'Smuggler Headquarters'
bld_title_smugglerMaterialsGenerator 'Alloy Refinery'
bld_title_smugglerMaterialsStorage 'Alloy Depot'
bld_title_smugglerRapidFireTurret 'Rapid Fire Turret'
bld_title_smugglerRocketTurret 'Smuggler Rocket Turret'
bld_title_smugglerStarport 'Unit Transport'
bld_title_smugglerWall 'Wall'
bld_title_tuskenAutoTurret1 'Tusken Blaster Turret'
bld_title_tuskenHQ 'Tusken Raider HQ'
bld_title_tuskenHouseLarge 'Tusken Dwelling'
bld_title_tuskenHouseSmall 'Tusken Tent'
bld_title_tuskenWall1 'Mud Wall'
bld_title_tuskenWall2 'Mud Brick Wall'
bld_title_tuskenWall3 'Sandstone Wall'
bld_title_tuskenWall4 'Reinforced Sandstone Wall'
bld_title_tuskenWall5 'Hardened Sandstone Wall'
bld_title_tuskenWall6 'Aggregate Wall'
bld_title_tuskenWall7 'Krayt Bone Wall'
bld_title_tuskenWall8 'Krayt Cement Wall'
bld_title_wompRatNestLarge 'Womp Rat Warren'
bld_title_wompRatNestLarge1 'Womp Rat Warren'
bld_title_wompRatNestSmall 'Womp Rat Nest '
bld_title_wompRatNestSmall1 'Womp Rat Nest'
bldg_desc_empireSuperLaserTurret 'Scaled down versions of the deadly weapon systems first employed on the Death Star. These turrets excel at destroying any stationary target, but have a very long recharge.'
blt_btn 'Layout Mode'
blt_cancel_body 'Cancel changes and revert to original layout?'
blt_cancel_title 'Cancel Changes'
blt_confirm_body 'Save this base layout?'
blt_confirm_title 'Confirm Changes'
blt_popup_body 'Tap a building and choose [F2D62F]Stash[-] to place it in the tray below. Tap any building in the tray to place it back in your base.'
blt_popup_title 'Layout Mode'
blt_quick_stash 'Quick Stash'
blt_stash_all_btn 'Stash All'
blt_stash_toggle_off_btn 'Quick Stash OFF'
blt_stash_toggle_on_btn 'Quick Stash ON'
blt_title 'Layout Mode'
blt_tray_instructions 'Tap any building to move or Stash it.'
blt_tray_quickmode_on 'Quick Stash: Tap any building to instantly Stash it.'
blt_unfinished_base_body 'All buildings must be placed in the base to save the layout.'
blt_unfinished_base_title 'Layout Incomplete'
bonusPack01_25_title_Android '25% Bonus!'
bonusPack01_25_title_iOS '25% Bonus!'
bonusPack02_15_title_Amazon '15% Bonus!'
bonusPack02_15_title_Android '15% Bonus!'
bonusPack02_15_title_iOS '15% Bonus!'
bonusPack02_25_title_Android '25% Bonus!'
bonusPack02_25_title_iOS '25% Bonus!'
bonusPack03_30_title_Android '30% Bonus!'
bonusPack03_30_title_iOS '30% Bonus!'
bonusPack04_35_title_Android '35% Bonus!'
bonusPack04_35_title_iOS '35% Bonus!'
bonusPack05_40_title_Android '40% Bonus!'
bonusPack05_40_title_iOS '40% Bonus!'
bonusPack_20_title_Amazon '20% Bonus!'
bonusPack_20_title_Android '20% Bonus!'
bonusPack_20_title_iOS '20% Bonus!'
bonusPack_25_title_Amazon '25% Bonus!'
bonusPack_25_title_Android '25% Bonus!'
bonusPack_25_title_iOS '25% Bonus!'
bonusPack_30_title_Amazon '30% Bonus!'
bonusPack_30_title_Android '30% Bonus!'
bonusPack_30_title_iOS '30% Bonus!'
bonusPack_35_title_Amazon '35% Bonus!'
bonusPack_35_title_Android '35% Bonus!'
bonusPack_35_title_iOS '35% Bonus!'
btn_Cancel 'Cancel Changes'
btn_EditBase 'Edit Base'
btn_Save 'Save and Exit'
campaign_points_expire 'Event points expire when the store closes'
campaign_points_expire_notice_message 'Event Store closes in:\n[11b9f2]{0}[-]\n\nEvent Points expire when store closes.'
campaign_points_expire_notice_title 'Event Points Expire'
capture_desc_FinishNow_creature 'Capture completes in:\n{0}\nDo you want to instantly capture {1} for {2} Crystals?'
celebrationCrystalBonus_title 'May the Fourth be with you!'
ch11_tbft_e_koshspawn 'Captain Kosh has taken to the field in an Elite AT-AT!'
ch11_tbft_e_minibossspawn 'The garrison commander has entered the battle!'
ch11_tbft_r_jennicaspawn 'Jennica Pierce has taken to the field in an upgraded AT-TE!'
ch11_tbft_r_minibossspawn 'The base leader has entered the battle!'
cmp_desc_chapter_11_tbft_e 'The time has come to deal a decisive blow and defeat the Rebels on Tatooine once and for all.'
cmp_desc_chapter_11_tbft_r 'The time has come to deal a decisive blow and defeat the Empire on Tatooine once and for all.'
cmp_desc_cmp_0_hb_e "You've made your decision and joined up with the Galactic Empire. Now, as your garrison comes online, your first tests loom..."
cmp_desc_cmp_0_hb_r "You've made your decision and sided with the Rebel Alliance. Now as your outpost comes online your first tests loom..."
cmp_desc_cmp_10_bgh_e "The Empire wants Senator Kessen to help locate the Rebel's new secret base, but his help carries a unique price..."
cmp_desc_cmp_10_bgh_r "The Rebel Alliance needs Senator Kessen's help, but his help comes at a unique price..."
cmp_desc_cmp_11_tbft_e 'The time has come to deal a decisive blow and defeat the Rebels on Tatooine once and for all.'
cmp_desc_cmp_11_tbft_r 'The time has come to deal a decisive blow and defeat the Empire on Tatooine once and for all.'
cmp_desc_cmp_1_utts_e 'Tatooine is a lawless world, filled with the worst scum and villainy in the galaxy. And now, some of them would like to introduce themselves...'
cmp_desc_cmp_1_utts_r 'Tatooine is a lawless world, filled with the worst scum and villainy in the galaxy. And now, some of them would like to introduce themselves...'
cmp_desc_cmp_1_wri_e "You've made your choice and sided with the Galactic Empire. Now as your garrison comes online your first test looms..."
cmp_desc_cmp_1_wri_r "You've made your decision and sided with the Rebel Alliance. Now as your outpost comes online your first test looms..."
cmp_desc_cmp_2_tsw_e 'To the native Sand People, all water is sacred. With stories of their attacks on moisture farmers on the rise, it was only a matter of time until you were drawn into the conflict.'
cmp_desc_cmp_2_tsw_r 'To the native Sand People, all water is sacred. With stories of their attacks on moisture farmers on the rise, it was only a matter of time until you were drawn into the conflict.'
cmp_desc_cmp_3_tjb_e 'Sand People attacks have increased in scope and ferocity in recent weeks. The time has come to discover why...'
cmp_desc_cmp_3_tjb_r 'Sand People attacks have increased in scope and ferocity in recent weeks. The time has come to discover why...'
cmp_desc_cmp_3_tjg_e 'Attacks by Sand People, also called Tusken Raiders, are increasing across Tatooine. As if someone or something were guiding them and directing their actions...'
cmp_desc_cmp_3_tjg_r 'Attacks by Sand People, also called Tusken Raiders, are increasing across Tatooine. As if someone or something were guiding them and directing their actions...'
cmp_desc_cmp_4_sd_e 'Impressed by your recent successes, Captain Kosh has come to Tatooine in secret to discuss a delicate matter with you...'
cmp_desc_cmp_4_sd_r "Impressed by your recent successes, N'tain Xalis has come to Tatooine in person to discuss an important matter with you..."
cmp_desc_cmp_4_sotm_e 'The Tusken Raider threat may be ended, but there are other more dangerous players on Tatooine...'
cmp_desc_cmp_4_sotm_r 'The Tusken Raider threat may be ended, but there are other more dangerous players on Tatooine...'
cmp_desc_cmp_5_aoc_r 'To operate in the harsh desert climate of Tatooine the Rebels will need some help keeping their equipment working...'
cmp_desc_cmp_5_tih_e 'Though currently an unimpressive backwater; Tatooine will soon feel the Iron Fist of the Empire...'
cmp_desc_cmp_5_wos_r 'A crashed Imperial freighter holds information and technology that could be key for the Rebel Alliance. It falls to you to recover it before the Empire or Hutts catch on...'
cmp_desc_cmp_6_aoc_r "If the Rebel presence on Tatooine is to be successful you're going to need some help from sympathetic locals..."
cmp_desc_cmp_6_bh_e 'With the local Mercenaries under heel, Kosh has a special assignment of a deeply personal matter for you to attend to on Tatooine...'
cmp_desc_cmp_7_bs_e 'Kosh sends you an urgent message to bring your forces to a Tusken camp in the desert...'
cmp_desc_cmp_7_rsf_r "The time has come to hit the Imperial garrison on Tatooine with a decisive and swift strike so severe they won't know what happened."
cmp_desc_cmp_7_tat_e "With Kosh's secret shipment missing, someone needs to take the blame. If you can't get it back, that someone is you."
cmp_desc_cmp_7_wos_r 'Jennica sends you an urgent message to bring your forces and meet her in the desert...'
cmp_desc_cmp_8_dotd_e 'With the situation with Liana resolved for now your attention is drawn back to Tatooine and a more local concern...'
cmp_desc_cmp_8_dotd_r 'With the Imperial presence on Tatooine destroyed the time has come to turn attentions to more local concerns...'
cmp_desc_cmp_8_rsf_r "It's time to strike at the Empire on Tatooine in a major way."
cmp_desc_cmp_8_tat_e "With Kosh's secret shipment missing, someone needs to take the blame. If you can't get it back, that someone is you."
cmp_desc_cmp_9_sas_e "The key to uncovering the Rebel's secret main base may lie with finding a missing senator and underworld figure. Luckily, General Veers has a plan..."
cmp_desc_cmp_9_sas_r 'Han Solo has a daring plan to free an influential senator and underworld figure from the clutches of an Imperial detention facility. But he needs your help...'
cmp_desc_cmp_fue 'Establish your base on Tatooine and then choose a faction!'
cmp_desc_dg_1_e 'The Rebels have coordinated a surprisingly large sneak attack. Defend your garrison using Heroes and Starship Strikes to intercept the attackers!'
cmp_desc_dg_1_r 'The Imperials have located your base, and a massive strike force is inbound. Use your Heroes and Starship Strikes to meet the attackers head-on!'
cmp_desc_dg_2_e 'The Rebels have coordinated another sneak attack. Defend your garrison using Heroes and Starship Strikes to intercept the attackers!'
cmp_desc_dg_2_r 'The Imperials are back, and a massive strike force is inbound. Use your Heroes and Starship Strikes to meet the attackers head-on!'
cmp_desc_evt_1_cw_e 'As the galactic civil war heats up, the Empire and Rebels turn their eyes towards the world of Dandoran and its rich trove of mineral wealth waiting to be tapped...'
cmp_desc_evt_1_cw_r 'As the galactic civil war heats up, the Empire and Rebels turn their eyes towards the world of Dandoran and its rich trove of mineral wealth waiting to be tapped...'
cmp_desc_evt_1a_cw_e 'As the galactic civil war heats up, the Empire and Rebels turn their eyes towards the world of Dandoran and its rich trove of mineral wealth waiting to be tapped...'
cmp_desc_evt_1a_cw_r 'As the galactic civil war heats up, the Empire and Rebels turn their eyes towards the world of Dandoran and its rich trove of mineral wealth waiting to be tapped...'
cmp_desc_evt_1b_cw_e 'As the galactic civil war heats up, the Empire and Rebels turn their eyes towards the world of Dandoran and its rich trove of mineral wealth waiting to be tapped...'
cmp_desc_evt_1b_cw_r 'As the galactic civil war heats up, the Empire and Rebels turn their eyes towards the world of Dandoran and its rich trove of mineral wealth waiting to be tapped...'
cmp_desc_evt_2_itm_e 'The battle on Dandoran escalates as the Rebel Alliance uncovers vast deposits of minerals suitable for refinement into starship fuel. Unwilling to forfeit such a strategic resource, the Empire begins making plans to stop the Rebels once and for all...'
cmp_desc_evt_2_itm_r 'The battle on Dandoran escalates as the Empire uncovers vast deposits of minerals suitable for refinement into starship fuel. In desperate need of such a valuable resource, the Rebels step up their efforts to push the Empire off Dandoran...'
cmp_desc_evt_3_ts_e 'A secret research facility on a southern continent of Dandoran has stopped responding to any communication after sending an initial distress call.'
cmp_desc_evt_3_ts_r 'A secret research facility on a southern continent of Dandoran has stopped responding to any communication after sending an initial distress call.'
cmp_desc_evt_4_eotf_e "Darth Vader heads to the outer rim world of Er'Kit after sensing something is amiss on the distant world..."
cmp_desc_evt_4_eotf_r "Luke Skywalker heads to the outer rim world of Er'Kit in search of answers to a mysterious sense that something there isn't right..."
cmp_desc_evt_5_tbd_e "Rumors tell of a lost mechanical army re-appearing on Er'Kit. Meanwhile, Empire bases on the world are going silent, one after another..."
cmp_desc_evt_5_tbd_r "Rumors tell of a lost mechanical army re-appearing on Er'Kit. Meanwhile, Rebel bases on the world are going silent, one after another..."
cmp_desc_evt_6_sa_e "The Blood Dawn is defeated but the true threat from Er'Kit is only now beginning to appear..."
cmp_desc_evt_6_sa_r "The Blood Dawn is defeated but the true threat from Er'Kit is only now beginning to appear..."
cmp_desc_evt_7_rw_e "A series of heists targeting Jabba the Hutt's Contraband point to a shadowy figure from Kada Jahr's past, and a threat to the Empire's future! Fight this shadowy threat and steal back the Contraband in the latest campaign!"
cmp_desc_evt_7_rw_r "A series of heists targeting Jabba the Hutt's Contraband point to a shadowy figure from Kada Jahr's past, and a threat to the Alliance's future! Fight this shadowy threat and steal back the Contraband in the latest campaign!"
cmp_desc_evt_8_rs_e 'Sources have revealed the Rebels may have left vital intelligence behind after evacuating Yavin 4. Your mission: Get to the moon and secure the data before the Rebel scum has a chance to destroy it.'
cmp_desc_evt_8_rs_r "Rebel intelligence suspects some data centers may not have been destroyed after the evacuation of Yavin 4. Get to the moon and prevent the Imperials from recovering the data before it's too late!"
cmp_desc_evt_9_epffa_e 'Your troops need more experience! Take them out in the field against a series of challenge missions, and rack up huge event point rewards for doing so. '
cmp_desc_evt_9_epffa_r 'Your troops need more experience! Take them out in the field against a series of challenge missions, and rack up huge event point rewards for doing so. '
cmp_desc_sce_1_gwar_e "That diabolical Aqualish crime lord is back, and this time, he's brought some heavy firepower..."
cmp_desc_sce_1_gwar_r "That diabolical Aqualish crime lord is back, and this time, he's brought some heavy firepower..."
cmp_desc_sce_2_star_e 'The Imperial Navy has completed a round of upgrades and repairs to its starfighter forces. The time has come to put them through their paces...'
cmp_desc_sce_2_star_r 'The Rebel Alliance has completed a round of upgrades and repairs to its starfighter forces. The time has come to put them through their paces...'
cmp_title_chapter_11_tbft_e 'The Battle for Tatooine'
cmp_title_cmp_0_hb_e 'Humble Beginnings'
cmp_title_cmp_0_hb_r 'Humble Beginnings'
cmp_title_cmp_10_bgh_e 'Big Game Hunting'
cmp_title_cmp_10_bgh_r 'Big Game Hunting'
cmp_title_cmp_11_tbft_e 'The Battle for Tatooine'
cmp_title_cmp_11_tbft_r 'The Battle for Tatooine'
cmp_title_cmp_1_utts_e 'Under the Twin Suns'
cmp_title_cmp_1_utts_r 'Under the Twin Suns'
cmp_title_cmp_1_wri_e 'Womp Rat Infestation'
cmp_title_cmp_1_wri_r 'Womp Rat Infestation'
cmp_title_cmp_2_tsw_e 'The Sacred Waters'
cmp_title_cmp_2_tsw_r 'The Sacred Waters'
cmp_title_cmp_3_tjb_e 'The Jundland General'
cmp_title_cmp_3_tjb_r 'The Jundland General'
cmp_title_cmp_3_tjg_e 'The Jundland General'
cmp_title_cmp_3_tjg_r 'The Jundland General'
cmp_title_cmp_4_sd_e 'Desert Diplomacy'
cmp_title_cmp_4_sd_r 'Desert Diplomacy'
cmp_title_cmp_4_sotm_e 'Servant of Two Masters'
cmp_title_cmp_4_sotm_r 'Servant of Two Masters'
cmp_title_cmp_5_aoc_r 'Alliance of Convenience'
cmp_title_cmp_5_tih_e 'The Iron Hand'
cmp_title_cmp_5_wos_r 'Wreckage of Secrets'
cmp_title_cmp_6_aoc_r 'Alliance of Convenience'
cmp_title_cmp_6_bh_e 'Buried History'
cmp_title_cmp_7_bs_e 'Buried Secrets'
cmp_title_cmp_7_tat_e 'Traitors and Thieves'
cmp_title_cmp_7_trsf_r 'The Rebels Shoot First'
cmp_title_cmp_7_wos_r 'Wreckage of Secrets'
cmp_title_cmp_8_dotd_e 'Dragons of the Dunes'
cmp_title_cmp_8_dotd_r 'Dragons of the Dunes'
cmp_title_cmp_8_rsf_r 'Rebels Shoot First'
cmp_title_cmp_8_tat_e 'Traitors and Thieves'
cmp_title_cmp_9_sas_e 'Smugglers and Schemes'
cmp_title_cmp_9_sas_r 'Scoundrels and Schemes'
cmp_title_cmp_fue 'Mercenary Decision'
cmp_title_dg_1_e 'Heroic Defense Challenge'
cmp_title_dg_1_r 'Heroic Defense Challenge'
cmp_title_dg_2_e 'Heroic Defense Challenge II'
cmp_title_dg_2_r 'Heroic Defense Challenge II'
cmp_title_evt_1_cw_e 'Campaign I: The Dandoran Conflict'
cmp_title_evt_1_cw_r 'Campaign I: The Dandoran Conflict'
cmp_title_evt_1a_cw_e 'Campaign I: The Dandoran Conflict'
cmp_title_evt_1a_cw_r 'Campaign I: The Dandoran Conflict'
cmp_title_evt_1b_cw_e 'Campaign I: The Dandoran Conflict'
cmp_title_evt_1b_cw_r 'Campaign I: The Dandoran Conflict'
cmp_title_evt_2_itm_e 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
cmp_title_evt_2_itm_r 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
cmp_title_evt_3_ts_e 'The Sickness'
cmp_title_evt_3_ts_r 'The Sickness'
cmp_title_evt_4_eotf_e 'Echoes of the Force'
cmp_title_evt_4_eotf_r 'Echoes of the Force'
cmp_title_evt_4_ts_e 'Echoes of the Force'
cmp_title_evt_4_ts_r 'Echoes of the Force'
cmp_title_evt_5_tbd_e 'The Blood Dawn'
cmp_title_evt_5_tbd_r 'The Blood Dawn'
cmp_title_evt_6_sa_e 'Secret Alliances'
cmp_title_evt_6_sa_r 'Secret Alliances'
cmp_title_evt_7_rw_e 'Roolan’s Wrath'
cmp_title_evt_7_rw_r 'Roolan’s Wrath'
cmp_title_evt_8_rs_e 'Rebel Secrets'
cmp_title_evt_8_rs_r 'Rebel Secrets'
cmp_title_evt_9_epffa_e 'Event Point Challenge!'
cmp_title_evt_9_epffa_r 'Event Point Challenge!'
cmp_title_sce_1_gwar_e 'Gamorrean Assault'
cmp_title_sce_1_gwar_r 'Gamorrean Assault'
cmp_title_sce_2_star_e 'Empire Airshow'
cmp_title_sce_2_star_r 'Rebel Airshow'
cnd_fail_RetainHQ 'Your Headquarters has been destroyed!'
cnd_goal_RetainHQ 'Goal: Protect your Headquarters'
comp_popup_body 'Thank you for your patience while we resolved game issues. A special crate has been delivered to your HQ Inventory to get you back in the action!'
comp_popup_cta 'Go to Inventory'
comp_popup_title 'Crate Delivered'
conflict_dandoran_e 'Operative, Rebel forces on Dandoran are disrupting Imperial operations. Crush them, for the Empire!'
conflict_dandoran_r 'Agent, our forces on Dandoran are meeting an increased Imperial presence. We need your help to ensure a Rebel victory!'
conflict_erkit_e "Operative, a conflict has begun on Er'Kit. The Empire requires your assistance in crushing The Rebellion there."
conflict_erkit_r "Agent, a conflict has begun on Er'Kit. The Empire is moving closer to a victory - The Rebellion needs your support!"
conflict_hoth_e 'Operative, the Hoth conflict is underway. We have met with increased Rebel resistance and your assistance is required to keep the offensive on schedule.'
conflict_hoth_r 'Agent, things on Hoth are heating up. The Empire is moving closer to a victory - The Rebellion needs your support!'
conflict_tatooine_e 'The fight on Tatooine is far from over. We need more Imperial fighters to turn the tide of the conflict.'
conflict_tatooine_r 'The fight on Tatooine is far from over. We need more Rebel fighters to turn the tide of the conflict!'
conflict_yavin_e 'The Yavin conflict is progressing as planned, but the casualty rate is outside acceptable parameters. Your direct involvement in bringing the Rebellion under heel is requested.'
conflict_yavin_r 'The conflict on Yavin 4 has increased in intensity, and the Empire has recently advanced the offensive. The Rebel Alliance needs you to join the fight!'
context_Armory 'Activate'
context_Build 'Build'
context_Buy_Droid 'Buy Droid'
context_Cancel 'Cancel'
context_Champion 'Swap'
context_Clear 'Clear'
context_Commission 'Commission'
context_Contraband 'Collect'
context_Creature_Trap_Capture 'Capture'
context_Creature_Trap_Recapture 'Recapture'
context_Credits 'Collect'
context_Finish_Now 'Finish Now'
context_Hire 'Hire'
context_Info 'Info'
context_Inventory 'Inventory'
context_Join 'Join'
context_Materials 'Collect'
context_Mobilize 'Mobilize'
context_Move 'Move'
context_Navigate 'Galaxy Map'
context_NextRaid 'Next Battle'
context_Prestige 'Prestige'
context_RaidBriefing 'Briefing'
context_RaidDefend 'Defend Now'
context_Repair 'Repair'
context_RequestTroops 'Request'
context_RequestTroopsPaid 'Request'
context_RotateWall 'Rotate Walls'
context_SelectRow 'Select Row'
context_Squad 'Squad'
context_Stash 'Stash'
context_Swap 'Swap'
context_Train 'Train'
context_Trap_Rearm 'Re-Arm'
context_Trap_RearmAll 'Re-Arm All'
context_Upgrade 'Upgrade'
context_UpgradePrestige 'Upgrade'
context_Upgrade_Defense 'Research'
context_Upgrade_Troops 'Research'
crate_desc_halfSkinOutageCompCrate 'Free Crate For Outage During Conflict Outbreak'
crate_desc_luckyBreakCompCrate 'Free Crate For Technical Issues During "Lucky Break" Event'
crate_tier_lc_bronzium 'Bronzium Crate'
crate_tier_lc_durasteel 'Durasteel Crate'
crate_title_5thAnniversary_daily 'Daily Anniversary Crate'
crate_title_May4_daily 'May The 4th Crate'
crate_title_dailyCrate 'Daily Crate'
crate_title_eliteEventCrate 'Elite Event Crate'
crate_title_eventCrate 'Event Crate'
crate_title_eventCrate_platinum 'Platinum Event Crate'
crate_title_eventDailyCrate 'Daily Event Crate'
crate_title_lc_1_war 'Salvage Crate'
crate_title_lc_2_war 'Victory Crate'
crate_title_lc_GR_equipment_20200313 'Guard Reserve Unlock Crate'
crate_title_lc_amazon_starwarsday 'Amazon Exclusive Deal!'
crate_title_lc_anh40Store 'Premium Death Star Crate'
crate_title_lc_anh40Store_SPDbogo 'Ultimate Death Star Crate'
crate_title_lc_arcBiome_Jetpack_SPD_v1 'Ultra Arctic Ops Crate'
crate_title_lc_arcBiome_Jetpack_SPD_v2 'Ultra Arctic Ops Crate'
crate_title_lc_arcOpsStore 'Premium Arctic Ops Crate'
crate_title_lc_basic 'Basic Crate'
crate_title_lc_bronzium 'Bronzium Crate'
crate_title_lc_bronziumEqpStore 'Bronzium Data Fragment Crate'
crate_title_lc_bronziumEqpStore_Bonus '2x Bonus! - Bronzium Data Fragment Crate'
crate_title_lc_bronzium_obj 'Bronzium Crate'
crate_title_lc_bronzium_raid 'Bronzium Crate'
crate_title_lc_building_equipment_20200313 'Building Equipment Unlock Crate'
crate_title_lc_carbonite 'Carbonite Crate'
crate_title_lc_carboniteEqpStore 'Carbonite Data Fragment Crate'
crate_title_lc_carbonite_obj 'Carbonite Crate'
crate_title_lc_carbonite_raid 'Carbonite Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_anh40_tier8_eqp 'Ultra Chrome Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_anh40_tier8_evtUnit 'Ultra Chrome Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_anh40_tier8_wk3eqp 'Ultra Chrome Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_anh40_tier8_wk4eqp 'Ultra Chrome Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_anh40rr_evtEqp_tier5 'Bronzium Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_anh40rr_evtEqp_tier6 'Bronzium Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_anh40rr_evtEqp_tier7 'Obsidian Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_anh40rr_evtEqp_tier8 'Ultra Chrome Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_anh40rr_evtUnit_tier5 'Bronzium Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_anh40rr_evtUnit_tier6 'Bronzium Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_anh40rr_evtUnit_tier7 'Obsidian Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_anh40rr_evtUnit_tier8 'Ultra Chrome Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_arcBiome_Jetpack_tier5 'Bronzium Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_arcBiome_Jetpack_tier6 'Bronzium Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_arcBiome_Jetpack_tier7 'Obsidian Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_arcBiome_Jetpack_tier8 'Ultra Chrome Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_arcOps_tier8_beastEqp 'Ultra Chrome Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_arcOps_tier8_evtUnit 'Ultra Chrome Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_arcOps_tier8_heroEqp 'Ultra Chrome Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_arcOps_tier8_vehEqp 'Ultra Chrome Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_brute_tier1 'Carbonite Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_brute_tier2 'Carbonite Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_brute_tier3 'Durasteel Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_brute_tier4 'Durasteel Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_brute_tier5 'Bronzium Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_brute_tier6 'Bronzium Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_brute_tier7 'Obsidian Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_brute_tier8 'Ultra Chrome Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_crystal_tier1 'Carbonite Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_crystal_tier2 'Carbonite Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_crystal_tier3 'Durasteel Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_crystal_tier4 'Durasteel Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_crystal_tier5 'Bronzium Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_crystal_tier6 'Bronzium Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_crystal_tier7 'Obsidian Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_crystal_tier8 'Ultra Chrome Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_dan_evtFragment_tier5 'Bronzium Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_dan_evtFragment_tier6 'Bronzium Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_dan_evtFragment_tier7 'Obsidian Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_dan_evtFragment_tier8 'Ultra Chrome Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_defRef_outbreak_tier5_heavyBarr 'Bronzium Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_defRef_outbreak_tier5_heavyFac 'Bronzium Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_defRef_outbreak_tier5_medBarr 'Bronzium Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_defRef_outbreak_tier6_heavyBarr 'Bronzium Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_defRef_outbreak_tier6_heavyFac 'Bronzium Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_defRef_outbreak_tier6_medBarr 'Bronzium Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_defRef_outbreak_tier7_heavyBarr 'Obsidian Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_defRef_outbreak_tier7_heavyFac 'Obsidian Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_defRef_outbreak_tier7_medBarr 'Obsidian Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_defRef_outbreak_tier8_heavyBarr 'Ultra Chrome Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_defRef_outbreak_tier8_heavyFac 'Ultra Chrome Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_defRef_outbreak_tier8_medBarr 'Ultra Chrome Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_defRef_tier5_lightBarr 'Bronzium Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_defRef_tier5_lightFac 'Bronzium Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_defRef_tier5_medBarr 'Bronzium Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_defRef_tier6_lightBarr 'Bronzium Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_defRef_tier6_lightFac 'Bronzium Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_defRef_tier6_medBarr 'Bronzium Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_defRef_tier7_lightBarr 'Obsidian Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_defRef_tier7_lightFac 'Obsidian Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_defRef_tier7_medBarr 'Obsidian Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_defRef_tier8_lightBarr 'Ultra Chrome Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_defRef_tier8_lightFac 'Ultra Chrome Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_defRef_tier8_medBarr 'Ultra Chrome Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_desBiome_Jetpack_tier5 'Bronzium Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_desBiome_Jetpack_tier6 'Bronzium Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_desBiome_Jetpack_tier7 'Obsidian Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_desBiome_Jetpack_tier8 'Ultra Chrome Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_desBiome_tier8 'Ultra Chrome Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_erk_evtFragment_tier5 'Bronzium Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_erk_evtFragment_tier6 'Bronzium Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_erk_evtFragment_tier7 'Obsidian Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_erk_evtFragment_tier8 'Ultra Chrome Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_forBiome_Jetpack_tier5 'Bronzium Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_forBiome_Jetpack_tier6 'Bronzium Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_forBiome_Jetpack_tier7 'Obsidian Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_forBiome_Jetpack_tier8 'Ultra Chrome Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_forBiome_tier8 'Ultra Chrome Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_hovertankSample_tier1 'Carbonite Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_hovertankSample_tier2 'Carbonite Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_hovertankSample_tier3 'Durasteel Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_hovertankSample_tier4 'Durasteel Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_hovertankSample_tier5 'Bronzium Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_hovertankSample_tier6 'Bronzium Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_hovertankSample_tier7 'Obsidian Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_hovertankSample_tier8 'Ultra Chrome Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_hth_evtFragment_tier5 'Bronzium Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_hth_evtFragment_tier6 'Bronzium Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_hth_evtFragment_tier7 'Obsidian Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_hth_evtFragment_tier8 'Ultra Chrome Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_losalamosMercSample_tier1 'Carbonite Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_losalamosMercSample_tier2 'Carbonite Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_losalamosMercSample_tier3 'Durasteel Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_losalamosMercSample_tier4 'Durasteel Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_losalamosMercSample_tier5 'Bronzium Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_losalamosMercSample_tier6 'Bronzium Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_losalamosMercSample_tier7 'Obsidian Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_losalamosMercSample_tier8 'Ultra Chrome Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_losalamosStarfighterSample_tier1 'Carbonite Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_losalamosStarfighterSample_tier2 'Carbonite Conflict Crate'
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crate_title_lc_conf_losalamosStarfighterSample_tier4 'Durasteel Conflict Crate'
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crate_title_lc_conf_losalamosStarfighterSample_tier6 'Bronzium Conflict Crate'
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crate_title_lc_conf_losalamosStarfighterSample_tier8 'Ultra Chrome Conflict Crate'
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crate_title_lc_conf_navalConf_sniperEqp_tier6 'Bronzium Conflict Crate'
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crate_title_lc_conf_navalEvt_sniperEqp_tier6 'Bronzium Conflict Crate'
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crate_title_lc_conf_rider_tier2 'Carbonite Conflict Crate'
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crate_title_lc_conf_stolenVehicle_tier2 'Carbonite Conflict Crate'
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crate_title_lc_conf_stolenVehicle_tier4 'Durasteel Conflict Crate'
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crate_title_lc_conf_stolenVehicle_tier8 'Ultra Chrome Conflict Crate'
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crate_title_lc_conf_tat_evtFragment_tier6 'Bronzium Conflict Crate'
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crate_title_lc_conf_tat_evtFragment_tier8 'Ultra Chrome Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_tfa_evtFragment_tier5 'Bronzium Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_tfa_evtFragment_tier6 'Bronzium Conflict Crate'
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crate_title_lc_conf_tfa_evtFragment_tier8 'Ultra Chrome Conflict Crate'
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crate_title_lc_conf_tier2 'Carbonite Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_tier3 'Durasteel Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_tier4 'Durasteel Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_tier5 'Bronzium Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_tier6 'Bronzium Conflict Crate'
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crate_title_lc_conf_tier8 'Ultra Chrome Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_undeadEvt_unit_tier5 'Bronzium Conflict Crate'
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crate_title_lc_conf_undeadEvt_unit_tier8 'Ultra Chrome Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_yav_evtFragment_tier5 'Bronzium Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conf_yav_evtFragment_tier6 'Bronzium Conflict Crate'
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crate_title_lc_conf_yav_evtFragment_tier8 'Ultra Chrome Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conflict_halfskin_a_tier8_20180809 'Ultra Chrome Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_conflict_halfskin_b_tier7_20180809 'Obsidian Conflict Crate'
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crate_title_lc_conflict_halfskin_d_tier5_20180809 'Bronzium Conflict Crate'
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crate_title_lc_conflict_trooptransportconflict_d_tier5_20180802 'Bronzium Conflict Crate'
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crate_title_lc_daily_arcOps 'Daily Arctic Ops Crate'
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crate_title_lc_daily_epSpacebear_wk3 'Daily Event Crate'
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crate_title_lc_daily_mraid 'Daily Crate'
crate_title_lc_daily_navalEvt 'Daily Naval Assault Crate'
crate_title_lc_daily_newHeroEvent 'Daily Weapons Research Crate'
crate_title_lc_daily_rogue1v3 'Daily Weapons Research Crate'
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crate_title_lc_daily_trooptransportconflict 'Event Daily Crate'
crate_title_lc_daily_undeadEvt 'Daily Undead Offensive Crate'
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crate_title_lc_death_raid2 'Durasteel Supply Crate'
crate_title_lc_death_raid3 'Bronzium Supply Crate'
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crate_title_lc_deathstar_spd_v2 'Ultra Death Star Crate'
crate_title_lc_deathstar_spdbonus_heroConf_v1 'Death Star Crate: Bonus Reward'
crate_title_lc_deathstar_spdbonus_heroConf_v2 'Death Star Crate: Bonus Reward'
crate_title_lc_deathstar_spdbonus_v1 'Death Star Crate: Bonus Reward'
crate_title_lc_deathstar_spdbonus_v2 'Death Star Crate: Bonus Reward'
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crate_title_lc_defRef_Nov_SPDv1 'Elite Guard Reserve Crate'
crate_title_lc_defRef_Nov_SPDv2 'Elite Guard Reserve Crate'
crate_title_lc_defRef_Nov_lastChanceV1 'Tactical Defenses Last Chance Sale!'
crate_title_lc_defRef_Nov_lastChanceV2 'Tactical Defenses Last Chance Sale!'
crate_title_lc_defRef_SPD1 'Extreme Tactical Defenses Crate'
crate_title_lc_defRef_SPD1_v2 'Extreme Tactical Defenses Crate'
crate_title_lc_defRef_SPD2 'Tactical Defenses Event Sale!'
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crate_title_lc_defRef_storecrate 'Premium Guard Reserve Crate'
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crate_title_lc_desBiome_Jetpack_SPD_v1 'Ultra Desert Ops Crate'
crate_title_lc_desBiome_Jetpack_SPD_v2 'Ultra Desert Ops Crate'
crate_title_lc_durasteel 'Durasteel Crate'
crate_title_lc_durasteelEqpStore 'Durasteel Data Fragment Crate'
crate_title_lc_durasteel_obj 'Durasteel Crate'
crate_title_lc_durasteel_raid 'Durasteel Crate'
crate_title_lc_epDaily_demo_eqp 'Daily Crate'
crate_title_lc_epGrind_demo_eqp 'Elite Event Crate'
crate_title_lc_epMilestone_arctic_eqp 'Event Crate'
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crate_title_lc_epMilestone_arctic_smpl_m 'Event Crate'
crate_title_lc_epMilestone_contraband 'Event Crate'
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crate_title_lc_epMilestone_demo_eqp_01 'Event Crate'
crate_title_lc_epMilestone_demo_eqp_02 'Event Crate'
crate_title_lc_epMilestone_demo_smpl_c 'Event Crate'
crate_title_lc_epMilestone_demo_unit 'Event Crate'
crate_title_lc_epMilestone_desert_eqp 'Event Crate'
crate_title_lc_epMilestone_desert_smpl_c 'Event Crate'
crate_title_lc_epMilestone_desert_smpl_m 'Event Crate'
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crate_title_lc_epMilestone_forest_smpl_c 'Event Crate'
crate_title_lc_epMilestone_forest_smpl_m 'Event Crate'
crate_title_lc_epMilestone_material 'Event Crate'
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crate_title_lc_epMilestone_material_t2 'Event Crate'
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crate_title_lc_epMilestone_spacebear_gmc_unit 'Event Crate'
crate_title_lc_epMilestone_spacebear_starship 'Event Crate'
crate_title_lc_epMilestone_spacebear_unit 'Event Crate'
crate_title_lc_epNaval_epMilestone_p1_02 'Event Crate'
crate_title_lc_epNaval_epMilestone_p1_04 'Event Crate'
crate_title_lc_epNaval_epMilestone_p2_02 'Event Crate'
crate_title_lc_epNaval_epMilestone_p2_04 'Event Crate'
crate_title_lc_epNaval_epMilestone_p3_04 'Event Crate'
crate_title_lc_epNaval_epTask 'Event Crate'
crate_title_lc_epNaval_grind_a 'Elite Event Crate'
crate_title_lc_epNaval_grind_b 'Elite Event Crate'
crate_title_lc_epNaval_p1_final 'Event Crate'
crate_title_lc_epNaval_p2_final 'Event Crate'
crate_title_lc_epSpacebearStore_SPD 'Premium Event Crate'
crate_title_lc_epSpacebearStore_wk1 'Premium Event Crate'
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crate_title_lc_epSpacebear_bonObj_gmc_unit 'Elite Event Crate'
crate_title_lc_epSpacebear_bonObj_starship 'Elite Event Crate'
crate_title_lc_epSpacebear_bonObj_unit 'Elite Event Crate'
crate_title_lc_epSpacebear_epObj_gmc_starship 'Event Crate'
crate_title_lc_epSpacebear_epObj_gmc_unit 'Event Crate'
crate_title_lc_epSpacebear_epObj_starship 'Event Crate'
crate_title_lc_epSpacebear_epObj_unit 'Event Crate'
crate_title_lc_epTask_demo_eqp 'Event Crate'
crate_title_lc_eqpTutorial_00 'Bronzium Data Fragment Crate'
crate_title_lc_facebookSPDOffer_2018_v1 'Facebook Exclusive Offer!'
crate_title_lc_facebookSPDOffer_2018_v2 'Facebook Exclusive Offer!'
crate_title_lc_forBiomeStore 'Premium Forest Ops Crate'
crate_title_lc_forBiome_Jetpack_SPD_v1 'Ultra Forest Ops Crate'
crate_title_lc_forBiome_Jetpack_SPD_v2 'Forest Ops Crate: 2x Rewards!'
crate_title_lc_google_subdollar 'Special Bundle Sale'
crate_title_lc_heroConflict_SPD1 'Platinum Death Star Crate'
crate_title_lc_heroConflict_SPD2 'Platinum Death Star Crate'
crate_title_lc_heroConflict_SPD3 'Platinum Death Star Crate'
crate_title_lc_hero_vehicle_eqp_20200313 'Heroes and Vehicles Equipment Unlock Crate'
crate_title_lc_heroes_Creatures_20200313 'Heroes and Creatures Unlock Crate'
crate_title_lc_jetpack_SPD_e_v1 'Premium Jump Trooper Crate'
crate_title_lc_jetpack_SPD_e_v2 'Premium Jump Trooper Crate'
crate_title_lc_jetpack_SPD_e_v3 'Premium Jump Trooper Crate'
crate_title_lc_jetpack_SPD_r_v1 'Premium Jetpack Trooper Crate'
crate_title_lc_jetpack_SPD_r_v2 'Premium Jetpack Trooper Crate'
crate_title_lc_jetpack_SPD_r_v3 'Premium Jetpack Trooper Crate'
crate_title_lc_maz_obj "Maz Kanata's Crate"
crate_title_lc_mercs_20200313 'Cantina Mercenary Unlock Crate'
crate_title_lc_monster_raid1 'Carbonite Crate'
crate_title_lc_monster_raid2 'Durasteel Crate'
crate_title_lc_monster_raid3 'Bronzium Crate'
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crate_title_lc_mraid_tier2 'Durasteel Crate'
crate_title_lc_mraid_tier3 'Bronzium Crate'
crate_title_lc_navalEvtStore 'Premium Naval Assault Crate'
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crate_title_lc_navalEvt_SPD_v2 'Ultra Naval Assault Crate'
crate_title_lc_navalEvt_SPD_v3 'Elite Naval Assault Crate'
crate_title_lc_newHeroEventStore 'Premium Weapons Research Crate'
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crate_title_lc_newHeroEvent_SPD_v2 'Ultra Weapons Research Crate'
crate_title_lc_obje_anh40_tier3 'Death Star Crate'
crate_title_lc_obje_arcOps_tier3 'Arctic Ops Crate'
crate_title_lc_obje_defRef_tier3 'Tactical Defenses Crate'
crate_title_lc_obje_desBiome_tier3 'Desert Ops Crate'
crate_title_lc_obje_forBiome_tier3 'Forest Ops Crate'
crate_title_lc_obje_kada_tier3 'Weapons Research Crate'
crate_title_lc_obje_maz_tier1 "Maz Kanata's Tier 1 Crate"
crate_title_lc_obje_maz_tier2 "Maz Kanata's Tier 2 Crate"
crate_title_lc_obje_maz_tier3 "Maz Kanata's Tier 3 Crate"
crate_title_lc_obje_navalEvt_tier3 'Naval Assault Crate'
crate_title_lc_obje_newHeroEvent_tier1 'Weapons Research Crate'
crate_title_lc_obje_newHeroEvent_tier2 'Weapons Research Crate'
crate_title_lc_obje_newHeroEvent_tier3 'Weapons Research Crate'
crate_title_lc_obje_rogue1v3_tier3 'Weapons Research Crate'
crate_title_lc_obje_tier1 'Carbonite Objectives Crate'
crate_title_lc_obje_tier2 'Durasteel Objectives Crate'
crate_title_lc_obje_tier3 'Bronzium Objectives Crate'
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crate_title_lc_outbreak_heroEqp_conf_tier8 'Ultra Chrome Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_outbreak_medicEqp_conf_tier5 'Bronzium Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_outbreak_medicEqp_conf_tier6 'Bronzium Conflict Crate'
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crate_title_lc_outbreak_medicEqp_conf_tier8 'Ultra Chrome Conflict Crate'
crate_title_lc_playerCredit 'Compensation Crate'
crate_title_lc_playerCredit_1000 'Gratuity Crate'
crate_title_lc_playerCredit_2000 'Gratuity Crate'
crate_title_lc_playerCredit_5000 'Gratuity Crate'
crate_title_lc_raid_anh40_tier3 'Death Star Crate'
crate_title_lc_raid_arcOps_tier3 'Arctic Ops Crate'
crate_title_lc_raid_defRef_tier3 'Tactical Defenses Crate'
crate_title_lc_raid_desBiome_tier3 'Desert Ops Crate'
crate_title_lc_raid_forBiome_tier3 'Forest Ops Crate'
crate_title_lc_raid_kada_tier3 'Weapons Research Crate'
crate_title_lc_raid_navalEvt_tier3 'Naval Assault Crate'
crate_title_lc_raid_rogue1v3_tier3 'Weapons Research Crate'
crate_title_lc_raid_tier1 'Carbonite Heroic Defense Crate'
crate_title_lc_raid_tier2 'Durasteel Heroic Defense Crate'
crate_title_lc_raid_tier3 'Bronzium Heroic Defense Crate'
crate_title_lc_raid_undeadEvt_tier3 'Undead Offensive Crate'
crate_title_lc_rogue1Store 'Premium Weapons Research Crate'
crate_title_lc_rogue1Store_Bonus '2x Bonus! - Premium Weapons Research Crate'
crate_title_lc_rogue1v3Store 'Premium Weapons Research Crate'
crate_title_lc_rogue1v3Store_2x 'Supreme Weapons Research Crate'
crate_title_lc_rogue1v3Store_3x 'Supreme Weapons Research Crate'
crate_title_lc_rogue1v3Store_lastchance 'Rogue One Event Last Chance Sale!'
crate_title_lc_rogue1v3_unitUnlock 'Bonus Starfighter Unlock Crate'
crate_title_lc_sniperEqpSPD_e 'Rodian Recon Sniper Unlock Guaranteed!'
crate_title_lc_sniperEqpSPD_r 'Sullustan Recon Sharpshooter Unlock Guaranteed!'
crate_title_lc_spaceBear_SPDa_v1 'Premium Holiday Event Crate'
crate_title_lc_spaceBear_SPDa_v2 'Premium Holiday Event Crate'
crate_title_lc_spaceBear_SPDa_v3 'Premium Holiday Event Crate'
crate_title_lc_spaceBear_SPDb_v1 'Holiday Event Last Chance Sale!'
crate_title_lc_spaceBear_SPDb_v2 'Holiday Event Last Chance Sale!'
crate_title_lc_spd_bronziumEqpStore_b1_c500 'Premium Crystal Bronzium Crate'
crate_title_lc_spd_carboniteEqpStore_c6 'Premium Triple Carbonite Crate'
crate_title_lc_spd_durasteelEqpStore_d4 'Premium Double Durasteel Crate'
crate_title_lc_sqwar_tier1 'Salvage Crate'
crate_title_lc_sqwar_tier3 'Victory Crate'
crate_title_lc_sqwar_tier3_max 'Victory Crate'
crate_title_lc_sqwar_unit 'Victory Crate'
crate_title_lc_sqwar_unitDraw 'Stalemate Crate'
crate_title_lc_sqwar_unitMAX 'Victory Crate'
crate_title_lc_sqwar_unit_eqp 'Victory Crate'
crate_title_lc_starship_starshipeqp_20200313 'Starships and Starship Equipment Unlock Crate'
crate_title_lc_troop_eqp_20200313 'Troop Equipment Unlock Crate'
crate_title_lc_troops_vehicles_20200313 'Troops and Vehicles Unlock Crate'
crate_title_lc_turret_equipment_20200313 'Turret Equipment Unlock Crate'
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crate_title_lc_undeadEvt_SPD_v2 'Undead Special Pack'
crate_title_lc_undeadEvt_SPD_v3 'Undead Special Pack'
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crate_title_lc_vertCrateHero_C 'Heroic Data Fragment Crate'
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crate_title_lc_vertCrateInf_B 'Infantry Data Fragment Crate'
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crate_title_lc_vertCrateVehicle_B 'Vehicle Data Fragment Crate'
crate_title_lc_vertCrateVehicle_C 'Vehicle Data Fragment Crate'
crate_title_luckyBreakCompCrate 'Lucky Break Event Crate'
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crate_title_premium_vehicle_crate 'Premium Vehicle Crate'
crate_title_redCup_SPD1_e 'Premium AT-DT Walker Crate'
crate_title_redCup_SPD1_r 'Premium Stolen AT-DT Walker Crate'
creature_screen_action_capture 'Capture'
creature_screen_action_swap 'Change'
creature_screen_damage 'Damage'
creature_screen_grid_title 'Select a champion creature:'
creature_screen_health 'Health'
creature_screen_image_info 'Select a champion creature to begin a search and capture.'
creature_screen_species 'Species'
creature_screen_speed 'Speed'
creature_screen_stat_decrease '[c][F50000]{0}[-][/c]'
creature_screen_stat_increase '[c][00E600]{0}[-][/c]'
creature_screen_status_capturing 'Capture in progress'
creature_screen_status_capturing_extended 'Capture of this champion is currently in progress.'
creature_screen_status_expended 'Expended'
creature_screen_status_ready 'Ready'
creature_screen_swap_alert 'Swapping Champions will restart timer with new creature. Continue?'
creature_screen_title 'Champion'
crystal_amount_bonus '{0} Extra Crystals!'
crystal_bonus_ends_in 'Offer ends in {0}'
crystal_incentive_1 'Get {0}'
crystal_incentive_2 'Crystals!'
crystal_percent_bonus '{0}% Bonus!'
crystal_sale 'Crystal Sale!'
crystal_sale_30_percent 'Crystal Sale! 30% Off!'
crystal_sale_35_percent 'Crystal Sale! 35% Off!'
crystal_sale_sticker_expiration_timer 'Bonus Ends in {0}'
crystals_tab_iap_disabled 'In-App Purchases are unavailable.'
crystals_tab_locked 'In-App Purchases are unavailable. Please check your device settings.'
customUI_P006Droid_Title2 'Turret Time to Self-Destruct:'
customUI_P006Droid_Title3 'Overload Burst Damage:'
customUI_TroopSummon 'Troop Summon Timer:'
dec2016CrystalBonus_title 'Limited-Time Crystal Bonus!'
desc_prize_awing_04_r 'Unlock a single use of the A-wing Strike! This starship strike deals high damage to shields.'
desc_prize_awing_05_r 'Unlock a single use of the A-wing Strike! This starship strike deals high damage to shields.'
desc_prize_awing_06_r 'Unlock a single use of the A-wing Strike! This starship strike deals high damage to shields.'
desc_prize_awing_unlock 'Unlock the A-wing Strike! This starship strike deals high damage to shields. By purchasing this unlock, you will be able to commission your own A-wing Strikes in your Starship Command. Available during Campaign II.'
desc_prize_crystal_100_e '100 Crystals!'
desc_prize_crystal_100_r '100 Crystals!'
desc_prize_crystal_25_e '25 Crystals!'
desc_prize_crystal_25_r '25 Crystals!'
desc_prize_crystal_50_e '50 Crystals!'
desc_prize_crystal_50_r '50 Crystals!'
desc_prize_crystal_5_e '5 Crystals!'
desc_prize_crystal_5_r '5 Crystals!'
desc_prize_evt_3_ts_e_12 'Special sample of a level 3 VT-49 Decimator starship strike. Achieve at least 1 star in the first mission to earn enough points for purchase. Limited to one.'
desc_prize_evt_3_ts_r_12 'Special sample of a level 3 HWK-290 starship strike. Achieve at least 1 star in the first mission to earn enough points for purchase. Limited to one.'
desc_prize_hero_luke_demo 'Special sample use of Luke Skywalker Hero. Achieve 3 stars in the first mission to enough points for purchase. Limited to three.'
desc_prize_hero_luke_dg 'Limited use of Luke Skywalker. Requires an open slot in a Hero Command. Limited to three purchases per Heroic Defense Challenge Event.'
desc_prize_hero_vader_demo 'Special sample use of Darth Vader Hero. Achieve 3 stars in the first mission to enough points for purchase. Limited to three.'
desc_prize_hero_vader_dg 'Limited use of Darth Vader. Requires an open slot in a Hero Command. Limited to three purchases per Heroic Defense Challenge Event.'
desc_prize_johhar_10_e 'Johhar Kessen is a Hero unit mobilized in the Hero Command. He excels at defeating enemies such as the Droideka Sentinel and troops. If there are no enemy troops present he will fight as a generalist.'
desc_prize_johhar_10_r 'Johhar Kessen is a Hero unit mobilized in the Hero Command. He excels at defeating enemies such as the Droideka Sentinel and troops. If there are no enemy troops present he will fight as a generalist.'
desc_prize_johhar_1_e 'Johhar Kessen is a Hero unit mobilized in the Hero Command. He excels at defeating enemies such as the Droideka Sentinel and troops. If there are no enemy troops present he will fight as a generalist.'
desc_prize_johhar_1_r 'Johhar Kessen is a Hero unit mobilized in the Hero Command. He excels at defeating enemies such as the Droideka Sentinel and troops. If there are no enemy troops present he will fight as a generalist.'
desc_prize_johhar_2_e 'Johhar Kessen is a Hero unit mobilized in the Hero Command. He excels at defeating enemies such as the Droideka Sentinel and troops. If there are no enemy troops present he will fight as a generalist.'
desc_prize_johhar_2_r 'Johhar Kessen is a Hero unit mobilized in the Hero Command. He excels at defeating enemies such as the Droideka Sentinel and troops. If there are no enemy troops present he will fight as a generalist.'
desc_prize_johhar_3_e 'Johhar Kessen is a Hero unit mobilized in the Hero Command. He excels at defeating enemies such as the Droideka Sentinel and troops. If there are no enemy troops present he will fight as a generalist.'
desc_prize_johhar_3_r 'Johhar Kessen is a Hero unit mobilized in the Hero Command. He excels at defeating enemies such as the Droideka Sentinel and troops. If there are no enemy troops present he will fight as a generalist.'
desc_prize_johhar_4_e 'Johhar Kessen is a Hero unit mobilized in the Hero Command. He excels at defeating enemies such as the Droideka Sentinel and troops. If there are no enemy troops present he will fight as a generalist.'
desc_prize_johhar_4_r 'Johhar Kessen is a Hero unit mobilized in the Hero Command. He excels at defeating enemies such as the Droideka Sentinel and troops. If there are no enemy troops present he will fight as a generalist.'
desc_prize_johhar_5_e 'Johhar Kessen is a Hero unit mobilized in the Hero Command. He excels at defeating enemies such as the Droideka Sentinel and troops. If there are no enemy troops present he will fight as a generalist.'
desc_prize_johhar_5_r 'Johhar Kessen is a Hero unit mobilized in the Hero Command. He excels at defeating enemies such as the Droideka Sentinel and troops. If there are no enemy troops present he will fight as a generalist.'
desc_prize_johhar_6_e 'Johhar Kessen is a Hero unit mobilized in the Hero Command. He excels at defeating enemies such as the Droideka Sentinel and troops. If there are no enemy troops present he will fight as a generalist.'
desc_prize_johhar_6_r 'Johhar Kessen is a Hero unit mobilized in the Hero Command. He excels at defeating enemies such as the Droideka Sentinel and troops. If there are no enemy troops present he will fight as a generalist.'
desc_prize_johhar_7_e 'Johhar Kessen is a Hero unit mobilized in the Hero Command. He excels at defeating enemies such as the Droideka Sentinel and troops. If there are no enemy troops present he will fight as a generalist.'
desc_prize_johhar_7_r 'Johhar Kessen is a Hero unit mobilized in the Hero Command. He excels at defeating enemies such as the Droideka Sentinel and troops. If there are no enemy troops present he will fight as a generalist.'
desc_prize_johhar_8_e 'Johhar Kessen is a Hero unit mobilized in the Hero Command. He excels at defeating enemies such as the Droideka Sentinel and troops. If there are no enemy troops present he will fight as a generalist.'
desc_prize_johhar_8_r 'Johhar Kessen is a Hero unit mobilized in the Hero Command. He excels at defeating enemies such as the Droideka Sentinel and troops. If there are no enemy troops present he will fight as a generalist.'
desc_prize_johhar_9_e 'Johhar Kessen is a Hero unit mobilized in the Hero Command. He excels at defeating enemies such as the Droideka Sentinel and troops. If there are no enemy troops present he will fight as a generalist.'
desc_prize_johhar_9_r 'Johhar Kessen is a Hero unit mobilized in the Hero Command. He excels at defeating enemies such as the Droideka Sentinel and troops. If there are no enemy troops present he will fight as a generalist.'
desc_prize_marksman_04_r 'Unlock a single use of the Rebel Marksman! This unit deals heavy damage from long range.'
desc_prize_marksman_05_r 'Unlock a single use of the Rebel Marksman! This unit deals heavy damage from long range.'
desc_prize_marksman_06_r 'Unlock a single use of the Rebel Marksman! This unit deals heavy damage from long range.'
desc_prize_sniper_04_e 'Unlock a single use of the Empire Sniper! This unit deals heavy damage from long range.'
desc_prize_sniper_05_e 'Unlock a single use of the Empire Sniper! This unit deals heavy damage from long range.'
desc_prize_sniper_06_e 'Unlock a single use of the Empire Sniper! This unit deals heavy damage from long range.'
desc_prize_tieadv_04_e 'Unlock a single use of the TIE Advanced Strike! This starship strike deals high damage to shields.'
desc_prize_tieadv_05_e 'Unlock a single use of the TIE Advanced Strike! This starship strike deals high damage to shields.'
desc_prize_tieadv_06_e 'Unlock a single use of the TIE Advanced Strike! This starship strike deals high damage to shields.'
desc_prize_tieadv_unlock 'Unlock the TIE Advanced Strike! This starship strike deals high damage to shields. By purchasing this unlock, you will be able to commission your own TIE Advanced Strikes in your Starship Command. Available during Campaign II.'
dia_anh40_00_e 'Commander, I have instructions to deliver a message. For your eyes only.'
dia_anh40_00_r 'Commander, this is Leia Organa of the Rebel Alliance. I have a mission for you of utmost importance.'
dia_anh40_01_e 'The destruction of the Death Star has emboldened the Rebels, and your services are needed now more than ever.'
dia_anh40_01_r 'The destruction of the Death Star gave us renewed hope for freedom in the galaxy, yet it still poses a grave threat.'
dia_anh40_02_e "Data fragments from the station's computer were flung through space by the explosion, including valuable unit schematics."
dia_anh40_02_r "Data fragments from the station's computer were flung through space by the explosion, including valuable unit schematics."
dia_anh40_03_e 'Your mission is to secure as many fragments as you can before they fall into Rebel hands. Seek out supply crates likely to contain them.'
dia_anh40_03_r 'You must retrieve as many fragments as you can before the Empire is able to recover them. Seek out supply crates likely to contain them.'
dia_anh40_04_e 'You are cleared to use any means necessary. Claim the crates by force, or trade for them. End of message. Good luck, Commander.'
dia_anh40_04_r 'Use any means at your disposal, Commander, whether through battle or trade. May the Force be with you.'
dia_anh40rr_00_e "It's been a while, Operative. I have some information, about a certain battle station, that you might find interesting."
dia_anh40rr_00_r "It's been a while, Agent. I have some information, about a certain battle station, that you might find interesting."
dia_anh40rr_01 "As you might know, the Death Star shot all kinds of debris into space when it exploded. That includes data fragments from the station's computer."
dia_anh40rr_02 'Certain enterprising individuals have been collecting those very data fragments and packaging them in high-grade crates.'
dia_anh40rr_03 "I've seen data fragments for powerful equipment..."
dia_anh40rr_04 '...as well as some useful droid schematics.'
dia_anh40rr_05_e "The black market is buzzing, Operative. Don't wait to hunt down these crates. I'm always happy to sell you some. You know me, I never refuse crystals."
dia_anh40rr_05_r "The black market is buzzing, Agent. Don't wait to hunt down these crates. I'm always happy to sell you some. You know me, I never refuse crystals."
dia_arcBiome_Jetpack_01_e "After so much time on Tatooine, I can't believe how cold Hoth gets! Our Jetpack Troopers need some new equipment so they don't freeze, flying through the winds."
dia_arcBiome_Jetpack_01_r "After so much time on Tatooine, I can't believe how cold Hoth gets! Our Jump Troopers need some new equipment so they don't freeze, flying through the winds."
dia_arcBiome_Jetpack_02_e "These modified jetpacks can fly faster and deal more damage, even on a frozen rock like Hoth. Ice and snow won't stop us, partner. We'll meet the Rebels head on!"
dia_arcBiome_Jetpack_02_r "These modified jetpacks can fly faster and deal more damage, even on a frozen rock like Hoth. If the Empire is determined to bring the fight that far, we'll meet 'em head on, partner!"
dia_arcBiome_Jetpack_03_e "Get the equipment Data Fragments from any high-end supply crate. I have a contact that will sell us crates for crystals. This chance won't last forever!"
dia_arcBiome_Jetpack_03_r "Get the equipment Data Fragments from any high-end supply crate. I have a contact that will sell us crates for crystals. This chance won't last forever!"
dia_arcOps_00_e "Hey partner, the temperatures on Hoth drop so low that our troops can barely function. Even with the sensors we've placed, it's hard to respond when the Rebels come after us."
dia_arcOps_00_r "Hey partner, the temperatures on Hoth drop so low that our troops can barely function. Even with the sensors we've placed, it's hard to respond when the Empire comes after us."
dia_arcOps_01 "I've got an answer to our problem: [c][F2D62F]arctic equipment[-][/c]! Snow gear will give our forces the edge they need to take on the enemy."
dia_arcOps_02 "Hunt down those Data Fragments in any high-end supply crate. My contacts will also sell us crates for crystals, but the deal won't last so jump on it!"
dia_arcOps_03_e 'What do you say, partner? With the proper equipment, our troops can really bring the pain to the Rebels!'
dia_arcOps_03_r 'What do you say, partner? I know tauntauns smell pretty bad, but it beats trudging through the snow without proper equipment'
dia_cha_11_tbft_e_10_intro1 'Operative, the plan drawn up by Intelligence section has us employing some mercenaries to assist in dealing with Rebel shields.'
dia_cha_11_tbft_e_10_intro2 "Let's finish this, partner."
dia_cha_11_tbft_e_10_outro1 'Excellent work, Operative. The Rebellion is broken on Tatooine.'
dia_cha_11_tbft_e_10_tip1 "Rebel Commanders, rally your defenders! We can't let the Empire win!"
dia_cha_11_tbft_e_11_intro1 'Greetings, Operative. I have reviewed the reports from your battles. While Kosh has repeatedly undervalued your contribution, I can read between the lines.'
dia_cha_11_tbft_e_11_intro2 'Your relentless drive to crush the traitorous Rebels on Tatooine speaks highly of you and your command potential.'
dia_cha_11_tbft_e_11_intro3 'You should be pleased to hear you are to be transferred to my command shortly. Your time on this sand-ridden backwater will soon be over.'
dia_cha_11_tbft_e_11_intro4 'With the destruction of the Death Star and the damage inflicted on its escort fleet, the need for competent Commanders is at an all-time high.'
dia_cha_11_tbft_e_11_intro5 'Make ready your forces. Soon, you will be called to serve the Empire in a more important theater.'
dia_cha_11_tbft_e_11_intro6 'While the Battle for Tatooine may be over, the [F2D62F]Galactic Civil War[-] rages on.'
dia_cha_11_tbft_e_1_intro1 'Operative, with Johhar Kessen\'s continued cooperation, many Rebel shipments to Tatooine have been "lost in transit." Bad for the Rebels, good for us.'
dia_cha_11_tbft_e_1_intro2 "The time is right to strike a decisive blow at the Rebels. But first, make sure your infantry training is ready for what's to come."
dia_cha_11_tbft_e_1_outro1 'We have not always seen eye to eye, Operative. But I believe we can both agree that crushing the Rebellion on Tatooine is of the utmost importance.'
dia_cha_11_tbft_e_1_outro2 "Intelligence section has put together a plan to accomplish this. One that I've personally approved. Let's get to work."
dia_cha_11_tbft_e_2_intro1 "Rebels use these transports for ferrying their supplies and troops across the sector. Kessen's people have seen to it that their drives are in need of repair."
dia_cha_11_tbft_e_2_intro2 'While they are grounded here, you will destroy them. Deny the Rebels their ability to obtain reinforcements while we systematically wipe them out.'
dia_cha_11_tbft_e_2_outro1 "Kosh's plan ain't bad, partner. Without shuttles to move their troops, the Rebels can't retreat. We can run them to ground."
dia_cha_11_tbft_e_2_outro2 'Exactly correct, operative Saponza. We will crush the Rebel presence on Tatooine in a series of decisive blows, and they will have nowhere to run.'
dia_cha_11_tbft_e_3_intro1 '[F2D62F]Contraband[-] smuggling is a major source of illicit money across the galaxy, partner. Tatooine is a major hub thanks to Jabba the Hutt.'
dia_cha_11_tbft_e_3_intro2 "I got the plans for a [F2D62F]Safehouse[-] to store the stuff in case we come across any. We should have one of those before we hit the Rebels. We're bound to have a use for it."
dia_cha_11_tbft_e_4_intro1 'Operative, it has come to my attention that the shuttles you destroyed were preparing to begin smuggling Contraband for the Rebels.'
dia_cha_11_tbft_e_4_intro2 "You will procure the Contraband at this Rebel facility. We can't let Rebels hoard such a valuable resource."
dia_cha_11_tbft_e_4_outro1 'Commendable work, Operative. I expect a swift retaliation for this, which will deplete enemy troops. Then we can begin the assault on Rebel locations.'
dia_cha_11_tbft_e_5_fail1 'Operative, if an assault seems too powerful, make sure to upgrade the garrison and ensure a good mix of traps, shields, and turrets of multiple types.'
dia_cha_11_tbft_e_5_intro1 "Sir, Rebel forces are mounting an assault. I've alerted the defensive stations. Orders?"
dia_cha_11_tbft_e_5_intro2 "Let 'em come. We'll give those traitors some swift justice at the gates before following the survivors back to their base."
dia_cha_11_tbft_e_5_outro1 'The Rebels are desperate. Now is the time to strike. Make ready your assault forces, Operative.'
dia_cha_11_tbft_e_6_intro1 "The coming battles will be some of the most difficult you have faced thus far. The Rebels may be low on forces, but they've had time to bolster their defenses."
dia_cha_11_tbft_e_6_intro2 'Prepare the [F2D62F]Hero Command[-] and I will assign Veteran AT-STs to accompany your assault forces.'
dia_cha_11_tbft_e_6_outro1 'Upgrades are complete, Operative. The time has come to defeat Colonel Pierce and her force of Rebel Commanders on Tatooine.'
dia_cha_11_tbft_e_7_intro1 'Before we launch a direct attack, we must first take out this facility.'
dia_cha_11_tbft_e_7_intro2 "Intelligence section has identified it as a possible source of reinforcements to the Tatooine forces. I won't allow that."
dia_cha_11_tbft_e_7_outro1 "Such wasted potential, Commander. I see you've chosen to side with tyrants and killers instead of helping to free the galaxy."
dia_cha_11_tbft_e_7_outro2 'We\'ve been expecting this attack, "Operative". Bring everything you\'ve got. You\'ll need it, because the Rebel Alliance won\'t go down without a fight.'
dia_cha_11_tbft_e_8_intro1 'Intelligence section has identified three primary Rebel fortresses. You will destroy them all in rapid succession and crush the traitors before they know what hit them.'
dia_cha_11_tbft_e_8_outro1 "One down, two more to go. Let's get to it, partner."
dia_cha_11_tbft_e_8_tip1 'Lieutenant! Get to your [F2D62F]AT-AP Veteran[-] and help repel the attack!'
dia_cha_11_tbft_e_9_intro1 "Here we go, partner. Whenever you're ready."
dia_cha_11_tbft_e_9_outro1 'Excellent. The Rebels are retreating to their main fortress, as planned. Crush them, Operative.'
dia_cha_11_tbft_e_9_tip1 'The base is under attack! Lieutenant, man your [F2D62F]Juggernaut[-] and repel the Empire!'
dia_cha_11_tbft_r_10_intro1 "This is it, partner. The end of the road. Everything we've worked towards since signing on with the Rebel Alliance. We crush this base, and Kosh is done."
dia_cha_11_tbft_r_10_intro2 "Indeed, Agent Saponza. It has been a long and difficult journey, but we're finally ready."
dia_cha_11_tbft_r_10_intro3 '(Jawa here too, hoomans. Jawa help with huge shiny bubbles. Give word, Jawa ready to fight!)'
dia_cha_11_tbft_r_10_outro1 "And so, it's done. Kosh is defeated and Fort Ironhand is in ruins. I can't believe it, we've finally done it."
dia_cha_11_tbft_r_10_outro2 "We've... won."
dia_cha_11_tbft_r_10_tip1 'Enough! I will not be defeated! The time has come for you to face defeat, Rebel scum! You shall be ground beneath the heels of my [F2D62F]Elite AT-AT[-]!'
dia_cha_11_tbft_r_11_intro1 "Agent, I can't thank you and Saponza enough for all you have done for the Rebel Alliance. Tatooine is free of the Empire's oppressive forces, because of you."
dia_cha_11_tbft_r_11_intro2 'Princess Leia is waiting to congratulate you and deliver a message from Rebel Command.'
dia_cha_11_tbft_r_11_intro3 "Hello, Agent. It's been a while. Colonel Pierce tells me of the amazing work you and your partner have been doing on Tatooine."
dia_cha_11_tbft_r_11_intro4 'First off, I would like to congratulate you on behalf of the entire Rebel Alliance. But secondly, I have new orders for you from Rebel Command.'
dia_cha_11_tbft_r_11_intro5 'Larger battles are brewing throughout the galaxy, Agent. When I contact you again, be prepared to take your command far beyond this desert planet.'
dia_cha_11_tbft_r_11_intro6 'While the Battle for Tatooine may be over, the [F2D62F]Galactic Civil War[-] rages on.'
dia_cha_11_tbft_r_1_intro1 'Agent, with Johhar Kessen\'s continued cooperation, many Imperial shipments to Tatooine have been "lost in transit." Bad for the Empire, good for us.'
dia_cha_11_tbft_r_1_intro2 "The time is right to strike a decisive blow against the Empire on Tatooine. But first, make sure your infantry training is ready for what's to come."
dia_cha_11_tbft_r_1_outro1 "Good work, Agent. Have I told you that I used to be a moisture farmer? It's true. Then, one day the Empire came searching for some droids."
dia_cha_11_tbft_r_1_outro2 'When it was over, my family and my farm were gone, and all I had to hold on to was a desperate need for justice to be served. Now could be our chance to deliver it to the Empire.'
dia_cha_11_tbft_r_2_intro1 'What we have here, Agent, is an attempt by Captain Kosh to secretly build a fleet of smuggling ships for his private black market operations.'
dia_cha_11_tbft_r_2_intro2 "No doubt many of these shuttles were reported lost over the past months. Let's drop by and make sure those Imperial records are... accurate."
dia_cha_11_tbft_r_2_outro1 "I see what we're doin' here, partner. If this Captain Kosh is as corrupt as I've heard, destroyin' his private smuggling operation will really get under his skin."
dia_cha_11_tbft_r_2_outro2 "You are absolutely correct, Agent Saponza. And there is one more target we'll strike in order to provoke the response we want."
dia_cha_11_tbft_r_3_intro1 '[F2D62F]Contraband[-] smuggling is a major source of illicit money across the galaxy, partner. Tatooine is a major hub thanks to Jabba the Hutt.'
dia_cha_11_tbft_r_3_intro2 "I got the plans for a [F2D62F]Safehouse[-] to store the stuff in case we come across any. We should have one of those before we hit Kosh. We're bound to have a use for it."
dia_cha_11_tbft_r_4_intro1 'Agent, it has come to my attention that the shuttles you destroyed were preparing to begin smuggling Contraband for Captain Kosh.'
dia_cha_11_tbft_r_4_intro2 "The Empire is turning a blind eye to Kosh's illicit operation, which makes it much more viable for us to grab his Contraband."
dia_cha_11_tbft_r_4_outro1 'Excellent job, Agent. I expect a knee-jerk retaliation from Kosh, which will weaken Imperial defenses even further on Tatooine.'
dia_cha_11_tbft_r_5_fail1 'Agent, if an assault seems too powerful, be sure to upgrade the base and ensure a good mix of traps, shields, and turrets of multiple types.'
dia_cha_11_tbft_r_5_intro1 'Rebel scum. You dare to attack MY interests? I will destroy you.'
dia_cha_11_tbft_r_5_outro1 "We did it, Agent! If my sources are correct, that was the last of Kosh's mobile forces. We can launch an attack on Fort Ironhand without fear of immediate reprisal."
dia_cha_11_tbft_r_5_outro2 "And by the time their subsector command can round up troops from a neighborin' planet, we'll have won. Smart move, Jennica."
dia_cha_11_tbft_r_6_intro1 "Agent, the coming battles will be some of the most difficult you've faced thus far. Kosh may be low on forces, but has had plenty of time to bolster his defenses."
dia_cha_11_tbft_r_6_intro2 'Ensure the [F2D62F]Hero Command[-] is ready so I can assign Sergeant Vans to your assault forces.'
dia_cha_11_tbft_r_6_outro1 'Good work with your base upgrades, Agent. Soon we begin our assault on Captain Kosh and those vile Imperial Commanders of his!'
dia_cha_11_tbft_r_7_intro1 "Agent, take a look at this secret facility. Its only purpose is to provide reinforcements to Fort Ironhand, so let's start by eliminating any chance of that happening."
dia_cha_11_tbft_r_7_intro2 "It cost several of my spies their lives to get me information on its existence. Don't let their sacrifices be in vain."
dia_cha_11_tbft_r_7_outro1 'How did you learn of this secret facility?! No matter... Fort Ironhand stands ready to repel you and your insignificant Rebel troops.'
dia_cha_11_tbft_r_8_intro1 'This is it, Agent. Fort Ironhand. Ever since we hit Fort Sunfire, Kosh has been hard at work fortifying this fortress.'
dia_cha_11_tbft_r_8_intro2 "Our attack will be in three stages, each against one of the garrisons. Let's start here with the western garrison."
dia_cha_11_tbft_r_8_outro1 "Good work, Agent! Let's press the attack."
dia_cha_11_tbft_r_8_tip1 "Rebel scum! The Empire's vehicles cannot be defeated! Lieutenant, deploy your [F2D62F]AT-MP Mark III[-] and teach these scum a lesson!"
dia_cha_11_tbft_r_9_intro1 'This is the eastern garrison? Looks tough, but we got it in hand, partner.'
dia_cha_11_tbft_r_9_outro1 'You may have bested my lieutenants, Rebel. But the full might of the Empire awaits you. You will meet your doom in the gunsights of my impenetrable fortress.'
dia_cha_11_tbft_r_9_outro2 "All bluster. Look at how scared he is. Let's do this, partner."
dia_cha_11_tbft_r_9_tip1 'This is where it ends. Now, Lieutenant!, Deploy your [F2D62F]Veteran AT-ST[-] and show these Rebel vermin no mercy.'
dia_death_raid_fail_01 'Murr... MURGHHHHHHH!'
dia_death_raid_fail_02 "Those Undead Troopers won't stop. We should look to upgrade our defenses and keep a stocked [c][F2D62F]Squad Center[-][/c] to hold off their next attack."
dia_death_raid_fail_02_eqp "Those Undead Troopers won't stop. Activate all our defensive [c][F2D62F]Equipment[-][/c] and keep a stocked [c][F2D62F]Squad Center[-][/c] to hold off their next attack."
dia_death_raid_intro_e01 'Commander, a Rebel Strike Team recently carried out an attack on a nearby Imperial Weapons Laboratory.'
dia_death_raid_intro_e02 'During the chaos, a vault containing the infamous [c][F2D62F]Blackwing[-][/c] virus was exposed to the facility. We maintained contact with the facility throughout the siege, but an unexpected breach in our transmission cut communications short.'
dia_death_raid_intro_e03 "The Rebels appear to be retreating, Senator Kessen. We're beginning to resecure the facility right now and -"
dia_death_raid_intro_e04 'Grrraaaarrhhhh!'
dia_death_raid_intro_e05 '---[Transmission Lost]---'
dia_death_raid_intro_e06 'Our last reports sighted a group of Undead Troopers wandering towards our base. Look to your [c][F2D62F]Scout Tower[-][/c] and begin preparing a defense, Commander!'
dia_death_raid_intro_r01 'Commander, one of our Rebel strike teams recently carried out an attack on a nearby Imperial Weapons Laboratory.'
dia_death_raid_intro_r02 'During the battle, a vault containing the infamous [c][F2D62F]Blackwing[-][/c] virus was exposed to the facility. We managed to maintain contact with the strike team throughout the raid, but an unexpected breach in our transmission cut communications short.'
dia_death_raid_intro_r03 "The Imperial Weapons facility has been neutralized, Senator Kessen. We're beginning to move to the extraction point right now and -"
dia_death_raid_intro_r04 'Grrraaaarrhhhh!'
dia_death_raid_intro_r05 '---[Transmission Lost]---'
dia_death_raid_intro_r06 'Our last reports sighted a group of Undead Troopers wandering towards our base. Look to your [c][F2D62F]Scout Tower[-][/c] and begin preparing a defense, Commander!'
dia_death_raid_start_01 'Undead Troopers are advancing on your base, Commander. Destroy them quickly before the virus can spread!'
dia_death_raid_win_01 "Nice work, Commander, but the Undead Troopers will return soon and in greater numbers. This won't be over until the infection has completely run its course."
dia_defRef_e_00 'Operative, the rebellion continues to spread chaos throughout the galaxy. It must be contained. The time has come for a change in tactics.'
dia_defRef_e_01 'I have authorized access to equipment which will improve your communications systems, allowing certain troops to defend your base when attacked.'
dia_defRef_e_02 'Once activated, this equipment will automatically send deployment signals to guards in certain buildings. These guard reserves will assault the attackers head-on.'
dia_defRef_e_03 "I needn't tell you the importance of acquiring these Data Fragments, Operative. This equipment will provide a powerful new set of tactical options."
dia_defRef_e_04 'The Rebels are a threat to galactic order. Contain them.'
dia_defRef_r_00 "Hello, Agent. As you know, the Alliance is always looking for new tactics to fight the Empire's tyranny. I know of something that can help."
dia_defRef_r_01 'With some extra equipment, you can augment your communications to signal specific troops to deploy when your base is attacked.'
dia_defRef_r_02 'Once activated, this equipment will automatically send deployment signals to guards in certain buildings. These guard reserves will assault the attackers head-on.'
dia_defRef_r_03 'Seek these Data Fragments and use this equipment to develop new defensive tactics.'
dia_defRef_r_04 'The Empire has strength, but the right tactics can turn any strength into a weakness. Good luck, Agent.'
dia_desBiome_00 "Hey partner, our troopers on Tatooine and Er'Kit are having a tough time. The sands there are coarse, rough, and get in everything. I've got an idea, though."
dia_desBiome_01_e "I say we outfit them with [c][F2D62F]desert equipment[-][/c]. This equipment's more powerful than anything we've seen. It should give us a leg up on the Rebels!"
dia_desBiome_01_r "I say we outfit them with [c][F2D62F]desert equipment[-][/c]. This equipment's more powerful than anything we've seen. It should give us a leg up on the Empire!"
dia_desBiome_02 "We can get the Data Fragments for it from any high-end supply crate. I've also got a contact who will sell it to us for crystals, but only for a short time."
dia_desBiome_03_e "We should act fast, partner. This opportunity won't last forever. What do you say? Let's get our hands on some desert equipment and hit the Rebels hard!"
dia_desBiome_03_r "We should act fast, partner. This opportunity won't last forever. What do you say? Let's get our hands on some desert equipment and hit the Empire hard!"
dia_desBiome_Jetpack_01_e "Hey partner. Life in the desert can be pretty unpleasant sometimes, but I got a lead on some new equipment that'll make it even worse for the Rebels."
dia_desBiome_Jetpack_01_r "Hey partner. Life in the desert can be pretty unpleasant sometimes, but I got a lead on some new equipment that'll make it even worse for the Empire."
dia_desBiome_Jetpack_02_e 'These jetpacks have special modifications that juice up the blasters, and boost engine outputs. That means Desert Jump Troopers not only shoot harder, they move faster, too!'
dia_desBiome_Jetpack_02_r 'These jetpacks have special modifications that juice up the blasters, and boost engine outputs. That means Desert Jetpack Troopers not only shoot harder, they move faster, too!'
dia_desBiome_Jetpack_03_e "Get the Data Fragments to build these from any high-end supply crate. My contact can sell us some for crystals, but not for long. This equipment's hotter than the desert, partner!"
dia_desBiome_Jetpack_03_r "Get the Data Fragments to build these from any high-end supply crate. My contact can sell us some for crystals, but not for long. This equipment's hotter than the desert, partner!"
dia_dg_1_e_0_intro1 "Partner, we've got alarms going off everywhere! Sensors are lighting up like I've never seen!"
dia_dg_1_e_0_intro2 "There's a major Rebel Alliance strike force incoming. It's gonna be too much for just our turret defenses."
dia_dg_1_e_0_intro3 'Subsector Command has given us the all-clear to [F2D62F]deploy multiple Heroes[-] and meet the attack head-on. You ready?'
dia_dg_1_e_10_outro1 "We'd be in serious trouble without you leading the battle, partner. I'm glad we're on the same side! "
dia_dg_1_e_12_outro1 "Ha! Is that all they've got? You sent those Rebels running, partner! That's what you get, Rebel scum!"
dia_dg_1_e_1_fail1 "Remember, you can [F2D62F]deploy multiple Heroes[-]. Hit 'em with everything we've got, partner!"
dia_dg_1_e_1_intro1 "Let's show these Rebel scum some real mechanized power. Deploy the [F2D62F]Veteran AT-ST[-] and [F2D62F]AT-MP Mark III[-]!"
dia_dg_1_e_1_intro2 '[F2D62F]Deploy multiple Heroes[-] to take down these attackers.'
dia_dg_1_e_2_fail1 "Remember, you can [F2D62F]deploy multiple Heroes[-]. Hit 'em with everything we've got, partner!"
dia_dg_1_e_2_intro1 "Protect the [F2D62F]Hero Command[-] building. If it's destroyed, we [F2D62F]can't deploy Heroes[-] for the rest of the battle!"
dia_dg_1_e_3_fail1 "Protect the Hero Command. If it's destroyed, you [F2D62F]can't deploy Heroes[-] for the rest of the battle."
dia_dg_1_e_3_outro1 "Nice job, partner. I've got a feeling these attacks will get more intense. Let's mobilize all the Heroes we've got and defend our base!"
dia_dg_1_e_4_fail1 "Protect the Hero Command. If it's destroyed, you [F2D62F]can't deploy Heroes[-] for the rest of the battle."
dia_dg_1_e_5_intro1 'Our Heroes could use some backup. [F2D62F]Send in Starship Strikes[-], partner. Take it to the enemy on the ground and from the air!'
dia_dg_1_e_6_fail1 "Cover your Heroes with Starship Strikes. You can drop as many Starship Strikes as you have. Rain fire on 'em, partner!"
dia_dg_1_e_7_fail1 "Don't forget about [F2D62F]turret swapping[-], partner. Change up the base's turrets to match whatever threat comes our way."
dia_dg_1_e_7_outro1 "I haven't been in a firefight like that for a long time. Reminds me of the old days!"
dia_dg_1_r_0_intro1 "Partner, we've got alarms going off everywhere! Sensors are lighting up like I've never seen!"
dia_dg_1_r_0_intro2 "There's a major Imperial strike force incoming. It's gonna be too much for just our turret defenses."
dia_dg_1_r_0_intro3 'Subsector Command has given us the all-clear to [F2D62F]deploy multiple Heroes[-] and meet the attack head-on. You ready?'
dia_dg_1_r_12_outro1 "Ha! Is that all they've got? You knocked them down a peg or two, partner! That's what you get, Imperial dogs!"
dia_dg_1_r_1_fail1 "Remember, you can [F2D62F]deploy multiple Heroes[-]. Hit 'em with everything we've got, partner!"
dia_dg_1_r_1_intro1 "Let's show the Empire what real heroes are made of. Send in [F2D62F]Han Solo[-] and [F2D62F]Chewbacca[-]!"
dia_dg_1_r_1_intro2 '[F2D62F]Deploy multiple Heroes[-] to take down these attackers.'
dia_dg_1_r_2_fail1 "Remember, you can [F2D62F]deploy multiple Heroes[-]. Hit 'em with everything we've got, partner!"
dia_dg_1_r_2_intro1 "Protect the [F2D62F]Hero Command[-] building. If it's destroyed, we [F2D62F]can't deploy Heroes[-] for the rest of the battle!"
dia_dg_1_r_3_fail1 "Protect the Hero Command. If it's destroyed, you [F2D62F]can't deploy Heroes[-] for the rest of the battle."
dia_dg_1_r_3_outro1 "Nice job, partner. I've got a feeling these attacks will get more intense. Let's mobilize all the Heroes we've got and defend our base!"
dia_dg_1_r_4_fail1 "Protect the Hero Command. If it's destroyed, you [F2D62F]can't deploy Heroes[-] for the rest of the battle."
dia_dg_1_r_5_intro1 'Our Heroes could use some backup. [F2D62F]Send in Starship Strikes[-], partner. Take it to the enemy on the ground and from the air!'
dia_dg_1_r_6_fail1 "Cover your Heroes with Starship Strikes. You can drop as many Starship Strikes as you have. Rain fire on 'em, partner!"
dia_dg_1_r_7_fail1 "Don't forget about [F2D62F]turret swapping[-], partner. Change up the base's turrets to match whatever threat comes our way."
dia_dg_1_r_7_outro1 "I haven't been in a firefight like that for a long time. Reminds me of the old days!"
dia_dg_1_r_9_outro1 "We'd be in serious trouble without you leading the battle, partner. I'm glad we're on the same side! "
dia_dg_2_e_0_intro1 "We've got you now! Your days of acting as Vader's attack dog are over."
dia_dg_2_e_0_intro2 "They're back! A Rebel Alliance strike force is inbound! It's gonna to be too much for just our turret defenses."
dia_dg_2_e_0_intro3 'Subsector Command has given us the all-clear to [F2D62F]deploy multiple Heroes[-] and meet the attack head-on. You ready?'
dia_dg_2_e_14_outro1 "We'd be in serious trouble without you leading the battle, partner. I'm glad we're on the same side! "
dia_dg_2_e_18_outro1 "Ha! Is that all they've got? You sent those Rebels running, partner! That's what you get, Rebel scum!"
dia_dg_2_e_1_fail1 "Remember, you can [F2D62F]deploy multiple Heroes[-]. Hit 'em with everything we've got, partner!"
dia_dg_2_e_2_fail1 "Remember, you can [F2D62F]deploy multiple Heroes[-]. Hit 'em with everything we've got, partner!"
dia_dg_2_e_2_intro1 "Protect the [F2D62F]Hero Command[-] building. If it's destroyed, we [F2D62F]can't deploy Heroes[-] for the rest of the battle!"
dia_dg_2_e_3_fail1 "Protect the Hero Command. If it's destroyed, you [F2D62F]can't deploy Heroes[-] for the rest of the battle."
dia_dg_2_e_3_outro1 "Nice job, partner. I've got a feeling these attacks will get more intense. Let's mobilize all the Heroes we've got and defend our base!"
dia_dg_2_e_4_fail1 "Protect the Hero Command. If it's destroyed, you [F2D62F]can't deploy Heroes[-] for the rest of the battle."
dia_dg_2_e_5_intro1 'Our Heroes could use some backup. [F2D62F]Send in Starship Strikes[-], partner. Take it to the enemy on the ground and from the air!'
dia_dg_2_e_6_fail1 "Cover your Heroes with Starship Strikes. You can drop as many Starship Strikes as you have. Rain fire on 'em, partner!"
dia_dg_2_e_7_fail1 "Don't forget about [F2D62F]turret swapping[-]. Change up the base's turrets to match whatever threat comes our way."
dia_dg_2_e_7_outro1 "I haven't been in a firefight like that for a long time. Reminds me of the old days!"
dia_dg_2_r_0_intro1 'We have you now, Rebel scum!'
dia_dg_2_r_0_intro2 "They're back! An Imperial strike force is inbound! It's gonna to be too much for just our turret defenses."
dia_dg_2_r_0_intro3 'Subsector Command has given us the all-clear to [F2D62F]deploy multiple Heroes[-] and meet the attack head-on. You ready?'
dia_dg_2_r_14_outro1 "We'd be in serious trouble without you leading the battle, partner. I'm glad we're on the same side! "
dia_dg_2_r_18_outro1 "Ha! Is that all they've got? You knocked them down a peg or two, partner! That's what you get, Imperial dogs!"
dia_dg_2_r_1_fail1 "Remember, you can [F2D62F]deploy multiple Heroes[-]. Hit 'em with everything we've got, partner!"
dia_dg_2_r_2_fail1 "Remember, you can [F2D62F]deploy multiple Heroes[-]. Hit 'em with everything we've got, partner!"
dia_dg_2_r_2_intro1 "Protect the [F2D62F]Hero Command[-] building. If it's destroyed, we [F2D62F]can't deploy Heroes[-] for the rest of the battle!"
dia_dg_2_r_3_fail1 "Protect the Hero Command. If it's destroyed, you [F2D62F]can't deploy Heroes[-] for the rest of the battle."
dia_dg_2_r_3_outro1 "Nice job, partner. I've got a feeling these attacks will get more intense. Let's mobilize all the Heroes we've got and defend our base!"
dia_dg_2_r_4_fail1 "Protect the Hero Command. If it's destroyed, you [F2D62F]can't deploy Heroes[-] for the rest of the battle."
dia_dg_2_r_5_intro1 'Our Heroes could use some backup. [F2D62F]Send in Starship Strikes[-], partner. Take it to the enemy on the ground and from the air!'
dia_dg_2_r_6_fail1 "Cover your Heroes with Starship Strikes. You can drop as many Starship Strikes as you have. Rain fire on 'em, partner!"
dia_dg_2_r_7_fail1 "Don't forget about [F2D62F]turret swapping[-], partner. Change up the base's turrets to match whatever threat comes our way."
dia_dg_2_r_7_outro1 "I haven't been in a firefight like that for a long time. Reminds me of the old days!"
dia_epDemo_p1c1_00_e 'My friend! How goes the struggle for order across the galaxy?'
dia_epDemo_p1c1_00_r 'My friend! How goes the struggle for freedom across the galaxy?'
dia_epDemo_p1c1_01 "Very righteous, I'm sure. Anyway, I recently... acquired some Data Fragments that I think you'll find very interesting."
dia_epDemo_p1c1_02 "These droids will roll right up to a target, drop an explosive, and BOOM! Ha ha! I could waste these on some backwater mining operation, but something tells me you'll find them far more useful."
dia_epDemo_p1c1_03 "I've sent some jobs your way. Finish them, and everyone walks away happy! Well, everyone who doesn't have to fight those droids."
dia_epDemo_p1c2_00 'How’s it coming? I trust you are satisfied with the Supply Crates you’ve received so far.'
dia_epDemo_p1c2_01 'Keep up the good work, my friend!'
dia_epDemo_p1cf_00 'My friend, this is very exciting! I was already getting depressed thinking about these droids being used in some boring mining operation.'
dia_epDemo_p1cf_01 'I should never have doubted you. In fact, I will happily pay you for any extra work you complete on this job!'
dia_epDemo_p2c1_00_e 'Hello again, Operative! I was thinking, blasters are trusty in a fight, but nothing compares to scattering your enemies with a well-placed explosion!'
dia_epDemo_p2c1_00_r 'Hello again, Agent! I was thinking, blasters are trusty in a fight, but nothing compares to scattering your enemies with a well-placed explosion!'
dia_epDemo_p2c1_01 'I find myself with several more jobs that need doing. The pay is worth it, trust me!'
dia_epDemo_p2c1_02 'These droids get up close, drop an explosive charge, it goes boom, your enemies wonder where it all went wrong. Perfect for someone in your line of work!'
dia_epDemo_p2c2_00 "Good work so far, my friend! You keep it up, I'll keep providing Supply Crates."
dia_epDemo_p2cf_00 "Job well done, my friend! You have earned your payment, as promised. If you're up for more, on top of that, I will pay for any extra work you do on this job!"
dia_epDemo_p3c1_00 'Greetings, my friend! I have some good news and some bad news.'
dia_epDemo_p3c1_01 "The good news is that I have a last set of jobs I need you to do, in exchange for generous payment. I'm already jealous of you just thinking about it!"
dia_epDemo_p3c1_02 "The bad news is the Data Fragments that I'm offering as payment have started to attract notice. I don't mind a little bit of attention, but even Hondo Ohnaka has limits."
dia_epDemo_p3c1_03 "Complete the jobs and the fragments for these destructive droids are yours! Time is short, my friend. You'd better get going!"
dia_epDemo_p3cf_00 'Ha ha! Well done, my friend! You never cease to impress me. Though I would certainly appreciate you keeping that fact to yourself.'
dia_epDemo_p3cf_01 "There's still a little time left. As usual, I'll pay for any extra jobs you complete. Until next time, my friend!"
dia_epNaval_p1c1_00_e 'Operative, this is Admiral Ozzel of the Galactic Empire. My staff report that you are responsible for a number of attacks on Rebel agents.'
dia_epNaval_p1c1_00_r 'Greetings, Agent. This is Admiral Ackbar. I have heard reports of your ongoing attacks on Imperial targets. Now, I myself have need of your skills.'
dia_epNaval_p1c1_01_e 'I have need of a capable individual, as part of a larger mission.'
dia_epNaval_p1c1_01_r 'I must keep the details a secret. Suffice to say, the mission is better served by your less... official association with the Alliance.'
dia_epNaval_p1c1_02_e 'The nature of this mission need not concern you. Rest assured that you will be compensated as long as you play your part.'
dia_epNaval_p1c1_02_r 'Complete the tasks you are assigned and I will see that you are compensated.'
dia_epNaval_p1c1_03_e 'Succeed in your tasks and I will authorize your usage of certain resources within the fleet. I expect results, Operative.'
dia_epNaval_p1c1_03_r "The fleet's resources are not unlimited, but I can offer certain benefits if you finish your part of the mission. Goodbye for now, Agent."
dia_epNaval_p1c2_00_e 'My reports indicate you are progressing, Operative. You will be rewarded, so long as you continue to succeed.'
dia_epNaval_p1c2_00_r 'Hello again, Agent. I understand your mission is progressing well. Continue your efforts, and I will ensure that you are supported. '
dia_epNaval_p1cf_00_e 'My staff tell me you have completed the final task, Operative. You have served the Empire well, and I will call upon you again.'
dia_epNaval_p1cf_00_r 'I see that my faith in your skills was not misplaced, Agent. Well done. You have done a service for the Alliance.'
dia_epNaval_p1cf_01_e 'Until then, I see no reason to pause your assault on the rebellion. Continued success deserves further reward.'
dia_epNaval_p1cf_01_r 'I will have need of you again soon. In the meantime, I am prepared to compensate you for further disruption of Imperial efforts.'
dia_epNaval_p2c1_00_e 'Operative, your previous efforts proved valuable. I require your skills once more.'
dia_epNaval_p2c1_00_r 'Agent, this is Admiral Ackbar. I have need of your skills once more.'
dia_epNaval_p2c1_01_e "As before, the details need not concern you. Engage the enemy. Remind them of the Empire's might."
dia_epNaval_p2c1_01_r 'I admit that I had some reservations about involving you before, but you have proven yourself.'
dia_epNaval_p2c1_02_e 'I am dispatching you a set of tasks. Do your job and you shall be compensated.'
dia_epNaval_p2c1_02_r 'While the details of the larger mission must remain a secret, know that your continued efforts will be rewarded.'
dia_epNaval_p2c1_03_e 'You will be rewarded handsomely, only if you complete them all. The Empire does not recognize failure.'
dia_epNaval_p2c1_03_r 'Just as before, I will share valuable fleet resources with you so long as you finish your part of the mission. Signing off, Agent.'
dia_epNaval_p2c2_00_e 'Maintain your offensives, Operative. The Rebels appear to be feeling the sting.'
dia_epNaval_p2c2_00_r 'Greetings, Agent. My scouts report several disruptions to Imperial supply lines in this system. This is good news for us all.'
dia_epNaval_p2cf_00_e 'Satisfactory work, Operative. Your performance does you credit.'
dia_epNaval_p2cf_00_r 'Agent, I must thank you. The mission is progressing better than I expected.'
dia_epNaval_p2cf_01_e 'I have other matters to attend to. For the time being, my staff are cleared to monitor your efforts and reward any additional progress you make.'
dia_epNaval_p2cf_01_r 'I must see to other matters, but in the meantime I have authorized additional rewards for any extra tasks you are able to complete.'
dia_epNaval_p3c1_00_e 'Operative, we are entering the final phase of the mission. The Rebellion must be brought to heel.'
dia_epNaval_p3c1_00_r 'Greetings, Agent. The mission is nearing its end. Of course, the Empire will stop at nothing to see it fail.'
dia_epNaval_p3c1_01_e 'Secrecy is now of the utmost importance. Take pride in knowing you are part of a greater cause.'
dia_epNaval_p3c1_01_r 'I cannot share any more information with you yet. Just know that your efforts are critical to our victory.'
dia_epNaval_p3c1_02_e 'And of course, greatness is valued by the Empire. Continue to perform well, and you shall be rewarded.'
dia_epNaval_p3c1_02_r 'Your faith enables the Alliance to survive, Agent, and we will return the favor wherever we can.'
dia_epNaval_p3c1_03_e "I will only honor success. I've come to expect nothing less of you, Operative."
dia_epNaval_p3c1_03_r 'Your success means success for us all. If you are able to complete these tasks, the fleet will reward you. Good luck, Agent.'
dia_epNaval_p3c2_00_e 'Operative, we are closing in on our target. Do not allow victory to slip away.'
dia_epNaval_p3c2_00_r 'Agent, your efforts remain critical to our mission. The Alliance depends on you.'
dia_epNaval_p3cf_00_e 'Mission complete, Operative. A certain Rebel convoy has eluded our grasp for weeks. Your attacks gave my forces the distraction needed to outmaneuver and trap the convoy.'
dia_epNaval_p3cf_00_r "We've done it, Agent. One of our convoys under Imperial threat has finally escaped, thanks to the distraction created by your offensives."
dia_epNaval_p3cf_01_e 'It was carrying supplies vital to the Rebellion. Strike again before they recover you will be rewarded further. The Empire thanks for your service on this mission, Operative.'
dia_epNaval_p3cf_01_r "You must understand, the convoy's very existence must be kept a secret. If you can, maintain your attacks. The Alliance will reward you."
dia_epRedCupRedux_p1c1_00 'Anyway, I- hang on. Somebody’s calling us.'
dia_epRedCup_p1c1_00 "(...who are you!? Are these the right transmission coordinates? Hrmph, doesn't matter. I work for a powerful syndicate that wishes to be discreet.)"
dia_epRedCup_p1c1_01 "(The name's Therm Scissorpunch. My boss wants Coaxium, and you're gonna get it for us. Got some highly sought after Data Fragments as payment.)"
dia_epRedCup_p1c1_02 'Those Data Fragments have popped up on the black market before, likely the very same ones Calrissian mentioned in those old holorecordings!'
dia_epRedCup_p1c1_03 "Careful, partner. Coaxium trading is volatile, like a game of Corellian Spike. That said, I think it's worth the risk to see where this goes."
dia_epRedCup_p1c1_04 "(Hello? Are you listening to me? I assume you have thought it over and we have a deal. I'll contact you later, don't let the syndicate down.)"
dia_epRedCup_p1c1_05 "I have my doubts, but you better get to collecting that Coaxium just in case. In the meantime I'm gonna look into this Scissorpunch character. Good luck!"
dia_epRedCup_p1c2_00 "(There you are. I'll remind you only once, deliver the Coaxium soon or you won't get your hands on these Data Fragments. Don't let the syndicate down.)"
dia_epRedCup_p1c2_01 "Keep at it, partner. I'm still talking with my contacts about Therm. I'll fill you in later."
dia_epRedCup_p1c3_00 'Great work, partner! Looks like we have enough Coaxium to hand-off to Therm Scissorpunch and this mysterious syndicate.'
dia_epRedCup_p1c3_01 "(You almost kept me waiting too long, but a deal's a deal. Here's your reward. Got no new work for you, but if you send me more Coaxium I'll throw you a bonus.)"
dia_epRedCup_p2c1_00 "(How's my favorite Coaxium collector? Don't answer that because I don't care. You want more Data Fragments?)"
dia_epRedCup_p2c1_01 "(We'll make you the same deal as last time: your Coaxium for my Data Fragments. I need to get rid of them, so get it done.)"
dia_epRedCup_p2c1_02 "Hey, partner. A few of my contacts have been shedding light on Therm Scissorpunch's shadowy underworld connections, and guess what? They haven't found anything yet!"
dia_epRedCup_p2c1_03 "Therm's trying to offload these Data Fragments in a hurry, so the merchandise might be stolen."
dia_epRedCup_p2c1_04 "If we don't know where they came from, or who Therm is actually working for, it could be bad news for all of us."
dia_epRedCup_p2c1_05 "Not bad enough that we don't take the job, but we should keep our guard up."
dia_epRedCup_p2c2_00 '(What is taking you so long?! Do you not want these Data Fragments?! Is that it?! That must be it. Get me the Coaxium or else!)'
dia_epRedCup_p2c2_01 "Hey, partner. Looks like Therm's desperation is showing. Keep it up, we'll have enough soon."
dia_epRedCup_p2c3_00 "Alright, partner! Looks like we've got the Coaxium shipment all ready to go. Therm better be thankful for this."
dia_epRedCup_p2c3_01 "(Well, despite your delay this will do quite nicely. Now take these Data Fragments off my claws. If you happen to get more Coaxium, I'm sure we can pay you for it.)"
dia_epRedCup_p3c1_00 "(Ready to make a new deal? Got to make this quick but I've gotten hold of some tech I think you'd appreciate.)"
dia_epRedCup_p3c1_01 "(If you get me enough Coaxium I'd be willing to part with it, but I have to move this fast, so hurry up!)"
dia_epRedCup_p3c1_02 "What's the rush, Therm? Certainly your syndicate can get tech like this and sell it whenever they want, right?"
dia_epRedCup_p3c1_03 "(Tech this rare doesn't just show up for just anyone to buy! I have a talent for acquiring goods, if you haven't noticed!)"
dia_epRedCup_p3c1_04 'Quite a "talent" indeed. I\'m sure your boss is very pleased with your work.'
dia_epRedCup_p3c1_05 "(...I don't know what you're insinuating, but I don't like it. Just get me the Coaxium so we can do business.)"
dia_epRedCup_p3c1_06 "Hey, partner. I've got a lead on what Therm's up to, but I need time to chase it down. I'd take Therm's deal, but sleep with one eye open."
dia_epRedCup_p3c2_00 "(Remember what's on offer here. This valuable tech once you get me the Coaxium I requested.)"
dia_epRedCup_p3c2_01 'The Coaxium for "your syndicate" is almost ready to be shipped, Therm.'
dia_epRedCup_p3c3_00 "Alright, Therm. We're ready to make the trade. Where should we send it again?"
dia_epRedCup_p3c3_01 "(Excellent! The coordinates from our previous transaction will be fine. Enjoy your new toy. Oh, and if you have more Coaxium, I'll pay a premium for it.)"
dia_epRedCup_p4c1_00 "Hey, Therm. The coordinates we've been using look an awful lot like the ones for your home. Is that how a secret syndicate does things, out in the open like that?"
dia_epRedCup_p4c1_01 "(...my home coordinates? Hrmph. Okay, fine. I've been trading some items I found with you to make a quick profit. Alone. Just me. There's no boss.)"
dia_epRedCup_p4c1_02 '(Unless you count these shady characters I lost to in an unlucky game of sabacc as my boss? I owe them Coaxium. A lot of Coaxium.)'
dia_epRedCup_p4c1_03 "(The terms were fair: Get the Coaxium, or they'd boil me alive. I didn't know where to get that much Coaxium. But my luck changed when our transmissions crossed.)"
dia_epRedCup_p4c1_04 '(You looked like someone who could get the job done. So I lied about who I worked for to get you to go along with it, so what!? You got paid.)'
dia_epRedCup_p4c1_05 "Wait a second, Therm. You just happened to find all this loot? You didn't steal it?"
dia_epRedCup_p4c1_06 '(So there I was coasting through the Halthor sector, and suddenly there was a big thud on the hull of my ship! Thought I was under attack!)'
dia_epRedCup_p4c1_07 "(Turns out it was these containers full of old tech. Thought instead of the usual channels, I'd look for an antiquities buyer. Get a premium, ya know?)"
dia_epRedCup_p4c1_08 "(But then I found you. I'm just glad you like old junk.)"
dia_epRedCup_p4c1_09 "You have no idea! We'll get you the rest of the Coaxium for the rest of the tech you have, just hang tight!"
dia_epRedCup_p4c2_00 'Take a listen to those old holorecordings again, partner.'
dia_epRedCup_p4c2_01 '"...walkers ...in Halthor sector... shipment was blown out to space..."'
dia_epRedCup_p4c2_02 "Somehow Therm found that lost cargo! We just need to get this last bit of Coaxium before he realizes what he's got and ups his price. We're almost there!"
dia_epRedCup_p4c3_00 "(I knew when I mistakenly contacted you that you'd be somewhat useful to me. Here's the rest of the cargo you wanted.)"
dia_epRedCup_p4c3_01 "(If you've got more Coaxium I have the credits to trade. Until then, I'm feeling lucky, so I think I'll stop at the casino on my way to pay off my debt. Ha ha!)"
dia_epRogue1_p1c1_00 "Hey, partner. Kada Jahr has a job offer for us. I don't know how she got it, but she's offering to pay with some heavy-duty tech."
dia_epRogue1_p1c1_01 "You worry too much, Saponza. It's from a freighter that left Imperial space some time ago but was crippled by some accident."
dia_epRogue1_p1c1_02 "A scavenger crew found it and recovered these crates, which is what I plan to pay you if you can complete the jobs I've sent over."
dia_epRogue1_p1c1_03_e "Operative, there's some heavy duty tech to be earned here. You don't want to miss out on this!"
dia_epRogue1_p1c1_03_r "There's some heavy duty tech to be earned here, Agent. Don't miss out!"
dia_epRogue1_p1c2_00_e "How's progress, Operative? I can't hold these goods forever, but I guarantee payment if you complete these jobs on time."
dia_epRogue1_p1c2_00_r "How's progress, Agent? I can't hold these goods forever, but I guarantee payment if you complete these jobs on time."
dia_epRogue1_p1cf_00 "Nice work. Here's your payment, as promised. The scavengers scored a major haul and I'll have more work for you soon."
dia_epRogue1_p1cf_01 "For now, if you do extra work, I'll send over extra crates."
dia_epRogue1_p2c1_00_e 'Hello again, Operative. I have another job for you, and more Data Fragments from that freighter cargo to back it up.'
dia_epRogue1_p2c1_00_r 'Hello again, Agent. I have another job for you, and more Data Fragments from that freighter cargo to back it up.'
dia_epRogue1_p2c1_01 'Seems there was an explosion on board some time after takeoff. It killed the whole crew and pushed the ship out of hyperspace.'
dia_epRogue1_p2c1_02 "It was dumb luck the scavengers found it before anyone else. It won't stay secret forever, but we can both benefit from these recovered crates in the meantime."
dia_epRogue1_p2c1_03 "Finish the job and I'll pay you well."
dia_epRogue1_p2c2_00 "I'm keeping an eye on the scavengers. Nobody has let word of the freighter cargo slip- yet. You know how junker crews can be."
dia_epRogue1_p2cf_00_e "I knew you'd come through, Operative. Can't say the same for the scavengers. Rumors about the cargo are starting to go around."
dia_epRogue1_p2cf_00_r "I knew you'd come through, Agent. Can't say the same for the scavengers. Rumors about the cargo are starting to go around."
dia_epRogue1_p2cf_01 "There's still time, though. I'll have more work for you soon, and extra crates for any more work you do on this current job."
dia_epRogue1_p3c1_00_e 'I have some interesting news, Operative. It seems the freighter was sabotaged, likely an inside job that clearly went wrong.'
dia_epRogue1_p3c1_00_r 'I have some interesting news, Agent. It seems the freighter was sabotaged, likely an inside job that clearly went wrong.'
dia_epRogue1_p3c1_01 "I expect a rumor like that to get the Imperial Security Bureau's attention. Fortunately, there's still time for us to make a deal."
dia_epRogue1_p3c1_02 'I have some of the best crates set aside for you- if you finish this new job in time.'
dia_epRogue1_p3c1_03 "Dealing in stolen goods is always risky, but I think you'll agree that it's worth it."
dia_epRogue1_p3c2_00_e "I hope you're holding up your end of things, Operative. ISB has just started asking questions, but I wouldn't waste time finishing this job."
dia_epRogue1_p3c2_00_r "I hope you're holding up your end of things, Agent. ISB has just started asking questions, but I wouldn't waste time finishing this job."
dia_epRogue1_p3cf_00_e "You've been busy, Operative. I'm sending payment, as promised. ISB has been busy, too, so I'll have one final job for you soon before I lay low."
dia_epRogue1_p3cf_00_r "You've been busy, Agent. I'm sending payment, as promised. ISB has been busy, too, so I'll have one final job for you soon before I lay low."
dia_epRogue1_p3cf_01 'In the meantime, I will pay extra for further work you put in to this job.'
dia_epRogue1_p4c1_00_e "I have one last job for you, Operative, then I'm burning the rest of the freighter cargo. Don't worry, I'll scrub anything linking either of us back to it."
dia_epRogue1_p4c1_00_r "I have one last job for you, Agent, then I'm burning the rest of the freighter cargo. Don't worry, I'll scrub anything linking either of us back to it."
dia_epRogue1_p4c1_01 "The Imperial Security Bureau confirmed sabotage on the freighter. Obviously, they aren't very happy about it."
dia_epRogue1_p4c1_02 "Fortunately, there's enough time for both of us to profit a little more. Finish the job, get your crates. Simple."
dia_epRogue1_p4c1_03_e "I was going to keep these Data Fragments, but they're yours if you can deliver. Good luck, Operative."
dia_epRogue1_p4c1_03_r "I was going to keep these Data Fragments, but they're yours if you can deliver. Good luck, Agent."
dia_epRogue1_p4c2_00_e "I hope you're not falling behind, Operative. ISB's methods are crude, but effective. Don't overestimate how much time you left."
dia_epRogue1_p4c2_00_r "I hope you're not falling behind, Agent. ISB's methods are crude, but effective. Don't overestimate how much time you left."
dia_epRogue1_p4cf_00_e "Time's up soon, Operative. The Imperial Security Bureau will discover that someone took the freighter cargo, but never who."
dia_epRogue1_p4cf_00_r "Time's up soon, Agent. The Imperial Security Bureau will discover that someone took the freighter cargo, but never who."
dia_epRogue1_p4cf_01_r "I wish we'd been able to make more of this deal, but I have just enough crates left to pay you for any final work on this job. See you later."
dia_epSpaceBear_w2c1_00 'Hey, partner. My contact seems to have taken a liking to your work. He offered a new set of jobs for us to do, with payment of course!'
dia_epSpaceBear_w2c1_01_e "I think it's a good chance for us to help the Empire. We should start on this now so we can get our hands on that new military tech."
dia_epSpaceBear_w2c1_01_r "I think it's a good chance for us to help the Alliance. We should start on this fast so we can get our hands on that new tech."
dia_epSpaceBear_w2c2_00 "Keep up the good work, partner. My contact seems impressed. That's saying something!"
dia_epSpaceBear_w2cf_00 "Nice work, partner! Looks like you got the payment our contact promised, and they'll compensate any extra work on this job. Keep going if you're ready for more!"
dia_epSpaceBear_w3c1_00 "Hey, partner. There's somebody here you should meet."
dia_epSpaceBear_w3c1_01 'Hello my friend! I am Hondo Ohnaka, infamous pirate and businessman. I have been watching your work and I must say, you have impressed me.'
dia_epSpaceBear_w3c1_02 'This is no small feat, so congratulations. I have spoken with our friend Saponza and I think there is a bright, profitable future for us all!'
dia_epSpaceBear_w3c1_03_e 'I will have important jobs from time to time, jobs that I will pay you for completing. You want to support your Empire, and how better to do so than be handsomely compensated?'
dia_epSpaceBear_w3c1_03_r 'I will have important jobs from time to time, jobs that I will pay you for completing. You want to support your Alliance, and how better to do so than be handsomely compensated?'
dia_epSpaceBear_w3c2_00 'Hello, Commander! I trust everything is going well and you are enjoying the Supply Crates I have provided so far.'
dia_epSpaceBear_w3c2_01 'Complete this job and you will receive the complete payment, as promised. I always keep my word when there is profit involved!'
dia_epSpaceBear_w3cf_00 "Very good, Commander! I see that doing business with you was a wise decision on my part, as usual. There's still some work left to do. What do you say?"
dia_epSpaceBear_w4c1_00 'My friend! I have need of your services once again. A few days ago, one of my old crew went missing. A very odd occurrence.'
dia_epSpaceBear_w4c1_01 'I need you to investigate what has happened to him. Per our usual terms, you will be paid.'
dia_epSpaceBear_w4c1_02 "I don't expect it will be easy, but I do believe we both stand to benefit from what I have to offer you."
dia_epSpaceBear_w4c2_00 "Hello, Commander! Thanks to your poking around, I know that my old crew member is alive. That's the good news."
dia_epSpaceBear_w4c2_01 'The bad news is that he was kidnapped and is being held for ransom. Hondo Ohnaka does not pay ransomers. Can you imagine the damage to my reputation?'
dia_epSpaceBear_w4c2_02 "But you can help me! I have lined up several jobs for you that will also disrupt the kidnappers' operations. While they are distracted, I will see to this... situation."
dia_epSpaceBear_w4cf_00 'Thank you, my friend! Because of your efforts, the kidnappers realized the wisdom in releasing my friend.'
dia_epSpaceBear_w4cf_01 'I trust that the payment is enough to keep my involvement our secret. Meanwhile, there is still work to be done before my next venture, Commander, and you know that I pay well!'
dia_epSpaceBear_w5c1_00 'Commander, how are you? Our business arrangements have worked out so far, yes. I always pay fairly - and who could doubt this handsome face?'
dia_epSpaceBear_w5c1_01_e "I will get to the point: your Imperial friends have picked up a spy. Normally I wouldn't care, but lucky for both of us, there is profit to be had in exposing this informer."
dia_epSpaceBear_w5c1_01_r "I will get to the point: your Alliance friends have picked up a spy. Normally I wouldn't care, but lucky for both of us, there is profit to be had in exposing this informer."
dia_epSpaceBear_w5c1_02 "The spy's identity is not so simple to obtain. I need to you to do some work for me first. Don't worry! Handsome face, fair pay, remember?"
dia_epSpaceBear_w5c2_00 'The spy has been much quieter lately. Finding them will be difficult, but it means I have their scent!'
dia_epSpaceBear_w5c2_01 "You keep up the good work, I'll keep up the hunt. Profit for both of us, my friend!"
dia_epSpaceBear_w5cf_00_e 'Success, my friend! I am transmitting all the data that your Captain Kosh will need to catch this spy.'
dia_epSpaceBear_w5cf_00_r 'Success, my friend! I am transmitting all the data that the Alliance will need to catch this spy.'
dia_epSpaceBear_w5cf_01_e "You've got guts, Hondo, I'll give you that! What do you say, partner? Should we call up Kosh now?"
dia_epSpaceBear_w5cf_01_r 'Hello, Agent. You wanted to speak with me?'
dia_epSpaceBear_w5cf_02_e "What is it, Operative? I'm very busy."
dia_epSpaceBear_w5cf_02_r 'A spy, you say? This is disturbing, indeed.'
dia_epSpaceBear_w5cf_03_e "What's this? A spy? I will deal with this myself, and you will keep this information to yourself. Goodbye, Operative."
dia_epSpaceBear_w5cf_03_r "I don't know where you got this information, and I'm not sure I want to. I'll look into this matter immediately. Thank you, Agent."
dia_epSpaceBear_w5cf_04_e "I wish I could see this look on his face! Oh well, I have had enough of this already. If you haven't, I will pay for any extra work. Until next time, my friend."
dia_epSpaceBear_w5cf_04_r "She is quite fierce! I would not want to be this spy. Oh well, I have had enough of this already. If you haven't, I will pay for any extra work. Until next time, my friend."
dia_epSpaceBear_w6c1_00 'We meet again, my friend. I have some interesting news about our mutual associate, Saponza.'
dia_epSpaceBear_w6c1_01 'I recently, ah... "acquired" some data pads in a deal. I was surprised to discover that early on, our dear friend Saponza worked up a considerable debt with with a syndicate.'
dia_epSpaceBear_w6c1_02 "He's managed it fine so far, but it is never good to owe anything to criminals. They are not very nice people. Believe me, I should know!"
dia_epSpaceBear_w6c1_03 "Anyway, I don't call just because I have a kind, gentle heart. Saponza has made me a lot of money over the years, and this debt to the syndicate threatens my business."
dia_epSpaceBear_w6c1_04 'I have a plan to erase the debt without anything so boring as "repaying it." Do the jobs I send you and our friend will be free of the syndicate. I\'ll compensate you well, as usual.'
dia_epSpaceBear_w6c1_05 "You help me pull this off, I'll have a big payment for you at the end. Everybody wins, yes?"
dia_epSpaceBear_w6cf_00 "Hey partner. I know what you did for me. You really didn't have to, but... Thanks."
dia_epSpaceBear_w6cf_01 "I know that old pirate Hondo was behind this, too! Well, I'm gonna upstage him for a change."
dia_epSpaceBear_w6cf_02 "Any extra work you complete, I'll see to it you get rewarded. You tell Hondo the rest of this job is on me, partner!"
dia_epSpacebear_w1c1_00 'Hey, partner. One of my old pirate contacts got in touch with me about some tech that’s just come on the market.'
dia_epSpacebear_w1c1_01 'He says he’ll get us access in return for some work. He’s a real shady type, but his word is good when there’s profit involved.'
dia_epSpacebear_w1c1_02 'There’s a limited time window for this job, so let’s get started. It’ll be worth it!'
dia_epSpacebear_w1c2_00 'Doing great, partner. We make good on this deal, I bet there will be more jobs in the future.'
dia_epSpacebear_w1cf_00 "You did it, partner! My contact came through, like I said. In fact, they told me they'll pay for any extra work we do on this contract. If you aren't satisfied, keep up the work and they'll keep up the payment!"
dia_epTrixie_p1c1_00 "Pirates have stolen my relics! Unforgivable! Get them back and you will be rewarded. Could I do it? Of course I could do it! But I'm a little tied down right now."
dia_epTrixie_p1c1_01 'Now listen, I know a smuggler who keeps his ear to the ground, and he owes me a favor. If anyone knows who’s got my relics, he will. We need to find out what he knows.'
dia_epTrixie_p1c1_02 "But I don't know where he is… He's a card player, gambler, scoundrel. He’s probably playing cards in some cantina with mercenaries and smugglers! Find him."
dia_epTrixie_p1c1_03 "The reward? I've had these data fragments in my collection for a long time, I'm sure they will be of use to you."
dia_epTrixie_p1c2_00 'You are close to finding my friend. Oh, they call him Baron now? Hah!'
dia_epTrixie_p1c2_01 'I have more tasks that will help you uncover clues. Keep it up and I will give you more of my data fragments.'
dia_epTrixie_p1c3_00 'You should have enough information to locate him now. Baron Administrator Calrissian. Hah!'
dia_epTrixie_p1c3_01 "Talk with him, tell him Maz sent you. He might not tell you everything he knows for free though, I said he's a friend, not stupid."
dia_epTrixie_p1c3_02 'Any new information you recover will be rewarded.'
dia_epTrixie_p2c1_00 "Hello, I'm the Administrator of this facility. Maz Kanata sent you? Look I'm a legitimate businessman..."
dia_epTrixie_p2c1_01 "Alright, alright, but you have to do something for me first. An… organization is threatening my operation. Deal with them first. Then, I can help you track down Maz's Relics."
dia_epTrixie_p2c1_02 'Also, I recently acquired a few crates of data fragments in a card game. They’re yours… if you do these tasks for me. Agreed?'
dia_epTrixie_p2c2_00 "They're backing off, keep up the pressure. Remember our agreement, I'll pay for every one of them you deal with."
dia_epTrixie_p2c3_00 "They don't seem so keen on my gas mine now. Hey, that was no easy spin, you've done me a real favor!"
dia_epTrixie_p2c3_01 'The relics? Sure, I can help Maz, I\'m just waiting to hear back from my "sources".'
dia_epTrixie_p2c3_02 "Oh and if you want to take care of what's left of that organization then I'll compensate you handsomely."
dia_epTrixie_p3c1_00_e "I've found the pirates smuggling Maz’s relics. They’ve been disguising themselves as Rebels. An impressive operation!"
dia_epTrixie_p3c1_00_r "I've discovered that the pirates are smuggling Maz’s relics through Empire bases, using them as a cover. An impressive operation!"
dia_epTrixie_p3c1_01 'While you are recovering Maz’s relics, dismantle their little enterprise. It will be advantageous for everybody. Here’s more data fragments to sweeten the deal.'
dia_epTrixie_p3c2_00 "I've heard you've shut down some of their operations. Remember, complete the tasks and you'll be well compensated."
dia_epTrixie_p3c3_00 "Buddy! How’ you doing? You've taken back Maz's relics? She'll be happy! Let's not keep the lady waiting."
dia_epTrixie_p3c3_01 "You know... if you deal with what's left of these pirates I will repay you, they might even have some new relics to add to Maz's collection!"
dia_epTrixie_p4c1_00_e "My relics! You found them. So, they've been disguising themselves as Rebels! Those beasts! Right under my nose."
dia_epTrixie_p4c1_00_r "My relics! You found them. So, they've been hiding behind the Empire! Those beasts!"
dia_epTrixie_p4c1_01 "This isn't just some union dispute. Nobody steals from Maz Kanata. I want you to teach these thieves a lesson!"
dia_epTrixie_p4c1_02 "I have more data fragments stored away. Do this for me and they're yours."
dia_epTrixie_p4c2_00 "Ha! You're right in the mess! Keep this up and you will earn yourself more data fragments."
dia_epTrixie_p4c3_00 "You've done well, but there will be more of those thieving troublemakers out there. Remind them that nobody breaks the rules! Find more of those pirates and I will repay you."
dia_epUnderFire_p1c1_00_e 'Hello again, Friend! I was thinking, those Stormtroopers of yours are trusty in a fight, but what about something a little more out of the ordinary?'
dia_epUnderFire_p1c1_00_r 'Hello again, Friend! I was thinking, those Soldiers of yours are trusty in a fight, but what about something a little more out of the ordinary?'
dia_epUnderFire_p1c1_01 'I find myself with several more jobs that need doing. There are some truly extraordinary rewards in it for you, trust me!'
dia_epUnderFire_p1c2_00 "Excellent! This relationship is most beneficial i'm sure you'll agree!"
dia_epUnderFire_p1c2_01 "I'm positive you will want to help me with just a few more things, in exchange for more Crates of course!"
dia_epUnderFire_p3cf_01 'I trust that the payment is enough to maintain our little business arrangement. Meanwhile, there is still work to be done before my next venture, Commander, and you know that I pay well!'
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_0_intro1 "Operative, I have received new orders for you. These come from the top. Report to the planet [F2D62F]Er'Kit[-] immediately."
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_0_intro2 'Once you are there, you will be under the direct command of [F2D62F]Lord Vader[-] himself.'
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_10_intro1 "Darth Vader. I should have known. Hawk Company isn't going down without a fight. You hear me?!"
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_10_outro1 'Your days of treason against the Empire are over, mercenary. Now tell me... where is the [F2D62F]Jedi[-] hiding on this world?'
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_10_outro2 "Jedi? Is that what you think is going on? You're in for a big surprise, ventilator face! Just you wait... ahhh... ugghhh... Can't. Breathe... Gahahh!"
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_10_outro3 'We will learn nothing useful from interrogating minions. We must uncover the true enemy on this world. Return to your base for now, Operative.'
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_11_intro1 'You got back just in the nick of time, Agent. An enormous Rebel force is bearing down on us.'
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_11_outro1 "Operative, Lord Vader has requested your presence. Return to Er'Kit immediately."
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_12_intro1 'I have tracked the last of the Hawk Company mercenaries to this town. Now we end this.'
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_12_intro2 'Send in the troops. Leave nothing standing.'
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_12_outro1 'And so, more traitors die screaming and unmourned. Curious, they appear to have been preparing a shipment. Investigate the destination coordinates at once.'
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_13_intro1 "[F2D62F]Rebels[-]. I am not surprised to find them on Er'Kit. Destroy them."
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_13_outro2 'This base has not yielded any useful information on Rebel positions. But if there is one base, there will be more. Find them.'
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_14_intro1 "Attack another [F2D62F]Rebel Operative[-] and see if they possess any useful information on Rebel forces on Er'Kit."
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_14_outro1 "It seems the Rebels have an extensive presence on Er'Kit after all. It is unlikely to be the base we are searching for. But it must still be dealt with."
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_14_outro2 "This may yet explain the echo I felt within the Force. Return to Er'Kit at once and continue the operation."
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_16_outro1 'I sense a shroud descending upon your base, Operative. You should return to it at once.'
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_17_intro1 'Incoming!'
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_17_outro1 "That's not the last of them."
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_18_intro1 'Operative, a sizable Rebel force is inbound. You should be prepared to use starships on defense if necessary.'
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_18_outro1 "Good work, Operative. Return to Er'Kit and continue Lord Vader's mission."
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_1_intro1 "Your prompt arrival pleases me, Operative. This is Er'Kit. A seemingly insignificant world that holds its share of secrets."
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_1_intro2 'Your reputation for desert warfare is becoming quite well known. Do not fail me during our operations here.'
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_1_intro3 'Your first task will be to crush a paltry mercenary company with known ties to the Rebel Alliance. They are called the [F2D62F]Hawk Company[-]. Begin.'
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_1_outro1 'I approve of your methods, Operative. I see your reputation is well earned. The Hawk Company has many more such bases, and they must all be destroyed. Get to work.'
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_1_tip1 'I can deflect turret fire with my [F2D62F]lightsaber[-]. When your troops are in position, send the word, and we shall make this mercenary scum regret the day they ever dared to cross the Empire.'
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_20_intro1 "Operative, much of the Rebel forces on Er'Kit are deployed from this base."
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_20_intro2 'I have ordered a [F2D62F]Royal Guardsman[-] to assist us. They are excellent anti-infantry fighters.'
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_20_intro3 'Now get to work. We must destroy this staging ground and deny the Rebels any quarter.'
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_20_outro1 "With the destruction of this base, we have denied the Rebels a critical staging ground for their operations on Er'Kit."
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_20_outro2 'Now is the time to learn what the Rebels are doing here and stop it permanently. Continue attacking Rebel installations, Operative.'
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_22_outro1 'I will deal with this treasonous Rebel trash... personally. You WILL tell me what the Rebels are doing here on this planet.'
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_22_outro2 'No... no! Mercy! Mercy Please..... AHHHHHHH!'
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_24_intro1 'I sense something important is hidden in this base. Operative, perform your duties.'
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_24_outro1 'According to these payment records, the Rebels hired the Hawk Company mercenaries to distract the Empire.'
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_24_outro2 'And references to an [F2D62F]"Operation Tsunami"[-]... the Rebels have grown bold. I will put an end to that.'
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_26_outro1 'This base housed a large-scale training operation. The Rebels are training a very sizable force on this planet.'
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_26_outro2 'Continue your work, Operative. We are beginning to see the true reason the Rebels are here.'
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_27_outro1 'Here are the files, Lord Vader. The Rebels were running a covert operation called "Operation Tsunami". It seems to have something to do with training infantry.'
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_27_outro2 'We will find the answers we seek, Operative. There are more Rebel bases left to crush.'
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_28_outro1 'Sir, "Operation Tsunami" appears to be a Rebel codename for a program to train a standing army to oppose the Empire.'
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_28_outro2 "According to their databanks, they were preparing to train tens of thousands of new soldiers here on Er'Kit."
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_28_outro3 'That will not happen. We will put an end to the Rebel presence on the planet once and for all. Then, we will find their main base and crush the Rebellion forever!'
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_29_intro1 "This staging area must be crushed before we can begin the final assault on the primary Rebel base on Er'Kit."
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_29_intro2 'Sir, turret coverage is low. We should prepare for a strong counter attack from enemy troops.'
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_29_outro1 "Excellent. With the Rebels nearly defeated, we can begin our final assault on their primary base on Er'Kit."
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_2_intro1 'Another Hawk Company base. You know what to do.'
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_2_outro1 'I sense something hidden on this world. An echo in the [F2D62F]Force[-]. It is barely perceptible, yet it IS there.'
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_2_outro2 'There is more going on here than is immediately obvious, Operative. Continue your task. I will investigate.'
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_30_intro1 'This is the Rebel\'s primary base on Er\'Kit. Destroying it will shut down "Operation Tsunami", and all they will have is their paltry fleet.'
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_30_outro1 "Operative, you have done well, and I do not give praise lightly. The Rebel Alliance is in full retreat and their forces on Er'Kit are scattered and broken."
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_30_outro2 'I have done what I came here to do. Whatever else this world may hold is left to the local Moff. I have far more important tasks to attend to.'
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_30_outro3 'As for you, I may call upon you again. Until then, there are still Rebel bases to be crushed. Do not disappoint me.'
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_4_intro1 'According to my sources, the Hawk Company does not have many more bases.'
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_4_outro1 'Lord Vader, we uncovered a map during the battle. We have the coordinates of several more bases this mercenary company is using.'
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_4_outro2 'Very well. Operative, continue the purge.'
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_5_intro1 "Hey partner, I'm hearing a rumbling in the cantina. We're riling up those mercs real good on Er'Kit, and it seems they sent some troops to say hello."
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_5_outro1 "Every time I think I've seen the dumbest the galaxy has to offer, I get proven wrong. Attacking the Empire? These punks are fools."
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_5_outro2 "Head back to Er'Kit, partner. I'll deal with the cleanup."
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_6_intro1 'Your return is timely, Operative. This mercenary outpost must be crushed. See to it.'
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_6_outro1 "What I am searching for isn't here. Continue your mission. "
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_7_intro1 'The mercenaries do not have the necessary information I seek, it would seem. Locate a [F2D62F]Rebel Agent[-] and take the intel from their base.'
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_7_intro2 'And leave no survivors amongst that traitorous scum.'
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_7_outro1 "The [F2D62F]Rebels[-] are channeling supplies to Er'Kit via Nar'Shada. Intriguing. Something is happening on Er'Kit, Operative. We must return at once."
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_8_intro1 'Partner, the Rebels are attacking!'
dia_evt_4_eotf_e_8_outro1 "You're sure stirring up a mynock's nest on Er'Kit. I wonder what's so important there?"
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_0_intro1 "Agent, I have received an urgent request from Rebel Command. Please head to the planet of [F2D62F]Er'Kit[-] with all due haste."
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_0_intro2 'There you will work with Commander [F2D62F]Luke Skywalker[-] and be at his aid for an important operation on that world.'
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_10_intro1 "So, Luke Skywalker is it? You and that Agent are the ones who've been attacking my bases! Malachor Company won't go down without a fight!"
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_10_outro1 "You're defeated. Tell me what you know. Who hired you to attack the people of Er'Kit?"
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_10_outro2 "I think you know... boy. They're going to have a few words with you real soon."
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_10_outro3 "That sounds ominous. You'd better check on your base. Head back at once, Agent. I'll lock these mercs up for now."
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_11_intro1 'You got back just in the nick of time, Agent. An enormous Imperial force is bearing down on us.'
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_11_outro1 "Agent, clearly the situation is growing more desperate on Er'Kit. Please rejoin Commander Skywalker and get to the bottom of this."
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_12_intro1 'Good to see you again, Agent. The last of the Malachor Company is holed up in this town.'
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_12_intro2 "I don't like it, but there's no choice but to send the troops in. Luckily the Er'Kit fled when the mercs came in, so it's just us and them. No civilians."
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_12_outro1 "That's the end of Malachor Company. Strange though, they were preparing to ship supplies somewhere. Let's see what's at these coordinates."
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_13_intro1 "[F2D62F]The Empire![-] They're on Er'Kit? This just keeps getting more interesting."
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_13_outro2 "This base didn't have any useful intel, but if there's one base, there's bound to be more."
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_14_intro1 "Attack another [F2D62F]Imperial Operative[-] and see if you can find any intelligence on the Empire's Er'Kit operation."
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_14_outro1 "If this is right... the Empire has an extensive presence on Er'Kit that they've managed to keep hidden really well."
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_14_outro2 "I knew the Empire had to be involved in this some way. I'll start checking around on Er'Kit for Imperial presence."
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_16_outro1 "I'm getting a distress call from your partner, Agent. you should head back to your base!"
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_17_intro1 'Incoming!'
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_17_outro1 "That's not the last of them."
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_18_intro1 'Agent, you may wish to consider calling in starships  to aid in this defense. The enemy onslaught is quite heavy.'
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_18_outro1 "Things are heating up in the war, Agent. You'd better get back to Er'Kit."
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_1_intro1 "Greetings, you must be the talented Agent I've heard about. Welcome to Er'Kit, I'm Luke Skywalker."
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_1_intro2 'Your reputation for desert warfare precedes you, so I asked for your help with a special mission here.'
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_1_intro3 'The first thing we need to do is defeat a mercenary group called the [F2D62F]"Malachor Company"[-]. They\'ve been oppressing the local people. Let\'s get to work.'
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_1_outro1 "Great work, Agent. I see your reputation is well earned. The Malachor Company has several more bases here on Er'Kit. Let's keep at it, shall we?"
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_1_tip1 "See those turrets? I can deflect their shots with my [F2D62F]lightsaber[-]. When they're shooting at me, give the order and I'll deflect their shots so the troops can attack them."
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_20_intro1 "There you are. This place is where the Empire is deploying most of its troops from across Er'Kit. We need to stop that."
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_20_intro2 "But there's a lot of troops garrisoned here, so I called a friend for help. You already know [F2D62F]Princess Leia[-], right?"
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_20_intro3 "Good to see you again, Agent. Let's get to work."
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_20_outro1 "With this base defeated, we've dealt a huge blow to Imperial operations on Er'Kit, but we're no closer to knowing what it is they're doing here."
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_20_outro2 "There are still more Imperial facilities we can go after. We'd better keep at it while we can."
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_22_outro1 'Look at this... unsecured communications station.'
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_22_outro2 'Imperial Security Bureau... [F2D62F]Special Operations Division[-]? What is that? We will have to go after the other bases to find out anything more.'
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_24_intro1 'Look at this place... This base must be important.'
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_24_outro1 'I\'m looking through the logs now... Here! In the payment records. The Empire definitely hired the Malachor Company to "relocate" the native people.'
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_24_outro2 "References to something called [F2D62F]Project Hidden Eye[-], and three sets of coordinates. This can't be a coincidence."
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_26_outro1 "Not a lot to go on here... looks like the Empire is trying to create some kind of [F2D62F]sleeper operative[-] using cybernetics. I'm not a doctor though, so I'm not sure what to make of it."
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_26_outro2 "Let's see if the next base has any more clues."
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_27_outro1 "Hmm. More information in this base's database. It looks like they're trying to create sleeper operatives to spread throughout the galaxy."
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_27_outro2 'They would embed themselves within cities and report on /"sedition, treason, and matters of interest to the ISB/". Sounds bad.'
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_28_outro1 'It says... Oh no... This project is almost ready to send out the first wave of spies!'
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_28_outro2 'The Empire\'s \\"Project Hidden Eye\\" is trying to seed them across the galaxy to spread propaganda and secretly report on citizens!'
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_28_outro3 'This is evil. We have to stop it, Agent. Untold lives will be lost if these operatives are spread across the galaxy!'
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_29_intro1 'Before we can take out the base, this \\"Project Hidden Eye\\" is being run from, we\'ll need to defeat this staging area. Otherwise, we will be counter-attacked.'
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_29_intro2 "I don't see many turrets. We should expect a strong resistance from Imperial troops and vehicles."
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_29_outro1 'Good. With that out of the way, we can head to the final base and put an end to this project once and for all.'
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_2_intro1 'Another Malachor Company base. You know what to do.'
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_2_outro1 'Rebel intelligence heard some strange things about the Malachor Company, and as soon as I got here to investigate I felt an... echo in the [F2D62F]Force[-].'
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_2_outro2 "I don't quite know how to explain it, but there's more going on here on Er'Kit than meets the eye."
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_30_intro1 'This is it, Agent. If we destroy this base, we can stop this insidious evil before it is ever unleashed on an unsuspecting galaxy.'
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_30_outro1 'We stopped an evil from being released on the galaxy today, my friend. And in so doing, we saved countless lives.'
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_30_outro2 "But our mission on Er'Kit isn't yet complete; Rebel Command has a lot more for me to do here."
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_30_outro3 "I'm sure in time I will call on you again. Until then, keep attacking the Imperials on this planet... and may the Force be with you."
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_4_intro1 "Based on what I was told before departing for Er'Kit, I don't think the Malachor Company has that many bases left. Let's keep going."
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_4_outro1 'Sir, we found a map while we were combing through the rubble. We have the coordinates of several more bases this mercenary company is using.'
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_4_outro2 "Good work, Sergeant. Let's go."
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_5_intro1 "Hey partner, I'm hearing a rumbling in the cantina. We're riling up those mercs real good on Er'Kit, and it seems they sent some troops to say hello."
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_5_outro1 "Punks. Upstart mercs have no respect these days. We're busy fighting for the freedom of the galaxy... Meanwhile, these guys want a piece of us too?"
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_5_outro2 "Head back to Er'Kit, partner. I'll deal with the cleanup here."
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_6_intro1 'Hey, welcome back. I was just about to attack this mercenary outpost with my squad. Lead us in, will ya?'
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_6_outro1 "Something isn't adding up. There's more going on here on Er'Kit than meets the eye."
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_7_intro1 "I've got an idea. There's [F2D62F]Imperial Operatives[-] all over the sector. Why not attack one and steal some intel from their base?"
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_7_intro2 "That might give us some insight into what's happening on Er'Kit."
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_7_outro1 "I knew it! Look at this intel! Imperial supplies have been ferried to Er'kit through Nar'Shaddaa. Something big is happening on Er'kit. Let's get back there."
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_8_intro1 'Partner, the Empire is attacking!'
dia_evt_4_eotf_r_8_outro1 "You're sure stirring up a mynock's nest on Er'Kit. I wonder what's so important there?"
dia_evt_5_tbd_e_0_intro1 "Operative, we've lost contact with several bases on [F2D62F]Er'Kit[-]. Intelligence points to a single group of Thalassian slavers, but information is scarce."
dia_evt_5_tbd_e_0_intro2 "Therefore, I am forced to involve our contact on Er'Kit, [F2D62F]Dyro Felldor[-]. He is a non-human, but Subsector Command has given no choice. Do not fail them."
dia_evt_5_tbd_e_0_intro3 'Hello, Operative. The Thalassians have plagued our planet since before the Clone Wars and thrive under the Empire. But now they are our common enemy. We will assist you.'
dia_evt_5_tbd_e_10_intro1 'Operative, I have reports of a strange signal coming from this base.'
dia_evt_5_tbd_e_10_intro2 "This doesn't match the Thalassians known comms frequencies. It may be coming from a Hailfire droid. Be careful."
dia_evt_5_tbd_e_12_intro1 "Operative, I have news. The Blood Dawn's discovery of the Hailfire droid army was not an accident. Someone may be giving them information."
dia_evt_5_tbd_e_12_intro2 "Could that be why Lord Vader was so interested in Er'Kit? Most likely, the [F2D62F]Rebels[-] are using the Blood Dawn to strike at our forces. Attack a Rebel Agent to find out."
dia_evt_5_tbd_e_12_outro1 "This data indicates that the Rebels have been attacked on Er'Kit as well. They are not a threat, for now."
dia_evt_5_tbd_e_12_outro2 "Lucky for us. We don't want to be fighting the Rebels and the Blood Dawn at the same time."
dia_evt_5_tbd_e_14_intro1 "Blood Dawn attack incoming. Whatever you're doing on Er'Kit, it must be working. They're rolling out Hailfire droids!"
dia_evt_5_tbd_e_15_intro1 'The Blood Dawn seem to have learned from your previous use of starship strikes. This base is heavily shielded.'
dia_evt_5_tbd_e_15_intro2 'The Empire is one step ahead, once again. Our [F2D62F]TIE Advanced starship strikes[-] are designed to take down shields.'
dia_evt_5_tbd_e_15_outro1 'No base should put too much faith in shield generators. Deploy [F2D62F]TIE Advanced starship strikes[-] to soften up any shielded base.'
dia_evt_5_tbd_e_16_outro1 'Adequate work, Operative. None of our remaining bases report any Blood Dawn attacks. Advance on the Blood Dawn before they have time to regroup.'
dia_evt_5_tbd_e_17_outro1 'We have uncovered secret orders sent to the Blood Dawn. They contain the location the Hailfires you destroyed.'
dia_evt_5_tbd_e_17_outro2 "Proof that the Blood Dawn are not acting alone. There's bound to be a trail of information leading back to their higher-ups."
dia_evt_5_tbd_e_1_intro1 'It would seem the Thalassians have captured this base. We must assume that they have managed to turn your Imperial defenses against you.'
dia_evt_5_tbd_e_1_intro2 'Very likely. Operative, any captured garrisons are no longer part of the Empire. Do not hesitate to destroy them.'
dia_evt_5_tbd_e_1_outro1 "They captured the base? Doesn't sound like the Thalassians I've run into. They shouldn't have the firepower to take down one of ours, let alone capture it."
dia_evt_5_tbd_e_1_outro2 'I agree. We are looking into this now. In the meantime, I suggest you regroup and head to the next base.'
dia_evt_5_tbd_e_20_intro1 'We read a large number of vehicles closing on your garrison, Agent. The Blood Dawn seem desperate to test the Empire once more.'
dia_evt_5_tbd_e_20_outro1 'The Blood Dawn are on the defensive, Operative. Subsector Command has provided the coordinates of their remaining bases. You are to deploy against them at once.'
dia_evt_5_tbd_e_25_intro1 "You have kept your word to help us, Operative, so we have kept ours. Here is the Blood Dawn's central base, where most of their remaining Hailfire droids are massed."
dia_evt_5_tbd_e_25_intro2 "You are entrusted to destroy it, and discover who truly commands the Blood Dawn. Show the Er'Kit what a proper military operation looks like."
dia_evt_5_tbd_e_25_outro1 'Whomever controls the Blood Dawn remains a mystery, but no one hides from the Empire for long. Return to Tatooine for debriefing.'
dia_evt_5_tbd_e_25_outro2 "You have destroyed a piece of Danry Ledwellow's bloody legacy. The Thalassian slavers persist, but the droid army is no more."
dia_evt_5_tbd_e_25_outro3 "The Empire has been no great friend to the Er'Kit, but we are free of the Blood Dawn's threat. You have our respect, Operative."
dia_evt_5_tbd_e_26_intro1 'The Blood Dawn are broken and scattered. Search for any more that may have escaped and destroy them. Kosh out.'
dia_evt_5_tbd_e_2_intro1 'Subsector Command confirms that we are not dealing with ordinary Thalassians. They call themselves the [F2D62F]Blood Dawn[-], and they are unusually well armed.'
dia_evt_5_tbd_e_2_intro2 "Huh, never heard of 'em."
dia_evt_5_tbd_e_2_intro3 'Indeed. No one has. They surfaced only recently, and have ignored all of our attempts to make contact.'
dia_evt_5_tbd_e_2_outro1 'Continue the assault, Operative. The Thalassians may operate on Er’Kit as long as they respect the rule of the Empire.'
dia_evt_5_tbd_e_2_outro2 "The Blood Dawn's annihilation will be a testament to what happens when that respect is not paid."
dia_evt_5_tbd_e_3_intro1 'The Blood Dawn are resourceful. The walls of this base have been augmented.'
dia_evt_5_tbd_e_3_intro2 'This was foreseen, Operative. I have provided you a limited number of  [F2D62F]Shock Troopers[-]. They will break through the walls from a safe distance.'
dia_evt_5_tbd_e_3_outro1 'I must admit, I am impressed. Your [F2D62F]Shock Troopers[-] will surely be useful in the future.'
dia_evt_5_tbd_e_4_intro1 "Before the Clone Wars, Er'Kit Senator Danry Ledwellow was rumored to have an army of [F2D62F]Hailfire-class tank droids[-]. The Blood Dawn found the droids and used them to capture your bases."
dia_evt_5_tbd_e_4_intro2 "Ledwellow? Wasn't he arrested for taking bribes from the Thalassians?"
dia_evt_5_tbd_e_4_intro3 "Yes. Bribes to let the Thalassians run slaving operations on our planet. Ledwellow has caused Er'Kit much suffering. With his droids, the Blood Dawn will make the Empire suffer, too."
dia_evt_5_tbd_e_4_intro4 'I have brought you to their vehicle yard. Destroy these [F2D62F]Hailfire droids[-] and the Blood Dawn will be forced to end their advances.'
dia_evt_5_tbd_e_4_outro1 "Hey partner, I think you just hit a nerve with those Blood Dawn. We've got ships touching down nearby and they don't look friendly. You may want to get back here quickly."
dia_evt_5_tbd_e_5_intro1 "We've got incoming hostiles, partner. I don't think the Blood Dawn is very happy with us."
dia_evt_5_tbd_e_5_outro1 "The Er'Kit have clearly failed to communicate the nature of this threat. More Imperial garrisons on the planet have gone dark. Return there and show these aliens the proper way to deal with an enemy."
dia_evt_5_tbd_e_8_intro1 "Operative, it seems the Rebels believe they can exploit the situation on Er'Kit by attacking us on Tatooine. Show them the error of their strategy."
dia_evt_5_tbd_e_8_outro1 "A feeble attempt. Your mission is unchanged. Return to Er'Kit and remove the Blood Dawn from any more of our captured garrisons."
dia_evt_5_tbd_e_9_intro1 'The Blood Dawn have changed strategy... perhaps after losing so many Hailfire droids to your forces. I am certain those [F2D62F]watchtowers[-] will be defended by [F2D62F]infantry[-].'
dia_evt_5_tbd_e_9_intro2 'No matter. We have outfitted several [F2D62F]VT-49 Decimator starships[-] to drop firebombs, effective against infantry. I expect results, Operative.'
dia_evt_5_tbd_e_9_outro1 '[F2D62F]VT-49 Decimator starship strikes[-] inflict heavy damage to infantry, as well as HQs.'
dia_evt_5_tbd_r_0_intro1 "Agent, we've lost contact with several bases on [F2D62F]Er'Kit[-]. We know that a single group of Thalassian slavers is responsible, but not much else."
dia_evt_5_tbd_r_0_intro2 "We need a scout and you are the most qualified. To assist, I'm putting you in touch with our contact on Er'Kit, [F2D62F]Dyro Felldor[-]"
dia_evt_5_tbd_r_0_intro3 'Greetings, Agent. The Thalassians have plagued our planet since before the Clone Wars, but now they are our common enemy. We will assist you however we can.'
dia_evt_5_tbd_r_10_intro1 'Agent, we have just intercepted a strange signal coming from this base.'
dia_evt_5_tbd_r_10_intro2 "This doesn't match the Thalassians known comms frequencies. It may be coming from a Hailfire droid. Be careful."
dia_evt_5_tbd_r_12_intro1 "Agent, I have news. We now believe the Blood Dawn's discovery of the Hailfire droid army was not an accident. Someone may be giving them information."
dia_evt_5_tbd_r_12_intro2 "Could that have been what Skywalker was investigating on Er'Kit? The Blood Dawn may have been fed information by the Empire. Attack an Imperial Operative to find out."
dia_evt_5_tbd_r_12_outro1 "If the Empire is behind the Blood Dawn, they've kept it deeply secret. This data indicates that the Empire has also been attacked on Er'Kit."
dia_evt_5_tbd_r_12_outro2 "Lucky for us. We don't want to be fighting the Empire and the Blood Dawn at the same time."
dia_evt_5_tbd_r_14_intro1 "Blood Dawn attack incoming. Whatever you're doing on Er'Kit, it must be working. They're rolling out Hailfire droids!"
dia_evt_5_tbd_r_15_intro1 'The Blood Dawn seem to have learned from your previous use of starship strikes. This base is heavily shielded.'
dia_evt_5_tbd_r_15_intro2 'A tactical mistake. Our [F2D62F]A-wing starship strikes[-] are designed to take down shields.'
dia_evt_5_tbd_r_15_outro1 'Overconfidence in shield generators is a weakness. Deploy [F2D62F]A-wing starship strikes[-] to soften up any shielded base.'
dia_evt_5_tbd_r_16_outro1 "You are doing well, Agent. The situation on Er'Kit has stabilized. Now press the advantage and take the fight to the Blood Dawn."
dia_evt_5_tbd_r_17_outro1 'We have uncovered secret orders sent to the Blood Dawn. They contain the location of the Hailfires you destroyed.'
dia_evt_5_tbd_r_17_outro2 "So the Blood Dawn are not acting alone. There's bound to be a trail of information leading back to whoever is controlling them."
dia_evt_5_tbd_r_1_intro1 "It would seem the Thalassians have captured this base. We must assume that they've managed to turn your Rebel defenses against you, as well."
dia_evt_5_tbd_r_1_intro2 'Yes, I would do the same in that situation. You are cleared to engage any captured bases, Agent. Be careful.'
dia_evt_5_tbd_r_1_outro1 "They captured the base? Doesn't sound like the Thalassians I've run into. They shouldn't have the firepower to take down one of ours, let alone capture it."
dia_evt_5_tbd_r_1_outro2 'I agree. We are looking into this now. In the meantime, I suggest you regroup and head to the next base.'
dia_evt_5_tbd_r_20_intro1 "We're reading a large number of vehicles closing on our base, Agent. The Blood Dawn is desperate to end this now. Get ready."
dia_evt_5_tbd_r_20_outro1 "Now the real fight begins. Capturing our bases on Er'Kit has given the Blood Dawn plenty of time to establish their own. Your orders are to remove this threat."
dia_evt_5_tbd_r_25_intro1 "It took some time, but we have located the Blood Dawn's central base. Most of their remaining forces are massed here, including many Hailfire droids."
dia_evt_5_tbd_r_25_intro2 'Our priority is destruction of their forces, but find out who has been controlling the Blood Dawn if you can. Use any means at your disposal. The Alliance is counting on you.'
dia_evt_5_tbd_r_25_outro1 "Well done, Agent. Data found at the base doesn't indicate who is behind the Blood Dawn, but we will find them. You've defended the Alliance, and protected Er'Kit from a grave threat."
dia_evt_5_tbd_r_25_outro2 "And thanks to you, a piece of Danry Ledwellow's bloody legacy is gone. The Thalassian slavers persist, but the droid army is no more. Er'Kit thanks you."
dia_evt_5_tbd_r_26_intro1 'The Blood Dawn are broken and scattered. Search for any more  that may have escaped and wipe them out. The Alliance is counting on you.'
dia_evt_5_tbd_r_2_intro1 'Our sources confirm that we are not dealing with ordinary Thalassians. This group calls themselves the [F2D62F]Blood Dawn[-], and they are unusually well armed.'
dia_evt_5_tbd_r_2_intro2 "Huh, never heard of 'em."
dia_evt_5_tbd_r_2_intro3 'Indeed. No one has. They surfaced only recently, and have ignored all of our attempts to make contact. If you cannot negotiate for your captured bases, you must reclaim them by force.'
dia_evt_5_tbd_r_2_outro1 "Continue your assault, Agent. The Blood Dawn is a grave threat to the Alliance, as well as the Er'Kit people."
dia_evt_5_tbd_r_3_intro1 'The Blood Dawn are resourceful. The walls of this base have been augmented.'
dia_evt_5_tbd_r_3_intro2 'I can help you there, Agent. Use these [F2D62F]Vanguard Troopers[-] to punch through the walls from a safe distance.'
dia_evt_5_tbd_r_3_outro1 'An impressive display. Your [F2D62F]Vanguard Troopers[-] will surely be useful in the future.'
dia_evt_5_tbd_r_4_intro1 "Before the Clone Wars, Er'Kit Senator Danry Ledwellow was rumored to have an army of [F2D62F]Hailfire-class tank droids[-]. The Blood Dawn found the droids and used them to capture your bases."
dia_evt_5_tbd_r_4_intro2 "Ledwellow? Wasn't he arrested for taking bribes from the Thalassians?"
dia_evt_5_tbd_r_4_intro3 "Yes. Bribes to let the Thalassians run slaving operations on our planet. Ledwellow has caused Er'Kit much suffering. With his droids, the Blood Dawn will make the Alliance suffer, too."
dia_evt_5_tbd_r_4_intro4 'I have brought you to their vehicle yard. Destroy these [F2D62F]Hailfire droids[-] and the Blood Dawn will be forced to end their advances.'
dia_evt_5_tbd_r_4_outro1 "Hey partner, I think you just hit a nerve with those Blood Dawn. We've got ships touching down nearby and they don't look friendly. You may want to get back here quickly."
dia_evt_5_tbd_r_5_intro1 "We've got incoming hostiles, partner. I don't think the Blood Dawn is very happy with us."
dia_evt_5_tbd_r_5_outro1 "The Blood Dawn clearly have more droids than the Er'Kit know about. More of our bases on the planet have gone dark. Return to Er'Kit and continue rooting them out."
dia_evt_5_tbd_r_8_intro1 'Agent, it seems the Empire is attempting to take advantage of our predicament. Prepare for an attack!'
dia_evt_5_tbd_r_8_outro1 "Even with the Empire at our door, we can't let up. Keep the pressure on the Blood Dawn or Er'Kit may be lost."
dia_evt_5_tbd_r_9_intro1 'The Blood Dawn have changed strategy... perhaps after losing so many Hailfire droids to your forces. I am certain those [F2D62F]watchtowers[-] will be defended by [F2D62F]infantry[-].'
dia_evt_5_tbd_r_9_intro2 'We have outfitted several [F2D62F]HWK-290 starships[-] to drop incendiary bombs, effective against infantry. Use them wisely.'
dia_evt_5_tbd_r_9_outro1 '[F2D62F]HWK-290 starship strikes[-] inflict heavy damage to infantry, as well as HQs.'
dia_evt_6_sa_e_0_intro1 'Hey partner, I\'m hearing some odd things in the cantina. We\'d best be prepared to make some new "friends".'
dia_evt_6_sa_e_10_fail1 'If an enemy attack seems too powerful, ensure the base is well defended with strategically placed turrets, shield generators, walls, and traps.'
dia_evt_6_sa_e_10_outro1 'Operative, we are working to decrypt the captured Rebel intelligence. In the meantime, we have identified some Rebel installations. Deal with them.'
dia_evt_6_sa_e_13_outro1 "We have broken the encryption on the Rebel data. I'm sending you some coordinates on Er'Kit. Investigate immediately."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_14_intro1 "Partner, according to Kosh this base belongs to the Er'Kit militia that attacked us. They're being armed by the Rebels. Let's get to it."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_14_outro1 "Ahh, Operative. Good to see you again. You remember me, I trust? I see you've become acquainted with the local troublemakers."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_14_outro2 "With the defeat of the Blood Dawn, there was something of a... power vacuum here on Er'Kit. This group decided to side with the Rebel Alliance."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_14_outro3 "A most unfortunate turn of events. It seems whomever they are working for is trying to seize power over Er'Kit."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_15_intro1 "The decrypted coordinates have also led us to this base. If we're lucky, taking it out will stop the attacks on us."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_15_outro1 "I'm afraid I really must insist you stop your activities on Er'Kit. We are grateful for your help with the Blood Dawn, but this is an internal matter."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_15_outro2 'Internal matter my ass! They attacked us, Dyro. Myaybe you should handle your "internal matters" before they show up on our front door?'
dia_evt_6_sa_e_16_intro1 "I suppose it's come to this then. I had hoped we could keep my true allegiances in the dark, but you've forced my hand by attacking my bases."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_16_intro2 "For what it's worth, I'm grateful for your elimination of the Blood Dawn. They were all that stood in my way. Now it's just you."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_16_outro1 "Dyro... is working with the Rebels? That's not good."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_16_outro2 "We cannot let Er'Kit join the Rebels, Operative. We require additional intel. The kind of Intel standard channels may not provide."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_16_outro3 "Contact Senator Kessen. We freed him for his extensive underworld connections. It's time we used them."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_17_int1 'Ha ha! Wow, look at it burn. What is that made out of? Explosives?'
dia_evt_6_sa_e_17_int2 "No! That one had sentimental value! You'll regret that, Johhar Kessen!"
dia_evt_6_sa_e_17_intro1 'Operative, this place is run by a bird named Liana. She escaped an Imperial prison transport and has been making a living selling "like new" weapons.'
dia_evt_6_sa_e_17_intro2 "And I hear she recently sold some of those weapons to our friend Dyro on Er'Kit. Why don't we drop in for a visit?"
dia_evt_6_sa_e_17_intro3 "I've got two new kinds of hirelings with me: the Chiss ladies will shoot whatever is closest, and the Jawas will dismantle any shield generators."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_17_mid1 'Damn you, Kessen! That one was in mint condition! Do you even know how hard it is to steal those from the Empire?'
dia_evt_6_sa_e_17_mid2 "Well, tell me what I want to know darlin' and I'll stop blowing up your stuff."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_17_outro1 "Okay darlin'... Look, you're running out of things for me to destroy. Tell me about the your shipment to Er'kit already."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_17_outro2 "Fine. Just take the info and leave. But know this: I'll get you back for this, Kessen. Some day, somehow. You'll pay."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_17_outro3 "Why Liana Kor, do I detect a hint of anger in your hologram? I'm shocked! Operative, we'd best get out of here."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_17_tip1 'Oh, wow. That looked expensive. Sorry about that one, Kor.'
dia_evt_6_sa_e_17_tip2 "You'll pay for that, Kessen!"
dia_evt_6_sa_e_18_intro1 "According to the manifests, all of Liana's weapons were sent to this location. Looks like some kind of shipment facility."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_18_outro1 "I've gone over the shipping logs. The Rebels were definitely using Liana's operation to funnel weapons and supplies to Dyro's little militia."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_18_outro2 "I've got coordinates for several more facilities here on Er'Kit. Let's take them offline for good."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_19_intro1 'This would appear to be where the Rebels are storing all of its weapon shipments for distribution. I trust you know what to do, Operative.'
dia_evt_6_sa_e_19_outro1 "Operative, once again I see you can't leave well enough alone. For the first time in a generation, Er'Kit has stability."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_19_outro2 'And what do you do? Come in, guns blazing, disrupting my new alliance with the Rebels!'
dia_evt_6_sa_e_1_intro1 "Man the defenses! We're under attack!"
dia_evt_6_sa_e_1_outro2 "Er'Kit... commandos? Since when do the Er'Kit have a military force?"
dia_evt_6_sa_e_1_outro3 "Even more troublesome, Operative: These Er'Kit were armed with [F2D62F]Rebel[-] infantry weapons. Trace them back to their landing zone immediately."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_20_intro1 "This was to be the place the Rebels would instruct my recruits, in the first Er'Kit militia training ground."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_20_intro2 "And you're ruining it."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_20_outro1 "Can that really be the same guy who helped us against the Blood Dawn? I can't believe it was just a plot for him to seize power."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_20_outro2 "His plans are irrelevant, Operative. Er'Kit will never be allowed to join the Rebels. Continue your work to pacify this world."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_21_intro1 'Yes! The time has come to put those Rebel weapons and training to use. Attack!'
dia_evt_6_sa_e_21_intro2 "Operative, I do hope you're not getting attached to this base. Because my troops are about to destroy it."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_21_outro1 "A desperate act by a fool. Pay no heed to this non-human scum, Operative. Return to Er'Kit and finish this."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_22_intro1 "And here you are again. You're getting predictable, Operative."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_22_intro2 "So you're the Imperial Operative we've heard so much about. I'm sorry but your campaign against the free people of Er'Kit must be stopped."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_22_outro1 "I've seen that gal before somewhere. She must be the Rebel liaison Dyro is working with."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_22_outro3 'Operative, we have a plan to lure out the defenders of the final Rebel base. Contact Senator Kessen, he will explain the details'
dia_evt_6_sa_e_23_intro1 "This Rebel base is a whopper. I'm going to help you draw it's defenders away with a ruse."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_23_intro2 "I've also managed to round up a few thieves who will do a number on resources, and some old refurbished tanks. Let's get to it."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_23_outro1 "Okay, that does it. Let's get out of here. The entire remainder of the planetary forces will be here any minute."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_23_outro2 "Have fun storming the castle, Operative. I'll see you around."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_23_tip1 "Okay, I'm tapped into their comms array. I'm going to spoof a distress call, watch this..."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_23_tip2 "Command, this is outpost, er... 23! We're under attack by a bunch of inexpensive cannon fodder and a devilishly handsome rogue!"
dia_evt_6_sa_e_23_tip3 'Copy, outpost 23. Reinforcements are inbound to your location.'
dia_evt_6_sa_e_24_intro1 "Operative, this is the final base on Er'kit, where the Rebels seem to be coordinating their alliance with Dyro Felldor."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_24_intro2 "We've also confirmed Felldor is on-site. Destroy him and put a stop to this matter permanently."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_24_outro1 "That's it? After all that boom and bluster, you'd think he'd have put up more of a fight. What a chump."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_24_outro2 "Good work, Operative. With Felldor's defeat and the destruction of the Rebel presence on Er'Kit, the planet should fall into line."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_24_outro3 'And should it forget who its true masters are, the Empire will be waiting to remind them. Return to base. Subsector command out.'
dia_evt_6_sa_e_24_tip1 "Ahh, so you're here! I've worked too hard to secure this alliance to accept defeat now. Time to face my troops!"
dia_evt_6_sa_e_25_intro1 'Hello, is this thing on? Oh, hey there, Operative. Just thought you should know, all those Rebel troops I drew away for you...'
dia_evt_6_sa_e_25_intro2 "Well, they're not so happy about you destroying their base, so they're coming to blow up yours. Just thought you might want a heads up."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_25_outro1 "I had a feeling that hotshot's plan and cavalier attitude would find a way to backfire on us. "
dia_evt_6_sa_e_25_outro2 'Senator Kessen has proven to be an invaluable ally, Operative Saponza. His underworld connections were the key to our success.'
dia_evt_6_sa_e_25_outro3 "I trust you won't retaliate... much? Operative, good work. Er'Kit is pacified and there are other matters to attend to. As you were."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_2_intro1 'This appears to be where that attack came from. Fan out and search the area.'
dia_evt_6_sa_e_2_outro1 'Operative, orbital surveillance is detecting a much larger force approaching your base. Return immediately.'
dia_evt_6_sa_e_3_intro1 "Incoming attack from more Er'Kit forces! Where are they all coming from?"
dia_evt_6_sa_e_3_outro1 "Scanners detect more enemies inbound. Let's find out where they're comin' from and put a stop to it!"
dia_evt_6_sa_e_3_outro2 'Operative, your forces must remain to defend your base. [F2D62F]tJohhar Kessen[-] is still on Tatooine. I will enlist his assistance.'
dia_evt_6_sa_e_4_intro1 'Hey there, Operative. I got the request for help from Kosh and rounded up some local scum in the Mos Espa cantina.'
dia_evt_6_sa_e_4_intro2 "I've got two kinds of mooks here to help: the fellas in the hats can take quite a beating, and the Renegades on bikes overcharged their laser cannons."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_4_intro3 "As for me, I'll shoot any enemy troops from a safe distance. Let's get to work."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_4_outro1 "Alright, Operative. The pressure on your base should ease up. There's one more landing zone."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_4_outro2 "Whoever these clowns are, they have a pretty well defended base. I'll meet you there, and we can shoot the place up together."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_5_intro1 "The size of that transport craft suggests this is the main landing site of this Er'Kit militia force. Approach with caution, Operative."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_5_intro2 'Looks like they have a Droideka Sentinel defending the base. I can make short work of it if you can distract it for me.'
dia_evt_6_sa_e_5_outro1 "You may have dealt with the Er'Kit forces on Tatooine, but now we must determine where they came from and why they have Rebel weapons."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_5_outro2 "Return to the site of the Blood Dawn HQ on Er'Kit and see if there are any clues to be found in the rubble."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_6_intro1 "Somebody is already here, scouring these ruins. Let's introduce ourselves."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_6_outro1 "More Er'Kit troops with Rebel weapons. I don't like it. No other leads though."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_6_outro2 "It's time to come at this sideways, Partner."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_7_intro1 "Operative, all we know so far is that we are being attacked by Er'Kit outfitted with Rebel weapons. We need to know more."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_7_intro2 'Attack this base and steal whatever intelligence you can.'
dia_evt_6_sa_e_7_outro1 'Partner, I think we caught a break. According to this data there is a Rebel spy who has the information we need, being held by Tusken Raiders.'
dia_evt_6_sa_e_7_outro2 'If we get there fast enough we might be able to capture him from the Tusken.'
dia_evt_6_sa_e_8_intro1 "And there you have it. One Rebel spy waiting for rescue. I bet he'll be surprised to see us. Let's get him."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_8_outro1 'Good work securing the Rebel spy, Operative. We will find out what he knows and use it to plan our next course of action.'
dia_evt_6_sa_e_9_intro1 "According to what we learned from the captured Rebel spy, this base is secretly holding files pertaining to the operations on Er'Kit."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_9_intro2 "Sounds good. Let's hit it hard, Partner. See what we can find once we've knocked out the defenses."
dia_evt_6_sa_e_9_outro1 "The Rebel files we've recovered are encrypted. It will take some time to decipher them."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_0_intro1 'Hey partner, I\'m hearing some odd things in the cantina. We\'d best be prepared to make some new "friends".'
dia_evt_6_sa_r_10_fail1 'If an enemy attack seems too powerful, ensure the base is well defended with strategically placed turrets, shield generators, walls, and traps.'
dia_evt_6_sa_r_10_outro1 'Agent, while we work to decrypt the files, maybe you should see about destroying the base these attacks are being launched from.'
dia_evt_6_sa_r_13_outro1 "Good news, Agent. We have finally broken the encryption on the Imperial data. I'm sending you some coordinates on Er'Kit. Please head there."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_14_intro1 "Partner, according to Jennica this base belongs to the Er'Kit militia that attacked us. They're being trained by the Empire. Let's get to it."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_14_outro1 "Ahh, Agent. Good to see you again. You remember me, I trust? I see you've become acquainted with the local troublemakers."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_14_outro2 "I'm afraid with the defeat of the Blood Dawn there was something of a... power vacuum here on Er'Kit. This group decided to side with the Empire."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_14_outro3 "A most unfortunate turn of events. It seems whomever they are working for is trying to seize power over Er'Kit."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_15_intro1 "The decrypted coordinates have also led us to this base. If we're lucky, taking it out will stop the attacks on us."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_15_outro1 "I'm afraid I really must insist you stop your activities on Er'Kit. We are grateful for your help with the Blood Dawn, but this is an internal matter."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_15_outro2 'Internal matter my ass! They attacked us, Dyro. Myaybe you should handle your "internal matters" before they show up on our front door?'
dia_evt_6_sa_r_16_intro1 "I suppose it's come to this then. I had hoped we could keep my true allegiances in the dark, but you've forced my hand by attacking my bases."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_16_intro2 "For what it's worth, I'm grateful for your elimination of the Blood Dawn. They were all that stood in my way. Now it's just you."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_16_outro1 "Dyro... is working for the Empire? That's not good."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_16_outro2 "My thoughts exactly, Agent Saponza. We cannot let Er'Kit fall into the hands of the Empire. We need more intel on what's going on here."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_16_outro3 'I am going to contact Senator Kessen again. With his underworld connections, surely he can find the leads we seem to be missing.'
dia_evt_6_sa_r_17_int1 'Ha ha! Wow, look at it burn. What is that made out of? Explosives?'
dia_evt_6_sa_r_17_int2 "No! That one had sentimental value! You'll regret that, Johhar Kessen!"
dia_evt_6_sa_r_17_intro1 'Agent, this place is run by a bird named Liana. She escaped an Imperial prison transport and has been making a living selling "like new" weapons.'
dia_evt_6_sa_r_17_intro2 "And I hear she recently sold some of those weapons to our friend Dyro on Er'Kit. Why don't we drop in for a visit?"
dia_evt_6_sa_r_17_intro3 "I've got two new kinds of hirelings with me: the Chiss ladies will shoot whatever is closest, and the Jawas will dismantle any shield generators."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_17_mid1 'Damn you, Kessen! That one was in mint condition! Do you even know how hard it is to steal those from the Empire?'
dia_evt_6_sa_r_17_mid2 "Well, tell me what I want to know darlin' and I'll stop blowing up your stuff."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_17_outro1 "Okay darlin'... Look, you're running out of things for me to destroy. Tell me about the your shipment to Er'kit already."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_17_outro2 "Fine. Just take the info and leave. But know this: I'll get you back for this, Kessen. Some day, somehow. You'll pay."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_17_outro3 "Why Liana Kor, do I detect a hint of anger in your hologram? It's actually a good look for you..."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_17_tip1 'Oh, wow. That looked expensive. Sorry about that one, Kor.'
dia_evt_6_sa_r_17_tip2 "You'll pay for that, Kessen!"
dia_evt_6_sa_r_18_intro1 "According to the manifests, all of Liana's weapons were sent to this location. Looks like some kind of shipment facility."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_18_outro1 "I've gone over the shipping logs. The Empire was definitely using Liana's operation to funnel weapons and supplies to Dyro's little militia."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_18_outro2 "I've got coordinates for several more facilities here on Er'Kit. Let's take them offline for good."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_19_intro1 'This would appear to be where the Empire is storing all of its weapon shipments for distribution.'
dia_evt_6_sa_r_19_outro1 "Agent, once again I see you can't leave well enough alone. For the first time in a generation, Er'Kit has stability."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_19_outro2 'And what do you do? Come in, guns blazing, disrupting my new alliance with the Empire!'
dia_evt_6_sa_r_1_intro1 "Man the defenses! We're under attack!"
dia_evt_6_sa_r_1_outro2 "Er'Kit... commandos? Since when do the Er'Kit have a military force?"
dia_evt_6_sa_r_1_outro3 "Even more troublesome, Agent: The Er'Kit were using [F2D62F]Imperial[-] infantry tactics. This could be the start of a major threat."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_20_intro1 'This was to be the place the Empire would instruct my recruits, in the first non-human stormtrooper training program.'
dia_evt_6_sa_r_20_intro2 "And you're ruining it."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_20_outro1 "Can that really be the same guy who helped us against the Blood Dawn? I can't believe it was just a plot for him to seize power."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_20_outro2 "I too find it disturbing, Agent Saponza. We cannot allow Er'Kit to fall under the sway of a despot, allied with the Empire."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_21_intro1 'Yes! The time has come to put that Imperial training to use. Attack!'
dia_evt_6_sa_r_21_intro2 "Agent, I do hope you're not getting attached to this base. Because my troops are about to destroy it."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_21_outro1 "Dyro's getting desperate, Agent. But we're in the home stretch, now. Return to Er'Kit and finish this."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_22_intro1 "And here you are again. You're getting predictable, Agent."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_22_intro2 "Ahh, you must be the Agent who has so vexed our... allies here on Er'Kit. Your advance stops here, Rebel scum."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_22_outro1 "That's Captain Kosh! He's in charge of the subsector Tatooine is located in. He must be coordinating this for the Empire."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_22_outro2 "We kicked his butt across Tatooine, so now he's on Er'Kit. I don't like it."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_22_outro3 'Agent, I have a plan to lure out the defenders of the final Imperial base. Contact Senator Kessen. He will explain. Good luck.'
dia_evt_6_sa_r_23_intro1 "This Imperial base is a whopper. I'm going to help you draw it's defenders away with a ruse."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_23_intro2 "I've also managed to round up a few thieves who will do a number on resources, and some old refurbished tanks. Let's get to it."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_23_outro1 "Okay, that does it. Let's get out of here. The entire remainder of the planetary garrison will be here any minute."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_23_outro2 "Have fun storming the castle, Agent. I'll see you around."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_23_tip1 "Okay, I'm tapped into their comms array. I'm going to spoof a distress call. Watch this..."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_23_tip2 "Command, this is outpost, er... 23! We're under attack by a bunch of inexpensive cannon fodder and a devilishly handsome rogue!"
dia_evt_6_sa_r_23_tip3 'Copy, outpost 23. Reinforcements are inbound to your location.'
dia_evt_6_sa_r_24_intro1 "Agent, this is the final Imperial base on Er'kit, where Kosh seems to have been coordinating his alliance with Dyro."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_24_intro2 "We've also confirmed Dyro is on-site. Let's take out the maniac who started all this, and prevent Er'Kit from falling into the Empire's clutches."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_24_outro1 "That's it? After all that boom and bluster, you'd think he'd have put up more of a fight. What a chump."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_24_outro2 "Good work, Agent. With Dyro's defeat and the destruction of the Imperial presence on Er'Kit, the planet should be safe."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_24_outro3 "With luck, the Er'Kit people may see fit to aid the Rebellion in our struggle now that they know the Empire for what it is."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_24_tip1 "Ahh, so you're here! I've worked too hard to secure this alliance to accept defeat now. Time to face my troops!"
dia_evt_6_sa_r_25_intro1 'Hello, is this thing on? Oh, hey there, Agent. Just thought you should know, all those Imperial troops I drew away for you...'
dia_evt_6_sa_r_25_intro2 "Well, they're not so happy about you destroying their base, so they're coming to blow up yours. Just thought you might want a heads up."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_25_outro1 "I had a feeling that hotshot's plan and cavalier attitude would find a way to backfire on us. "
dia_evt_6_sa_r_25_outro2 'His attitude aside, Senator Kessen has proven to be an invaluable resource for the Rebel Alliance, Agent Saponza.'
dia_evt_6_sa_r_25_outro3 'Good work, Agent. We hurt the Empire today. And any day we can do that is a good one. May the Force be with you.'
dia_evt_6_sa_r_2_intro1 'This appears to be where that attack came from. Fan out, search, and watch for [F2D62F]traps[-].'
dia_evt_6_sa_r_2_outro1 'Agent, you need to return immediately! A much larger force is bearing down on our base!'
dia_evt_6_sa_r_3_intro1 "We've got a big mass of Er'Kit troops inbound! Man the defenses!"
dia_evt_6_sa_r_3_outro1 "Scanners detect more enemies inbound. Let's find out where they're comin' from and put a stop to it!"
dia_evt_6_sa_r_3_outro2 'Agent, I have an idea. [F2D62F]Johhar Kessen[-] is on Tatooine. With his connections, we can get access to some mercenary troops.'
dia_evt_6_sa_r_4_intro1 'Hey there, Agent. I got the request for help from that Jennica gal, and rounded up some local scum in the Mos Espa cantina.'
dia_evt_6_sa_r_4_intro2 "I've got two kinds of mooks here to help: the fellas in the hats can take quite a beating, and the Renegades on bikes overcharged their laser cannons."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_4_intro3 "As for me, I'll shoot any enemy troops from a safe distance. Let's get to work."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_4_outro1 "Alright, Agent. The pressure on your base should ease up, now. There's only one more landing zone."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_4_outro2 "Whoever these clowns are, they have a pretty well defended base. I'll meet you there, and we can shoot the place up together."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_5_intro1 "The size of that transport craft suggests this is the main landing site of this Er'Kit militia force that is attacking us. Good luck, Agent."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_5_intro2 'Looks like they have a Droideka Sentinel defending the base. I can make short work of it if you can distract it for me.'
dia_evt_6_sa_r_5_outro1 "It looks like we've dealt with the Er'Kit forces on Tatooine, but we need to learn more about who they are and why they attacked us."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_5_outro2 "We don't have any leads right now, but maybe we can give the site of the former Blood Dawn HQ a once over and see if we missed anything."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_6_intro1 "Somebody is already here, scouring these ruins. Let's introduce ourselves."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_6_outro1 "More Er'Kit troops. I don't like it. No other leads though."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_6_outro2 "It's time to come at this sideways, Partner."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_7_intro1 "Agent, all we know so far is that we are being attacked by Er'Kit using Imperial infantry tactics. We need to know more."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_7_intro2 'Attack this base and steal whatever intelligence you can. Hopefully it will generate some leads.'
dia_evt_6_sa_r_7_outro1 'Partner, I think we caught a break. According to this data there is an Imperial spy who has the clearance we need, being held by Tusken Raiders.'
dia_evt_6_sa_r_7_outro2 'If we get there fast enough we might be able to capture him from the Tuskens.'
dia_evt_6_sa_r_8_intro1 "And there you have it. One Imperial spy waiting for rescue. I bet he'll be surprised to see us. Let's get him."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_8_outro1 'Good work securing the Imperial spy, Agent. We will find out what he knows and use it to plan our next course of action.'
dia_evt_6_sa_r_9_intro1 "According to what we learned from the captured Imperial spy, this base is secretly holding files pertaining to the operations on Er'Kit."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_9_intro2 "Sounds good. Let's hit it hard, Partner. See what we can find once we've knocked out the defenses."
dia_evt_6_sa_r_9_outro1 'The files we recovered are encrypted, but with time we should be able to crack them. Good work, Agent.'
dia_evt_7_rw_e_0_intro1 'Operative, it seems that Tusken Raiders have been attacking Jawa sandcrawlers carrying Contraband shipments for Jabba the Hutt.'
dia_evt_7_rw_e_0_intro2 "Jabba's head of security, [F2D62F]Kada Jahr[-], has asked us to intervene. Ordinarily, the Empire would not stoop to the level of such criminals."
dia_evt_7_rw_e_0_intro3 'However, the potential for future profit is too high to ignore. Rebel aggression forces us to use every tool at our disposal, after all.'
dia_evt_7_rw_e_0_intro4 "Hello, Operative. I understand your superior's hesitation at being involved. I assure you that this arrangement will be profitable for both of us."
dia_evt_7_rw_e_10_outro1 "We've got hostiles incoming back at the base! Let's get a move on, partner."
dia_evt_7_rw_e_11_intro1 'Incoming hostiles! Who could be behind this?'
dia_evt_7_rw_e_11_outro1 "My intel has led to an Aqualish crime lord named [F2D62F]Nhego Roolan[-]. It seems he's bribed the Tuskens to steal Contraband here on Tatooine."
dia_evt_7_rw_e_11_outro2 "You dealt with the Tusken Raiders, but as we now know, they're not the real problem. I'll look into Roolan some more."
dia_evt_7_rw_e_12_intro1 "It seems the Contraband was transferred from the Tusken enclaves to Nhego Roolan's outposts before we learned of the sandcrawler attacks."
dia_evt_7_rw_e_12_intro2 'His forces are too heavily armed for any immediate assault. Take out this weapons depot first, to dull their teeth.'
dia_evt_7_rw_e_12_intro3 'Use these [F2D62F]TIE Advanced[-] to soften up the shields, and [F2D62F]VT-49 Decimators[-] to target infantry before deploying all your forces.'
dia_evt_7_rw_e_12_outro1 'Roolan must have bought some serious firepower.'
dia_evt_7_rw_e_12_outro2 'Not bought. Stolen, more likely. I think I know where from...'
dia_evt_7_rw_e_13_intro1 "Roolan's forces have been stealing weapons from Rebel bases. Attacking a Rebel base will force the commanders on Tatooine to increase security."
dia_evt_7_rw_e_13_intro2 'And that will cut off his source of firepower! I like this plan, partner.'
dia_evt_7_rw_e_13_outro1 "Nice work. Without his stolen weapons, Roolan's outposts are vulnerable. You can move directly against him."
dia_evt_7_rw_e_14_outro1 "(Why are you involved with Jabba's Contraband? You dare to get in my way?)"
dia_evt_7_rw_e_14_outro2 '[F2D62F]Nhego Roolan[-], I presume. Bribing the Tuskens was clever, but you should have covered your tracks better.'
dia_evt_7_rw_e_14_outro3 "(This isn't over yet!)"
dia_evt_7_rw_e_15_outro1 'Sir, we came across this [F2D62F]dossier[-] on Kada Jahr during the battle.'
dia_evt_7_rw_e_15_outro2 "What is this? Roolan has files about me? I'm gonna..."
dia_evt_7_rw_e_15_outro3 'I hate to interrupt, but sensors are picking up incoming forces!'
dia_evt_7_rw_e_16_intro1 "We've got incoming, partner! Tanks, and lots of infantry."
dia_evt_7_rw_e_16_intro2 "(You'll pay for what you've done, Imperial dogs!)"
dia_evt_7_rw_e_17_outro1 "I'm impressed, Operative. Play your cards right, and you could be a significant player in the Contraband trade, too."
dia_evt_7_rw_e_19_intro1 "The Rebel Alliance doesn't seem to appreciate Roolan's penchant for theft. He's found another source of weapons among the Rebels."
dia_evt_7_rw_e_19_intro2 'Such lax security is as bad for us as it is for them. Attack a second Rebel base to drive the point home.'
dia_evt_7_rw_e_1_intro1 "Here are the coordinates of several Tusken enclaves that have been attacking sandcrawlers carrying Contraband. I'm counting on you to put a stop to it."
dia_evt_7_rw_e_21_outro1 "(Kada, I'm disappointed. Your father had more... significant plans for you.)"
dia_evt_7_rw_e_21_outro2 'How did you get in...  Wait, you knew my father?'
dia_evt_7_rw_e_21_outro3 "He's in here! Stop him! He's getting away!"
dia_evt_7_rw_e_22_intro1 'The intelligence on Nhego Roolan is clearly faulty. He is dangerous, Operative. No one can explain how he infiltrated our base during the battle.'
dia_evt_7_rw_e_22_intro2 'Subsector Command has made it clear: your orders are to destroy his remaining outposts. Capture him if you can, but kill him if you must.'
dia_evt_7_rw_e_22_intro3 'And get the rest of the Contraband back. You need it as much as I do.'
dia_evt_7_rw_e_23_outro1 "Operative, make sure you've built a [F2D62F]Contraband Safehouse[-]. You'll need a place to put any Contraband you import or capture in the future."
dia_evt_7_rw_e_24_outro1 '(Filthy Imperials. Have I not suffered enough?)'
dia_evt_7_rw_e_24_outro2 'You made this personal, Roolan! Where did my dossier come from?'
dia_evt_7_rw_e_24_outro3 'Answer me!'
dia_evt_7_rw_e_25_intro1 "Roolan's trail leads back here. Time for him to answer for all this mess."
dia_evt_7_rw_e_25_outro1 'Adequate work, Operative. Jabba the Hutt will surely be pleased and the Empire will benefit.'
dia_evt_7_rw_e_25_outro2 'Subsector Command does not condone illegal activity, of course, but we must do everything in our power to eradicate the Rebels.'
dia_evt_7_rw_e_25_outro3 "Nhego Roolan got away, though. I doubt we've seen the last of him, partner."
dia_evt_7_rw_e_25_outro4 "Roolan hasn't seen the last of me. I'm going to find him and get some answers."
dia_evt_7_rw_e_26_intro1 'Rumor in the cantina is there are more outposts out there, with more Contraband. I say we take as much as we can before they evacuate.'
dia_evt_7_rw_e_2_intro1 "It doesn't make sense. Why would the Sand People care about Contraband?"
dia_evt_7_rw_e_2_intro2 "I can't say, but I do know it's in all of our best interests to secure Contraband trade on Tatooine."
dia_evt_7_rw_e_4_intro1 'These Tuskens have... [F2D62F]Mortar Turrets[-]? This is getting weirder by the second. Watch yourself out there, partner.'
dia_evt_7_rw_e_5_outro1 "Scouts are reportin' a bunch of incoming Tusken forces, partner. We must have really riled 'em up."
dia_evt_7_rw_e_6_outro1 'That was no simple raiding party. They were out for war.'
dia_evt_7_rw_e_6_outro2 "Tusken war parties? Stealing Contraband? I don't like this, partner."
dia_evt_7_rw_e_6_outro3 "Spies in my network are already looking into it. In the meantime, keep up the pressure. Jabba's gratitude is profitable, but he's not always patient."
dia_evt_7_rw_e_9_intro1 "Wait, are those storage buildings? I'd bet a heap o' credits the Tuskens are hoarding their raided Contraband there."
dia_evt_7_rw_e_9_intro2 "I've been able to supply you with a limited number of [F2D62F]MTV-7 vehicles[-] to target those storage buildings. Use their speed to your advantage."
dia_evt_7_rw_e_9_outro1 'If the Tuskens are building Contraband storage buildings, it must mean that the raids were planned in advance.'
dia_evt_7_rw_e_9_outro2 "I smell a rat, Kada. Tuskens will attack sandcrawlers now and then, but if I had to guess, I'd bet someone else is behind this."
dia_evt_7_rw_e_9_outro3 'DIALOGUE REMOVED'
dia_evt_7_rw_r_0_intro1 'Agent, it seems that Tusken Raiders have been attacking Jawa sandcrawlers carrying Contraband shipments for Jabba the Hutt.'
dia_evt_7_rw_r_0_intro2 "Jabba's head of security, [F2D62F]Kada Jahr[-], has asked us to intervene. Agent, I don't like associating with the Hutts, but we need allies."
dia_evt_7_rw_r_0_intro3 "Hello, Agent. I understand the Alliance's hesitation at being involved, but I assure you that this arrangement will be mutually beneficial."
dia_evt_7_rw_r_10_outro1 "We've got hostiles incoming back at the base! Let's get a move on, partner."
dia_evt_7_rw_r_11_intro1 'Incoming hostiles! Who could be behind this?'
dia_evt_7_rw_r_11_outro1 "My intel has led to an Aqualish crime lord named, [F2D62F]Nhego Roolan[-]. It seems he's bribed the Tuskens to steal Contraband here on Tatooine."
dia_evt_7_rw_r_11_outro2 "You dealt with the Tusken Raiders, but as we now know, they're not the real problem. I'll look into Roolan some more."
dia_evt_7_rw_r_12_intro1 "It seems the Contraband was transferred from the Tusken enclaves to Nhego Roolan's outposts before we learned of the sandcrawler attacks."
dia_evt_7_rw_r_12_intro2 'His forces are too heavily armed for any immediate assault. Take out this weapons depot first, to dull their teeth.'
dia_evt_7_rw_r_12_intro3 'Use these [F2D62F]A-wings[-] to soften up the shields, and [F2D62F]HWK-290s[-] to target infantry before deploying all your forces. Good luck, Agent.'
dia_evt_7_rw_r_12_outro1 'Roolan must have bought some serious firepower.'
dia_evt_7_rw_r_12_outro2 'Not bought. Stolen, more likely. I think I know where from...'
dia_evt_7_rw_r_13_intro1 "Roolan's forces have been stealing weapons from Imperial garrisons. Attacking a garrison will force the commanders on Tatooine to increase security."
dia_evt_7_rw_r_13_intro2 'And that will cut off his source of firepower! I like this plan, partner.'
dia_evt_7_rw_r_13_outro1 "Nice work. Without his stolen weapons, Roolan's outposts are vulnerable. You can move directly against him."
dia_evt_7_rw_r_14_outro1 "(Why are you involved with Jabba's Contraband? You dare to get in my way?)"
dia_evt_7_rw_r_14_outro2 '[F2D62F]Nhego Roolan[-], I presume. Bribing the Tuskens was clever, but you should have covered your tracks better.'
dia_evt_7_rw_r_14_outro3 "(This isn't over yet!)"
dia_evt_7_rw_r_15_outro1 'Sir, we came across this [F2D62F]dossier[-] on Kada Jahr during the battle.'
dia_evt_7_rw_r_15_outro2 "What is this? Roolan has files about me? I'm gonna..."
dia_evt_7_rw_r_15_outro3 'I hate to interrupt, but sensors are picking up incoming forces!'
dia_evt_7_rw_r_16_intro1 "We've got incoming, partner! Tanks, and lots of infantry."
dia_evt_7_rw_r_16_intro2 "(You'll pay for what you've done, blasted Rebels!)"
dia_evt_7_rw_r_17_outro1 "I'm impressed, Agent. Play your cards right, and you could be a significant player in the Contraband trade, too."
dia_evt_7_rw_r_19_intro1 "Roolan seems to have a penchant for bribing. He's buying weapons from a corrupt Empire official now."
dia_evt_7_rw_r_19_intro2 'Attacking another Empire garrison should spook the official and end further sales.'
dia_evt_7_rw_r_1_intro1 "Here are the coordinates of several Tusken enclaves that have been attacking sandcrawlers carrying Contraband. I'm counting on you to put a stop to it."
dia_evt_7_rw_r_21_outro1 "(Kada, I'm disappointed. Your father had more... significant plans for you.)"
dia_evt_7_rw_r_21_outro2 'How did you get in...  Wait, you knew my father?'
dia_evt_7_rw_r_21_outro3 "He's in here! Stop him! He's getting away!"
dia_evt_7_rw_r_22_intro1 "Nhego Roolan is clearly more dangerous than we could have imagined, Agent. We still don't know how he infiltrated our base during the battle."
dia_evt_7_rw_r_22_intro2 'What is clear is that he must be dealt with. For the safety of the Alliance, destroy his remaining outposts. Take him alive if at all possible.'
dia_evt_7_rw_r_22_intro3 "But don't pull any punches. The Contraband trade has been very profitable for Jabba, and it can be for the Alliance, too."
dia_evt_7_rw_r_23_outro1 "Agent, make sure you've built a [F2D62F]Contraband Safehouse[-]. You'll need a safe place to put any Contraband you import or capture in the future."
dia_evt_7_rw_r_24_outro1 '(Filthy Rebels. Have I not suffered enough?)'
dia_evt_7_rw_r_24_outro2 'You made this personal, Roolan! Where did my dossier come from?'
dia_evt_7_rw_r_24_outro3 'Answer me!'
dia_evt_7_rw_r_25_intro1 "Roolan's trail leads back here. Time for him to answer for all this mess."
dia_evt_7_rw_r_25_outro1 "Excellent work, Agent. You've delivered on the Alliance's promise and earned us valuable goodwill with Jabba the Hutt's organization."
dia_evt_7_rw_r_25_outro2 "Nhego Roolan got away, though. I doubt we've seen the last of him, partner."
dia_evt_7_rw_r_25_outro3 "Roolan hasn't seen the last of me. I'm going to find him and get some answers."
dia_evt_7_rw_r_26_intro1 'Rumor in the cantina is there are more outposts out there, with more Contraband. I say we take as much as we can before they evacuate.'
dia_evt_7_rw_r_2_intro1 "It doesn't make sense. Why would the Sand People care about Contraband?"
dia_evt_7_rw_r_2_intro2 "I can't say, but I do know it's in all of our best interests to secure Contraband trade on Tatooine."
dia_evt_7_rw_r_4_intro1 'These Tuskens have... [F2D62F]Mortar Turrets[-]? This is getting weirder by the second. Watch yourself out there, partner.'
dia_evt_7_rw_r_5_outro1 "Scouts are reportin' a bunch of incoming Tusken forces, partner. We must have really riled 'em up."
dia_evt_7_rw_r_6_outro1 'That was no simple raiding party. They were out for war.'
dia_evt_7_rw_r_6_outro2 "Tusken war parties? Stealing Contraband? I don't like this, partner."
dia_evt_7_rw_r_6_outro3 "Spies in my network are already looking into it. In the meantime, keep up the pressure. Jabba's gratitude is profitable, but he's not always patient."
dia_evt_7_rw_r_9_intro1 "Wait, are those storage buildings? I'd bet a heap o' credits the Tuskens are hoarding their raided Contraband there."
dia_evt_7_rw_r_9_intro2 "I've been able to supply you with a limited number of [F2D62F]AT-RT walkers[-] to target those storage buildings. Use their speed to your advantage."
dia_evt_7_rw_r_9_outro1 'If the Tuskens are building Contraband storage buildings, it must mean that the raids were planned in advance.'
dia_evt_7_rw_r_9_outro2 "I smell a rat, Kada. Tuskens will attack sandcrawlers now and then, but if I had to guess, I'd bet someone else is behind this."
dia_evt_7_rw_r_9_outro3 'DIALOGUE REMOVED'
dia_evt_8_rs_e_0_intro1 'Greetings, Operative. I have a new assignment for you. It involves travel to a moon of the gas giant, Yavin, known as Yavin 4.'
dia_evt_8_rs_e_0_intro2 "As you may know, the Empire suffered a... strategic setback in that system, when the Death Star was destroyed in Yavin's orbit."
dia_evt_8_rs_e_0_intro3 'The Rebels behind this attack made a hasty evacuation from their secret base on the moon, and sources say they may have left some vital intel behind.'
dia_evt_8_rs_e_0_intro4 'You are being dispatched to Yavin 4 to sweep the moon of hostiles, locate any surviving Rebel data centers and extract intel, if it does indeed exist.'
dia_evt_8_rs_e_10_outro1 'Your success in these upcoming missions may reveal to us any future plans the Rebel scum may have to deter us. The stakes have been raised, Operative.'
dia_evt_8_rs_e_10_outro2 'Continue the operation and report in when you have secured the moon. Veers out.'
dia_evt_8_rs_e_12_intro1 'Lotsa Rebels on this moon, partner. They really mean to keep our noses out of their secrets. '
dia_evt_8_rs_e_15_intro1 "If we do find this intel, I wonder if we'll find out how they destroyed something as incredible as the Death Star?"
dia_evt_8_rs_e_15_intro2 "Information like that will be very valuable to the Empire, partner. Maybe they'll even use it to build a new one?"
dia_evt_8_rs_e_1_intro1 "Looks like the Rebels got here before us, partner, which means General Veer's intel was spot on."
dia_evt_8_rs_e_1_intro2 'If there really are Rebel secrets here on Yavin 4, we should get our hands on them before they get a chance to destroy these data centers.'
dia_evt_8_rs_e_20_outro1 'Excellent work thus far, Operative. Your skills are to be commended. Continue your work on Yavin 4. Veers out.'
dia_evt_8_rs_e_23_outro1 'Operative, the interdiction-class destroyer Hunter has been dispatched to Yavin and tasked with orbital surveillance.'
dia_evt_8_rs_e_23_outro2 'It should arrive in system shortly and assist in locating the command and control facility for Rebel operations on the moon.'
dia_evt_8_rs_e_23_outro3 'Additionally it will prevent escape from the system if necessary. Find the Rebel leader and put a stop to their operations.'
dia_evt_8_rs_e_24_outro1 "Partner, I'm getting a signal from the Hunter. They found the Rebel command that has secured the data centers and are sending coordinates now."
dia_evt_8_rs_e_24_outro2 "They say they'll stay until we handle the ground ops and make sure Rebels don't leave the surface."
dia_evt_8_rs_e_25_intro1 "Our friends in orbit have confirmed this is where the Rebels are coordinating the destruction of the intel from. Let's take it down."
dia_evt_8_rs_e_25_outro1 'Operative, your efforts have been crucial. The Rebels put up a serious fight, but our mission was still of some success.'
dia_evt_8_rs_e_25_outro2 'While they were able to secure and destroy most of their data centers, your attacks provided the distraction we needed to recover the rest.'
dia_evt_8_rs_e_25_outro3 'Let us hope this information proves to be valuable. Continue to sweep this moon for Rebel bases. Veers out.'
dia_evt_8_rs_e_2_intro1 "This couldn't be the base the general was speaking of... but I'm willing to bet these Rebels are protecting something. Let's show 'em how we do."
dia_evt_8_rs_e_2_outro1 "The Rebels' actions confirm our suspicions, Operative. "
dia_evt_8_rs_e_2_outro2 'They are securing a perimeter to afford themselves the time they need to destroy their data centers. We must proceed with haste!'
dia_evt_8_rs_r_0_intro1 'Greetings, Agent. I have an urgent mission for you on Yavin 4.'
dia_evt_8_rs_r_0_intro2 'As you may well know, the Rebel Alliance destroyed the Death Star, a secret Imperial super weapon capable of destroying planets, in the Yavin system.'
dia_evt_8_rs_r_0_intro3 'Rebel forces were forced to flee Yavin 4 immediately after the battle, but in their haste, some of our data centers were not completely destroyed.'
dia_evt_8_rs_r_0_intro4 'We suspect the Imperials are on their way to the moon as we speak, in an attempt to recover our secrets. We must return to Yavin 4 and destroy the data.'
dia_evt_8_rs_r_10_outro1 "We're going to need to keep the Empire away for as long as possible while Rebel Agents secure the data. "
dia_evt_8_rs_r_10_outro2 "The Empire is looking to expose a hole in our defenses and get to the data centers before us. We won't let them do that, will we, Agent?"
dia_evt_8_rs_r_12_intro1 "Lotsa bucket heads on this moon, Partner. They really want to get to those data centers. Good thing we're here to stop 'em, eh?"
dia_evt_8_rs_r_15_intro1 "Whatever these secrets we're protecting are, partner, the Imperials want them badly."
dia_evt_8_rs_r_15_intro2 "What if they contain coordinates to secret Rebel bases? If so, we can't let the Imperials get their hands on them!"
dia_evt_8_rs_r_1_intro1 'Looks like the Imperials already beat us here, partner. Once we locate the data centers, we should set up a perimeter...'
dia_evt_8_rs_r_1_intro2 "...But first let's slow them down by taking out a few of their garrisons. "
dia_evt_8_rs_r_20_outro1 'Keep at it, Agent. The Rebel Alliance is counting on your success in this operation.'
dia_evt_8_rs_r_23_outro1 "Agent, we've made contact with a Dauntless-class heavy cruiser near this subsector."
dia_evt_8_rs_r_23_outro2 'It should arrive in system shortly and assist in locating the command and control facility for Imperial operations on Yavin 4.'
dia_evt_8_rs_r_23_outro3 "Once it's identified, hit that location, and hit it hard."
dia_evt_8_rs_r_24_outro1 "We're getting a signal from the ship in orbit. They've located the command garrison and are sending coordinates now."
dia_evt_8_rs_r_24_outro2 "They say they'll stay until we handle the ground ops and warn us if Imperial reinforcements arrive."
dia_evt_8_rs_r_25_intro1 "Our friends in orbit say this is where the Imperials are coordinating their ops on Yavin 4 from. Let's take it down."
dia_evt_8_rs_r_25_outro1 'Agent, good work on Yavin 4. Your attacks on the Imperials provided us with the time we needed.'
dia_evt_8_rs_r_25_outro2 'Unfortunately, I just received a report that the Imperials may have gotten away with some of the data.'
dia_evt_8_rs_r_25_outro3 'I doubt it will prove useful to them, but I urge you to sweep the moon and destroy any remaining garrisons.'
dia_evt_8_rs_r_2_intro1 "Wow, partner, the Imperials really didn't waste any time setting up here on Yavin 4. Let's show 'em what we think of their plans."
dia_evt_8_rs_r_2_outro1 'The Imperials have confirmed our suspicions, Agent.'
dia_evt_8_rs_r_2_outro2 'They are massing forces here and setting up operations all over the moon. We have much work to do.'
dia_evt_9_epffa_e_0_intro1 "Operative, it has come to my attention that your troops have become quite complacent and lazy. Too many mistakes have been made in combat, and it's time to whip them into shape."
dia_evt_9_epffa_e_0_intro2 "I've prepared a series of 'training missions' for you. Take your troops and drill them until they collapse! I'll be closely monitoring your results."
dia_evt_9_epffa_r_0_intro1 "Agent, our recruiting efforts have gone splendidly. So much so that we've now got a surplus of troops with too little combat experience. I'm counting on you to whip them into shape!"
dia_evt_9_epffa_r_0_intro2 "Our scouts have provided me with an array of Imperial garrisons to raid. Nothing like real world training, right Commander? We'll mold these rookies into soldiers yet..."
dia_evt_rc21_00 'Hey, partner. Our smuggler friend, Kada Jahr, has an offer for us. We should move fast on this. It won’t last long.'
dia_evt_rc21_02 'The Data Fragments are stored in [c][F2D62F]Weapons Research Crates[-][/c]. These crates can provide access to elite mercenaries, starfighters, and equipment.'
dia_evt_rc21_03 'Earn these crates by completing my special [c][F2D62F]objectives[-][/c]. Or if you’re in a real hurry, I wouldn’t say no to crystals.'
dia_evt_rc21_e_01 'Hello, Operative. My contacts have uncovered a source of Data Fragments abandoned by the Empire’s old Advanced Weapons Research division, once directed by Orson Krennic.'
dia_evt_rc21_e_04 'There’s a [c][F2D62F]limited time[-][/c] before these crates run out, and I guarantee you won’t find some of these Data Fragments anywhere else. Don’t miss this chance, Operative.'
dia_evt_rc21_r_01 'Hello, Agent. My contacts have uncovered a source of Data Fragments abandoned by the Empire’s old Advanced Weapons Research division, once directed by Orson Krennic.'
dia_evt_rc21_r_04 'There’s a [c][F2D62F]limited time[-][/c] before these crates run out, and I guarantee you won’t find some of these Data Fragments anywhere else. Don’t miss this chance, Agent.'
dia_forBiome_00 "Hey partner. After so long on Tatooine, there's more green on Dandoran, Yavin 4, and Takodana than I thought there could be in the whole galaxy. It's getting harder for our troops to manage all of it."
dia_forBiome_01_e "That's why I think we should roll out some [c][F2D62F]forest equipment[-][/c]. There's new stuff coming on the market, and it packs enough of a punch to make the Rebels think twice!"
dia_forBiome_01_r "That's why I think we should roll out some [c][F2D62F]forest equipment[-][/c]. There's new stuff coming on the market, and it packs enough of a punch to make the Empire think twice!"
dia_forBiome_02 "I've heard there are Data Fragments for equipment in high-end supply crates. I also have a contact who'll sell us the crates for crystals, but only for a short time."
dia_forBiome_03_e "How does that sound, partner? I think it's our best chance to stock up on forest equipment and remind the Rebels just who they're dealing with!"
dia_forBiome_03_r "How does that sound, partner? I think it's our best chance to stock up on forest equipment and remind the Empire just who they're dealing with!"
dia_forBiome_Jetpack_01_e "I've been thinking, partner. Operating in forests and jungles puts us in danger of surprise attacks from the Rebels. I know of some equipment that will make the terrain more manageable."
dia_forBiome_Jetpack_01_r "I've been thinking, partner. Forests and jungles are great for surprise attacks on the Empire, but we still have to worry about rough terrain. There's some equipment that will help with that."
dia_forBiome_Jetpack_02_e 'These jetpacks have better output from both the blasters and the engines. Forest Jump Troopers can move faster and deal more damage. We can take any advantage away from those Rebels!'
dia_forBiome_Jetpack_02_r "These jetpacks have extra output from both the blasters and the engines. Forest Jetpack Troopers shoot harder and move faster, even in rough country. It's perfect for pushing the Empire out!"
dia_forBiome_Jetpack_03_e "Gather the Data Fragments for this equipment from any high-end supply crate. We can get crates in exchange for crystals, but we'd better move on it. Once word gets out, these'll disappear!"
dia_forBiome_Jetpack_03_r "Gather the Data Fragments for this equipment from any high-end supply crate. We can get crates in exchange for crystals, but we'd better move on it. Once word gets out, these'll disappear!"
dia_fue_joinSquad_intro1 'We should join a squad, partner!'
dia_fue_joinSquad_intro2 'With the support of up to thirty squadmates, how can we go wrong?'
dia_joinsquad_e_intro1 "You'll find making allies of your fellow Operatives quite the boon, Commander."
dia_joinsquad_e_intro2 'Set your expectations high when choosing a squad. The Empire has little time for layabouts, and neither should you!'
dia_joinsquad_r_intro1 'We stand a greater chance against the Empire united, Commander.'
dia_joinsquad_r_intro2 "Find a squad with other skilled Agents such as yourself. We're in for a fight, so make sure you're working with the best!"
dia_maz_e_intro1 'When you live for as long as I have, you tend to make a few... adversaries.'
dia_maz_e_intro2 'I believe some of these troublemakers are posing as Rebel Agents, making them our common foe.'
dia_maz_e_intro3 'I have identified targets on each world. Complete these objectives, and you will be compensated for your efforts.'
dia_maz_r_intro1 'You are no friend of the Empire, which is something we have in common.'
dia_maz_r_intro2 'It seems our Imperial rivals have been collecting an... uncomfortable amount of information on me.'
dia_maz_r_intro3 "I would like you to focus on a few targets I've tracked down on each world. Complete my objectives, and I will repay the favor."
dia_monster_raid_fail_01 "This is tougher than we thought. A fully upgraded base and your squad's support should do the trick, Commander."
dia_monster_raid_intro_01 "Rancors incoming, Commander! Keep your eyes peeled for the infamous [F2D62F]Rage Rancor[-]. He'll do serious damage to a base."
dia_monster_raid_intro_02 "What these beasts don't realize is that they are the prey! They're no match for your superiorly designed defenses, Commander."
dia_monster_raid_intro_03 'The Supply Crates you earn from these battles may even contain the legendary [F2D62F]Rage Rancor![-]'
dia_monster_raid_outro_01 'Keep a look out for the next rancor attack. Prepare yourself by calling on your squad, and have as many troops as possible ready to defend.'
dia_monster_raid_tut_01 "Rancors are rampaging across the galaxy. If you're prepared, you might be able to capture a few."
dia_monster_raid_tut_02 "Look to your [F2D62F]Scout Tower[-] for reports on incoming raids, and let's bag some of these beasts!"
dia_navalEvt_00_e "Operative, I have been entrusted with a message for you. While it bears encryption from high up the chain of command, don't forget that you work for me. I will decrypt the message for you now."
dia_navalEvt_00_r "You must have impressed someone important, Agent. I received a heavily encrypted message, for your eyes only. I'm decrypting it now. Stand by."
dia_navalEvt_01_e 'This is Admiral Ozzel of the Galactic Empire. My staff report that you are responsible for several attacks on rebel agents. The Empire rewards success, but I want to see the proof myself.'
dia_navalEvt_01_r 'Greetings, Agent. This is Admiral Ackbar. I have heard reports of your contributions to our struggle against the Empire. Now, I wish to see the results for myself.'
dia_navalEvt_02_e 'Locate and secure high-value supply crates containing valuable military data, broken up into fragments that must be re-assembled.'
dia_navalEvt_02_r 'Consider this a test. You must locate and secure high-value supply crates containing valuable military data, broken up into fragments that must be re-assembled.'
dia_navalEvt_03_e 'If you can acquire the correct fragments, I will lend you the support of skilled soldiers...'
dia_navalEvt_03_r 'If you can acquire the correct fragments, I will lend you the support of skilled soldiers...'
dia_navalEvt_04_e '...as well as limited starfighter coverage and orbital bombardment from the Imperial fleet.'
dia_navalEvt_04_r '...as well as limited starfighter coverage and orbital bombardment from the Alliance fleet.'
dia_navalEvt_05_e 'We must restore order to the galaxy, Operative. Do not disappoint me.'
dia_navalEvt_05_r 'I have faith in you, Agent. Prove me right.'
dia_newHeroEvent_00_e 'Operative, I have acquired new intelligence you would be remiss to ignore. Sensitive data belonging to the Empire is at risk of falling into enemy hands.'
dia_newHeroEvent_00_r "Greetings, Agent. I have information for you about a new battlefield weapon, with enough firepower to match some of the Empire's fiercest technology."
dia_newHeroEvent_01_e 'Though often employed as bodyguards for important officers such as myself, Death Troopers also specialize in commando operations on the battlefield.'
dia_newHeroEvent_01_r 'The Elite AT-TE Walker has been modified with thicker armor plating and more powerful laser cannons. Only the best pilots are allowed to drive this machine.'
dia_newHeroEvent_02_e 'These fearsome soldiers are equipped to handle all manner of base defenses, including hidden traps.'
dia_newHeroEvent_02_r 'The heavy armor may weigh it down, but the crew will target and destroy enemy shield generators with extreme prejudice.'
dia_newHeroEvent_03_e 'Data Fragments containing information about Death Troopers have recently appeared in Weapons Research Crates.'
dia_newHeroEvent_03_r 'My intelligence says that Data Fragments for the Elite AT-TE Walker can be found in Weapons Research Crates.'
dia_newHeroEvent_04_e "These crates were somehow stolen from a facility on Scarif. Secure them and the data they contain, by force or crystal trade if necessary. I needn't explain to you the importance of getting them back."
dia_newHeroEvent_04_r 'Rumor has it these crates were stolen from somewhere on Scarif. I doubt the Empire will waste time tracking these down. Get these crates while you can, either through battle or trading for crystals.'
dia_newHeroEvent_05_e 'Retrieve enough of the Data Fragments and I will see to it that you are authorized to deploy a Death Trooper. As long as you continue to succeed, Operative, the Empire will reward you.'
dia_newHeroEvent_05_r 'The Elite AT-TE Walker could represent a turning point in the war, Agent. Seize this opportunity and help us take back the galaxy.'
dia_newsquad_e_intro1 'Our reports tell me your current squad may not know the breadth of your full potential, Operative.'
dia_newsquad_e_intro2 'I suggest you peruse some more highly active squads where your skills will be better put to use.'
dia_newsquad_r_intro1 "Commander, We have intel on a new Imperial offensive, but your current squad isn't up to the task."
dia_newsquad_r_intro2 'Find a group of more active Agents to ally yourself with, and take the fight to the Empire!'
dia_raid_e_fail1 'Show them the might of the Empire; Use all of your [c][F2D62F]Heroes[-][/c] and [c][F2D62F]Starfighters[-][/c] to turn the tide of battle.'
dia_raid_e_fail1_eqp 'Show them the might of the Empire. Activate [c][F2D62F]defensive equipment[-][/c] and use all of your [c][F2D62F]Heroes[-][/c] and [c][F2D62F]Starfighters[-][/c] to turn the tide of battle.'
dia_raid_e_fail2 "The Empire doesn't tolerate failure. Ensure that your defenses are [c][F2D62F]fully upgraded[-][/c] for maximum combat efficiency."
dia_raid_e_fail2_eqp "The Empire doesn't tolerate failure. Ensure that your defenses are [c][F2D62F]fully upgraded[-][/c], and activate [c][F2D62F]defensive equipment[-][/c] for maximum combat efficiency."
dia_raid_e_outro1 "Ha! Is that all they've got? You sent those Rebels running, partner! That's what you get, Rebel scum!"
dia_raid_fail1 "Remember, you can deploy all your [c][F2D62F]Heroes[-][/c] and [c][F2D62F]Starfighters[-][/c]. Hit 'em with everything we've got, partner!"
dia_raid_fail2 "Make sure to [c][F2D62F]upgrade[-][/c] any defenses that aren't maxed out, partner. Show them who they're messing with!"
dia_raid_fail2_eqp "Make sure to [c][F2D62F]upgrade[-][/c] defenses that aren't maxed out, and activate any [c][F2D62F]defensive equipment[-][/c] we've got, partner. Show them who they're messing with!"
dia_raid_fail3 "Make sure all the turrets are [c][F2D62F]fully upgraded[-][/c], and don't forget about turret swapping. Use an array of turret types to take on this enemy."
dia_raid_fail3_eqp "Make sure all the turrets are [c][F2D62F]fully upgraded[-][/c], and don't forget about [c][F2D62F]defensive equipment[-][/c]. We'll need a fully equipped base to take on this enemy."
dia_raid_fail4 "Make sure all the turrets are [c][F2D62F]fully upgraded[-][/c], and don't forget about turret swapping. [c][F2D62F]Rocket Turrets[-][/c] will work best against these vehicles."
dia_raid_fail4_eqp "Make sure to activate all [c][F2D62F]defensive equipment[-][/c] and [c][F2D62F]fully upgrade[-][/c] all turrets. Don't forget turret swapping, either. [c][F2D62F]Rocket Turrets[-][/c] will work best against these vehicles."
dia_raid_fail5 "Make sure all the turrets are [c][F2D62F]fully upgraded[-][/c], and don't forget about turret swapping. [c][F2D62F]Mortars[-][/c] will do the most damage to infantry."
dia_raid_fail5_eqp "Make sure to activate all [c][F2D62F]defensive equipment[-][/c] and [c][F2D62F]fully upgrade[-][/c] all turrets. Don't forget turret swapping, either. [c][F2D62F]Mortars[-][/c] will do the most damage to infantry."
dia_raid_groundunits_e_intro1 "Sneaky Rebel troops... they think they can catch us off guard. Let's make 'em regret this, partner!"
dia_raid_groundunits_r_intro1 "These Imperial troops think they have the element of surprise. Let's show 'em what we're made of, partner!"
dia_raid_infantry_e_intro1 'I trust you are prepared to deal with this pitiful infantry raid. However crafty they may be, the Rebel scum will never be a match for the might of the Empire!'
dia_raid_infantry_r_intro1 "If there's one thing I'm certain of, it's the incompetence of Imperial infantry. Show these devious troops what it means to mess with the Rebel Alliance!"
dia_raid_outro1 "We'd be in serious trouble without you leading the battle, partner. I'm glad we're on the same side!"
dia_raid_outro2 'Nice job, partner! That was one hell of a firefight. Reminds me of the old days!'
dia_raid_r_fail1 'Show the galaxy that the Alliance will never falter. Send out all of your [c][F2D62F]Heroes[-][/c] and [c][F2D62F]Starfighters[-][/c] to meet the enemy.'
dia_raid_r_fail1_eqp 'Show the galaxy that the Alliance will never falter. Activate [c][F2D62F]defensive equipment[-][/c] and send all of your [c][F2D62F]Heroes[-][/c] and [c][F2D62F]Starfighters[-][/c] to meet the enemy.'
dia_raid_r_fail2 "The Alliance is counting on you. Make sure you've [c][F2D62F]fully upgraded[-][/c] your defenses."
dia_raid_r_fail2_eqp "The Alliance is counting on you. Make sure you've [c][F2D62F]fully upgraded[-][/c] your defenses and activated your [c][F2D62F]defensive equipment[-][/c]."
dia_raid_r_outro1 "Ha! Is that all they've got? You knocked them down a peg or two, partner! That's what you get, Imperial dogs!"
dia_raid_vehicles_e_intro1 'Rebel scum think they can slip by our sensors with these rattling piles of scrap they call vehicles? They will regret attempting a raid on THIS garrison, Operative.'
dia_raid_vehicles_r_intro1 "The Imperials have never been great at covert tactics, Agent. Your confidence tells me you're prepared to take on this raid of enemy vehicles."
dia_redCup_conf_00 'Hey partner, I dug up some old holorecordings. Made by Lando Calrissian himself, obviously in his younger days.'
dia_redCup_conf_01 "I've never met the man, but he had quite a reputation even back then. I reckon most scoundrels in the galaxy know his name by now. Listen to this."
dia_redCup_conf_02 '"Holojournal Entry #1983712. During our most recent trip to the Noonian sector, L3 and I met an Er\'kit gunrunner who presented us with an interesting opportunity."'
dia_redCup_conf_03 '"This enterprising fellow has been skimming from Imperial weapons shipments. In fact, he\'s built up too much to move without getting caught."'
dia_redCup_conf_04 '"I offered him my services transporting the heavier, more dangerous weaponry. He agreed, and I even managed to secure some very favorable terms over a friendly card game."'
dia_redCup_conf_05 '"Holojournal Entr- *kkkk* ...take the walkers...in the Halthor sector. Just my luck, the buyer was under Imperial surveillance."'
dia_redCup_conf_06 '"...interdictor dropped out of hyperspace. L3 and I barely managed to...cargo bay was hit- *kkkk* ...whole shipment was blown out into space."'
dia_redCup_conf_07 "That's not all. There's underworld talk right now about some walkers that showed up out of nowhere, older tech with some seriously scary firepower."
dia_redCup_conf_08 'Partner, I think somebody found the cargo that Calrissian lost all those years ago. A lot of people are going to be fighting to get their hands on it. I say we join in and get some for ourselves!'
dia_rogue1v3_00 "Hey, partner. Kada Jahr contacted me with a good offer. We should take her on up on it, before it's gone."
dia_rogue1v3_02 'The Data Fragments are found in [c][F2D62F]Weapons Research Crates[-][/c].'
dia_rogue1v3_03 'Securing the crates can get you access to elite mercenaries, starfighters, and equipment. Some of this gear is even more powerful than before!'
dia_rogue1v3_04 "Earn these crates by completing my special [c][F2D62F]objectives[-][/c]. I don't mind trading them for crystals, either."
dia_rogue1v3_e_01 'Hello, Operative. I have another line on Data Fragments taken from the Empire’s old Advanced Weapons Research division, the one that used to be directed by Orson Krennic.'
dia_rogue1v3_e_05 "I'll only have the crates for a [c][F2D62F]limited time[-][/c]. Believe me, Operative, you don't want to miss these Data Fragments."
dia_rogue1v3_r_01 'Hello, Agent. I have another line on Data Fragments taken from the Empire’s old Advanced Weapons Research division, the one that used to be directed by Orson Krennic.'
dia_rogue1v3_r_05 "I'll only have the crates for a [c][F2D62F]limited time[-][/c]. Believe me, Agent, you don't want to miss these Data Fragments."
dia_sce_1_gwar_e_0_intro1 "Partner, I'm hearin' chatter in the Cantina that someone's taken exception to our operations here."
dia_sce_1_gwar_e_0_intro2 "From what I've heard, some pretty hefty mercs are on their way. We best be on alert."
dia_sce_1_gwar_e_1_intro1 'Looks like what I overheard at the Cantina was true. Scouts are reporting mercs inbound!'
dia_sce_1_gwar_e_1_outro1 "You see the punishin' those [F2D62F]Gamorrean Warrior[-] mercs put on our base, partner?"
dia_sce_1_gwar_e_1_outro2 "Wasn't a total loss though. I managed to wrangle a few and persuade them to work for us with some Contraband."
dia_sce_1_gwar_e_1_outro3 "I say we launch 'em back where they came from for some Outer Rim... diplomacy. "
dia_sce_1_gwar_e_2_fail1 "Watch out for those Burst Turrets, partner. They don't play nice with Gamorreans."
dia_sce_1_gwar_e_2_intro1 '(I see you\'ve found me out, "Operative"...)'
dia_sce_1_gwar_e_2_intro2 "(The problem with mercs... it's always about the highest bidder. No matter. My bases are virtually undefeatable!)"
dia_sce_1_gwar_e_2_intro3 "It's that Roolan character again, and with that same ol' swagger... If these [F2D62F]Gamorreans[-] are as tough as I reckon, let's send 'em in!"
dia_sce_1_gwar_e_2_outro1 "Looks like Nhego fled. Let's run him down. We've still got more of these [F2D62F]Gamorrean Warriors[-] on the payroll."
dia_sce_1_gwar_e_3_intro1 '(You again!?) '
dia_sce_1_gwar_e_3_intro2 'This is the place, partner. Send in the [F2D62F]Gamorreans[-].'
dia_sce_1_gwar_e_3_outro1 "Ha! That'll learn him. Let's see what these bruisers can do to the rest of his bases."
dia_sce_1_gwar_e_3_outro2 "(Best of luck tracking me down, Commander... I'll decide when we meet again!)"
dia_sce_1_gwar_r_0_intro1 "Partner, I'm hearin' chatter in the Cantina that someone's taken exception to our operations here."
dia_sce_1_gwar_r_0_intro2 "From what I've heard, some pretty hefty mercs are on their way. We best be on alert."
dia_sce_1_gwar_r_1_intro1 'Looks like what I overheard at the Cantina was true. Scouts are reporting mercs inbound!'
dia_sce_1_gwar_r_1_outro1 "You see the punishin' those [F2D62F]Gamorrean Warrior[-] mercs put on our base, partner?"
dia_sce_1_gwar_r_1_outro2 "Wasn't a total loss though. I managed to wrangle a few and persuade them to work for us with some Contraband."
dia_sce_1_gwar_r_1_outro3 "I say we launch 'em back where they came from for some Outer Rim... diplomacy. "
dia_sce_1_gwar_r_2_fail1 "Watch out for those Burst Turrets, partner. They don't play nice with Gamorreans."
dia_sce_1_gwar_r_2_intro1 '(I see you\'ve found me out, "Agent"...)'
dia_sce_1_gwar_r_2_intro2 "(The problem with mercs... it's always about the highest bidder. No matter. My bases are virtually undefeatable!)"
dia_sce_1_gwar_r_2_intro3 "It's that Roolan character again, and with that same ol' swagger... If these [F2D62F]Gamorreans[-] are as tough as I reckon, let's send 'em in!"
dia_sce_1_gwar_r_2_outro1 "Looks like Nhego fled. Let's run him down. We've still got more of these [F2D62F]Gamorrean Warriors[-] on the payroll."
dia_sce_1_gwar_r_3_intro1 '(You again!?) '
dia_sce_1_gwar_r_3_intro2 'This is the place, partner. Send in the [F2D62F]Gamorreans[-].'
dia_sce_1_gwar_r_3_outro1 "Ha! That'll learn him. Let's see what these bruisers can do to the rest of his bases."
dia_sce_1_gwar_r_3_outro2 "(Best of luck tracking me down, Commander... I'll decide when we meet again!)"
dia_sce_2_star_e_0_intro1 'Hey, partner. The Empire just sent us a new batch of schematics for our starfighter forces.'
dia_sce_2_star_e_0_intro2 "Looks like they did a pretty major overhaul and refit of the ships' capabilities. What do you say we test them out?"
dia_sce_2_star_e_1_intro1 'This abandoned smuggler base is a good first target. According to the crew, the [F2D62F]TIE Bomber[-] upgrades are complete.'
dia_sce_2_star_e_1_intro2 "The  [F2D62F]TIE Bomber's[-] bombs should be effective at takin' out lightly armored buildings like those barracks and resource buildings."
dia_sce_2_star_e_1_outro1 "Looks like [F2D62F]TIE Bombers[-] are going to be useful with lightly armored buildings. The specs say they'll also take out [F2D62F]Traps[-]!"
dia_sce_2_star_e_1_outro2 "I'm seeing another smuggling base on the scopes, let's swing by that one."
dia_sce_2_star_e_2_intro1 "Those mortars will make short work of our troops, so let's try out a [F2D62F]TIE Advanced[-] and [F2D62F]TIE Fighter[-] combo, partner."
dia_sce_2_star_e_2_intro2 'A [F2D62F]TIE Advanced[-] will bust a shield with mega ion bombs, and a [F2D62F]TIE Fighter[-] can easily destroy a single turret.'
dia_sce_2_star_e_2_outro1 "Wow, those [F2D62F]TIE Advanced[-] upgrades are really somethin'! Those boys over in tech deserve a drink."
dia_sce_2_star_e_3_intro1 "That's a lot of walls protecting that HQ, eh partner? The [F2D62F]TIE Interceptor's[-] cannons are specifically configured to bust walls."
dia_sce_2_star_e_3_intro2 "And the [F2D62F]TIE Interceptor's[-] shots are able to bypass shields. Let's open a path for our grunts to get at that HQ."
dia_sce_2_star_e_3_outro1 'Not too shabby, partner.'
dia_sce_2_star_e_4_intro1 'These smugglers are active, but look at the layout here. Clustered turrets are vulnerable to [F2D62F]TIE Defender[-] strikes.'
dia_sce_2_star_e_4_intro2 'Call down a [F2D62F]TIE Defender[-] strike on the center of those turret clusters to open that base up for a ground attack.'
dia_sce_2_star_e_4_outro1 'According to what the fly boys tell me, [F2D62F]TIE Defenders[-] were retooled to wreak havoc on turret groups. That modification did the trick, alright!'
dia_sce_2_star_e_4_outro2 "That's all the smuggler bases, partner. Let's head home."
dia_sce_2_star_e_5_intro1 "Sensors report incoming, partner. Those are the smugglers we used for target practice, and they're not too happy."
dia_sce_2_star_e_5_intro2 "We've got some aces in the hole though. The [F2D62F]VT-49[-] can drop incendiary bombs that decimate troops."
dia_sce_2_star_e_5_intro3 'And [F2D62F]IDTs[-] can deploy a small squad of Stormtroopers wherever you want. Used together, this ought to be a cinch.'
dia_sce_2_star_e_5_outro1 "Ha ha! Look at 'em run! Seriously though, where did smugglers get a Rancor? Good thing we had those dropship troops to help take it down."
dia_sce_2_star_e_5_outro2 'The Imperial techs really outdid themselves with these starship upgrades. Looks like we chose the right side, eh partner?'
dia_sce_2_star_r_0_intro1 'Hey, partner. The Alliance just sent us a new batch of schematics for our starfighter forces.'
dia_sce_2_star_r_0_intro2 "Looks like they did a pretty major overhaul and refit of the ships' capabilities. What do you say we test them out?"
dia_sce_2_star_r_1_intro1 'This abandoned smuggler base is a good first target. According to the crew, the [F2D62F]Y-wing[-] upgrades are complete.'
dia_sce_2_star_r_1_intro2 "The  [F2D62F]Y-wing's[-] bombs should be effective at takin' out lightly armored buildings like those barracks and resource buildings."
dia_sce_2_star_r_1_outro1 "Looks like [F2D62F]Y-wings[-] are going to be useful with lightly armored buildings. The specs say they'll also take out [F2D62F]Traps[-]!"
dia_sce_2_star_r_1_outro2 "I'm seeing another smuggling base on the scopes, let's swing by that one."
dia_sce_2_star_r_2_intro1 "Those mortars will make short work of our troops, so let's try out an [F2D62F]A-wing[-] and [F2D62F]X-Wing[-] combo, partner."
dia_sce_2_star_r_2_intro2 'An [F2D62F]A-wing[-] will bust a shield with mega ion bombs, and an [F2D62F]X-wing[-] can easily destroy a single turret.'
dia_sce_2_star_r_2_outro1 "Wow, those [F2D62F]A-wing[-] upgrades are really somethin'! Those boys over in tech deserve a drink."
dia_sce_2_star_r_3_intro1 "That's a lot of walls protecting that HQ, eh partner? The [F2D62F]Z-95's[-] cannons are specifically configured to bust walls."
dia_sce_2_star_r_3_intro2 "And the [F2D62F]Z-95's[-] shots are able to bypass shields. Let's open a path for our grunts to get at that HQ."
dia_sce_2_star_r_3_outro1 'Not too shabby, partner.'
dia_sce_2_star_r_4_intro1 'These smugglers are active, but look at the layout here. Clustered turrets are vulnerable to [F2D62F]B-wing[-] strikes.'
dia_sce_2_star_r_4_intro2 'Call down a [F2D62F]B-wing[-] strike on the center of those turret clusters to open that base up for a ground attack.'
dia_sce_2_star_r_4_outro1 'According to what the fly boys tell me, [F2D62F]B-wings[-] were retooled to wreak havoc on turret groups. That modification did the trick, alright!'
dia_sce_2_star_r_4_outro2 "That's all the smuggler bases, partner. Let's head home."
dia_sce_2_star_r_5_intro1 "Sensors report incoming, partner. Those are the smugglers we used for target practice, and they're not too happy."
dia_sce_2_star_r_5_intro2 "We've got some aces in the hole though. The [F2D62F]HWK-290[-] can drop incendiary bombs that decimate troops."
dia_sce_2_star_r_5_intro3 'And [F2D62F]LAATs[-] can deploy a small squad of Soldiers wherever you want. Used together, this ought to be a cinch.'
dia_sce_2_star_r_5_outro1 "Ha ha! Look at 'em run! Seriously though, where did smugglers get a Rancor? Good thing we had those dropship troops to help take it down."
dia_sce_2_star_r_5_outro2 'The Alliance techs really outdid themselves with these starship upgrades. Looks like we chose the right side, eh partner?'
dia_tut_armory_intro_e_00 'The time has come for you to redouble your efforts in eliminating the Rebellion.'
dia_tut_armory_intro_e_01 'Use this [c][F2D62F]Armory[-][/c] to equip your units with the technological might of the Empire. Do not waste the potential.'
dia_tut_armory_intro_r_00 'The time has come for us to increase our efforts in removing the Empire from power.'
dia_tut_armory_intro_r_01 'This [c][F2D62F]Armory[-][/c] will allow you to equip our troops with powerful armaments and equipment.'
dia_tut_armory_shopComplete_00 "The best way to earn [c][F2D62F]Supply Crates[-][/c] is by completing [c][F2D62F]Daily Objectives[-][/c]. Let's get on it, partner."
dia_tut_armory_shop_02 "The best way to earn [c][F2D62F]Supply Crates[-][/c] is by completing [c][F2D62F]Daily Objectives[-][/c]. If you're in need of supplies, use [c][1CDB2F]Crystals[-][/c] to get them directly, partner."
dia_tut_armory_shop_04 "Once we've gathered enough [c][F2D62F]Data Fragments[-][/c], we'll be able to utilize the available equipment in the [c][F2D62F]Armory[-][/c] to increase our combat effectiveness. Let's get started!"
dia_tut_armory_shop_04a "Rumor has it, Data Fragments were added to [c][F2D62F]Supply Crate[-][/c] inventories. Whatever task is necessary to earn them, let's take it on!"
dia_tut_armory_shop_e_00 "You have been granted access to the Imperial equipment database so that you may fill your [c][F2D62F]Armory's[-][/c] inventory."
dia_tut_armory_shop_e_01 'You will need to gather [c][F2D62F]Data Fragments[-][/c] in order to access equipment in the database.'
dia_tut_armory_shop_e_03 'One of our Imperial contacts has supplied us with a crate at [c][F2D62F]no cost[-][/c]...this time.'
dia_tut_armory_shop_r_00 "We have provided you access to the Rebellion's equipment database to aid you in your efforts to fill your [c][F2D62F]Armory's[-][/c] inventory."
dia_tut_armory_shop_r_01 'Gather [c][F2D62F]Data Fragments[-][/c] in order to access the equipment in the database.'
dia_tut_armory_shop_r_03 'One of our Alliance contacts has supplied us with a crate at [c][F2D62F]no cost[-][/c]...this time.'
dia_tut_armory_unlock_00 "Now that we've gathered enough [c][F2D62F]Data Fragments[-][/c], we can utilize the equipment at the [c][F2D62F]Armory[-][/c] to increase our combat effectiveness."
dia_tut_armory_unlock_01 "Some equipment will be unavailable depending on the world we've chosen for battle. Now, go get your hands on some [c][F2D62F]Data Fragments[-][/c] to unlock more equipment."
dia_tut_con1_e_01 'Greetings, Commander. Despite our… speckled past, the mighty Jabba has elected to overlook your transgressions and put your resourcefulness to use.'
dia_tut_con1_e_02 'With the onset of this galactic struggle, the rather... irksome Rebels have increased their pirating of Jabba’s "merchandise".'
dia_tut_con1_e_03 "I think I see where this is goin', and it smells like [F2D62F]Contraband[-] smugglin'. Maybe we should get Kosh involved. I'll loop him in."
dia_tut_con1_e_04 'Operative Saponza has filled me in on the goings on.'
dia_tut_con1_e_05 'As you well know, the Rebel Alliance has become more than just a nuisance, and my superiors have tasked me with finding "alternative" solutions.'
dia_tut_con1_e_06 "While the idea of smuggling Contraband goes against my better judgment, I'm willing to listen in this case."
dia_tut_con1_e_07 'Jabba is impressed with the security of this garrison. It offers the protection needed to keep [F2D62F]Contraband[-] safe from the Rebel scum.'
dia_tut_con1_e_08 "Get to the point, criminal. What's in it for the Empire?"
dia_tut_con1_e_09 'Very well, Captain Kosh... In exchange, your garrison will have access to this [F2D62F]Contraband[-], and may exchange it for additional... firepower.'
dia_tut_con1_e_10 'Until you have built a [F2D62F]Trade Port[-] to accept shipments, you may store any Contraband you come across on your adventures, Commander.'
dia_tut_con1_e_11 'In order to ensure the protection of Contraband, I suggest you spend what you secure to purchase a [F2D62F]Droideka Sentinel[-].'
dia_tut_con1_e_12 'You may proceed, Operative.'
dia_tut_con1_r_01 'Greetings, Commander. Despite our… speckled past, the mighty Jabba has elected to overlook your transgressions and put your resourcefulness to use.'
dia_tut_con1_r_02 'The ever increasing oppression of the Galactic Empire has made it difficult for Jabba to hold on to his "merchandise" '
dia_tut_con1_r_03 "I think I see where this is goin', and it smells like [F2D62F]Contraband[-] smugglin'. Maybe we should get Jennica involved. I'll loop her in."
dia_tut_con1_r_04 'Agent Saponza has filled me in on the goings on, Agent.'
dia_tut_con1_r_05 'As you well know, the Empire has become quite a problem for us, and my superiors have tasked me with finding "alternative" solutions.'
dia_tut_con1_r_06 "While the idea of smuggling Contraband goes against my better judgment, I'm willing to listen in this case."
dia_tut_con1_r_07 'Jabba is impressed with the security of this base. It offers the protection needed to keep [F2D62F]Contraband[-] hidden from the clutches of the Empire.'
dia_tut_con1_r_08 "Interesting. If we choose to protect Jabba's precious cargo, what's in it for us?"
dia_tut_con1_r_09 'In exchange, you will have access to this [F2D62F]Contraband[-], and may exchange it for additional... firepower.'
dia_tut_con1_r_10 'Until you have built a [F2D62F]Trade Port[-] to accept shipments, you may store any Contraband you come across on your adventures, Commander.'
dia_tut_con1_r_11 'In order to ensure the protection of Contraband, I suggest you spend what you secure to purchase a [F2D62F]Droideka Sentinel[-].'
dia_tut_con1_r_12 'Agreed. You may proceed, Agent.'
dia_tut_con2_e_01 "I see you've decided to ensure the safety of our Contraband shipments. Have you met your new security liaison, [F2D62F]Kada Jahr[-]?"
dia_tut_con2_e_02 "Hello Commander. I'd fill you in on my background, but I don't think you really want to know, do you?"
dia_tut_con2_e_03 'This is dangerous ground you’re treading. Sure you can handle it?'
dia_tut_con2_e_04 'This [F2D62F]Droideka Sentinel[-] is a Clone Wars era battle droid, refurbished and modified for guardianship, but also very useful for attacks.'
dia_tut_con2_e_05 'For the best protection, I suggest you upgrade your Droideka Sentinel as soon as possible. Use [F2D62F]Contraband[-] to do this.'
dia_tut_con2_r_01 "I see you've decided to ensure the safety of our Contraband shipments. Have you met your new security liaison, [F2D62F]Kada Jahr[-]?"
dia_tut_con2_r_02 "Hello Commander. I'd fill you in on my background, but I don't think you really want to know, do you?"
dia_tut_con2_r_03 'This is dangerous ground you’re treading. Sure you can handle it?'
dia_tut_con2_r_04 'This [F2D62F]Droideka Sentinel[-] is a Clone Wars era battle droid, refurbished and modified for guardianship, but also very useful for attacks.'
dia_tut_con2_r_05 'For the best protection, I suggest you upgrade your Droideka Sentinel as soon as possible. Use [F2D62F]Contraband[-] to do this.'
dia_tut_con3_e_01 "Now that you've proved your ability to protect Contraband, you now have access to [F2D62F]Trade Ports[-]."
dia_tut_con3_e_02 "Trade Ports will allow you to receive shipments of Contraband from Jabba's network of smugglers."
dia_tut_con3_e_03 "Soon, you'll be able to add a [F2D62F]Cantina[-], where you may exchange Contraband for the services of many powerful mercenaries."
dia_tut_con3_e_04 'This is good news, Operative. Keep collecting Contraband so that we may supplement our forces with these mercenaries.'
dia_tut_con3_e_05 'I expect you to claim Contraband from the Rebel bases you defeat. The more we collect, the closer to victory we will be.'
dia_tut_con3_r_01 "Now that you've proved your ability to protect Contraband, you now have access to [F2D62F]Trade Ports[-]."
dia_tut_con3_r_02 "Trade Ports will allow you to receive shipments of Contraband from Jabba's network of smugglers."
dia_tut_con3_r_03 "Soon, you'll be able to add a [F2D62F]Cantina[-], where you may exchange Contraband for the services of many powerful mercenaries."
dia_tut_con3_r_04 "This is good news, Agent. Keep collecting Contraband, and we'll use it to supplement our forces with these mercenaries."
dia_tut_con3_r_05 'I expect the Empire will be hoarding Contraband as well. Keep attacking their garrisons and claim what you can to ensure the victory of the Rebel Alliance.'
dia_tut_con4_e_00 'Hello, Operative. Kada Jahr here.'
dia_tut_con4_e_01 'I was wondering when you’d get around to building a Cantina. My mercs have been getting restless, wandering this planet of yours.'
dia_tut_con4_e_02 'I take no responsibility for any casualties that have come of this restlessness, Commander...'
dia_tut_con4_e_03 '...but on to business. I will set up shop at the Cantina, and you will always be able to find me, and the services of my mercenaries there.'
dia_tut_con4_e_04 'If you’ve got the Contraband, we’ve got the firepower.'
dia_tut_con4_r_00 'Hello, Agent. Kada Jahr here.'
dia_tut_con4_r_01 'I was wondering when you’d get around to building a Cantina. My mercs have been getting restless, wandering this planet of yours.'
dia_tut_con4_r_02 'I take no responsibility for any casualties that have come of this restlessness, Commander...'
dia_tut_con4_r_03 '...but on to business. I will set up shop at the Cantina, and you will always be able to find me, and the services of my mercenaries there.'
dia_tut_con4_r_04 'If you’ve got the Contraband, we’ve got the firepower.'
dia_tut_dailyCrate_intro_e_01 'I have arranged for [c][F2D62F]Daily Supply Crate[-][/c] deliveries to your garrison, Operative. The crate will be stored in your Headquarters.'
dia_tut_dailyCrate_intro_e_02 'Do not leave Supply Crates in storage for too long. They hold an array of valuable items, and will be taken by the Empire if you neglect them.'
dia_tut_dailyCrate_intro_r_01 'Agent, the Alliance has offered [c][F2D62F]Daily Supply Crate[-][/c] deliveries to your base. The crate will be stored in your Headquarters.'
dia_tut_dailyCrate_intro_r_02 "I'd advise against leaving Supply Crates in storage for long. The contents are valuable and the Alliance will re-distribute them elsewhere if you don't use them."
dia_tut_dg_1_e_1 "Our turrets can handle a lot, but we'll need all the firepower we can get. Choose a [F2D62F]Hero[-] to deploy."
dia_tut_dg_1_e_2 'Send out a [F2D62F]Hero unit[-]'
dia_tut_dg_1_e_deployATMP_1 'Nice, partner. [F2D62F]Deploy multiple Heroes[-] to repel these attackers. Send out the [F2D62F]AT-MP Mark III[-].'
dia_tut_dg_1_e_deployATMP_2 'Send out the [F2D62F]Veteran AT-ST[-]'
dia_tut_dg_1_e_deployATST_1 'Nice, partner. [F2D62F]Deploy multiple Hero units[-] to repel these attackers. Send out the [F2D62F]Veteran AT-ST[-].'
dia_tut_dg_1_e_deployATST_2 'Send out the [F2D62F]AT-MP Mark III[-]'
dia_tut_dg_1_r_1 "Our turrets can handle a lot, but we'll need all the firepower we can get. Choose a [F2D62F]Hero[-] to deploy."
dia_tut_dg_1_r_2 'Send out a [F2D62F]Hero[-]'
dia_tut_dg_1_r_deployChewbacca_1 'Nice, partner. [F2D62F]Deploy multiple Heroes[-] to repel these attackers. Send out [F2D62F]Han Solo[-].'
dia_tut_dg_1_r_deployChewbacca_2 'Send out [F2D62F]Han Solo[-]'
dia_tut_dg_1_r_deployHanSolo_1 'Nice, partner. [F2D62F]Deploy multiple Heroes[-] to repel these attackers. Send out [F2D62F]Chewbacca[-].'
dia_tut_dg_1_r_deployHanSolo_2 'Send out [F2D62F]Chewbacca[-]'
dia_tut_dg_2_e_1 "They're back! A Rebel Alliance strike force is inbound! It's gonna to be too much for just our turret defenses."
dia_tut_dg_2_e_2 'Send out a [F2D62F]Hero unit[-]'
dia_tut_dg_2_e_deployATMP_1 'Subsector Command has given us the all-clear to [F2D62F]deploy multiple Heroes[-] and meet the attack head-on. You ready?'
dia_tut_dg_2_e_deployATMP_2 'Send out the [F2D62F]Veteran AT-ST[-]'
dia_tut_dg_2_e_deployATST_1 "Let's show these Rebel scum some real mechanized power. Deploy the [F2D62F]Veteran AT-ST[-] and [F2D62F]AT-MP Mark III[-]!"
dia_tut_dg_2_e_deployATST_2 'Send out the [F2D62F]AT-MP Mark III[-]'
dia_tut_dg_2_r_1 "They're back! An Imperial strike force is inbound! It's gonna to be too much for just our turret defenses."
dia_tut_dg_2_r_2 'Send out a [F2D62F]Hero[-]'
dia_tut_dg_2_r_deployChewbacca_1 'Subsector Command has given us the all-clear to [F2D62F]deploy multiple Heroes[-] and meet the attack head-on. You ready?'
dia_tut_dg_2_r_deployChewbacca_2 'Send out [F2D62F]Han Solo[-]'
dia_tut_dg_2_r_deployHanSolo_1 "Let's show the Empire what real heroes are made of. Send in [F2D62F]Han Solo[-] and [F2D62F]Chewbacca[-]!"
dia_tut_dg_2_r_deployHanSolo_2 'Send out [F2D62F]Chewbacca[-]'
dia_tut_obj_e_01 'Operative, you are now authorized to complete Objectives for the Galactic Empire. These are tasks that must be completed within a limited time.'
dia_tut_obj_e_02 'For every Objective completed on time, the Empire will issue a Supply Crate as an incentive to continue performing your duties as expected.'
dia_tut_obj_e_03 'Supply Crates are distributed from a surplus of resources, and may contain currencies or access to additional units.'
dia_tut_obj_r_01 'Agent, you now are able to access Objectives of the Rebel Alliance. These are important tasks that must be completed within a limited time.'
dia_tut_obj_r_02 'For every Objective completed on time, the Rebel Alliance will issue a Supply Crate as a reward for going above and beyond the call of duty.'
dia_tut_obj_r_03 'Supply Crates are distributed from a surplus of resources, and may contain currencies or access to additional units.'
dia_tut_perk_intro_e_01 'Your squad’s reputation has begun to attract some attention. You would be wise to use this, Operative, in our quest to crush the Rebellion.'
dia_tut_perk_intro_e_02 'A good reputation comes with a few [F2D62F]perks[-]. For instance, your repute amongst certain smugglers will allow you to train troops and build vehicles for fewer credits.'
dia_tut_perk_intro_e_03 'Ordinarily, you must pay the cost of this yourself, Operative. This time only, it will be paid for you.'
dia_tut_perk_intro_e_04 'Your cost to train troops and build vehicles is now temporarily reduced. This is only the beginning...'
dia_tut_perk_intro_e_05 "Each and every squad member's good [F2D62F]reputation[-] will help expand access to perks."
dia_tut_perk_intro_e_06 "As squad members use their reputation, the entire squad's stature improves. Everyone in the squad will enjoy new and greater perks as a result."
dia_tut_perk_intro_e_07 '[F2D62F]Donating troops[-] and [F2D62F]earning victories on Sullust with your squad[-] will increase your reputation, Operative. Use it to bolster your squad. They expect great things of you.'
dia_tut_perk_intro_r_01 'Word is getting out about your squad, Agent. The Alliance is always behind you, but you should also take advantage of your reputation in the struggle against the Empire.'
dia_tut_perk_intro_r_02 'A good reputation comes with a few [F2D62F]perks[-]. For instance, your repute amongst certain smugglers will allow you to train troops and build vehicles for fewer credits.'
dia_tut_perk_intro_r_03 "Normally you'll have to pay for this yourself, Agent, but I've arranged to pay it for you just this once."
dia_tut_perk_intro_r_04 'Your cost to train troops and build vehicles is now temporarily reduced. This is only the beginning...'
dia_tut_perk_intro_r_05 "Each and every squad member's good [F2D62F]reputation[-] will help expand access to perks."
dia_tut_perk_intro_r_06 "As squad members use their reputation, the squad's standing improves. Everyone in the squad will enjoy new and greater perks as a result."
dia_tut_perk_intro_r_07 '[F2D62F]Donating troops[-] and [F2D62F]earning victories on Sullust with your squad[-] will increase your reputation, Agent. Use it to bolster your squad. They are counting on you.'
dia_tut_perk_rep_e_01 'Sending troops to your squadmates will quickly add to your [F2D62F]reputation[-], Operative. Further your squad by using reputation to secure new and greater [F2D62F]perks[-].'
dia_tut_perk_rep_r_01 'Good work, Agent. Sending troops to your squadmates is a good way to earn [F2D62F]reputation[-]. Further your squad by using reputation to secure new and greater [F2D62F]perks[-].'
dia_tut_pla1_e_01 'Incoming transmission from... [F2D62F]Lord Vader[-], himself!'
dia_tut_pla1_e_02 'Your skills in combat continue to impress me, Operative.'
dia_tut_pla1_e_03 'I now require you and your forces to serve the Empire beyond Tatooine. Use the [F2D62F]Planetary Command[-] to expand your dominion to the greater galaxy.'
dia_tut_pla1_e_04 'Relocate your garrison to pursue and crush the Rebels, and restore order to the galaxy. Do not disappoint me.'
dia_tut_pla1_pcInfo 'Provides support for galactic relocation'
dia_tut_pla1_r_01 'Incoming transmission from... [F2D62F]Princess Leia[-], herself!'
dia_tut_pla1_r_02 'Don’t think your skills in battle have gone unnoticed, Agent.'
dia_tut_pla1_r_03 'The Rebel Alliance grows stronger each day, but the Empire still looms over the galaxy like a shadow.'
dia_tut_pla1_r_04 'Relocate your base to worlds in conflict and strike out at the Empire. Use the [F2D62F]Planetary Command[-]  to expand your influence beyond Tatooine!'
dia_tut_pla1_r_05 'Your support is crucial, Commander.'
dia_tut_pla2_01 'This new [F2D62F]Planetary Command[-] will help us find more worlds to bring our forces to, partner.'
dia_tut_pla2_02 "Let’s choose our first new world. Once we're done scouting it out, we can [F2D62F]relocate our base[-] there."
dia_tut_pla2_03 "Yep, I was thinkin' @a too. It’ll feel good to stretch out our command. Tatooine's gettin' a bit cramped.¢a:locpref=1stPlaName"
dia_tut_pla2_04 'We’ll need to [c][F2D62F]upgrade this building[-][/c] to scout more worlds, but once construction is done, we can move our base to @a.¢a:locpref=1stPlaName'
dia_tut_pla3_02 'The [F2D62F]Galaxy Map[-]. Our window to events going on in the larger galaxy! Not bad at all...'
dia_tut_pla3_03 'From here we can see the status of [F2D62F]Conflicts[-] and gather intel on our allies and rivals.'
dia_tut_pla3_04 "Here's where all the action's been... under the twin suns of Tatooine."
dia_tut_pla3_05 'Now lets check out @a.¢a:locpref=1stPlaName'
dia_tut_pla3_06 'Looks like we gotta move here to engage in battle.'
dia_tut_pla3_07 'I’ll leave it up to you, partner.'
dia_tut_pla3_e_01 'Let’s take a look at @a from the [c][F2D62F]Galaxy Map[-][/c], partner.¢a:locpref=1stPlaName'
dia_tut_pla3_r_01 'Let’s take a look at @a from the [c][F2D62F]Galaxy Map[-][/c], partner.¢a:locpref=1stPlaName'
dia_tut_pla4_e_01 'A wise choice, Operative. @a is covered in Rebel bases to seek out and crush.¢a:locplanet=current'
dia_tut_pla4_e_02 'We will be monitoring your battles here, and I will tolerate nothing less than excellent results.'
dia_tut_pla4_e_03 'Victories against our rivals will earn you authorization to move your garrison again.'
dia_tut_pla4_r_01 '@a will provide excellent cover for our operations, Agent.¢a:locplanet=current'
dia_tut_pla4_r_02 'The Rebel Alliance is counting on you to make things happen here.'
dia_tut_pla4_r_03 'Win victories against the Galactic Empire, prove your commitment to us, and we will commission another relocation.'
dia_tut_pla4_r_04 'Good luck!'
dia_tut_pla_dandoran_e_01 'The reports from our scouting efforts on Dandoran are in, partner.'
dia_tut_pla_dandoran_e_02 'A lush, forested planet in Hutt space. Scarcely inhabited, save some mining, smuggling and gambling operations.'
dia_tut_pla_dandoran_e_03 'I’m willing to bet our Imperial overlords would be happy to take a cut of those gambling profits, and we’d be smart to muscle any Rebel mining operations out.'
dia_tut_pla_dandoran_r_01 'The reports from our scouting efforts on Dandoran are in, partner.'
dia_tut_pla_dandoran_r_02 'A lush, forested planet in Hutt space. Scarcely inhabited, save some mining, smuggling and gambling operations.'
dia_tut_pla_dandoran_r_03 'I’d be surprised if the Empire wasn’t taking a cut of those gambling profits. In fact, I’d bet on it. Any Imperial presence on Dandoran is sure to be up to no good.'
dia_tut_pla_erkit_e_01 'The reports from our scouting efforts on Er’Kit are in, partner.'
dia_tut_pla_erkit_e_02 'A hot, red-sanded desert planet, home to the Er’Kit people, as well as our Thalassian slaver associates.'
dia_tut_pla_erkit_e_03 'Er’Kit’s bustling slave trade, as well as the planet’s natural resources have proven valuable to the Empire, and we plan on keeping it that way.'
dia_tut_pla_erkit_r_01 'The reports from our scouting efforts on Er’Kit are in, partner.'
dia_tut_pla_erkit_r_02 'A hot, red-sanded desert planet, home to the Er’Kit people, as well as Thalassian slavers.'
dia_tut_pla_erkit_r_03 'If we can put a stop to the slave trade, it will surely hurt the Empire’s interests there, and gain us a valuable ally in the Er’Kit people.'
dia_tut_pla_hoth_e_01 'The reports from our scouting efforts on Hoth are in, partner.'
dia_tut_pla_hoth_e_02 'An icy deathtrap of a planet... not much lives on the surface, save a few monstrosities fit for it’s harsh environment.'
dia_tut_pla_hoth_e_03 'If the Rebel scum thinks they can hide from us there, we’ll just have to give them a chilly reminder of our power, won’t we, partner?'
dia_tut_pla_hoth_r_01 'The reports from our scouting efforts on Hoth are in, partner.'
dia_tut_pla_hoth_r_02 'An icy deathtrap of a planet... not much lives on the surface, save a few monstrosities fit for it’s harsh environment.'
dia_tut_pla_hoth_r_03 'The frigid temperatures and snow could be just what we need to keep the Empire off our backs. Just don’t forget a jacket, partner.'
dia_tut_pla_tfa_e_01 'The reports from our scouting efforts on Takodana are in, partner.'
dia_tut_pla_tfa_e_02 'Off in the Western Reaches, this planet has been known to be a haven to pirates and other seedy travelers seeking aid or information.'
dia_tut_pla_tfa_e_03 "Surely there'll be a spy or two willing to trade some strategic information about Rebel activity. We would only benefit by checking in there often."
dia_tut_pla_tfa_r_01 'The reports from our scouting efforts on Takodana are in, partner.'
dia_tut_pla_tfa_r_02 'Off in the Western Reaches, this planet has been known to be a haven to pirates and other seedy travelers seeking aid or information.'
dia_tut_pla_tfa_r_03 "I've heard that spies frequent this world. A visit would likely provide us with some strategic intel we can use against the Empire."
dia_tut_pla_yavin_e_01 'The reports from our scouting efforts on Yavin 4 are in, partner.'
dia_tut_pla_yavin_e_02 'This jungle-covered moon hosts many ancient Massassi temple ruins, and has been utilized as a base of operations by the Rebels.'
dia_tut_pla_yavin_e_03 'Not much strategic value for us here, other than intel we can scour from abandoned Rebel bases. Still, if the Rebels decide to set up camp, we’ll create a few ruins of our own.'
dia_tut_pla_yavin_r_01 'The reports from our scouting efforts on Yavin 4 are in, partner.'
dia_tut_pla_yavin_r_02 'This jungle-covered moon hosts many ancient Massassi temple ruins, and has provided us with great cover for past operations.'
dia_tut_pla_yavin_r_03 'The Empire thinks they can recover intel left behind at Base One, but they’re sorely mistaken. They’ll only find us, waiting for them.'
dia_tut_planetLoot_intro_01 'This world’s a big place, partner. We should find out what kinds of supplies we can get our hands on.'
dia_tut_planetLoot_intro_e_02 'See something that would give us an edge against the Rebels? Take a closer look and find out what we need to do to get our hands on it.'
dia_tut_planetLoot_intro_r_02 'See something that would give us an edge against the Empire? Take a closer look and find out what we need to do to get our hands on it.'
dia_tut_pres_01_e_01 'Your efforts have not gone unnoticed by the Empire. Because of your loyalty you will be enlisted to begin tests on experimental Imperial technology to improve your base.'
dia_tut_pres_01_e_02 'Use the destructive power of this technology to bring any Rebels you face to their knees!'
dia_tut_pres_01_r_01 'Agent, let me personally thank you for your loyalty and efforts to the Rebel Alliance. I wanted to be the one to offer our experimental Rebel technology to improve your base.'
dia_tut_pres_01_r_02 'With these improvements we will triumph over the Empire. Good luck!'
dia_tut_pres_02_e_01 'I have seen to it that your accomplishments for the Empire have been recognized. Darth Vader himself has been informed.'
dia_tut_pres_02_e_02 'Now that he knows, he has asked that I provide you with the experimental base tech he spoke of. It is of utmost importance that you put it to use.'
dia_tut_pres_02_e_03 "This is a major step for the Empire as we attempt to crush the Alliance once and for all. Don't squander this opportunity!"
dia_tut_pres_02_r_01 "Well I have to say, who knew when we met that you would become such a stellar Agent to our cause. Princess Leia tells me she is very impressed. I couldn't agree more!"
dia_tut_pres_02_r_02 "I'm here to provide you with the experimental base tech she spoke of. We're eager to see this technology put to good use in the field."
dia_tut_pres_02_r_03 "I don't say this often, but congratulations. This is a major step forward, for you and for the Alliance."
dia_tut_pres_03_00_e "Would you look at that? Kosh's people have done some serious work on the Droid Hut! Let's check it out, partner!"
dia_tut_pres_03_00_r "Would you look at that? Jennica's people have done some serious work on the Droid Hut! Let's check it out, partner!"
dia_tut_pres_03_01 '*beep beep whistle*'
dia_tut_pres_03_02 "Well aren't you shiny! I'm curious, why don't you tell us a little about what you can do first?"
dia_tut_pres_03_03 '*excited beeping*'
dia_tut_pres_03_04 "You don't say! Just when I thought we've ran out of improvements around here, this enhanced droid can upgrade our buildings even further, and gather up all resources at once!"
dia_tut_pres_03_05 'We should make all the droids like that!'
dia_tut_pres_03_06 '*sad whine*'
dia_tut_pres_03_07 "Dangit, I knew there was a catch. Not enough tech to go around for more than one of these kind of droids. That's still pretty good, though. Let's get to work!"
dia_tut_pres_champ_00 'Hey, partner! I started a new venture in creature wrangling, transporting some of the best and baddest uglies in the galaxy. And business is good!'
dia_tut_pres_champ_01 "Wanna get in on the action? You let me store one of these captured bad boys here while I find buyers, and I'll let you use it in battle!"
dia_tut_pres_champ_02 'I only got a few to start off. If you collect enough data fragments, I can wrangle up new types of uglies just for you.'
dia_tut_pres_champ_03 "They can defend the base, and if you want, I can bring in the Strix to drop them off to wreak havoc during an attack! Your enemies'll never see it coming, ha ha!"
dia_tut_pres_champ_04 "If the creature gets taken down, I can capture another one for ya. Just keep in mind, it’ll take some time. These beasts aren't easy to handle!"
dia_tut_pres_champ_05 "You got it, partner! I'll be back after I make contact with some business associates to grab that creature."
dia_tut_raid_e_01 'Hostile forces have been detected moving through the area on a daily basis, brazenly threatening our supply lines.'
dia_tut_raid_e_02 "Now that the [F2D62F]Scout Tower[-] is operational, you will be alerted to enemy activity on the garrison's perimeter."
dia_tut_raid_e_03 'Tower intelligence has reported a substantial enemy force. Defend the garrison by deploying all your [F2D62F]Heroes[-] and [F2D62F]Starfighters[-].'
dia_tut_raid_e_04 'Successful defenses will grant you Imperial [F2D62F]Supply Crates[-]. The greater your victory, the better the reward.'
dia_tut_raid_r_01 'Hostile forces have been seen moving through the area on a daily basis, threatening our operations.'
dia_tut_raid_r_02 "With the [F2D62F]Scout Tower[-] in place, you'll be alerted to enemy activity on your base's perimeter."
dia_tut_raid_r_03 'Tower intelligence has reported a substantial enemy force. Defend the base by deploying all your [F2D62F]Heroes[-] and [F2D62F]Starfighters[-].'
dia_tut_raid_r_04 'Successful defenses will earn you [F2D62F]Supply Crates[-] from the Rebel Alliance. The greater your victory, the better the reward.'
dia_tut_sqdWars_e_01 'Commander, Rebellion activity has recently increased in the Outer Rim territories.'
dia_tut_sqdWars_e_02 'With the Imperial Fleet occupied, we need the assistance of you and your [F2D62F]squad[-] in quelling these Rebel scum.'
dia_tut_sqdWars_e_03 'Access to a [F2D62F]War Room[-] has been granted to help you in this regard. There, squad intel and actions will be at your fingertips.'
dia_tut_sqdWars_r_01 'Commander, our recent activities in the Outer Rim have not gone unnoticed by the Empire.'
dia_tut_sqdWars_r_02 'We need you to work with your [F2D62F]squad[-] to prevent the Empire from locating our various pursuits.'
dia_tut_sqdWars_r_03 'Access to a [F2D62F]War Room[-] has been granted to help you in this regard. There, squad intel and actions will be at your fingertips.'
dia_tut_sqdWars_sullust_desc 'Outer Rim Territory'
dia_tut_sqdWars_sullust_title 'Sullust'
dia_tut_sqdWars_wb_e_01 'A set of Imperial data [F2D62F]uplinks[-] have been constructed on the remote planet of Sullust.'
dia_tut_sqdWars_wb_e_02 'Recent communications indicate the Rebellion has built their own [F2D62F]uplinks[-] to counter our efforts.'
dia_tut_sqdWars_wb_e_03 'We require that you and your [F2D62F]squad[-] establish an Imperial presence on Sullust locate and disable the enemy [F2D62F]uplinks[-].'
dia_tut_sqdWars_wb_r_01 'A set of Imperial data [F2D62F]uplinks[-] have been constructed on the remote planet of Sullust.'
dia_tut_sqdWars_wb_r_02 "Rebel Agents in the area have implemented our own [F2D62F]uplinks[-] on the surface, designed to directly counter the Imperials' efforts."
dia_tut_sqdWars_wb_r_03 "We'll need your [F2D62F]squad[-] to establish a foothold on Sullust and disable the Imperial [F2D62F]uplinks[-]."
dia_undeadEvt_00_e 'Commander, a Rebel strike team recently attempted to raid a nearby Imperial stockyard. The attack failed, but in the chaos a sealed shipping container was breached.'
dia_undeadEvt_00_r 'Commander, an Alliance strike team recently attacked a nearby Imperial stockyard. In the chaos a sealed shipping container was breached.'
dia_undeadEvt_01 "Nobody realized until it was too late: the container held samples of the infamous [c][F2D62F]Blackwing[-][/c] virus. The entire battalion of stormtroopers guarding the stockyard were exposed. They've already transformed, and they're heading in your direction!"
dia_undeadEvt_02_e "We need to destroy them, Commander, and I've got just the weapon to hunt this prey. The [c][F2D62F]SD-K4[-][/c] moves quickly across the battlefield, attacking targets directly with razor sharp blades."
dia_undeadEvt_02_r "We need to destroy them, Commander, and I've got just the weapon to hunt this prey. The [c][F2D62F]Modified SD-K4[-][/c] moves quickly across the battlefield, attacking targets directly with razor sharp blades."
dia_undeadEvt_03 'Not only that, this baby carries a payload of smaller [c][F2D62F]probe killers[-][/c]. Once deployed, these extra droids will split off and attack infantry targets before finally self-destructing!'
dia_undeadEvt_04_e 'My sources tell me that [c][F2D62F]SD-K4[-][/c] Data Fragments can be found in [c][F2D62F]Undead Offensive Crates[-][/c]. Trust me, Commander, you do not want to pass this up.'
dia_undeadEvt_04_r 'My sources tell me that Data Fragments for the [c][F2D62F]Modified SD-K4[-][/c] can be found in [c][F2D62F]Undead Offensive Crates[-][/c]. Trust me, Commander, you do not want to pass this up.'
droid_desc_CompletePreviousBuilding 'Finish a building to free up a Droid?'
droid_desc_CompletePreviousBuildingOrBuy 'Finish a building, or add another Droid?'
droid_title_AllDroidsBusy 'All Droids are busy!'
ec_default 'EP'
ec_redcup 'Coaxium'
edit_army_capacity 'Capacity after discard:'
edit_army_disclaimer 'Discarded troops will not have their value refunded'
edit_army_hero_capcaity 'Hero Capacity: {0}/{1}'
edit_army_instructions 'Select troops to discard:'
edit_army_reset 'Reset'
edit_army_startship_capcaity 'Starship Capacity: {0}/{1}'
edit_army_title 'Discard Troops?'
edit_army_troop_capacity 'Unit Capacity: {0}/{1}'
empire 'Empire'
entityType_HQ 'Headquarters'
entityType_any 'Any'
entityType_bruiserInfantry 'Bruiser Infantry'
entityType_bruiserVehicle 'Bruiser Vehicles'
entityType_building 'None'
entityType_closest 'Closest'
entityType_infantry 'Infantry'
entityType_none 'None'
entityType_resource 'Resources'
entityType_shieldGenerator 'Shield Generator'
entityType_trap 'Trap'
entityType_turret 'Turret'
entityType_vehicle 'Vehicles'
entityType_wall 'Walls'
epPanel_anh40_e_body 'Collect Death Star Crates and earn Data Fragments for the new [c][FFC25B]Lord Vader[-][/c] equipment. With this equipment, Darth Vader will bring troopers of the 501st Legion with him into battle!\n\nDeath Star Crates are found in Objectives, Shop, and Infonet (once daily.) Also in Heroic Defense starting 5/2.'
epPanel_anh40_header 'Celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Star Wars'
epPanel_anh40_r_body "Collect Death Star Crates and earn Data Fragments for the new [c][FFC25B]Artoo & Threepio[-][/c] equipment. With this equipment, R2-D2 changes from vehicle repair to stunning enemy turrets, with C-3PO's help!\n\nDeath Star Crates are found in Objectives, Shop, and Infonet (once daily.) Also in Heroic Defense starting 5/2."
epPanel_anh40_title 'Star Wars: 40th Anniversary Event'
epPanel_anh40rr_e_body 'Collect Death Star Crates and earn Data Fragments for [c][FFB74A]Lord Vader[-][/c] equipment. With this equipment, Darth Vader will bring troopers of the 501st Legion with him into battle!\n\nDeath Star Crates are in Objectives and the Shop until 8/23. Collect your Daily Death Star Crate each day until 8/17.'
epPanel_anh40rr_header 'Death Star Crates Have Reappeared on the Black Market!'
epPanel_anh40rr_r_body 'Collect Death Star Crates and earn Data Fragments for the newly updated [c][FFB74A]Artoo & Threepio[-][/c] equipment. With this equipment, R2-D2 changes from vehicle repair to stunning [c][FFB74A]and damaging[-][/c] enemy turrets!\n\nDeath Star Crates are in Objectives and the Shop until 8/23. Collect your Daily Death Star Crate each day until 8/17.'
epPanel_anh40rr_title 'Death Star Crates'
epPanel_arcBiome_Jetpack_e_body 'Unlock new [c][FFAA33]Arctic Jump Trooper[-][/c] equipment, which boosts damage and move speeds on Hoth! These Data Fragments can be found in any Bronzium or better crate, but fragments drop rates are highest in [c][FFAA33]Arctic Ops Crates[-][/c].\n\nArctic Ops Crates can only be found this week! Find them in Objectives and the daily crate. Premium crates are in the Shop.'
epPanel_arcBiome_Jetpack_header_e 'Equip your Jump Troopers for Freezing Temperatures'
epPanel_arcBiome_Jetpack_header_r 'Equip your Jetpack Troopers for Freezing Temperatures'
epPanel_arcBiome_Jetpack_r_body 'Unlock new [c][FFAA33]Arctic Jetpack Trooper[-][/c] equipment, which boosts damage and move speeds on Hoth! These Data Fragments can be found in any Bronzium or better crate, but fragments drop rates are highest in [c][FFAA33]Arctic Ops Crates[-][/c].\n\nArctic Ops Crates can only be found this week! Find them in Objectives and the daily crate. Premium crates are in the Shop.'
epPanel_arcBiome_Jetpack_title_e 'Arctic Operations: Jump Troopers'
epPanel_arcBiome_Jetpack_title_r 'Arctic Operations: Jetpack Troopers'
epPanel_defRef_body 'Collect crates and earn data fragments for [c][66D466]Guard Reserve[-][/c] equipment, which automatically summons guards from Barracks and/or Factories to defend your base during combat.\n\n[c][66D466]Guard Reserve[-][/c] Data Fragments appear in: Conflicts starting at Bronzium tier, as well as Tactical Defenses Crates in Objectives, Heroic Defense, and the daily crate. Premium Tactical Defenses Crates are in the Shop.'
epPanel_defRef_header '[c][66D466]Unleash the Guard Reserves and crush your attackers![-][/c]'
epPanel_defRef_outbreak_e_body '[c][FFAA33]Guard Reserve[-][/c] equipment automatically summons defenders when your base is attacked. Unlock/upgrade a new type in Conflicts each week:\n• Week 1: [c][FFAA33]Melee Bruisers[-][/c] • Week 2: [c][FFAA33]Anti-vehicle (Factory)[-][/c] • Week 3: [c][FFAA33]Anti-infantry (Barracks)[-][/c]\n\nTactical Defenses Crate in the Shop has a chance to drop all types of Guard Reserve.'
epPanel_defRef_outbreak_header 'Earn Guard Reserve Data Fragments on All Planets'
epPanel_defRef_outbreak_r_body '[c][FFAA33]Guard Reserve[-][/c] equipment automatically summons defenders when your base is attacked. Unlock/upgrade a new type in Conflicts each week:\n• Week 1: [c][FFAA33]Melee Bruisers[-][/c] • Week 2: [c][FFAA33]Anti-vehicle (Factory)[-][/c] • Week 3: [c][FFAA33]Anti-vehicle (Barracks)[-][/c]\n\nTactical Defenses Crate in the Shop has a chance to drop all types of Guard Reserve.'
epPanel_defRef_outbreak_title 'Guard Reserve Conflict Outbreak'
epPanel_defRef_title 'Tactical Defenses Event'
epPanel_desBiome_Jetpack_e_body "Unlock new [c][FFAA33]Desert Jump Trooper[-][/c] equipment, boasting higher damage and move speeds on Tatooine and Er'Kit! These Data Fragments can be found in any Bronzium or better crate, but fragments drop rates are highest in [c][FFAA33]Desert Ops Crates[-][/c].\n\nDesert Ops Crates available this week only! Find them in Objectives and daily crates. Premium crates are in the Shop."
epPanel_desBiome_Jetpack_header_e 'Equip your Jump Troopers for Desert Combat'
epPanel_desBiome_Jetpack_header_r 'Equip your Jetpack Troopers for Desert Combat'
epPanel_desBiome_Jetpack_r_body "Unlock new [c][FFAA33]Desert Jetpack Trooper[-][/c] equipment, boasting higher damage and move speeds on Tatooine and Er'Kit! These Data Fragments can be found in any Bronzium or better crate, but fragments drop rates are highest in [c][FFAA33]Desert Ops Crates[-][/c].\n\nDesert Ops Crates available this week only! Find them in Objectives and daily crates. Premium crates are in the Shop."
epPanel_desBiome_Jetpack_title_e 'Desert Operations: Jump Troopers'
epPanel_desBiome_Jetpack_title_r 'Desert Operations: Jetpack Troopers'
epPanel_forBiome_Jetpack_e_body 'Unlock new [c][FFAA33]Forest Jump Trooper[-][/c] equipment, with increased damage and move speeds on Dandoran, Takodana, and Yavin 4! These Data Fragments can be found in any Bronzium or better crate, but fragments drop rates are highest in [c][FFAA33]Forest Ops Crates[-][/c].\n\nForest Ops Crates can only be found this week! Find them in Objectives and the daily crate. Premium crates are in the Shop.'
epPanel_forBiome_Jetpack_header_e 'Equip your Jump Troopers for Forest Skirmishes'
epPanel_forBiome_Jetpack_header_r 'Equip your Jetpack Troopers for Forest Skirmishes'
epPanel_forBiome_Jetpack_r_body 'Unlock new [c][FFAA33]Forest Jetpack Trooper[-][/c] equipment, with increased damage and move speeds on Dandoran, Takodana, and Yavin 4! These Data Fragments can be found in any Bronzium or better crate, but fragments drop rates are highest in [c][FFAA33]Forest Ops Crates[-][/c].\n\nForest Ops Crates can only be found this week! Find them in Objectives and the daily crate. Premium crates are in the Shop.'
epPanel_forBiome_Jetpack_title_e 'Forest Operations: Jump Troopers'
epPanel_forBiome_Jetpack_title_r 'Forest Operations: Jetpack Troopers'
epPanel_navalEvt_e_body 'Unlock powerful rewards! New equipment transforms the Royal Guard into the [c][FFC25B]Naval Officer[-][/c], wielding [c][FFC25B]orbital Star Destroyer fire support[-][/c], while the Imperial Starfighter Pilot calls in TIE fighters!\n\nGet Data Fragments from Naval Assault Crates in Objectives, the Daily Crate, the Shop, and from Conflicts starting at Bronzium tier. Event ends 10/25!'
epPanel_navalEvt_e_header 'Prove Your Might And Secure The Power Of Naval Assault'
epPanel_navalEvt_r_body 'Unlock powerful rewards! Chewbacca gains [c][FFC25B]aerial Millennium Falcon fire support[-][/c] with new equipment, while the Alliance Starfighter Pilot calls in X-wing Starfighter strafing runs!\n\nGet Data Fragments from Naval Assault Crates in Objectives, the Daily Crate, the Shop, and from Conflicts starting at Bronzium tier. Event ends 10/25!'
epPanel_navalEvt_r_header "Earn The Admiral's Trust And Secure The Power Of Naval Assault"
epPanel_navalEvt_title 'Naval Assault'
epPanel_newHeroEvent_e_body 'Collect crates and earn Data Fragments for the [c][FFC25B]Death Trooper[-][/c] hero unit. This elite commando brings heavy firepower to bear on enemy turrets and traps!\n\nGet Data Fragments from Weapons Research Crates in Objectives, the Daily Crate, the Shop, and from Conflicts starting at Bronzium tier. Event ends 9/27!'
epPanel_newHeroEvent_e_header 'The Fearsome Death Trooper Approaches The Battle!'
epPanel_newHeroEvent_r_body 'Collect crates and earn Data Fragments for the [c][FFC25B]Elite AT-TE Walker[-][/c] hero unit. This elite commando brings heavy firepower to bear on enemy turrets and traps!\n\nGet Data Fragments from Weapons Research Crates in Objectives, the Daily Crate, the Shop, and from Conflicts starting at Bronzium tier. Event ends 9/27!'
epPanel_newHeroEvent_r_header 'The Ground Shakes Under The Weight Of The Elite AT-TE!'
epPanel_newHeroEvent_title 'Heavy Firepower'
epPanel_rogue1v3_e_body "Here's another chance to earn rewards inspired by Rogue One: A Star Wars Story! Collect Weapons Research Crates and earn Data Fragments for the [c][FF6600]Security Droid[-][/c] mercenary, [c][FF6600]TX-225 assault tank[-][/c] equipment skin, and more!\n\nGet Weapons Research Crates in Objectives, Heroic Defense, and each day as a Daily. Premium crates are in the Shop."
epPanel_rogue1v3_header '[c][FF6600]Rogue One Special Event Returns![-][/c]'
epPanel_rogue1v3_r_body "Here's another chance to earn rewards inspired by Rogue One: A Star Wars Story! Collect Weapons Research Crates and earn Data Fragments for the [c][FF6600]Drabatan Saboteur[-][/c] mercenary, [c][FF6600]TX-225 assault tank[-][/c] equipment skin, and more!\n\nGet Weapons Research Crates in Objectives, Heroic Defense, and each day as a Daily. Premium crates are in the Shop."
epPanel_rogue1v3_title 'Rogue One Special Event: Part II'
epPanel_undeadEvt_e_body 'Undead Troopers stalk the planet! Unlock the lethal [c][FFC25B]SD-K4[-][/c] assassin droid hero unit to combat the threat, then march onward against the Rebellion!\n\nGet Data Fragments throughout Commander: from Undead Offensive Crates in Heroic Defense, Objectives, the Daily Crate, the Shop, and from Conflicts starting at Bronzium tier. Event ends 11/8!'
epPanel_undeadEvt_header 'Undead Troopers Press the Offensive Without Mercy!'
epPanel_undeadEvt_r_body 'Undead Troopers stalk the planet! Unlock the lethal [c][FFC25B]Modified SD-K4[-][/c] assassin droid hero unit to combat the threat, then take the fight to the Empire!\n\nGet Data Fragments throughout Commander: from Undead Offensive Crates in Heroic Defense, Objectives, the Daily Crate, the Shop, and from Conflicts starting at Bronzium tier. Event ends 11/8!'
epPanel_undeadEvt_title 'Undead Offensive'
epWidg_anh40_wk1_title '40th Anniversary Event!'
epWidg_anh40_wk2_title '2x Objectives until 5/1!'
epWidg_anh40_wk3_title 'Death Star Crates in Heroic Defense!'
epWidg_anh40_wk4_title 'Event Ends 5/17! Act now!'
epWidg_anh40rr_wk1_title 'Death Star Crates are back!'
epWidg_anh40rr_wk2_title '2x Crate Rewards in Conflicts!'
epWidg_anh40rr_wk3_title 'Triple Crates in Objectives!'
epWidg_defRef_outbreak_wk1_title 'Guard Reserve conflict rewards!'
epWidg_defRef_outbreak_wk2_title 'Unlock anti-vehicle defenders!'
epWidg_defRef_outbreak_wk3_title 'Guard Reserve conflicts end 11/29!'
epWidg_navalEvt_wk1_title 'New Units and Equipment!'
epWidg_navalEvt_wk3_title 'Event Ends 10/25 at Noon! Act now!'
epWidg_newHeroEvent_e_wk1_title 'Unlock the Death Trooper!'
epWidg_newHeroEvent_r_wk1_title 'Unlock the Elite AT-TE Walker!'
epWidg_newHeroEvent_wk3_title 'Triple Crates in Objectives!'
epWidg_undeadEvt_wk1_title 'Triple Objective Crates & New Unit!'
epWidg_undeadEvt_wk2_title '2x Conflict Crates, Event Ends 11/8!'
epchp_epDemo_p1c1_body_e 'Hondo has acquired a cache of Data Fragments for a dangerous explosive-deploying droid. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the LIN Demolitionmech!'
epchp_epDemo_p1c1_body_r 'Hondo has acquired a cache of Data Fragments for a dangerous explosive-deploying droid. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Demolition Droid!'
epchp_epDemo_p1c1_title 'Explosive Finish, Part I'
epchp_epDemo_p1c2_body_e "Hondo's offer remains open: Data Fragments for a dangerous explosive-deploying droid, in exchange for work. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the LIN Demolitionmech!"
epchp_epDemo_p1c2_body_r "Hondo's offer remains open: Data Fragments for a dangerous explosive-deploying droid, in exchange for work. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Demolition Droid!"
epchp_epDemo_p1c2_title 'Explosive Finish, Part I: Chapter II'
epchp_epDemo_p1f_body_e 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times[-][/c], each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Data Fragments for the LIN Demolitionmech.'
epchp_epDemo_p1f_body_r 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times[-][/c], each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Data Fragments for the Demolition Droid.'
epchp_epDemo_p1f_title 'Explosive Finish, Part I [Complete]'
epchp_epDemo_p2c1_body_e 'Hondo has offered Data Fragments for an explosive-deploying droid, normally used for mining but equally useful on the battlefield. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the LIN Demolitionmech!'
epchp_epDemo_p2c1_body_r 'Hondo has offered Data Fragments for an explosive-deploying droid, normally used for mining but equally useful on the battlefield. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Demolition Droid!'
epchp_epDemo_p2c1_title 'Explosive Finish, Part II'
epchp_epDemo_p2c2_body_e "Hondo's offer remains open: Data Fragments for a dangerous explosive-deploying droid, in exchange for work. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the LIN Demolitionmech!"
epchp_epDemo_p2c2_body_r "Hondo's offer remains open: Data Fragments for a dangerous explosive-deploying droid, in exchange for work. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Demolition Droid!"
epchp_epDemo_p2c2_title 'Explosive Finish, Part II: Chapter II'
epchp_epDemo_p2cf_body_e 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times[-][/c], each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Data Fragments for the LIN Demolitionmech.'
epchp_epDemo_p2cf_body_r 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times[-][/c], each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Data Fragments for the Demolition Droid.'
epchp_epDemo_p2cf_title 'Explosive Finish, Part II [Complete]'
epchp_epDemo_p3c1_body_e 'Hondo will soon have to dispose of his supply of Data Fragments, but is offering one last set of jobs. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the LIN Demolitionmech!'
epchp_epDemo_p3c1_body_r 'Hondo will soon have to dispose of his supply of Data Fragments, but is offering one last set of jobs. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Demolition Droid!'
epchp_epDemo_p3c1_title 'Explosive Finish Flash Event'
epchp_epDemo_p3cf_body_e 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times[-][/c], each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Data Fragments for the LIN Demolitionmech.'
epchp_epDemo_p3cf_body_r 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times[-][/c], each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Data Fragments for the Demolition Droid.'
epchp_epDemo_p3cf_title 'Explosive Finish Flash Event [Complete]'
epchp_epNaval_p1c1_body_e 'Admiral Ozzel has enlisted your help with a mission. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Imperial Starfighter Pilot!'
epchp_epNaval_p1c1_body_r 'Admiral Ackbar has enlisted your help with a mission. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Alliance Starfighter Pilot!'
epchp_epNaval_p1c1_title 'Naval Assault, Part I'
epchp_epNaval_p1c2_body_e 'The admiral is satisfied with your progress. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Imperial Starfighter Pilot!'
epchp_epNaval_p1c2_body_r 'The admiral is pleased with your progress. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Alliance Starfighter Pilot!'
epchp_epNaval_p1c2_title 'Naval Assault, Part I: Chapter II'
epchp_epNaval_p1cf_body_e 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times[-][/c], each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Data Fragments for the Imperial Starfighter Pilot.'
epchp_epNaval_p1cf_body_r 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times[-][/c], each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Data Fragments for the Alliance Starfighter Pilot.'
epchp_epNaval_p1cf_title 'Naval Assault, Part I [Complete]'
epchp_epNaval_p2c1_body_e 'Admiral Ozzel has called on you once more. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Naval Officer equipment! (HQ 5 and below receive Shock Trooper unit.)'
epchp_epNaval_p2c1_body_r 'Admiral Ackbar needs your help once more. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of Millennium Falcon Support equipment! (HQ 5 and below receive Vanguard Trooper unit.)'
epchp_epNaval_p2c1_title 'Naval Assault, Part II'
epchp_epNaval_p2c2_body_e 'Scouts report disruption to enemy supply lines! [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Naval Officer equipment! (HQ 5 and below receive Shock Trooper unit.)'
epchp_epNaval_p2c2_body_r 'Scouts report disruption to enemy supply lines! [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of Millennium Falcon Support equipment! (HQ 5 and below receive Vanguard Trooper unit.)'
epchp_epNaval_p2c2_title 'Naval Assault, Part II: Chapter II'
epchp_epNaval_p2cf_body_e 'Congratulations! You completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times.[-][/c] Each time earns a bonus crate with a chance of Naval Officer equipment fragments! (HQ 5 and below: chance of Shock Trooper unit.)'
epchp_epNaval_p2cf_body_r 'Congratulations! You completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times.[-][/c] Each time earns a bonus crate with a chance of Millennium Falcon Support equipment fragments! (HQ 5 and below: chance of Vanguard Trooper unit.)'
epchp_epNaval_p2cf_title 'Naval Assault, Part II [Complete]'
epchp_epNaval_p3c1_body_e 'Admiral Ozzel has a final set of tasks for you. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Imperial Starfighter Pilot!'
epchp_epNaval_p3c1_body_r 'Admiral Ackbar has a final set of tasks for you. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Alliance Starfighter Pilot!'
epchp_epNaval_p3c1_title 'Naval Assault, Part III'
epchp_epNaval_p3c2_body_e "Admiral Ozzel's strategy depends on you! [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Imperial Starfighter Pilot!"
epchp_epNaval_p3c2_body_r "Admiral Ackbar's strategy depends on you! [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Alliance Starfighter Pilot!"
epchp_epNaval_p3c2_title 'Naval Assault, Part III: Chapter II'
epchp_epNaval_p3cf_title 'Naval Assault, Part III [Complete]'
epchp_epNaval_p3f_body_e '[reuse the "Naval Event Event Phase 1, Final Grind Body (Empire)" string]:\n\nCongratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times[-][/c], each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Data Fragments for the Imperial Starfighter Pilot.'
epchp_epNaval_p3f_body_r '[reuse the "Naval Event Event Phase 1, Final Grind Body (Rebel)" string]:\n\nCongratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times[-][/c], each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Data Fragments for the Alliance Starfighter Pilot.'
epchp_epRedCupRedux_p1c1_body_e "Classic Event: Glimpse into Lando Calrissian's past, and meet Therm Scissorpunch! Fight Battles, Earn Coaxium, and [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the AT-DT Walker!"
epchp_epRedCupRedux_p1c1_body_r "Classic Event: Glimpse into Lando Calrissian's past, and meet Therm Scissorpunch! Fight Battles, Earn Coaxium, and [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Stolen AT-DT Walker!"
epchp_epRedCupRedux_p1cf_body_e 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times[-][/c], each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Data Fragments for the AT-DT Walker!'
epchp_epRedCupRedux_p1cf_body_r 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times[-][/c], each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Data Fragments for the Stolen AT-DT Walker!'
epchp_epRedCupRedux_p2c1_body_e 'Classic Event: Learn more about the enigmatic Therm Scissorpunch! Fight Battles, Earn Coaxium, and [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the AT-Hauler starship! (HQ 4 and below receive AT-DT Walker.)'
epchp_epRedCupRedux_p2c1_body_r 'Classic Event: Learn more about the enigmatic Therm Scissorpunch! Fight Battles, Earn Coaxium, and [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Salvaged AT-Hauler starship! (HQ 4 and below receive Stolen AT-DT Walker.)'
epchp_epRedCupRedux_p2cf_body_e 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times[-][/c], each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Data Fragments for the AT-Hauler starship! (HQ 4 and below receive AT-DT Walker.)'
epchp_epRedCupRedux_p2cf_body_r 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times[-][/c], each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Data Fragments for the Salvaged AT-Hauler starship! (HQ 4 and below receive Stolen AT-DT Walker.)'
epchp_epRedCupRedux_p3c1_body_e 'Classic Event: Therm Scissorpunch\'s search for Coaxium continues! Fight Battles, Earn Coaxium, and [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the A-LT "Turret Slicer" mercenary! (HQ 6 and below receive instantly redeemable unit samples.)'
epchp_epRedCupRedux_p3c1_body_r 'Classic Event: Therm Scissorpunch\'s search for Coaxium continues! Fight Battles, Earn Coaxium, and [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the A-LT "Turret Slicer" mercenary! (HQ 6 and below receive instantly redeemable unit samples.)'
epchp_epRedCupRedux_p3cf_body_e 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times[-][/c], each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Data Fragments for the A-LT "Turret Slicer" droid! (HQ 6 and below receive VT-49 Decimator starfighter.)'
epchp_epRedCupRedux_p3cf_body_r 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times[-][/c], each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Data Fragments for the A-LT "Turret Slicer" droid! (HQ 6 and below receive HWK-290 starfighter.)'
epchp_epRedCupRedux_p4c1_body_e "Classic Event: See the conclusion of Therm Scissorpunch's story! Fight Battles, Earn Coaxium, and [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the TIE Brute equipment skin! (HQ 5 and below receive AT-DT Walker.)"
epchp_epRedCupRedux_p4c1_body_r "Classic Event: See the conclusion of Therm Scissorpunch's story! Fight Battles, Earn Coaxium, and [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the U-wing starfighter equipment equipment skin! (HQ 5 and below receive Stolen AT-DT Walker.)"
epchp_epRedCupRedux_p4cf_body_e 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times[-][/c], each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Data Fragments for the TIE Brute equipment skin! (HQ 5 and below receive AT-DT Walker.)'
epchp_epRedCupRedux_p4cf_body_r 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times[-][/c], each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Data Fragments for the U-wing starfighter equipment equipment skin! (HQ 5 and below receive Stolen AT-DT Walker.)'
epchp_epRedCup_p1c1_body_e 'The enigmatic Therm Scissorpunch has hired you to collect valuable Coaxium. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the AT-hauler starship! (HQ 4 and below receive AT-DT Walker unit.)'
epchp_epRedCup_p1c1_body_r 'The enigmatic Therm Scissorpunch has hired you to collect valuable Coaxium. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Salvaged AT-hauler starship! (HQ 4 and below receive Stolen AT-DT Walker unit.)'
epchp_epRedCup_p1c1_title 'Lucky Break, Part I'
epchp_epRedCup_p1c2_body_e 'Therm Scissorpunch is impatient, but will keep his end of the deal. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the AT-hauler starship! (HQ 4 and below receive AT-DT Walker unit.)'
epchp_epRedCup_p1c2_body_r 'Therm Scissorpunch is impatient, but will keep his end of the deal. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Salvaged AT-hauler starship! (HQ 4 and below receive Stolen AT-DT Walker unit.)'
epchp_epRedCup_p1c2_title 'Lucky Break, Part I: Chapter II'
epchp_epRedCup_p1cf_body_e 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times[-][/c], each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Data Fragments for the AT-hauler starship! (HQ 4 and below receive AT-DT Walker unit.)'
epchp_epRedCup_p1cf_body_r 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times[-][/c], each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Data Fragments for the Salvaged AT-hauler starship! (HQ 4 and below receive Stolen AT-DT Walker unit.)'
epchp_epRedCup_p1cf_title 'Lucky Break, Part I [Complete]'
epchp_epRedCup_p2c1_body_e 'Therm Scissorpunch is back, wanting more Coaxium. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the AT-hauler starship! (HQ 4 and below receive AT-DT Walker unit.)'
epchp_epRedCup_p2c1_body_r 'Therm Scissorpunch is back, wanting more Coaxium. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Salvaged AT-hauler starship! (HQ 4 and below receive Stolen AT-DT Walker unit.)'
epchp_epRedCup_p2c1_title 'Lucky Break, Part 2'
epchp_epRedCup_p2c2_body_e 'Therm is even more impatient than before. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the AT-hauler starship! (HQ 4 and below receive AT-DT Walker unit.)'
epchp_epRedCup_p2c2_body_r 'Therm is even more impatient than before. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Salvaged AT-hauler starship! (HQ 4 and below receive Stolen AT-DT Walker unit.)'
epchp_epRedCup_p2c2_title 'Lucky Break, Part 2: Chapter II'
epchp_epRedCup_p2cf_title 'Lucky Break, Part 2 [Complete]'
epchp_epRedCup_p3c1_body_e 'Therm Scissorpunch has aroused Saponza\'s suspicions. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the A-LT "Turret Slicer" droid! (HQ 6 and below receive VT-49 Decimator starfighter.)'
epchp_epRedCup_p3c1_body_r 'Therm Scissorpunch has aroused Saponza\'s suspicions. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the A-LT "Turret Slicer" droid! (HQ 6 and below receive HWK-290 starfighter.)'
epchp_epRedCup_p3c1_title 'Lucky Break, Part 3'
epchp_epRedCup_p3c2_body_e 'Therm seems eager to follow through on your deal! [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the A-LT "Turret Slicer" droid! (HQ 6 and below receive VT-49 Decimator starfighter.)'
epchp_epRedCup_p3c2_body_r 'Therm seems eager to follow through on your deal! [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the A-LT "Turret Slicer" droid! (HQ 6 and below receive HWK-290 starfighter.)'
epchp_epRedCup_p3c2_title 'Lucky Break, Part 3: Chapter II'
epchp_epRedCup_p3cf_body_e 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times[-][/c], each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Data Fragments for the A-LT "Turret Slicer" droid! (HQ 6 and below receive VT-49 Decimator starfighter.)'
epchp_epRedCup_p3cf_body_r 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times[-][/c], each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Data Fragments for the A-LT "Turret Slicer" droid! (HQ 6 and below receive HWK-290 starfighter.)'
epchp_epRedCup_p3cf_title 'Lucky Break, Part 3 [Complete]'
epchp_epRedCup_p4c1_body_e 'Therm\'s "syndicate" was fake, but the rewards are real! [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the TIE Brute equipment skin! (HQ 5 and below receive VT-49 Decimator starfighter.)'
epchp_epRedCup_p4c1_body_r 'Therm\'s "syndicate" was fake, but the rewards are real! [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the U-wing starfighter equipment skin! (HQ 5 and below receive HWK-290 starfighter.)'
epchp_epRedCup_p4c1_title 'Lucky Break, Part 4'
epchp_epRedCup_p4c2_body_e "Therm's been selling Lando Calrissian's lost cargo all along! [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the TIE Brute equipment skin! (HQ 5 and below receive VT-49 Decimator starfighter.)"
epchp_epRedCup_p4c2_body_r "Therm's been selling Lando Calrissian's lost cargo all along! [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the U-wing starfighter equipment skin! (HQ 5 and below receive HWK-290 starfighter.)"
epchp_epRedCup_p4c2_title 'Lucky Break, Part 4: Chapter II'
epchp_epRedCup_p4cf_body_e 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times[-][/c], each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Data Fragments for the TIE Brute equipment skin! (HQ 5 and below receive VT-49 Decimator starfighter.)'
epchp_epRedCup_p4cf_body_r 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times[-][/c], each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Data Fragments for the U-wing starfighter equipment skin! (HQ 5 and below receive HWK-290 starfighter.)'
epchp_epRedCup_p4cf_title 'Lucky Break, Part 4 [Complete]'
epchp_epRogue1_p1c1_body_e 'Kada Jahr has a job for you. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the TX-225 assault tank equipment! (HQ 5 and below receive Shock Trooper unit.)'
epchp_epRogue1_p1c1_body_r 'Kada Jahr has a job for you. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Stolen TX-225 assault tank equipment! (HQ 5 and below receive Shock Trooper unit.)'
epchp_epRogue1_p1c1_title 'Questionable Cargo, Part I'
epchp_epRogue1_p1c2_title 'Questionable Cargo, Part I: Chapter II'
epchp_epRogue1_p1cf_body_e 'Congratulations! You completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times.[-][/c] Each time earns a bonus crate with a chance of TX-225 assault tank equipment fragments! (HQ 5 and below: chance of Shock Trooper unit.)'
epchp_epRogue1_p1cf_body_r 'Congratulations! You completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times.[-][/c] Each time earns a bonus crate with a chance of Stolen TX-225 assault tank equipment fragments! (HQ 5 and below: chance of Shock Trooper unit.)'
epchp_epRogue1_p1cf_title 'Questionable Cargo, Part I [Complete]'
epchp_epRogue1_p2c1_body_e 'Kada Jahr has more crates from the freighter cargo. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the TIE Striker starfighter! (HQ 5 and below receive Johhar Kessen hero unit.)'
epchp_epRogue1_p2c1_body_r 'Kada Jahr has more crates from the freighter cargo. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Fang Fighter starship! (HQ 5 and below receive Johhar Kessen hero unit.)'
epchp_epRogue1_p2c1_title 'Questionable Cargo, Part II'
epchp_epRogue1_p2c2_body_e 'The secret of the freighter cargo is safe, for now. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the TIE Striker starfighter! (HQ 5 and below receive Johhar Kessen hero unit.)'
epchp_epRogue1_p2c2_body_r 'The secret of the freighter cargo is safe, for now. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Fang Fighter starship! (HQ 5 and below receive Johhar Kessen hero unit.)'
epchp_epRogue1_p2c2_title 'Questionable Cargo, Part II: Chapter II'
epchp_epRogue1_p2cf_body_e 'Congratulations! You completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times.[-][/c] Each time earns a bonus crate with a chance of TIE Striker starfighter unit fragments! (HQ 5 and below: chance of Johhar Kessen hero unit.)'
epchp_epRogue1_p2cf_body_r 'Congratulations! You completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times.[-][/c] Each time earns a bonus crate with a chance of Fang Fighter starship unit fragments! (HQ 5 and below: chance of Johhar Kessen hero unit.)'
epchp_epRogue1_p2cf_title 'Questionable Cargo, Part II [Complete]'
epchp_epRogue1_p3c1_body_e 'Kada Jahr has another set of Data Fragments. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Security Droid mercenary unit! (HQ 6 and below receive Johhar Kessen hero unit.)'
epchp_epRogue1_p3c1_body_r 'Kada Jahr has another set of Data Fragments. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Drabatan Saboteur mercenary unit! (HQ 6 and below receive Johhar Kessen hero unit.)'
epchp_epRogue1_p3c1_title 'Questionable Cargo, Part III'
epchp_epRogue1_p3c2_body_e 'The Imperial Security Bureau is investigating the freighter. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Security Droid mercenary unit! (HQ 6 and below receive Johhar Kessen hero unit.)'
epchp_epRogue1_p3c2_body_r 'The Imperial Security Bureau is investigating the freighter. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Drabatan Saboteur mercenary unit! (HQ 6 and below receive Johhar Kessen hero unit.)'
epchp_epRogue1_p3c2_title 'Questionable Cargo, Part III: Chapter II'
epchp_epRogue1_p3cf_body_e 'Congratulations! You completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times.[-][/c] Each time earns a bonus crate with a chance of Security Droid mercenary unit fragments! (HQ 6 and below: chance of Johhar Kessen hero unit.)'
epchp_epRogue1_p3cf_body_r 'Congratulations! You completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times.[-][/c] Each time earns a bonus crate with a chance of Drabatan Saboteur mercenary unit fragments! (HQ 6 and below: chance of Johhar Kessen hero unit.)'
epchp_epRogue1_p3cf_title 'Questionable Cargo, Part III [Complete]'
epchp_epRogue1_p4c1_body_e 'Kada Jahr is offering one last job. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the TX-225 assault tank equipment! (HQ 5 and below receive Shock Trooper unit.)'
epchp_epRogue1_p4c1_body_r 'Kada Jahr is offering one last job. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Stolen TX-225 assault tank equipment! (HQ 5 and below receive Shock Trooper unit.)'
epchp_epRogue1_p4c1_title 'Questionable Cargo, Part IV'
epchp_epRogue1_p4c2_body_e 'Kada Jahr admonishes you to move quickly on the job. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the TX-225 assault tank equipment! (HQ 5 and below receive Shock Trooper unit.)'
epchp_epRogue1_p4c2_body_r 'Kada Jahr admonishes you to move quickly on the job. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Stolen TX-225 assault tank equipment! (HQ 5 and below receive Shock Trooper unit.)'
epchp_epRogue1_p4c2_title 'Questionable Cargo, Part IV: Chapter II'
epchp_epRogue1_p4cf_title 'Questionable Cargo, Part IV [Complete]'
epchp_epSpaceBear2_p1c1_body_e 'Classic Event: Replay the first encounter with the pirate Hondo Ohnaka! Fight Battles, Earn EP, and [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Ongidae Oppressor!'
epchp_epSpaceBear2_p1c1_body_r 'Classic Event: Replay the first encounter with the pirate Hondo Ohnaka! Fight Battles, Earn EP, and [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Bufopel Protector!'
epchp_epSpaceBear2_p1cf_body_e 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times[-][/c], each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Data Fragments for the Ongidae Oppressor infantry.'
epchp_epSpaceBear2_p1cf_body_r 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times[-][/c], each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Data Fragments for the Bufopel Protector infantry.'
epchp_epSpaceBear2_p2c1_body_e 'Classic Event: Continue the first meeting with the pirate Hondo Ohnaka! Fight Battles, Earn EP, and [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the 614-AvA speeder bike!'
epchp_epSpaceBear2_p2c1_body_r 'Classic Event: Continue the first meeting with the pirate Hondo Ohnaka! Fight Battles, Earn EP, and [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the V-4X-D Ski Speeder!'
epchp_epSpaceBear2_p2cf_body_e 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times[-][/c], each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Data Fragments for the 614-AvA speeder bike vehicle.'
epchp_epSpaceBear2_p2cf_body_r 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times[-][/c], each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Data Fragments for the V-4X-D Ski Speeder vehicle.'
epchp_epSpaceBear2_p3c1_body_e 'Classic Event: Replay the meeting with the pirate Hondo Ohnaka! Fight Battles, Earn EP, and [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Fathier Rider! (HQ 6 and below receive 614-AvA speeder bike vehicle.)'
epchp_epSpaceBear2_p3c1_body_r 'Classic Event: Replay the meeting with the pirate Hondo Ohnaka! Fight Battles, Earn EP, and [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Fathier Rider! (HQ 6 and below receive V-4X-D Ski Speeder vehicle.)'
epchp_epSpaceBear2_p3cf_body_e 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times[-][/c], each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Data Fragments for the Fathier Rider mercenary! (HQ 6 and below receive 614-AvA speeder bike vehicle.)'
epchp_epSpaceBear2_p3cf_body_r 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times[-][/c], each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Data Fragments for the Fathier Rider mercenary! (HQ 6 and below receive V-4X-D Ski Speeder vehicle.)'
epchp_epSpaceBear2_p4c1_body_e 'Classic Event: Conclude the first meeting with the pirate Hondo Ohnaka! Fight Battles, Earn EP, and [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Fathier Rider! (HQ 6 and below receive Ongidae Oppressor infantry.)'
epchp_epSpaceBear2_p4c1_body_r 'Classic Event: Conclude the first meeting with the pirate Hondo Ohnaka! Fight Battles, Earn EP, and [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Fathier Rider! (HQ 6 and below receive Bufopel Protector infantry.)'
epchp_epSpaceBear2_p4cf_body_e 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times[-][/c], each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Data Fragments for the Fathier Rider mercenary! (HQ 6 and below receive Ongidae Oppressor infantry.)'
epchp_epSpaceBear2_p4cf_body_r 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times[-][/c], each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Data Fragments for the Fathier Rider mercenary! (HQ 6 and below receive Bufopel Protector infantry.)'
epchp_epSpaceBear_w1c1_body_e 'One of Saponza’s old pirate contacts needs some work done, and will pay handsomely for it.\nFinish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates. Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the 614-AvA speeder bike!'
epchp_epSpaceBear_w1c1_body_r 'One of Saponza’s old pirate contacts needs some work done, and will pay handsomely for it.\nFinish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates. Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the V-4X-D Ski Speeder!'
epchp_epSpaceBear_w1c2_body_e 'Saponza’s pirate contact seems trustworthy enough, having provided several smaller payments for the work.\nContinue finishing Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates. Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the 614-AvA speeder bike!'
epchp_epSpaceBear_w1c2_body_r 'Saponza’s pirate contact seems trustworthy enough, having provided several smaller payments for the work.\nContinue finishing Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates. Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the V-4X-D Ski Speeder!'
epchp_epSpaceBear_w1f_body_e 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times, each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Data Fragments for the 614-AvA speeder bike.'
epchp_epSpaceBear_w1f_body_r 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times, each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Data Fragments for the V-4X-D Ski Speeder.'
epchp_epSpaceBear_w1f_title 'An Old Friend [Complete]'
epchp_epSpaceBear_w2_title 'Mysterious Benefactor'
epchp_epSpaceBear_w2c1_body_e 'One of Saponza’s old pirate contacts was impressed with your work, and is offering you a new set of jobs.\nFinish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates. Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the 614-AvA speeder bike!'
epchp_epSpaceBear_w2c1_body_r 'One of Saponza’s old pirate contacts was impressed with your work, and is offering you a new set of jobs. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the V-4X-D Ski Speeder!'
epchp_epSpaceBear_w2c2_body_e 'Still anonymous, Saponza’s pirate contact continues to deliver payment as promised. [c][23BBFB]Continue finishing Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the 614-AvA speeder bike!'
epchp_epSpaceBear_w2c2_body_r 'Still anonymous, Saponza’s pirate contact continues to deliver payment as promised. [c][23BBFB]Continue finishing Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the V-4X-D Ski Speeder!'
epchp_epSpaceBear_w2cf_body_e 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times, each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Data Fragments for the 614-AvA speeder bike.'
epchp_epSpaceBear_w2cf_body_r 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times, each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Data Fragments for the V-4X-D Ski Speeder.'
epchp_epSpaceBear_w2f_title 'Mysterious Benefactor [Complete]'
epchp_epSpaceBear_w3_title 'Shared Interests'
epchp_epSpaceBear_w3c1_body 'Saponza reveals his contact to be renowned pirate Hondo Ohnaka. Pleased by your results, Hondo seeks to form a standing business agreement. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Fathier Rider!'
epchp_epSpaceBear_w3c2_body "Hondo's trust in you continues to grow. Keep finishing Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates. [c][23BBFB]Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Fathier Rider![-][/c]"
epchp_epSpaceBear_w3cf_body 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times, each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Data Fragments for the Fathier Rider.'
epchp_epSpaceBear_w3f_title 'Shared Interests [Complete]'
epchp_epSpaceBear_w4_title 'A Friend in Need'
epchp_epSpaceBear_w4c1_body_e "One of Hondo's old compatriots is missing. Hondo fears foul play, and has asked you to investigate. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Ongidae Oppressor."
epchp_epSpaceBear_w4c1_body_r "One of Hondo's old compatriots is missing. Hondo fears foul play, and has asked you to investigate. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Bufopel Protector."
epchp_epSpaceBear_w4c2_body_e "Your efforts revealed that Hondo's compatriot is being held for ransom. Unwilling to risk overt involvement, Hondo has tasked you with disrupting the kidnapper's operations. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Ongidae Oppressor."
epchp_epSpaceBear_w4c2_body_r "Your efforts revealed that Hondo's compatriot is being held for ransom. Unwilling to risk overt involvement, Hondo has tasked you with disrupting the kidnapper's operations. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Bufopel Protector."
epchp_epSpaceBear_w4c2_title 'A Friend in Need: Chapter II'
epchp_epSpaceBear_w4cf_body_e 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times, each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Data Fragments for the Ongidae Oppressor.'
epchp_epSpaceBear_w4cf_body_r 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times, each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Data Fragments for the Bufopel Protector.'
epchp_epSpaceBear_w4f_title 'A Friend in Need [Complete]'
epchp_epSpaceBear_w5_title 'An Enemy Within'
epchp_epSpaceBear_w5c1_body_e 'Hondo has proof of a spy within the Empire. He will happily give you the information, for a price. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Ongidae Oppressor.'
epchp_epSpaceBear_w5c1_body_r 'Hondo has proof of a spy within the Alliance. He will happily give you the information, for a price. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Bufopel Protector.'
epchp_epSpaceBear_w5c2_body_e "Hondo is closing in on the spy's identity, but he does not work for free. Fortunately, neither do you! [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Ongidae Oppressor."
epchp_epSpaceBear_w5c2_body_r "Hondo is closing in on the spy's identity, but he does not work for free. Fortunately, neither do you! [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Bufopel Protector."
epchp_epSpaceBear_w5c2_title 'An Enemy Within: Chapter II'
epchp_epSpaceBear_w5cf_body_e 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. This objective can be completed as many times as you wish before the end of the event. Complete it to earn an Elite Event Crate, which has a chance to award data fragments for the Ongidae Oppressor.'
epchp_epSpaceBear_w5cf_body_r 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. This objective can be completed as many times as you wish before the end of the event. Complete it to earn an Elite Event Crate, which has a chance to award data fragments for the Bufopel Protector.'
epchp_epSpaceBear_w5f_title 'An Enemy Within [Complete]'
epchp_epSpaceBear_w6_title 'Unpaid Debts'
epchp_epSpaceBear_w6c1_body 'Hondo knows of an old debt Saponza owes to a syndicate. Knowing your friend, Saponza would never ask for help. In exchange for some work, Hondo will make the debt disappear. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Fathier Rider!'
epchp_epSpaceBear_w6cf_body 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times, each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Data Fragments for the Fathier Rider.'
epchp_epSpaceBear_w6f_title 'Unpaid Debts [Complete]'
epchp_epSpacebear_w1_title 'An Old Friend'
epchp_epTrixie_p1_title 'Plunder'
epchp_epTrixie_p1c1_body_e 'Maz has acquired a cache of Data Fragments for a powerful Mercenary Unit. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Orbak Marauder Unit!'
epchp_epTrixie_p1c1_body_r 'Maz has acquired a cache of Data Fragments for a powerful Mercenary Unit. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Orbak Marauder Unit!'
epchp_epTrixie_p1c1_title 'Plunder, Chapter I'
epchp_epTrixie_p1c2_body_e "Maz's offer remains open: Data Fragments for a powerful Mercenary Unit, in exchange for work. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Orbak Marauder Unit!"
epchp_epTrixie_p1c2_body_r "Maz's offer remains open: Data Fragments for a powerful Mercenary Unit, in exchange for work. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Orbak Marauder Unit!"
epchp_epTrixie_p1c2_title 'Plunder, Chapter II'
epchp_epTrixie_p1f_body_e 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times[-][/c], each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Data Fragments for the Orbak Marauder Unit.'
epchp_epTrixie_p1f_body_r 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times[-][/c], each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Data Fragments for the Orbak Marauder Unit.'
epchp_epTrixie_p1f_title 'Plunder, Complete'
epchp_epTrixie_p2_title 'Legitimate Business'
epchp_epTrixie_p2c1_body_e 'Lando requires your assistance and has acquired a cache of Data Fragments for a powerful Mercenary Unit. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Orbak Marauder Unit!'
epchp_epTrixie_p2c1_body_r 'Lando requires your assistance and has acquired a cache of Data Fragments for a powerful Mercenary Unit. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Orbak Marauder Unit!'
epchp_epTrixie_p2c1_title 'Legitimate Business, Chapter I'
epchp_epTrixie_p2c2_body_e "Lando's offer remains open: Data Fragments for the Orbak Marauder Unit, in exchange for work. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Orbak Marauder Unit!"
epchp_epTrixie_p2c2_body_r "Lando's offer remains open: Data Fragments for the Orbak Marauder Unit, in exchange for work. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Orbak Marauder Unit!"
epchp_epTrixie_p2c2_title 'Legitimate Business, Chapter II'
epchp_epTrixie_p2f_body_e 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times[-][/c], each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Data Fragments for the Orbak Marauder Unit.'
epchp_epTrixie_p2f_body_r 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times[-][/c], each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Data Fragments for the Orbak Marauder Unit.'
epchp_epTrixie_p2f_title 'Legitimate Business, Complete'
epchp_epTrixie_p3_title 'Treasure Hunt'
epchp_epTrixie_p3c1_body_e 'Lando still requires your assistance and has acquired a cache of Equipment Data Fragments for the Elite Orbak Marauder. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Elite Orbak Marauder Equipment!'
epchp_epTrixie_p3c1_body_r 'Lando still requires your assistance and has acquired a cache of Equipment Data Fragments for the Elite Orbak Marauder. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Elite Orbak Marauder Equipment!'
epchp_epTrixie_p3c1_title 'Treasure Hunt, Chapter I'
epchp_epTrixie_p3c2_body_e "Lando's offer remains open: Data Fragments for the Elite Orbak Marauder Equipment, in exchange for work. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Elite Orbak Marauder Equipment!"
epchp_epTrixie_p3c2_body_r "Lando's offer remains open: Data Fragments for the Elite Orbak Marauder Equipment, in exchange for work. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Elite Orbak Marauder Equipment!"
epchp_epTrixie_p3c2_title 'Treasure Hunt, Chapter II'
epchp_epTrixie_p3f_body_e 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times[-][/c], each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Data Fragments for the Orbak Marauder Unit and the Elite Orbak Marauder Equipment!.'
epchp_epTrixie_p3f_body_r 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times[-][/c], each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Data Fragments for the Orbak Marauder Unit and the Elite Orbak Marauder Equipment!.'
epchp_epTrixie_p3f_title 'Treasure Hunt, Complete'
epchp_epTrixie_p4_title 'Pirate Queen'
epchp_epTrixie_p4c1_body_e 'Maz still holds a cache of Equipment Data Fragments for the Elite Orbak Marauder. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Elite Orbak Marauder Equipment!'
epchp_epTrixie_p4c1_body_r 'Maz still holds a cache of Equipment Data Fragments for the Elite Orbak Marauder. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Elite Orbak Marauder Equipment!'
epchp_epTrixie_p4c1_title 'Pirate Queen, Chapter I'
epchp_epTrixie_p4c2_body_e "Maz's offer remains open: Data Fragments for the Elite Orbak Marauder Equipment, in exchange for work. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Elite Orbak Marauder Equipment!"
epchp_epTrixie_p4c2_body_r "Maz's offer remains open: Data Fragments for the Elite Orbak Marauder Equipment, in exchange for work. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Elite Orbak Marauder Equipment!"
epchp_epTrixie_p4c2_title 'Pirate Queen, Chapter II'
epchp_epTrixie_p4f_body_e 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times[-][/c], each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Data Fragments for the Orbak Marauder Unit and the Elite Orbak Marauder Equipment!.'
epchp_epTrixie_p4f_body_r 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times[-][/c], each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Data Fragments for the Orbak Marauder Unit and the Elite Orbak Marauder Equipment!.'
epchp_epTrixie_p4f_title 'Pirate Queen, Complete'
epchp_eptimeofheroes_p1c1_body_e 'Hondo has acquired a cache of Data Fragments for a dangerous Spiderdroid. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the SD-K4!'
epchp_eptimeofheroes_p1c1_body_r 'Hondo has acquired a cache of Data Fragments for a dangerous Spiderdroid. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Modified SD-K4!'
epchp_eptimeofheroes_p1c1_title 'Time of Heroes, Part I'
epchp_eptimeofheroes_p1c2_body_e "Hondo's offer remains open: Data Fragments for a dangerous explosive-deploying droid, in exchange for work. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the SD-K4!"
epchp_eptimeofheroes_p1c2_body_r "Hondo's offer remains open: Data Fragments for a dangerous explosive-deploying droid, in exchange for work. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Modified SD-K4!"
epchp_eptimeofheroes_p1c2_title 'Time of Heroes, Part I: Chapter II'
epchp_eptimeofheroes_p1f_body_e 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times[-][/c], each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Data Fragments for the SD-K4.'
epchp_eptimeofheroes_p1f_body_r 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times[-][/c], each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Data Fragments for the Modified SD-K4.'
epchp_eptimeofheroes_p1f_title 'Time of Heroes, Part I: Complete'
epchp_eptimeofheroes_p2c1_body_e 'Hondo has acquired a cache of Data Fragments for the elite Death Troopers. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Death Troopers!'
epchp_eptimeofheroes_p2c1_body_r 'Hondo has acquired a cache of Data Fragments for equipment for R2 units. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Artoo & Threepio equipment!'
epchp_eptimeofheroes_p2c1_title 'Time of Heroes, Part II'
epchp_eptimeofheroes_p2c2_body_e "Hondo's offer remains open: Data Fragments for the elite Death Troopers, in exchange for work. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Death Troopers!"
epchp_eptimeofheroes_p2c2_body_r "Hondo's offer remains open: Data Fragments for Artoo & Threepio Equipment, in exchange for work. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Artoo & Threepio equipment!"
epchp_eptimeofheroes_p2c2_title 'Time of Heroes, Part II: Chapter II'
epchp_eptimeofheroes_p2f_body_e 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times[-][/c], each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Data Fragments for the Death Troopers.'
epchp_eptimeofheroes_p2f_body_r 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times[-][/c], each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Artoo & Threepio Data Fragments!'
epchp_eptimeofheroes_p2f_title 'Time of Heroes, Part II: Complete'
epchp_epunderfire_p1c1_body_e 'Hondo has acquired a cache of Data Fragments for a powerful Mercenary Transport. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Salvaged Multi-Troop Transport!'
epchp_epunderfire_p1c1_body_r 'Hondo has acquired a cache of Data Fragments for a powerful Mercenary Transport. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Salvaged Multi-Troop Transport!'
epchp_epunderfire_p1c1_title 'Under Fire, Part I'
epchp_epunderfire_p1c2_body_e "Hondo's offer remains open: Data Fragments for a powerful Mercenary Transport, in exchange for work. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Salvaged Multi-Troop Transport!"
epchp_epunderfire_p1c2_body_r "Hondo's offer remains open: Data Fragments for a powerful Mercenary Transport, in exchange for work. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Salvaged Multi-Troop Transport!"
epchp_epunderfire_p1c2_title 'Under Fire, Part I: Chapter II'
epchp_epunderfire_p1f_body_e 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times[-][/c], each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Data Fragments for the Salvaged Multi-Troop Transport.'
epchp_epunderfire_p1f_body_r 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times[-][/c], each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Data Fragments for the Salvaged Multi-Troop Transport.'
epchp_epunderfire_p1f_title 'Under Fire, Part I: Complete'
epchp_epunderfire_p2c1_body_e 'Hondo has acquired a cache of Data Fragments for equipment for AT-ST Walkers. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Enhanced AT-ST Walker equipment!'
epchp_epunderfire_p2c1_body_r 'Hondo has acquired a cache of Data Fragments for equipment for T2-B Repulsor Tanks. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Enhanced T2-B Repulsor Tank equipment!'
epchp_epunderfire_p2c1_title 'Under Fire, Part II'
epchp_epunderfire_p2c2_body_e "Hondo's offer remains open: Data Fragments for AT-ST Walker Equipment, in exchange for work. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Enhanced AT-ST Walker equipment!"
epchp_epunderfire_p2c2_body_r "Hondo's offer remains open: Data Fragments for T2-B Repulsor Tank Equipment, in exchange for work. [c][23BBFB]Finish Event Objectives to earn Supply Crates.[-][/c] Complete the Event before time runs out for a guaranteed unlock of the Enhanced T2-B Repulsor Tank equipment!"
epchp_epunderfire_p2c2_title 'Under Fire, Part II: Chapter II'
epchp_epunderfire_p2f_body_e 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times[-][/c], each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Enhanced AT-ST Walker Data Fragments!'
epchp_epunderfire_p2f_body_r 'Congratulations! You have completed the event and unlocked the Bonus Event Objective. [c][23BBFB]Until the event ends, this objective can be finished an unlimited number of times[-][/c], each time earning an Elite Event Crate with a chance to award Enhanced T2-B Repulsor Tank Data Fragments!'
epchp_epunderfire_p2f_title 'Under Fire, Part II: Complete'
eppnl_epSpacebear_w1_title 'An Old Friend'
eppnl_epSpacebear_w2_title 'Mysterious Benefactor'
eppnl_epSpacebear_w3_title 'Shared Interests'
eppnl_epSpacebear_w4_title 'A Friend in Need'
eppnl_epSpacebear_w5_title 'An Enemy Within'
eppnl_epSpacebear_w6_title 'Unpaid Debts'
epw_event_point_conf_1 '+{0} @ec [c][FFAA33]Carbonite Division II[-][/c]¢ec:ec=current'
epw_event_point_conf_2 '+{0} @ec [c][FFAA33]Carbonite Division I[-][/c]¢ec:ec=current'
epw_event_point_conf_3 '+{0} @ec [c][FFAA33]Durasteel Division II[-][/c]¢ec:ec=current'
epw_event_point_conf_4 '+{0} @ec [c][FFAA33]Durasteel Division I[-][/c]¢ec:ec=current'
epw_event_point_conf_5 '+{0} @ec [c][FFAA33]Bronzium Division II[-][/c]¢ec:ec=current'
epw_event_point_conf_6 '+{0} @ec [c][FFAA33]Bronzium Division I[-][/c]¢ec:ec=current'
epw_event_point_conf_7 '+{0} @ec [c][FFAA33]Obsidian Division[-][/c]¢ec:ec=current'
epw_event_point_conf_8 '+{0} @ec [c][FFAA33]Ultra Chrome Division[-][/c]¢ec:ec=current'
epw_event_point_obje_1 '+{0} @ec [c][FFAA33]Carbonite Objective[-][/c]¢ec:ec=current'
epw_event_point_obje_2 '+{0} @ec [c][FFAA33]Durasteel Objective[-][/c]¢ec:ec=current'
epw_event_point_obje_3 '+{0} @ec [c][FFAA33]Bronzium Objective[-][/c]¢ec:ec=current'
epw_event_point_pvp_1 '+{0} @ec [c][FFAA33]1-Star Battle[-][/c]¢ec:ec=current'
epw_event_point_pvp_2 '+{0} @ec [c][FFAA33]2-Star Battle[-][/c]¢ec:ec=current'
epw_event_point_pvp_3 '+{0} @ec [c][FFAA33]3-Star Battle[-][/c]¢ec:ec=current'
epw_event_point_raid_1 '+{0} @ec [c][FFAA33]Carbonite Heroic Defense[-][/c]¢ec:ec=current'
epw_event_point_raid_2 '+{0} @ec [c][FFAA33]Durasteel Heroic Defense[-][/c]¢ec:ec=current'
epw_event_point_raid_3 '+{0} @ec [c][FFAA33]Bronzium Heroic Defense[-][/c]¢ec:ec=current'
epw_event_points_generic_1 '+{0} @ec [c][FFAA33]Task Progress[-][/c]¢ec:ec=current'
epws_arcBiome_Jetpack_e_title 'Arctic Operations: Jump Troopers'
epws_arcBiome_Jetpack_r_title 'Arctic Operations: Jetpack Troopers'
epws_defRef_wk1_title 'Tactical Defenses Event!'
epws_defRef_wk2_title '3x Objective Crates until 7/5!'
epws_defRef_wk3_title '2x Conflict Crates until 7/12!'
epws_desBiome_Jetpack_e_title 'Desert Jump Troopers'
epws_desBiome_Jetpack_r_title 'Desert Jetpack Troopers'
epws_epSpacebear_w1_title 'An Old Friend'
epws_epSpacebear_w2_title 'Mysterious Benefactor'
epws_epSpacebear_w3_title 'Shared Interests'
epws_epSpacebear_w4_title 'A Friend in Need'
epws_epSpacebear_w5_title 'An Enemy Within'
epws_epSpacebear_w6_title 'Unpaid Debts'
epws_forBiome_Jetpack_e_title 'Forest Operations: Jump Troopers'
epws_forBiome_Jetpack_r_title 'Forest Operations: Jetpack Troopers'
epws_rogue1v3_wk1_title 'Rogue One Special Event!'
epws_rogue1v3_wk2_title '2x Objectives until 5/30!'
epws_rogue1v3_wk3_title '2x Conflict Rewards until 6/6!'
epws_rogue1v3_wk4_title 'Event Ends 6/19 at Noon! Act now!'
eqpAdvancedFragment1_description '[c][99B4FF]Advanced[-][/c] Data Fragment'
eqpAdvancedFragment1_name '[c][99B4FF]Advanced[-][/c] Data Fragment'
eqpBasicFragment1_description '[c][B2B2A8]Basic[-][/c] Data Fragment'
eqpBasicFragment1_name '[c][B2B2A8]Basic[-][/c] Data Fragment'
eqpEliteFragment1_description '[c][FFC25B]Elite[-][/c] Data Fragment'
eqpEliteFragment1_name '[c][FFC25B]Elite[-][/c] Data Fragment'
eqpEmpireATMPHalfSkin_description 'This walker has been outfitted with enhanced munition firing systems, capable of delivering heavier and more explosive payloads. These modifications are built around existing systems, visibly altering the appearance of this AT-MP.'
eqpEmpireATMPHalfSkin_name 'Enhanced AT-MP Walker'
eqpEmpireATSTHalfSkin_description 'This walker has been outfitted with enhanced power couplings and sub-systems, allowing its weapons to fire high power blasts at a faster than normal rate. The modifications needed for this performance are built around existing systems, visibly altering the appearance of this AT-ST.'
eqpEmpireATSTHalfSkin_name 'Enhanced AT-ST Walker'
eqpEmpireArcticATMP_description 'This AT-MP has had its internal systems retrofitted to perform optimally in sub-zero temperatures. It employs a powerful volley of missiles to destroy targets in its way, but has light armor and will need protection.'
eqpEmpireArcticATMP_name 'Cold Weather AT-MP Mark III'
eqpEmpireArcticINT4_description 'The INT-4 Interceptor was originally used as a scout craft in Imperial operations. This modified version uses a close-range impact hammer to batter enemy walls.'
eqpEmpireArcticINT4_name 'Modified INT-4 Interceptor'
eqpEmpireArcticMHC_description 'These UMHC have been retrofitted with modifications for use in sub-zero temperatures, giving them an advantage in combat. They are extremely powerful against vehicles and turrets, but very slow due to their massive size.'
eqpEmpireArcticMHC_name 'Cold-weather Mobile Heavy Cannon'
eqpEmpireBarracksSummonHeavyMirror_description 'A guard wave of [c][FFC25B]1 Shock Trooper[-][/c] will appear from each Barrack shortly after the battle starts. Additional guard waves will periodically appear during the battle. [c][FFC25B]Research higher levels of this Guard Reserve to make Shock Troopers appear more often.[-][/c]'
eqpEmpireBarracksSummonHeavyMirror_name 'Guard Reserve: Anti-vehicle'
eqpEmpireBarracksSummonHeavy_description 'A guard wave of [c][FFC25B]1 Sniper[-][/c] will appear from each Barrack shortly after the battle starts. Additional guard waves will periodically appear during the battle. [c][FFC25B]Research higher levels of this Guard Reserve to make Snipers appear more often.[-][/c]'
eqpEmpireBarracksSummonHeavy_name 'Guard Reserve: Anti-infantry'
eqpEmpireBarracksSummonLight_description 'A guard wave of [c][FFC25B]3 Stormtroopers[-][/c] will appear from each Barrack shortly after the battle starts. Additional guard waves will periodically appear during the battle. [c][FFC25B]Research higher levels of this Guard Reserve to make Stormtroopers appear more often.[-][/c]'
eqpEmpireBarracksSummonLight_name 'Guard Reserve: Light Infantry'
eqpEmpireBarracksSummonMedium_description 'A guard wave of [c][FFC25B]2 Dewbacks[-][/c] will appear from each Barrack shortly after the battle starts. Additional guard waves will periodically appear during the battle. [c][FFC25B]Research higher levels of this Guard Reserve to make Dewbacks appear more often.[-][/c]'
eqpEmpireBarracksSummonMedium_name 'Guard Reserve: Melee Bruisers'
eqpEmpireBetaTroop_name 'Elite Orbak Marauder'
eqpEmpireBubbaTieFighter_description 'An improvement over the TIE starfighter, the TIE/rb heavy starfighter has much more powerful laser cannons.'
eqpEmpireBubbaTieFighter_name 'TIE Brute'
eqpEmpireBurstTurretDamage_description 'Diffuses the buildup of internal thermal energy, allowing the burst turret to more efficiently produce powerful volleys.'
eqpEmpireBurstTurretDamage_name 'Enhanced Heat Sink'
eqpEmpireBurstTurretHealth_description 'Provides bracing to the weak points of the standard burst turret mounting, increasing the amount of damage the turret will sustain before becoming non-operational.'
eqpEmpireBurstTurretHealth_name 'Reinforced Mounting'
eqpEmpireCantinaHealth_description 'Hardens the internal struts of the cantina structure, allowing the building to diffuse attacks across its surface more efficiently.'
eqpEmpireCantinaHealth_name 'Reinforced Cantina Bracing'
eqpEmpireCantinaSummonMerc_description "A guard wave of [c][FFC25B]2 Gamorrean Warriors[-][/c] and [c][FFC25B]1 Twi'lek Incinerator[-][/c] will appear from the Cantina shortly after the battle starts. Additional guard waves will periodically appear during the battle. [c][FFC25B]Research higher levels of this Guard Reserve to make Mercenaries of higher levels appear more often.[-][/c]"
eqpEmpireCantinaSummonMerc_name 'Guard Reserve: Mercenaries'
eqpEmpireCargoGreatDane_description 'A larger version of the standard AT-AT, the AT-ACT walker features a cargo bed for the transportation of heavy building materials or combat munitions. [c][FFB300]This AT-ACT equipment allows the walker to summon stormtroopers in battle. Stormtroopers are summoned more frequently as the equipment is upgraded.[-][/c]'
eqpEmpireCargoGreatDane_name 'AT-ACT'
eqpEmpireContrabandGeneratorHealth_description 'Hardens the internal struts of the trade port structure, allowing the building to diffuse attacks across its surface more efficiently.'
eqpEmpireContrabandGeneratorHealth_name 'Reinforced Contraband Trade Port Bracing'
eqpEmpireCreditGeneratorHealth_description 'Hardens the internal struts of the market structure, allowing the building to diffuse attacks across its surface more efficiently.'
eqpEmpireCreditGeneratorHealth_name 'Reinforced Credit Market Bracing'
eqpEmpireFactorySummonHeavy_description 'A guard wave of [c][FFC25B]1 Mobile Heavy Cannon[-][/c] will appear from each Factory shortly after the battle starts. Additional guard waves will periodically appear during the battle. [c][FFC25B]Research higher levels of this Guard Reserve to make Mobile Heavy Cannons appear more often.[-][/c]'
eqpEmpireFactorySummonHeavy_name 'Guard Reserve: Anti-vehicle'
eqpEmpireFactorySummonLight_description 'A guard wave of [c][FFC25B]1 Speeder Bike[-][/c] will appear from each Factory shortly after the battle starts. Additional guard waves will periodically appear during the battle. [c][FFC25B]Research higher levels of this Guard Reserve to make Speeder Bikes appear more often.[-][/c]'
eqpEmpireFactorySummonLight_name 'Guard Reserve: Anti-infantry'
eqpEmpireHQHealth_description 'Hardens the internal struts of the Headquarters structure, allowing the building to diffuse attacks across its surface more efficiently.'
eqpEmpireHQHealth_name 'Reinforced HQ Bracing'
eqpEmpireHeavySandtrooper_description 'These Heavy Sandtroopers endure rigorous training to carry large rapid-fire blasters into desert combat operations. They are stronger than their standard stormtrooper counterparts, and deal more damage.'
eqpEmpireHeavySandtrooper_name 'Heavy Sandtrooper'
eqpEmpireHeavySnowtrooper_description 'These heavy ordnance troops undergo elite cold weather training and specialize in using large rapid-fire blasters to destroy their targets. Similar to their stormtrooper counterparts, this increased offense comes at the cost of defensive capabilities.'
eqpEmpireHeavySnowtrooper_name 'Heavy Snowtrooper'
eqpEmpireHovertank_desc 'Designed for heavy transport, the TX-225 assault tank is slow but devastating versus defensive structures. Thick armor plates offer greater protection and enable the tank to crush walls, but it remains vulnerable to Rocket Turrets.'
eqpEmpireHovertank_name 'TX-225'
eqpEmpireLordVader_description 'Lord Vader personally commands the fierce 501st Legion, earning them the nickname "Vader\'s Fist." A detachment of troopers follow Darth Vader into combat, attacking their own targets. Upgrading this equipment increases the strength of the troops brought into battle.'
eqpEmpireLordVader_name 'Lord Vader'
eqpEmpireMaterialsGeneratorHealth_description 'Hardens the internal struts of the refinery structure, allowing the building to diffuse attacks across its surface more efficiently.'
eqpEmpireMaterialsGeneratorHealth_name 'Reinforced Alloy Refinery Bracing'
eqpEmpireMortarTurretDamage_description 'Diffuses the buildup of internal thermal energy, allowing the mortar turret to more efficiently produce heavy volleys.'
eqpEmpireMortarTurretDamage_name 'Enhanced Heat Sink'
eqpEmpireMortarTurretHealth_description 'Provides bracing to the weak points of standard mortar turret mounting, increasing the amount of damage the turret will sustain before becoming non-operational.'
eqpEmpireMortarTurretHealth_name 'Reinforced Mounting'
eqpEmpireNavalOfficer_description 'Like all graduates of Imperial academies, this Naval Officer is trained in combat tactics and weapon readiness. Not just a crack shot with a blaster, the officer can also call down orbital turbolaser strikes to wreak destruction on Rebel bases.'
eqpEmpireNavalOfficer_name 'Naval Officer'
eqpEmpirePentagonHeavyTrooper_description 'Along with the special training assigned to standard Shoretroopers, these troops have undergone specialized training in the use of heavy ordnance which they use to decimate enemy forces. This increased offense comes at the cost of their defensive capabilities.'
eqpEmpirePentagonHeavyTrooper_name 'Heavy Shoretrooper'
eqpEmpirePentagonJumpTrooper_description 'Modification to the standard issue jetpack produces more efficient power routing. This allows Jump Troopers to move more quickly in densely forested environments, as well as deal additional damage.'
eqpEmpirePentagonJumpTrooper_name 'Forest Jump Trooper'
eqpEmpirePentagonTrooper_description 'Shoretroopers are specially trained at a top secret Imperial military headquarters on an unknown planet. They are equipped for combat in tropical environments and use stormtrooper tactics of strength in numbers.'
eqpEmpirePentagonTrooper_name 'Shoretrooper'
eqpEmpireRapidFireTurretDamage_description 'Diffuses the buildup of internal thermal energy, allowing the rapid fire turret to more efficiently produce powerful volleys.'
eqpEmpireRapidFireTurretDamage_name 'Enhanced Heat Sink'
eqpEmpireRapidFireTurretHealth_description 'Provides bracing to the weak points of the standard rapid fire turret mounting, increasing the amount of damage the turret will sustain before becoming non-operational.'
eqpEmpireRapidFireTurretHealth_name 'Reinforced Mounting'
eqpEmpireRocketTurretDamage_description 'Diffuses the buildup of internal thermal energy, allowing the rocket turret to more efficiently produce powerful volleys.'
eqpEmpireRocketTurretDamage_name 'Enhanced Heat Sink'
eqpEmpireRocketTurretHealth_description 'Provides bracing to the weak points of the standard rocket turret mounting, increasing the amount of damage the turret will sustain before becoming non-operational.'
eqpEmpireRocketTurretHealth_name 'Reinforced Mounting'
eqpEmpireRodian_description 'In addition to increased damage and durability, Rodian Recon Snipers carry special targeting equipment to call in surgical TIE Bomber strikes in battle.'
eqpEmpireRodian_name 'Rodian Recon Sniper'
eqpEmpireSandJumpTrooper_description 'Modification to the standard issue jetpack allows these units to operate in extremely hot and dry conditions. These modifications allow the Jump Troopers to move more quickly in arid environments, as well as deal additional damage.'
eqpEmpireSandJumpTrooper_name 'Desert Jump Trooper'
eqpEmpireSandtrooper_description 'These desert trained stormtroopers operate in extremely hot and dry conditions, with specialized gear that can absorb and deal out extra damage. They employ standard stormtrooper tactics – strength in numbers.'
eqpEmpireSandtrooper_name 'Sandtrooper'
eqpEmpireSnowJumpTrooper_description 'Modification to the standard issue jetpack increases output. This allows Jump Troopers to move more quickly in extremely cold environments, as well as deal additional damage.'
eqpEmpireSnowJumpTrooper_name 'Arctic Jump Trooper'
eqpEmpireSnowtrooper_description 'Cold weather assault stormtroopers undergo elite training for combat conditions in arctic environments. While specially trained, their tactics are similar to standard stormtroopers – strength in numbers.'
eqpEmpireSnowtrooper_name 'Snowtrooper'
eqpEmpireWallHealth_description 'Increases the density of walls, creating a more stable barrier against enemy assault.'
eqpEmpireWallHealth_name 'Reinforced Wall Bracing'
eqpRebelATAPHalfSkin_description "This AT-AP has been outfitted with enhanced power couplings and sub-systems, allowing its weapons to fire higher energy blasts without overloading. The modifications needed for this performance are built around existing systems, visibly altering the walker's appearance."
eqpRebelATAPHalfSkin_name 'Enhanced AT-AP Walker'
eqpRebelArcticHailfire_description 'These IG-227 Hailfire droids have been retrofitted for increased effectiveness in sub-zero temperatures. They employ a powerful missle volley, but have light armor and will need protection.'
eqpRebelArcticHailfire_name 'Cold-weather Hailfire Droid'
eqpRebelArtoo_description 'This pair of droids has a knack for trouble. Threepio follows his companion into combat as Artoo closes in at increased speed to disable and damage enemy turrets. Upgrading this equipment increases the range of the effect.'
eqpRebelArtoo_name 'Artoo & Threepio'
eqpRebelBarracksSummonHeavyMirror_description 'A guard wave of [c][FFC25B]1 Marksman[-][/c] will appear from each Barrack shortly after the battle starts. Additional guard waves will periodically appear during the battle. [c][FFC25B]Research higher levels of this Guard Reserve to make Marksmen appear more often.[-][/c]'
eqpRebelBarracksSummonHeavyMirror_name 'Guard Reserve: Anti-infantry'
eqpRebelBarracksSummonHeavy_description 'A guard wave of [c][FFC25B]1 Vanguard[-][/c] will appear from each Barrack shortly after the battle starts. Additional guard waves will periodically appear during the battle. [c][FFC25B]Research higher levels of this Guard Reserve to make Vanguards appear more often.[-][/c]'
eqpRebelBarracksSummonHeavy_name 'Guard Reserve: Anti-vehicle'
eqpRebelBarracksSummonLight_description 'A guard wave of [c][FFC25B]3 Soldiers[-][/c] will appear from each Barrack shortly after the battle starts. Additional guard waves will periodically appear during the battle. [c][FFC25B]Research higher levels of this Guard Reserve to make Soldiers appear more often.[-][/c]'
eqpRebelBarracksSummonLight_name 'Guard Reserve: Light Infantry'
eqpRebelBarracksSummonMedium_description 'A guard wave of [c][FFC25B]2 Bantha Riders[-][/c] will appear from each Barrack shortly after the battle starts. Additional guard waves will periodically appear during the battle. [c][FFC25B]Research higher levels of this Guard Reserve to make Bantha Riders appear more often.[-][/c]'
eqpRebelBarracksSummonMedium_name 'Guard Reserve: Melee Bruisers'
eqpRebelBetaTroop_name 'Elite Orbak Marauder'
eqpRebelBurstTurretDamage_description 'Diffuses the buildup of internal thermal energy, allowing the burst turret to more efficiently produce powerful volleys.'
eqpRebelBurstTurretDamage_name 'Enhanced Heat Sink'
eqpRebelBurstTurretHealth_description 'Provides bracing to the weak points of the standard burst turret mounting, increasing the amount of damage the turret will sustain before becoming non-operational.'
eqpRebelBurstTurretHealth_name 'Reinforced Mounting'
eqpRebelCantinaHealth_description 'Hardens the internal struts of the cantina structure, allowing the building to diffuse attacks across its surface more efficiently.'
eqpRebelCantinaHealth_name 'Reinforced Cantina Bracing'
eqpRebelCantinaSummonMerc_description "A guard wave of [c][FFC25B]2 Gamorrean Warriors[-][/c] and [c][FFC25B]1 Twi'lek Incinerator[-][/c] will appear from the Cantina shortly after the battle starts. Additional guard waves will periodically appear during the battle. [c][FFC25B]Research higher levels of this Guard Reserve to make Mercenaries of higher levels appear more often.[-][/c]"
eqpRebelCantinaSummonMerc_name 'Guard Reserve: Mercenaries'
eqpRebelCaptainSolo_description 'After the events of Yavin IV and the Death Star, Han Solo joined the Alliance, earning the rank of Captain. His operations in cold-weather environments require him to don a heavy parka for protection.'
eqpRebelCaptainSolo_name 'Captain Han Solo'
eqpRebelChewie_description 'In addition to increased damage and durability, Chewbacca gains special comms gear to call in the Millennium Falcon for strafing runs on enemy structures.'
eqpRebelChewie_name 'Millennium Falcon Support'
eqpRebelContrabandGeneratorHealth_description 'Hardens the internal struts of the trade port structure, allowing the building to diffuse attacks across its surface more efficiently.'
eqpRebelContrabandGeneratorHealth_name 'Reinforced Contraband Trade Port Bracing'
eqpRebelCreditGeneratorHealth_description 'Hardens the internal struts of the market structure, allowing the building to diffuse attacks across its surface more efficiently.'
eqpRebelCreditGeneratorHealth_name 'Reinforced Credit Market Bracing'
eqpRebelDiplomat_description 'Senator Leia Organa is as fierce on the battlefield as she is in the political arena. Using a simple blaster pistol, she will target the Empire\'s infantry or vehicles for "negotiation". [c][FFB300]The senator also summons soldiers in battle. Summoning is more frequent as this equipment is upgraded.[-][/c]'
eqpRebelDiplomat_name 'Senator Leia Organa'
eqpRebelEchoBaseHeavySoldier_description 'Trained for operations in sub-zero conditions, these soldiers wield rapid fire blasters to inflict devastating damage. To maintain their mobility, they wear lighter armor, requiring protection from more durable units.'
eqpRebelEchoBaseHeavySoldier_name 'Cold-weather Heavy Soldier'
eqpRebelEchoBaseJetpackTrooper_description 'By modifiying the standard issue jetpack, these Jetpack Troopers now have the means to move more quickly and deal more damage in even the coldest environments.'
eqpRebelEchoBaseJetpackTrooper_name 'Arctic Jetpack Trooper'
eqpRebelEchoBaseSoldier_description 'Cold-weather Soldiers have been specially trained and field-tested to operate in arctic conditions. Their determination and focus continues to be the restoration of freedom in the galaxy and are best used in large numbers.'
eqpRebelEchoBaseSoldier_name 'Cold-weather Soldier'
eqpRebelFactorySummonHeavy_description 'A guard wave of [c][FFC25B]1 Desert Skiff[-][/c] will appear from each Factory shortly after the battle starts. Additional guard waves will periodically appear during the battle. [c][FFC25B]Research higher levels of this Guard Reserve to make Desert Skiffs appear more often.[-][/c]'
eqpRebelFactorySummonHeavy_name 'Guard Reserve: Anti-vehicle'
eqpRebelFactorySummonLight_description 'A guard wave of [c][FFC25B]1 Speeder Bike[-][/c] will appear from each Factory shortly after the battle starts. Additional guard waves will periodically appear during the battle. [c][FFC25B]Research higher levels of this Guard Reserve to make Speeder Bikes appear more often.[-][/c]'
eqpRebelFactorySummonLight_name 'Guard Reserve: Anti-infantry'
eqpRebelHQHealth_description 'Hardens the internal struts of the Headquarters structure, allowing the building to diffuse attacks across its surface more efficiently.'
eqpRebelHQHealth_name 'Reinforced HQ Bracing'
eqpRebelHeavySandSoldier_description 'These elite soldiers have the training and grit needed to carry large rapid-fire blasters into battle in desert environments. They are stronger and deal higher damage than their all-weather counterparts.'
eqpRebelHeavySandSoldier_name 'Heavy Desert Soldier'
eqpRebelHovertank_desc 'Designed for heavy transport, the Stolen TX-225 assault tank is slow but devastating versus defensive structures. Thick armor plates offer greater protection and enable the tank to crush walls, but it remains vulnerable to Rocket Turrets.'
eqpRebelHovertank_name 'Stolen TX-225'
eqpRebelMaterialsGeneratorHealth_description 'Hardens the internal struts of the refinery structure, allowing the building to diffuse attacks across its surface more efficiently.'
eqpRebelMaterialsGeneratorHealth_name 'Reinforced Alloy Refinery Bracing'
eqpRebelMortarTurretDamage_description 'Diffuses the buildup of internal thermal energy, allowing the mortar turret to more efficiently produce heavy volleys.'
eqpRebelMortarTurretDamage_name 'Enhanced Heat Sink'
eqpRebelMortarTurretHealth_description 'Provides bracing to the weak points of standard mortar turret mounting, increasing the amount of damage the turret will sustain before becoming non-operational.'
eqpRebelMortarTurretHealth_name 'Reinforced Mounting'
eqpRebelPentagonJetpackTrooper_description 'By modifiying the standard issue jetpack, these Jetpack Troopers gain the agility required to move more quickly and deal more damage in dense forests and jungles.'
eqpRebelPentagonJetpackTrooper_name 'Forest Jetpack Trooper'
eqpRebelPentagonSoldier_description "Elite members of the Rebellion's SpecForces, Rebel Commandos are trained in guerilla combat tactics for tropical environments. By working together in large numbers these troops are able to counter overwhelming odds."
eqpRebelPentagonSoldier_name 'Rebel Commando'
eqpRebelRapidFireTurretDamage_description 'Diffuses the buildup of internal thermal energy, allowing the rapid fire turret to more efficiently produce powerful volleys.'
eqpRebelRapidFireTurretDamage_name 'Enhanced Heat Sink'
eqpRebelRapidFireTurretHealth_description 'Provides bracing to the weak points of the standard rapid fire turret mounting, increasing the amount of damage the turret will sustain before becoming non-operational.'
eqpRebelRapidFireTurretHealth_name 'Reinforced Mounting'
eqpRebelRocketTurretDamage_description 'Diffuses the buildup of internal thermal energy, allowing the rocket turret to more efficiently produce powerful volleys.'
eqpRebelRocketTurretDamage_name 'Enhanced Heat Sink'
eqpRebelRocketTurretHealth_description 'Provides bracing to the weak points of the standard rocket turret mounting, increasing the amount of damage the turret will sustain before becoming non-operational.'
eqpRebelRocketTurretHealth_name 'Reinforced Mounting'
eqpRebelSandJetpackTrooper_description 'By modifiying the standard issue jetpack, these hardened Jetpack Troopers are able to move more quickly and deal more damage in extremely hot and dry conditions.'
eqpRebelSandJetpackTrooper_name 'Desert Jetpack Trooper'
eqpRebelSandSoldier_description 'These soldiers have trained in all manner of desert combat, making them far more effective than their standard counterparts. They fight best in large numbers, seeking to restore freedom even in inhospitably hot places.'
eqpRebelSandSoldier_name 'Desert Soldier'
eqpRebelShaggyAlien_description 'Gigoran Fighter are towering figures on the battlefield, wielding fearsome blasters to mow down opposing forces. With their ability to soak up punishment, they excel at the destruction of enemy turrets.'
eqpRebelShaggyAlien_name 'Gigoran Fighter'
eqpRebelSullustan_description 'In addition to increased damage and durability, Sullustan Recon Sharpshooters carry special targeting equipment to call in surgical Y-Wing strikes in battle.'
eqpRebelSullustan_name 'Sullustan Recon Sharpshooter'
eqpRebelT2BTankHalfSkin_description "This T2-B tank has been outfitted with enhanced power couplings and sub-systems, allowing its weapons to fire high power blasts at a faster than normal rate. The modifications needed for this performance are built around existing systems, visibly altering the tank's appearance."
eqpRebelT2BTankHalfSkin_name 'Enhanced T2-B Repulsor Tank'
eqpRebelTauntaun_description 'Tauntauns are indigenous to Hoth and are used by the Rebel Alliance for missions in sub-zero temperatures. These beasts have been specially trained to ram enemy walls.'
eqpRebelTauntaun_name 'Tauntaun Rider'
eqpRebelUWing_description "Compared to the standard X-wing starfighter, the U-wing's side-mounted cannon provides much greater firepower during planetary engagements."
eqpRebelUWing_name 'U-wing Starfighter'
eqpRebelWallHealth_description 'Increases the density of walls, creating a more stable barrier against enemy assault.'
eqpRebelWallHealth_name 'Reinforced Wall Bracing'
evt6_prisonerRescued 'Prisoner Rescued!'
evt_itm_10_e_intro1 'Continue to hammer on the Rebels, Operative. There are many outposts remaining, and Imperial command is anxious to remove the scum from this world.'
evt_itm_10_e_intro2 'This base appears to have an above-average defense of walls. If you have access to [F2D62F]Shock Troopers[-], I recommend using them.'
evt_itm_10_r_intro1 'Continue to attack the Empire, Agent. We are intercepting a wealth of Imperial communication that has Rebel Command... concerned.'
evt_itm_10_r_intro2 "This base has a lot of walls. If you have access to [F2D62F]Vanguards[-], I'd recommend using them."
evt_itm_16a_e_intro1 'The Rebel scum has launched an attack on your garrison, Operative. Show them the error of their ways.'
evt_itm_16a_r_intro1 'Imperial attack incoming!'
evt_itm_18_e_intro1 "Operative, don't forget to bring a [F2D62F]Hero[-] with you when you launch attacks. Failure to do so could lead to defeat. The Empire looks poorly upon defeat."
evt_itm_18_r_intro1 "Agent, many [F2D62F]Heroes[-] of the Rebellion await your call. If you find the Empire positions too difficult don't forget to mobilize help at the Hero Command."
evt_itm_1_e_fail1 'Rebel forces on Dandoran are dug in, Operative. Ensure your unit transports are full before launching an attack.'
evt_itm_1_e_intro1 'Operative, the battle on [F2D62F]Dandoran[-] is escalating. Your presence is required immediately!'
evt_itm_1_e_intro2 'Rebel presence is resurging across this world. We are receiving reports that they have uncovered valuable resources there.'
evt_itm_1_r_fail1 'The Empire is defending this world with dogged determination, Agent. Ensure you have full unit transports before launching any attacks.'
evt_itm_1_r_intro1 'Agent, the battle on [F2D62F]Dandoran[-] is escalating.'
evt_itm_1_r_intro2 'Command has identified a number of Imperial facilities, including what appears to be several mining camps. Your aid is urgently needed.'
evt_itm_20_e_intro1 'Excellent work thus far, Operative. Continue to hit the Rebels and deny those traitors any quarter or ground.'
evt_itm_20_r_intro1 'Excellent work so far, Agent. Keep hitting the Imperials. Our network of Bothan spies is hard at work, learning the true purpose for the Imperial presence on this world.'
evt_itm_25_e_intro1 'This would appear to be another well fortified Rebel base. I recommend [F2D62F]Shock Troopers[-], if you have access to them.'
evt_itm_25_r_intro1 'Another heavily fortified base. If you have [F2D62F]Vanguards[F2D62F], you should consider using them.'
evt_itm_28_e_intro1 'The Rebels are fortifying their bases the harder we push against them. Do not forget to commission [F2D62F]Starship Strikes[-] in your Starship Command to help in battle.'
evt_itm_28_r_intro1 'The harder we hit the Empire the harder they defend. [F2D62F]Starship Strikes[-] commissioned form your Starship Command can turn the tide of a battle when carefully used.'
evt_itm_2_e_intro1 'Operative, we have discovered what the Rebels are doing here: Mining starship fuel to power their A-wing attack crafts.'
evt_itm_2_e_intro2 'We can also use this fuel for our [F2D62F]TIE Advanced[-] fighter craft. I have made several of these fighters available to you for this mission.'
evt_itm_2_e_intro3 '[F2D62F]TIE Advanced[-] are equipped with powerful ion weapons which can damage shields. Teach this Rebel scum the price for betraying the Emperor.'
evt_itm_2_e_outro1 'Remember, Operative: You can use [F2D62F]Event Points[-] to gain the ability to commission [F2D62F]TIE Advanced[-] starship strikes of your own.'
evt_itm_2_r_intro1 'Agent, the Empire is mining minerals for starship fuel for their TIE Advanced fighters.'
evt_itm_2_r_intro2 'However, we can also use this same fuel for our own [F2D62F]A-wing[-] craft.'
evt_itm_2_r_intro3 '[F2D62F]A-wing Fighters[-] are equipped with powerful ion weapons which can damage shields. These will prove invaluable in defeating entrenched Imperial positions.'
evt_itm_2_r_outro1 'Remember, Agent: You can use [F2D62F]Event Points[-] to gain the ability to commission [F2D62F]A-Wing[-] starship strikes of your own.'
evt_itm_32_e_intro1 'Fine job, Operative. The Rebels continue to lose their mining facilities, and they remain totally unaware of our research facilities on the southern continent. Keep at it.'
evt_itm_32_r_intro1 "Good work so far, Agent. We're denying the Empire their mining operations and stocking up on starfighter fuel. Keep at it."
evt_itm_40_e_intro1 'Commendable, Operative. The Rebels are losing ground. At this rate, [F2D62F]Dandoran[-] will be in the grip of the Empire soon, and our research facilities can continue their work in secret.'
evt_itm_40_r_intro1 "So far so good, Agent. We're receiving word of some Imperial facilities on the southern continent, hidden by a massive cloaking device. Continue to apply pressure here, so we can investigate."
evt_itm_50a_e_fail1 'Your garrison was defeated by beasts of burden? Unacceptable! Increase your defenses at once!'
evt_itm_50a_e_intro1 'Operative, intelligence section has identified what appears to be a... large herd of creatures inbound. Prepare your defenses.'
evt_itm_50a_e_outro1 'A most preposterous strategy on the part of the Rebels. Clearly they are becoming desperate. Push forward on Dandoran, Operative. Subsector Command, out.'
evt_itm_50a_r_fail1 "Make sure to upgrade your defenses, Agent. The Empire won't stop until we're wiped out. We are the galaxy's only hope!"
evt_itm_50a_r_intro1 "Agent, the Empire has sent a large force of Dewbacks to attack your base, drawn from their Er'Kit garrison, I'm told. Prepare your defenses."
evt_itm_50a_r_outro1 'While not necessarily a bad idea, without support from other units, an attack like that was destined to fail. Good work, Agent.'
evt_itm_52_e_outro1 'Excellent work, Operative. The enemy is on the run, and we have secured significant quantities of fuel. Continue to attack what bases you can.'
evt_itm_52_e_outro2 'In addition, the work being done in our research facility to the south may continue without interference. Well done.'
evt_itm_52_r_outro1 'Amazing work, Agent. The Imperial forces across most of Dandoran have fallen, and we are sifting through the intelligence windfall right now.'
evt_itm_52_r_outro2 'We are investigating disturbing rumors of Imperial biological research on the southern continent. It may be that the battle for Dandoran is not yet over, Agent.'
evt_itm_9_e_fail1 'Operative, you can expect the enemy to show you no mercy. Ensure your defenses are fully prepared for any attack, and defend your HQ at all costs.'
evt_itm_9_e_intro1 'Operative, reports indicate an enemy force inbound. This is likely related to your ongoing efforts in the Dandoran Campaign.'
evt_itm_9_r_fail1 "Agent, the Empire shows its foes no mercy. Make sure your base has upgraded turrets and other defenses, so you're able to fend off attacks."
evt_itm_9_r_intro1 'Agent, an enemy force is inbound. They are likely trying to stop you from continuing your activities on Dandoran.'
evt_ts_10_e_intro1 "Welcome back, partner. While you were unloading, we've been talkin' with a squad of troopers that managed to escape Dandoran."
evt_ts_10_e_intro2 "The connection's a little weak. Let me try boosting the signal."
evt_ts_10_e_intro3 'Mu... mur... MURGHHHHHHH!'
evt_ts_10_e_outro1 "I think that's the last of them, partner."
evt_ts_10_e_outro2 'No, Operative Saponza. Subsector command has received numerous distress calls across Tatooine. Your orders are to contain this threat by any means necessary.'
evt_ts_10_r_intro1 'Sorry to cut the welcome short, Agent. Our scouts are investigating a transport that crashed nearby. Transmission incoming.'
evt_ts_10_r_intro2 'Grrrraaaahh! Mmmmmrrrr... Rrrrrrggggghhhh!'
evt_ts_10_r_intro3 "That ship must have come from Dandoran. We've got incoming Undead Troopers! Get ready to defend yourself, Agent. I suggest using your [F2D62F]HWK-290[-] starship strikes."
evt_ts_10_r_outro1 "I think that's the last of them, partner."
evt_ts_10_r_outro2 "I'm afraid not, Agent Saponza. We are picking up numerous distress calls across Tatooine. As soon as you can, gather a force and move out."
evt_ts_11_e_intro1 'Operative, we have managed to capture some of these Undead Troopers. I am authorizing you to deploy them in your containment efforts.'
evt_ts_11_e_intro2 'You want to use those things? Alongside our own troops? This is crazy!'
evt_ts_11_e_intro3 'Did I not say "by any means necessary," Operative? You have your orders.'
evt_ts_11_e_outro1 "This stinks worse than bantha poodoo, partner. I guess it's better having those Undead Troopers on the front lines than ourselves, though."
evt_ts_11_r_intro1 'Agent, our scientists have managed to capture and subdue a large group of Undead Troopers. I have cleared you to deploy them in your efforts.'
evt_ts_11_r_intro2 'Are you crazy, Jennica? You want us to use those things? Alongside our own troops?'
evt_ts_11_r_intro3 'I don\'t relish the thought, Agent Saponza. But we must contain this threat by any means. "Fight fire with fire," so to speak.'
evt_ts_11_r_outro1 'This stinks worse than bantha poodoo, partner. Better them than us, I guess.'
evt_ts_17_e_outro1 "We've taken on a lot of infected bases, partner. I don't think Kosh understands what he's dealing with here. When we get back, I want some answers."
evt_ts_17_r_outro1 "We've taken on a lot of infected bases, partner. I'm afraid this whole thing is getting out of hand. I hope Jennica has some answers for us."
evt_ts_18_e_intro1 "I've had enough, Kosh. You're not telling us the whole story about these Undead Troopers. What is going on here?"
evt_ts_18_e_intro2 'It will have to wait, Operative. Sensors are picking up a large group of Undead Troopers converging on your location now. I would advise you to get to your battle stations.'
evt_ts_18_e_outro1 'Still there, Operative? It seems these Undead Troopers are a greater threat than anticipated. I am forced to send you back to Dandoran.'
evt_ts_18_e_outro2 "There are still many infected bases out there that need to be destroyed. I'll continue to communicate with our scientists."
evt_ts_18_e_outro3 "That Kosh is a real sleemo. Let's go to Dandoran and see if we can figure this out for ourselves."
evt_ts_18_r_intro1 'Jennica, we need to talk. These Undead Troopers are popping up all over the place. It has me worried.'
evt_ts_18_r_intro2 "I can't argue with that, Agent Saponza. Our sensors  are picking up a large group of Undead Troopers converging on your base. Get ready!"
evt_ts_18_r_outro1 "Is everyone alright? Good. My sources have narrowed the source of the Undead Troopers to Dandoran's southern continent."
evt_ts_18_r_outro2 "Go to Dandoran, find the source of Undead Troopers, and destroy it. I'm sending you coordinates to investigate."
evt_ts_19_e_intro1 'We have coordinates for several locations which may be the source of the Undead Troopers. We presume these forces are hostile, so use any force necessary.'
evt_ts_19_r_intro1 "Don't take any chances investigating the base. You can use your [F2D62F]HWK-290[-] starship strikes, and captured Undead Troopers. It's your call, partner."
evt_ts_1_e_intro1 'Greetings Operative. Our success on Dandoran has given us the upper hand. '
evt_ts_1_e_intro2 'My intel reports a lone Rebel outpost that was apparently... overlooked. Go destroy it.'
evt_ts_1_e_outro1 "We've taken a look at their comm logs, and it seems they were spying on a nearby garrison. We should investigate this."
evt_ts_1_r_intro1 'The Imperials on Dandoran have scattered, Agent. While we proceed with resource allocation as planned, I have a task for you.'
evt_ts_1_r_intro2 "We've intercepted enemy communications from a remote Imperial outpost that we may have overlooked. I'll need you to investigate."
evt_ts_1_r_outro1 'Judging by the crew logs, we just missed a quick evacuation. There are encrypted copies of recent transmissions, though...'
evt_ts_1_r_outro2 'Our engineers will bring the data back to our Dandoran base to investigate further. Be ready, Agent.'
evt_ts_24_r_outro1 'Operative, we have located the source of the Undead Troopers. Return to base for briefing.'
evt_ts_25_e_intro1 'Unfortunately, we could not contain the virus at the research facility. Our orders are to destroy it and all evidence completely.'
evt_ts_25_e_intro2 "Come on, Kosh. It can't be that simple. When are you going to tell us what's going on?"
evt_ts_25_e_intro3 'Do your job, Operative, and I will brief you personally when you return. Kosh out.'
evt_ts_25_e_outro1 'Alright, Kosh, we did your dirty work. We earned the right to know what this is all about.'
evt_ts_25_e_outro2 'Very well, you earned it. The Undead Troopers came from a virus, codenamed Blackwing. It was borne of science and alchemy, designed to produce immortality!'
evt_ts_25_e_outro3 "You're telling me those Sith scientists, this Project Blackwing, created Undead Troopers? On purpose?"
evt_ts_25_e_outro4 "Yes, it's true. And I have faith that we'll crack this code one day. For now though, we must contain the outbreak and keep the secret out of Rebel hands."
evt_ts_25_r_intro1 'Thanks to your search, we have located a research facility that appears to be the source of the Undead Troopers.'
evt_ts_25_r_intro2 'The facility will be heavily fortified, and of course overrun by Undead Troopers. Remember your [F2D62F]HWK-290[-] starship strikes. Good luck out there, Agent.'
evt_ts_25_r_outro1 'My sources confirm that the facility you destroyed housed none other than Project Blackwing.'
evt_ts_25_r_outro2 "You're telling me those scientists, this Project Blackwing, created the Undead Troopers? On purpose?"
evt_ts_25_r_outro3 'Perhaps not on purpose, Agent Saponza. The scientists probably got more than they bargained for.'
evt_ts_25_r_outro4 "The primary threat is gone thanks to you, Agent. Now all that's left is hunting down any Undead Troopers remaining on Dandoran. Contact me when your forces are ready."
evt_ts_26_e_intro1 'The Undead Trooper outbreak is not fully contained, and they are growing stronger. Continue to search for bases, and destroy them.'
evt_ts_26_r_intro1 'Project Blackwing is no more, but the Deathtrooper threat still remains on Dandoran. Scour the planet for infested bases and wipe them out.'
evt_ts_2_e_intro1 "Operative, I'm attempting to contact our remote garrison directly. There doesn't seem to be a response..."
evt_ts_2_e_intro2 'Mu... mur... MURGHHHHHHH!'
evt_ts_2_e_intro3 'What the heck was that?! Did that come from the garrison?'
evt_ts_2_e_outro1 'I\'ve never seen anything like that, partner, and I\'ve seen some pretty horrible stuff. It was like some kind of "Undead Trooper."'
evt_ts_2_e_outro2 'Operative, you must evacuate immediately. I will reveal more details in regard to the situation, if you keep this hush-hush.'
evt_ts_2_r_intro1 "What we've discovered in the deciphered logs is disturbing, Agent, but explains quite a bit. It appears that the Imperials are faced with a... "
evt_ts_2_r_intro2 "...well, I'll just let you see for yourself. Take a look at this recorded transmission."
evt_ts_2_r_intro3 'Mu... mur... MURGHHHHHHH!'
evt_ts_2_r_intro4 "I'm not exactly sure what we're dealing with here, Agent, but while I look into it, I'm sending you to find those garrisons. Be careful."
evt_ts_2_r_outro1 'Were those reanimated dead troopers? What have the Imperials involved themselves in this time?'
evt_ts_2_r_outro2 'This might be far more dangerous than we thought, Agent. I suggest we evacuate to Tatooine immediately.'
evt_ts_3_e_intro1 "What's this?! Scouts are reporting Undead Troopers on Tatooine? They must have stowed away."
evt_ts_3_e_intro2 "We shouldn't take our chances with blasters, partner. "
evt_ts_3_e_intro3 "I've got an idea. I've been tinkering with some starships... These modded [F2D62F]VT-49's[-] are loaded with firebombs that will do a number on infantry. Try em out."
evt_ts_3_e_outro1 'Kosh, I think you owe us an explanation. Where did these Undead Troopers come from?'
evt_ts_3_e_outro2 'Do I, Operative Saponza? Information about our research facility on Dandoran is given out on a need-to-know basis, and you do not need to know.'
evt_ts_3_e_outro3 'Until you do, your job is to contain this outbreak.'
evt_ts_3_r_intro1 "We've got stowaways, partner! Some Undead Troopers must have made it onto the transport from Dandoran, and they're almost inside the base."
evt_ts_3_r_intro2 'What are you going to do, Agent? You must not allow them inside the base.'
evt_ts_3_r_intro3 'I have an idea, Jennica. I had our techs outfit some [F2D62F]HWK-290[-] starships with incendiary bombs. That should guarantee that these Undead Troopers stay dead.'
evt_ts_3_r_outro1 "Satisfied with the [F2D62F]HWK-290[-], Jennica? Now how about telling us what's going on here?"
evt_ts_3_r_outro2 "There's very little intel as of yet, but we believe that a group of Imperial scientists have been doing covert bio-weapons research on Dandoran."
evt_ts_3_r_outro3 'These Undead Troopers are a threat to our resources on Dandoran. Search the planet and destroy them. Jennica, out.'
evt_ts_3_r_outro4 "You heard her, partner. Let's put our new [F2D62F]HWK-290[-] starship strikes to good use on Dandoran."
evt_ts_4_e_intro1 "Operative, we'll be needing your services on Dandoran once again. It appears there's been an outbreak, and it needs to be contained."
evt_ts_4_e_outro1 "Looks like this thing has spread beyond the Empire's garrison. Let's keep looking for bases. Don't forget to use [F2D62F]VT-49[-] starship strikes on crowds of troops."
evt_ts_4_r_intro1 "Troopers rising from the grave, and shooting back no less. It gives me the creeps, partner. Let's find those Undead Troopers and get it over with."
evt_ts_4_r_outro1 "Looks like this thing has spread beyond the Empire's garrison. Let's keep looking for bases. Remember, [F2D62F]HWK-290[-] starship strikes work best against crowds of troops."
evt_ts_7_r_intro1 'Keep up your search and destroy mission, Agent. The Rebel Alliance is counting on you.'
evt_ts_9_e_outro1 'Acceptable work, Operative. That should be the last of them. Return to base for debriefing.'
evt_ts_9_r_outro1 'Good work, Agent. Our scouts on Dandoran report that all is well. Return to base for debriefing.'
expires_in 'Expires in {0}'
febSale_title "It's the month of love so Sale!"
fly_obj_progress 'Objective Progress'
flyout_desc_undeadTroopers '[c][E40B18]Not Earnable After 11/8![-][/c]'
forces_fleet_title 'Starship Command ({0}/{1})'
forces_hero_title 'Hero Command ({0}/{1})'
forces_squad_title 'Squad ({0}/{1})'
forces_troop_title 'Unit Transport ({0}/{1})'
fragment_obtain_conf 'Earn Data Fragments from Conflicts on:'
fragment_obtain_gen 'Earn Data Fragments on:'
fragment_obtain_obj 'Earn Data Fragments from Objectives on:'
fragment_obtain_obj_conf 'Earn Data Fragments from Objectives and Conflicts on:'
fragment_obtain_raid 'Earn Data Fragments from Heroic Defense on:'
fragment_obtain_raid_conf 'Earn Data Fragments from Heroic Defense and Conflicts on:'
fragment_obtain_raid_obj 'Earn Data Fragments from Heroic Defense and Objectives on:'
fragment_obtain_war 'Earn Data Fragments from Squad Wars'
general_none 'None'
goal_HeroicDefense_Gauntlet 'Deploy Heroes and Starship Strikes to defend your base!'
goal_HeroicDefense_Gauntlet2 'Deploy Heroes to defend your base!'
goal_bgh_banthas 'Hunt Banthas in this Tusken Corral!'
goal_bgh_crashedship 'Clear the defenses so Johhar can Investigate the wreckage!'
goal_bgh_destroyedsettlement 'Search for clues in the mercenary village!'
goal_bgh_dewbacks 'Find the Dewbacks and defeat them!'
goal_bgh_mercbase "Defeat Jabba's Menagerie!"
goal_bgh_rats 'Use Johhar to kill Womp Rats!'
goal_bullseye 'Use your star ships to bulls-eye Womp Rats!'
goal_camp_1_utts_e_1 'Destroy the Womp Rat nests!'
goal_camp_1_utts_e_10 'Have at least 4 Rapid Fire Turrets.'
goal_camp_1_utts_e_2 'Destroy all Buildings!'
goal_camp_1_utts_e_3 'Have 25 total Wall Segments.'
goal_camp_1_utts_e_4 'Survive the Mercenary Attack!'
goal_camp_1_utts_e_5 'Upgrade a Unit Transport to level 2!'
goal_camp_1_utts_e_6 'Destroy the Mercenary HQ and as much of the base as possible!'
goal_camp_1_utts_e_7 'Have at least 2 Credit Markets.'
goal_camp_1_utts_e_8 'Train at least 12 troops in your Barracks.'
goal_camp_1_utts_e_9 'Destroy the Mercenary HQ and as much of the base as possible!'
goal_camp_1_utts_r_1 'Destroy the Womp Rat nests!'
goal_camp_1_utts_r_10 'Have at least 4 Rapid Fire Turrets.'
goal_camp_1_utts_r_2 'Destroy all Buildings!'
goal_camp_1_utts_r_3 'Have 25 total Wall Segments.'
goal_camp_1_utts_r_4 'Survive the Mercenary Attack!'
goal_camp_1_utts_r_5 'Upgrade a Unit Transport to level 2!'
goal_camp_1_utts_r_6 'Destroy as much of the base as possible!'
goal_camp_1_utts_r_7 'Have at least 2 Credit Markets.'
goal_camp_1_utts_r_8 'Train at least 12 troops in your Barracks.'
goal_camp_1_utts_r_9 'Destroy as much of the base as possible!'
goal_camp_2_tsw_r_1 'Survive the Sand People attack!'
goal_camp_2_tsw_r_2 'Build a Hero Command.'
goal_camp_2_tsw_r_2b 'Recruit Han Solo in the Hero Command'
goal_camp_2_tsw_r_3 'Destroy all Sand People Buildings!'
goal_camp_2_tsw_r_4 'Have at least 2 Credit Markets at level 2.'
goal_camp_2_tsw_r_5 'Destroy all Sand People Buildings!'
goal_camp_3_tjg_r_1 'Survive the Attack!'
goal_camp_3_tjg_r_10 'Lure the Jundland General out of his HQ and defeat him!'
goal_camp_3_tjg_r_2 'Have at least 2 Barracks at level 2.'
goal_camp_3_tjg_r_2a 'Recruit 3 Wookiee Warriors.'
goal_camp_3_tjg_r_3 'Destroy the Tusken Raider base!'
goal_camp_3_tjg_r_4 'Survive the Attack!'
goal_camp_3_tjg_r_5 'Have at least 1 level 2 Alloy Depot.'
goal_camp_3_tjg_r_6 'Survive the Attack!'
goal_camp_3_tjg_r_7 'Have at least 2 level 2 Rapid Fire Turrets.'
goal_camp_3_tjg_r_8 'Destroy the Tusken Raider base!'
goal_camp_3_tjg_r_9 'Upgrade your HQ to level 3!'
goal_camp_4_sotm_e_1 'Build or swap your turrets to have at least one Proton Mortar.'
goal_camp_4_sotm_e_10 'Have at least 2 Unit Transports at level 2.'
goal_camp_4_sotm_e_11 'Defeat the Mercenary Base!'
goal_camp_4_sotm_e_12 'Defeat the Mercenary Base!'
goal_camp_4_sotm_e_13 'Protect your HQ from the Mercenary attack!'
goal_camp_4_sotm_e_14 "Defeat Jabba's smuggling base and steal his credits!"
goal_camp_4_sotm_e_2 'Have at least one Barracks at level 3.'
goal_camp_4_sotm_e_3 'Defeat the Mercenary Base!'
goal_camp_4_sotm_e_4 'Defeat the Mercenary Base!'
goal_camp_4_sotm_e_5 'Defeat the Mercenary Base!'
goal_camp_4_sotm_e_6 'Protect your HQ from the Mercenary attack!'
goal_camp_4_sotm_e_7 'Have at least 6 turrets to defend your base!'
goal_camp_4_sotm_e_8 'Have at least one Barracks at level 3.'
goal_camp_4_sotm_e_9 'Get at least one star to win!'
goal_camp_5_aoc_r_1 'Have at least 3 Alloy Refineries at level 3.'
goal_camp_5_aoc_r_2 'Destroy the Tusken base!'
goal_camp_5_aoc_r_3 'Defeat the Mercenary Base!'
goal_camp_5_aoc_r_4 'Have at least 12 walls at level 3.'
goal_camp_5_aoc_r_5 'Destroy the Tusken buildings!'
goal_camp_5_aoc_r_6 'Challenge Mission! Use the tanks to destroy the turrets!'
goal_camp_5_aoc_r_7 'Have at least 3 Credit Markets at level 3.'
goal_camp_5_aoc_r_8 'Destroy the Mercenary Buildings! Destroy half buildings for one star, the HQ for a second, and all buildings for the 3rd star!'
goal_camp_5_tih_e_1 'Have at least 3 Alloy Refineries at level 3.'
goal_camp_5_tih_e_2 'Build a Research Lab.'
goal_camp_5_tih_e_3 'Defeat the Jawas!'
goal_camp_5_tih_e_4 'Have at least 12 walls at level 3.'
goal_camp_5_tih_e_5 'Challenge Mission! Use the AT-ST Hero to destroy the moisture farm!'
goal_camp_5_tih_e_6 'Protect your HQ from the tank attacks!'
goal_camp_5_tih_e_7 'Have at least 3 Credit Markets at level 3.'
goal_camp_5_tih_e_8 'Destroy the smuggler Factories, Tanks, and HQ.'
goal_cha_3_tsw_e_3 'Build a Factory.'
goal_combat_default 'Destroy the HQ and buildings to win!'
goal_default 'Goal: Win the battle'
goal_defense_HQ_destroyed "Your HQ has been destroyed! You've been defeated!"
goal_event_1_cw_1 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_event_1_cw_10 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_event_1_cw_11 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_event_1_cw_12 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_event_1_cw_13 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_event_1_cw_14 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_event_1_cw_15 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_event_1_cw_16 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_event_1_cw_17 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_event_1_cw_18 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_event_1_cw_19 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_event_1_cw_2 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_event_1_cw_20 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_event_1_cw_21 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_event_1_cw_22 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_event_1_cw_3 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_event_1_cw_4 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_event_1_cw_5 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_event_1_cw_5a 'Enemies are attacking! Defend your base!'
goal_event_1_cw_6 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_event_1_cw_7 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_event_1_cw_8 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_event_1_cw_9 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_event_3_ts_e_1 'Investigate the Rebel outpost'
goal_event_3_ts_e_10 'Defend your base from the Undead Troopers!'
goal_event_3_ts_e_11 'Destroy the infected base!'
goal_event_3_ts_e_12 'Destroy the infected base!'
goal_event_3_ts_e_13 'Destroy the infected base!'
goal_event_3_ts_e_14 'Destroy the infected base!'
goal_event_3_ts_e_15 'Destroy the infected base!'
goal_event_3_ts_e_16 'Destroy the infected base!'
goal_event_3_ts_e_17 'Destroy the infected base!'
goal_event_3_ts_e_18 'Defend your base from Undead Troopers!'
goal_event_3_ts_e_19 'Destroy the infected base!'
goal_event_3_ts_e_2 'Investigate and destroy the infected Imperial garrison!'
goal_event_3_ts_e_20 'Destroy the infected base!'
goal_event_3_ts_e_21 'Destroy the infected base!'
goal_event_3_ts_e_22 'Destroy the infected base!'
goal_event_3_ts_e_23 'Destroy the infected base!'
goal_event_3_ts_e_24 'Destroy the infected base!'
goal_event_3_ts_e_25 'Destroy the infected base!'
goal_event_3_ts_e_26 'Destroy the infected base!'
goal_event_3_ts_e_3 'Defend your base from Undead Troopers!'
goal_event_3_ts_e_4 'Destroy the infected base!'
goal_event_3_ts_e_5 'Destroy the infected base!'
goal_event_3_ts_e_6 'Destroy the infected base!'
goal_event_3_ts_e_7 'Destroy the infected base!'
goal_event_3_ts_e_8 'Destroy the infected base!'
goal_event_3_ts_e_9 'Destroy the infected base!'
goal_event_3_ts_r_1 'Investigate the Imperial outpost'
goal_event_3_ts_r_10 'Defend your base from the Undead Troopers!'
goal_event_3_ts_r_11 'Destroy the infected base!'
goal_event_3_ts_r_12 'Destroy the infected base!'
goal_event_3_ts_r_13 'Destroy the infected base!'
goal_event_3_ts_r_14 'Destroy the infected base!'
goal_event_3_ts_r_15 'Destroy the infected base!'
goal_event_3_ts_r_16 'Destroy the infected base!'
goal_event_3_ts_r_17 'Destroy the infected base!'
goal_event_3_ts_r_18 'Defend your base from Undead Troopers!'
goal_event_3_ts_r_19 'Destroy the infected base!'
goal_event_3_ts_r_2 'Investigate and destroy the infected Imperial garrison!'
goal_event_3_ts_r_20 'Destroy the infected base!'
goal_event_3_ts_r_21 'Destroy the infected base!'
goal_event_3_ts_r_22 'Destroy the infected base!'
goal_event_3_ts_r_23 'Destroy the infected base!'
goal_event_3_ts_r_24 'Destroy the infected base!'
goal_event_3_ts_r_25 'Destroy the infected base!'
goal_event_3_ts_r_26 'Destroy the infected base!'
goal_event_3_ts_r_3 'Defend your base from Undead Troopers!'
goal_event_3_ts_r_4 'Destroy the infected base!'
goal_event_3_ts_r_5 'Destroy the infected base!'
goal_event_3_ts_r_6 'Destroy the infected base!'
goal_event_3_ts_r_7 'Destroy the infected base!'
goal_event_3_ts_r_8 'Destroy the infected base!'
goal_event_3_ts_r_9 'Destroy the infected base!'
goal_event_5_tbd_e_1 'Destroy the captured base!'
goal_event_5_tbd_e_10 'Destroy the captured base!'
goal_event_5_tbd_e_11 'Destroy the captured base!'
goal_event_5_tbd_e_12 'Destroy the captured base!'
goal_event_5_tbd_e_13 'Destroy the captured base!'
goal_event_5_tbd_e_14 'Enemies are attacking! Defend your base!'
goal_event_5_tbd_e_15 'Destroy the captured base!'
goal_event_5_tbd_e_16 'Destroy the captured base!'
goal_event_5_tbd_e_17 'Destroy the captured base!'
goal_event_5_tbd_e_18 'Destroy the captured base!'
goal_event_5_tbd_e_19 'Destroy the captured base!'
goal_event_5_tbd_e_2 'Destroy the captured base!'
goal_event_5_tbd_e_20 'Enemies are attacking! Defend your base!'
goal_event_5_tbd_e_21 'Destroy the Blood Dawn base!'
goal_event_5_tbd_e_22 'Destroy the Blood Dawn base!'
goal_event_5_tbd_e_23 'Destroy the Blood Dawn base!'
goal_event_5_tbd_e_24 'Destroy the Blood Dawn base!'
goal_event_5_tbd_e_25 'Destroy the Blood Dawn base!'
goal_event_5_tbd_e_26 'Destroy the Blood Dawn base!'
goal_event_5_tbd_e_3 'Destroy the captured base!'
goal_event_5_tbd_e_4 'Destroy the Blood Dawn vehicle yard!'
goal_event_5_tbd_e_5 'Enemies are attacking! Defend your base!'
goal_event_5_tbd_e_6 'Destroy the captured base!'
goal_event_5_tbd_e_7 'Destroy the captured base!'
goal_event_5_tbd_e_8 'Enemies are attacking! Defend your base!'
goal_event_5_tbd_e_9 'Destroy the captured base!'
goal_event_5_tbd_r_1 'Destroy the captured base!'
goal_event_5_tbd_r_10 'Destroy the captured base!'
goal_event_5_tbd_r_11 'Destroy the captured base!'
goal_event_5_tbd_r_12 'Destroy the captured base!'
goal_event_5_tbd_r_13 'Destroy the captured base!'
goal_event_5_tbd_r_14 'Enemies are attacking! Defend your base!'
goal_event_5_tbd_r_15 'Destroy the captured base!'
goal_event_5_tbd_r_16 'Destroy the captured base!'
goal_event_5_tbd_r_17 'Destroy the captured base!'
goal_event_5_tbd_r_18 'Destroy the captured base!'
goal_event_5_tbd_r_19 'Destroy the captured base!'
goal_event_5_tbd_r_2 'Destroy the captured base!'
goal_event_5_tbd_r_20 'Enemies are attacking! Defend your base!'
goal_event_5_tbd_r_21 'Destroy the Blood Dawn base!'
goal_event_5_tbd_r_22 'Destroy the Blood Dawn base!'
goal_event_5_tbd_r_23 'Destroy the Blood Dawn base!'
goal_event_5_tbd_r_24 'Destroy the Blood Dawn base!'
goal_event_5_tbd_r_25 'Destroy the Blood Dawn base!'
goal_event_5_tbd_r_26 'Destroy the Blood Dawn base!'
goal_event_5_tbd_r_3 'Destroy the captured base!'
goal_event_5_tbd_r_4 'Destroy the Blood Dawn vehicle yard!'
goal_event_5_tbd_r_5 'Enemies are attacking! Defend your base!'
goal_event_5_tbd_r_6 'Destroy the captured base!'
goal_event_5_tbd_r_7 'Destroy the captured base!'
goal_event_5_tbd_r_8 'Enemies are attacking! Defend your base!'
goal_event_5_tbd_r_9 'Destroy the captured base!'
goal_event_6_sa_1 'Prevent your HQ from being destroyed!'
goal_event_6_sa_10 'Prevent your HQ from being destroyed!'
goal_event_6_sa_11 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_event_6_sa_12 'Prevent your HQ from being destroyed!'
goal_event_6_sa_13 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_event_6_sa_14 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_event_6_sa_15 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_event_6_sa_16 'Prevent your HQ from being destroyed!'
goal_event_6_sa_17 '"Convince" Liana to tell you about the Er\'Kit Militia.'
goal_event_6_sa_18 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_event_6_sa_19 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_event_6_sa_2 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_event_6_sa_20 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_event_6_sa_21 'Prevent your HQ from being destroyed!'
goal_event_6_sa_22 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_event_6_sa_23 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_event_6_sa_24 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_event_6_sa_25 'Prevent your HQ from being destroyed!'
goal_event_6_sa_26 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_event_6_sa_3 'Prevent your HQ from being destroyed!'
goal_event_6_sa_4 'Use Johhar and the Mercenaries to destroy the landing zone!'
goal_event_6_sa_5 "Destroy the Er'Kit Militia forward base to stop the attacks on your base!"
goal_event_6_sa_6 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_event_6_sa_7 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_event_6_sa_8 'Destroy the Tusken base and free the prisoner!'
goal_event_6_sa_9 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_event_9_epffa_e_1 'Novice Challenge! Earn as many stars as you can!'
goal_event_9_epffa_e_2 'Initiate Challenge! Earn as many stars as you can!'
goal_event_9_epffa_e_3 'Master Challenge! Earn as many stars as you can!'
goal_event_9_epffa_r_1 'Novice Challenge! Earn as many stars as you can!'
goal_event_9_epffa_r_2 'Initiate Challenge! Earn as many stars as you can!'
goal_event_9_epffa_r_3 'Master Challenge! Earn as many stars as you can!'
goal_evt_7_rw_e_1 'Destroy the Tusken Raider base!'
goal_evt_7_rw_e_10 'Destroy the Tusken Raider base!'
goal_evt_7_rw_e_11 'Enemies are attacking! Defend your base!'
goal_evt_7_rw_e_12 'Destroy the Smuggler Outpost!'
goal_evt_7_rw_e_13 'Destroy the Smuggler Outpost!'
goal_evt_7_rw_e_14 'Destroy the Smuggler Outpost!'
goal_evt_7_rw_e_15 'Destroy the Smuggler Outpost!'
goal_evt_7_rw_e_16 'Enemies are attacking! Defend your base!'
goal_evt_7_rw_e_17 'Destroy the Smuggler Outpost!'
goal_evt_7_rw_e_18 'Destroy the Smuggler Outpost!'
goal_evt_7_rw_e_19 'Destroy the Smuggler Outpost!'
goal_evt_7_rw_e_2 'Destroy the Tusken Raider base!'
goal_evt_7_rw_e_20 'Destroy the Smuggler Outpost!'
goal_evt_7_rw_e_21 'Enemies are attacking! Defend your base!'
goal_evt_7_rw_e_22 'Destroy the Smuggler Outpost!'
goal_evt_7_rw_e_23 'Destroy the Smuggler Outpost!'
goal_evt_7_rw_e_24 'Destroy the Smuggler Outpost!'
goal_evt_7_rw_e_25 'Destroy the Smuggler Outpost!'
goal_evt_7_rw_e_26 'Destroy the Smuggler Outpost!'
goal_evt_7_rw_e_3 'Destroy the Tusken Raider base!'
goal_evt_7_rw_e_4 'Destroy the Tusken Raider base!'
goal_evt_7_rw_e_5 'Destroy the Tusken Raider base!'
goal_evt_7_rw_e_6 'Prevent your HQ from being destroyed!'
goal_evt_7_rw_e_7 'Destroy the Tusken Raider base!'
goal_evt_7_rw_e_8 'Destroy the Tusken Raider base!'
goal_evt_7_rw_e_9 'Destroy the Tusken Raider base!'
goal_evt_7_rw_r_1 'Destroy the Tusken Raider base!'
goal_evt_7_rw_r_10 'Destroy the Tusken Raider base!'
goal_evt_7_rw_r_11 'Enemies are attacking! Defend your base!'
goal_evt_7_rw_r_12 'Destroy the Smuggler Outpost!'
goal_evt_7_rw_r_13 'Destroy the Smuggler Outpost!'
goal_evt_7_rw_r_14 'Destroy the Smuggler Outpost!'
goal_evt_7_rw_r_15 'Destroy the Smuggler Outpost!'
goal_evt_7_rw_r_16 'Enemies are attacking! Defend your base!'
goal_evt_7_rw_r_17 'Destroy the Smuggler Outpost!'
goal_evt_7_rw_r_18 'Destroy the Smuggler Outpost!'
goal_evt_7_rw_r_19 'Destroy the Smuggler Outpost!'
goal_evt_7_rw_r_2 'Destroy the Tusken Raider base!'
goal_evt_7_rw_r_20 'Destroy the Smuggler Outpost!'
goal_evt_7_rw_r_21 'Enemies are attacking! Defend your base!'
goal_evt_7_rw_r_22 'Destroy the Smuggler Outpost!'
goal_evt_7_rw_r_23 'Destroy the Smuggler Outpost!'
goal_evt_7_rw_r_24 'Destroy the Smuggler Outpost!'
goal_evt_7_rw_r_25 'Destroy the Smuggler Outpost!'
goal_evt_7_rw_r_26 'Destroy the Smuggler Outpost!'
goal_evt_7_rw_r_3 'Destroy the Tusken Raider base!'
goal_evt_7_rw_r_4 'Destroy the Tusken Raider base!'
goal_evt_7_rw_r_5 'Destroy the Tusken Raider base!'
goal_evt_7_rw_r_6 'Prevent your HQ from being destroyed!'
goal_evt_7_rw_r_7 'Destroy the Tusken Raider base!'
goal_evt_7_rw_r_8 'Destroy the Tusken Raider base!'
goal_evt_7_rw_r_9 'Destroy the Tusken Raider base!'
goal_evt_8_putp_e_1 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_evt_8_putp_e_10 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_evt_8_putp_e_11 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_evt_8_putp_e_12 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_evt_8_putp_e_13 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_evt_8_putp_e_14 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_evt_8_putp_e_15 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_evt_8_putp_e_16 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_evt_8_putp_e_17 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_evt_8_putp_e_18 'Enemies are attacking! Defend your base!'
goal_evt_8_putp_e_19 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_evt_8_putp_e_2 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_evt_8_putp_e_20 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_evt_8_putp_e_21 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_evt_8_putp_e_22 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_evt_8_putp_e_23 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_evt_8_putp_e_24 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_evt_8_putp_e_25 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_evt_8_putp_e_26 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_evt_8_putp_e_3 'Enemies are attacking! Defend your base!'
goal_evt_8_putp_e_4 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_evt_8_putp_e_5 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_evt_8_putp_e_6 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_evt_8_putp_e_7 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_evt_8_putp_e_8 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_evt_8_putp_e_9 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_evt_8_putp_r_1 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_evt_8_putp_r_10 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_evt_8_putp_r_11 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_evt_8_putp_r_12 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_evt_8_putp_r_13 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_evt_8_putp_r_14 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_evt_8_putp_r_15 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_evt_8_putp_r_16 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_evt_8_putp_r_17 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_evt_8_putp_r_18 'Enemies are attacking! Defend your base!'
goal_evt_8_putp_r_19 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_evt_8_putp_r_2 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_evt_8_putp_r_20 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_evt_8_putp_r_21 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_evt_8_putp_r_22 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_evt_8_putp_r_23 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_evt_8_putp_r_24 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_evt_8_putp_r_25 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_evt_8_putp_r_26 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_evt_8_putp_r_3 'Enemies are attacking! Defend your base!'
goal_evt_8_putp_r_4 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_evt_8_putp_r_5 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_evt_8_putp_r_6 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_evt_8_putp_r_7 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_evt_8_putp_r_8 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_evt_8_putp_r_9 'Destroy all buildings for total victory!'
goal_fail_HQ 'Your Headquarters has been destroyed!'
goal_fail_default "You've lost the mission!"
goal_johhar_died 'Johhar has been defeated! Mission Failed!'
goal_kill_krayt 'Lure the Krayt Dragon out and defeat it!'
goal_kill_rancor 'Lure the Rancor out and bag it!'
goal_krayt_attack 'Survive the Krayt Dragon attack!'
goal_protectHQ 'Prevent your HQ from being destroyed!'
goal_use_TIEadv 'Use the TIE-Advanced Strikes to take down shields before sending in a ground force!'
goal_use_awing 'Use the A-wing Strikes to take down shields before sending in a ground force!'
grace_period 'New orders in {0}'
gui_event_points_help 'Event Help'
gui_event_points_help_body '[c][F2D62F]How To Play[-][/c]: Finish all Event Objectives and Chapter Objectives to earn the final Supply Crate reward.\n\n[c][F2D62F]Event Objectives[-][/c]: Finish to earn a reward and progress in the Event.\n\n1. Earn the required amount of [c][F2D62F]@ec[-][/c].\n(See next section, "How to Earn @ec")\n2. Spend @ec on [c][F2D62F]Research[-][/c]. Research takes time to complete.\n3. Once Research is complete, claim the [c][F2D62F]Supply Crate[-][/c] reward.\n\nAny remaining @ec and Research time can be bought with Crystals.\n\nNOTE: Surplus @ec does not carry over from one Event Objective to the next!\n\n[c][F2D62F]How to Earn @ec[-][/c]:\n\nPvP Battle Victory:\n1 Star: [c][F2D62F]30[-][/c] @ec   |   2 Star: [c][F2D62F]70[-][/c] @ec   |   3 Star: [c][F2D62F]150[-][/c] @ec\n\nHeroic Defense Victory:\n1 Star: [c][F2D62F]20[-][/c] @ec   |   2 Star: [c][F2D62F]50[-][/c] @ec   |   3 Star: [c][F2D62F]110[-][/c] @ec\n\nPlanetary Objectives: [c][F2D62F]50[-][/c] @ec each\n\nConflict Tiers[c][23BBFB]**[-][/c]:\n• Carbonite II: [c][F2D62F]20[-][/c] @ec   |   Carbonite I: [c][F2D62F]30[-][/c] @ec\n• Durasteel II: [c][F2D62F]50[-][/c] @ec   |   Durasteel I: [c][F2D62F]80[-][/c] @ec\n• Bronzium II: [c][F2D62F]130[-][/c] @ec   |   Bronzium I: [c][F2D62F]210[-][/c] @ec\n• Obsidian: [c][F2D62F]340[-][/c] @ec   |   Ultra Chrome: [c][F2D62F]550[-][/c] @ec\n\n[c][23BBFB]**[-][/c]Rewarded upon reaching tier, @ec is not lost even if you are knocked out of the tier. Placing in a higher tier earns @ec for that tier and any lower tiers not already rewarded.\n\n[c][F2D62F]Chapter Objectives[-][/c]: Finish by performing the necessary action (such as destroying structures) then claiming the special Supply Crate reward.\n\n[c][F2D62F]Bonus Event Objective[-][/c]: Claiming the final Supply Crate reward will unlock a Bonus Event Objective for the remainder of the Event. It can be completed an unlimited number of times to earn bonus Supply Crates.¢ec:ec=current'
gui_event_points_help_subtitle 'Earn Episode Points by participating in'
gui_event_points_help_title 'Event Objectives & Rewards'
gui_event_reward_available 'Collect Reward'
hack_trap_intro_1 "It's a Trap!"
hn_battle_transmission_desc_empire 'Operative, review the following details regarding your recent defenses and adjust as is necessary.'
hn_battle_transmission_desc_rebel 'Agent, here are the compiled results of your recent defenses. Upgrade your base to ensure success.'
hn_cc1_playerSurvey_20190421_body 'We value your feedback, and welcome your thoughts. Please take this short survey to help us adjust and improve Star Wars: Commander. Thanks for playing!'
hn_cc1_playerSurvey_20190421_title 'Commander Survey'
hn_cc1_rc20_announce_btn 'Crate Inventory'
hn_cc_1_5thAnniversary_20190815_HQ6-_e_body 'Sniper hero [c][FFAA33]Johhar Kessen[-][/c] picks off targets with ranged blaster fire. A pulse cannon attached to his rifle fires a powerful shot that penetrates multiple targets. Claim samples to deploy immediately, then compete to [c][FFAA33]unlock/upgrade[-][/c] this hero permanently!'
hn_cc_1_5thAnniversary_20190815_HQ6-_e_title '8/15 to 8/21 Conflict Outbreak - Johhar Kessen'
hn_cc_1_5thAnniversary_20190815_HQ6-_r_body 'Sniper hero [c][FFAA33]Johhar Kessen[-][/c] picks off targets with ranged blaster fire. A pulse cannon attached to his rifle fires a powerful shot that penetrates multiple targets. Claim samples to deploy immediately, then compete to [c][FFAA33]unlock/upgrade[-][/c] this hero permanently!'
hn_cc_1_5thAnniversary_20190815_HQ6-_r_title '8/15 to 8/21 Conflict Outbreak - Johhar Kessen'
hn_cc_1_5thAnniversary_20190815_HQ7+_e_body "This Elite Cantina equipment spawns a guard wave of [FFC25B]Gamorrean Warriors[-][/c] and a [c][FFC25B]Twi'lek Incinerator[-][/c] when your base is under attack!"
hn_cc_1_5thAnniversary_20190815_HQ7+_e_title '8/15 to 8/21 Conflict Outbreak - Guard Reserve: Mercenaries'
hn_cc_1_5thAnniversary_20190815_HQ7+_r_body "This Elite Cantina equipment spawns a guard wave of [FFC25B]Gamorrean Warriors[-][/c] and a [c][FFC25B]Twi'lek Incinerator[-][/c] when your base is under attack!"
hn_cc_1_5thAnniversary_20190815_HQ7+_r_title '8/15 to 8/21 Conflict Outbreak - Guard Reserve: Mercenaries'
hn_cc_1_5thAnniversary_20190815_NewEquipment_e_body "[c][FFC25B]Guard Reserve: Mercenaries[-][/c] spawns a wave of two Gamorrean Warriors and a Twi'lek Incinerator from the Cantina when you are attacked. Gamorrean Warriors draw the fire of the enemy, whilst the Twi’Lek Incinerators deal with groups of enemy troops, whether on ground or in the air!\n[c][FFC25B]Reinforced Cantina Bracing[-][/c] will keep your Cantina alive longer, spawning multiple waves of these fearsome mercenaries"
hn_cc_1_5thAnniversary_20190815_NewEquipment_e_title 'New Cantina Equipment'
hn_cc_1_5thAnniversary_20190815_NewEquipment_r_body "[c][FFC25B]Guard Reserve: Mercenaries[-][/c] spawns a wave of two Gamorrean Warriors and a Twi'lek Incinerator from the Cantina when you are attacked. Gamorrean Warriors draw the fire of the enemy, whilst the Twi’Lek Incinerators deal with groups of enemy troops, whether on ground or in the air!\n[c][FFC25B]Reinforced Cantina Bracing[-][/c] will keep your Cantina alive longer, spawning multiple waves of these fearsome mercenaries"
hn_cc_1_5thAnniversary_20190815_NewEquipment_r_title 'New Cantina Equipment'
hn_cc_1_5thAnniversary_20190822_DailyCrate_body 'Celebrate the 5th Anniversary of Star Wars: Commander from [c][FFB74A]8/22 thru 8/28[-][/c]. Return daily to collect a [c][FFB74A]Daily Anniversary Crate[-][/c] and take advantage of the Crystal Bonus Sale with up to 30% bonus Crystals on select Packages!'
hn_cc_1_5thAnniversary_20190822_DailyCrate_title 'Special Anniversary Celebration!'
hn_cc_1_5thAnniversary_20190822_HQ6-_e_body 'Sniper hero [c][FFAA33]Johhar Kessen[-][/c] picks off targets with ranged blaster fire. A pulse cannon attached to his rifle fires a powerful shot that penetrates multiple targets. Claim samples to deploy immediately, then compete to [c][FFAA33]unlock/upgrade[-][/c] this hero permanently!'
hn_cc_1_5thAnniversary_20190822_HQ6-_e_title '8/22 to 8/28 Conflict Outbreak - Johhar Kessen'
hn_cc_1_5thAnniversary_20190822_HQ6-_r_body 'Sniper hero [c][FFAA33]Johhar Kessen[-][/c] picks off targets with ranged blaster fire. A pulse cannon attached to his rifle fires a powerful shot that penetrates multiple targets. Claim samples to deploy immediately, then compete to [c][FFAA33]unlock/upgrade[-][/c] this hero permanently!'
hn_cc_1_5thAnniversary_20190822_HQ6-_r_title '8/22 to 8/28 Conflict Outbreak - Johhar Kessen'
hn_cc_1_5thAnniversary_20190822_HQ7+_e_body 'This equipment hardens the internal struts of the Cantina structure, allowing the building to diffuse attacks across its surface more efficiently.'
hn_cc_1_5thAnniversary_20190822_HQ7+_e_title '8/22 to 8/28 Conflict Outbreak - Reinforced Cantina Bracing'
hn_cc_1_5thAnniversary_20190822_HQ7+_r_body 'This equipment hardens the internal struts of the Cantina structure, allowing the building to diffuse attacks across its surface more efficiently.'
hn_cc_1_5thAnniversary_20190822_HQ7+_r_title '8/22 to 8/28 Conflict Outbreak - Reinforced Cantina Bracing'
hn_cc_1_DemoDroid_20190117_e_body 'This droid ignores turrets and resources to engage targets such as the Squad Center, Barracks, and Factory at point-blank range. Immune to its own explosives, it must still be protected from enemy fire. Claim special instant-build samples, then fight to unlock permanently!'
hn_cc_1_DemoDroid_20190117_e_title '1/17 to 1/30 Conflict Outbreaks: LIN Demolitionmech droid'
hn_cc_1_DemoDroid_20190117_r_body 'This droid ignores turrets and resources to engage targets such as the Squad Center, Barracks, and Factory at point-blank range. Immune to its own explosives, it must still be protected from enemy fire. Claim special instant-build samples, then fight to unlock permanently!'
hn_cc_1_DemoDroid_20190117_r_title '1/17 to 1/30 Conflict Outbreaks: Demolition Droid'
hn_cc_1_Empire_EnhancedEngineering_20190502_body 'For a Limited Time, Vehicle Training Time is halved! Dominate your opponents with mechanized forces! In addition, Research for Vehicles costs half the regular amount of Credits!'
hn_cc_1_Empire_EnhancedEngineering_20190502_title '5/2 to 5/8 Enhanced Engineering: Reduced Vehicle Building Time!'
hn_cc_1_FathierConflicts_20190307_HQ6-_e_body 'This week, Conflicts on all planets reward [c][FFB74A]614-AvA Speeder Bike[-][/c] data fragments. This vehicle is an upgrade over the basic Empire Speeder Bike, providing better handling and faster speeds. This unit is more fragile, but has higher damage output, making it an effective infantry hunter.Claim your free samples now, then fight to unlock/upgrade permanently!'
hn_cc_1_FathierConflicts_20190307_HQ6-_r_body 'This week, Conflicts on all planets reward [c][FFB74A]V-4X-D Ski Speeder[-][/c] data fragments. This unstable vehicle still flies with the help of a ventral halofoil. While less armored than most vehicles, this unit is very fast and outputs high damage, making it a highly effective infantry hunter.Claim your free samples now, then fight to unlock/upgrade permanently!'
hn_cc_1_FathierConflicts_20190307_HQ7+_body "This week, Conflicts on all planets reward [c][FFB74A]Fathier Rider[-][/c] data fragments. This Tognath mercenary is mounted atop a graceful steed, known as a fathier. The fathier's natural speed and powerful strikes make it ideal for hit-and-run combat. "
hn_cc_1_FathierConflicts_20190307_title '3/7 to 3/13 Conflict Outbreak: Speeders & Riders'
hn_cc_1_HalfSkinTrpTrans_20190131_e_title '1/31 to 2/6 Conflict Outbreak: Imperial Troop Transport'
hn_cc_1_HalfSkinTrpTrans_20190131_r_title '1/31 to 2/6 Conflict Outbreak: A-A5 Speeder Truck'
hn_cc_1_HalfSkinTrpTrans_20190207_HQ5-_e_title '2/7 to 2/13 Conflict Outbreak: Enhanced AT-ST Walker Samples'
hn_cc_1_HalfSkinTrpTrans_20190207_HQ5-_r_title '2/7 to 2/13 Conflict Outbreak: Enhanced T2-B Repulsor Tank Samples'
hn_cc_1_HalfSkinTrpTrans_20190207_HQ6+_e_title '2/7 to 2/13 Conflict Outbreak: Enhanced AT-ST Walker Eqp.'
hn_cc_1_HalfSkinTrpTrans_20190207_HQ6+_r_title '2/7 to 2/13 Conflict Outbreak: Enhanced T2-B Repulsor Tank Eqp.'
hn_cc_1_HalfSkinTrpTrans_20191107_e_title '11/07 to 11/11 Conflict Outbreak: Imperial Troop Transport'
hn_cc_1_HalfSkinTrpTrans_20191107_r_title '11/07 to 11/11 Conflict Outbreak: A-A5 Speeder Truck'
hn_cc_1_HalfSkinTrpTrans_20191114_HQ5-_e_title '11/14 to 11/20 Conflict Outbreak: Enhanced AT-ST Walker Samples'
hn_cc_1_HalfSkinTrpTrans_20191114_HQ5-_r_title '11/14 to 11/20 Conflict Outbreak: Enhanced T2-B Repulsor Tank Samples'
hn_cc_1_HalfSkinTrpTrans_20191114_HQ6+_e_title '11/14 to 11/20 Conflict Outbreak: Enhanced AT-ST Walker Eqp.'
hn_cc_1_HalfSkinTrpTrans_20191114_HQ6+_r_title '11/14 to 11/20 Conflict Outbreak: Enhanced T2-B Repulsor Tank Eqp.'
hn_cc_1_HeroicIntervention_20190704_HQ6-_e_body "This week's conflict features [c][FFB74A]Lord Vader[-][/c] equipment! This equipment allows Darth Vader to personally command the fierce 501st Legion into combat! Claim samples to deploy immediately, then fight in this week's Conflict to acquire more!"
hn_cc_1_HeroicIntervention_20190704_HQ6-_e_title '7/4 to 7/8 Conflict Outbreak'
hn_cc_1_HeroicIntervention_20190704_HQ6-_r_body "This week's conflict features the [c][FFB74A]Elite AT-TE[-][/c]. With thicker armor plating and heavier laser cannons, this AT-TE is piloted by an elite vehicle crew pulled from the best in the Rebellion. Claim samples to deploy immediately, then fight in this week's Conflict to acquire more!"
hn_cc_1_HeroicIntervention_20190704_HQ6-_r_title '7/4 to 7/8 Conflict Outbreak'
hn_cc_1_HeroicIntervention_20190704_HQ7+_e_body "In this week's conflict, earn [c][FFB74A]Lord Vader[-][/c] equipment! This equipment allows Darth Vader to personally command the fierce 501st Legion into combat! Claim samples immediately, then fight in this week's Conflict to unlock/upgrade permanently!"
hn_cc_1_HeroicIntervention_20190704_HQ7+_e_title '7/4 to 7/8 Conflict Outbreak'
hn_cc_1_HeroicIntervention_20190704_HQ7+_r_body "In this week's conflict, earn data fragments for the [c][FFB74A]Elite AT-TE[-][/c]. With thicker armor plating and heavier laser cannons, this AT-TE is piloted by an elite vehicle crew pulled from the best in the Rebellion. Claim samples immediately, then fight in this week's Conflict to unlock/upgrade permanently!"
hn_cc_1_HeroicIntervention_20190704_HQ7+_r_title '7/4 to 7/8 Conflict Outbreak'
hn_cc_1_HeroicIntervention_20190711_HQ6-_e_body "This week's conflict features [c][FFB74A]Lord Vader[-][/c] equipment! This equipment allows Darth Vader to personally command the fierce 501st Legion into combat! Claim samples to deploy immediately, then fight in this week's Conflict to acquire more!"
hn_cc_1_HeroicIntervention_20190711_HQ6-_e_title '7/11 to 7/17 Conflict Outbreak'
hn_cc_1_HeroicIntervention_20190711_HQ6-_r_body "This week's conflict features the [c][FFB74A]Elite AT-TE[-][/c]. With thicker armor plating and heavier laser cannons, this AT-TE is piloted by an elite vehicle crew pulled from the best in the Rebellion. Claim samples to deploy immediately, then fight in this week's Conflict to acquire more!"
hn_cc_1_HeroicIntervention_20190711_HQ6-_r_title '7/11 to 7/17 Conflict Outbreak'
hn_cc_1_HeroicIntervention_20190711_HQ7+_e_body "In this week's conflict, earn [c][FFB74A]Lord Vader[-][/c] equipment! This equipment allows Darth Vader to personally command the fierce 501st Legion into combat! Claim samples immediately, then fight in this week's Conflict to unlock/upgrade permanently!"
hn_cc_1_HeroicIntervention_20190711_HQ7+_e_title '7/11 to 7/17 Conflict Outbreak'
hn_cc_1_HeroicIntervention_20190711_HQ7+_r_body "In this week's conflict, earn data fragments for the [c][FFB74A]Elite AT-TE[-][/c]. With thicker armor plating and heavier laser cannons, this AT-TE is piloted by an elite vehicle crew pulled from the best in the Rebellion. Claim samples immediately, then fight in this week's Conflict to unlock/upgrade permanently!"
hn_cc_1_HeroicIntervention_20190711_HQ7+_r_title '7/11 to 7/17 Conflict Outbreak'
hn_cc_1_ImperialBanner_20190502_New_Building_body 'As part of Star Wars Day celebrations, Commanders at HQ 3 and above can now construct Imperial Banners. Display your allegiance to the Empire!'
hn_cc_1_ImperialBanner_20190502_New_Building_title 'New Building: Imperial Banner'
hn_cc_1_JetpackJumpTrooper_20190418_HQ5-_e_title '4/18 to 4/24 Conflicts: Jump Trooper Samples'
hn_cc_1_JetpackJumpTrooper_20190418_HQ5-_r_title '4/18 to 4/24 Conflicts: Jetpack Trooper Samples'
hn_cc_1_JetpackJumpTrooper_20190418_HQ6+_e_body 'This week, Conflicts on all planets reward fragments for [c][FFB74A]Jump Trooper[-][/c] equipment. This equipment increases the damage and health of [c][FFB74A]Jump Troopers[-][/c] on relevant planets! Fight to unlock now!'
hn_cc_1_JetpackJumpTrooper_20190418_HQ6+_e_title '4/18 to 4/24 Conflicts: Jump Trooper Equipment'
hn_cc_1_JetpackJumpTrooper_20190418_HQ6+_r_body 'This week, Conflicts on all planets reward fragments for [c][FFB74A]Jetpack Trooper[-][/c] equipment. This equipment increases the damage and health of [c][FFB74A]Jetpack Troopers[-][/c] on relevant planets! Fight to unlock now!'
hn_cc_1_JetpackJumpTrooper_20190418_HQ6+_r_title '4/18 to 4/24 Conflicts: Jetpack Trooper Equipment'
hn_cc_1_JetpackJumpTrooper_20190425_HQ5-_e_title '4/25 to 5/1 Conflicts: Jump Trooper Samples'
hn_cc_1_JetpackJumpTrooper_20190425_HQ5-_r_title '4/25 to 5/1 Conflicts: Jetpack Trooper Samples'
hn_cc_1_JetpackJumpTrooper_20190425_HQ6+_e_title '4/25 to 5/1 Conflicts: Jump Trooper Equipment'
hn_cc_1_JetpackJumpTrooper_20190425_HQ6+_r_title '4/25 to 5/1 Conflicts: Jetpack Trooper Equipment'
hn_cc_1_JetpackJumpTrooper_20191212_HQ5-_e_title '12/12 to 12/18 Conflict Outbreak: Jump Trooper Samples'
hn_cc_1_JetpackJumpTrooper_20191212_HQ5-_r_title '12/12 to 12/18 Conflict Outbreak: Jetpack Trooper Samples'
hn_cc_1_JetpackJumpTrooper_20191212_HQ6+_e_title '12/12 to 12/18 Conflict Outbreak: Jump Trooper Equipment'
hn_cc_1_JetpackJumpTrooper_20191212_HQ6+_r_title '12/12 to 12/18 Conflict Outbreak: Jetpack Trooper Equipment'
hn_cc_1_KraytDragonAnnounce-_body "The Krayt Dragon is Tatooine's legendary apex predator. Renowned for its fierce nature, this massive beast excels at taking down living prey. Saponza has intel on how to capture these ferocious predators so that you can deploy them against your enemies using the Strix Beacon.\n"
hn_cc_1_KraytDragonAnnounce-_title 'Krayt Dragon'
hn_cc_1_NavalConflictRedux_20181011_HQ5-_e_title '10/11 to 10/17 Conflict Outbreak: Imperial Starfighter Pilot'
hn_cc_1_NavalConflictRedux_20181011_HQ5-_r_title '10/11 to 10/17 Conflict Outbreak: Alliance Starfighter Pilot'
hn_cc_1_NavalConflictRedux_20181018_HQ5-_e_title '10/18 to 10/24 Conflict Outbreak: Imperial Starfighter Pilot'
hn_cc_1_NavalConflictRedux_20181018_HQ5-_r_title '10/18 to 10/24 Conflict Outbreak: Alliance Starfighter Pilot'
hn_cc_1_NewGuardReserve_20181108_HQ6+_e_body 'This week, Conflicts on all planets reward fragments for [c][FFB74A]Anti-vehicle[-][/c] Guard Reserve equipment. When activated, this equipment summons defensive [c][FFB74A]Shock Troopers from all Barracks[-][/c]! Fight to unlock now!'
hn_cc_1_NewGuardReserve_20181108_HQ6+_r_body 'This week, Conflicts on all planets reward fragments for [c][FFB74A]Anti-infantry[-][/c] Guard Reserve equipment. When activated, this equipment summons defensive [c][FFB74A]Marksman sniper units from all Barracks[-][/c]! Fight to unlock now!'
hn_cc_1_NewGuardReserve_20190404_HQ6+_e_body 'This week, Conflicts on all planets reward fragments for [c][FFB74A]Anti-infantry[-][/c] Guard Reserve equipment. When activated, this equipment summons defensive [c][FFB74A]Sniper Troopers from all Barracks[-][/c]! Fight to unlock now!'
hn_cc_1_NewGuardReserve_20190404_HQ6+_e_title '4/4 to 4/10 Conflicts: Sniper Trooper Guard Reserve Equipment'
hn_cc_1_NewGuardReserve_20190404_HQ6+_r_body 'This week, Conflicts on all planets reward fragments for [c][FFB74A]Anti-infantry[-][/c] Guard Reserve equipment. When activated, this equipment summons defensive [c][FFB74A]Marksman sniper units from all Barracks[-][/c]! Fight to unlock now!'
hn_cc_1_NewGuardReserve_20190404_HQ6+_r_title '4/4 to 4/10 Conflicts: Marksman Guard Reserve Equipment'
hn_cc_1_NewGuardReserve_20190411_HQ6+_e_title '4/11 to 4/17 Conflicts: Sniper Trooper Guard Reserve Equipment'
hn_cc_1_NewGuardReserve_20190411_HQ6+_r_title '4/11 to 4/17 Conflicts: Marksman Guard Reserve Equipment'
hn_cc_1_NewGuardReserve_20190801_HQ6+_e_body 'This week, Conflicts on all planets reward fragments for [c][FFB74A]Anti-infantry[-][/c] Guard Reserve equipment. When activated, this equipment summons defensive [c][FFB74A]Sniper Troopers from all Barracks[-][/c]! Fight to unlock now!'
hn_cc_1_NewGuardReserve_20190801_HQ6+_e_title '8/1 to 8/7 Conflicts: Sniper Trooper Guard Reserve Equipment'
hn_cc_1_NewGuardReserve_20190801_HQ6+_r_body 'This week, Conflicts on all planets reward fragments for [c][FFB74A]Anti-infantry[-][/c] Guard Reserve equipment. When activated, this equipment summons defensive [c][FFB74A]Marksman sniper units from all Barracks[-][/c]! Fight to unlock now!'
hn_cc_1_NewGuardReserve_20190801_HQ6+_r_title '8/1 to 8/7 Conflicts: Marksman Guard Reserve Equipment'
hn_cc_1_NewGuardReserve_20190808_HQ6+_e_body 'This week, Conflicts on all planets reward fragments for [c][FFB74A]Anti-infantry[-][/c] Guard Reserve equipment. When activated, this equipment summons defensive [c][FFB74A]Sniper Troopers from all Barracks[-][/c]! Fight to unlock now!'
hn_cc_1_NewGuardReserve_20190808_HQ6+_e_title '8/8 to 8/14 Conflict Outbreak: IG-86 Assassin Droid'
hn_cc_1_NewGuardReserve_20190808_HQ6+_r_body 'This week, Conflicts on all planets reward fragments for [c][FFB74A]Anti-infantry[-][/c] Guard Reserve equipment. When activated, this equipment summons defensive [c][FFB74A]Marksman sniper units from all Barracks[-][/c]! Fight to unlock now!'
hn_cc_1_NewGuardReserve_20190808_HQ6+_r_title '8/8 to 8/14 Conflict Outbreak: Iakaru Warrior'
hn_cc_1_NewHalfSkins_20181122_HQ5-_e_body 'This week, Conflicts on all planets reward [c][FFFFFF]Enhanced AT-MP Walker[-][/c] unit samples. Place in Bronzium or higher to earn these instant-build units!'
hn_cc_1_NewHalfSkins_20181122_HQ5-_r_body 'This week, Conflicts on all planets reward [c][FFFFFF]Enhanced AT-AP Walker[-][/c] unit samples. Place in Bronzium or higher to earn these instant-build units!'
hn_cc_1_NewHalfSkins_20181122_HQ6+_e '11/22 to 12/6, New Equipment in Conflicts'
hn_cc_1_NewHalfSkins_20181122_HQ6+_e_body 'This week, Conflicts on all planets reward [c][FFB74A]Enhanced AT-MP Walker[-][/c] data fragments. Fight to permanently unlock and activate this damage-boosting Equipment!'
hn_cc_1_NewHalfSkins_20181122_HQ6+_r '11/22 to 12/6, New Equipment in Conflicts'
hn_cc_1_NewHalfSkins_20181122_HQ6+_r_body 'This week, Conflicts on all planets reward [c][FFB74A]Enhanced AT-AP Walker[-][/c] data fragments. Fight to permanently unlock and activate this damage-boosting Equipment!'
hn_cc_1_RancorKraytDragon_20190606_HQ10+_e_body "Assault the Rebels with ferocious [c][FFB74A]Krayt Dragons & Rancors[-][/c]. Claim samples of these exotic beasts to deploy immediately, then fight in this week's Conflict to unlock/upgrade permanently!"
hn_cc_1_RancorKraytDragon_20190606_HQ10+_e_title '6/6 to 6/12 Conflict Outbreak: Krayt Dragons and Rancors'
hn_cc_1_RancorKraytDragon_20190606_HQ10+_r_body "Tear down the Empire with ferocious [c][FFB74A]Krayt Dragons & Rancors[-][/c]. Claim samples of these exotic beasts to deploy immediately, then fight in this week's Conflict to unlock/upgrade permanently!"
hn_cc_1_RancorKraytDragon_20190606_HQ10+_r_title '6/6 to 6/12 Conflict Outbreak: Krayt Dragons and Rancors'
hn_cc_1_RancorKraytDragon_20190606_HQ9-_e_body "Assault the Rebels with ferocious [c][FFB74A]Krayt Dragons & Rancors[-][/c]. Claim samples of these exotic beasts to deploy immediately, then fight in this week's Conflict to acquire more!"
hn_cc_1_RancorKraytDragon_20190606_HQ9-_e_title '6/6 to 6/12 Conflict Outbreak: Krayt Dragons and Rancors'
hn_cc_1_RancorKraytDragon_20190606_HQ9-_r_body "Tear down the Empire with ferocious [c][FFB74A]Krayt Dragons & Rancors[-][/c]. Claim samples of these exotic beasts to deploy immediately, then fight in this week's Conflict to acquire more!"
hn_cc_1_RancorKraytDragon_20190606_HQ9-_r_title '6/6 to 6/12 Conflict Outbreak: Krayt Dragons and Rancors'
hn_cc_1_RancorKraytDragon_20190613_HQ10+_e_body "Assault the Rebels with ferocious [c][FFB74A]Krayt Dragons & Rancors[-][/c]. Claim samples of these exotic beasts to deploy immediately, then fight in this week's Conflict to unlock/upgrade permanently!"
hn_cc_1_RancorKraytDragon_20190613_HQ10+_e_title '6/13 to 6/19 Conflict Outbreak: Krayt Dragons and Rancors'
hn_cc_1_RancorKraytDragon_20190613_HQ10+_r_body "Tear down the Empire with ferocious [c][FFB74A]Krayt Dragons & Rancors[-][/c]. Claim samples of these exotic beasts to deploy immediately, then fight in this week's Conflict to unlock/upgrade permanently!"
hn_cc_1_RancorKraytDragon_20190613_HQ10+_r_title '6/13 to 6/19 Conflict Outbreak: Krayt Dragons and Rancors'
hn_cc_1_RancorKraytDragon_20190613_HQ9-_e_body "Assault the Rebels with ferocious [c][FFB74A]Krayt Dragons & Rancors[-][/c]. Claim samples of these exotic beasts to deploy immediately, then fight in this week's Conflict to acquire more!"
hn_cc_1_RancorKraytDragon_20190613_HQ9-_e_title '6/13 to 6/19 Conflict Outbreak: Krayt Dragons and Rancors'
hn_cc_1_RancorKraytDragon_20190613_HQ9-_r_body "Tear down the Empire with ferocious [c][FFB74A]Krayt Dragons & Rancors[-][/c]. Claim samples of these exotic beasts to deploy immediately, then fight in this week's Conflict to acquire more!"
hn_cc_1_RancorKraytDragon_20190613_HQ9-_r_title '6/13 to 6/19 Conflict Outbreak: Krayt Dragons and Rancors'
hn_cc_1_RancorKraytDragon_20200116_HQ10+_e_title '1/16 to 1/22 Conflict Outbreak: Krayt Dragons and Rancors'
hn_cc_1_RancorKraytDragon_20200116_HQ10+_r_title '1/16 to 1/22 Conflict Outbreak: Krayt Dragons and Rancors'
hn_cc_1_RancorKraytDragon_20200116_HQ9-_e_title '1/16 to 1/22 Conflict Outbreak: Krayt Dragons and Rancors'
hn_cc_1_RancorKraytDragon_20200116_HQ9-_r_title '1/16 to 1/22 Conflict Outbreak: Krayt Dragons and Rancors'
hn_cc_1_RancorKraytDragon_20200123_HQ10+_e_title '1/23 to 1/29 Conflict Outbreak: Krayt Dragons and Rancors'
hn_cc_1_RancorKraytDragon_20200123_HQ10+_r_title '1/23 to 1/29 Conflict Outbreak: Krayt Dragons and Rancors'
hn_cc_1_RancorKraytDragon_20200123_HQ9-_e_title '1/23 to 1/29 Conflict Outbreak: Krayt Dragons and Rancors'
hn_cc_1_RancorKraytDragon_20200123_HQ9-_r_title '1/23 to 1/29 Conflict Outbreak: Krayt Dragons and Rancors'
hn_cc_1_RebelBanner_20190502_New_Building_body 'As part of Star Wars Day celebrations, Commanders at HQ 3 and above can now construct Rebel Banners. Show your devotion to the Rebel Alliance!'
hn_cc_1_RebelBanner_20190502_New_Building_title 'New Building: Rebel Banner'
hn_cc_1_Rebel_EnhancedEngineering_20190502_body 'For a Limited Time, Vehicle Training Time is halved! Dominate your opponents with mechanized forces! In addition, Upgrading Vehicles at the Research Lab costs half the regular amount of Credits!'
hn_cc_1_Rebel_EnhancedEngineering_20190502_title '5/2 to 5/8 Enhanced Engineering: Reduced Vehicle Building Time!'
hn_cc_1_SalvagedMTT_20190502_Crystal_Sale_body 'Celebrate Star Wars Day with Daily Crystal-Packed [c][FFB74A]May the 4th Crates[-][/c], as well as a Crystal Bonus of up to 35% extra crystals on select Crystal Packages!'
hn_cc_1_SalvagedMTT_20190502_Crystal_Sale_title 'Bonus Crystals For a Limited Time!'
hn_cc_1_SalvagedMTT_20190502_HQ6-_body 'This week, Conflicts on all planets reward samples of the all new [c][FFB74A]Salvaged Multi-Troop Transport[-][/c]!  This Mercenary unit deploys Dowutin Hunters as it assaults the enemy base! Fight to earn Samples now!'
hn_cc_1_SalvagedMTT_20190502_HQ6-_title '5/2 to 5/8 Conflict Outbreak: Salvaged Multi-Troop Transport Samples'
hn_cc_1_SalvagedMTT_20190502_HQ7+_body 'This week, Conflicts on all planets reward fragments for the all new [c][FFB74A]Salvaged Multi-Troop Transport[-][/c]. This Mercenary unit deploys Dowutin Hunters as it assaults the enemy base! Fight to unlock now!'
hn_cc_1_SalvagedMTT_20190502_HQ7+_title '5/2 to 5/8 Conflict Outbreak: Salvaged Multi-Troop Transport'
hn_cc_1_SalvagedMTT_20190502_New_Unit_body 'Mercenaries have salvaged these Clone-War era Multi-Troop Transports to charge into battle! As the Transport blasts away at their defences, Dowutin Huners will emerge from the vehicle, laying down fire. Claim special samples to deploy immediately!'
hn_cc_1_SalvagedMTT_20190502_New_Unit_title 'New Mercenary Unit: Salvaged Multi-Troop Transport'
hn_cc_1_SniperSkins_20190718_HQ5-_e_body "In this week's conflict, earn [c][FFB74A]Rodian Recon Snipers[-][/c]! In addition to increased damage and durability, Rodian Recon Snipers carry special targeting equipment to call in surgical TIE Bomber strikes in battle. Claim samples immediately, then fight in this week's Conflict to acquire more!"
hn_cc_1_SniperSkins_20190718_HQ5-_e_title '7/18 to 7/24 Conflict Outbreak : Snipers & Sharpshooters'
hn_cc_1_SniperSkins_20190718_HQ5-_r_body "In this week's conflict, earn [c][FFB74A]Sullustan Recon Sharpshooters[-][/c]! In addition to increased damage and durability, Sullustan Recon Sharpshooters carry special targeting equipment to call in surgical Y-Wing strikes in battle. Claim samples immediately, then fight in this week's Conflict to acquire more!"
hn_cc_1_SniperSkins_20190718_HQ5-_r_title '7/18 to 7/24 Conflict Outbreak : Snipers & Sharpshooters'
hn_cc_1_SniperSkins_20190718_HQ6+_e_body "In this week's conflict, earn [c][FFB74A]Rodian Recon Sniper[-][/c] equipment! In addition to increased damage and durability, Rodian Recon Snipers carry special targeting equipment to call in surgical TIE Bomber strikes in battle. Claim samples immediately, then fight in this week's Conflict to unlock/upgrade permanently!"
hn_cc_1_SniperSkins_20190718_HQ6+_e_title '7/18 to 7/24 Conflict Outbreak : Snipers & Sharpshooters'
hn_cc_1_SniperSkins_20190718_HQ6+_r_body "In this week's conflict, earn [c][FFB74A]Sullustan Recon Sharpshooter[-][/c] equipment! In addition to increased damage and durability, Sullustan Recon Sharpshooters carry special targeting equipment to call in surgical Y-Wing strikes in battle. Claim samples immediately, then fight in this week's Conflict to unlock/upgrade permanently!"
hn_cc_1_SniperSkins_20190718_HQ6+_r_title '7/18 to 7/24 Conflict Outbreak : Snipers & Sharpshooters'
hn_cc_1_SniperSkins_20190725_HQ5-_e_body "In this week's conflict, earn [c][FFB74A]Rodian Recon Snipers[-][/c]! In addition to increased damage and durability, Rodian Recon Snipers carry special targeting equipment to call in surgical TIE Bomber strikes in battle. Claim samples immediately, then fight in this week's Conflict to acquire more!"
hn_cc_1_SniperSkins_20190725_HQ5-_e_title '7/25 to 7/31 Conflict Outbreak : Snipers & Sharpshooters'
hn_cc_1_SniperSkins_20190725_HQ5-_r_body "In this week's conflict, earn [c][FFB74A]Sullustan Recon Sharpshooters[-][/c]! In addition to increased damage and durability, Sullustan Recon Sharpshooters carry special targeting equipment to call in surgical Y-Wing strikes in battle. Claim samples immediately, then fight in this week's Conflict to acquire more!"
hn_cc_1_SniperSkins_20190725_HQ5-_r_title '7/25 to 7/31 Conflict Outbreak : Snipers & Sharpshooters'
hn_cc_1_SniperSkins_20190725_HQ6+_e_body "In this week's conflict, earn [c][FFB74A]Rodian Recon Sniper[-][/c] equipment! In addition to increased damage and durability, Rodian Recon Snipers carry special targeting equipment to call in surgical TIE Bomber strikes in battle. Claim samples immediately, then fight in this week's Conflict to unlock/upgrade permanently!"
hn_cc_1_SniperSkins_20190725_HQ6+_e_title '7/25 to 7/31 Conflict Outbreak : Snipers & Sharpshooters'
hn_cc_1_SniperSkins_20190725_HQ6+_r_body "In this week's conflict, earn [c][FFB74A]Sullustan Recon Sharpshooter[-][/c] equipment! In addition to increased damage and durability, Sullustan Recon Sharpshooters carry special targeting equipment to call in surgical Y-Wing strikes in battle. Claim samples immediately, then fight in this week's Conflict to unlock/upgrade permanently!"
hn_cc_1_SniperSkins_20190725_HQ6+_r_title '7/25 to 7/31 Conflict Outbreak : Snipers & Sharpshooters'
hn_cc_1_SoloConflicts_20190214_e_body 'Fight in Conflicts to unlock and upgrade the devastating [c][FFAA33]AT-DT Walker[-][/c], inspired by "Solo: A Star Wars Story."'
hn_cc_1_SoloConflicts_20190214_e_title '2/14 to 2/27 Conflict Outbreak: AT-DT Walker'
hn_cc_1_SoloConflicts_20190214_r_body 'Fight in Conflicts to unlock and upgrade the devastating [c][FFAA33]Stolen AT-DT Walker[-][/c], inspired by "Solo: A Star Wars Story."'
hn_cc_1_SoloConflicts_20190214_r_title '2/14 to 2/27 Conflict Outbreak: Stolen AT-DT Walker'
hn_cc_1_SoloConflicts_20190221_HQ5+_e_body 'Fight in Conflicts to unlock and upgrade the heavy-duty [c][FFAA33]AT-Hauler[-][/c] starship, inspired by "Solo: A Star Wars Story."'
hn_cc_1_SoloConflicts_20190221_HQ5+_e_title '2/20 to 2/27 Conflict Outbreak: AT-Hauler starship'
hn_cc_1_SoloConflicts_20190221_HQ5+_r_body 'Fight in Conflicts to unlock and upgrade the heavy-duty [c][FFAA33]Salvaged AT-Hauler[-][/c] starship, inspired by "Solo: A Star Wars Story."'
hn_cc_1_SoloConflicts_20190221_HQ5+_r_title '2/20 to 2/27 Conflict Outbreak: Salvaged AT-Hauler starship'
hn_cc_1_SoloConflicts_20190926_e_body 'Fight in Conflicts to unlock and upgrade the devastating [c][FFAA33]AT-DT Walker[-][/c].'
hn_cc_1_SoloConflicts_20190926_e_title '9/26 to 10/9 Conflict Outbreak: AT-DT Walker'
hn_cc_1_SoloConflicts_20190926_r_body 'Fight in Conflicts to unlock and upgrade the devastating [c][FFAA33]Stolen AT-DT Walker[-][/c].'
hn_cc_1_SoloConflicts_20190926_r_title '9/26 to 10/9 Conflict Outbreak: Stolen AT-DT Walker'
hn_cc_1_SoloConflicts_20191003_HQ5+_e_body 'Fight in Conflicts to unlock and upgrade the heavy-duty [c][FFAA33]AT-Hauler[-][/c] starship.'
hn_cc_1_SoloConflicts_20191003_HQ5+_e_title '10/3 to 10/9 Conflict Outbreak: AT-Hauler starship'
hn_cc_1_SoloConflicts_20191003_HQ5+_r_body 'Fight in Conflicts to unlock and upgrade the heavy-duty [c][FFAA33]Salvaged AT-Hauler[-][/c] starship.'
hn_cc_1_SoloConflicts_20191003_HQ5+_r_title '10/3 to 10/9 Conflict Outbreak: Salvaged AT-Hauler starship'
hn_cc_1_SpeederConflicts_20190228_e_body 'This week, Conflicts on all planets reward [c][FFB74A]614-AvA Speeder Bike[-][/c] data fragments. This vehicle is an upgrade over the basic Empire Speeder Bike, providing better handling and faster speeds. This unit is more fragile, but has higher damage output, making it an effective infantry hunter.'
hn_cc_1_SpeederConflicts_20190228_e_title '2/28 to 3/6 Conflict Outbreak: 614 AvA Speeder Bike'
hn_cc_1_SpeederConflicts_20190228_r_body 'This week, Conflicts on all planets reward [c][FFB74A]V-4X-D Ski Speeder[-][/c] data fragments. This unstable vehicle still flies with the help of a ventral halofoil. While less armored than most vehicles, this unit is very fast and outputs high damage, making it a highly effective infantry hunter.'
hn_cc_1_SpeederConflicts_20190228_r_title '2/28 to 3/6 Conflict Outbreak: V-4X-D Ski Speeder'
hn_cc_1_TroopTransportConflict_20180802_HQ_e_body 'This week only, Conflicts on all planets reward [c][FFB74A]Imperial Troop Transport[-][/c] fragments. Be the first to unlock this heavily-armored reinforcement carrier, not available again until Fall!'
hn_cc_1_TroopTransportConflict_20180802_HQ_r_body 'This week only, Conflicts on all planets reward [c][FFB74A]A-A5 Speeder Truck[-][/c] fragments. Be the first to unlock this heavily-armored reinforcement carrier, not available again until Fall!'
hn_cc_1_TroopTransportConflict_20180802_HQ_title 'New Vehicle Unlock in Conflicts'
hn_cc_1_TroopTransportConflict_20180809_HQ5-_e_body 'This week, Conflicts on all planets reward [c][FFB74A]Enhanced AT-ST Walker[-][/c] unit samples. These powerful units will not be available again until Fall!'
hn_cc_1_TroopTransportConflict_20180809_HQ5-_r_body 'This week, Conflicts on all planets reward [c][FFB74A]Enhanced T2-B Repulsor Tank[-][/c] unit samples. These powerful units will not be available again until Fall!'
hn_cc_1_TroopTransportConflict_20180809_HQ5-_title 'New Sample Units in Conflicts'
hn_cc_1_TroopTransportConflict_20180809_HQ6+_e_body 'This week, all planet Conflicts give [c][FFB74A]Enhanced AT-ST Walker[-][/c] equipment fragments. AT-ST Walkers have received health buffs; Now, unlock and activate this equipment to greatly boost their firepower! These Data Fragments will not be available again until Fall!'
hn_cc_1_TroopTransportConflict_20180809_HQ6+_r_body 'This week, all planet Conflicts give [c][FFB74A]Enhanced T2-B Repulsor Tank[-][/c] equipment fragments. All T2-B tanks have received health buffs; Now, unlock and activate this equipment to greatly boost their firepower! These Data Fragments will not be available again until Fall!'
hn_cc_1_TroopTransportConflict_20180809_HQ6+_title 'New Equipment Unlock in Conflicts'
hn_cc_1_TroopTransportConflict_20180913_HQ_e_body 'This week only, Conflicts on all planets reward [c][FFB74A]Imperial Troop Transport[-][/c] fragments. Fight now and unlock this this heavily-armored reinforcement carrier!'
hn_cc_1_TroopTransportConflict_20180913_HQ_e_title '9/13 to 9/19 Conflict Outbreak: Imperial Troop Transport'
hn_cc_1_TroopTransportConflict_20180913_HQ_r_body 'This week only, Conflicts on all planets reward [c][FFB74A]A-A5 Speeder Truck[-][/c] fragments. Fight now and unlock this this heavily-armored reinforcement carrier!'
hn_cc_1_TroopTransportConflict_20180913_HQ_r_title '9/13 to 9/19 Conflict Outbreak: A-A5 Speeder Truck'
hn_cc_1_TroopTransportConflict_20180920_HQ5-_e_body 'This week, Conflicts on all planets reward supplies of [c][FFB74A]Enhanced AT-ST Walker[-][/c] unit samples. Fight now to earn these and other rewards!'
hn_cc_1_TroopTransportConflict_20180920_HQ5-_e_title '9/20 to 9/26 Conflict Outbreak: Enhanced AT-ST Walker Samples'
hn_cc_1_TroopTransportConflict_20180920_HQ5-_r_body 'This week, Conflicts on all planets reward supplies of [c][FFB74A]Enhanced T2-B Repulsor Tank[-][/c] unit samples. Fight now to earn these and other rewards!'
hn_cc_1_TroopTransportConflict_20180920_HQ5-_r_title '9/20 to 9/26 Conflict Outbreak: Enhanced T2-B Repulsor Tank Samples'
hn_cc_1_TroopTransportConflict_20180920_HQ6+_e_body 'This week, all planet Conflicts give [c][FFB74A]Enhanced AT-ST Walker[-][/c] equipment fragments. When activated, this equipment greatly boosts AT-ST Walker firepower! Fight now to unlock this Equipment!'
hn_cc_1_TroopTransportConflict_20180920_HQ6+_e_title '9/20 to 9/26 Conflict Outbreak: Enhanced AT-ST Walker Eqp.'
hn_cc_1_TroopTransportConflict_20180920_HQ6+_r_body 'This week, all planet Conflicts give [c][FFB74A]Enhanced T2-B Repulsor Tank[-][/c] equipment fragments. When activated, this equipment greatly boosts T2-B tank firepower! Fight now to unlock this Equipment!'
hn_cc_1_TroopTransportConflict_20180920_HQ6+_r_title '9/20 to 9/26 Conflict Outbreak: Enhanced T2-B Repulsor Tank Eqp.'
hn_cc_1_UndeadOffensive2018_20181025_e_body "Place in a Bronzium or higher tier to earn Data Fragments for the terrifying [c][DBC0FF]SD-K4[-][/c] assassin droid hero. This hero's health and damage have been significantly buffed. Fight to earn fragments, plus bonus Undead Trooper sample units!"
hn_cc_1_UndeadOffensive2018_20181025_e_title '10/25 to 11/7 Conflict Outbreaks: SD-K4 & Undead Troopers'
hn_cc_1_UndeadOffensive2018_20181025_r_body "Place in a Bronzium or higher tier to earn Data Fragments for the terrifying [c][DBC0FF]Modified SD-K4[-][/c] assassin droid hero. This hero's health and damage have been significantly buffed. Fight to earn fragments, plus bonus Undead Trooper sample units!"
hn_cc_1_UndeadOffensive2018_20181025_r_title '10/25 to 11/7 Conflict Outbreaks: SD-K4 & Undead Troopers'
hn_cc_1_UndeadOffensive2018_20191024_e_body 'Place in a Bronzium or higher tier to earn Data Fragments for the terrifying [c][DBC0FF]SD-K4[-][/c] assassin droid hero. Fight to earn fragments, plus bonus Undead Trooper sample units!'
hn_cc_1_UndeadOffensive2018_20191024_r_body 'Place in a Bronzium or higher tier to earn Data Fragments for the terrifying [c][DBC0FF]Modified SD-K4[-][/c] assassin droid hero. Fight to earn fragments, plus bonus Undead Trooper sample units!'
hn_cc_1_UndeadOffensive2019_20191024_e_title '10/24 to 11/6 Conflict Outbreaks: SD-K4 & Undead Troopers'
hn_cc_1_UndeadOffensive2019_20191024_r_title '10/24 to 11/6 Conflict Outbreaks: SD-K4 & Undead Troopers'
hn_cc_1_adcolonytest_title 'ADCOLONY TEST'
hn_cc_1_alloy_sale_body 'Alloy is on sale for a limited time. Buy alloy for a discounted price in the shop or when upgrading buildings. Don’t miss out on this special deal!'
hn_cc_1_alloy_sale_title 'Limited Time Alloy Sale!'
hn_cc_1_amazon_body 'Star Wars™: Commander will no longer be playable on Amazon devices starting on January 7, 2019. While you can continue to play until then, we are no longer accepting payments from Amazon devices. To continue playing the game on iOS, Android or Facebook Gameroom, please Facebook connect in-game on your Amazon device before January 7, then Facebook connect in-game on your platform of choice. Thank you.'
hn_cc_1_amazon_rc21_bonus_body 'Celebrate Amazon Digital Deals Day! Purchase select crates from the Store today and get 2x value!'
hn_cc_1_amazon_rc21_bonus_title 'Special Amazon Offer!'
hn_cc_1_amazon_title 'Amazon Service Ending Soon'
hn_cc_1_android_rc21_bonus_body 'Celebrate the end of the year with Google Play! Purchase select crates from the Store before 1/6 and get 2x value!'
hn_cc_1_android_rc21_bonus_title 'Special Google Play Offer!'
hn_cc_1_anh40_HQ2-5_announce_e_body '[c][FFB74A]Star Wars: 40th Anniversary[-][/c] event run from 4/19 to 5/17!\nCollect Death Star Crates and earn Data Fragments for the trap-hunting Shock Trooper and sniper hero Johhar Kessen.'
hn_cc_1_anh40_HQ2-5_announce_e_title 'Celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Star Wars'
hn_cc_1_anh40_HQ2-5_announce_r_body '[c][FFB74A]Star Wars: 40th Anniversary[-][/c] event run from 4/19 to 5/17!\nCollect Death Star Crates and earn Data Fragments for the trap-hunting Vanguard and sniper hero Johhar Kessen.'
hn_cc_1_anh40_HQ2-5_announce_r_title 'Celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Star Wars'
hn_cc_1_anh40_HQ2-5_final_e_body "Don't miss your chance to unlock and upgrade the shield-blasting [c][FFB74A]Kubaz Invader[-][/c] unit! These Data Fragments can't be found after 5/17. Get Death Star Crates now from Objectives, Heroic Defense, and the Shop!"
hn_cc_1_anh40_HQ2-5_final_e_title 'Star Wars: 40th Anniversary event ends 5/17'
hn_cc_1_anh40_HQ2-5_final_r_body "Don't miss your chance to unlock and upgrade the shield-blasting [c][FFB74A]Ithorian Infiltrator[-][/c] unit! These Data Fragments can't be found after 5/17. Get Death Star Crates now from Objectives, Heroic Defense, and the Shop!"
hn_cc_1_anh40_HQ2-5_final_r_title 'Star Wars: 40th Anniversary event ends 5/17'
hn_cc_1_anh40_HQ6-10_announce_e_body '[c][FFB74A]Star Wars: 40th Anniversary[-][/c] event runs from 4/19 to 5/17!\nCollect Death Star Crates and earn Data Fragments for the new [c][FFB74A]Lord Vader[-][/c] equipment. With this equipment, Darth Vader will bring troopers of the 501st Legion with him into battle!'
hn_cc_1_anh40_HQ6-10_announce_e_title 'Celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Star Wars'
hn_cc_1_anh40_HQ6-10_announce_r_body '[c][FFB74A]Star Wars: 40th Anniversary[-][/c] event runs from 4/19 to 5/17!\nCollect Death Star Crates and earn Data Fragments for the new [c][FFB74A]Artoo & Threepio[-][/c] equipment. With this equipment, R2-D2 closes in and stuns enemy turrets, with C-3PO by his side!'
hn_cc_1_anh40_HQ6-10_announce_r_title 'Celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Star Wars'
hn_cc_1_anh40_HQ6-10_final_e_body "Don't miss your chance to unlock [c][FFB74A]Lord Vader[-][/c] equipment! These Data Fragments can't be found after 5/17. Get Death Star Crates now from Objectives, Heroic Defense, and the Shop!"
hn_cc_1_anh40_HQ6-10_final_e_title 'Star Wars: 40th Anniversary event ends 5/17'
hn_cc_1_anh40_HQ6-10_final_r_body "Don't miss your chance to unlock [c][FFB74A]Artoo & Threepio[-][/c] equipment! These Data Fragments can't be found after 5/17. Get Death Star Crates now from Objectives, Heroic Defense, and the Shop!"
hn_cc_1_anh40_HQ6-10_final_r_title 'Star Wars: 40th Anniversary event ends 5/17'
hn_cc_1_anh40_pre_e_body 'Coming soon! Unlock the Imperial Astromedic, which heals infantry units using advanced bacta-based technologies. Compete in Conflicts during the [c][FFB74A]Star Wars: 40th Anniversary[-][/c] event!'
hn_cc_1_anh40_pre_e_title 'Coming Soon: New Unit Unlock'
hn_cc_1_anh40_pre_r_body 'Coming soon! Unlock the WED Treadwell Repair Droid, which repairs vehicles in the heat of combat. Compete in Conflicts during the [c][FFB74A]Star Wars: 40th Anniversary[-][/c] event!'
hn_cc_1_anh40_pre_r_title 'Coming Soon: New Unit Unlock'
hn_cc_1_anhrr_HQ2-5_announce_e_body '[c][FFB74A]Black Market[-][/c] event runs from 8/3 to 8/23!\nCollect Death Star Crates and earn Data Fragments for the [c][FFB74A]Imperial Astromedic[-][/c]. The Imperial Astromedic heals injuries with advanced bacta-based technologies!'
hn_cc_1_anhrr_HQ2-5_announce_r_body '[c][FFB74A]Black Market[-][/c] event runs from 8/3 to 8/23!\nCollect Death Star Crates and earn Data Fragments for the [c][FFB74A]WED Treadwell[-][/c]. The WED Treadwell makes field repairs to vehicles in the heat of combat!'
hn_cc_1_anhrr_HQ2-5_final_e_body "Don't miss your chance to unlock the [c][FFB74A]Imperial Astromedic[-][/c]! These Data Fragments are available for a limited time until 8/23. Get Death Star Crates now from Objectives, Conflicts and the Shop!"
hn_cc_1_anhrr_HQ2-5_final_r_body "Don't miss your chance to unlock the [c][FFB74A]WED Treadwell[-][/c]! These Data Fragments are available for a limited time until 8/23. Get Death Star Crates now from Objectives, Conflicts and the Shop!"
hn_cc_1_anhrr_HQ6+_announce_e_body 'The [c][FFB74A]Black Market[-][/c] event runs from 8/3 to 8/23!\nCollect Death Star Crates and earn Data Fragments for the [c][FFB74A]Lord Vader[-][/c] equipment. With this equipment, Darth Vader will bring troopers of the 501st Legion with him into battle! Also unlock the [c][FFB74A]Imperial Astromedic[-][/c] and take advantage of its advanced bacta-based technologies to heal injuries!'
hn_cc_1_anhrr_HQ6+_announce_r_body 'The [c][FFB74A]Black Market[-][/c] event runs from 8/3 to 8/23!!\nCollect Death Star Crates and earn Data Fragments for the new [c][FFB74A]Artoo & Threepio[-][/c] equipment. With this equipment, R2-D2 closes in to stun and damage enemy turrets, with C-3PO by his side! Also unlock the [c][FFB74A]WED Treadwell[-][/c] to make field repairs to vehicles in the heat of combat!'
hn_cc_1_anhrr_HQ6+_final_e_body "Don't miss your chance to unlock [c][FFB74A]Lord Vader[-][/c] equipment and the [c][FFB74A]Imperial Astromedic[-][/c]! These Data Fragments are available for a limited time until 8/23. Get Death Star Crates now from Objectives, Conflicts and the Shop!"
hn_cc_1_anhrr_HQ6+_final_r_body "Don't miss your chance to unlock [c][FFB74A]Artoo & Threepio[-][/c] equipment and the [c][FFB74A]WED Treadwell[-][/c]! These Data Fragments are available for a limited time until 8/23. Get Death Star Crates now from Objectives, Conflicts and the Shop!"
hn_cc_1_anhrr_announce_title 'Black Market: Death Star Crates'
hn_cc_1_anhrr_final_title 'Black Market Event ending 8/23'
hn_cc_1_anniversary2_body "Claim your Droideka and Krayt Dragon gift units in celebration of Star Wars: Commander's 2nd anniversary!"
hn_cc_1_anniversary2_title 'Special Anniversary Giveaway!'
hn_cc_1_anniversary_3yr_body 'Celebrate the 3rd Anniversary of Star Wars:Commander from [c][FFB74A]8/16 thru 8/22[-][/c]. Return daily to collect a [c][FFB74A]Daily Anniversary Crate[-][/c] and take advantage of the Crystal Bonus Sale with up to 30% off select Crystal Packages!'
hn_cc_1_anniversary_3yr_title 'Special Anniversary Celebration!'
hn_cc_1_anniversary_4yr_body "Celebrate Commander's anniversary with free [c][FFB74A]Daily Anniversary Crates[-][/c], a limited edition [c][FFB74A]Premium Anniversary Sale Crate[-][/c], and a Crystal Bonus with up to 30% extra crystals on select Crystal Packages! "
hn_cc_1_anniversary_4yr_title 'Star Wars: Commander, 4th Anniversary Celebration'
hn_cc_1_arcBiome_Jetpack_body_e 'Arctic Ops: Jump Trooper runs from 7/27 to 8/2!\nFor a limited time, Arctic Ops Crates are back! These crates have a good chance of containing Arctic equipment, including the new Arctic Jump Trooper!'
hn_cc_1_arcBiome_Jetpack_body_r 'Arctic Ops: Jetpack Trooper runs from 7/27 to 8/2!\nFor a limited time, Arctic Ops Crates are back! These crates have a good chance of containing Arctic equipment, including the new Arctic Jetpack Trooper!'
hn_cc_1_arcBiome_Jetpack_title_e 'Arctic Ops: Jump Trooper'
hn_cc_1_arcBiome_Jetpack_title_r 'Arctic Ops: Jetpack Trooper'
hn_cc_1_arcOps_HQ2-5_announce_e_body 'The Arctic Ops event runs from 3/16 to 4/12!\nCollect and open Arctic Operations Crates to unlock/upgrade the devastating MTV-7. This looter vehicle cracks open alloy and credit storage buildings with ease!'
hn_cc_1_arcOps_HQ2-5_announce_e_title 'New Event: Arctic Operations'
hn_cc_1_arcOps_HQ2-5_announce_r_body 'The Arctic Ops event runs from 3/16 to 4/12!\nCollect and open Arctic Operations Crates to unlock/upgrade the devastating AT-RT Walker. This looter vehicle cracks open alloy and credit storage buildings with ease!'
hn_cc_1_arcOps_HQ2-5_announce_r_title 'New Event: Arctic Operations'
hn_cc_1_arcOps_HQ2-5_final_e_body 'Arctic Ops Crates will disappear after 4/12! MTV-7 fragments can only be acquired in Conflicts once the event is over. Get crates now from Objectives, Heroic Defense, and the Store!'
hn_cc_1_arcOps_HQ2-5_final_e_title 'Arctic Operations Event ends 4/12'
hn_cc_1_arcOps_HQ2-5_final_r_body 'Arctic Ops Crates will disappear after 4/12! AT-RT Walker fragments can only be acquired in Conflicts once the event is over. Get crates now from Objectives, Heroic Defense, and the Store!'
hn_cc_1_arcOps_HQ2-5_final_r_title 'Arctic Operations Event ends 4/12'
hn_cc_1_arcOps_HQ6-10_announce_e_body 'The Arctic Ops event runs from 3/16 to 4/12!\nAll arctic Equipment has been buffed! Arctic Ops crates have the best chance to drop these Data Fragments, including Snowtroopers and the wall-smashing Modified INT-4 Interceptor.'
hn_cc_1_arcOps_HQ6-10_announce_e_title 'New Event: Arctic Operations'
hn_cc_1_arcOps_HQ6-10_announce_r_body 'The Arctic Ops event runs from 3/16 to 4/12!\nAll arctic Equipment has been buffed! Arctic Ops crates have the best chance to drop these Data Fragments, including Snow Soldiers and the wall-smashing Tauntaun Rider.'
hn_cc_1_arcOps_HQ6-10_announce_r_title 'New Event: Arctic Operations'
hn_cc_1_arcOps_HQ6-10_final_e_body 'Arctic Ops Crates will disappear after 4/12! Arctic equipment fragments will be more difficult to get once event ends. Get crates now from Objectives, Heroic Defense, and the Store!'
hn_cc_1_arcOps_HQ6-10_final_e_title 'Arctic Operations Event ends 4/12'
hn_cc_1_arcOps_HQ6-10_final_r_body 'Arctic Ops Crates will disappear after 4/12! Arctic equipment fragments will be more difficult to get once event ends. Get crates now from Objectives, Heroic Defense, and the Store!'
hn_cc_1_arcOps_HQ6-10_final_r_title 'Arctic Operations Event ends 4/12'
hn_cc_1_arcOps_pre_e_body 'Coming up soon! Unlock the turret-blasting IG-86 Assassin Droid by competing in Conflicts during the Arctic Operations Event!'
hn_cc_1_arcOps_pre_e_title 'Coming Soon: New Unit Unlock'
hn_cc_1_arcOps_pre_r_body 'Coming up soon! Unlock the turret-blasting Iakaru Warrior by competing in Conflicts during the Arctic Operations Event!'
hn_cc_1_arcOps_pre_r_title 'Coming Soon: New Unit Unlock'
hn_cc_1_bioBo_e_body 'Unit unlocks from the previous Desert, Forest, and Arctic Operations are coming back for one week only. Fight to unlock and upgrade the [c][F2D62F]Kubaz Invader[-][/c], [c][F2D62F]Tognath Marksman[-][/c] mercenary, and [c][F2D62F]IG-86\xa0Assassin Droid[-][/c]!'
hn_cc_1_bioBo_e_title 'Unit Unlock Rewards in Conflict Outbreak!'
hn_cc_1_bioBo_r_body 'Unit unlocks from the previous Desert, Forest, and Arctic Operations are coming back for one week only. Fight to unlock and upgrade the [c][F2D62F]Ithorian Infiltrator[-][/c], [c][F2D62F]Tognath Marksman[-][/c] mercenary, and [c][F2D62F]Iakaru Warrior[-][/c]!'
hn_cc_1_bioBo_r_title 'Unit Unlock Rewards in Conflict Outbreak!'
hn_cc_1_brute_body 'Dowutin Hunters are tough as durasteel rivets, and carry enough firepower to nearly level any base - giving new meaning to the term heavy infantry.'
hn_cc_1_brute_title 'New Mercenary: Dowutin Hunter'
hn_cc_1_cantina_ongoing_body 'The toughest fighters in the galaxy are waiting for orders. Build your Cantina today and hire these powerful mercenaries!'
hn_cc_1_cantina_ongoing_title 'Build a Cantina'
hn_cc_1_collection_btn 'Learn More'
hn_cc_1_con_outbreak2_end_body_e 'All forces proceed with the galactic assault! For a chance to secure seized Rebel vehicles, receive top honors during this Galactic Conflict.'
hn_cc_1_con_outbreak2_end_body_r 'Time is short - make sure that you are top tier in the Galactic Conflict for a chance to earn stolen Imperial vehicles!'
hn_cc_1_con_outbreak2_mid_body_e 'There is still time to secure your place among the victorious. Join the ongoing Galactic Conflict for a chance to earn seized Rebel vehicles!'
hn_cc_1_con_outbreak2_mid_body_r 'There is still time to defeat the Empire. Join the ongoing Galactic Conflict for a chance to earn stolen Imperial vehicles!'
hn_cc_1_con_outbreak2_start_body_e 'A major offensive is underway across the galaxy! Top Operatives will have a chance to field test seized Rebel vehicles.'
hn_cc_1_con_outbreak2_start_body_r 'There are conflicts erupting across the galaxy! Top Agents will have a chance to earn stolen Imperial vehicles!'
hn_cc_1_con_outbreak_end_body_e 'All forces proceed with the galactic assault! To secure seized Rebel vehicles, receive top honors during this Galactic Conflict.'
hn_cc_1_con_outbreak_end_body_r 'Time is short - make sure that you are top tier in the Galactic Conflict to receive stolen Imperial vehicles!'
hn_cc_1_con_outbreak_gen_end_body 'All forces proceed with the galactic assault! Receive top honors in the Galactic Conflict to earn powerful units!'
hn_cc_1_con_outbreak_gen_mid_body 'There is still time to earn powerful units! Fight your way to the top of the Galactic Conflict!'
hn_cc_1_con_outbreak_gen_start_body 'There are Conflicts erupting across the galaxy! Powerful Troops will be awarded to those who fight their way to the top!'
hn_cc_1_con_outbreak_mid_body_e 'There is still time to secure your place among the victorious. Join the ongoing Conflict across the galaxy to be rewarded with seized Rebel vehicles!'
hn_cc_1_con_outbreak_mid_body_r 'There is still time to defeat the Empire. Join the ongoing Conflict across the galaxy to be rewarded with stolen Imperial vehicles!'
hn_cc_1_con_outbreak_start_body_e 'A major offensive is underway across the galaxy! Top Operatives will be rewarded with the opportunity to field test seized Rebel vehicles.'
hn_cc_1_con_outbreak_start_body_r "There are Conflicts erupting across the galaxy! We've stolen Imperial vehicles, and will be awarding them to top Agents!"
hn_cc_1_con_outbreak_title 'Galactic Conflict!'
hn_cc_1_confHeroes_announce_hq5-_e_body 'This week, Conflicts on all planets reward [c][FFB74A]Death Trooper[-][/c] hero data fragments. This commando unit attacks turrets, but can also detect and destroy hidden traps. Claim your free samples now, then fight to unlock/upgrade permanently!'
hn_cc_1_confHeroes_announce_hq5-_r_body 'This week, Conflicts on all planets reward [c][FFB74A]Elite AT-TE Walker[-][/c] hero data fragments. This hulking unit targets enemy shield generators from long range. Claim your free samples now, then fight to unlock/upgrade permanently!'
hn_cc_1_confHeroes_announce_hq6+_e_body 'This week, Conflicts on all planets reward [c][FFB74A]Lord Vader[-][/c] equipment fragments. With this equipment, Darth Vader will summon stormtrooper reinforcements into battle! Fight to unlock/upgrade this equipment now!'
hn_cc_1_confHeroes_announce_hq6+_r_body 'This week, Conflicts on all planets reward [c][FFB74A]Senator Leia Organa[-][/c] equipment fragments. Activate this equipment on [c][FFB74A]forest worlds[-][/c] to enable Leia Organa to summon soldier reinforcements into battle! Fight to unlock/upgrade this equipment now!'
hn_cc_1_confHeroes_announce_title '2/15 to 2/28 Conflict Outbreak: Healers & Heroes'
hn_cc_1_confMedic_announce_e_body 'This week, Conflicts on all planets reward [c][FFB74A]Imperial Astromedic[-][/c] data fragments. This droid heals infantry in battle. Claim your free samples now, then fight to unlock/upgrade permanently!'
hn_cc_1_confMedic_announce_r_body 'This week, Conflicts on all planets reward [c][FFB74A]WED Treadwell Repair Droid[-][/c] data fragments. This unit repairs vehicles in the heat of combat. Claim your free samples now, then fight to unlock/upgrade permanently!'
hn_cc_1_confMedic_announce_title '2/15 to 2/28 Conflict Outbreak: Healers & Heroes'
hn_cc_1_confRedCup_20180510_e_body 'Fight in Conflicts to unlock and upgrade the brand new [c][FFAA33]AT-DT Walker[-][/c], inspired by "Solo: A Star Wars Story."'
hn_cc_1_confRedCup_20180510_e_title 'AT-DT Walker in Conflicts, Week 1 of 2!'
hn_cc_1_confRedCup_20180510_r_body 'Fight in Conflicts to unlock and upgrade the brand new [c][FFAA33]Stolen AT-DT Walker[-][/c], inspired by "Solo: A Star Wars Story."'
hn_cc_1_confRedCup_20180510_r_title 'Stolen AT-DT Walker in Conflicts, Week 1 of 2!'
hn_cc_1_confRedCup_20180510_smpl_e_body 'The [c][FFAA33]AT-DT Walker[-][/c] fires a massive shot that explodes on impact, dealing heavy area damage and cutting down lighter targets. Claim special samples of this vehicle to deploy immediately!'
hn_cc_1_confRedCup_20180510_smpl_e_title 'New Unit: AT-DT Walker'
hn_cc_1_confRedCup_20180510_smpl_r_body 'Re-purposed by the Alliance, the [c][FFAA33]Stolen AT-DT Walker[-][/c] fires a massive shot that explodes on impact, dealing heavy area damage and cutting down lighter targets. Claim special samples of this vehicle to deploy immediately!'
hn_cc_1_confRedCup_20180510_smpl_r_title 'New Unit: Stolen AT-DT Walker'
hn_cc_1_confRedCup_20180517_e_title 'AT-DT Walker in Conflicts, Week 2 of 2!'
hn_cc_1_confRedCup_20180517_r_title 'Stolen AT-DT Walker in Conflicts, Week 2 of 2!'
hn_cc_1_conf_announce_outbreak_body 'Get ready for the upcoming Galactic Conflict! Commanders will have a chance to capture enemy vehicles across the galaxy!'
hn_cc_1_conf_announce_outbreak_title 'Prepare for Galactic Conflict!'
hn_cc_1_conflictOutbreak_20170928_body_e 'This week, engage in the [c][FFB74A]Galactic Outbreak: Jump Trooper[-][/c] event to unlock Jump Trooper equipment!'
hn_cc_1_conflictOutbreak_20170928_body_r 'This week, engage in the [c][FFB74A]Galactic Outbreak: Jetpack Trooper[-][/c] event to unlock Jetpack Trooper equipment!'
hn_cc_1_conflictOutbreak_20170928_title_e 'Galactic Outbreak: Jump Trooper'
hn_cc_1_conflictOutbreak_20170928_title_r 'Galactic Outbreak: Jetpack Trooper'
hn_cc_1_conflict_expansion_body 'Victory Bonus is awarded during the Conflict. At the end of a Conflict, the highest tiers are eligible for special event unit upgrades and unlocks!'
hn_cc_1_conflict_expansion_title 'Improved Conflict Rewards!'
hn_cc_1_conflict_forums_body 'Join other Commanders in the official Star Wars: Commander forums!'
hn_cc_1_conflict_forums_title 'New Star Wars: Commander Forums!'
hn_cc_1_contraband_sale_body "Contraband is on sale for a limited time. Buy contraband for a discounted price from the shop, upgrading buildings, repairing champions and hiring mercenaries. Don't miss out on this special deal!"
hn_cc_1_contraband_sale_title 'Limited Time Contraband Sale!'
hn_cc_1_credits_sale_body 'Credits are on sale for a limited time. Buy credits for a discounted price in the shop, when upgrading buildings, and more. '
hn_cc_1_credits_sale_title 'Limited Time Credits Sale!'
hn_cc_1_crystalbonus1015_body 'Get up to 30% bonus Crystals when you purchase a Crystal pack.'
hn_cc_1_crystalbonus1015_title '30% Bonus Crystals For a Limited Time!'
hn_cc_1_crystalbonus1016_body "Celebrate Star Wars: Commander's 2nd anniversary with up to 30% bonus Crystals when you purchase a Crystal pack!"
hn_cc_1_crystalbonus1216_body 'Get up to 35% bonus Crystals when you purchase a Crystal pack.'
hn_cc_1_crystalbonus1216_title '35% Bonus Crystals For a Limited Time!'
hn_cc_1_crystalbonus_fbgr_body 'Get up to 25% bonus Crystals when you purchase a Crystal pack.'
hn_cc_1_crystalbonus_fbgr_title '25% Bonus Crystals For a Limited Time!'
hn_cc_1_dandoran_conflict_end_body_e 'The Rebel surge on Dandoran has been quelled, Operative. Your involvement in the conflict has been noted on your permanent record.'
hn_cc_1_dandoran_conflict_end_body_r 'The forests of Dandoran are quiet - a little too quiet. It looks like the Empire is turning their attention elsewhere for now.'
hn_cc_1_dandoran_conflict_end_title_e 'Conflict ending on Dandoran!'
hn_cc_1_dandoran_conflict_end_title_r 'Conflict ending on Dandoran!'
hn_cc_1_dandoran_conflict_mid_body_e 'It seems that the Wookiees are just as at home on Dandoran as they are on their native Kashyyyk. Join the conflict there and we will defeat them on two worlds!'
hn_cc_1_dandoran_conflict_mid_body_r "The Imperials have gained the advantage on Dandoran. We must press on and wrest free the Emperor's grip on this world!"
hn_cc_1_dandoran_conflict_mid_title_e 'Rebels Prevailing on Dandoran'
hn_cc_1_dandoran_conflict_mid_title_r 'Imperial Conquest on Dandoran'
hn_cc_1_dandoran_crystal_conflict_end_body_e "One day until the Conflict on Dandoran concludes. There's still time left to earn a cache of Crystals!"
hn_cc_1_dandoran_crystal_conflict_end_body_r "One day until the Conflict on Dandoran concludes. There's still time left to earn a cache of Crystals!"
hn_cc_1_dandoran_crystal_conflict_end_title_e 'Crystal Conflict on Dandoran Ending'
hn_cc_1_dandoran_crystal_conflict_end_title_r 'Crystal Conflict on Dandoran Ending'
hn_cc_1_dandoran_crystal_conflict_mid_body_e 'Earn a cache of Crystals by joining the Conflict on Dandoran and dominating the competition!'
hn_cc_1_dandoran_crystal_conflict_mid_body_r 'Earn a cache of Crystals by joining the Conflict on Dandoran and dominating the competition!'
hn_cc_1_dandoran_crystal_conflict_mid_title_e 'Crystal Conflict on Dandoran'
hn_cc_1_dandoran_crystal_conflict_mid_title_r 'Crystal Conflict on Dandoran'
hn_cc_1_dandoran_crystal_conflict_start_body_e 'Combat manuevers within the forests of Dandoran indicate a Conflict is underway there. Bring glory to the Empire, and earn a cache of Crystals!'
hn_cc_1_dandoran_crystal_conflict_start_body_r 'Support the Rebel Alliance in the Conflict on Dandoran! The most successful Commanders in this Conflict will earn a cache of Crystals.'
hn_cc_1_dandoran_crystal_conflict_start_title_e 'Crystal Conflict on Dandoran Begins'
hn_cc_1_dandoran_crystal_conflict_start_title_r 'Crystal Conflict on Dandoran Begins'
hn_cc_1_dandoran_spec2_conflict_end_body_e 'The Conflict on Dandoran ends tomorrow. This means one more day to earn TIE Advanced units by dominating this Conflict.'
hn_cc_1_dandoran_spec2_conflict_end_body_r 'The Conflict on Dandoran ends tomorrow. This means one more day to earn A-Wing units by outperforming rivals during this Conflict.'
hn_cc_1_dandoran_spec2_conflict_end_title_e 'TIE Advanced fighters on Dandoran Ending'
hn_cc_1_dandoran_spec2_conflict_end_title_r 'A-wings over Dandoran Ending'
hn_cc_1_dandoran_spec2_conflict_mid_body_e 'The TIE Advanced fighters deal increased damage to enemy shields. Dominate the Conflict on Dandoran, and claim these units!'
hn_cc_1_dandoran_spec2_conflict_mid_body_r 'A-wings fighters carry specialized ordinance that deals increased damage to enemy shields. Dominate the Conflict on Dandoran, and claim these units!'
hn_cc_1_dandoran_spec2_conflict_mid_title_e 'TIE Advanced fighters on Dandoran'
hn_cc_1_dandoran_spec2_conflict_mid_title_r 'A-wings over Dandoran'
hn_cc_1_dandoran_spec2_conflict_start_body_e 'Rebel forces continue to disrupt operations on Dandoran. TIE Advanced units will be issued to top performers in the Conflict there.'
hn_cc_1_dandoran_spec2_conflict_start_body_r 'Sources report an increased Imperial presence on Dandoran. A-Wing units will be issued to qualifying Commanders.'
hn_cc_1_dandoran_spec2_conflict_start_title_e 'TIE Advanced fighters on Dandoran'
hn_cc_1_dandoran_spec2_conflict_start_title_r 'A-wings over Dandoran'
hn_cc_1_dandoran_spec_conflict_end_body_e 'The Conflict on Dandoran ends tomorrow. Only one more day to earn TIE Advanced Data Fragments in this Conflict!'
hn_cc_1_dandoran_spec_conflict_end_body_r 'The Conflict on Dandoran ends tomorrow. Only one more day to earn A-Wing Data Fragments by outperforming rivals in this Conflict!'
hn_cc_1_dandoran_spec_conflict_end_title_e 'TIE Advanced fighters on Dandoran Ending'
hn_cc_1_dandoran_spec_conflict_end_title_r 'A-wings over Dandoran Ending'
hn_cc_1_dandoran_spec_conflict_mid_body_e 'TIE Advanced starfighters deal high damage to enemy shields. Dominate the Conflict on Dandoran, and claim Data Fragments to upgrade it!'
hn_cc_1_dandoran_spec_conflict_mid_body_r 'A-wing fighters carry specialized ordnance that deals high damage to enemy shields. Dominate the Conflict on Dandoran, and claim Data Fragments to upgrade it!'
hn_cc_1_dandoran_spec_conflict_mid_title_e 'TIE Advanced fighters on Dandoran'
hn_cc_1_dandoran_spec_conflict_mid_title_r 'A-wings over Dandoran'
hn_cc_1_dandoran_spec_conflict_start_body_e 'Rebel forces are disrupting operations on Dandoran. TIE Advanced Data Fragments will be granted to Operatives who perform well in this Conflict.'
hn_cc_1_dandoran_spec_conflict_start_body_r 'Imperial activity has increased on Dandoran. A-Wing Data Fragments will be issued to Agents who perform well in this Conflict.'
hn_cc_1_dandoran_spec_conflict_start_title_e 'TIE Advanced fighters on Dandoran'
hn_cc_1_dandoran_spec_conflict_start_title_r 'A-wings over Dandoran'
hn_cc_1_defRef_outbreak_e_body 'New rewards appear each week! Fight in conflicts on any planet to maximize [c][FFAA33]Guard Reserve[-][/c] unlocks/upgrades!\nWeek 1: [c][FFAA33]Melee Bruisers[-][/c]\nWeek 2: [c][FFAA33]Anti-vehicle[-][/c] (Factory)\nWeek 3: [c][FFAA33]Anti-infantry[-][/c] (Barracks)'
hn_cc_1_defRef_outbreak_r_body 'New rewards appear each week! Fight in conflicts on any planet to maximize [c][FFAA33]Guard Reserve[-][/c] unlocks/upgrades!\nWeek 1: [c][FFAA33]Melee Bruisers[-][/c]\nWeek 2: [c][FFAA33]Anti-vehicle[-][/c] (Factory)\nWeek 3: [c][FFAA33]Anti-vehicle[-][/c] (Barracks)'
hn_cc_1_defRef_outbreak_title 'Guard Reserves in Conflicts until 11/29!'
hn_cc_1_defRef_preview_body_e 'Coming soon! Unlock new [c][FFAA33]Guard Reserve[-][/c] equipment, which automatically summons guards to defend your base during combat. Get the fragments from crates during the Tactical Defenses event!'
hn_cc_1_defRef_preview_body_r 'Coming soon! Unlock new [c][FFAA33]Guard Reserve[-][/c] equipment, which automatically summons guards to defend your base during combat. Get the fragments from crates during the Tactical Defenses event!'
hn_cc_1_defRef_preview_title 'Coming Soon: New Equipment Type!'
hn_cc_1_defRef_release_body_e 'Unlock new [c][FFAA33]Guard Reserve[-][/c] equipment, which automatically summons guards to defend your base during combat. Data Fragment drop rates for this equipment are highest during the Tactical Defenses event, running from now until 7/12!'
hn_cc_1_defRef_release_body_r 'Unlock new [c][FFAA33]Guard Reserve[-][/c] equipment, which automatically summons guards to defend your base during combat. Data Fragment drop rates for this equipment are highest during the Tactical Defenses event, running from now until 7/12!'
hn_cc_1_defRef_release_title 'Tactical Defenses Event'
hn_cc_1_desBiomeJetpack_body_e 'The Desert Ops: Jump Trooper event runs from 7/13 to 7/19!\nDesert equipment is now available for a limited time from Desert Ops crates! These crates have an increased chance of containing Desert equipment, including the new Desert Jump Trooper!'
hn_cc_1_desBiomeJetpack_body_r 'The Desert Ops: Jetpack Trooper event runs from 7/13 to 7/19!\nDesert equipment is now available for a limited time from Desert Ops crates! These crates have an increased chance of containing Desert equipment, including the new Desert Jetpack Trooper!'
hn_cc_1_desBiomeJetpack_title_e 'Desert Ops: Jump Trooper'
hn_cc_1_desBiomeJetpack_title_r 'Desert Ops: Jetpack Trooper'
hn_cc_1_desBiome_annouce_e_body 'The Desert Ops event runs from 1/19 to 2/15!\nDominate Desert planets with new Sandtrooper Equipment! Open Desert Ops crates for the best chance to earn these Data Fragments, and buff your units with over 4x the power!'
hn_cc_1_desBiome_annouce_e_title 'New Event: Desert Operations'
hn_cc_1_desBiome_annouce_r_body 'The Desert Ops event runs from 1/19 to 2/15!\nDominate Desert planets with new Sand Soldier Equipment! Open Desert Ops crates for the best chance to earn these Data Fragments, and buff your units with over 4x the power!'
hn_cc_1_desBiome_annouce_r_title 'New Event: Desert Operations'
hn_cc_1_desBiome_final_e_body 'Desert Ops Crates will disappear after 2/15! Desert equipment fragments will be more difficult to get once event ends. Get crates now from Objectives, Heroic Defense, and the Store!'
hn_cc_1_desBiome_final_e_title 'Desert Operations Event ends 2/15'
hn_cc_1_desBiome_final_r_body 'Desert Ops Crates will disappear after 2/15! Desert equipment fragments will be more difficult to get once event ends. Get crates now from Objectives, Heroic Defense, and the Store!'
hn_cc_1_desBiome_final_r_title 'Desert Operations Event ends 2/15'
hn_cc_1_desOps_pre_e_body "Don't miss this chance! Unlock the shield-busting Kubaz Invader by competing in Conflicts during the upcoming Desert Operations Event!"
hn_cc_1_desOps_pre_e_title 'Coming Soon: New Unit Unlock'
hn_cc_1_desOps_pre_r_body "Don't miss this chance! Unlock the shield-busting Ithorian Infiltrator by competing in Conflicts during the upcoming Desert Operations Event!"
hn_cc_1_desOps_pre_r_title 'Coming Soon: New Unit Unlock'
hn_cc_1_dobjannounce_body 'Planetary Objectives will be assigned on a daily basis. Now complete tasks and collect updated Supply Crate rewards every day!'
hn_cc_1_dobjannounce_title 'Daily Objectives'
hn_cc_1_epDemo_announce_p1_e_body 'Complete the new Event to earn big rewards, including Data Fragments to unlock the explosive new [c][FFB74A]LIN Demolitionmech[-][/c] droid!'
hn_cc_1_epDemo_announce_p1_e_title 'New Event: "Explosive Finish"'
hn_cc_1_epDemo_announce_p1_r_body 'Complete the new Event to earn big rewards, including Data Fragments to unlock the explosive new [c][FFB74A]Demolition Droid[-][/c]!'
hn_cc_1_epDemo_announce_p1_r_title 'New Event: "Explosive Finish"'
hn_cc_1_epDemo_announce_p2_e_body 'Explosive Finish continues in Part II until 2/11! Play now to unlock/upgrade the explosive new [c][FFB74A]LIN Demolitionmech[-][/c] droid.'
hn_cc_1_epDemo_announce_p2_e_title 'Play Part II of the Explosive Finish event!'
hn_cc_1_epDemo_announce_p2_r_body 'Explosive Finish continues in Part II until 2/11! Play now to unlock/upgrade the explosive new [c][FFB74A]Demolition Droid[-][/c].'
hn_cc_1_epDemo_announce_p2_r_title 'Play Part II of the Explosive Finish event!'
hn_cc_1_epDemo_announce_p3_e_body '[FFB74A]Explosive Finish[-][/c] concludes with 4-day flash event! Play for bigger rewards, and a last chance to unlock/upgrade the new LIN Demolitionmech! Ends 2/14!'
hn_cc_1_epDemo_announce_p3_e_title 'Last Chance: LIN Demolitionmech Data Fragments'
hn_cc_1_epDemo_announce_p3_r_body '[FFB74A]Explosive Finish[-][/c] concludes with 4-day flash event! Play for bigger rewards, and a last chance to unlock/upgrade the new Demolition Droid! Ends 2/14!'
hn_cc_1_epDemo_announce_p3_r_title 'Last Chance: Demolition Droid Data Fragments!'
hn_cc_1_epNaval11212019_announce_p3_e_body 'Finish the mission! [FFB74A]Naval Assault, Part III[-][/c] ends 12/11! Play for big rewards, and a last chance to unlock/upgrade the Imperial Starfighter Pilot!'
hn_cc_1_epNaval11212019_announce_p3_r_body 'Finish the mission! [FFB74A]Naval Assault, Part III[-][/c] ends 12/11! Play for big rewards, and a last chance to unlock/upgrade the Alliance Starfighter Pilot!'
hn_cc_1_epNaval_announce_p1_e_body 'Admiral Ozzel has a mission for you! Complete the [c][FFB74A]Naval Assault[-][/c] event to earn rewards, including Data Fragments for the TIE fighter summoning [c][FFB74A]Imperial Starfighter Pilot[-][/c].'
hn_cc_1_epNaval_announce_p1_r_body 'Admiral Ackbar has a mission for you! Complete the [c][FFB74A]Naval Assault[-][/c] event to earn rewards, including Data Fragments for the X-wing summoning [c][FFB74A]Alliance Starfighter Pilot[-][/c].'
hn_cc_1_epNaval_announce_p1_title 'Return of the "Naval Assault" Event'
hn_cc_1_epNaval_announce_p2_title 'Naval Assault, Part II playable now!'
hn_cc_1_epNaval_announce_p3_e_body 'Finish the mission! [FFB74A]Naval Assault, Part III[-][/c] ends 3/22! Play for big rewards, and a last chance to unlock/upgrade the Imperial Starfighter Pilot!'
hn_cc_1_epNaval_announce_p3_e_title 'Last Chance: Imperial Starfighter Pilot Data Fragments'
hn_cc_1_epNaval_announce_p3_r_body 'Finish the mission! [FFB74A]Naval Assault, Part III[-][/c] ends 3/22! Play for big rewards, and a last chance to unlock/upgrade the Alliance Starfighter Pilot!'
hn_cc_1_epNaval_announce_p3_r_title 'Last Chance: Alliance Starfighter Pilot Data Fragments'
hn_cc_1_epSpacebear2_p1_announce_e_body 'Replay all 4 weeks of the first encounter with fast-talking pirate Hondo Ohnaka! Fight battles to earn EP and collect reward crates. Complete this classic event to acquire Data Fragments for the unyielding [c][FFB74A]Ongidae Oppressor![-][/c]'
hn_cc_1_epSpacebear2_p1_announce_e_title 'Commander Classic Event: Shared Interests'
hn_cc_1_epSpacebear2_p1_announce_r_body 'Replay all 4 weeks of the first encounter with fast-talking pirate Hondo Ohnaka! Fight battles to earn EP and collect reward crates. Complete this classic event to acquire Data Fragments for the unyielding [c][FFB74A]Bufopel Protector![-][/c]'
hn_cc_1_epSpacebear2_p1_announce_r_title 'Commander Classic Event: Shared Interests'
hn_cc_1_epSpacebear2_p2_announce_e_body 'Replay week 2 of the first encounter with infamous pirate Hondo Ohnaka! Fight battles to earn EP and collect reward crates. Complete this classic event to acquire Data Fragments for the infantry-hunting [c][FFB74A]614-AvA speeder bike![-][/c]'
hn_cc_1_epSpacebear2_p2_announce_e_title 'Commander Classic Event: A Friend in Need'
hn_cc_1_epSpacebear2_p2_announce_r_body 'Replay week 2 of the first encounter with infamous pirate Hondo Ohnaka! Fight battles to earn EP and collect reward crates. Complete this classic event to acquire Data Fragments for the infantry-hunting [c][FFB74A]V-4X-D Ski Speeder![-][/c]'
hn_cc_1_epSpacebear2_p2_announce_r_title 'Commander Classic Event: A Friend in Need'
hn_cc_1_epSpacebear2_p3_announce_HQ6-_e_body 'Week 3 of the first encounter with Hondo Ohnaka continues! Fight battles to earn EP and collect reward crates. Complete this classic event to acquire more Data Fragments for the infantry-hunting [c][FFB74A]614-AvA speeder bike![-][/c]'
hn_cc_1_epSpacebear2_p3_announce_HQ6-_e_title 'Commander Classic Event: An Enemy Within'
hn_cc_1_epSpacebear2_p3_announce_HQ6-_r_body 'Week 3 of the first encounter with Hondo Ohnaka continues! Fight battles to earn EP and collect reward crates. Complete this classic event to acquire more Data Fragments for the infantry-hunting [c][FFB74A]V-4X-D Ski Speeder![-][/c]'
hn_cc_1_epSpacebear2_p3_announce_HQ6-_r_title 'Commander Classic Event: An Enemy Within'
hn_cc_1_epSpacebear2_p3_announce_HQ7+_body 'Week 3 of the first encounter with Hondo Ohnaka continues! Fight battles to earn EP and collect reward crates. Complete this classic event to acquire more Data Fragments for the heavy-hitting [c][FFB74A]Fathier Rider![-][/c]'
hn_cc_1_epSpacebear2_p3_announce_HQ7+_title 'Commander Classic Event: An Enemy Within'
hn_cc_1_epSpacebear2_p4_announce_HQ6-_e_body 'Replay the conclusion of the first encounter with Hondo Ohnaka! Fight battles to earn EP and collect reward crates. Play this classic event for one more chance to acquire Data Fragments for the unyielding [c][FFB74A]Ongidae Oppressor![-][/c]'
hn_cc_1_epSpacebear2_p4_announce_HQ6-_e_title 'Commander Classic Event: Unpaid Debts'
hn_cc_1_epSpacebear2_p4_announce_HQ6-_r_body 'Replay the conclusion of the first encounter with Hondo Ohnaka! Fight battles to earn EP and collect reward crates. Play this classic event for one more chance to acquire Data Fragments for the unyielding [c][FFB74A]Bufopel Protector![-][/c]'
hn_cc_1_epSpacebear2_p4_announce_HQ6-_r_title 'Commander Classic Event: Unpaid Debts'
hn_cc_1_epSpacebear2_p4_announce_HQ7+_body 'Replay the conclusion of the first encounter with Hondo Ohnaka! Fight battles to earn EP and collect reward crates. Play this classic event for one more chance to acquire Data Fragments for the heavy-hitting [c][FFB74A]Fathier Rider![-][/c]'
hn_cc_1_epSpacebear2_p4_announce_HQ7+_title 'Commander Classic Event: Unpaid Debts'
hn_cc_1_epSpacebear_w1_e_body 'The brand new [c][FFB74A]Commander Events[-][/c] system is here! Play at your own pace to earn currency, Data Fragments, and more! Each week offers a new set of rewards, starting with the new [c][FFB74A]614-AvA speeder bike[-][/c]!'
hn_cc_1_epSpacebear_w1_r_body 'The brand new [c][FFB74A]Commander Events[-][/c] system is here! Play at your own pace and earn more rewards. Check out new content each week celebrating Star Wars: The Last Jedi, in theaters 12/15, starting with the [c][FFB74A]V-4X-D Ski Speeder[-][/c] from the movie!'
hn_cc_1_epSpacebear_w1_title 'New Event, New Rewards!'
hn_cc_1_epSpacebear_w3_body 'This week continues the celebration of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, in theaters now! Earn new rewards in the updated Commander Events system, including the [c][FFB74A]Fathier Rider[-][/c] inspired by the new movie.'
hn_cc_1_epSpacebear_w3_title 'Celebrating Star Wars: The Last Jedi'
hn_cc_1_epSpacebear_w4_e_body 'Complete the new Event to earn rewards, including Data Fragments to unlock the fearsome Ongidae Oppressor, seen in Star Wars: The Last Jedi.'
hn_cc_1_epSpacebear_w4_r_body 'Complete the new Event to earn rewards, including Data Fragments to unlock the imposing Bufopel Protector, seen in Star Wars: The Last Jedi.'
hn_cc_1_epSpacebear_w4_title 'New Rewards From Star Wars: The Last Jedi'
hn_cc_1_epSpacebear_w5_e_body "Miss out on last week's Event? Data Fragments for the Ongidae Oppressor are back in this week's Event! Unlock this powerful melee fighter, seen in Star Wars: The Last Jedi."
hn_cc_1_epSpacebear_w5_e_title 'Second Chance: Ongidae Oppressor Data Fragments!'
hn_cc_1_epSpacebear_w5_r_body "Miss out on last week's Event? Data Fragments for the Bufopel Protector are back in this week's Event! Unlock this powerful melee fighter, seen in Star Wars: The Last Jedi."
hn_cc_1_epSpacebear_w5_r_title 'Second Chance: Bufopel Protector Data Fragments!'
hn_cc_1_epSpacebear_w6_body "This week's Event concludes the celebration of Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Finish the Event for a guaranteed unlock/upgrade of the Fathier Rider from the movie, available this week only!"
hn_cc_1_epSpacebear_w6_title 'Last Chance: Fathier Rider Data Fragments!'
hn_cc_1_epTrixie_announce_p1_body 'Maz Kanata has a mission for you! Complete the event to earn rewards, including Data Fragments for the [c][FFB74A]Orbak Marauder[-][/c].'
hn_cc_1_epTrixie_announce_p1_title 'New event celebrating Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker!'
hn_cc_1_epTrixie_announce_p2_body "Part II of the event finishes 01/01! Complete Lando's tasks to earn rewards, including Data Fragments for the powerful [c][FFB74A]Orbak Marauder[-][/c]."
hn_cc_1_epTrixie_announce_p2_title 'Part II playable now!'
hn_cc_1_epTrixie_announce_p3_body "Part III of the event finishes 01/08! Complete Lando's tasks to earn rewards, including Data Fragments for the powerful [c][FFB74A]Elite Orbak Marauder[-][/c] equipment."
hn_cc_1_epTrixie_announce_p3_title 'Part III playable now!'
hn_cc_1_epTrixie_announce_p4_body 'Finish the mission! [FFB74A]Part IV[-][/c] ends 01/15! Play for big rewards, and a last chance to unlock/upgrade the Elite Orbak Marauder Equipment!'
hn_cc_1_epTrixie_announce_p4_title 'Last Chance: Orbak Marauder Data Fragments'
hn_cc_1_epTrixie_w1_HQ6-_body 'A mercenary mounted atop a powerful Orbak. Focusing on Barracks, Factories and Cantinas, they close in quickly and devastate anything caught in the blast of their SX-21 Scatter Blaster. [c][FFB74A]HQ Level 7 and Cantina required to train Orbak Marauder units.[-][/c]'
hn_cc_1_epTrixie_w1_HQ7+_body 'A mercenary mounted atop a powerful Orbak. Focusing on Barracks, Factories and Cantinas, they close in quickly and devastate anything caught in the blast of their SX-21 Scatter Blaster.'
hn_cc_1_epTrixie_w1_e_title 'New Mercenary: Orbak Marauder'
hn_cc_1_epTrixie_w2_HQ6-_body 'A mercenary mounted atop a powerful Orbak. Focusing on Barracks, Factories and Cantinas, they close in quickly and devastate anything caught in the blast of their SX-21 Scatter Blaster. [c][FFB74A]HQ Level 7 and Cantina required to train Orbak Marauder units.[-][/c]'
hn_cc_1_epTrixie_w2_HQ7+_body 'A mercenary mounted atop a powerful Orbak. Focusing on Barracks, Factories and Cantinas, they close in quickly and devastate anything caught in the blast of their SX-21 Scatter Blaster.'
hn_cc_1_epTrixie_w2_e_title 'New Mercenary: Orbak Marauder'
hn_cc_1_epTrixie_w3_HQ6-_body 'Riding a hardier breed of Orbak and equipped with more powerful ordanance, the Elite Orbak Marauder takes to the battlefield with increased health and damage. [c][FFB74A]HQ Level 7 and Cantina required to train Orbak Marauder.[-][/c]'
hn_cc_1_epTrixie_w3_HQ7+_body 'Riding a hardier breed of Orbak and equipped with more powerful ordanance, the Elite Orbak Marauder takes to the battlefield with increased health and damage.'
hn_cc_1_epTrixie_w3_e_title 'New Equipment: Elite Orbak Marauder'
hn_cc_1_epTrixie_w4_HQ6-_body 'Riding a hardier breed of Orbak and equipped with more powerful ordanance, the Elite Orbak Marauder takes to the battlefield with increased health and damage. [c][FFB74A]HQ Level 7 and Cantina required to train Orbak Marauder units.[-][/c]'
hn_cc_1_epTrixie_w4_HQ7+_body 'Riding a hardier breed of Orbak and equipped with more powerful ordanance, the Elite Orbak Marauder takes to the battlefield with increased health and damage.'
hn_cc_1_epTrixie_w4_e_title 'New Equipment: Elite Orbak Marauder'
hn_cc_1_erk_outpost_body "A Mining Complex has been located on Er'Kit. Capture it during a Squad War to increase your squad's wall and HQ durability!"
hn_cc_1_erk_outpost_title "Factory Outpost - Er'Kit"
hn_cc_1_erkit_conflict_end_body_e "The recent uptick in Rebel activity on Er'Kit seems to have run its course. You performed admirably, Operative. I begin to see now why Lord Vader has taken notice of your skill."
hn_cc_1_erkit_conflict_end_body_r "It's been a while since we've seen fighting like that on Er'Kit! We've got the bucket heads on the run - thanks for your help Agent!"
hn_cc_1_erkit_conflict_end_title_e "Conflict ending on Er'Kit!"
hn_cc_1_erkit_conflict_end_title_r "Conflict ending on Er'Kit!"
hn_cc_1_erkit_conflict_mid_body_e "The Rebel scum have found a weak spot in our forces on Er'Kit. We must regain the advantage and purge them from this world for good!"
hn_cc_1_erkit_conflict_mid_body_r "Empire forces are gathering on Er'Kit. If we allow an Imperial victory there, more Er'Kit will be enslaved. Join the fight for freedom!"
hn_cc_1_erkit_conflict_mid_title_e "Rebels Prevailing on Er'Kit"
hn_cc_1_erkit_conflict_mid_title_r "Imperial Conquest on Er'Kit"
hn_cc_1_erkit_crystal_conflict_end_body_e "One day until the Conflict on Er'Kit concludes. There's still time left to earn a cache of Crystals!"
hn_cc_1_erkit_crystal_conflict_end_body_r "One day until the Conflict on Er'Kit concludes. There's still time left to earn a cache of Crystals!"
hn_cc_1_erkit_crystal_conflict_end_title_e "Crystal Conflict on Er'Kit Ending"
hn_cc_1_erkit_crystal_conflict_end_title_r "Crystal Conflict on Er'Kit Ending"
hn_cc_1_erkit_crystal_conflict_mid_body_e "Earn a cache of Crystals by joining the Conflict on Er'Kit and dominating the competition!"
hn_cc_1_erkit_crystal_conflict_mid_body_r "Earn a cache of Crystals by joining the Conflict on Er'Kit and dominating the competition!"
hn_cc_1_erkit_crystal_conflict_mid_title_e "Crystal Conflict on Er'Kit"
hn_cc_1_erkit_crystal_conflict_mid_title_r "Crystal Conflict on Er'Kit"
hn_cc_1_erkit_crystal_conflict_start_body_e "A Conflict has begun on Er'Kit. A cache of Crystals will be granted to a select few who crush The Rebellion on that world."
hn_cc_1_erkit_crystal_conflict_start_body_r "There's Conflict on Er'Kit, and the Rebel Alliance needs support. The most successful Commanders in this Conflict will earn a cache of Crystals."
hn_cc_1_erkit_crystal_conflict_start_title_e "Crystal Conflict on Er'Kit Begins"
hn_cc_1_erkit_crystal_conflict_start_title_r "Crystal Conflict on Er'Kit Begins"
hn_cc_1_erkit_spec2_conflict_end_body_e "The Conflict on Er'Kit ends tomorrow. Only those who command top positions in this Conflict will be eligible for Johhar Kessen's services."
hn_cc_1_erkit_spec2_conflict_end_body_r "The Conflict on Er'Kit ends tomorrow. Only those who command top positions in this Conflict will be eligible for Johhar Kessen's services."
hn_cc_1_erkit_spec2_conflict_end_title_e "Johhar Leaving Er'Kit"
hn_cc_1_erkit_spec2_conflict_end_title_r "Johhar Leaving Er'Kit"
hn_cc_1_erkit_spec2_conflict_mid_body_e 'Johhar Kessen and his rifle "Karina" deal high damage at long range. This mercenary is well worth the exorbitant fees he commands.'
hn_cc_1_erkit_spec2_conflict_mid_body_r 'Johhar Kessen and his rifle "Karina" deal high damage at long range. This mercenary is well worth the exorbitant fees he commands.'
hn_cc_1_erkit_spec2_conflict_mid_title_e "Johhar on Er'Kit"
hn_cc_1_erkit_spec2_conflict_mid_title_r "Johhar on Er'Kit"
hn_cc_1_erkit_spec2_conflict_start_body_e "The Rebellion continues disrupting Er'Kit. Johhar Kessen himself will increase his personal involvement for those at the top during this Conflict."
hn_cc_1_erkit_spec2_conflict_start_body_r "The Empire continues to oppress Er'Kit. Johhar Kessen will increase his personal involvement for those at the top of this Conflict."
hn_cc_1_erkit_spec2_conflict_start_title_e "Johhar sighted on Er'Kit"
hn_cc_1_erkit_spec2_conflict_start_title_r "Johhar Sighted on Er'Kit"
hn_cc_1_erkit_spec_conflict_end_body_e "The Conflict on Er'Kit ends tomorrow. Johhar Kessen Data Fragments will be awarded to those who earn high positions in this Conflict."
hn_cc_1_erkit_spec_conflict_end_body_r "The Conflict on Er'Kit ends tomorrow. Johhar Kessen Data Fragments will be awarded to those who earn high positions in this Conflict."
hn_cc_1_erkit_spec_conflict_end_title_e "Johhar Leaving Er'Kit"
hn_cc_1_erkit_spec_conflict_end_title_r "Johhar Leaving Er'Kit"
hn_cc_1_erkit_spec_conflict_mid_body_e 'Johhar Kessen and his rifle "Karina" deal high damage at long range. There\'s still time to earn Data Fragments for this powerful mercenary!'
hn_cc_1_erkit_spec_conflict_mid_body_r 'Johhar Kessen and his rifle "Karina" deal high damage at long range. There\'s still time to earn Data Fragments for this powerful mercenary!'
hn_cc_1_erkit_spec_conflict_mid_title_e "Johhar on Er'Kit"
hn_cc_1_erkit_spec_conflict_mid_title_r "Johhar on Er'Kit"
hn_cc_1_erkit_spec_conflict_start_body_e "The Rebellion continues to interfere on Er'Kit. Earn the allegiance of Johhar Kessen by earning Data Fragments in this Conflict."
hn_cc_1_erkit_spec_conflict_start_body_r "The Empire continues to oppress Er'Kit. Earn the allegiance of Johhar Kessen by earning Data Fragments in this Conflict."
hn_cc_1_erkit_spec_conflict_start_title_e "Johhar sighted on Er'Kit"
hn_cc_1_erkit_spec_conflict_start_title_r "Johhar Sighted on Er'Kit"
hn_cc_1_event_buff_preview_body 'Each week over the next month, a new Conflict Reward Unit will receive major improvements. Prepare for the upcoming conflicts to sample, unlock, and upgrade them!'
hn_cc_1_event_buff_preview_title 'Event Unit Upgrades'
hn_cc_1_evergreen_body_e 'Help the forces of the Empire against the rebel uprising to preserve peace through the Galaxy! Battle now!'
hn_cc_1_evergreen_body_r 'Help the forces of the Rebel Alliance against the threat of the Empire and bring freedom to the Galaxy! Battle now!'
hn_cc_1_evergreen_title 'Star Wars: Commander'
hn_cc_1_find_squad_body 'Using donated troops is highly advantageous for both attacking and defending. Are your squadmates keeping your Squad Center full?'
hn_cc_1_find_squad_title 'Find Great Squadmates'
hn_cc_1_forBiome_HQ2-5_announce_e_body "The Forest Ops event runs from 2/16 to 3/15!\nForest event Starfighter unlocks are now available in limited time Forest Ops crates! Now's your chance to unlock/upgrade the anti-infantry HWK-290 and shield-busting A-wing!"
hn_cc_1_forBiome_HQ2-5_announce_e_title 'New Event: Forest Operations'
hn_cc_1_forBiome_HQ2-5_announce_r_body "The Forest Ops event runs from 2/16 to 3/15!\nForest event Starfighter unlocks are now available in limited time Forest Ops crates! Now's your chance to unlock/upgrade the anti-infantry VT-49 Decimator and shield-busting TIE Advanced!"
hn_cc_1_forBiome_HQ2-5_announce_r_title 'New Event: Forest Operations'
hn_cc_1_forBiome_HQ2-5_final_e_body 'Forest Ops Crates will disappear after 3/15! Forest equipment fragments will be more difficult to get once event ends. Get crates now from Objectives, Heroic Defense, and the Store!'
hn_cc_1_forBiome_HQ2-5_final_e_title 'Forest Operations Event ends 3/15'
hn_cc_1_forBiome_HQ2-5_final_r_body 'Forest Ops Crates will disappear after 3/15! Forest equipment fragments will be more difficult to get once event ends. Get crates now from Objectives, Heroic Defense, and the Store!'
hn_cc_1_forBiome_HQ2-5_final_r_title 'Forest Operations Event ends 3/15'
hn_cc_1_forBiome_HQ6-10_announce_e_body 'The Forest Ops event runs from 2/16 to 3/15!\nAll forest Equipment has been buffed! Forest Ops crates have the best chance to drop these Data Fragments, including the Heavy Shoretrooper and the massive AT-ACT.'
hn_cc_1_forBiome_HQ6-10_announce_e_title 'New Event: Forest Operations'
hn_cc_1_forBiome_HQ6-10_announce_r_body 'The Forest Ops event runs from 2/16 to 3/15!\nAll forest Equipment has been buffed! Forest Ops crates have the best chance to drop these Data Fragments, including the Gigoran Fighter and Senator Leia Organa.'
hn_cc_1_forBiome_HQ6-10_announce_r_title 'New Event: Forest Operations'
hn_cc_1_forBiome_HQ6-10_final_e_body 'Forest Ops Crates will disappear after 3/15! Forest starfighter fragments can only be acquired in Conflicts once the event is over. Get crates now from Objectives, Heroic Defense, and the Store!'
hn_cc_1_forBiome_HQ6-10_final_e_title 'Forest Operations Event ends 3/15'
hn_cc_1_forBiome_HQ6-10_final_r_body 'Forest Ops Crates will disappear after 3/15! Forest starfighter fragments can only be acquired in Conflicts once the event is over. Get crates now from Objectives, Heroic Defense, and the Store!'
hn_cc_1_forBiome_HQ6-10_final_r_title 'Forest Operations Event ends 3/15'
hn_cc_1_forBiome_Jetpack_body_e 'Forest Ops: Jump Trooper runs from 7/20 to 7/26!\nForest equipment returns in Forest Ops crates for a limited time! These crates have greater chances of containing Forest equipment, including the new Forest Jump Trooper!'
hn_cc_1_forBiome_Jetpack_body_r 'Forest Ops: Jetpack Trooper runs from 7/20 to 7/26!\nForest equipment returns in Forest Ops crates for a limited time! These crates have greater chances of containing Forest equipment, including the new Forest Jetpack Trooper!'
hn_cc_1_forBiome_Jetpack_title_e 'Forest Ops: Jump Trooper'
hn_cc_1_forBiome_Jetpack_title_r 'Forest Ops: Jetpack Trooper'
hn_cc_1_forBiome_pre_e_body 'Coming up soon! Unlock the Droideka-sniping Tognath Marksman by competing in Conflicts during the Forest Operations Event!'
hn_cc_1_forBiome_pre_e_title 'Coming Soon: New Unit Unlock'
hn_cc_1_forBiome_pre_r_body 'Coming up soon! Unlock the Droideka-sniping Tognath Marksman by competing in Conflicts during the Forest Operations Event!'
hn_cc_1_forBiome_pre_r_title 'Coming Soon: New Unit Unlock'
hn_cc_1_gamestop_body 'At any GameStop retail store, purchase a $50 or $25 iTunes gift card today and receive up to $9.99 worth of Crystals.'
hn_cc_1_gamestop_title 'Get Free Crystals at GameStop'
hn_cc_1_gke_compensation_body 'Thank you for your patience during the recent server maintenance. Have some crystals to get back in the action!'
hn_cc_1_gke_compensation_title 'Maintenance Complete'
hn_cc_1_goh_promo_body 'Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes'
hn_cc_1_goh_promo_title 'Master the Galaxy'
hn_cc_1_google_promo_tfa_body 'A FREE selection of elite units - inspired by The Force Awakens - are yours to command.  Available exclusively on all Android devices!'
hn_cc_1_google_promo_tfa_title 'Google Play Exclusive Gift!'
hn_cc_1_gorogue_body 'Create your own "Rogue One" short for a chance to win a trip to Lucasfilm to attend a screening of "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story."'
hn_cc_1_gorogue_title 'Go Rogue Contest'
hn_cc_1_healingstarship_body_e 'The T-5 Deliverance drops healing care packages for your troops to change the tide of battle. Upgrade your Starship Command to use this powerful support ship.'
hn_cc_1_healingstarship_body_r 'The E-50 Landseer drops healing care packages for your troops to change the tide of battle. Upgrade your Starship Command to use this powerful support ship.'
hn_cc_1_healingstarship_title_e 'Healing Starships Available'
hn_cc_1_healingstarship_title_r 'Healing Starships Available'
hn_cc_1_hoth_conflict_end_2xcontraband_body "Get over to Hoth and join the Conflict before it ends! There's still time to earn double Contraband rewards!"
hn_cc_1_hoth_conflict_end_2xcontraband_title 'Double Contraband Conflict on Hoth is nearly over!'
hn_cc_1_hoth_conflict_end_body_e 'The Rebel scum scatters throughout the Outer Rim. The Emperor will not stop until all traitors are brought to justice!'
hn_cc_1_hoth_conflict_end_body_r 'Nothing warms a cold night on Hoth more than smouldering Imperial Walkers. Great work Commander!'
hn_cc_1_hoth_conflict_end_title_e 'Conflict ending on Hoth!'
hn_cc_1_hoth_conflict_end_title_r 'Conflict ending on Hoth!'
hn_cc_1_hoth_conflict_mid_2xcontraband_body "The Conflict on Hoth is underway, but it's not too late to join and earn double the Contraband!"
hn_cc_1_hoth_conflict_mid_2xcontraband_title 'Head to Hoth for double Contraband rewards!'
hn_cc_1_hoth_conflict_mid_body_e 'Attention all garrisons on Hoth. Continued Rebellion victories will not be tolerated. Double your efforts, Operatives!'
hn_cc_1_hoth_conflict_mid_body_r "The Empire's sheer strength and numbers are making us look bad on Hoth. The time has come to gather our forces and bring the Empire to its knees!"
hn_cc_1_hoth_conflict_mid_title_e 'Rebels Prevailing on Hoth'
hn_cc_1_hoth_conflict_mid_title_r 'Imperial Conquest on Hoth'
hn_cc_1_hoth_conflict_start_2xcontraband_body 'Get your troops to Hoth this week and earn double Contraband rewards. Relocate today!'
hn_cc_1_hoth_conflict_start_2xcontraband_title 'Double Contraband Conflict on Hoth has begun!'
hn_cc_1_hoth_content_body_e 'A new set of Armory Equipment is now available! Open [c][F2D62F]Supply Crates[-][/c] to collect Data Fragments and unlock new Equipment.'
hn_cc_1_hoth_content_body_r 'A new set of Armory Equipment is now available! Open [c][F2D62F]Supply Crates[-][/c] to collect Data Fragments and unlock new Equipment.'
hn_cc_1_hoth_content_title_e 'New Armory Equipment Available'
hn_cc_1_hoth_content_title_r 'New Armory Equipment Available'
hn_cc_1_hoth_crystal_conflict_end_body_e "One day until the Conflict on Hoth concludes. There's still time left to earn a cache of Crystals!"
hn_cc_1_hoth_crystal_conflict_end_body_r "One day until the Conflict on Hoth concludes. There's still time left to earn a cache of Crystals!"
hn_cc_1_hoth_crystal_conflict_end_title_e 'Crystal Conflict on Hoth Ending'
hn_cc_1_hoth_crystal_conflict_end_title_r 'Crystal Conflict on Hoth Ending'
hn_cc_1_hoth_crystal_conflict_mid_body_e 'Earn a cache of Crystals by joining the Conflict on Hoth and dominating the competition!'
hn_cc_1_hoth_crystal_conflict_mid_body_r 'Earn a cache of Crystals by joining the Conflict on Hoth and dominating the competition!'
hn_cc_1_hoth_crystal_conflict_mid_title_e 'Crystal Conflict on Hoth'
hn_cc_1_hoth_crystal_conflict_mid_title_r 'Crystal Conflict on Hoth'
hn_cc_1_hoth_crystal_conflict_start_body_e 'A Conflict has begun on Hoth. A cache of Crystals will be granted to a select few who crush The Rebellion on that world.'
hn_cc_1_hoth_crystal_conflict_start_body_r "There's Conflict on Hoth, and the Rebel Alliance needs support. The most successful Commanders in this Conflict will earn a cache of Crystals."
hn_cc_1_hoth_crystal_conflict_start_title_e 'Crystal Conflict on Hoth Begins'
hn_cc_1_hoth_crystal_conflict_start_title_r 'Crystal Conflict on Hoth Begins'
hn_cc_1_hoth_spec2_conflict_end_body_e 'Imperial victory is assured, and access to surplus MTV-7 units will only be requisitioned for the most victorious Commanders.'
hn_cc_1_hoth_spec2_conflict_end_body_r 'The Conflict on Hoth ends tomorrow. There are limited AT-RT units to go around, so only the most elite Commanders will receive them.'
hn_cc_1_hoth_spec2_conflict_end_title_e 'MTV-7s on Hoth Ending'
hn_cc_1_hoth_spec2_conflict_end_title_r 'AT-RTs on Hoth Ending'
hn_cc_1_hoth_spec2_conflict_mid_body_e "The MTV-7 is fast, and custom built for hit and fade attacks against resource buildings. There's still time to acquire this unit on Hoth!"
hn_cc_1_hoth_spec2_conflict_mid_body_r "The AT-RT is fast, and custom build for hit and fade attacks against resource buildings. There's still time to acquire this unit on Hoth!"
hn_cc_1_hoth_spec2_conflict_mid_title_e 'MTV-7s on Hoth'
hn_cc_1_hoth_spec2_conflict_mid_title_r 'AT-RTs on Hoth'
hn_cc_1_hoth_spec2_conflict_start_body_e 'The Hoth conflict has begun. Commanders who outperform their peers will be granted access to MTV-7 units.'
hn_cc_1_hoth_spec2_conflict_start_body_r 'A Conflict on Hoth has erupted! There are a limited number of surplus AT-RT units, and they will be issued to the top active Commanders.'
hn_cc_1_hoth_spec2_conflict_start_title_e 'MTV-7s on Hoth'
hn_cc_1_hoth_spec2_conflict_start_title_r 'AT-RTs on Hoth'
hn_cc_1_hoth_spec_conflict_end_body_e 'Imperial victory is assured, and MTV-7 Data Fragments will be requisitioned for Commanders who perform well in this Conflict.'
hn_cc_1_hoth_spec_conflict_end_body_r 'The Conflict on Hoth ends tomorrow. Only high performing Commanders will be able to recieve AT-RT Data Fragments as a reward for their efforts!'
hn_cc_1_hoth_spec_conflict_end_title_e 'MTV-7 Upgrades on Hoth Ending'
hn_cc_1_hoth_spec_conflict_end_title_r 'AT-RT Upgrades on Hoth Ending'
hn_cc_1_hoth_spec_conflict_mid_body_e "The MTV-7 is custom built for blitz attacks on resource buildings. There's still time to earn Data Fragments for this unit in the Conflict on Hoth!"
hn_cc_1_hoth_spec_conflict_mid_body_r "The AT-RT is custom built for blitz attacks on resource buildings. There's still time to earn Data Fragments for this unit in the Conflict on Hoth!"
hn_cc_1_hoth_spec_conflict_mid_title_e 'MTV-7 Upgrades on Hoth'
hn_cc_1_hoth_spec_conflict_mid_title_r 'AT-RT Upgrades on Hoth'
hn_cc_1_hoth_spec_conflict_start_body_e 'The Hoth Conflict has begun. Commanders who outperform their peers will be granted access to MTV-7 Data Fragments.'
hn_cc_1_hoth_spec_conflict_start_body_r 'A Conflict has erupted on Hoth! A limited number of AT-RT Data Fragments will be issued to Commanders who perform well in this Conflict.'
hn_cc_1_hoth_spec_conflict_start_title_e 'MTV-7 Upgrades on Hoth'
hn_cc_1_hoth_spec_conflict_start_title_r 'AT-RT Upgrades on Hoth'
hn_cc_1_hovertankEqp_body_e 'Transform your 2-M Tank into the TX-225, inspired by Rogue 1! TX-225 Data Fragments have been added to all Weapons Research Crates.'
hn_cc_1_hovertankEqp_body_r 'Transform your AAT-1 Tank into the Stolen TX-225, inspired by Rogue 1! Stolen TX-225 Data Fragments have been added to all Weapons Research Crates.'
hn_cc_1_hovertankEqp_title_e 'New 2-M Tank Equipment!'
hn_cc_1_hovertankEqp_title_r 'New AAT-1 Hover Tank Equipment!'
hn_cc_1_hq10_announce_body_e 'Attention, Operative. Upgrade to HQ level 10 to take advantage of our new healing supply ships and additional upgrades to the Droideka Oppressor.'
hn_cc_1_hq10_announce_body_r 'Good news, Agent! Upgrade to HQ level 10 to take advantage of our new healing supply ships and additional upgrades to the Droideka Oppressor.'
hn_cc_1_hq10_announce_title_e 'Headquarters 10 Unlocked!'
hn_cc_1_hq10_announce_title_r 'Headquarters 10 Unlocked!'
hn_cc_1_jetpack_outbreak_20180322_e_title 'Conflict Outbreak: Jump Troopers'
hn_cc_1_jetpack_outbreak_20180322_hq5-_e_body 'Earn powerful Jump Trooper samples in Bronzium or higher on any planet. Immune to mortar fire, this unit closes swiftly on Rebel bases to deal damage with jetpack-mounted blasters!'
hn_cc_1_jetpack_outbreak_20180322_hq5-_r_body 'Earn powerful Jetpack Trooper samples in Bronzium or higher on any planet. Immune to mortar fire, this unit closes swiftly on Imperial garrisons to deal damage with jetpack-mounted blasters!'
hn_cc_1_jetpack_outbreak_20180322_hq6+_e_body 'Jump Trooper equipment is back! Place in Bronzium or higher on any planet to unlock/upgrade: [c][FFAA33]3/22 - 3/26, Desert Jump Trooper[-][/c] / [c][FFAA33]3/27 - 3/30, Arctic Jump Trooper[-][/c] / [c][FFAA33]3/31 - 4/4, Forest Jump Trooper[-][/c]'
hn_cc_1_jetpack_outbreak_20180322_hq6+_r_body 'Jetpack Trooper equipment is back! Place in Bronzium or higher on any planet to unlock/upgrade: [c][FFAA33]3/22 - 3/26, Desert Jetpack Trooper[-][/c] / [c][FFAA33]3/27 - 3/30, Arctic Jetpack Trooper[-][/c] / [c][FFAA33]3/31 - 4/4, Forest Jetpack Trooper[-][/c]'
hn_cc_1_jetpack_outbreak_20180322_r_title 'Conflict Outbreak: Jetpack Troopers'
hn_cc_1_jetpack_outbreak_20180405_hq5-_e_body '[c][FFAA33]Extra chance to earn rewards:[-][/c] Get powerful Jump Trooper samples in Bronzium or higher on any planet. Immune to mortar fire, this unit closes swiftly on Rebel bases to deal damage with jetpack-mounted blasters!'
hn_cc_1_jetpack_outbreak_20180405_hq5-_r_body '[c][FFAA33]Extra chance to earn rewards:[-][/c] Get powerful Jetpack Trooper samples in Bronzium or higher on any planet. Immune to mortar fire, this unit closes swiftly on Imperial garrisons to deal damage with jetpack-mounted blasters!'
hn_cc_1_jetpack_outbreak_20180405_hq6+_e_body "[c][FFAA33]Get more Jump Trooper Data Fragments![-][/c] Fight on any planet to earn different Jump Trooper types: [c][FFAA33]Tatooine, Er'Kit - Desert[-][/c] / [c][FFAA33]Hoth - Arctic[-][/c] / [c][FFAA33]Yavin 4, Dandoran, Takodana - Forest[-][/c]"
hn_cc_1_jetpack_outbreak_20180405_hq6+_r_body "[c][FFAA33]Get more Jetpack Trooper Data Fragments![-][/c] Fight on any planet to earn different Jetpack Trooper types: [c][FFAA33]Tatooine, Er'Kit - Desert[-][/c] / [c][FFAA33]Hoth - Arctic[-][/c] / [c][FFAA33]Yavin 4, Dandoran, Takodana - Forest[-][/c]"
hn_cc_1_jetpack_outbreak_20180405_title 'Extra Conflict Outbreak Goes To 4/11!'
hn_cc_1_join_better_squad_body 'Using donated troops is highly advantageous for both attacking and defending. Are your squadmates keeping your Squad Center full?'
hn_cc_1_join_better_squad_title 'Find Great Squadmates'
hn_cc_1_join_squad_body 'Together, you will rule the galaxy! Join a squad, or assemble your own to share both tactics and troops with your fellow Commanders.'
hn_cc_1_join_squad_title 'Join a Squad'
hn_cc_1_may2016_crystal_bonus_body 'Celebrate May the 4th with discounts and more on your favorite Star Wars™ games and apps. #StarWarsDay'
hn_cc_1_may2016_crystal_bonus_title 'May The 4th Be With You #StarWarsDay'
hn_cc_1_maz_preview_body 'Maz Kanata is coming with a special request! Complete her Objectives, and earn unique Supply Crate rewards!'
hn_cc_1_maz_preview_title 'Maz Kanata Event Starting Soon!'
hn_cc_1_maz_start_body_e 'Maz Kanata can grant you access to the Kubaz Invader if you complete her Objectives in time.'
hn_cc_1_maz_start_body_r 'Maz Kanata can grant you access to the Ithorian Infiltrator if you complete her Objectives in time.'
hn_cc_1_maz_start_title "Maz Kanata's Objectives"
hn_cc_1_monster_raid_nosquad_body 'Now you can use units donated by squad members in all defense missions. Join a squad, and prepare your defenses for your biggest challenge yet!'
hn_cc_1_monster_raid_preview_nosquad_body 'Use donated units from your Squad Center in defense against incoming monsters. For the best chances of capturing a unique rancor, join a squad now!'
hn_cc_1_monster_raid_preview_squad_body "This weekend, you'll need all the help you can get. Prepare your defenses, and fill your Squad Center for your biggest challenge yet!"
hn_cc_1_monster_raid_preview_title 'The Rancors are coming!'
hn_cc_1_monster_raid_squad_body 'Keep a lookout for rancor attacks. With help from your squad, you may be able to capture a rare rancor variant!'
hn_cc_1_monster_raid_title 'Monster Raids'
hn_cc_1_monster_raid_update_body 'Protect your base against wild Rancors. These limited-time raids occur [c][F2D62F]three times[-][/c] more frequently, and reward [c][F2D62F]Data Fragments[-][/c] as well as [c][F2D62F]Rancor Sample Units[-][/c]!'
hn_cc_1_monster_raid_update_title 'Monster Raids'
hn_cc_1_navalEvt_announce_body 'Coming soon! Unlock new units and equipment that automatically call in Starfighter attacks, striking from the ground and the sky! The [c][FFB74A]Naval Assault[-][/c] event starts at noon on 10/5.'
hn_cc_1_navalEvt_announce_title 'Coming Soon: New Units and Equipment!'
hn_cc_1_navalEvt_eqp_e_body 'Turn the Royal Guard hero into the [c][FFB74A]Naval Officer[-][/c], a deadly blaster-wielder who calls down turbolaser strikes from orbiting Star Destroyers! [c][FFB74A]Rodian Recon Snipers[-][/c] call in surgical TIE bomber strikes, and have increased damage and durability.'
hn_cc_1_navalEvt_eqp_e_title 'New Equipment Unlocks!'
hn_cc_1_navalEvt_eqp_r_body 'New [c][FFB74A]Millennium Falcon Support[-][/c] equipment powers up Chewbacca with aerial fire support from the trusty YT-1300 light freighter! Meanwhile, [c][FFB74A]Sullustan Recon Sharpshooters[-][/c] call in surgical Y-wing bombing strikes, and have increased damage and durability.'
hn_cc_1_navalEvt_eqp_r_title 'New Equipment Unlocks!'
hn_cc_1_navalEvt_lastChance_hq1-5_e_body 'Last chance to unlock [c][FFB74A]Naval Assault[-][/c] rewards! The [c][FFB74A]Imperial Starfighter Pilot[-][/c] automatically calls in TIE fighters! Get Data Fragments from crates in Objectives, Daily Crate, the Shop, and from Conflicts starting at Bronzium tier. Event ends 10/25!'
hn_cc_1_navalEvt_lastChance_hq1-5_e_title 'Naval Assault Event ending 10/25'
hn_cc_1_navalEvt_lastChance_hq1-5_r_body 'Last chance to unlock [c][FFB74A]Naval Assault[-][/c] rewards! The [c][FFB74A]Alliance Starfighter Pilot[-][/c] automatically calls in X-wing fighters! Get Data Fragments from crates in Objectives, Daily Crate, the Shop, and from Conflicts starting at Bronzium tier. Event ends 10/25!'
hn_cc_1_navalEvt_lastChance_hq1-5_r_title 'Naval Assault Event ending 10/25'
hn_cc_1_navalEvt_lastChance_hq6+_e_body 'Last chance to unlock [c][FFB74A]Naval Assault[-][/c] rewards! The Naval Officer hero equipment skin is backed by [c][FFB74A]orbital Star Destroyer fire support[-][/c]! Get Data Fragments from crates in Objectives, Daily Crate, the Shop, and from Conflicts starting at Bronzium tier. Event ends 10/25!'
hn_cc_1_navalEvt_lastChance_hq6+_e_title 'Naval Assault Event ending 10/25'
hn_cc_1_navalEvt_lastChance_hq6+_r_body 'Last chance to unlock [c][FFB74A]Naval Assault[-][/c] rewards! Use new equipment to power up Chewbacca with [c][FFB74A]Millennium Falcon fire support[-][/c]! Get Data Fragments from crates in Objectives, Daily Crate, the Shop, and from Conflicts starting at Bronzium tier. Event ends 10/25!'
hn_cc_1_navalEvt_lastChance_hq6+_r_title 'Naval Assault Event ending 10/25'
hn_cc_1_navalEvt_main_e_body 'The [c][FFB74A]Naval Assault[-][/c] event runs from 10/5 to 10/25!\nCollect fragments from Naval Assault Crates to unlock Naval Officer hero equipment with [c][FFB74A]orbital Star Destroyer fire support[-][/c], the TIE fighter summoning [c][FFB74A]Imperial Starfighter Pilot[-][/c], and more!'
hn_cc_1_navalEvt_main_e_title 'Naval Assault Event'
hn_cc_1_navalEvt_main_r_body 'The [c][FFB74A]Naval Assault[-][/c] event runs from 10/5 to 10/25!\nCollect fragments from Naval Assault Crates to unlock new units and equipment. Power up Chewbacca with [c][FFB74A]Millennium Falcon fire support[-][/c], train the X-wing summoning [c][FFB74A]Alliance Starfighter Pilot[-][/c], and more!'
hn_cc_1_navalEvt_main_r_title 'Naval Assault Event'
hn_cc_1_new-website_body 'Check out the latest news, videos, Community blogs, and the redesigned forums.'
hn_cc_1_new-website_title 'All-New: Star Wars Commander Website'
hn_cc_1_newHeroEvent_e_body 'The [c][FFB74A]Heavy Firepower[-][/c] event runs from 9/7 to 9/27!\nCollect Hero Crates and earn Data Fragments for the [c][FFB74A]Death Trooper[-][/c] hero. The Death Trooper hero targets defenses, including turrets as well as traps!'
hn_cc_1_newHeroEvent_e_title 'Heavy Firepower Event: Death Trooper!'
hn_cc_1_newHeroEvent_lastChance_e_body "Don't miss your chance to unlock the [c][FFB74A]Death Trooper[-][/c]! These Data Fragments are available for a limited time until 9/27. Get Weapons Research Crates now from Objectives, Conflicts and the Shop!"
hn_cc_1_newHeroEvent_lastChance_e_title 'Heavy Firepower Event ending 9/27'
hn_cc_1_newHeroEvent_lastChance_r_body "Don't miss your chance to unlock the [c][FFB74A]Elite AT-TE Walker[-][/c]! These Data Fragments are available for a limited time until 9/27. Get Weapons Research Crates now from Objectives, Conflicts and the Shop!"
hn_cc_1_newHeroEvent_lastChance_r_title 'Heavy Firepower Event ending 9/27'
hn_cc_1_newHeroEvent_r_body 'The [c][FFB74A]Heavy Firepower[-][/c] event runs from 9/7 to 9/27!\nCollect Hero Crates and earn Data Fragments for the [c][FFB74A]Elite AT-TE Walker[-][/c] hero. The Elite AT-TE targets enemy shield generators as it lumbers through the battlefield.'
hn_cc_1_newHeroEvent_r_title 'Heavy Firepower Event: Elite AT-TE Walker!'
hn_cc_1_new_squad_body 'Is your squad up to snuff? There are plenty of squads looking for your level of skills, Commander. Find the right one today!'
hn_cc_1_new_squad_title 'Squads Want You!'
hn_cc_1_newforum_body 'While the Playdom forums are down, head over to the Commander Forums to talk about the game!'
hn_cc_1_newforum_title 'New Forums!'
hn_cc_1_objend_dandoran_body 'Objectives are expiring soon on Dandoran - hurry and finish them to get your Supply Crates!'
hn_cc_1_objend_dandoran_title 'Objectives Expiring on Dandoran!'
hn_cc_1_objend_erkit_body "Objectives are expiring soon on Er'Kit - hurry and finish them to get your Supply Crates!"
hn_cc_1_objend_erkit_title "Objectives Expiring on Er'Kit!"
hn_cc_1_objend_hoth_body 'Objectives are expiring soon on Hoth - hurry and finish them to get your Supply Crates!'
hn_cc_1_objend_hoth_title 'Objectives Expiring on Hoth!'
hn_cc_1_objend_takodana_body 'Objectives are expiring soon on Takodana - hurry and finish them to get your Supply Crates!'
hn_cc_1_objend_takodana_title 'Objectives Expiring on Takodana!'
hn_cc_1_objend_tatooine_body 'Objectives are expiring soon on Tatooine - hurry and finish them to get your Supply Crates!'
hn_cc_1_objend_tatooine_title 'Objectives Expiring on Tatooine!'
hn_cc_1_objend_yavin_body 'Objectives are expiring soon on Yavin 4 - hurry and finish them to get your Supply Crates!'
hn_cc_1_objend_yavin_title 'Objectives Expiring on Yavin 4!'
hn_cc_1_one_week_double_objective_announce_body 'Until 8/2, Planetary Objectives reset every 12 hours. Complete double the objectives to earn EP faster!'
hn_cc_1_one_week_double_objective_announce_title 'Complete 2x Objectives For 2x EP!'
hn_cc_1_oppressor_body 'With dual plasma launchers and a shield, the heavy artillery wielding Droideka Oppressor complements its little brother in both attack and defense.'
hn_cc_1_oppressor_title 'Available now for Commanders with Headquarters Level 9!'
hn_cc_1_oppressor_update2_body 'The Droideka Oppressor and Droideka Sentinel each have 10 new levels to unlock! Roll out yours today!'
hn_cc_1_oppressor_update2_title 'Droideka Upgrades!'
hn_cc_1_oppressor_update_body 'The Droideka Oppressor has 20 additional levels to unlock and features upgraded armor. Roll out yours today!'
hn_cc_1_oppressor_update_title 'Droideka Oppressor Upgrades!'
hn_cc_1_planet_ongoing_body "Tatooine isn't the only world engulfed in struggle. Build a Planetary Command today and fight across the galaxy!"
hn_cc_1_planet_ongoing_title 'Build a Planetry Command'
hn_cc_1_prestige_announce_body_e 'Upgrade your Level 10 HQ to unlock Prestige! Get new building visuals, better combat stats, and access to rancors and other powerful creatures through the new [c][FFAA33]Strix Beacon[-][/c]!'
hn_cc_1_prestige_announce_body_r 'Upgrade your Level 10 HQ to unlock Prestige! Get new building visuals, better combat stats, and access to rancors and other powerful creatures through the new [c][FFAA33]Strix Beacon[-][/c]!'
hn_cc_1_prestige_announce_title_e 'All New Prestige Level'
hn_cc_1_prestige_announce_title_r 'All New Prestige Level'
hn_cc_1_previewRedCup_20180510_smpl_e_body 'Celebrate May the 4th with a sneak peek of the upcoming [c][FFAA33]AT-DT Walker[-][/c] unit, inspired by "Solo: A Star Wars Story." Until 5/10, get free samples of this vehicle unit every day from the exclusive [c][FFAA33]Star Wars Day Crate[-][/c].'
hn_cc_1_previewRedCup_20180510_smpl_e_title 'New Unit Preview: AT-DT Walker'
hn_cc_1_previewRedCup_20180510_smpl_r_body 'Celebrate May the 4th with a sneak peek of the upcoming [c][FFAA33]Stolen AT-DT Walker[-][/c] unit, inspired by "Solo: A Star Wars Story." Until 5/10, get free samples of this vehicle unit every day from the exclusive [c][FFAA33]Star Wars Day Crate[-][/c].'
hn_cc_1_previewRedCup_20180510_smpl_r_title 'New Unit Preview: Stolen AT-DT Walker'
hn_cc_1_protectiontimes_body_e 'Support fleets are occupied with the Rebels in another sector, so protection times are temporarily halved. Time to go on the offensive!'
hn_cc_1_protectiontimes_body_r 'While our fleets skirmish with the Imperial Navy in another sector, protection times are temporarily halved. Sounds like an opportunity to strike!'
hn_cc_1_protectiontimes_title_e 'Protection Times Halved'
hn_cc_1_protectiontimes_title_r 'Protection Times Halved'
hn_cc_1_raid_rush_body 'For this weekend only, earn boosted Supply Crate rewards from three times the number of daily Heroic Defense Missions! Get ready for a fight!'
hn_cc_1_raid_rush_title 'Triple Defense Challenge!'
hn_cc_1_raidrush_body 'For this weekend only, earn boosted Supply Crate rewards from three times the number of daily Heroic Defense Missions! Get ready for a fight, Commander!'
hn_cc_1_raidrush_title 'Raid Rush!'
hn_cc_1_raids1_body_e 'Upgrade your Headquarters to level 4 and unlock the Scout Tower. Be alerted to incoming enemies and defend your garrison from nightly raids!'
hn_cc_1_raids1_body_r 'Upgrade your Headquarters to level 4 and unlock the Scout Tower. Be alerted to incoming enemies and defend your base from nightly raids!'
hn_cc_1_raids1_title 'Night Raids'
hn_cc_1_raids2_body_e 'Build a Scout Tower to unlock nightly defense missions. Let your skills in defense exhibit that none can stand against the might of the Empire!'
hn_cc_1_raids2_body_r 'Build a Scout Tower to unlock daily nightly defense missions. Make a stand and show the Imperials that we are always ready to oppose them!'
hn_cc_1_raids3_body_e 'Our scouts will continue their vigilance... Check back often for incoming nightly enemy raids, and a chance at Supply Crate rewards!'
hn_cc_1_raids3_body_r 'The Rebellion has the best reconnaissance in the galaxy. Check the Scout Tower each night for incoming enemy raids - and earn Supply Crate rewards!'
hn_cc_1_rancorConflict_06122018_title_hq10+ '12/6 to 12/19: Permanent Rancor Unlocks in Conflicts'
hn_cc_1_rancorConflict_06122018_title_hq2-9 '12/6 to 12/19: Rancor Samples in Conflicts'
hn_cc_1_rancor_conflict_body_hq10+ 'The new Prestige level grants access to the [c][FFAA33]Strix Beacon[-][/c], which includes a basic Rancor unlock. Fight in Conflicts to earn Data Fragments to upgrade the Rancor, as well as unlock more powerful [c][FFB74A]Hunter[-][/c] and [c][FFB74A]Shadow Rancors![-][/c]'
hn_cc_1_rancor_conflict_body_hq2-9 'With a thick hide and massive claws, the Rancor is truly a sight to behold. Captive rancors are trained for combat, relentlessly crushing their targets. Fight in Conflicts to earn your own supply of these powerful creatures!'
hn_cc_1_rancor_conflict_title_hq10+ '9/27 to 10/10: Permanent Rancor Unlocks in Conflicts'
hn_cc_1_rancor_conflict_title_hq2-9 '9/27 to 10/10: Rancor Samples in Conflicts'
hn_cc_1_rc14announce_body 'Objectives are now available. Each one completed on time will earn you a Supply Crate with unique rewards!'
hn_cc_1_rc14announce_title 'Objectives'
hn_cc_1_rc16_announce_1_body_e 'Build a Scout Tower to unlock nightly defense missions. Let your skills in defense exhibit that none can stand against the might of the Empire!'
hn_cc_1_rc16_announce_1_body_r 'Build a Scout Tower to unlock nightly defense missions. Make a stand and show the Imperials that we are always ready to oppose them!'
hn_cc_1_rc16_announce_2_body_e 'Upgrade your Headquarters to level 4 and unlock the Scout Tower. Be alerted to incoming enemies and defend your garrison from nightly raids!'
hn_cc_1_rc16_announce_2_body_r 'Upgrade your Headquarters to level 4 and unlock the Scout Tower. Be alerted to incoming enemies and defend your base from nightly raids!'
hn_cc_1_rc16_announce_3_body_e 'Our scouts will continue their vigilance... Check back often for incoming nightly enemy raids, and a chance at Supply Crate rewards!'
hn_cc_1_rc16_announce_3_body_r 'The Rebellion has the best reconnaissance in the galaxy. Check the Scout Tower each night for incoming enemy raids - and earn Supply Crate rewards!'
hn_cc_1_rc16_announce_title 'Night Raids'
hn_cc_1_rc17-5_announce_body "See the history of your Squad's engagements with the new Squad Wars log, and collect rewards after a Squad War ends."
hn_cc_1_rc17-5_announce_title 'Squad Wars Log'
hn_cc_1_rc18_announce_body 'Work with your squad to unlock new Perks! Squad Perks provide useful boosts, like resource generator speed-ups or reduced training costs!'
hn_cc_1_rc18_announce_title 'Squad Perks!'
hn_cc_1_rc19_announce_body 'New Equipment can change the appearance and abilites of units and structures. Build an Armory and start using Equipment today! '
hn_cc_1_rc19_announce_title 'Equipment!'
hn_cc_1_rc20_announce_update_body 'Powerful units can now be unlocked and upgraded with [c][F2D62F]Data Fragments[-][/c]. Battle in Planetary Conflicts to earn some now!'
hn_cc_1_rc20_announce_update_title 'New Unlocks & Upgrades'
hn_cc_1_rc21_luckyHovertank_1_body_e 'Weapons Research Crates have a higher chance to drop rare TX-225 equipment fragments until 1/11! Only available during the Rogue One event!'
hn_cc_1_rc21_luckyHovertank_1_body_r 'Weapons Research Crates have a higher chance to drop rare Stolen TX-225 equipment fragments until 1/11! Only available during the Rogue One event!'
hn_cc_1_rc21_luckyHovertank_1_title_e 'Higher chance to get TX-225!'
hn_cc_1_rc21_luckyHovertank_1_title_r 'Higher chance to get Stolen TX-225!'
hn_cc_1_rc21_luckyMerc_1_body_e 'Weapons Research Crates have a higher chance of dropping Security Droid Data Fragments until 12/28! These crates are only available during the Rogue One event!'
hn_cc_1_rc21_luckyMerc_1_body_r 'Weapons Research Crates have a higher chance of dropping Drabatan Saboteur Data Fragments until 12/28! These crates are only available during the Rogue One event!'
hn_cc_1_rc21_luckyMerc_1_title_e 'Higher chance to get Security Droid!'
hn_cc_1_rc21_luckyMerc_1_title_r 'Higher chance to get Drabatan Saboteur!'
hn_cc_1_rc21_luckyMerc_2_body_e 'Last chance to get Weapons Research Crates before the Rogue One event ends! Open them now to capitalize on higher Security Droid fragment drop rates until 1/17!'
hn_cc_1_rc21_luckyMerc_2_body_r 'Last chance to get Weapons Research Crates before the Rogue One event ends! Open them now to capitalize on higher Drabatan Saboteur fragment drop rates until 1/17!'
hn_cc_1_rc21_luckyMerc_2_title_e 'Last chance to get Security Droid!'
hn_cc_1_rc21_luckyMerc_2_title_r 'Last chance to get Drabatan Saboteur!'
hn_cc_1_rc21_luckyStarfighter_1_body_e 'Weapons Research Crates have a higher chance of dropping TIE Striker Data Fragments until 12/14! These crates are only available during the Rogue One event!'
hn_cc_1_rc21_luckyStarfighter_1_body_r 'Weapons Research Crates have a higher chance of dropping Fang Fighter Data Fragments until 12/14! These crates are only available during the Rogue One event!'
hn_cc_1_rc21_luckyStarfighter_1_title_e 'Higher chance to get TIE Striker!'
hn_cc_1_rc21_luckyStarfighter_1_title_r 'Higher chance to get Fang Fighter!'
hn_cc_1_rc21_luckyStarfighter_2_body_e 'Weapons Research Crates will disappear after the Rogue One event! Open them now, and take advantage of higher TIE Striker fragment drop rates until 1/4!'
hn_cc_1_rc21_luckyStarfighter_2_body_r 'Weapons Research Crates will disappear after the Rogue One event! Open them now, and take advantage of higher Fang Fighter fragment drop rates until 1/4!'
hn_cc_1_rc21_luckyStarfighter_2_title_e 'Higher chance to get TIE Striker!'
hn_cc_1_rc21_luckyStarfighter_2_title_r 'Higher chance to get Fang Fighter!'
hn_cc_1_redcup_20180524_HQ4-_e_body 'Commander celebrates "Solo: A Star Wars Story" with the [c][FFAA33]Lucky Break[-][/c] event! Play now and earn Data Fragments to unlock the devastating AT-DT Walker, inspired by the new movie!'
hn_cc_1_redcup_20180524_HQ4-_e_title 'Unlock new AT-DT Walker!'
hn_cc_1_redcup_20180524_HQ4-_r_body 'Commander celebrates "Solo: A Star Wars Story" with the [c][FFAA33]Lucky Break[-][/c] event! Play now and earn Data Fragments to unlock the devastating Stolen AT-DT Walker, inspired by the new movie!'
hn_cc_1_redcup_20180524_HQ4-_r_title 'Unlock new Stolen AT-DT Walker!'
hn_cc_1_redcup_20180524_HQ5+_e_body 'Commander celebrates "Solo: A Star Wars Story" with the [c][FFAA33]Lucky Break[-][/c] event! Play now and earn Data Fragments to unlock the heavy-duty AT-Hauler starship, inspired by the new movie!'
hn_cc_1_redcup_20180524_HQ5+_e_title 'Unlock new AT-Hauler starship!'
hn_cc_1_redcup_20180524_HQ5+_r_body 'Commander celebrates "Solo: A Star Wars Story" with the [c][FFAA33]Lucky Break[-][/c] event! Play now and earn Data Fragments to unlock the Salvaged AT-Hauler starship, inspired by the new movie!'
hn_cc_1_redcup_20180524_HQ5+_r_title 'Unlock new Salvaged AT-Hauler starship!'
hn_cc_1_redcup_20180531_HQ4-_e_body 'Celebrate "Solo: A Star Wars Story" with Part II of the [c][FFAA33]Lucky Break[-][/c] event! Play now for another chance to unlock/upgrade the devastating AT-DT Walker!'
hn_cc_1_redcup_20180531_HQ4-_r_body 'Celebrate "Solo: A Star Wars Story" with Part II of the [c][FFAA33]Lucky Break[-][/c] event! Play now for another chance to unlock/upgrade the devastating Stolen AT-DT Walker!'
hn_cc_1_redcup_20180531_HQ5+_e_body 'Celebrate "Solo: A Star Wars Story" with Part II of the [c][FFAA33]Lucky Break[-][/c] event! Play now for another chance to unlock/upgrade the heavy-duty AT-Hauler starship!'
hn_cc_1_redcup_20180531_HQ5+_r_body 'Celebrate "Solo: A Star Wars Story" with Part II of the [c][FFAA33]Lucky Break[-][/c] event! Play now for another chance to unlock/upgrade the Salvaged AT-Hauler starship!'
hn_cc_1_redcup_20180607_body 'The [c][FFAA33]Lucky Break[-][/c] event continues! Finish Part III to unlock the A-LT "Turret Slicer" droid, inspired by the new movie!'
hn_cc_1_redcup_20180607_title 'Unlock new A-LT "Turret Slicer" droid!'
hn_cc_1_redcup_20180614_HQ6+_e_body 'The [c][FFAA33]Lucky Break[-][/c] event concludes this week with Part IV, and the introduction of starfighter equipment! Unlock the TIE Brute heavy starfighter skin, and activate in the Armory to transform the TIE fighter and greatly boost its damage output!'
hn_cc_1_redcup_20180614_HQ6+_e_title 'New damage-boosting equipment for TIE fighter!'
hn_cc_1_redcup_20180614_HQ6+_r_body 'The [c][FFAA33]Lucky Break[-][/c] event concludes this week with Part IV, and the introduction of starfighter equipment! Unlock the U-wing starfighter skin, and activate in the Armory to transform the X-wing starfighter and greatly boost its damage output!'
hn_cc_1_redcup_20180614_HQ6+_r_title 'New damage-boosting equipment for X-wing starfighter!'
hn_cc_1_redcup_20180614_e_body 'The [c][FFAA33]Lucky Break[-][/c] event concludes this week with Part IV. Complete the event to earn special samples of the A-LT "Turret Slicer" droid, plus enough Data Fragments to unlock the VT-49 Decimator starfighter!'
hn_cc_1_redcup_20180614_r_body 'The [c][FFAA33]Lucky Break[-][/c] event concludes this week with Part IV. Complete the event to earn special samples of the A-LT "Turret Slicer" droid, plus enough Data Fragments to unlock the HWK-290 starfighter!'
hn_cc_1_redcup_20180614_title 'Acquire A-LT "Turret Slicer" droids!'
hn_cc_1_redcup_20180816_e_body "Replay the 4-week classic event, connecting a moment in Lando Calrissian's past with the present! Fight battles to earn Coaxium and collect reward crates. Complete this classic event to acquire Data Fragments for the [c][FFB74A]devastating AT-DT Walker[-][/c]!"
hn_cc_1_redcup_20180816_r_body "Replay the 4-week classic event, connecting a moment in Lando Calrissian's past with the present! Fight battles to earn Coaxium and collect reward crates. Complete this classic event to acquire Data Fragments for the [c][FFB74A]devastating Stolen AT-DT Walker[-][/c]!"
hn_cc_1_redcup_20180816_title 'Commander Classic Event: Lucky Break'
hn_cc_1_redcup_20180823_HQ4-_e_body 'Replay week 2 of the strange first encounter with Coaxium-seeking Therm Scissorpunch! Fight battles to earn Coaxium and collect reward crates. Complete this classic event to acquire Data Fragments for the [c][FFB74A]devastating AT-DT Walker[-][/c]!'
hn_cc_1_redcup_20180823_HQ4-_r_body 'Replay week 2 of the strange first encounter with Coaxium-seeking Therm Scissorpunch! Fight battles to earn Coaxium and collect reward crates. Complete this classic event to acquire Data Fragments for the [c][FFB74A]devastating Stolen AT-DT Walker[-][/c]!'
hn_cc_1_redcup_20180823_HQ5+_e_body 'Replay week 2 of the strange first encounter with Coaxium-seeking Therm Scissorpunch! Fight battles to earn Coaxium and collect reward crates. Complete this classic event to acquire Data Fragments for the [c][FFB74A]AT-Hauler starship[-][/c]!'
hn_cc_1_redcup_20180823_HQ5+_r_body 'Replay week 2 of the strange first encounter with Coaxium-seeking Therm Scissorpunch! Fight battles to earn Coaxium and collect reward crates. Complete this classic event to acquire Data Fragments for the [c][FFB74A]Salvaged AT-Hauler starship[-][/c]!'
hn_cc_1_redcup_20180823_title 'Commander Classic Event: Lucky Break, Part 2'
hn_cc_1_redcup_20180830_HQ7+_body 'Replay week 3 of Therm Scissorpunch\'s increasingly suspicious search for Coaxium! Fight battles to earn Coaxium and collect reward crates. Complete this classic event to acquire Data Fragments for the [c][FFB74A]A-LT "Turret Slicer" mercenary[-][/c]!'
hn_cc_1_redcup_20180906_HQ5-_e_body "Replay the final chapter of the [c][FFAA33]Lucky Break[-][/c] event! See the conclusion of Therm Scissorpunch's story, and earn Data Fragments for the [c][FFB74A]devastating AT-DT Walker[-][/c]!"
hn_cc_1_redcup_20180906_HQ5-_r_body "Replay the final chapter of the [c][FFAA33]Lucky Break[-][/c] event! See the conclusion of Therm Scissorpunch's story, and earn Data Fragments for the [c][FFB74A]devastating Stolen AT-DT Walker[-][/c]!"
hn_cc_1_redcup_20180906_HQ5-_title 'Commander Classic Event: Lucky Break, Part 4'
hn_cc_1_redcup_20180906_HQ6+_e_body "Replay the final chapter of the [c][FFAA33]Lucky Break[-][/c] event! See the conclusion of Therm Scissorpunch's story, and earn Data Fragments for the [c][FFAA33]TIE Brute heavy starfighter[-][/c] skin. Activate in the Armory to transform the TIE fighter and greatly boost its damage output!"
hn_cc_1_redcup_20180906_HQ6+_e_title 'Damage-boosting equipment for TIE fighter!'
hn_cc_1_redcup_20180906_HQ6+_r_body "Replay the final chapter of the [c][FFAA33]Lucky Break[-][/c] event! See the conclusion of Therm Scissorpunch's story, and earn Data Fragments for the [c][FFAA33]U-wing starfighter[-][/c] skin. Activate in the Armory to transform the X-wing starfighter and greatly boost its damage output!"
hn_cc_1_redcup_20180906_HQ6+_r_title 'Damage-boosting equipment for X-wing starfighter!'
hn_cc_1_reprush_announce_body 'Are you the best squad in the galaxy?  The squad that earns the most Reputation between 8/1 to 8/15 will receive recognition for their achievement!'
hn_cc_1_reprush_announce_title 'Squad Perks: Reputation Rush Competition'
hn_cc_1_reprush_mid_body 'Earn DOUBLE Reputation from donations between 8/1 and 8/15. Donate troops and win Squad Wars to earn Reputation toward your Squad Reputation total! '
hn_cc_1_reprush_mid_title 'Reputation Rush Leaders'
hn_cc_1_reprush_start_body 'Earn DOUBLE Reputation from donations between 8/1 and 8/15. The squad that earns the most during this period will receive galactic recognition!'
hn_cc_1_reprush_start_title 'Reputation Rush has begun'
hn_cc_1_reprush_winner_body 'Results are in! W.A.R.United worked together to earn 1829 Reputation. Congratulations for being the biggest name in the galaxy!'
hn_cc_1_reprush_winner_title 'Reputation Rush Winner: W.A.R.United!'
hn_cc_1_rider_body 'Luggabeast Munitioneers serve a unique support role in any army by increasing the raw damage output of nearby troops and vehicles.'
hn_cc_1_rider_title 'New Mercenary: Luggabeast Munitioneer'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20180412_HQ2-5_e_body 'These troops are specially trained to seek out and destroy traps. Claim sample [c][FFAA33]Shock Troopers[-][/c] to deploy immediately, then complete part I of the Questionable Cargo event to [c][FFAA33]unlock/upgrade[-][/c] them permanently!'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20180412_HQ2-5_e_title 'Shock Troopers in event until 4/18!'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20180412_HQ2-5_r_body 'These troops are specially trained to seek out and destroy traps. Claim sample [c][FFAA33]Rebel Vanguards to deploy immediately, then complete part I of the Questionable Cargo event to [c][FFAA33]unlock/upgrade[-][/c] them permanently!'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20180412_HQ2-5_r_title 'Rebel Vanguards in event until 4/18!'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20180412_HQ6+_e_body 'Transform the 2-M Tank into the [c][FFAA33]TX-225[-][/c] assault tank! Thick armor plates offer greater protection and enable the tank to crush walls. Complete part I of the Questionable Cargo event to earn Data Fragments for this Elite Equipment.'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20180412_HQ6+_e_title 'TX-225 Tank Equipment in event until 4/18!'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20180412_HQ6+_r_body 'Transform the AAT-1 Hover Tank into the [c][FFAA33]Stolen TX-225[-][/c] assault tank! Thick armor plates offer greater protection and enable the tank to crush walls. Complete part I of the Questionable Cargo event to earn Data Fragments for this Elite Equipment.'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20180412_HQ6+_r_title 'Stolen TX-225 Equipment in event until 4/18!'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20180419_HQ2-5_body 'Sniper hero [c][FFAA33]Johhar Kessen[-][/c] picks off targets with ranged blaster fire. A pulse cannon attached to his rifle fires a powerful shot that penetrates multiple targets. Claim samples to deploy immediately, then complete part II of the Event to [c][FFAA33]unlock/upgrade[-][/c] this hero permanently!'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20180419_HQ2-5_title 'Johhar Kessen in event until 4/25!'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20180419_HQ6+_e_body "The [c][FFAA33]TIE Striker's[-][/c] attached proton bomb launcher deals heavy damage to vehicle units. Complete part II of the Questionable Cargo event to earn Unit Data Fragments and permanently [c][FFAA33]unlock/upgrade[-][/c] this starfighter!"
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20180419_HQ6+_e_title 'TIE Striker in event until 4/25!'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20180419_HQ6+_r_body "The [c][FFAA33]Fang Fighter's[-][/c] attached proton torpedo launcher is devastating to vehicle units. Complete part II of the Questionable Cargo event to earn Unit Data Fragments and permanently [c][FFAA33]unlock/upgrade[-][/c] this starfighter!"
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20180419_HQ6+_r_title 'Fang Fighter in event until 4/25!'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20180426_HQ2-6_body 'Sniper hero [c][FFAA33]Johhar Kessen[-][/c] picks off targets with ranged blaster fire. A pulse cannon attached to his rifle fires a powerful shot that penetrates multiple targets. Claim samples to deploy immediately, then complete part III of the Event to [c][FFAA33]unlock/upgrade[-][/c] this hero permanently!'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20180426_HQ2-6_title 'Johhar Kessen in event until 5/3!'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20180426_HQ7+_e_body 'The [c][FFAA33]Security Droid[-][/c] carries sonic grenades that temporarily weaken structures, increasing the damage taken. Complete part III of the Questionable Cargo event to earn Unit Data Fragments and permanently [c][FFAA33]unlock/upgrade[-][/c] this starfighter!'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20180426_HQ7+_e_title 'Security Droid in event until 5/3!'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20180426_HQ7+_r_body 'The [c][FFAA33]Drabatan Saboteur[-][/c] carries sonic grenades that temporarily weaken structures, increasing the damage taken. Complete part III of the Questionable Cargo event to earn Unit Data Fragments and permanently [c][FFAA33]unlock/upgrade[-][/c] this starfighter!'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20180426_HQ7+_r_title 'Drabatan Saboteur in event until 5/3!'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20180503_HQ2-5_e_body 'These troops are specially trained to seek out and destroy traps. Claim sample [c][FFAA33]Shock Troopers[-][/c] to deploy immediately, then complete part IV of the Questionable Cargo event to [c][FFAA33]unlock/upgrade[-][/c] them permanently!'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20180503_HQ2-5_e_title 'Event ends 5/10! Last chance to unlock Shock Troopers!'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20180503_HQ2-5_r_body 'These troops are specially trained to seek out and destroy traps. Claim sample [c][FFAA33]Rebel Vanguards to deploy immediately, then complete part IV of the Questionable Cargo event to [c][FFAA33]unlock/upgrade[-][/c] them permanently!'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20180503_HQ2-5_r_title 'Event ends 5/10! Last chance to unlock Rebel Vanguards!'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20180503_HQ6+_e_body 'Transform the 2-M Tank into the [c][FFAA33]TX-225[-][/c] assault tank! Thick armor plates offer greater protection and enable the tank to crush walls. Complete part IV of the Questionable Cargo event to earn Data Fragments for this Elite Equipment.'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20180503_HQ6+_e_title 'Event ends 5/10! Last chance to unlock TX-225 Tank Equipment!'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20180503_HQ6+_r_body 'Transform the AAT-1 Hover Tank into the [c][FFAA33]Stolen TX-225[-][/c] assault tank! Thick armor plates offer greater protection and enable the tank to crush walls. Complete part IV of the Questionable Cargo event to earn Data Fragments for this Elite Equipment.'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20180503_HQ6+_r_title 'Event ends 5/10! Last chance to unlock Stolen TX-225 Tank Equipment!'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20190509_HQ2-5_e_title 'Shock Troopers in event until 5/15!'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20190509_HQ2-5_r_title 'Rebel Vanguards in event until 5/15!'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20190509_HQ6+_e_title 'TX-225 Tank Equipment in event until 5/15!'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20190509_HQ6+_r_title 'Stolen TX-225 Equipment in event until 5/15!'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20190516_HQ2-5_title 'Johhar Kessen in event until 5/22!'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20190516_HQ6+_e_title 'TIE Striker in event until 5/22!'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20190516_HQ6+_r_title 'Fang Fighter in event until 5/22!'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20190523_HQ2-6_title 'Johhar Kessen in event until 5/29!'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20190523_HQ7+_e_title 'Security Droid in event until 5/29!'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20190523_HQ7+_r_title 'Drabatan Saboteur in event until 5/29!'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20190530_HQ2-5_e_title 'Event ends 6/05! Last chance to unlock Shock Troopers!'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20190530_HQ2-5_r_title 'Event ends 6/05! Last chance to unlock Rebel Vanguards!'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20190530_HQ6+_e_title 'Event ends 6/05! Last chance to unlock TX-225 Tank Equipment!'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20190530_HQ6+_r_title 'Event ends 6/05! Last chance to unlock Stolen TX-225 Tank Equipment!'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20200130_HQ2-5_e_title 'Shock Troopers in event until 2/5!'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20200130_HQ2-5_r_title 'Rebel Vanguards in event until 2/5!'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20200130_HQ6+_e_title 'TX-225 Tank Equipment in event until 2/5!'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20200130_HQ6+_r_title 'Stolen TX-225 Equipment in event until 2/5!'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20200206_HQ2-5_title 'Johhar Kessen in event until 2/12!'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20200206_HQ6+_e_title 'TIE Striker in event until 2/12!'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20200206_HQ6+_r_title 'Fang Fighter in event until 2/12!'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20200213_HQ2-6_title 'Johhar Kessen in event until 2/19!'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20200213_HQ7+_e_title 'Security Droid in event until 2/19!'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20200213_HQ7+_r_title 'Drabatan Saboteur in event until 2/19!'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20200220_HQ2-5_e_title 'Event ends 2/26! Last chance to unlock Shock Troopers!'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20200220_HQ2-5_r_title 'Event ends 2/26! Last chance to unlock Rebel Vanguards!'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20200220_HQ6+_e_title 'Event ends 2/26! Last chance to unlock TX-225 Tank Equipment!'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_20200220_HQ6+_r_title 'Event ends 2/26! Last chance to unlock Stolen TX-225 Tank Equipment!'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_promo_body 'In theaters December 16'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_promo_title 'Rogue One: A Star Wars Story'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_ru_body 'Получите в подарок звездолеты и наемников из нового фильма «Изгой-один: Звёздные Войны. Истории»!'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_ru_btn 'ЗАБРАТЬ'
hn_cc_1_rogue1_ru_title 'Только для российских игроков!'
hn_cc_1_sfmatch_body 'You can now choose to fight against your own faction in squad wars if your squad has been in matchmaking for more than 6 hours.'
hn_cc_1_sfmatch_title 'Same faction Squad Wars'
hn_cc_1_speedup_sale_body 'Building speed up is on sale for a limited time. Finish upgrading buildings for a lower price!'
hn_cc_1_speedup_sale_title 'Limited Time Building Speed Up Sale!'
hn_cc_1_squad_find_btn 'Find a Squad!'
hn_cc_1_squad_launch_e_body 'Rebel squads are attempting to sabotage our listening station operations on Sullust. Prepare your squad for tactical engagement at once!'
hn_cc_1_squad_launch_r_body 'Imperial squads are uplinking data from their listening stations on Sullust. Gather your squad and coordinate a series of attacks at once!'
hn_cc_1_squad_launch_title 'Start a Squad War!'
hn_cc_1_squad_lowreq_body 'The HQ level requirements to join a Squad War have been lowered. Now, squad members of HQ level 3 and up may join the battle on Sullust!'
hn_cc_1_squad_lowreq_title 'Squad Wars Update'
hn_cc_1_squad_prepare_e_body "Operative, we've detected a surge in Rebel squad activity on Sullust. Prepare a team of at least 15, and await commands to eliminate the threat."
hn_cc_1_squad_prepare_e_title 'Prepare Your Squad'
hn_cc_1_squad_prepare_r_body "Agent, we've tracked Imperial squad activity to Sullust. Prepare a team of at least 15, and await orders to deploy synchronized attacks."
hn_cc_1_squad_prepare_r_title 'Prepare Your Squad'
hn_cc_1_squadcomp_body 'Some players may have had trouble claiming Squad Wars prizes over the weekend. All those affected have been compensated with the top Credit reward.'
hn_cc_1_squadcomp_title 'Squad Wars Rewards'
hn_cc_1_squadhq3_body 'The HQ level requirements to join a Squad War have been lowered. Now, squad members of HQ level 3 and up may join the battle on Sullust!'
hn_cc_1_squadhq3_title 'Squad Wars Update'
hn_cc_1_squadwar_bonus_body 'For the next week, winning a Squad War will top off your Credits or Alloy reserves. Go give it your all, Commander! '
hn_cc_1_squadwar_bonus_title 'Maximum Squad Wars Rewards!'
hn_cc_1_squadwar_test_title2 'YOU ARE SEEING THIS BECAUSE YOU ARE IN A SQUAD WAR'
hn_cc_1_squadwar_unitsMAX_e_body 'During the event, Victory Crates in Squad Wars will reward enough Data Fragments for a full unlock/upgrade of a classic unit! Battle with your squad to instantly acquire Johhar Kessen, Shocktroopers, and more!'
hn_cc_1_squadwar_unitsMAX_lastChance_e_body 'Last chance to earn Victory Crates in Squad Wars which reward enough Data Fragments for a full unlock/upgrade of a classic unit! Battle with your squad to instantly acquire Johhar Kessen, Shocktroopers, and more!'
hn_cc_1_squadwar_unitsMAX_lastChance_r_body 'Last chance to earn Victory Crates in Squad Wars which reward enough Data Fragments for a full unlock/upgrade of a classic unit! Battle with your squad to instantly acquire Johhar Kessen, Vanguards, and more!'
hn_cc_1_squadwar_unitsMAX_lastChance_title 'Unit Unlocks in Squad Wars! Ends 10/13!'
hn_cc_1_squadwar_unitsMAX_r_body 'During the event, Victory Crates in Squad Wars will reward enough Data Fragments for a full unlock/upgrade of a classic unit! Battle with your squad to instantly acquire Johhar Kessen, Vanguards, and more!'
hn_cc_1_squadwar_unitsMAX_title 'Unit Unlocks in Squad Wars!'
hn_cc_1_squadwar_units_e_body 'All summer long, Victory Crates in Squad Wars will reward Data Fragments for classic units! Battle with your squad to unlock/upgrade Johhar Kessen, Shocktroopers, and more!'
hn_cc_1_squadwar_units_r_body 'All summer long, Victory Crates in Squad Wars will reward Data Fragments for classic units! Battle with your squad to unlock/upgrade Johhar Kessen, Vanguards, and more!'
hn_cc_1_squadwar_units_title 'Summer of Squad Wars!'
hn_cc_1_starship_buff_body 'Starfighter targeting systems have received major upgrades, significantly increasing their damage output.'
hn_cc_1_starship_buff_title 'Starfighters Upgraded!'
hn_cc_1_starships_body 'Starship Command capacity has been increased! Bring more starfighters into battle and lay waste to your enemies!'
hn_cc_1_starships_title 'More Starfighters!'
hn_cc_1_stolenVehicle_e_body "Earn vehicles captured from the Rebels by competing in this week's Galactic Conflicts! Rewards include AAT-1 tanks, Hailfire Droids, A-Wing Starfighters and the fearsome Juggernaut!"
hn_cc_1_stolenVehicle_e_title 'Seized Vehicle Conflicts'
hn_cc_1_stolenVehicle_r_body "Earn vehicles captured from the Empire by competing in this week's Galactic Conflicts! Rewards include AT-ST walkers, Mobile Heavy Cannons, TIE Advanced Starfighters and the fearsome AT-AT walker!"
hn_cc_1_stolenVehicle_r_title 'Stolen Vehicle Conflicts'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_brute_conflict_end_body_e 'The enemy is being pushed back on Tatooine as the Conflict comes to a close. Climb the ranks to claim Dowutin Hunter mercenaries!'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_brute_conflict_end_body_r 'The enemy is being pushed back on Tatooine as the Conflict comes to a close. Climb the ranks to claim Dowutin Hunter mercenaries!'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_brute_conflict_end_title_e 'Dowutin Hunters on Tatooine'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_brute_conflict_end_title_r 'Dowutin Hunters on Tatooine'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_brute_conflict_mid_body_e 'Dowutin Hunters devastate enemy bases with their thermal detonators and super-heavy cannons. Crush the competition to earn this powerful mercenary!'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_brute_conflict_mid_body_r 'Dowutin Hunters devastate enemy bases with their thermal detonators and super-heavy cannons. Crush the competition to earn this powerful mercenary!'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_brute_conflict_mid_title_e 'Dowutin Hunters on Tatooine'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_brute_conflict_mid_title_r 'Dowutin Hunters on Tatooine'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_brute_conflict_start_body_e 'Enemies have been discovered on Tatooine. Prepare to engage them. Only the top Commanders will be granted Dowutin Hunter mercenaries.'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_brute_conflict_start_body_r 'Enemies have been discovered on Tatooine. Prepare to engage them. Only the top Commanders will be granted Dowutin Hunter mercenaries.'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_brute_conflict_start_title_e 'Dowutin Hunters on Tatooine'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_brute_conflict_start_title_r 'Dowutin Hunters on Tatooine'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_conflict_end_2xcredits_body "Hurry over to Tatooine and join the Conflict before it's too late! There's still time to earn double Credit rewards!"
hn_cc_1_tatooine_conflict_end_2xcredits_title 'Double Credits Conflict on Tatooine is almost over!'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_conflict_end_body_e 'Intelligence is reporting a massive Rebel retreat on Tatooine. Continue your efforts, Commander!'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_conflict_end_body_r 'In many ways, Tatooine is the birthplace of the modern Rebel Alliance. The Tuskan Raiders and Jawas will never thank us, but our efforts here are turning the tide in the Galactic War!'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_conflict_end_title_e 'Conflict ending on Tatooine!'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_conflict_end_title_r 'Conflict ending on Tatooine!'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_conflict_mid_2xcredits_body "The Conflict on Tatooine is well under way, but it's not too late to join and earn double the Credits!"
hn_cc_1_tatooine_conflict_mid_2xcredits_title 'Get to Tattooine for double Credit rewards!'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_conflict_mid_body_e 'The Rebels may think they have the advantage, but soon they will witness the true power of the Empire. To arms, Operatives!'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_conflict_mid_body_r 'The Imperials may have overpowered us over the past few days, but the Rebel Alliance will not accept defeat so easily! Rally your forces!'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_conflict_mid_title_e 'Rebels Prevailing on Tatooine'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_conflict_mid_title_r 'Imperial Conquest on Tatooine'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_conflict_start_2xcredits_body 'Bring the battle to Tatooine this week and earn double Credit rewards. Relocate today!'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_conflict_start_2xcredits_title 'Double Credits Conflict on Tatooine has begun!'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_crystal_conflict_end_body_e "One day until the Conflict on Tatooine concludes. There's still time left to earn a cache of Crystals!"
hn_cc_1_tatooine_crystal_conflict_end_body_r "One day until the Conflict on Tatooine concludes. There's still time left to earn a cache of crystals!"
hn_cc_1_tatooine_crystal_conflict_end_title_e 'Crystal Conflict on Tatooine Ending'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_crystal_conflict_end_title_r 'Crystal Conflict on Tatooine Ending'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_crystal_conflict_mid_body_e 'Earn a cache of Crystals by joining the Conflict on Tatooine and dominating the competition!'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_crystal_conflict_mid_body_r 'Earn a cache of Crystals by joining the Conflict on Tatooine and dominating the competition!'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_crystal_conflict_mid_title_e 'Crystal Conflict on Tatooine'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_crystal_conflict_mid_title_r 'Crystal Conflict on Tatooine'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_crystal_conflict_start_body_e 'A Conflict has begun on Tatooine. A cache of Crystals will be granted to a select few who crush The Rebellion on that world.'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_crystal_conflict_start_body_r 'A Conflict has begun on Tatooine. The most successful Commanders in this Conflict will earn a cache of Crystals.'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_crystal_conflict_start_title_e 'Crystal Conflict on Tatooine Begins'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_crystal_conflict_start_title_r 'Crystal Conflict on Tatooine Begins'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_hovertank_conflict_end_body_e 'The Conflict on Tatooine ends soon. Fight your way up the ranks to earn TX-225 assault tanks!'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_hovertank_conflict_end_body_r 'The Conflict on Tatooine ends soon. Fight your way up the ranks to claim your own Stolen TX-225 assault tanks!'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_hovertank_conflict_end_title_e 'TX-225 assault tanks on Tatooine'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_hovertank_conflict_end_title_r 'Stolen TX-225 assault tanks on Tatooine'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_hovertank_conflict_mid_body_e "The Empire's TX-225 assault tank devastates defensive structures. There is still time in the Tatooine Conflict to earn your own TX-225s!"
hn_cc_1_tatooine_hovertank_conflict_mid_body_r 'Stolen from the Empire, the TX-225 assault tank devastates defensive structures.There is still time in the Tatooine Conflict to claim Stolen TX-225s!'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_hovertank_conflict_mid_title_e 'TX-225 assault tanks on Tatooine'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_hovertank_conflict_mid_title_r 'Stolen TX-225 assault tanks on Tatooine'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_hovertank_conflict_start_body_e 'Rebel troops are mobilizing on Tatooine! Distinguished Commanders will earn TX-225 assault tanks in this Conflict!'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_hovertank_conflict_start_body_r 'Imperial troops are mobilizing on Tatooine! Distinguished Commanders will earn Stolen TX-225 assault tanks in this Conflict!'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_hovertank_conflict_start_title_e 'TX-225 assault tanks on Tatooine'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_hovertank_conflict_start_title_r 'Stolen TX-225 assault tanks on Tatooine'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_losAlamosMerc_conflict_end_body_e "The Conflict on Tatooine ends soon, but don't let up! Top Commanders will earn Security Droid mercenaries!"
hn_cc_1_tatooine_losAlamosMerc_conflict_end_body_r "The Conflict on Tatooine ends soon, but don't let up! Top Commanders will earn Drabatan Saboteur mercenaries."
hn_cc_1_tatooine_losAlamosMerc_conflict_end_title_e 'Security Droids on Tatooine'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_losAlamosMerc_conflict_end_title_r 'Drabatan Saboteurs on Tatooine'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_losAlamosMerc_conflict_mid_body_e 'Security Droid mercenaries hurl sonic grenades that temporarily increase damage taken by enemies. Join the Tatooine Conflict to earn these mercenaries!'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_losAlamosMerc_conflict_mid_body_r 'Drabatan Saboteurs hurl sonic grenades that temporarily increase damage taken by enemies. Join the Tatooine Conflict to earn these mercenaries!'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_losAlamosMerc_conflict_mid_title_e 'Security Droids on Tatooine'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_losAlamosMerc_conflict_mid_title_r 'Drabatan Saboteurs on Tatooine'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_losAlamosMerc_conflict_start_body_e 'Conflict has erupted on Tatooine! Distinguished Commanders will earn Security Droid mercenaries.'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_losAlamosMerc_conflict_start_body_r 'Conflict has erupted on Tatooine! Distinguished Commanders will earn Drabatan Saboteur mercenaries.'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_losAlamosMerc_conflict_start_title_e 'Security Droids on Tatooine'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_losAlamosMerc_conflict_start_title_r 'Drabatan Saboteurs on Tatooine'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_rider_conflict_end_body_e 'The Conflict on Tatooine ends soon. Last chance to be a hero in the battle and claim Luggabeast Munitioneers.'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_rider_conflict_end_body_r 'The Conflict on Tatooine ends soon. Last chance to be a hero in the battle and claim Luggabeast Munitioneers.'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_rider_conflict_end_title_e 'Luggabeast Munitioneers on Tatooine'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_rider_conflict_end_title_r 'Luggabeast Munitioneers on Tatooine'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_rider_conflict_mid_body_e "Luggabeast Munitioneers' supplies boost the raw damage of all nearby units. Crush the competition to earn this powerful mercenary!"
hn_cc_1_tatooine_rider_conflict_mid_body_r "Luggabeast Munitioneers' supplies boost the raw damage of all nearby units. Crush the competition to earn this powerful mercenary!"
hn_cc_1_tatooine_rider_conflict_mid_title_e 'Luggabeast Munitioneers on Tatooine'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_rider_conflict_mid_title_r 'Luggabeast Munitioneers on Tatooine'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_rider_conflict_start_body_e 'Enemy troops have been spotted on Tatooine! Luggabeast Munitioneers await Commanders at the top of their game!'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_rider_conflict_start_body_r 'Enemy troops have been spotted on Tatooine! Luggabeast Munitioneers await Commanders at the top of their game!'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_rider_conflict_start_title_e 'Luggabeast Munitioneers on Tatooine'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_rider_conflict_start_title_r 'Luggabeast Munitioneers on Tatooine'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_spec2_conflict_end_body_e 'The Rebels will soon scatter from Tatooine as the Conflict comes to a close. Use all your might to climb the ranks to claim Shock Trooper units.'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_spec2_conflict_end_body_r 'The Conflict on Tatooine ends Tomorrow. Last chance to be a Rebel hero in the battle and claim Vanguard units.'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_spec2_conflict_end_title_e 'Shock Troopers on Tatooine Ending'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_spec2_conflict_end_title_r 'Vanguards on Tatooine Ending'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_spec2_conflict_mid_body_e 'Shock Troopers excel at clearing traps and walls to make way for mechanized destruction. Only top performers in the Conflict will be granted these units!'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_spec2_conflict_mid_body_r 'Vanguard troops are most useful for clearing a path by taking out traps and walls. Overcome the competition to gain access to this powerful infantry!'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_spec2_conflict_mid_title_e 'Shock Troopers on Tatooine'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_spec2_conflict_mid_title_r 'Vanguards on Tatooine'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_spec2_conflict_start_body_e 'Bands of Rebel scum have been discovered on Tatooine. Seek them out and destroy them. Only the top Commanders will be granted Shock Trooper units.'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_spec2_conflict_start_body_r 'Imperial troops have been spotted on Tatooine! Vanguard units await Commanders at the top of their game!'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_spec2_conflict_start_title_e 'Shock Troopers on Tatooine'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_spec2_conflict_start_title_r 'Vanguards on Tatooine'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_spec_conflict_end_body_e "The Rebels will go to ground on Tatooine as the Conflict comes to a close. Climb the ranks to earn Shock Trooper Data Fragments while there's still time!"
hn_cc_1_tatooine_spec_conflict_end_body_r 'The Conflict on Tatooine ends tomorrow. Last chance to be a Rebel hero in the battle and claim Vanguard Data Fragments!'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_spec_conflict_end_title_e 'Shock Trooper Upgrades on Tatooine Ending'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_spec_conflict_end_title_r 'Vanguard Upgrades on Tatooine Ending'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_spec_conflict_mid_body_e 'Shock Troopers excel at clearing traps and walls. Top performers in the Conflict will earn Data Fragments for this unit!'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_spec_conflict_mid_body_r 'Vanguard troops can clear a path by taking out traps and walls. Overcome the competition to earn Data Fragments for this powerful infantry!'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_spec_conflict_mid_title_e 'Shock Trooper Upgrades on Tatooine'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_spec_conflict_mid_title_r 'Vanguard Upgrades on Tatooine'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_spec_conflict_start_body_e 'Bands of Rebel scum have been discovered on Tatooine. Seek them out and destroy them. Top Commanders will be granted Shock Trooper Data Fragments.'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_spec_conflict_start_body_r 'Imperial troops have been spotted on Tatooine! Vanguard Data Fragments await Commanders at the top of their game!'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_spec_conflict_start_title_e 'Shock Trooper Upgrades on Tatooine'
hn_cc_1_tatooine_spec_conflict_start_title_r 'Vanguard Upgrades on Tatooine'
hn_cc_1_techissues_0406_body 'Recent matchmaking issues have paired some players with opponents that were too powerful. The issue has been resolved. We apologize and offer these crystals to help get you back to defeating the opposition!'
hn_cc_1_techissues_0406_title 'Matchmaking Fix'
hn_cc_1_tfa1_btn 'Get Tickets'
hn_cc_1_tfa2_btn 'Get Tickets'
hn_cc_1_tfa_dvd_promo_android_body 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens is now available. Get it today on Google Play.'
hn_cc_1_tfa_dvd_promo_android_de_body 'Star Wars: Das Erwachen der Macht. Jetzt bei Google Play erhältlich.'
hn_cc_1_tfa_dvd_promo_android_de_title 'Jetzt schon digital verfügbar'
hn_cc_1_tfa_dvd_promo_android_es_body 'Star Wars: El Despertar de la Fuerza ya está disponible. Descárgala hoy en Google Play.'
hn_cc_1_tfa_dvd_promo_android_es_title 'YA DISPONIBLE'
hn_cc_1_tfa_dvd_promo_android_fr_body 'Star Wars : Star Wars: Le Réveil de la Force est maintenant disponible en achat digital sur Google Play.'
hn_cc_1_tfa_dvd_promo_android_fr_title 'Disponible maintenant'
hn_cc_1_tfa_dvd_promo_android_it_body 'Star Wars: Il Risveglio della Forza è ora disponibile. Acquistalo oggi su Google Play.'
hn_cc_1_tfa_dvd_promo_android_it_title 'Disponibile Ora'
hn_cc_1_tfa_dvd_promo_android_title 'Available Now'
hn_cc_1_tfa_dvd_promo_ios_body 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens is now available. Get it today on iTunes.'
hn_cc_1_tfa_dvd_promo_ios_de_body 'Star Wars: Das Erwachen der Macht. Jetzt bei iTunes erhältlich.'
hn_cc_1_tfa_dvd_promo_ios_de_title 'Jetzt schon digital verfügbar'
hn_cc_1_tfa_dvd_promo_ios_es_body 'Star Wars: El Despertar de la Fuerza ya está disponible. Descárgala hoy en iTunes.'
hn_cc_1_tfa_dvd_promo_ios_es_title 'YA DISPONIBLE'
hn_cc_1_tfa_dvd_promo_ios_fr_body 'Star Wars: Le Réveil de la Force est maintenant disponible en achat digital sur iTunes.'
hn_cc_1_tfa_dvd_promo_ios_fr_title 'Disponible maintenant'
hn_cc_1_tfa_dvd_promo_ios_it_body 'Star Wars: Il Risveglio della Forza è ora disponibile. Acquistalo oggi su iTunes.'
hn_cc_1_tfa_dvd_promo_ios_it_title 'Disponibile Ora'
hn_cc_1_tfa_dvd_promo_ios_title 'Available Now'
hn_cc_1_tfa_outpost_body 'A Heavy Munitions Plant has been located on Takodana. Capture it during a Squad War to provide your squad with Thermal Rounds to increase damage for non-hero infantry!'
hn_cc_1_tfa_outpost_title 'Factory Outpost - Takodana'
hn_cc_1_tfa_promo1_body 'In theaters December 18.'
hn_cc_1_tfa_promo2_body 'In theaters Friday.'
hn_cc_1_tfa_promo3_body 'In theaters tomorrow.'
hn_cc_1_tfa_promo4_body 'Now playing.'
hn_cc_1_tfa_promo_title 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens'
hn_cc_1_tfadvd_btn 'Buy Now!'
hn_cc_1_tfaplanet_brute_conflict_end_body_e 'The enemy is being pushed back on Takodana as the Conflict comes to a close. Climb the ranks to claim Dowutin Hunter mercenaries!'
hn_cc_1_tfaplanet_brute_conflict_end_body_r 'The enemy is being pushed back on Takodana as the Conflict comes to a close. Climb the ranks to claim Dowutin Hunter mercenaries!'
hn_cc_1_tfaplanet_brute_conflict_end_title_e 'Dowutin Hunters on Takodana'
hn_cc_1_tfaplanet_brute_conflict_end_title_r 'Dowutin Hunters on Takodana'
hn_cc_1_tfaplanet_brute_conflict_mid_body_e 'Dowutin Hunters devastate enemy bases with their thermal detonators and super-heavy cannons. Crush the competition to earn this powerful mercenary!'
hn_cc_1_tfaplanet_brute_conflict_mid_body_r 'Dowutin Hunters devastate enemy bases with their thermal detonators and super-heavy cannons. Crush the competition to earn this powerful mercenary!'
hn_cc_1_tfaplanet_brute_conflict_mid_title_e 'Dowutin Hunters on Takodana'
hn_cc_1_tfaplanet_brute_conflict_mid_title_r 'Dowutin Hunters on Takodana'
hn_cc_1_tfaplanet_brute_conflict_start_body_e 'Enemies have been discovered on Takodana. Prepare to engage. Only the top Commanders will be granted Dowutin Hunter mercenaries!'
hn_cc_1_tfaplanet_brute_conflict_start_body_r 'Enemies have been discovered on Takodana. Prepare to engage. Only the top Commanders will be granted Dowutin Hunter mercenaries!'
hn_cc_1_tfaplanet_brute_conflict_start_title_e 'Dowutin Hunters on Takodana'
hn_cc_1_tfaplanet_brute_conflict_start_title_r 'Dowutin Hunters on Takodana'
hn_cc_1_tfaplanet_losAlamosMerc_conflict_end_body_e "The Rebels will soon retreat from the Takodana Conflict, but it's not over yet! Top Commanders will earn Security Droid mercenaries!"
hn_cc_1_tfaplanet_losAlamosMerc_conflict_end_body_r "The Empire is withdrawing from the Takodana Conflict, but it's not over yet! Top Commanders will earn Drabatan Saboteur mercenaries!"
hn_cc_1_tfaplanet_losAlamosMerc_conflict_end_title_e 'Security Droids on Takodana'
hn_cc_1_tfaplanet_losAlamosMerc_conflict_end_title_r 'Drabatan Saboteurs on Takodana'
hn_cc_1_tfaplanet_losAlamosMerc_conflict_mid_body_e 'Security Droid mercenaries hurl sonic grenades that temporarily increase damage taken by enemies. Join the Takodana Conflict to earn these mercenaries!'
hn_cc_1_tfaplanet_losAlamosMerc_conflict_mid_body_r 'Drabatan Saboteurs hurl sonic grenades that temporarily increase damage taken by enemies. Join the Takodana Conflict to earn these mercenaries!'
hn_cc_1_tfaplanet_losAlamosMerc_conflict_mid_title_e 'Security Droids on Takodana'
hn_cc_1_tfaplanet_losAlamosMerc_conflict_mid_title_r 'Drabatan Saboteurs on Takodana'
hn_cc_1_tfaplanet_losAlamosMerc_conflict_start_body_e 'Reports are coming in of a Conflict on Takodana! Distinguished Commanders will earn Security Droid mercenaries.'
hn_cc_1_tfaplanet_losAlamosMerc_conflict_start_body_r 'Reports are coming in of a Conflict on Takodana! Distinguished Commanders will earn Drabatan Saboteur mercenaries.'
hn_cc_1_tfaplanet_losAlamosMerc_conflict_start_title_e 'Security Droids on Takodana'
hn_cc_1_tfaplanet_losAlamosMerc_conflict_start_title_r 'Drabatan Saboteurs on Takodana'
hn_cc_1_tfaplanet_losAlamosStarfighter_conflict_end_body_e 'The Conflict on Takodana ends soon. Fight for the Empire, and a chance to be rewarded with TIE Strikers!'
hn_cc_1_tfaplanet_losAlamosStarfighter_conflict_end_body_r 'The Conflict on Takodana ends soon. Fight for the Alliance and a chance to be rewarded with Mandalorian Fang Fighters!'
hn_cc_1_tfaplanet_losAlamosStarfighter_conflict_end_title_e 'TIE Strikers on Takodana'
hn_cc_1_tfaplanet_losAlamosStarfighter_conflict_end_title_r 'Fang Fighters on Takodana'
hn_cc_1_tfaplanet_losAlamosStarfighter_conflict_mid_body_e 'TIE Strikers bombard a large area, dealing extra damage to vehicles. Join the Conflict for a chance to earn TIE Striker!'
hn_cc_1_tfaplanet_losAlamosStarfighter_conflict_mid_body_r 'Fang Fighters bombard a large area, dealing extra damage to vehicles. Join the Conflict for a chance to earn Fang Fighters!'
hn_cc_1_tfaplanet_losAlamosStarfighter_conflict_mid_title_e 'TIE Strikers on Takodana'
hn_cc_1_tfaplanet_losAlamosStarfighter_conflict_mid_title_r 'Fang Fighters on Takodana'
hn_cc_1_tfaplanet_losAlamosStarfighter_conflict_start_body_e 'Intelligence reports Rebel forces on Takodana. High performing Commanders will receive TIE Strikers.'
hn_cc_1_tfaplanet_losAlamosStarfighter_conflict_start_body_r 'Scouts report Imperial forces on Takodana. High performing Commanders will receive Mandalorian Fang Fighters.'
hn_cc_1_tfaplanet_losAlamosStarfighter_conflict_start_title_e 'TIE Strikers on Takodana'
hn_cc_1_tfaplanet_losAlamosStarfighter_conflict_start_title_r 'Fang Fighters on Takodana'
hn_cc_1_tfaplanet_rider_conflict_end_body_e 'The Conflict on Takodana ends soon. Last chance to be a hero in the battle and claim Luggabeast Munitioneers.'
hn_cc_1_tfaplanet_rider_conflict_end_body_r 'The Conflict on Takodana ends soon. Last chance to be a hero in the battle and claim Luggabeast Munitioneers.'
hn_cc_1_tfaplanet_rider_conflict_end_title_e 'Luggabeast Munitioneers on Takodana'
hn_cc_1_tfaplanet_rider_conflict_end_title_r 'Luggabeast Munitioneers on Takodana'
hn_cc_1_tfaplanet_rider_conflict_mid_body_e "Luggabeast Munitioneers' supplies boost the raw damage of all nearby units. Crush the competition to earn this powerful mercenary!"
hn_cc_1_tfaplanet_rider_conflict_mid_body_r "Luggabeast Munitioneers' supplies boost the raw damage of all nearby units. Crush the competition to earn this powerful mercenary!"
hn_cc_1_tfaplanet_rider_conflict_mid_title_e 'Luggabeast Munitioneers on Takodana'
hn_cc_1_tfaplanet_rider_conflict_mid_title_r 'Luggabeast Munitioneers on Takodana'
hn_cc_1_tfaplanet_rider_conflict_start_body_e 'Enemy troops have been spotted on Takodana! Luggabeast Munitioneers await Commanders at the top of their game!'
hn_cc_1_tfaplanet_rider_conflict_start_body_r 'Enemy troops have been spotted on Takodana! Luggabeast Munitioneers await Commanders at the top of their game!'
hn_cc_1_tfaplanet_rider_conflict_start_title_e 'Luggabeast Munitioneers on Takodana'
hn_cc_1_tfaplanet_rider_conflict_start_title_r 'Luggabeast Munitioneers on Takodana'
hn_cc_1_timeofheroes_20190620_e_body 'Complete objectives for Hondo and compete in Conflicts to acquire the [c][FFB74A]SD-K4[-][/c]. Complete the Event for a guaranteed unlock, and use Conflicts and Crates to upgrade them further!'
hn_cc_1_timeofheroes_20190620_e_title '6/20 to 6/26 : Time of Heroes'
hn_cc_1_timeofheroes_20190620_r_body 'Complete objectives for Hondo and compete in Conflicts to acquire the [c][FFB74A]Modified SD-K4[-][/c]. Complete the Event for a guaranteed unlock, and use Conflicts and Crates to upgrade them further!'
hn_cc_1_timeofheroes_20190620_r_title '6/20 to 6/26 : Time of Heroes'
hn_cc_1_timeofheroes_20190627_e_body 'Complete objectives for Hondo and compete in Conflicts to acquire [c][FFB74A]Death Troopers[-][/c]. Complete the Event for a guaranteed unlock, and use Conflicts and Crates to upgrade them further!'
hn_cc_1_timeofheroes_20190627_e_title '6/27 to 7/3 : Time of Heroes'
hn_cc_1_timeofheroes_20190627_r_body 'Complete objectives for Hondo and compete in Conflicts to acquire [c][FFB74A]Artoo & Threepio Equipment[-][/c] Data Fragments. Complete the Event for a guaranteed unlock, and use Conflicts and Crates to upgrade them further!'
hn_cc_1_timeofheroes_20190627_r_title '6/27 to 7/3 : Time of Heroes'
hn_cc_1_topps_body "For a limited time only, download STAR WARS™: CARD TRADER and collect your Star Wars: Commander trading cards before they're gone."
hn_cc_1_topps_btn 'DOWNLOAD NOW'
hn_cc_1_topps_de_btn 'Hier kaufen'
hn_cc_1_topps_es_btn 'Compra Ahora'
hn_cc_1_topps_fr_btn 'Acheter maintenant'
hn_cc_1_topps_it_btn 'Acquistalo Ora'
hn_cc_1_topps_title 'Exclusive Star Wars: Commander Topps Trading Cards'
hn_cc_1_trap_update_body 'Traps have undergone a major upgrade effort. Defensive air support is now more specialized and will devastate attacking enemy troops.'
hn_cc_1_trap_update_title 'Trap Upgrades'
hn_cc_1_undeadEvt_announce_e_body 'Undead Troopers attack from all directions in [c][FFB74A]Heroic Defense[-][/c] battles! Unlock the [c][FFB74A]SD-K4[-][/c] assassin droid hero and fight back! Get fragments for this blade-wielding terror from Conflicts starting at Bronzium tier, and Undead Offensive Crates found throughout Commander.'
hn_cc_1_undeadEvt_announce_e_title 'Undead Offensive Event until 11/8!'
hn_cc_1_undeadEvt_announce_r_body 'Undead Troopers attack from all directions in [c][FFB74A]Heroic Defense[-][/c] battles! Unlock the [c][FFB74A]Modified SD-K4[-][/c] assassin droid hero and fight back! Get fragments for this blade-wielding terror from Conflicts starting at Bronzium tier, and Undead Offensive Crates found throughout Commander.'
hn_cc_1_undeadEvt_announce_r_title 'Undead Offensive Event until 11/8!'
hn_cc_1_undeadEvt_conf_e_body 'From now until the end of the Undead Offensive event, place in a Bronzium or higher tier in Conflicts and earn the double crates! Battle now to unlock the new, terrifying [c][FFB74A]SD-K4[-][/c] assassin droid hero!'
hn_cc_1_undeadEvt_conf_e_title '2x Conflict Crates! Ends 11/8!'
hn_cc_1_undeadEvt_conf_r_body 'From now until the end of the Undead Offensive event, place in a Bronzium or higher tier in Conflicts and earn the double crates! Battle now to unlock the new, terrifying [c][FFB74A]Modified SD-K4[-][/c] assassin droid hero!'
hn_cc_1_undeadEvt_conf_r_title '2x Conflict Crates! Ends 11/8!'
hn_cc_1_undead_raid_nosquad_body 'The final week of the Undead event is here! Defend your base against the horde now!'
hn_cc_1_undead_raid_squad_body 'The final week of the Undead event is here! Defend your base against the horde now!'
hn_cc_1_undead_raid_title 'Double Rewards & Rebalanced Missions'
hn_cc_1_underfire_20191010_e_body 'Complete objectives for Hondo and compete in Conflicts to acquire the [c][FFB74A]Salvaged Multi-Troop Transport[-][/c]. Complete the Event for a guaranteed unlock, and use Conflicts and Crates to upgrade them further!'
hn_cc_1_underfire_20191010_e_title '10/10 to 10/16 : Under Fire'
hn_cc_1_underfire_20191010_r_body 'Complete objectives for Hondo and compete in Conflicts to acquire the [c][FFB74A]Salvaged Multi-Troop Transport[-][/c]. Complete the Event for a guaranteed unlock, and use Conflicts and Crates to upgrade them further!'
hn_cc_1_underfire_20191010_r_title '10/10 to 10/16 : Under Fire'
hn_cc_1_underfire_20191017_e_body 'Complete objectives for Hondo and compete in Conflicts to acquire [c][FFB74A]Enhanced AT-ST Walker[-][/c]. Complete the Event for a guaranteed unlock, and use Conflicts and Crates to upgrade them further!'
hn_cc_1_underfire_20191017_e_title '10/17 to 10/23 : Under Fire'
hn_cc_1_underfire_20191017_r_body 'Complete objectives for Hondo and compete in Conflicts to acquire [c][FFB74A]Enhanced T2-B Repulsor Tank[-][/c] Data Fragments. Complete the Event for a guaranteed unlock, and use Conflicts and Crates to upgrade them further!'
hn_cc_1_underfire_20191017_r_title '10/17 to 10/23 : Under Fire'
hn_cc_1_verticalCrates00_body_e 'New in the Shop: a rotating crate dedicated to specific types of units and equipment, allowing targeted upgrading of infantry, heroes, and more! First up, the [c][FFB74A]Infantry Data Fragment Crate,[-][/c] including equipment skins for Desert, Forest, and Arctic troops!'
hn_cc_1_verticalCrates00_body_r 'New in the Shop: a rotating crate dedicated to specific types of units and equipment, allowing targeted upgrading of infantry, heroes, and more! First up, the [c][FFB74A]Infantry Data Fragment Crate,[-][/c] including equipment skins for Desert, Forest, and Arctic soldiers!'
hn_cc_1_verticalCrates00_title_e 'Updates to Data Fragment Crates!'
hn_cc_1_verticalCrates00_title_r 'Updates to Data Fragment Crates!'
hn_cc_1_verticalCrates01_body_e 'Crate update: the [c][FFB74A]Specialist Data Fragment Crate,[-][/c] includes the Imperial Astromedic and Droideka-sniping Tognath Marksman mercenary! New rotating crates in the Shop are dedicated to specific types of units and equipment, allowing targeted upgrading of infantry, heroes, and more!'
hn_cc_1_verticalCrates01_body_r 'Crate update: the [c][FFB74A]Specialist Data Fragment Crate,[-][/c] includes the WED Treadwell Repair Droid and Droideka-sniping Tognath Marksman mercenary! New rotating crates in the Shop are dedicated to specific types of units and equipment, allowing targeted upgrading of infantry, heroes, and more!'
hn_cc_1_verticalCrates01_title_e 'Updates to Data Fragment Crates!'
hn_cc_1_verticalCrates01_title_r 'Updates to Data Fragment Crates!'
hn_cc_1_verticalCrates02_body_e 'Crate update: now in the Shop, the [c][FFB74A]Vehicle Data Fragment Crate,[-][/c] includes the heavy looter MTV-7 vehicle and powerful TIE Striker! New rotating crates in the Shop are dedicated to specific types of units and equipment, allowing targeted upgrading of infantry, heroes, and more!'
hn_cc_1_verticalCrates02_body_r 'Crate update: now in the Shop, the [c][FFB74A]Vehicle Data Fragment Crate,[-][/c] includes the heavy looter AT-RT Walker and powerful Fang Fighter starfighter! New rotating crates in the Shop are dedicated to specific types of units and equipment, allowing targeted upgrading of infantry, heroes, and more!'
hn_cc_1_verticalCrates03_body_e 'Crate update: the [c][FFB74A]Heroic Data Fragment Crate,[-][/c] includes Johhar Kessen and the Lord Vader equipment skin! New rotating crates in the Shop are dedicated to specific types of units and equipment, allowing targeted upgrading of infantry, heroes, and more!'
hn_cc_1_verticalCrates03_body_r 'Crate update: the [c][FFB74A]Heroic Data Fragment Crate,[-][/c] includes Johhar Kessen and the Senator Leia Organa equipment skin! New rotating crates in the Shop are dedicated to specific types of units and equipment, allowing targeted upgrading of infantry, heroes, and more!'
hn_cc_1_verticalCratesHero_e_body 'The [c][FFB74A]Heroic Data Fragment Crate[-][/c] includes Johhar Kessen and the Lord Vader equipment skin! Acquire this crate for targeted unlocks/upgrades of hero units and equipment.'
hn_cc_1_verticalCratesHero_e_title 'Now in Shop: Heroic Data Fragment Crate'
hn_cc_1_verticalCratesHero_r_body 'Crate update: the [c][FFB74A]Heroic Data Fragment Crate,[-][/c] includes Johhar Kessen and the Senator Leia Organa equipment skin! Acquire this crate for targeted unlocks/upgrades of hero units and equipment.'
hn_cc_1_verticalCratesHero_r_title 'Now in Shop: Heroic Data Fragment Crate'
hn_cc_1_verticalCratesInf_e_body 'The [c][FFB74A]Infantry Data Fragment Crate[-][/c] includes equipment skins for Desert, Forest, and Arctic soldiers! Acquire this crate for targeted unlocks/upgrades of infantry equipment.'
hn_cc_1_verticalCratesInf_e_title 'Now in Shop: Infantry Data Fragment Crate'
hn_cc_1_verticalCratesInf_r_body 'The [c][FFB74A]Infantry Data Fragment Crate[-][/c] includes equipment skins for Desert, Forest, and Arctic soldiers! Acquire this crate for targeted unlocks/upgrades of infantry equipment.'
hn_cc_1_verticalCratesInf_r_title 'Now in Shop: Infantry Data Fragment Crate'
hn_cc_1_verticalCratesSpec_e_body 'The [c][FFB74A]Specialist Data Fragment Crate[-][/c] includes the Imperial Astromedic and Droideka-sniping Tognath Marksman mercenary! Acquire this crate for targeted unlocks/upgrades of specialist units and equipment.'
hn_cc_1_verticalCratesSpec_e_title 'Now in Shop: Specialist Data Fragment Crate'
hn_cc_1_verticalCratesSpec_r_body 'The [c][FFB74A]Specialist Data Fragment Crate[-][/c] includes the WED Treadwell Repair Droid and Droideka-sniping Tognath Marksman mercenary! Acquire this crate for targeted unlocks/upgrades of specialist units and equipment.'
hn_cc_1_verticalCratesSpec_r_title 'Now in Shop: Specialist Data Fragment Crate'
hn_cc_1_verticalCratesVehicle_e_body 'The [c][FFB74A]Vehicle Data Fragment Crate[-][/c] includes the heavy looter MTV-7 vehicle and powerful TIE Striker! Acquire this crate for targeted unlocks/upgrades of vehicles and starfighters.'
hn_cc_1_verticalCratesVehicle_e_title 'Now in Shop: Vehicle Data Fragment Crate'
hn_cc_1_verticalCratesVehicle_r_body 'The [c][FFB74A]Vehicle Data Fragment Crate[-][/c] includes the heavy looter AT-RT Walker and powerful Fang Fighter starfighter! Acquire this crate for targeted unlocks/upgrades of vehicles and starfighters.'
hn_cc_1_verticalCratesVehicle_r_title 'Now in Shop: Vehicle Data Fragment Crate'
hn_cc_1_wall_update_body 'Commander, our droids have completed the wall reinforcement efforts. Walls at all levels have been greatly strengthened.'
hn_cc_1_wall_update_title 'Wall Upgrades'
hn_cc_1_yav_outpost_body 'A Starship Weapons Depot has been discovered on Yavin 4. Capture it during a Squad War to boost the power of your Starfighter strikes and traps.'
hn_cc_1_yav_outpost_title 'Starship Weapons Depot - Yavin 4'
hn_cc_1_yavin_conflict_end_body_e 'The Rebel traitors have been flushed from their hideouts in the jungles of Yavin 4. Treason will not be tolerated. Let Yavin 4 serve as an example.'
hn_cc_1_yavin_conflict_end_body_r 'We are getting reports from Yavin 4. It looks like the bulk of the Imperial surge is in retreat!'
hn_cc_1_yavin_conflict_end_title_e 'Conflict ending on Yavin 4!'
hn_cc_1_yavin_conflict_end_title_r 'Conflict ending on Yavin 4!'
hn_cc_1_yavin_conflict_mid_body_e 'Rebel Alliance victories continue to be an annoyance to us on Yavin 4. The Emperor will not stand for this. Defeat them for the glory of the Empire!'
hn_cc_1_yavin_conflict_mid_body_r "Stormtroopers are overrunning Yavin 4! We've got to band together and hit them where it hurts!"
hn_cc_1_yavin_conflict_mid_title_e 'Rebels Prevailing on Yavin 4'
hn_cc_1_yavin_conflict_mid_title_r 'Imperial Conquest on Yavin 4'
hn_cc_1_yavin_crystal_conflict_end_body_e "One day until the Conflict on Yavin concludes. There's still time left to earn a cache of Crystals!"
hn_cc_1_yavin_crystal_conflict_end_body_r "One day until the Conflict on Yavin concludes. There's still time left to earn a cache of Crystals!"
hn_cc_1_yavin_crystal_conflict_end_title_e 'Crystal Conflict on Yavin 4 Ending'
hn_cc_1_yavin_crystal_conflict_end_title_r 'Crystal Conflict on Yavin 4 Ending'
hn_cc_1_yavin_crystal_conflict_mid_body_e 'Earn a cache of Crystals by joining the Conflict on Yavin and dominating the competition!'
hn_cc_1_yavin_crystal_conflict_mid_body_r 'Earn a cache of Crystals by joining the Conflict on Yavin and dominating the competition!'
hn_cc_1_yavin_crystal_conflict_mid_title_e 'Crystal Conflict on Yavin 4'
hn_cc_1_yavin_crystal_conflict_mid_title_r 'Crystal Conflict on Yavin 4'
hn_cc_1_yavin_crystal_conflict_start_body_e 'The Rebels continue illegal operations on Yavin 4. A cache of Crystals will be granted to a select few who crush them on that world.'
hn_cc_1_yavin_crystal_conflict_start_body_r 'Conflict on Yavin 4! All Commanders please respond. The most successful Commanders in this Conflict will earn a cache of Crystals.'
hn_cc_1_yavin_crystal_conflict_start_title_e 'Crystal Conflict on Yavin 4 Begins'
hn_cc_1_yavin_crystal_conflict_start_title_r 'Crystal Conflict on Yavin 4 Begins'
hn_cc_1_yavin_spec2_conflict_end_body_e 'The Conflict on Yavin 4 is nearly over. Those who earn their place amongst the top Commanders will be rewarded with VT-49s for their fleet.'
hn_cc_1_yavin_spec2_conflict_end_body_r 'The Conflict on Yavin 4 is nearing its end. Commanders who come out on top will be rewarded with HWK-290s for their fleet.'
hn_cc_1_yavin_spec2_conflict_end_title_e 'VT-49s on Yavin 4'
hn_cc_1_yavin_spec2_conflict_end_title_r 'HWK-290s on Yavin 4'
hn_cc_1_yavin_spec2_conflict_mid_body_e "The VT-49 drops incendiary bombs, wreaking havoc upon a moderate area. There is still time to acquire VT-49's on the Yavin Conflict."
hn_cc_1_yavin_spec2_conflict_mid_body_r "The HWK-290 drops incendiary bombs, wreaking havoc upon a moderate area. There is still time to acquire HWK-290's on the Yavin Conflict."
hn_cc_1_yavin_spec2_conflict_mid_title_e 'VT-49s on Yavin 4'
hn_cc_1_yavin_spec2_conflict_mid_title_r 'HWK-290s on Yavin 4'
hn_cc_1_yavin_spec2_conflict_start_body_e 'A Conflict with the Rebels is underway on Yavin 4. Only the most victorious Operatives will receive VT-49 Starships. For the Empire!'
hn_cc_1_yavin_spec2_conflict_start_body_r 'The Conflict on Yavin 4 has increased in intensity, and the Rebel Alliance needs support. Top Agents will earn HWK-290 Starships!'
hn_cc_1_yavin_spec2_conflict_start_title_e 'VT-49s on Yavin 4'
hn_cc_1_yavin_spec2_conflict_start_title_r 'HWK-290s on Yavin 4'
hn_cc_1_yavin_spec_conflict_end_body_e 'The Conflict on Yavin 4 is nearly over. Commanders who place highly will be rewarded with VT-49 Data Fragments.'
hn_cc_1_yavin_spec_conflict_end_body_r 'The Conflict on Yavin 4 is nearing its end. Commanders who place highly will be rewarded with HWK-290 Data Fragments.'
hn_cc_1_yavin_spec_conflict_end_title_e 'VT-49 Upgrades on Yavin 4 Ending'
hn_cc_1_yavin_spec_conflict_end_title_r 'HWK-290 Upgrades on Yavin 4 Ending'
hn_cc_1_yavin_spec_conflict_mid_body_e 'The VT-49 drops incendiary bombs, wreaking havoc on infantry. There is still time to acquire  VT-49 Data Fragments in the Yavin Conflict!'
hn_cc_1_yavin_spec_conflict_mid_body_r 'The HWK-290 drops incendiary bombs, wreaking havoc on infantry. There is still time to acquire HWK-290 Data Fragments in the Yavin Conflict!'
hn_cc_1_yavin_spec_conflict_mid_title_e 'VT-49 Upgrades on Yavin 4'
hn_cc_1_yavin_spec_conflict_mid_title_r 'HWK-290 Upgrades on Yavin 4'
hn_cc_1_yavin_spec_conflict_start_body_e 'Conflict is underway on Yavin 4. The most victorious Operatives will receive Data Fragments for the VT-49 Decimator starfighter. For the Empire!'
hn_cc_1_yavin_spec_conflict_start_body_r 'Conflict on Yavin 4 has intensified, and the Rebel Alliance needs support. Top Agents will earn Data Fragments for the HWK-290 starfighter!'
hn_cc_1_yavin_spec_conflict_start_title_e 'VT-49 Upgrades on Yavin 4'
hn_cc_1_yavin_spec_conflict_start_title_r 'HWK-290 Upgrades on Yavin 4'
hn_cc_2_amazontest_title 'AMAZON TEST'
hn_cc_2_ccVideoTest_title 'TESTING VIDEO'
hn_cc_2_edit_announce_body 'New editor tools make arranging the perfect defense for your base easier than ever before. Check out the new Edit Mode!'
hn_cc_2_edit_announce_title 'Edit Mode Improvements'
hn_cc_2_makerAnnounce_body_e 'Take your game to the next level! The Videos section of the Info Network has strategy tips, player commentary, and developer messages! Watch now!'
hn_cc_2_makerAnnounce_body_r 'Take your game to the next level! The Videos section of the Info Network has strategy tips, player commentary, and developer messages! Watch now!'
hn_cc_2_makerAnnounce_title 'Strategy Videos'
hn_cc_2_test12_title_gal 'PLANET IN GALAXY TEST'
hn_cc_3_2ctatest_body 'THEY BOTH DO DIFFERENT THINGS!'
hn_cc_3_2ctatest_title 'LOOK! TWO BUTTONS!'
hn_cc_3_GuardReserveConflict_20180621_HQ5-_e_body 'This week, Conflicts on all planets reward trap-sniping [c][FFB74A]Shock Trooper[-][/c] Unit Data Fragments. Claim special samples of this infantry to deploy immediately, then fight to unlock/upgrade permanently!'
hn_cc_3_GuardReserveConflict_20180621_HQ5-_e_title '6/21 to 6/27 Conflict Outbreak: Shock Troopers'
hn_cc_3_GuardReserveConflict_20180621_HQ5-_r_body 'This week, Conflicts on all planets reward trap-sniping [c][FFB74A]Rebel Vanguard[-][/c] Unit Data Fragments. Claim special samples of this infantry to deploy immediately, then fight to unlock/upgrade permanently!'
hn_cc_3_GuardReserveConflict_20180621_HQ5-_r_title '6/21 to 6/27 Conflict Outbreak: Rebel Vanguards'
hn_cc_3_GuardReserveConflict_20180621_HQ6+_e_body 'This week, Conflicts on all planets reward fragments for [c][FFB74A]Melee Bruiser[-][/c] Guard Reserve equipment. When activated, this equipment summons defensive Dewback Troopers from all Barracks! Fight to unlock now!'
hn_cc_3_GuardReserveConflict_20180621_HQ6+_r_body 'This week, Conflicts on all planets reward fragments for [c][FFB74A]Melee Bruiser[-][/c] Guard Reserve equipment. When activated, this equipment summons defensive Bantha Riders from all Barracks! Fight to unlock now!'
hn_cc_3_GuardReserveConflict_20180621_HQ6+_title '6/21 to 6/27 Conflict Outbreak: Guard Reserve'
hn_cc_3_GuardReserveConflict_20180628_HQ5-_e_body 'This week, Conflicts on all planets reward [c][FFB74A]IG-86 Assassin Droid[-][/c] fragments. These special infantry eclipse their counterpart Phase II Dark Troopers in both health and damage. Claim special samples of this infantry to deploy immediately, then fight to unlock/upgrade permanently!'
hn_cc_3_GuardReserveConflict_20180628_HQ5-_e_title '6/28 to 7/5 Conflict Outbreak: IG-86 Assassin Droids'
hn_cc_3_GuardReserveConflict_20180628_HQ5-_r_body 'This week, Conflicts on all planets reward [c][FFB74A]Iakaru Warrior[-][/c] fragments. These special infantry eclipse their counterpart Wookiee Warriors in both health and damage. Claim special samples of this infantry to deploy immediately, then fight to unlock/upgrade permanently!'
hn_cc_3_GuardReserveConflict_20180628_HQ5-_r_title '6/28 to 7/5 Conflict Outbreak: Iakaru Warriors'
hn_cc_3_GuardReserveConflict_20180628_HQ6+_e_body 'This week, Conflicts on all planets reward fragments for [c][FFB74A]Anti-vehicle[-][/c] Guard Reserve equipment. When activated, this equipment summons defensive Mobile Heavy Cannons from all Factories! Fight to unlock now!'
hn_cc_3_GuardReserveConflict_20180628_HQ6+_r_body 'This week, Conflicts on all planets reward fragments for [c][FFB74A]Anti-vehicle[-][/c] Guard Reserve equipment. When activated, this equipment summons defensive Desert Skiffs from all Factories! Fight to unlock now!'
hn_cc_3_GuardReserveConflict_20180628_HQ6+_title '6/28 to 7/5 Conflict Outbreak: Guard Reserve'
hn_cc_3_NavalConflictRedux_20181011_HQ6+_e_title '10/11 to 10/17 Conflict Outbreak: Naval Officer'
hn_cc_3_NavalConflictRedux_20181011_HQ6+_r_title '10/11 to 10/17 Conflict Outbreak: Millennium Falcon Support'
hn_cc_3_NavalConflictRedux_20181018_HQ6+_e_title '10/18 to 10/24 Conflict Outbreak: Rodian Recon Sniper'
hn_cc_3_NavalConflictRedux_20181018_HQ6+_r_title '10/18 to 10/24 Conflict Outbreak: Sullustan Recon Sharpshooter'
hn_cc_3_NewGuardReserve_20181108_HQ5-_e_body 'This week, Conflicts on all planets reward trap-sniping [c][FFB74A]Shock Trooper[-][/c] Unit Data Fragments. Claim special samples of this infantry to deploy immediately, then fight to unlock/upgrade permanently!'
hn_cc_3_NewGuardReserve_20181108_HQ5-_e_title '11/8 to 11/14 Conflict Outbreaks: Shock Troopers'
hn_cc_3_NewGuardReserve_20181108_HQ5-_r_body 'This week, Conflicts on all planets reward trap-sniping [c][FFB74A]Rebel Vanguard[-][/c] Unit Data Fragments. Claim special samples of this infantry to deploy immediately, then fight to unlock/upgrade permanently!'
hn_cc_3_NewGuardReserve_20181108_HQ5-_r_title '11/8 to 11/14 Conflict Outbreaks: Rebel Vanguard'
hn_cc_3_NewGuardReserve_20181115_HQ5-_e_body 'This week, Conflicts on all planets reward [c][FFB74A]IG-86 Assassin Droid[-][/c] fragments. These special infantry eclipse their counterpart Phase II Dark Troopers in both health and damage. Claim special samples of this infantry to deploy immediately, then fight to unlock/upgrade permanently!'
hn_cc_3_NewGuardReserve_20181115_HQ5-_e_title '11/15 to 11/21 Conflict Outbreaks: IG-86 Assassin Droids'
hn_cc_3_NewGuardReserve_20181115_HQ5-_r_body 'This week, Conflicts on all planets reward [c][FFB74A]Iakaru Warrior[-][/c] fragments. These special infantry eclipse their counterpart Wookiee Warriors in both health and damage. Claim special samples of this infantry to deploy immediately, then fight to unlock/upgrade permanently!'
hn_cc_3_NewGuardReserve_20181115_HQ5-_r_title '11/15 to 11/21 Conflict Outbreaks: Iakaru Warriors'
hn_cc_3_NewGuardReserve_20190103_HQ5-_e_title '1/3 to 1/9 Conflict Outbreak: Shock Trooper'
hn_cc_3_NewGuardReserve_20190103_HQ5-_r_title '1/3 to 1/9 Conflict Outbreak: Rebel Vanguard'
hn_cc_3_NewGuardReserve_20190103_HQ6+_e_title '1/3 to 1/16 Conflicts: Shock Trooper Guard Reserve Equipment'
hn_cc_3_NewGuardReserve_20190103_HQ6+_r_title '1/3 to 1/16 Conflicts: Marksman Guard Reserve Equipment'
hn_cc_3_NewGuardReserve_20190110_HQ5-_e_title '1/10 to 1/16 Conflict Outbreak: IG-86 Assassin Droid'
hn_cc_3_NewGuardReserve_20190110_HQ5-_r_title '1/10 to 1/16 Conflict Outbreak: Iakaru Warrior'
hn_cc_3_NewGuardReserve_20190404_HQ5-_e_body 'This week, Conflicts on all planets reward trap-sniping [c][FFB74A]Shock Trooper[-][/c] Unit Data Fragments. Claim special samples of this infantry to deploy immediately, then fight to unlock/upgrade permanently!'
hn_cc_3_NewGuardReserve_20190404_HQ5-_e_title '4/4 to 4/10 Conflict Outbreak: Shock Trooper'
hn_cc_3_NewGuardReserve_20190404_HQ5-_r_body 'This week, Conflicts on all planets reward trap-sniping [c][FFB74A]Rebel Vanguard[-][/c] Unit Data Fragments. Claim special samples of this infantry to deploy immediately, then fight to unlock/upgrade permanently!'
hn_cc_3_NewGuardReserve_20190404_HQ5-_r_title '4/4 to 4/10 Conflict Outbreak: Rebel Vanguard'
hn_cc_3_NewGuardReserve_20190411_HQ5-_e_body 'This week, Conflicts on all planets reward [c][FFB74A]IG-86 Assassin Droid[-][/c] fragments. These special infantry eclipse their counterpart Phase II Dark Troopers in both health and damage. Claim special samples of this infantry to deploy immediately, then fight to unlock/upgrade permanently!'
hn_cc_3_NewGuardReserve_20190411_HQ5-_e_title '4/11 to 4/17 Conflict Outbreak: IG-86 Assassin Droid'
hn_cc_3_NewGuardReserve_20190411_HQ5-_r_body 'This week, Conflicts on all planets reward [c][FFB74A]Iakaru Warrior[-][/c] fragments. These special infantry eclipse their counterpart Wookiee Warriors in both health and damage. Claim special samples of this infantry to deploy immediately, then fight to unlock/upgrade permanently!'
hn_cc_3_NewGuardReserve_20190411_HQ5-_r_title '4/11 to 4/17 Conflict Outbreak: Iakaru Warrior'
hn_cc_3_NewGuardReserve_20190801_HQ5-_e_body 'This week, Conflicts on all planets reward trap-sniping [c][FFB74A]Shock Trooper[-][/c] Unit Data Fragments. Claim special samples of this infantry to deploy immediately, then fight to unlock/upgrade permanently!'
hn_cc_3_NewGuardReserve_20190801_HQ5-_e_title '8/1 to 8/7 Conflict Outbreak: Shock Trooper'
hn_cc_3_NewGuardReserve_20190801_HQ5-_r_body 'This week, Conflicts on all planets reward trap-sniping [c][FFB74A]Rebel Vanguard[-][/c] Unit Data Fragments. Claim special samples of this infantry to deploy immediately, then fight to unlock/upgrade permanently!'
hn_cc_3_NewGuardReserve_20190801_HQ5-_r_title '8/1 to 8/7 Conflict Outbreak: Rebel Vanguard'
hn_cc_3_NewGuardReserve_20190808_HQ5-_e_body 'This week, Conflicts on all planets reward [c][FFB74A]IG-86 Assassin Droid[-][/c] fragments. These special infantry eclipse their counterpart Phase II Dark Troopers in both health and damage. Claim special samples of this infantry to deploy immediately, then fight to unlock/upgrade permanently!'
hn_cc_3_NewGuardReserve_20190808_HQ5-_e_title '8/8 to 8/14 Conflicts: Sniper Trooper Guard Reserve Equipment'
hn_cc_3_NewGuardReserve_20190808_HQ5-_r_body 'This week, Conflicts on all planets reward [c][FFB74A]Iakaru Warrior[-][/c] fragments. These special infantry eclipse their counterpart Wookiee Warriors in both health and damage. Claim special samples of this infantry to deploy immediately, then fight to unlock/upgrade permanently!'
hn_cc_3_NewGuardReserve_20190808_HQ5-_r_title '8/8 to 8/14 Conflicts: Marksman Guard Reserve Equipment'
hn_cc_3_NewHalfSkins_20181122_e_body 'This AT-MP Walker has been enhanced, allowing it to fire heavier and more explosive munitions. Such modifications are built around existing systems, visibly altering its appearance. Claim special samples of this vehicle to deploy immediately!'
hn_cc_3_NewHalfSkins_20181122_r_body 'This AT-AP Walker has been enhanced, allowing its weapons to fire higher energy blasts that deal much more damage. Such modifications are built around existing systems, visibly altering its appearance. Claim special samples of this vehicle to deploy immediately!'
hn_cc_3_RTC_20200228_Announce_body 'Commander, in the coming months, we will not be running any Conflicts or Episodes. Please check our website for further information.\n\nThank you for your ongoing support.'
hn_cc_3_RTC_20200228_Announce_title 'Player Notice'
hn_cc_3_RTC_20200313_Announce_body 'Thank you for playing Star Wars™: Commander. But the time has come to say goodbye.\n[c][FFB74A]We have decided to retire Star Wars™: Commander. As of Mar 13, 2020, all in-game purchases are suspended, but the game will remain playable.[-][/c] The game officially retires at 11am GMT, June 12, 2020. We will also implement in-game changes, stay tuned for more information. We didn’t come to this decision lightly, we love this game as much as you. It’s been an honor to have been a part of this community and thank you for playing!'
hn_cc_3_RTC_20200313_Announce_title 'Game Closure Announcement '
hn_cc_3_RTC_20200313_Crate_Explain_e_body 'We implemented changes to the game that will be active until the end of Star Wars™: Commander at 11am GMT on June 12, 2020. \nIncluding: \n- All units, buildings, and equipment have reduced timers & costs.\n- New crates containing shards are available in-store to be purchased with the premium currency. Allowing to unlock and max out units & equipment. \n- All players will receive a gift of Gems as a token of thanks.'
hn_cc_3_RTC_20200313_Crate_Explain_e_title 'Thank You Gift!'
hn_cc_3_RTC_20200313_Crate_Explain_r_body 'We implemented changes to the game that will be active until the end of Star Wars™: Commander at 11am GMT on June 12, 2020. \nIncluding: \n- All units, buildings, and equipment have reduced timers & costs.\n- New crates containing shards are available in-store to be purchased with the premium currency. Allowing to unlock and max out units & equipment. \n- All players will receive a gift of Gems as a token of thanks.'
hn_cc_3_RTC_20200313_Crate_Explain_r_title 'Thank You Gift!'
hn_cc_3_RTC_20200612_Announce_body 'As previously announced, Star Wars™: Commander will no longer be playable starting tomorrow, June 12, 2020 at 11AM GMT. \nThank you for playing and being a valuable part of our community. \n\nMay the Force be with you.'
hn_cc_3_RTC_20200612_Announce_title 'Thank You'
hn_cc_3_TroopTransportConflict_20180802_HQ_e_body 'The Imperial Troop Transport can absorb high amounts of damage thanks to durable armor plating. In battle, the vehicle unloads [c][FFC25B]Phase II Dark Trooper[-][/c] reinforcements. Claim special samples of this vehicle to deploy immediately!'
hn_cc_3_TroopTransportConflict_20180802_HQ_e_title 'New Vehicle Unit: Imperial Troop Transport'
hn_cc_3_TroopTransportConflict_20180802_HQ_r_body 'The A-A5 Speeder Truck can absorb high amounts of damage thanks to augmented armor plating. In battle, the vehicle unloads [c][FFC25B]Wookiee Warrior[-][/c] reinforcements. Claim special samples of this vehicle to deploy immediately!'
hn_cc_3_TroopTransportConflict_20180802_HQ_r_title 'New Vehicle Unit: A-A5 Speeder Truck'
hn_cc_3_TroopTransportConflict_20180809_HQ5-_e_body 'This walker has been enhanced, allowing its weapons to fire high power blasts at a faster than normal rate. Such modifications are built around existing systems, visibly altering the appearance of this AT-ST. Claim special samples of this vehicle to deploy immediately!'
hn_cc_3_TroopTransportConflict_20180809_HQ5-_e_title 'Sample Units: Enhanced AT-ST Walker'
hn_cc_3_TroopTransportConflict_20180809_HQ5-_r_body "This T2-B tank has been enhanced, allowing its weapons to fire high power blasts at a faster than normal rate. Such modifications are built around existing systems, visibly altering the tank's appearance. Claim special samples of this vehicle to deploy immediately!"
hn_cc_3_TroopTransportConflict_20180809_HQ5-_r_title 'Sample Units: Enhanced T2-B Repulsor Tank'
hn_cc_3_TroopTransportConflict_20180809_HQ6+_e_body "This brand new equipment increases the AT-ST Walker's [c][FFB74A]damage and firing speed[-][/c], altering its appearance in the process. Claim special Enhanced AT-ST Walker samples to deploy immediately, then fight in Conflicts to unlock this Equipment permanently!"
hn_cc_3_TroopTransportConflict_20180809_HQ6+_e_title 'New Equipment: Enhanced AT-ST Walker'
hn_cc_3_TroopTransportConflict_20180809_HQ6+_r_body "This brand new equipment increases the T2-B tank's [c][FFB74A]damage and firing speed[-][/c], altering its appearance in the process. Claim special Enhanced T2-B Repulsor Tank samples to deploy immediately, then fight in Conflicts to unlock this Equipment permanently!"
hn_cc_3_TroopTransportConflict_20180809_HQ6+_r_title 'New Equipment: Enhanced T2-B Repulsor Tank'
hn_cc_3_TroopTransportConflict_20180913_HQ_e_body 'The Imperial Troop Transport can absorb high amounts of damage thanks to durable armor plating. In battle, the vehicle unloads [c][FFC25B]Phase II Dark Trooper[-][/c] reinforcements. Claim special samples of this vehicle to deploy immediately!'
hn_cc_3_TroopTransportConflict_20180913_HQ_r_body 'The A-A5 Speeder Truck can absorb high amounts of damage thanks to augmented armor plating. In battle, the vehicle unloads [c][FFC25B]Wookiee Warrior[-][/c] reinforcements. Claim special samples of this vehicle to deploy immediately!'
hn_cc_3_TroopTransportConflict_20180920_HQ5-_e_body 'This walker has been enhanced, allowing its weapons to fire high power blasts at a faster than normal rate. Such modifications are built around existing systems, visibly altering the appearance of this AT-ST. Claim special samples of this vehicle to deploy immediately!'
hn_cc_3_TroopTransportConflict_20180920_HQ5-_r_body "This T2-B tank has been enhanced, allowing its weapons to fire high power blasts at a faster than normal rate. Such modifications are built around existing systems, visibly altering the tank's appearance. Claim special samples of this vehicle to deploy immediately!"
hn_cc_3_TroopTransportConflict_20180920_HQ6+_e_body "This equipment increases the AT-ST Walker's [c][FFB74A]damage and firing speed[-][/c], altering its appearance in the process. Claim special Enhanced AT-ST Walker samples to deploy immediately, then fight in Conflicts to unlock this Equipment permanently!"
hn_cc_3_TroopTransportConflict_20180920_HQ6+_r_body "This equipment increases the T-2B tank's [c][FFB74A]damage and firing speed[-][/c], altering its appearance in the process. Claim special Enhanced T2-B Repulsor Tank samples to deploy immediately, then fight in Conflicts to unlock this Equipment permanently!"
hn_cc_3_anh40_HQ2-5_obj_e_body 'This week only, get new objectives twice per day! Earn double the Death Star Crates for more chances to get Data Fragments for the trap-hunting Shock Trooper and sniper hero Johhar Kessen. Ends 5/1!\n\nPremium Death Star Crates also available in the Store.'
hn_cc_3_anh40_HQ2-5_obj_e_title '2x Objectives! Ends 5/1!'
hn_cc_3_anh40_HQ2-5_obj_r_body 'This week only, get new objectives twice per day! Earn double the Death Star Crates for more chances to get Data Fragments for the trap-hunting Vanguard and sniper hero Johhar Kessen. Ends 5/1!\n\nPremium Death Star Crates also available in the Store.'
hn_cc_3_anh40_HQ2-5_obj_r_title '2x Objectives! Ends 5/1!'
hn_cc_3_anh40_HQ2-5_raid_e_body 'Maximize your unlocks/upgrades for the trap-hunting Shock Trooper and sniper hero Johhar Kessen with 3x the raids per day until 5/8!\n\nDeath Star Crates will available in Heroic Defense, Objectives, and the Shop until event end 5/17.'
hn_cc_3_anh40_HQ2-5_raid_e_title '3x Raid Rush! Death Star Crates in Heroic Defense!'
hn_cc_3_anh40_HQ2-5_raid_r_body 'Maximize your unlocks/upgrades for the trap-hunting Vanguard and sniper hero Johhar Kessen.\n\nDeath Star Crates also available in Objectives and Store until 5/17.'
hn_cc_3_anh40_HQ2-5_raid_r_title '3x Raid Rush! Death Star Crates in Heroic Defense!'
hn_cc_3_anh40_HQ6-10_obj_e_body 'This week only, get new objectives twice per day! Earn double the Death Star Crates for more chances to get stormtrooper-summoning [c][FFB74A]Lord Vader[-][/c] equipment. Ends 5/1!\n\nPremium Death Star Crates also available in the Store.'
hn_cc_3_anh40_HQ6-10_obj_e_title '2x Objectives! Ends 5/1!'
hn_cc_3_anh40_HQ6-10_obj_r_body 'This week only, get new objectives twice per day! Earn double the Death Star Crates for more chances to get turret-disabling [c][FFB74A]Artoo & Threepio[-][/c] equipment. Ends 5/1!\n\nPremium Death Star Crates also available in the Store.'
hn_cc_3_anh40_HQ6-10_obj_r_title '2x Objectives! Ends 5/1!'
hn_cc_3_anh40_HQ6-10_raid_e_body 'Three-star Heroic Defenses now reward Death Star Crates! Maximize your stormtrooper-summoning [c][FFB74A]Lord Vader[-][/c] equipment unlocks.\n\nDeath Star Crates also available in Objectives and Store until 5/17.'
hn_cc_3_anh40_HQ6-10_raid_e_title 'Death Star Crates in Heroic Defense'
hn_cc_3_anh40_HQ6-10_raid_r_body 'Three-star Heroic Defenses now reward Death Star Crates! Maximize your turret-disabling [c][FFB74A]Artoo & Threepio[-][/c] equipment unlocks.\n\nDeath Star Crates also available in Objectives and Store until 5/17.'
hn_cc_3_anh40_HQ6-10_raid_r_title 'Death Star Crates in Heroic Defense'
hn_cc_3_anh40_conf00_e_body 'Available until event ends on 5/17\nImperial Astromedics heal infantry units in battle, using bacta-based technologies. Claim your free samples now, then fight to unlock it permanently! Only available during the [c][FFB74A]Star Wars: 40th Anniversary[-][/c] event!'
hn_cc_3_anh40_conf00_e_title 'New Unit Unlock in Conflicts'
hn_cc_3_anh40_conf00_r_body 'Available until event ends on 5/17\nWED Treadwell droids repair vehicles in the heat of combat. Claim your free samples now, then fight to unlock it permanently! Only available during the [c][FFB74A]Star Wars: 40th Anniversary[-][/c] event!'
hn_cc_3_anh40_conf00_r_title 'New Unit Unlock in Conflicts'
hn_cc_3_anh40_conf01_e_body '[c][FFB74A]Star Wars: 40th Anniversary[-][/c] event ends 5/17!\n\nLast chance to unlock and upgrade the Imperial Astromedic! Join the final Conflicts of the event, ending 5/17.'
hn_cc_3_anh40_conf01_e_title 'Last Chance to Unlock Imperial Astromedic'
hn_cc_3_anh40_conf01_r_body '[c][FFB74A]Star Wars: 40th Anniversary[-][/c] event ends 5/17!\n\nLast chance to unlock and upgrade the WED Treadwell Repair Droid! Join the final Conflicts of the event, ending 5/17.'
hn_cc_3_anh40_conf01_r_title 'Last Chance to Unlock WED Treadwell Repair Droid'
hn_cc_3_anh40heroes_20181220_title '12/20 to 1/2 Conflict Outbreak: Healers & Heroes'
hn_cc_3_anhrr_HQ2-5_dbl_conf_e_body "During this week's Black Market Event, earn double the number of crates from conflicts! Unlock/upgrade the Imperial Astromedic before the event ends!"
hn_cc_3_anhrr_HQ2-5_dbl_conf_r_body "During this week's Black Market Event, earn double the number of crates from conflicts! Unlock/upgrade the WED Treadwell before the event ends!"
hn_cc_3_anhrr_HQ2-5_obj_3x_e_body 'This week only, all objectives reward Black Market Death Star Crates! Earn triple the crates for more chances to get Data Fragments for the [c][FFB74A]Imperial Astromedic[-][/c]!\n\nPremium Death Star Crates are also available in the Shop.'
hn_cc_3_anhrr_HQ2-5_obj_3x_r_body 'This week only, all objectives reward Black Market Death Star Crates! Earn triple the crates for more chances to get Data Fragments for  the [c][FFB74A]WED Treadwell[-][/c]!\n\nPremium Death Star Crates are also available in the Shop.'
hn_cc_3_anhrr_HQ6+_dbl_conf_e_body "During this week's Black Market Event, earn double the number of crates from conflicts! Unlock/upgrade the Imperial Astromedic and Lord Vader equipment before the event ends!"
hn_cc_3_anhrr_HQ6+_dbl_conf_r_body "During this week's Black Market Event, earn double the number of crates from conflicts! Unlock/upgrade the WED Treadwell and Artoo & Threepio equipment before the event ends!"
hn_cc_3_anhrr_HQ6+_obj_3x_e_body 'This week only, all objectives reward Black Market Death Star Crates! Earn triple the crates for more chances to get Data Fragments for [c][FFB74A]Lord Vader[-][/c] equipment and the [c][FFB74A]Imperial Astromedic[-][/c]!\n\nPremium Death Star Crates are also available in the Shop.'
hn_cc_3_anhrr_HQ6+obj_3x_r_body 'This week only, all objectives reward Black Market Death Star Crates! Earn triple the crates for more chances to get Data Fragments for [c][FFB74A]Artoo & Threepio[-][/c] equipment and the [c][FFB74A]WED Treadwell[-][/c]!\n\nPremium Death Star Crates are also available in the Shop.'
hn_cc_3_anhrr_dbl_conf_title '2x Conflict Rewards! Ends 8/17'
hn_cc_3_anhrr_obj_3x_title 'Triple Crate Objectives! Ends 8/23'
hn_cc_3_arcOps_HQ2-5_obj_e_body 'This week only, get new objectives twice per day! Earn double the Arctic Ops Crates, with more chances to earn Data Fragments for the resource-plundering MTV-7! Ends 3/30!\n\nPremium Arctic Ops Crates also available in the Store.'
hn_cc_3_arcOps_HQ2-5_obj_e_title '2x Arctic Objective Rush! Ends 3/30!'
hn_cc_3_arcOps_HQ2-5_obj_r_body 'This week only, get new objectives twice per day! Earn double the Arctic Ops Crates, with more chances to earn Data Fragments for the resource-plundering AT-RT Walker! Ends 3/30!\n\nPremium Arctic Ops Crates also available in the Store.'
hn_cc_3_arcOps_HQ2-5_obj_r_title '2x Arctic Objective Rush! Ends 3/30!'
hn_cc_3_arcOps_HQ2-5_raid_e_body 'Three-star Heroic Defenses now reward Arctic Ops Crates! These crates have a good chance to drop Data Fragments for the MTV-7 vehicle, which devastates enemy alloy and credit storage!\n\nArctic Ops Crates also available in Objectives and Store until 4/12.'
hn_cc_3_arcOps_HQ2-5_raid_e_title 'Arctic Ops Crates now in Heroic Defense'
hn_cc_3_arcOps_HQ2-5_raid_r_body 'Three-star Heroic Defenses now reward Arctic Ops Crates! These crates have a good chance to drop Data Fragments for the AT-RT Walker, which devastates enemy alloy and credit storage!\n\nArctic Ops Crates also available in Objectives and Store until 4/12.'
hn_cc_3_arcOps_HQ2-5_raid_r_title 'Arctic Ops Crates now in Heroic Defense'
hn_cc_3_arcOps_HQ6-10_obj_e_body 'This week only, get new objectives twice per day! Earn double the Arctic Ops Crates for more chances to earn newly buffed arctic Equipment, including Snowtroopers and the wall-smashing INT-4 Interceptor. Ends 3/30!\n\nPremium Arctic Ops Crates also available in the Store.'
hn_cc_3_arcOps_HQ6-10_obj_e_title '2x Arctic Objective Rush! Ends 3/30!'
hn_cc_3_arcOps_HQ6-10_obj_r_body 'This week only, get new objectives twice per day! Earn double the Arctic Ops Crates for more chances to earn newly buffed arctic Equipment, including Snow Soldiers and the wall-smashing Tauntaun Rider. Ends 3/30!\n\nPremium Arctic Ops Crates also available in the Store.'
hn_cc_3_arcOps_HQ6-10_obj_r_title '2x Arctic Objective Rush! Ends 3/30!'
hn_cc_3_arcOps_HQ6-10_raid_e_body 'Three-star Heroic Defenses now reward Arctic Ops Crates! Maximize your Snowtrooper equipment unlocks and buff units with 4x the power!\n\nArctic Ops Crates also available in Objectives and Store until 4/12.'
hn_cc_3_arcOps_HQ6-10_raid_e_title 'Arctic Ops Crates now in Heroic Defense'
hn_cc_3_arcOps_HQ6-10_raid_r_body 'Three-star Heroic Defenses now reward Arctic Ops Crates! Maximize your Cold-Weather Soldier equipment unlocks and buff units with 4x the power!\n\nArctic Ops Crates also available in Objectives and Store until 4/12.'
hn_cc_3_arcOps_HQ6-10_raid_r_title 'Arctic Ops Crates now in Heroic Defense'
hn_cc_3_arcOps_conf00_e_body 'Arctic Ops Conflict Unlock: Ends on 4/12\nIG-86 Assassin Droids take down turrets faster than their Dark Trooper counterparts. Claim your free samples now, then fight to unlock them permanently! Only available during Arctic Ops Event!'
hn_cc_3_arcOps_conf00_e_title 'New Unit Unlock in Conflicts'
hn_cc_3_arcOps_conf00_r_body 'Arctic Ops Conflict Unlock: Ends on 4/12\nIakaru Warriors take down turrets faster than their Wookiee counterparts. Claim your free samples now, then fight to unlock them permanently! Only available during Arctic Ops Event!'
hn_cc_3_arcOps_conf00_r_title 'New Unit Unlock in Conflicts'
hn_cc_3_arcOps_conf01_e_body 'Arctic Operations event ends 4/12!\n\nLast chance to unlock and upgrade the IG-86 Assassin Droid! Join the final Conflicts of the Arctic Operations Event, ending 4/12.'
hn_cc_3_arcOps_conf01_e_title 'Last Chance to Unlock IG-86 Assassin Droid'
hn_cc_3_arcOps_conf01_r_body 'Arctic Operations event ends 4/12!\n\nLast chance to unlock and upgrade the Iakaru Warrior! Join the final Conflicts of the Arctic Operations Event, ending 4/12.'
hn_cc_3_arcOps_conf01_r_title 'Last Chance to Unlock Iakaru Warrior'
hn_cc_3_atmosMIG_body 'The TIE Strike is especially effective against vehicle units, using powerful proton bombs to cause massive damage across a wide area. Collect Data Fragments for this starship only during the Rogue One Special Event!'
hn_cc_3_atmosMIG_title 'Special Event Starships'
hn_cc_3_atmosMIG_title2 'TIE Striker'
hn_cc_3_atrt_buff_body 'The AT-RT has been upgraded, and is better than ever at bypassing enemy defenses. Compete on the conflict on Hoth to claim these powerful units!'
hn_cc_3_atrt_buff_title 'AT-RT Upgrades!'
hn_cc_3_awing_buff_body "The TIE Advanced and A-wing Starships have had their blasters recalibrated. Fight your way to the top of Dandoran's conflicts to unlock them!"
hn_cc_3_awing_buff_title 'TIE Advanced and A-wing Recalibrated!'
hn_cc_3_bigMouthAlien_body "The Drabatan Saboteur uses sonic grenades to weaken enemy defenses, increasing the damage they'll take. Collect Data Fragments for this mercenary during the Rogue One Special Event!"
hn_cc_3_bigMouthAlien_title 'Special Event Unit'
hn_cc_3_bigMouthAlien_title2 'Drabatan Saboteur'
hn_cc_3_defRef_conf_e_body 'All conflicts in the final week of Tactical Defenses award double the crates! Fight to maximize your unlocks/upgrades of the new [c][FFAA33]Guard Reserve[-][/c] equipment, and seize tactical superiority!'
hn_cc_3_defRef_conf_r_body 'All conflicts in the final week of Tactical Defenses award double the crates! Fight to maximize your unlocks/upgrades of the new [c][FFAA33]Guard Reserve[-][/c] equipment, and seize tactical superiority!'
hn_cc_3_defRef_conf_title '2x Conflict Crates! Ends 7/12'
hn_cc_3_defRef_obj_body_e 'This week only, all objectives award Tactical Defenses Crates! Earn triple the crates for more chances to get Data Fragments for [c][FFAA33]Guard Reserve[-][/c] equipment!\n\nPremium Tactical Defenses Crates also available in the Store.'
hn_cc_3_defRef_obj_body_r 'This week only, all objectives award Tactical Defenses Crates! Earn triple the crates for more chances to get Data Fragments for [c][FFAA33]Guard Reserve[-][/c] equipment!\n\nPremium Tactical Defenses Crates also available in the Store.'
hn_cc_3_defRef_obj_title '3x Objective Crates! Ends 7/5'
hn_cc_3_desBiome_conf00_e_body 'Desert Ops Conflict Unlock: Ends on 2/15\nKubaz Invaders rush in and take down shield generators with ease. Claim your free samples now, then fight to unlock it permanently! Only available during Desert Ops Event!'
hn_cc_3_desBiome_conf00_e_title 'New Unit Unlock in Conflicts'
hn_cc_3_desBiome_conf00_r_body 'Desert Ops Conflict Unlock: Ends on 2/15\nIthorian Infiltrators rush in and take down shield generators with ease. Claim your free samples now, then fight to unlock it permanently! Only available during Desert Ops Event!'
hn_cc_3_desBiome_conf00_r_title 'New Unit Unlock in Conflicts'
hn_cc_3_desBiome_conf01_e_body 'Desert Operations event ends 2/15!\n\nLast chance to unlock and upgrade the Kubaz Invader! Join the final Conflicts of the Desert Operations Event, ending 2/15.'
hn_cc_3_desBiome_conf01_e_title 'Last Chance to Unlock Kubaz Invader'
hn_cc_3_desBiome_conf01_r_body 'Desert Operations event ends 2/15!\n\nLast chance to unlock and upgrade the Ithorian Invader Infiltrator! Join the final Conflicts of the Desert Operations Event, ending 2/15.'
hn_cc_3_desBiome_conf01_r_title 'Last Chance to Unlock Ithorian Infiltrator'
hn_cc_3_desBiome_obj_e_body 'Desert Ops Crates now in Objectives! Desert Ops Crates have higher chances to drop desert equipment, buffing units with 4x the power!\n\nPremium Desert Ops Crates also available in the Store.'
hn_cc_3_desBiome_obj_e_title 'Desert Ops Crates now in Objectives'
hn_cc_3_desBiome_obj_r_body 'Desert Ops Crates now in Objectives! Desert Ops Crates have higher chances to drop desert equipment, buffing units with 4x the power!\n\nPremium Desert Ops Crates also available in the Store.'
hn_cc_3_desBiome_obj_r_title 'Desert Ops Crates now in Objectives'
hn_cc_3_desBiome_raid_e_body 'Three-star Heroic Defenses now reward Desert Ops Crates! Maximize your desert equipment unlocks and buff units with 4x the power!\n\nDesert Ops Crates also available in Objectives and Store until 2/15.'
hn_cc_3_desBiome_raid_e_title 'Desert Ops Crates now in Heroic Defense'
hn_cc_3_desBiome_raid_r_body 'Three-star Heroic Defenses now reward Desert Ops Crates! Maximize your desert equipment unlocks and buff units with 4x the power!\n\nDesert Ops Crates also available in Objectives and Store until 2/15.'
hn_cc_3_desBiome_raid_r_title 'Desert Ops Crates now in Heroic Defense'
hn_cc_3_enforcerDroid_body "The Security Droid uses sonic grenades to weaken enemy defenses, increasing the damage they'll take. Collect Data Fragments for this mercenary during the Rogue One Special Event!"
hn_cc_3_enforcerDroid_title 'Special Event Unit'
hn_cc_3_enforcerDroid_title2 'Security Droid'
hn_cc_3_epDemo_smpl_e_body 'This droid ignores turrets and resources to engage targets such as the Squad Center, Barracks, Factory, and Armory at point-blank range. Though immune to its own attack, this droid must still be protected from enemy fire. Claim special samples of this troop to deploy immediately!'
hn_cc_3_epDemo_smpl_e_title 'New Troop: LIN Demolitionmech'
hn_cc_3_epDemo_smpl_r_body 'This droid ignores turrets and resources to engage targets such as the Squad Center, Barracks, Factory, and Armory at point-blank range. Though immune to its own attack, this droid must still be protected from enemy fire. Claim special samples of this troop to deploy immediately!'
hn_cc_3_epDemo_smpl_r_title 'New Troop: Demolition Droid'
hn_cc_3_epNaval11212019_announce_p2_hq5-_e_body "Part II of the Naval Assault event finishes 12/04! Complete the admiral's tasks to earn rewards, including Data Fragments for the powerful [c][FFB74A]Naval Officer[-][/c] equipment."
hn_cc_3_epNaval11212019_announce_p2_hq5-_r_body "Part II of the Naval Assault event finishes 12/04! Complete the admiral's tasks to earn rewards, including Data Fragments for the powerful [c][FFB74A]Millennium Falcon Support[-][/c] equipment."
hn_cc_3_epNaval11212019_announce_p2_hq6+_e_body "Part II of the Naval Assault event finishes 12/04! Complete the admiral's tasks to earn rewards, including Data Fragments for the trap-sniping [c][FFB74A]Shock Trooper[-][/c] unit."
hn_cc_3_epNaval11212019_announce_p2_hq6+_r_body "Part II of the Naval Assault event finishes 12/04! Complete the admiral's tasks to earn rewards, including Data Fragments for the trap-sniping [c][FFB74A]Vanguard Trooper[-][/c] unit."
hn_cc_3_epNaval_announce_p2_hq5-_e_body "Part II of the Naval Assault event finishes 3/15! Complete the admiral's tasks to earn rewards, including Data Fragments for the powerful [c][FFB74A]Naval Officer[-][/c] equipment."
hn_cc_3_epNaval_announce_p2_hq5-_r_body "Part II of the Naval Assault event finishes 3/15! Complete the admiral's tasks to earn rewards, including Data Fragments for the powerful [c][FFB74A]Millennium Falcon Support[-][/c] equipment."
hn_cc_3_epNaval_announce_p2_hq6+_e_body "Part II of the Naval Assault event finishes 3/15! Complete the admiral's tasks to earn rewards, including Data Fragments for the trap-sniping [c][FFB74A]Shock Trooper[-][/c] unit."
hn_cc_3_epNaval_announce_p2_hq6+_r_body "Part II of the Naval Assault event finishes 3/15! Complete the admiral's tasks to earn rewards, including Data Fragments for the trap-sniping [c][FFB74A]Vanguard Trooper[-][/c] unit."
hn_cc_3_epNaval_eqp_p2_e_body 'Turn the Royal Guard hero into the [c][FFB74A]Naval Officer[-][/c], a deadly blaster-wielder who calls down turbolaser strikes from orbiting Star Destroyers! Play now to unlock this hero Equipment.'
hn_cc_3_epNaval_eqp_p2_e_title 'Equipment: Naval Officer'
hn_cc_3_epNaval_eqp_p2_r_body '[c][FFB74A]Millennium Falcon Support[-][/c] equipment powers up Chewbacca with aerial fire support from the trusty YT-1300 light freighter! Play now to unlock this hero Equipment.'
hn_cc_3_epNaval_eqp_p2_r_title 'Equipment: Millennium Falcon Support'
hn_cc_3_epNaval_smpl_p1_e_title 'Unit: Imperial Starfighter Pilot'
hn_cc_3_epNaval_smpl_p1_r_title 'Unit: Alliance Starfighter Pilot'
hn_cc_3_epNaval_smpl_p2_e_body 'Pulled from the Stormtrooper corps and equipped with powerful, shield-piercing rocket launchers, these specially trained elite troops detect and destroy traps, clearing the way to the enemy HQ. Claim special samples of this troop to deploy immediately!'
hn_cc_3_epNaval_smpl_p2_e_title 'Unit: Shock Trooper'
hn_cc_3_epNaval_smpl_p2_r_body 'Vanguards field powerful PLEX rocket launchers, designed to bypass shields and destroy from a distance. These path-clearing troops are specially trained to seek out and destroy traps. Claim special samples of this troop to deploy immediately!'
hn_cc_3_epNaval_smpl_p2_r_title 'Unit: Rebel Vanguard'
hn_cc_3_epSpacebear2_p3_smpl_HQ7+_body "The [c][FFB74A]Fathier Rider[-][/c] is a Tognath mercenary mounted atop a graceful steed, known as a fathier. The fathier's natural speed and powerful strikes make it ideal for hit-and-run combat. This troop's [c][FFB74A]damage has been increased[-][/c], so claim special samples to deploy immediately!"
hn_cc_3_epSpacebear2_p3_smpl_HQ7+_title 'Event Reward: Fathier Rider'
hn_cc_3_epSpacebear3_bufopel_r_body 'While the Bufopel normally prefer peace, they will unite in conflict to defend themselves. Their immense strength makes them fearsome opponents. The longer this unit remains in battle, the stronger it becomes! Claim special samples of this troop to deploy immediately!'
hn_cc_3_epSpacebear3_ongidae_e_body 'The Empire rarely enlists non-human species in its military. However, the Ongidae are strong and disciplined, making them an ideal foot-soldier unit. The longer this unit remains in battle, the stronger it becomes! Claim special samples of this troop to deploy immediately!'
hn_cc_3_epSpacebear_w1_e_body 'The [c][FFB74A]614-AvA Speeder Bike[-][/c] is an upgrade over the basic Empire Speeder Bike, providing better handling and faster speeds. This unit is more fragile, but has higher damage output, making it an effective infantry hunter. Claim special samples of this vehicle to deploy immediately!'
hn_cc_3_epSpacebear_w1_e_title 'New Vehicle: 614-AvA Speeder Bike'
hn_cc_3_epSpacebear_w1_r_body 'The unstable [c][FFB74A]V-4X-D Ski Speeder[-][/c] still flies with the help of a ventral halofoil. While less armored than most vehicles, this unit is very fast and outputs high damage, making it a highly effective infantry hunter. Claim special samples of this vehicle to deploy immediately!'
hn_cc_3_epSpacebear_w1_r_title 'New Vehicle: V-4X-D Ski Speeder'
hn_cc_3_epSpacebear_w3_HQ5-_body "The [c][FFB74A]Fathier Rider[-][/c] is a Tognath mercenary mounted atop a graceful steed, known as a fathier. The fathier's natural speed is ideal for hit-and-run combat. Claim samples of this troop to deploy immediately! [c][FFB74A]HQ Level 7 and Cantina required to train additional Fathier Rider units.[-][/c]"
hn_cc_3_epSpacebear_w3_HQ6+_body "The [c][FFB74A]Fathier Rider[-][/c] is a Tognath mercenary mounted atop a graceful steed, known as a fathier. The fathier's natural speed and powerful strikes make it ideal for hit-and-run combat. Claim special samples of this troop to deploy immediately!"
hn_cc_3_epSpacebear_w3_title 'New Mercenary: Fathier Rider'
hn_cc_3_epSpacebear_w4_e_body 'The Empire rarely enlists non-human species in its military. However, the Ongidae are strong and disciplined, making them an ideal foot-soldier unit. This unit takes less damage from attacks, the longer it remains in battle. Claim special samples of this troop to deploy immediately!'
hn_cc_3_epSpacebear_w4_e_title 'New Troop: Ongidae Oppressor'
hn_cc_3_epSpacebear_w4_r_body 'While the Bufopel normally prefer peace, they will unite in conflict to defend themselves. Their immense strength makes them fearsome opponents. This unit takes less damage from attacks, the longer it remains in battle. Claim special samples of this troop to deploy immediately!'
hn_cc_3_epSpacebear_w4_r_title 'New Troop: Bufopel Protector'
hn_cc_3_epTrixie_w1_HQ6-_body 'Targeting Barracks, Factories and Cantinas, they close in quickly and devastate anything caught in the blast of their SX-21 Scatter Blaster. Claim samples of this troop to deploy immediately! [c][FFB74A]HQ Level 7 and Cantina required to train additional Orbak Marauder units.[-][/c]'
hn_cc_3_epTrixie_w1_HQ7+_body 'A mercenary mounted atop a powerful Orbak. Focusing on Barracks, Factories and Cantinas, they close in quickly and devastate anything caught in the blast of their SX-21 Scatter Blaster. Claim samples of this troop to deploy immediately!'
hn_cc_3_epTrixie_w1_e_title 'New Mercenary: Orbak Marauder'
hn_cc_3_epTrixie_w2_HQ6-_body 'Targeting Barracks, Factories and Cantinas, they close in quickly and devastate anything caught in the blast of their SX-21 Scatter Blaster. Claim samples of this troop to deploy immediately! [c][FFB74A]HQ Level 7 and Cantina required to train additional Orbak Marauder units.[-][/c]'
hn_cc_3_epTrixie_w2_HQ7+_body 'A mercenary mounted atop a powerful Orbak. Focusing on Barracks, Factories and Cantinas, they close in quickly and devastate anything caught in the blast of their SX-21 Scatter Blaster. Claim samples of this troop to deploy immediately!'
hn_cc_3_epTrixie_w2_e_title 'New Mercenary: Orbak Marauder'
hn_cc_3_epTrixie_w3_HQ6-_body 'Riding a hardier breed of Orbak and equipped with more powerful ordanance, the Elite Orbak Marauder takes to the battlefield with increased health and damage. [c][FFB74A]HQ Level 7 and Cantina required to train additional Orbak Marauder units.[-][/c]'
hn_cc_3_epTrixie_w3_HQ7+_body 'Riding a hardier breed of Orbak and equipped with more powerful ordanance, the Elite Orbak Marauder takes to the battlefield with increased health and damage.'
hn_cc_3_epTrixie_w3_e_title 'New Equipment: Elite Orbak Marauder'
hn_cc_3_epTrixie_w4_HQ6-_body 'Riding a hardier breed of Orbak and equipped with more powerful ordanance, the Elite Orbak Marauder takes to the battlefield with increased health and damage. [c][FFB74A]HQ Level 7 and Cantina required to train additional Orbak Marauder units.[-][/c]'
hn_cc_3_epTrixie_w4_HQ7+_body 'Riding a hardier breed of Orbak and equipped with more powerful ordanance, the Elite Orbak Marauder takes to the battlefield with increased health and damage.Claim special samples of this troop to deploy immediately!'
hn_cc_3_epTrixie_w4_e_title 'New Equipment: Elite Orbak Marauder'
hn_cc_3_fangFighter_body 'The Fang Fighter is especially effective against vehicle units, using a barrage of proton torpedos to cause massive damage across a wide area. Collect Data Fragments for this starship only during the Rogue One Special Event!'
hn_cc_3_fangFighter_title 'Special Event Starships'
hn_cc_3_fangFighter_title2 'Fang Fighter'
hn_cc_3_forBiome_HQ2-5_obj_e_body 'This week only, get new objectives twice per day! Earn double the Forest Ops Crates, with more chances to earn Data Fragments for the anti-infantry VT-49 Decimator and shield-busting TIE Advanced Starfighters! Ends 3/2!\n\nPremium Forest Ops Crates also available in the Store.'
hn_cc_3_forBiome_HQ2-5_obj_e_title '2x Forest Objectives! Ends 3/2!'
hn_cc_3_forBiome_HQ2-5_obj_r_body 'This week only, get new objectives twice per day! Earn double the Forest Ops Crates, with more chances to earn Data Fragments for the anti-infantry HWK-290 and shield-busting A-wing Starfighters! Ends 3/2!\n\nPremium Forest Ops Crates also available in the Store.'
hn_cc_3_forBiome_HQ2-5_obj_r_title '2x Forest Objectives! Ends 3/2!'
hn_cc_3_forBiome_HQ2-5_raid_e_body 'Three-star Heroic Defenses now reward Forest Ops Crates! These crates have a good chance to drop Data Fragments for the anti-infantry HWK-290 and shield-busting A-wing Starfighters!\n\nForest Ops Crates also available in Objectives and Store until 3/15.'
hn_cc_3_forBiome_HQ2-5_raid_e_title 'Forest Ops Crates now in Heroic Defense'
hn_cc_3_forBiome_HQ2-5_raid_r_body 'Three-star Heroic Defenses now reward Forest Ops Crates! These crates have a good chance to drop Data Fragments for the anti-infantry VT-49 Decimator and shield-busting TIE Advanced Starfighters!\n\nForest Ops Crates also available in Objectives and Store until 3/15.'
hn_cc_3_forBiome_HQ2-5_raid_r_title 'Forest Ops Crates now in Heroic Defense'
hn_cc_3_forBiome_HQ6-10_obj_e_body 'This week only, get new objectives twice per day! Earn double the Forest Ops Crates for more chances to earn newly buffed forest Equipment, including the Heavy Shoretrooper and the massive AT-ACT. Ends 3/2!\n\nPremium Forest Ops Crates also available in the Store.'
hn_cc_3_forBiome_HQ6-10_obj_e_title '2x Forest Objectives! Ends 3/2!'
hn_cc_3_forBiome_HQ6-10_obj_r_body 'This week only, get new objectives twice per day! Earn double the Forest Ops Crates for more chances to earn newly buffed forest Equipment, including the Gigoran Fighter and Senator Leia Organa. Ends 3/2!\n\nPremium Forest Ops Crates also available in the Store.'
hn_cc_3_forBiome_HQ6-10_obj_r_title '2x Forest Objectives! Ends 3/2!'
hn_cc_3_forBiome_HQ6-10_raid_e_body 'Three-star Heroic Defenses now reward Forest Ops Crates! Maximize your Shoretrooper equipment unlocks and buff units with 4x the power!\n\nForest Ops Crates also available in Objectives and Store until 3/15.'
hn_cc_3_forBiome_HQ6-10_raid_e_title 'Forest Ops Crates now in Heroic Defense'
hn_cc_3_forBiome_HQ6-10_raid_r_body 'Three-star Heroic Defenses now reward Forest Ops Crates! Maximize your Rebel Commando equipment unlocks and buff units with 4x the power!\n\nForest Ops Crates also available in Objectives and Store until 3/15.'
hn_cc_3_forBiome_HQ6-10_raid_r_title 'Forest Ops Crates now in Heroic Defense'
hn_cc_3_forBiome_conf00_e_body 'Forest Ops Conflict Unlock: Ends on 3/15\nTognath Marksmen work in teams to pick off Droidekas with their sniper rifles. Claim free samples now, then fight to unlock it permanently! Unit unlock only available during Forest Ops Event!'
hn_cc_3_forBiome_conf00_e_title 'New Unit Unlock in Conflicts'
hn_cc_3_forBiome_conf00_r_body 'Forest Ops Conflict Unlock: Ends on 3/15\nTognath Marksmen work in teams to pick off Droidekas with their sniper rifles. Claim free samples now, then fight to unlock it permanently! Unit unlock only available during Forest Ops Event!'
hn_cc_3_forBiome_conf00_r_title 'New Unit Unlock in Conflicts'
hn_cc_3_forBiome_conf01_e_body 'Forest Operations event ends 3/15!\n\nLast chance to unlock and upgrade the Tognath Marksman! Join the final Conflicts of the Forest Operations Event, ending 3/15.'
hn_cc_3_forBiome_conf01_e_title 'Last Chance to Unlock Tognath Marksman'
hn_cc_3_forBiome_conf01_r_body 'Forest Operations event ends 3/15!\n\nLast chance to unlock and upgrade the Tognath Marksman! Join the final Conflicts of the Forest Operations Event, ending 3/15.'
hn_cc_3_forBiome_conf01_r_title 'Last Chance to Unlock Tognath Marksman'
hn_cc_3_hovertank_body_e 'Designed for heavy transport, the TX-225 is slow but devastating versus defensive structures. While normally a powerful Equipment upgrade to the 2-M Tank, these special samples can be deployed on their own.'
hn_cc_3_hovertank_body_r 'Designed for heavy transport, the Stolen TX-225 is slow but devastating versus defensive structures. While normally a powerful Equipment upgrade to the AAT-1 Tank, these special samples can be deployed on their own.'
hn_cc_3_hovertank_title2_e 'TX-225 Tank'
hn_cc_3_hovertank_title2_r 'Stolen TX-225 Tank'
hn_cc_3_hovertank_title_e 'Special Event Equipment'
hn_cc_3_hovertank_title_r 'Special Event Equipment'
hn_cc_3_hwk_buff_body 'The new HWK-290s now boast higly improved anti-vehicle napalm ordnance. Compete in the conflict on Yavin 4 to take them for a spin!'
hn_cc_3_hwk_buff_title 'New HWK-290 Shipment!'
hn_cc_3_ithorian_body "Ithorian Infiltrators employ a personal shield and a specialized ion blaster to eliminate shield generators at close range. A unit only available through completing Maz Kanata's Objectives."
hn_cc_3_ithorian_title 'Unit available for a limited time!'
hn_cc_3_johhar_buff_body "Johhar has added a Magnetic Pulse Shot to his arsenal. Fight your way to the top of Er'kit's conflict to upgrade him and this powerful new ability!"
hn_cc_3_johhar_buff_title 'Johhar Reloaded!'
hn_cc_3_kubaz_body "Kubaz Invaders employ a personal shield and a specialized ion blaster to eliminate shield generators at close range. A unit only available through completing Maz Kanata's Objectives."
hn_cc_3_kubaz_title 'New unit available for a limited time!'
hn_cc_3_merc_btn1 'Claim Sample'
hn_cc_3_merc_btn2 'Build Cantina'
hn_cc_3_merc_update1_body "The Gamorrean Warrior has toughened up, and the Twi'lek Incinerator is now even more blazingly devilish. Build your Cantina today and hire these powerful mercenaries!"
hn_cc_3_merc_update2_body 'Mercs in the Cantina are now tougher, more fierce, and cheaper! Level up your Headquarters, build a Cantina, and hire some now!'
hn_cc_3_merc_update3_body "Take advantage of the Gamorrean's improved close-range devastation, as well as the Twi'lek's increased endurance and desire to set fire! They've also lowered their fees. Hire them at your Cantina now!"
hn_cc_3_merc_update_title 'Mercenaries Enhanced!'
hn_cc_3_mtv7_buff_body 'The MTV-7 has been upgraded, and is better than ever at bypassing enemy defenses. Compete on the conflict on Hoth to claim these powerful units!'
hn_cc_3_mtv7_buff_title 'MTV-7 Upgrades!'
hn_cc_3_navalConf_conf_eqp_e_body '[c][FFB74A]Naval Assault[-][/c] rewards are back in Conflicts! Unlock/upgrade the [c][FFB74A]Imperial Starfighter Pilot[-][/c] on Tatooine. [c][E40B18]For HQ 6 and above:[-][/c] battle on other planets for Rodian Recon Sniper equipment, with [c][FFB74A]surgical TIE Bomber strikes[-][/c]!'
hn_cc_3_navalConf_conf_eqp_e_title '1/11 to 1/25 Conflict Outbreak: Naval Assault'
hn_cc_3_navalConf_conf_eqp_r_body '[c][FFB74A]Naval Assault[-][/c] rewards are back in Conflicts! Unlock/upgrade the [c][FFB74A]Alliance Starfighter Pilot[-][/c] on Tatooine. [c][E40B18]For HQ 6 and above:[-][/c] battle on other planets for Sullsutan Recon Sharpshooter equipment, with [c][FFB74A]surgical Y-wing bombing strikes[-][/c]!'
hn_cc_3_navalConf_conf_eqp_r_title '1/11 to 1/25 Conflict Outbreak: Naval Assault'
hn_cc_3_navalConf_conf_hero_e_body '[c][FFB74A]Naval Assault[-][/c] rewards are back in Conflicts! Unlock/upgrade the [c][FFB74A]Imperial Starfighter Pilot[-][/c] on Tatooine. [c][E40B18]For HQ 6 and above:[-][/c] battle on other planets for Naval Officer hero equipment with [c][FFB74A]orbital Star Destroyer fire support[-][/c]'
hn_cc_3_navalConf_conf_hero_e_title '1/11 to 1/25 Conflict Outbreak: Naval Assault'
hn_cc_3_navalConf_conf_hero_r_body '[c][FFB74A]Naval Assault[-][/c] rewards are back in Conflicts! Unlock/upgrade the [c][FFB74A]Alliance Starfighter Pilot[-][/c] on Tatooine. [c][E40B18]For HQ 6 and above:[-][/c] battle on other planets for hero equipment to power up Chewbacca with [c][FFB74A]Millennium Falcon fire support[-][/c]!'
hn_cc_3_navalConf_conf_hero_r_title '1/11 to 1/25 Conflict Outbreak: Naval Assault'
hn_cc_3_navalConf_conf_pilot_e_body '[c][FFB74A]Naval Assault[-][/c] rewards are back in Conflicts on all planets. Unlock/upgrade the [c][FFB74A]Imperial Starfighter Pilot[-][/c], trained infantry that summon TIE Fighters to strafe the battlefield!'
hn_cc_3_navalConf_conf_pilot_e_title '1/11 to 1/25 Conflict Outbreak: Naval Assault'
hn_cc_3_navalConf_conf_pilot_r_body '[c][FFB74A]Naval Assault[-][/c] rewards are back in Conflicts on all planets. Unlock/upgrade the [c][FFB74A]Alliance Starfighter Pilot[-][/c], trained infantry that summon X-wing fighters to strafe the battlefield!'
hn_cc_3_navalConf_conf_pilot_r_title '1/11 to 1/25 Conflict Outbreak: Naval Assault'
hn_cc_3_navalEvt_conf_eqp_e_body 'New [c][FFB74A]Rodian Recon Sniper[-][/c] equipment can be won in Conflicts! Place in Bronzium tier or better to earn Data Fragments for new rewards!'
hn_cc_3_navalEvt_conf_eqp_e_title 'Conflict Rewards: Rodian Recon Sniper'
hn_cc_3_navalEvt_conf_eqp_r_body 'New [c][FFB74A]Sullustan Recon Sharpshooter[-][/c] equipment can be won in Conflicts! Place in Bronzium tier or better to earn Data Fragments for new rewards!'
hn_cc_3_navalEvt_conf_eqp_r_title 'Conflict Rewards: Sullustan Recon Sharpshooter'
hn_cc_3_navalEvt_conf_hero_e_body 'New [c][FFB74A]Naval Officer[-][/c] hero equipment skin can be won in Conflicts! Place in Bronzium tier or better to earn Data Fragments for new rewards!'
hn_cc_3_navalEvt_conf_hero_e_title 'Conflict Rewards: Naval Officer'
hn_cc_3_navalEvt_conf_hero_r_body 'New [c][FFB74A]Millennium Falcon Support[-][/c] equipment can be won in Conflicts! Place in Bronzium tier or better to earn Data Fragments for new rewards!'
hn_cc_3_navalEvt_conf_hero_r_title 'Conflict Rewards: Millennium Falcon Support'
hn_cc_3_navalEvt_conf_pilot_e_body 'New [c][FFB74A]Imperial Starfighter Pilot[-][/c] unit can be won in Conflicts! Place in Bronzium tier or better to earn Data Fragments for new rewards!'
hn_cc_3_navalEvt_conf_pilot_e_title 'Conflict Rewards: Imperial Starfighter Pilot'
hn_cc_3_navalEvt_conf_pilot_r_body 'New [c][FFB74A]Alliance Starfighter Pilot[-][/c] unit can be won in Conflicts! Place in Bronzium tier or better to earn Data Fragments for new rewards!'
hn_cc_3_navalEvt_conf_pilot_r_title 'Conflict Rewards: Alliance Starfighter Pilot'
hn_cc_3_navalEvt_obj_e_body 'This week only, all objectives reward Naval Assault Crates! Earn triple the crates and collect more fragments for the [c][FFB74A]Imperial Starfighter Pilot[-][/c], [c][FFB74A]Naval Officer[-][/c] equipment, and more!'
hn_cc_3_navalEvt_obj_e_title 'Triple Crate Objectives! Ends 10/19'
hn_cc_3_navalEvt_obj_r_body 'This week only, all objectives reward Naval Assault Crates! Earn triple the crates and collect more fragments for the [c][FFB74A]Alliance Starfighter Pilot[-][/c], [c][FFB74A]Millennium Falcon Support[-][/c] equipment, and more!'
hn_cc_3_navalEvt_obj_r_title 'Triple Crate Objectives! Ends 10/19'
hn_cc_3_navalEvt_smpl_e_body '[c][FFB74A]Imperial Starfighter Pilots[-][/c] are capable fighters on the ground, targeting resource generators and storage while calling in TIE fighter strafing runs on Rebel bases. Collect Data Fragments to unlock these units in the Barracks. Take these special samples to deploy some immediately!'
hn_cc_3_navalEvt_smpl_e_title 'New Unit Unlock!'
hn_cc_3_navalEvt_smpl_r_body '[c][FFB74A]Alliance Starfighter Pilots[-][/c] are capable fighters on the ground, targeting resource generators and storage while calling in X-wing Starfighter strafing runs on Empire garrisons. Collect Data Fragments to unlock these units in the Barracks. Take these special samples to deploy some immediately!'
hn_cc_3_navalEvt_smpl_r_title 'New Unit Unlock!'
hn_cc_3_newHeroEvent_obj_e_body 'This week only, all objectives reward Weapons Research Crates! Earn triple the crates for more chances to get Data Fragments for the [c][FFB74A]Death Trooper[-][/c]!\n\nWeapons Research Crates are also available in the Shop.'
hn_cc_3_newHeroEvent_obj_e_title 'Triple Crate Objectives! Ends 9/27'
hn_cc_3_newHeroEvent_obj_r_body 'This week only, all objectives reward Weapons Research Crates! Earn triple the crates for more chances to get Data Fragments for the [c][FFB74A]Elite AT-TE Walker[-][/c]!\n\nWeapons Research Crates are also available in the Shop.'
hn_cc_3_newHeroEvent_obj_r_title 'Triple Crate Objectives! Ends 9/27'
hn_cc_3_newHeroEvent_smpl_e_body 'An elite stormtrooper, Death Troopers serve mainly as bodyguards for important Imperial officials, but on the battlefield they specialize in command missions. Death Troopers will target enemy defenses, including turrets and traps.'
hn_cc_3_newHeroEvent_smpl_e_title 'Hero Unit: Death Trooper'
hn_cc_3_newHeroEvent_smpl_r_body 'A modified AT-TE with thicker armor plating and heavier laser cannons, this AT-TE is piloted by an elite vehicle crew pulled from the best in the Rebellion. The Elite AT-TE targets enemy shield generators as it lumbers across the battlefield.'
hn_cc_3_newHeroEvent_smpl_r_title 'Hero Unit: Elite AT-TE Walker'
hn_cc_3_rancorSmpl_body 'Sample rancors are only available in these next two weeks! Claim a small quantity now to deploy immediately, then fight in conflicts to secure a much larger force!'
hn_cc_3_rancorSmpl_title 'Sample Units: Rancors'
hn_cc_3_rancor_body 'For this weekend only, defeating monster raids will award one of four rancor variants. Defend your base against this new threat to earn as many rancors as you can before time runs out.'
hn_cc_3_rancor_title 'Limited-Time Rancor Variants!'
hn_cc_3_rancor_update_body 'One of the most fearsome creatures in the galaxy, [c][F2D62F]Rancors[-][/c] will rampage through bases, destroying everything in their path.'
hn_cc_3_rancor_update_title 'Limited-Time Rancor Variants!'
hn_cc_3_redcup_20180524_HQ5+_smpl_e_body 'The Empire employs AT-haulers to swiftly deploy heavy armor to the field. This specialized starship can deliver vehicles anywhere, except under shields. Claim special samples of this starship to deploy immediately!'
hn_cc_3_redcup_20180524_HQ5+_smpl_e_title 'New Starship: AT-Hauler'
hn_cc_3_redcup_20180524_HQ5+_smpl_r_body 'The Alliance puts salvaged AT-haulers to work on the battlefield, dropping heavy armor payloads at any unshielded location. Claim special samples of this starship to deploy immediately!'
hn_cc_3_redcup_20180524_HQ5+_smpl_r_title 'New Starship: Salvaged AT-Hauler'
hn_cc_3_redcup_20180607_smpl_body 'A-LT Utility Droids bypass walls and overload the circuits of one turret, forcing it to ignore your troops and shoot at defenders instead. The overload triggers a series of small explosions, finally destroying the turret. Claim special samples of this droid to deploy immediately!'
hn_cc_3_redcup_20180607_title 'New Mercenary Unit: A-LT "Turret Slicer"'
hn_cc_3_redcup_20180830_smpl_HQ6-_body 'Replay week 3 of Therm Scissorpunch\'s increasingly suspicious search for Coaxium! Fight battles to earn Coaxium and collect reward crates. Earn unlock progress for powerful units, as well as instantly redeemable samples of the [c][FFB74A]A-LT "Turret Slicer" mercenary[-][/c]!'
hn_cc_3_redcup_20180830_title 'Commander Classic Event: Lucky Break, Part 3'
hn_cc_3_shocktrooper_buff_body 'Shock troopers have received armor upgrades and new, high explosive ordnance. Compete in the Tatooine conflict to upgrade these powerful troopers.'
hn_cc_3_shocktrooper_buff_title 'Shock trooper Re-equipped!'
hn_cc_3_squadmerge_01_body "Squad Wars is heating up Commander! If you can't find a great squad to team up with soon, you'll be recruited into one. Join a squad today!"
hn_cc_3_squadmerge_01_title 'Squad Recruitment'
hn_cc_3_squadmerge_02_body 'There has been a surge of squad recruits, making more squads eligible for Squad Wars. Coordinate with your squadmates and start a war today!'
hn_cc_3_squadmerge_02_title 'Squad Reinforcement'
hn_cc_3_tieadvanced_buff_body "The TIE Advanced and A-wing Starships have had their blasters recalibrated. Fight your way to the top of Dandoran's conflicts to unlock them!"
hn_cc_3_tieadvanced_buff_title 'TIE Advanced and A-wing Recalibrated!'
hn_cc_3_undeadEvt_sample_e_body 'The [c][FFB74A]SD-K4[-][/c] closes in and slashes at enemy turrets with armor-piercing forelimb blades. Smaller probe killers are deployed from the main droid to split off and hunt infantry, before self-destructing. Claim special samples of this hero to deploy immediately!'
hn_cc_3_undeadEvt_sample_e_title 'New Hero: SD-K4 assassin droid'
hn_cc_3_undeadEvt_sample_r_body 'The [c][FFB74A]Modified SD-K4[-][/c] closes in and slashes at enemy turrets with armor-piercing forelimb blades. Smaller probe killers are deployed from the main droid to split off and hunt infantry, before self-destructing. Claim special samples of this hero to deploy immediately!'
hn_cc_3_undeadEvt_sample_r_title 'New Hero: Modified SD-K4 assassin droid'
hn_cc_3_undead_body_e 'Imperial Scientists have managed to capture and subdue several Undead Troopers. Use them to your advantage on the battlefield, Commander!'
hn_cc_3_undead_body_r 'Our troops have captured several Undead Troopers for further research. Use them to your advantage on the battlefield, Commander!'
hn_cc_3_undead_title 'Undead Offerings'
hn_cc_3_vanguard_buff_body 'Vanguards have received armor upgrades and new, high explosive ordnance. Compete in the Tatooine conflict to upgrade these powerful infantry units.'
hn_cc_3_vanguard_buff_title 'Vanguard Re-equipped!'
hn_cc_3_vt49_buff_body 'The new VT-49s now boast higly improved anti-vehicle napalm ordnance. Compete in the conflict on Yavin 4 to take them for a spin!'
hn_cc_3_vt49_buff_title 'New VT-49 Shipment!'
hn_cc_conf_newEquipment 'New Equipment Unlock in Conflicts'
hn_cc_conf_newSampleUnits 'New Sample Units in Conflicts'
hn_cc_developer_notes 'Developer Notes'
hn_cc_event_reward_614AVA 'Event Reward: 614-AvA Speeder Bike'
hn_cc_event_reward_ApeMan 'Event Reward: Ongidae Oppressor'
hn_cc_event_reward_EmpireBubbaTieFighter 'Event Reward: TIE Brute equipment skin'
hn_cc_event_reward_EmpireChicken 'Event Reward: AT-DT Walker'
hn_cc_event_reward_EmpireHauler 'Event Reward: AT-Hauler'
hn_cc_event_reward_FurCoat 'Event Reward: Bufopel Protector'
hn_cc_event_reward_P006 'Event Reward: A-LT "Turret Slicer"'
hn_cc_event_reward_PolarShip 'Event Reward: V-4X-D Ski Speeder'
hn_cc_event_reward_RebelChicken 'Event Reward: Stolen AT-DT Walker'
hn_cc_event_reward_RebelHauler 'Event Reward: Salvaged AT-Hauler starship'
hn_cc_event_reward_RebelUWing 'Event Reward: U-wing Starfighter equipment skin'
hn_cc_featured_videos 'Featured Videos'
hn_cc_io7_deprecate_body 'Our game will be removing support for iOS 7 in the coming weeks. Please ensure your device is running iOS8 or higher in order to continue playing.'
hn_cc_io7_deprecate_title 'Important iOS Requirement Update'
hn_cc_ios9_warning_body 'Our game is experiencing translation issues in Japanese, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, and Russian with the recent iOS 9 upgrade. We are sorry for the inconvenience and are working hard to fix the issue.'
hn_cc_ios9_warning_title 'Warning App Store Players '
hn_cc_rc20_announce_body 'The contents of Supply Crates have been massively expanded, and a free daily crate has been added to the HQ inventory. Collect yours today!'
hn_cc_rc20_announce_title 'New Supply Crates'
hn_cc_rc21announce_body 'New Rogue One inspired units are now available in this limited-time event! Collect Data Fragments from special Weapons Research Crates to unlock these powerful units!'
hn_cc_rc21announce_title 'Rogue One Special Event'
hn_cc_read_more 'Read More'
hn_cc_rogue1v3_conf_body_e "During this week's Rogue One Event, earn double the number of Crates from Conflicts! Unlock/upgrade the Security Droid, TIE Striker and TX-225 Tank before the event ends!"
hn_cc_rogue1v3_conf_body_r "During this week's Rogue One Event, earn double the number of Crates from Conflicts! Unlock/upgrade the Drabatan Saboteur, Fang Figher and Stolen TX-225 Tank before the event ends!"
hn_cc_rogue1v3_conf_title '2x Conflict Rewards! Ends 6/7'
hn_cc_rogue1v3_ending_body_e 'Last chance to unlock and upgrade the Security Droid, TIE Striker and TX-244 Tank! Collect Weapons Crates from Heroic Defense, Objectives and the Shop until the event ends!'
hn_cc_rogue1v3_ending_body_r 'Last chance to unlock and upgrade the Drabatan Saboteur, Fang Fighter and Stolen TX-244 Tank! Collect Weapons Crates from Heroic Defense, Objectives and the Shop until the event ends!'
hn_cc_rogue1v3_ending_title 'Rogue One Event Ending 6/14'
hn_cc_rogue1v3_obj_body_e 'This week only, get new objectives twice per day! Earn double the Weapons Research Crates for more chances to get Data Fragments for Security Droids, TIE Strikers and TX-225 Tanks!\n\nPremium Weapon Research Crates also available in the Store.'
hn_cc_rogue1v3_obj_body_r 'This week only, get new objectives twice per day! Earn double the Weapons Research Crates for more chances to get Data Fragments for Drabatan Saboteurs, Fang Fighters and Stolen TX-225 Tanks!\n\nPremium Weapon Research Crates also available in the Store.'
hn_cc_rogue1v3_obj_title '2x Objectives! Ends 5/31'
hn_cc_rogue1v3_preview_body_e 'Rogue One inspired units will be returning for a limited-time event! Collect Data Fragments from special Weapons Research Crates to unlock the Security Droid, TIE Striker and TX-225 Tank!'
hn_cc_rogue1v3_preview_body_r 'Rogue One inspired units will be returning for a limited-time event! Collect Data Fragments from special Weapons Research Crates to unlock the Drabatan Saboteur, Fang Fighter and Stolen TX-225 Tank!'
hn_cc_rogue1v3_preview_title 'Rogue One Event Returns'
hn_cc_rogue1v3_raids_body_e 'Maximize your unlocks/upgrades for the Rogue One Event with 3x the raids per day until 6/14!'
hn_cc_rogue1v3_raids_body_r 'Maximize your unlocks/upgrades for the Rogue One Event with 3x the raids per day until 6/14!'
hn_cc_rogue1v3_raids_title '3x Raid Rush! Ends 6/14'
hn_cc_rogue1v3_release_body_e 'Rogue One inspired units are now available during a limited-time event! Collect Data Fragments from special Weapons Research Crates to unlock the Security Droid, TIE Striker and TX-225 Tank!'
hn_cc_rogue1v3_release_body_r 'Rogue One inspired units are available during a limited-time event! Collect Data Fragments from special Weapons Research Crates to unlock the Drabatan Saboteur, Fang Fighter and Stolen TX-225 Tank!'
hn_cc_rogue1v3_release_title 'Rogue One Event'
hn_cc_samples_Death 'Sample Units: Undead Trooper'
hn_cc_samples_EmpireATMPHalfSkinSample 'Sample Units: Enhanced AT-MP Walker'
hn_cc_samples_EmpireATSTHalfSkinSample 'Sample Units: Enhanced AT-ST Walker'
hn_cc_samples_EmpireChicken 'Sample Units: AT-DT Walker'
hn_cc_samples_EmpireHauler 'Sample Units: AT-Hauler starship'
hn_cc_samples_EmpireTransportVehicle 'Sample Units: Imperial Troop Transport'
hn_cc_samples_HeroEmpireSpiderDroid 'Sample Units: SD-K4'
hn_cc_samples_HeroRebelSpiderDroid 'Sample Units: Modified SD-K4'
hn_cc_samples_IG86Droid 'Sample Units: IG-86 Assassin Droid'
hn_cc_samples_IakaruWarrior 'Sample Units: Iakaru Warrior'
hn_cc_samples_RebelATAPHalfSkinSample 'Sample Units: Enhanced AT-AP Walker'
hn_cc_samples_RebelChicken 'Sample Units: Stolen AT-DT Walker'
hn_cc_samples_RebelHauler 'Sample Units: Salvaged AT-Hauler starship'
hn_cc_samples_RebelT2BTankHalfSkinSample 'Sample Units: Enhanced T2-B Repulsor Tank'
hn_cc_samples_RebelTransportVehicle 'Sample Units: A-A5 Speeder Truck'
hn_cc_samples_Shock 'Sample Units: Shock Trooper'
hn_cc_samples_TiePilotSample 'Sample Units: Imperial Starfighter Pilot'
hn_cc_samples_Vanguard 'Sample Units: Rebel Vanguard'
hn_cc_samples_XWingPilotSample 'Sample Units: Alliance Starfighter Pilot'
hn_character_name_title '{0}:'
hn_collect_now_cta 'Collect Now'
hn_commandcenter_tab 'Commander News'
hn_conflict_bonus_desc 'This resource bonus is added to your spoils for every victory against your rivals for the remaining Bonus Time.'
hn_conflict_end_message_e 'The Conflict on {0} is over, Operative. Your involvement on behalf of the Empire has been noted in your permanent record.'
hn_conflict_end_message_r 'The Conflict on {0} is over, Agent. Here are your personal results:'
hn_conflict_reward_cta 'Go To Inventory'
hn_daily_crate_reward_body 'A {0} has been delivered to your HQ inventory. Collect it now.'
hn_daily_crate_reward_cta 'Go to Inventory'
hn_daily_crate_reward_title 'Daily Supply Crate'
hn_dev_2-7-2_body '[FFAA33]Hover Unit Fixes[-]\n • Units no longer shoot through shields.\n • Note: These units can still shoot under shields if shields overlap the protection deployment zone on the edge of the map.\n\n[FFAA33]AT-AT, EAT-AT - Shield Edge Targeting[-]\n • These units now target the edge of shields instead of the shield generator.\n • Unit range has been decreased by one for these units to account for the additional range given by shield edge targeting.\n\n[FFAA33]Squad Donation Fix[-]\n • We’ve fixed an issue that required players to reload the game to make multiple troop donations for a single request.'
hn_dev_2-7-2_title 'Version 2.7.2'
hn_dev_2-7-3_body '[FFAA33]Squad Interface Enhancements[-]\nA new, slick slide-out interface for easy access to squad features.\n •\xa0Messages between squadmates can now be filtered by category. No more scrolling to find troop requests, replays, and chat messages, just tap the drop-down and choose what you’d like to see!\n\nSquad members list is now sortable in multiple ways:\n • Medals\n • Attacks/Defenses Won\n • Activity\n • Donated/Received Troops\n\n[FFAA33]Heroic Defense Challenge[-]\nAn all new event type! Defend your base against epic waves of oncoming enemies in 12 challenging missions.\n • These new defensive campaigns will put your base defenses to the test like never before!\n •\xa0Deploy a team of up to 3 heroes to aid in your defense, but be sure to protect your Hero Command: If it’s destroyed, your heroes won’t be able to aid you.'
hn_dev_2-7-3_title 'Version 2.7.3'
hn_dev_2017-04-20_body "[c][FFAA33]Balance Updates[-][/c]\n• Defensive equipment tuning updates to address gameplay imbalances.\n\nOver the last several updates, we've introduced new and adjusted equipment in the Armory, with the goal of adding iconic Star Wars content and a variety of new strategic options for our players. It's become clear to us that this hasn't always been the result. In response to some of these imbalances in equipment power, we are making new adjustments to defensive equipment. We want to ensure that the game is fun and fair, while rewarding the hard work that so many of you have put in to building up your bases and equipment.\n\nThanks for your patience while we continue to improve balance and gameplay. This is an ongoing process, and we value your feedback. Keep battling and sending your thoughts. Thanks for playing!"
hn_dev_2017-04-20_title 'Game Balance Update'
hn_dev_2017-05-10_body '[c][FFAA33]3x Death Star Crates Now Available![-][/c]\n• Earn a Death Star Crate for every objective completed until the end of the 40th Anniversary Event.\n\n[c][FFAA33]Higher Death Star Crate Drop Rates[-][/c]\n• All Death Star Crates have a higher chance of dropping new equipment fragments! Take advantage of these improved odds in both the Store and Objective/Heroic Defense crates to upgrade Lord Vader and Artoo & Threepio before the event ends!'
hn_dev_2017-05-10_title 'Update: 40th Anniversary Event'
hn_dev_3-0-0_body '[FFAA33]World Relocation[-]\nThis feature is unlocked at HQ5 by purchasing and placing the Planetary Command building. Choose from up to 4 additional worlds to scout out and move your base to.\n • Additional worlds: Er’Kit, Dandoran, Yavin 4, Hoth\n •\xa0Earn Victories to Move: Win rival battles on your current world to gain authorization to relocate again.\n\n[FFAA33]Galaxy Map[-]\nPart of the Planetary Command building, this map of the greater galaxy provides tactical intel into the status of Conflicts throughout the galaxy.\n\n[FFAA33]Updated Play Menu[-]\nViewing the Play Menu by tapping the Play Button now showcases your current world. This updated menu can also be accessed through the Galaxy Map and will surface information relevant to each world, such as friends and squadmates on the world, conflicts and events, as well as chapter progress.\n\n[FFAA33]Planetary Conflicts[-]\nThe conflict rages on! Compete in tournament-style planetary conflicts on a rotating schedule between the added worlds. \n\n[FFAA33]PvP Victory Loot Bonus[-]\nPlacement in a medal tier at the end of a Planetary Conflict rewards loot bonuses! For a number of days after the conflict has ended, earn bonus loot for victories against your rivals in PvP.\n\n[FFAA33]New Key Art & Icon[-]\n\n[FFAA33]Local Leaderboards[-]\nBe a leader! Leaderboards now surface all Commanders, regardless of rank by displaying other leaders relevant to your current rank, in addition to the top 50 Commanders.\n\n[FFAA33]Improved Squad Donation Messaging[-]\nNow you’ll know when you’ve received donated troops, and from whom they were donated. With a log kept in chat as well as upon returning to the game, both the surfacing and messaging of troop donations will be much more clear.\n\n[FFAA33]Fixes[-]\n • Fixed an issue where traps appear when visiting a player’s base (found by tapping around).\n • Fixed an issue where the Starship Command building would not list the capacity above the building in base view mode.\n • Fixed an issue where players could deploy starships after a defensive story battle ends.\n • Fixed an issue where contracts for troops training would occasionally cause desyncs.\n • Fixed an issue where units with clip retargeting would not retarget if they were shooting shields.\n • Fixed an issue where donations would not complete if the player closed the donation window before donations were fully sent.\n • Fixed an issue where units would occasionally freeze in place during an attack.\n • Fixed an issue where MHC/Hailfire droids would not properly path.\n • Fixed multiple squad issues where players would see duplicate, incorrect ordering, or “Elder”-tagged messages in squad chat.\n • Fixed multiple edge cases where donations to other players would not properly go through to that player.\n • Fixed an issue where medic droids would attach to a Droideka Sentinel.\n • Fixed an issue where players would not see the “Next” button when searching for attackable bases'
hn_dev_3-0-0_title 'Version 3.0.0'
hn_dev_3-1-1_body '[FFAA33]Commander Info Network[-]\nThe new hub for galactic news.  Stay up to date on conflicts, features, developer notes, and more.\n\n[FFAA33]Updated Battle Timer[-]\n • Battle timer now has a visual cue as it nears the end.\n • Starships can now NOT be deployed in the last second of the battle to ensure starship strikes are not wasted.\n\n[FFAA33]Improved Squad Donations[-]\n • Improved code around squad donations so that players can request troop donations while they are upgrading the squad center.  These requests can be seen from chat, the hud, and the info screen.\n\n[FFAA33]Fixes[-]\n • Fixed an issue where squad chat would show the incorrect troop capacity for requests.\n • Fixed an issue where players would have share video appear over their main base.\n • Fixed an issue where units would target un-armed traps.\n • Fixed an issue where traps that were destroyed would not appear in a destroyed state.\n • Fixed an issue where players would visually see a trap being destroyed by a sonic cannon.\n • Fixed an issue where traps would not trigger after they took some damage, but were not destroyed.\n • Fixed an issue where traps would not be triggered by some units passing over them, including medic droids.\n • Fixed an issue where the rotation animation wouldn’t occur for destroyed traps.\n • Added performance improvements to address the rare issue where units would freeze when attacking.\n • Fixed issues where exclamation marks and other symbols were unable to be used in the “share replay” window.\n • Fixed an issue where Facebook invites wouldn’t work through the Facebook dashboard.\n • Fixed an issue where players could not join their friend’s squad from the “Join A Squad” window.\n • Fixed an issue where Facebook pictures would not show up in the leaderboard next to their entry if they are logged into Facebook.\n • Fixed an issue where if players hit “return” before typing any text, it would cause their text to remain invisible when typing.\n • Fixed an issue where the app freezes when a player tries inputting an existing squad name, when creating a squad.'
hn_dev_3-1-1_title 'Version 3.1.1'
hn_dev_3-1-2-1_body "[FFAA33]Unit Upgrades and Matchmaking[-]\nBase score is now determined only by buildings and defenses. Troops, Starships, Vehicles and Heroes no longer contribute to your base's matchmaking score. Get excited about upgrading and playing with all unlocked units without any fear of tougher matchmaking! "
hn_dev_3-1-2-1_title 'Patch'
hn_dev_3-3-0_body '[FFAA33]Droideka Oppressor[-] – Unleash powerful artillery upon enemy defenses and double up on your own base protection with this heavy battle droid!\n\n[FFAA33]Conflict Rewards[-] – New tier-based rewards for every Conflict! Earn a variety of new rewards based on final Conflict tier placement.\n\n[FFAA33]Conflict Victory Bonuses[-] - Victory Bonuses now apply during Conflicts. Climb the ranks to increase your Conflict Victory Bonus rewards while you compete!\n\n[FFAA33]Fixes[-]\n• Fixed issues that caused the Droideka Sentinel to have animation hitches for its shooting and movement animation.\n• Fixed an issue where the Twi’lek Incinerator’s Nova Blaze animation would not play.\n• Fixed an issue where scroll arrows between Factories and Barracks would stick.\n• Added a clarification to the Droideka info panels to clarify shield strength.\n• Fixed an issue where the scroll up arrow would disappear from the leaderboard.\n• Fixed an issue where the chat text box would overlap itself in the squad menu.\n• Fixed an issue where the battlelog would not show a badge after a player was attacked.\n• Multiple performance improvements, with many UI usability and snappiness improvements.'
hn_dev_3-3-0_title 'Version 3.3.1'
hn_dev_3-3-2_body '[FFAA33]Shorter Protection Times[-]\n• 1 star defensive losses will temporarily provide 4 hours of protection time.\n• 2 star defensive losses will temporarily provide 6 hours of protection time.\n• 3 star defensive losses will temporarily provide 8 hours of protection time.\n'
hn_dev_3-3-2_title 'Patch'
hn_dev_3-3-3_body '[FFAA33]Starship Command Capacity Increase[-]\n• Starship Command capacity increased at all levels. Bring 50% more starfighters into battle.\n• Starfighter prices lowered to compensate for an increased amount of ships allowed to be in commission.\n• Starfighter damage values adjusted to compensate for an increased loadout.'
hn_dev_3-3-3_title 'Patch'
hn_dev_3-3-4_body "[FFAA33]Cantina Changes[-]\n• Reduced the cost of purchasing the Cantina.\n• Reduced the upgrade costs of the Gamorrean Warrior and Twi'lek Incinerator.\n\n[FFAA33]Twi'lek Incinerator[-]\n• Changed unit class to Generalist.\n• Slightly increased health for all levels.\n• Decreased troop capacity to 4.\n• Added a permanent defensive buff to protect from splash damage.\n• Greatly improved Nova Blaze's damage.\n\n[FFAA33]Gamorrean Warrior[-]\n• Slightly increased health for all levels.\n• Decreased troop Capacity to 6.\n• Overall Damage Per Second has been increased.\n• Increased damage for Final Thunder.\n• Final Thunder now deals consistent damage across the entire AOE radius.\n• Fixed an issue where when thrown, the Vibro Axe would miss the target directly in front of the Gamorrean Warrior.\n\n"
hn_dev_3-3-4_title 'Patch'
hn_dev_3-4-0_body '[FFAA33]New Features and Content![-]\n\n[FFAA33]Objectives[-] - Specialized tasks available on each world! \nComplete Objectives before they expire to receive Supply Crate rewards! \nFinish all the Objectives on one world and relocate for more!\n\n[FFAA33]Supply Crates[-] - Your faction now provides 2 tiers of Supply Crates, each with varying chances of earning resources such as currency, consumable units, and even special unlocks and upgrades!\n\n[FFAA33]Strategy Videos[-] - In-game video streaming featuring content from Maker Studios and the development team!\n\n[FFAA33]Fixes and Improvements[-]\n• Multiple crash fixes\n• Optimizations for improved performance\n• Adjusted matchmaking jitter to provide a better experience for users with large numbers of medals.\n• Improved accuracy in the leaderboards for player planet and ranking.'
hn_dev_3-4-0_title 'Version 3.4.0'
hn_dev_3-5-0_body '[FFAA33]The Force Awakens![-]\n• New World: Takodana - Scout and relocate your base to the planet of Takodana.\n• New Support Mercenary: Luggabeast Munitioneer - Provides troops with a sustained damage boost during battle.\n• New Generalist Mercenary: Dowutin Hunter - A mercenary equipped with both thermal detonators and a modified starship blaster.\n[FFAA33]New Starships at HQ10[-]\n• T-5 Deliverance (Empire) - Dispatch medical and repair payloads on the battlefield. \n• E-50 Landseer (Rebels) - Dispatch medical and repair payloads on the battlefield.\n[FFAA33]Headquarters 10[-]\n• HQ10 now added for both factions with additional buildings and upgrades.\n[FFAA33]Faction Icons:[-]\n• 30 new styles of faction icons earned progressively through victory count.\n[FFAA33]Support Unit Changes[-]\n• Healer AI (Medics/Technicians) has been updated to only attach to the closest valid target.\n[FFAA33]Fixes & Changes:[-]\n• Leaderboard & Find Me rank displaying 0 for players in the Top 50 has been corrected to now properly display a player’s rank.\n• Optimized multiple explosions in the game to give better experiences on low end devices.\n• Multiple crash fixes.\n• Optimizations for art and fx.'
hn_dev_3-5-0_title 'Version 3.5.0'
hn_dev_3-5-1_body '[FFAA33]Unit Power Scaling![-]\nSelect units in each faction have had their overall power significantly increased at each level.\n\nImproved Rebel Units:\n• Pathfinder\n• Bantha Rider\n• Speeder Bike\n• AAT-1\n• AT-AP\n• T2B Tank\n• Anti-Vehicle Skiff\n• AT-TE\n\nImproved Imperial Units:\n• Scout Trooper\n• Dewback Trooper\n• Speeder Bike\n• AT-ST\n• AT-MP\n• Probe Droid\n• AT-DP'
hn_dev_3-5-1_title 'Patch'
hn_dev_3-5-2_body '[FFAA33]Trap Upgrades[-]\nTraps have been updated to be more lethal against specific enemy types.\n• Fighter traps now hit a wider area and destroy most infantry of the same level.\n• Bomber traps now hit a smaller area and destroy most vehicles of the same level.\n• Dropship traps now deliver heavy infantry units.'
hn_dev_3-5-2_title 'Patch'
hn_dev_3-5-3_body '[FFAA33]Shorter Protection Times[-]\n• 1 star defensive losses will temporarily provide 4 hours of protection time.\n• 2 star defensive losses will temporarily provide 6 hours of protection time.\n• 3 star defensive losses will temporarily provide 8 hours of protection time.\n'
hn_dev_3-5-3_title 'Patch'
hn_dev_3-5-4_body '[FFAA33]Starfighter Upgrades[-]\nThe following Starfighters have had their damage output significantly increased.  \n        •        TIE Fighter: +25% dps\n        •        TIE Interceptor: +50% dps\n        •        TIE Bomber: +50% dps\n        •        TIE Defender: +50% dps\n        •        VT-49: +50% dps\n        •        X-Wing: +25% dps\n        •        Y-Wing: +50% dps\n        •        Z-95: +50% dps\n        •        B-Wing: +50% dps\n        •        HWK-290: +50% dps'
hn_dev_3-5-4_title 'Patch'
hn_dev_3-6-0_body '[FFAA33]Heroic Defense (Night Raids)[-]\n• New Scout Tower building is available to build at HQ level 4.\n• Use the Scout Tower to trigger Heroic Defense missions twice a day for Supply Crate Rewards.\n\n[FFAA33]Time of Day[-]\n• Every world now has a visual day to night cycle.\n\n[FFAA33]Base Layout Tool[-]\n• New functionality added to the base editor. Quickly store and place buildings back on the map to easily make major layout adjustments.\n'
hn_dev_3-6-0_title 'Version 3.6.0'
hn_dev_3-6-2_body '[FFAA33]Wall Upgrades[-]\nWalls have been buffed to be twice as strong across all levels.\n '
hn_dev_3-6-2_title 'Patch'
hn_dev_3-6-5_body '[FFAA33]Featured Squad Improvements[-]\n• Players currently in a squad can now see other featured squads.\n• Featured squads search now shows more active squads.\n• Players will be removed from squads after 30 days of inactivity.\n\n[FFAA33]General Improvements[-]\n• Adjustments to AT-AT and Juggernaut pathfinding and wall-crushing.\n• Defensive troops will now ignore walls when pathfinding.\n• Fixed multiple crashes.'
hn_dev_3-6-5_title 'Patch 3.7.0'
hn_dev_3-6-7_body '[FFAA33]Droideka Improvements[-]\nDroidekas have been updated with new levels to be even more lethal on the battlefield.\n• Droideka Sentinel level 50 added\n    • +915 dps\n    • +2,400 shield health\n    • +4,480 health\n• Droideka Oppressor level 50 added\n    • +1000 dps\n    • +2,400 shield health\n    • +4,480 health\n• Contraband Safehouse Level 17 added\n    • +210,000 storage capacity.'
hn_dev_3-6-7_title 'Patch'
hn_dev_3-6-8_body '[FFAA33]Squad Wars[-]\nA new feature that allows squads to battle one another is coming soon.\n• Available for squads with at least 15 active members.\n• Squad members must be HQ5 or above.'
hn_dev_3-6-8_title 'Patch'
hn_dev_4-0-0-9_body '[FFAA33]VT-49/HWK-290 Improvements[-]\nVT-49 and HWK-290 have been buffed to make them more viable \nanti-vehicle and anti-infantry starfighters.\n• Splash damage and splash radius increased.\n• Levels 1-6 damage increased.\n• Damage to vehicles and infantry greatly increased.\n• Added DOT (damage over time) to impact zone. '
hn_dev_4-0-0-9_title 'Patch'
hn_dev_4-0-0_body "[FFAA33]Squad Wars Begins![-]\nSquad Wars now available to squad members HQ 5 and above. \n• Use your turns to capture outposts for squad-wide buffs or attack rival squad's bases. \n• The squad that disables the most uplinks emerges victorious and earns major loot!\n• A new Squad Wars specific planet - Sullust!"
hn_dev_4-0-0_title 'Version 4.0.0'
hn_dev_4-0-1-0_body '[FFAA33]A-wing/TIE Advanced Improvements[-]\nThe A-wing and TIE Advanced starfighters have received improvements, making them much more effective against heavily shielded bases.\n• Splash damage and splash radius increased.\n• Levels 1-6 damage increased.'
hn_dev_4-0-1-0_title 'Patch'
hn_dev_4-0-1_body "[FFAA33]Squad Wars Matchmaking Improvements[-]\nWith fewer Rebel squads than Imperials, this update makes it easier for higher level Empire squads to find matches. We're continually working to improve Squad Wars matchmaking for everyone.\n• The system will search for up to 48 hours to find the best possible match.\n• Fixed a mismatch bug affecting some high level squads.\n• Matchmaking algorithm improvements for better quality matches."
hn_dev_4-0-1_title 'Patch'
hn_dev_4-0-2_body '[FFAA33]Johhar Improvements[-]\nJohhar Kessen has undergone significant improvements, making him a much more viable Hero unit.\n• Levels 1-6 damage increased\n• Levels 1-6 health increased\n• New active ability "Magnetic Pulse Shot" added - Blasts through multiple targets at once.'
hn_dev_4-0-2_title 'Patch'
hn_dev_4-0-3_body '[FFAA33]Squad Wars Improvements[-]\nThe team is continuing to update Squad Wars and Matchmaking. More updates to come!\n• New Takodana Factory Outpost added to Squad Wars that boosts infantry damage. Each Squad War now features different outposts available for capture.\n• Matchmaking algorithm has been improved to reduce the imbalanced matches some players were seeing. Some squads may experience longer wait times in order to find a better match. \n• Feaured squad list improvements.'
hn_dev_4-0-3_title 'Patch'
hn_dev_4-0-4_body '[FFAA33]Shock Trooper/Vanguard Improvements[-]\nShock Troopers and Vanguards have been buffed to make them a more \nviable Breacher unit. \n• Levels 1-6 damage and health increased.\n• Splash damage area increased.\n• Unit capacity reduced from 4 to 3.  \n• Range increased from 7 to 9.'
hn_dev_4-0-4_title 'Patch'
hn_dev_4-0-6_body '[FFAA33]MTV-7/AT-RT Improvements[-]\nThe MTV-7 and AT-RTs have received improvements, making them much more effective looters.\n• Damage against resource buildings increased\n• Levels 1-6 damage and health increased.\n• Upon deployment, fires an ion blast that lowers turret damage for 15 seconds'
hn_dev_4-0-6_title 'Patch'
hn_dev_4-0-7_body '[FFAA33]Squad Wars Requirements[-]\n• Lowered the HQ level requirement to join a Squad War from HQ 5 to HQ 3.'
hn_dev_4-0-7_title 'Patch'
hn_dev_4-0-8_body 'Squads will soon be receiving new members to make them qualified for Squad Wars.\n• Players who are eligible for Squad Wars but not yet in a squad will be recruited into an existing squad.\n• Existing squads who do not yet have enough members to participate in Squad Wars will be receiving these new members.\n• Squads set to "private" will not receive new members.'
hn_dev_4-0-8_title 'Patch'
hn_dev_4-1-0_body '[FFAA33]UI Update and Squad War Log[-]\nAdded a new Squad War Log feature.\n• Collect rewards from completed Squad Wars for up to 7 days.\n• More Squad Wars! - Now enter Squad Wars matchmaking during the Reward Phase.'
hn_dev_4-1-0_title 'Version 4.1.0'
hn_dev_4-11-0_body '[c][FFAA33]Turret Swapping Update[-][/c]\n• Alloy costs to swap turrets have been greatly reduced. Change the configuration of any existing turret by selecting it and choosing "Swap"\n\n[c][FFAA33]Unit Update[-][/c]\n• The Rebel Vanguard\'s targeting behavior has been updated to prioritize heavy vehicles, such as AT-ATs, while on defense.\n• Rebel Vanguard damage has been increased versus heavy vehicles.\n\n[c][FFAA33]Limited-Time Event: Tactical Defenses[-][/c]\n•\xa0New event runs from 6/22 to 7/12\n•\xa0Introducing new elite equipment type: Guard Reserve\n\n• See below for details and list of event rewards.\n\n[c][FFAA33]Tactical Defenses Crates[-][/c]\n• Tactical Defenses Crate disappears when the event ends!\n• Standard event crates have a good chance to drop event rewards.\n• Premium Tactical Defenses Crates are guaranteed to drop event rewards. Find them in the Shop!\n\n[c][FFAA33]New Equipment: Guard Reserve[-][/c]\n• There are several types of Guard Reserve equipment. Each one will affect either the Barracks or the Factory.\n• Once activated in the Armory, the Guard Reserve will cause all Barracks and/or Factories to summon reinforcements to defend your base.\n• The first wave of guards is summoned shortly after the battle starts. Additional guards appear at timed intervals for the remainder of the battle.  \n•\xa0Research higher levels of Guard Reserve to make these guards appear more often.\n• Mix and match Guard Reserve equipment to form new base defense strategies. Guard Reserves that apply to the same building can be all be activated at the same time! See full list below:\n\n• New equipment for Rebel Barracks:\n- [c][FFFFFF]Guard Reserve: Light Infantry[-][/c] - Each Barracks summons guard waves of 3 Soldiers\n- [c][FFFFFF]Guard Reserve: Melee Bruisers[-][/c] - Each Barracks summons guard waves of 2 Bantha Riders\n- [c][FFFFFF]Guard Reserve: Anti-vehicle[-][/c] - Each Barracks summons guard waves of 1 Vanguard (see "Unit Update" note above)\n\n• New equipment for Rebel Factory:\n- [c][FFFFFF]Guard Reserve: Anti-infantry[-][/c] - Each Factory summons guard waves of 1 Rebel Speeder\n- [c][FFFFFF]Guard Reserve: Anti-vehicle[-][/c] - Each Factory summons guard waves of 1 Desert Skiff\n\n• New equipment for Empire Barracks:\n- [c][FFFFFF]Guard Reserve: Light Infantry[-][/c] - Each Barracks summons guard waves of 3 Stormtroopers\n- [c][FFFFFF]Guard Reserve: Melee Bruisers[-][/c] - Each Barracks summons guard waves of 2 Dewbacks\n- [c][FFFFFF]Guard Reserve: Anti-infantry[-][/c] - Each Barracks summons guard waves of 1 Sniper (and 1 R5 Medic every 2nd wave)\n\n• New equipment for Empire Factory:\n- [c][FFFFFF]Guard Reserve: Anti-infantry[-][/c] - Each Factory summons guard waves of 1 Empire Speeder\n- [c][FFFFFF]Guard Reserve: Anti-vehicle[-][/c] - Each Factory summons guard waves of 1 MHC\n\n[c][FFAA33]Tactical Defenses Event Rewards[-][/c]\n• Elite Data Fragments for Rebel:\n      Guard Reserve: Light Infantry - (Barracks Eqp)\n      Guard Reserve: Melee Bruisers - (Barracks Eqp)\n      Guard Reserve: Anti-vehicle - (Barracks Eqp)[c][FFFFFF]**[-][/c]\n      Guard Reserve: Anti-infantry - (Factory Eqp)\n      Guard Reserve: Anti-vehicle - (Factory Eqp)[c][FFFFFF]**[-][/c]\n      Johhar Kessen (Unit)\n      Iakaru Warrior (Unit)\n      Vanguard (Unit)\n\n• Elite Data Fragments for Empire:\n      Guard Reserve: Light Infantry - (Barracks Eqp)\n      Guard Reserve: Melee Bruisers - (Barracks Eqp)\n      Guard Reserve: Anti-infantry - (Barracks Eqp)[c][FFFFFF]**[-][/c]\n      Guard Reserve: Anti-infantry - (Factory Eqp)\n      Guard Reserve: Anti-vehicle - (Factory Eqp)[c][FFFFFF]**[-][/c]\n      Johhar Kessen (Unit)\n      IG-86 Assassin Droid (Unit)\n      Shocktrooper (Unit)\n\n[c][FFFFFF]**[-][/c]Only found in Tactical Defenses Crates; does not appear in Conflict rewards.'
hn_dev_4-11-0_title 'Version 4.11.0'
hn_dev_4-2-0_body "[FFAA33]Squad Advancement[-]\nEarn Reputation, level up your squad and unlock perks.\n• Get Reputation by donating troops and winning Squad Wars.\n• Collectively invest Reputation in perk unlocks and upgrades with your squad.\n• Activate perks to get temporary boosts to contraband production, droideka repair speed, and more!\n• Every squad member's investment counts toward levelling up the squad, which unlocks new and better perks.\n• Squad level ups, perk unlocks, and perk upgrades apply to all players in the squad!"
hn_dev_4-2-0_title 'Version 4.2.0'
hn_dev_4-2-1_body '[FFAA33]Squad Wars Factory Outpost Adjustment[-]\nThe Squad Advantage of the Yavin 4 Starship Weapons Depot has been adjusted to reduce incidents of HQ sniping.'
hn_dev_4-2-1_title 'Patch'
hn_dev_4-2-2_body '[FFAA33]Same Faction Squad Wars Matchmaking[-]\nSquads can now opt-in to battle squads of their own faction during Squad Wars to reduce matchmaking time. '
hn_dev_4-2-2_title 'Patch'
hn_dev_4-2-3_body "[FFAA33]Squad Wars Er'Kit Factory Outpost Added[-]\nCapturing the Mining Complex on Er'Kit increases a squad's wall and HQ durability during a Squad War."
hn_dev_4-2-3_title 'Patch 4.3.0'
hn_dev_4-2-4_body '[FFAA33]Armory and Equipment[-]\nUnlock the Armory at HQ 6 and gain access to equipment.\n• Earn Data Fragments from Supply Crates to unlock and upgrade equipment\n• Equipment increases the combat stats of the affected unit or structure\n• Advanced and Elite equipment changes the appearance of units in battle\n• Special Data Fragment Supply Crates added to the Shop\n\n[FFAA33]Same Faction Squad Wars Matchmaking[-]\nSquads can now opt-in to battle squads of their own faction during Squad Wars to reduce matchmaking time.'
hn_dev_4-2-4_title 'Version 4.4.0'
hn_dev_4-5-0_body '[FFAA33]Major Supply Crate Updates[-]\n• Daily Supply Crate delivered to HQ inventory every 24 hours. Login each day to open it!\n• Supply Crates re-tuned to more consistently reward the effort required to earn them.\n• Crate info overhauled to better surface possible rewards.\n\n[FFAA33]Conflict Rewards[-]\n• Event unit unlocks/upgrades now use Elite Data Fragments (similar to Equipment.)\n• Conflicts now grant Supply Crate rewards:\n• Durasteel tiers and above guarantee Data Fragments for unlocking/upgrading the Event unit.\n• Ultra Chrome tier always gives enough Data Fragments to immediately unlock/upgrade the unit.\n• Loot Bonus rewards have been rolled into the Supply Crate reward.\n\n[FFAA33]Rewards Info[-]\n• Daily, Conflict, and Night Raid crates are opened from HQ Inventory.\n• Info page for units unlocked/upgraded via Data Fragments shows where to acquire them.\n• Browse featured rewards for each world via the Play menu.'
hn_dev_4-5-0_title 'Version 4.5.0'
hn_dev_4-6-0_body '[c][FFAA33]New Content[-][/c]\n• Only available during a special limited-time event, inspired by Rogue One: A [i]Star Wars[/i]™ Story!\n• Weapons Research Crates now appear in Objectives, Heroic Defense, and the Store.\n• Crates contain Data Fragments for a powerful new Mercenary and Starfighter. (Additional new Equipment will roll out with the Rogue One film release!)\n\n[c][FFAA33]Supply Crate Opening Sequence[-][/c]\n•\xa0Supply Crate opening moment has been significantly updated to provide better feedback about the rewards you have earned.'
hn_dev_4-6-0_title 'Version 4.6.0'
hn_dev_4-6-1-1_body_00 "[c][FFAA33]Limited-Time Event: [i]Desert Operations[/i][-][/c]\n• Desert Ops event runs from 1/19 to 2/15.\n• Desert Operations Crates will appear throughout the game, starting in the HQ Inventory (once per day) and Store, until event ends on 2/15.\n• New desert equipment! Details below.\n\n[c][FFAA33]Desert Operations Rewards[-][/c]\n• Event Rewards: Elite Data Fragments for Desert Equipment, Johhar Kessen, and the Empire Shock Trooper & Rebel Vanguard.\n• Higher chance to drop in Desert Operations Crates. (Desert Ops Crates disappear after event ends.)\n• Guaranteed chance to drop in Premium Desert Operations Crates in the Store. (Premium Desert Ops Crates disappear after event ends.)\n• Desert Operations Conflicts: Kubaz Invader & Ithorian Infiltrator return as unit unlocks in Conflict Ultra Chrome league - only unlockable/upgradeable during the event!\n\n[c][FFAA33]New Desert Equipment[-][/c]\n• Chance to drop in Bronzium crates from 1/19 onwards. (Can still be earned after event ends.) \n• New equipment skins for Empire: Sandtrooper, Heavy Sandtrooper.\n• New equipment skins for Rebels: Desert Soldier, Heavy Desert Soldier.\n• [b]4x[/b] power buff for affected units! Can be used on Tatooine and Er'kit.\n\n[c][FFAA33]Defensive Equipment Updates[-][/c]\n• Increased building health and turret damage for all defensive equipment. Can be used on all planets."
hn_dev_4-6-1-1_body_01 "[c][FFAA33]Limited-Time Event: [i]Desert Operations[/i][-][/c]\n• Desert Ops event runs from 1/19 to 2/15.\n• Desert Operations Crates can be earned until event ends on 2/15. Find them in Objectives, HQ Inventory (once per day), and in the Store!\n• New desert equipment! Details below.\n\n[c][FFAA33]Desert Operations Rewards[-][/c]\n• Event Rewards: Elite Data Fragments for Desert Equipment, Johhar Kessen, and the Empire Shock Trooper & Rebel Vanguard.\n• Higher chance to drop in Desert Operations Crates. (Desert Ops Crates disappear after event ends.)\n• Guaranteed chance to drop in Premium Desert Operations Crates in the Store. (Premium Desert Ops Crates disappear after event ends.)\n• Desert Operations Conflicts: Kubaz Invader & Ithorian Infiltrator return as unit unlocks in Conflict Ultra Chrome league - only unlockable/upgradeable during the event!\n\n[c][FFAA33]New Desert Equipment[-][/c]\n• Chance to drop in Bronzium crates from 1/19 onwards. (Can still be earned after event ends.) \n• New equipment skins for Empire: Sandtrooper, Heavy Sandtrooper.\n• New equipment skins for Rebels: Desert Soldier, Heavy Desert Soldier.\n• [b]4x[/b] power buff for affected units! Can be used on Tatooine and Er'kit.\n\n[c][FFAA33]Defensive Equipment Updates[-][/c]\n• Increased building health and turret damage for all defensive equipment. Can be used on all planets."
hn_dev_4-6-1-1_body_02 "[c][FFAA33]Limited-Time Event: [i]Desert Operations[/i][-][/c]\n• Desert Ops event runs from 1/19 to 2/15.\n• Desert Operations Crates can be earned until event ends on 2/15. Find them in Heroic Defense, Objectives, HQ Inventory (once per day), and in the Store!\n• New desert equipment! Details below.\n\n[c][FFAA33]Desert Operations Rewards[-][/c]\n• Event Rewards: Elite Data Fragments for Desert Equipment, Johhar Kessen, and the Empire Shock Trooper & Rebel Vanguard.\n• Higher chance to drop in Desert Operations Crates. (Desert Ops Crates disappear after event ends.)\n• Guaranteed chance to drop in Premium Desert Operations Crates in the Store. (Premium Desert Ops Crates disappear after event ends.)\n• Desert Operations Conflicts: Kubaz Invader & Ithorian Infiltrator return as unit unlocks in Conflict Ultra Chrome league - only unlockable/upgradeable during the event!\n\n[c][FFAA33]New Desert Equipment[-][/c]\n• Chance to drop in Bronzium crates from 1/19 onwards. (Can still be earned after event ends.) \n• New equipment skins for Empire: Sandtrooper, Heavy Sandtrooper.\n• New equipment skins for Rebels: Desert Soldier, Heavy Desert Soldier.\n• [b]4x[/b] power buff for affected units! Can be used on Tatooine and Er'kit.\n\n[c][FFAA33]Defensive Equipment Updates[-][/c]\n• Increased building health and turret damage for all defensive equipment. Can be used on all planets."
hn_dev_4-6-1-1_title 'Patch'
hn_dev_4-6-1_body '[c][FFAA33]TX-225 Assault Tank[-][/c]\n• New TX-225 Assault Tank equipment available for a limited time.\n\n[c][FFAA33]Mercenary Unit Update[-][/c]\n• Increased the attack range for the Security Droid/Drabatan Saboteur to make them more effective against defensive structures.\n• Increased the ability range for the Security Droid/Drabatan Saboteur so they are effective when deployed behind front line troops.\n\n[c][FFAA33]Starship Unit Update[-][/c]\n• Increased the damage output of the Fang Fighter to be superior to the HWK-290.\n• Increased the damage output of the TIE Striker to be superior to the VT-49 Decimator.'
hn_dev_4-6-1_title 'Version 4.6.1'
hn_dev_4-6-2-1_00_body '[c][FFAA33]Defensive Equipment Updates[-][/c]\n• Defensive equipment health and turret damage values have been reduced to better fit overall game balance.'
hn_dev_4-6-2-1_00_title 'Patch – Update'
hn_dev_4-7-0_body '[c][FFAA33]Limited-Time Event: [i]Forest Operations[/i][-][/c]\n• Forest Operations event runs from 2/16 to 3/15.\n• Forest Operations Crates can be earned until event ends on 3/15. Find them in Heroic Defense, Objectives, HQ Inventory (once per day), and in the Store!\n• Existing forest equipment is buffed! Details below.\n• New unit: Tognath Marksman - deals heavy damage to Droidekas.\n\n[c][FFAA33]Forest Operations Rewards[-][/c]\n• Event Rewards: Elite Data Fragments for Forest Equipment, the Empire TIE Advanced & VT-49 Decimator, and the Rebel A-wing & HWK-290 .\n• Higher chance to drop in Forest Operations Crates. (Forest Ops Crates disappear after event ends.)\n• Guaranteed chance to drop in Premium Forest Operations Crates in the Store. (Premium Forest Ops Crates disappear after event ends.)\n• Forest Operations Conflicts: Unlock the all-new Tognath Marksman mercenary unit in Conflict Ultra Chrome league - only unlockable/upgradeable during the event!\n\n[c][FFAA33]Forest Equipment[-][/c]\n• Chance to drop in Bronzium crates. (Can still be earned after event ends.) \n• [b]4x[/b] power buff for affected units! Can be used on Dandoran, Yavin 4, and Takodana.\n• Equipment skins for Empire: AT-ACT Walker, Shoretrooper, Heavy Shoretrooper.\n• Equipment skins for Rebels: Senator Leia Organa, Rebel Commando, Gigoran Fighter.\n\n[c][FFAA33]Defensive Equipment Updates[-][/c]\n• Increased building health and turret damage for all defensive equipment. Can be used on all planets.'
hn_dev_4-7-0_title 'Version 4.7.0'
hn_dev_4-7-1_body '[c][FFAA33]Limited-Time Event: [i]Arctic Operations[/i][-][/c]\n• Arctic Operations event runs from 3/16 to 4/12.\n• Arctic Operations Crates can be earned until event ends on 4/12. Find them in Heroic Defense, Objectives, HQ Inventory (once per day), and in the Store!\n• Existing arctic equipment is buffed! Details below.\n• New units: Rebel Iakaru Warrior & Empire IG-86 Assassin Droid - heavy-duty units that target and destroy turrets.\n\n[c][FFAA33]Arctic Operations Rewards[-][/c]\n• Event Rewards: Elite Data Fragments for Arctic Equipment, and the Empire MTV-7 & Rebel AT-RT Walker.\n• Higher chance to drop in Arctic Operations Crates. (Arctic Ops Crates disappear after event ends.)\n• Guaranteed chance to drop in Premium Arctic Operations Crates in the Store. (Premium Arctic Ops Crates disappear after event ends.)\n• Arctic Operations Conflicts: Unlock the all-new Rebel Iakaru Warrior or Empire IG-86 Assassin Droid infantry units in Conflict Ultra Chrome league - only unlockable/upgradeable during the event!\n\n[c][FFAA33]Arctic Equipment[-][/c]\n• Chance to drop in Bronzium crates. (Can still be earned after event ends.) \n• [b]4x[/b] power buff for affected units! Can be used on Hoth.\n• Equipment skins for Empire: Cold-weather AT-MP Mark III, Snowtrooper, Heavy Snowtrooper, Cold-weather Mobile Heavy Cannon, Modified INT-4 Interceptor.\n• Equipment skins for Rebels: Captain Han Solo, Cold-weather Soldier, Cold-weather Heavy Soldier, Cold-weather Hailfire Droid, Tauntaun Rider.\n\n[c][FFAA33]Defensive Equipment Updates[-][/c]\n• Increased building health and turret damage for all defensive equipment. Can be used on all planets.\n• NEW: Advanced Data Fragments for Rocket Turret health and damage.'
hn_dev_4-7-1_title 'Patch 4.8.0'
hn_dev_4-9-0_00_body '[c][FFAA33]Balance Updates[-][/c]\n• Tuning changes to address equipment power imbalances and allow for a wider array of strategies.\n\n[c][FFAA33]Equipment Skins[-][/c]\n• Reduced health and damage multiplier on equipment skins for Empire Stormtrooper, Heavy Stormtrooper.\n• Reduced health and damage multiplier on equipment skins for Rebel Soldier, Heavy Soldier.\n• Affected Equipment:\n- Sandtrooper / Shoretrooper / Snowtrooper\n- Heavy Sandtrooper / Heavy Shoretrooper / Heavy Snowtrooper\n- Desert Soldier / Commando / Cold-weather Soldier\n- Heavy Desert Soldier / Gigoran Fighter / Cold-weather Heavy Soldier\n\n[c][FFAA33]Defensive Equipment[-][/c]\n• Increased health multiplier of equipment for Burst Turrets, Mortar Turrets.\n• Increased damage multiplier of equipment for Burst Turrets, Mortar Turrets\n• Affected Equipment:\n- Reinforced Mounting (Burst Turret)\n- Reinforced Mounting (Mortar Turret)\n- Enhanced Heat Sink (Burst Turret)\n- Enhanced Heat Sink (Mortar Turret)'
hn_dev_4-9-0_00_title 'Patch'
hn_dev_4-9-0_01_body '[c][FFAA33]Rogue One Special Event: Part II[-][/c]\n•\xa0Rogue One Special Event is back, running from 5/18 to 6/14\n•\xa0Enjoy another chance to acquire powerful units, inspired by Rogue One: A Star Wars Story\n- Empire TIE Striker starfighter, Security Droid mercenary, and TX-225 assault tank equipment skin.\n- Rebel Fang Fighter starfighter, Drabatan Saboteur mercenary, and TX-225 assault tank equipment skin.\n\n• Only unlockable/upgradeable during the event!\n• See below for full list of event rewards.\n\n[c][FFAA33]Weapons Research Crates[-][/c]\n• Weapons Research Crate disappears when the event ends!\n• Standard event crates have a good chance to drop event rewards.\n• Premium Weapons Research Crates are guaranteed to drop event rewards. Find them in the Shop!\n\n[c][FFAA33]Equipment & Unit Updates[-][/c]\n• TX-225 assault tanks will now crush walls. Activated in the Armory, this equipment affects:\n- Empire 2-M Repulsor Tank unit\n- Rebel AAT-1 Hover Tank unit\n\n• Empire AT-ACT walker and Senator Leia Organa will now summon reinforcements into battle. Upgrade this equipment to make reinforcements come more frequently. This equipment affects:\n- Empire Elite AT-AT hero\n- Rebel Leia Organa hero\n\n• Max level of Empire Security Droid and Rebel Drabatan Saboteur has been increased from 3 to 5.\n\n[c][FFAA33]New Trap[-][/c]\n• New heavy trap summons an Empire TIE Striker or Rebel Fang Fighter attack, dealing high damager over a large radius.\n• Trap unlocks at HQ7.\n\n[c][FFAA33]Rogue One Special Event Rewards[-][/c]\n• Elite Data Fragments for Empire:\n      AT-ACT walker (Eqp)\n      TX-225 tank (Eqp)\n      Shoretrooper (Eqp)\n      Heavy Shoretrooper (Eqp)\n      TIE Striker (Starfighter)\n      Security Droid (Unit)\n      \n• Elite Data Fragments for Rebel:\n      Senator Leia Organa (Eqp)\n      TX-225 tank (Eqp)\n      Rebel Commando (Eqp)\n      Gigoran Fighter (Eqp)\n      Fang Fighter (Starfighter)\n      Drabatan Saboteur (Unit)'
hn_dev_4-9-0_01_title 'Patch'
hn_dev_4-9-0_body '[c][FFAA33]New Event UI[-][/c]\n• See quick updates about the current event right from your home base.\n• Tap to see detailed information about event crates, possible rewards, and more!\n\n[c][FFAA33]Limited-Time Event: [i]Star Wars: 40th Anniversary[/i][-][/c]\n• Celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Star Wars, from 4/19 to 5/17!\n• Death Star Crates can be earned until event ends on 5/17. Find them in Heroic Defense (starting 5/2), Objectives, HQ Inventory (once per day), and in the Shop!\n\n[c][FFAA33]Reward Highlights[-][/c]\n• New Empire equipment skin: Lord Vader - Darth Vader will bring troopers of the 501st Legion with him into battle. Found in Death Star Crates.\n\n• New Empire unit: Empire Imperial Astromedic - heals infantry in battle. Found in Conflict Ultra Chrome league.\n\n• New Rebel equipment skin: Artoo & Threepio - R2-D2 changes from vehicle repair to stunning enemy turrets, with C-3PO at his side. Ignores walls. Is not healed by WED Treadwell Repair Droid. Found in Death Star Crates.\n\n• New Rebel unit: WED Treadwell Repair Droid - repairs vehicles in battle. Found in Conflict Ultra Chrome league.\n\n• Only unlockable/upgradeable during the event!\n• See below for full list of event rewards.\n\n[c][FFAA33]Death Star Crates[-][/c]\n• Death Star Crate disappears when the event ends!\n• Standard event crates have a good chance to drop event rewards.\n• Premium Death Star Crates are guaranteed to drop event rewards. Find them in the Shop!\n\n[c][FFAA33][i]Star Wars: 40th Anniversary[/i] Event Rewards[-][/c]\n• Elite Data Fragments for Rebels:\n      Artoo & Threepio (Eqp)\n      Desert Soldier (Eqp)\n      Heavy Desert Soldier (Eqp)\n      Ithorian Infiltrator (Unit)\n      Rebel Vanguard (Unit)\n      Johhar Kessen (Unit)\n      \n• Elite Data Fragments for Empire:\n      Lord Vader (Eqp)\n      Sand Trooper (Eqp)\n      Heavy Sand Trooper (Eqp)\n      Kubaz Invader (Unit)\n      Shock Trooper (Unit)\n      Johhar Kessen (Unit)'
hn_dev_4-9-0_title 'Version 4.9.0'
hn_dev_anh40rr_body "[c][FFAA33]Limited-Time Event: Black Market Death Star Crates[-][/c]\n• Event Data Fragments can be earned until event ends on 8/23!\n• Empire equipment skin: Lord Vader - Darth Vader will bring troopers of the 501st Legion with him into battle.\n• [c][FFAA33]Updated![-][/c] Rebel equipment skin: Artoo & Threepio - R2-D2 changes from vehicle repair to stunning and damaging enemy turrets, with C-3PO's help.\n• Empire unit: Empire Imperial Astromedic - heals infantry in battle.\n• Rebel unit: WED Treadwell Repair Droid - repairs vehicles in battle.\n\n[c][FFAA33]How To Earn[-][/c]\n• Event Conflicts award event Data Fragments in Conflict Bronzium league or better.\n• Find Death Star Crates in Objectives and in the Shop! Daily Death Star Crate can be found in HQ Inventory each day until 8/17.\n• Event Data Fragments have a chance to drop in Death Star Crates. (Crates disappear when event ends.)\n• Event Data Fragments are guaranteed in Premium Death Star Crates in the Shop. (Crates disappear when event ends.)"
hn_dev_anh40rr_title 'Black Market Death Star Crates'
hn_dev_arcBiome_Jetpack_body '[c][FFAA33]New Arctic Equipment[-][/c]\n• New Empire equipment skin: Arctic Jump Trooper - Increases Jump Trooper movement speed and damage on Hoth\n• New Rebel equipment skin: Arctic Jetpack Trooper - Increases Jetpack Trooper movement speed and damage on Hoth'
hn_dev_arcBiome_Jetpack_title 'New Arctic Equipment'
hn_dev_auth_remap_body 'We have fixed the issue that reset base progress for some players. Once your original base has been recovered, please sync your game to your preferred platform to ensure that your game progress is saved.\n\nIf your base was reset and has not been recovered, please contact Disney Support via the Help menu.'
hn_dev_auth_remap_title 'Base Progress Recovery'
hn_dev_desBiome_Jetpack_body "[c][FFAA33]New Equipment[-][/c]\n• New Empire equipment skin: Desert Jump Trooper - Increases Jump Trooper movement speed and damage on Tatooine and Er'Kit \n• New Rebel equipment skin: Desert Jetpack Trooper - Increases Jetpack Trooper movement speed and damage on Tatooine and Er'Kit"
hn_dev_desBiome_Jetpack_title 'New Equipment'
hn_dev_forBiome_Jetpack_body '[c][FFAA33]New Forest Equipment[-][/c]\n• New Empire equipment skin: Forest Jump Trooper - Increases Jump Trooper movement speed and damage on Dandoran, Takodana, and Yavin 4 \n• New Rebel equipment skin: Forest Jetpack Trooper - Increases Jetpack Trooper movement speed and damage on Dandoran, Takodana, and Yavin 4'
hn_dev_forBiome_Jetpack_title 'New Forest Equipment'
hn_dev_forumNotice_body 'As a valued player, we want to inform you that the official Star Wars: Commander forums will no longer be available as of March 3, 2017. \n\nThis has no relation to the game’s development, which is unaffected by this change. We will continue to add brand new content and features to the game for you to enjoy. For more information, visit our customer service site below.'
hn_dev_forumNotice_title 'Notice:'
hn_dev_maint_9-6_body 'On Thursday, Sept. 14, Commander will be undergoing planned server maintenance starting at 2:00pm PST. During this update, the game will be unavailable for several hours.\n\nTo avoid potential data loss:\n• No new Squad Wars can be initiated starting Monday, Sept. 11\n• In-App Purchases will be disabled on Thursday, Sept. 14\n\nSquad War initiation and In-App Purchases will be re-enabled once maintenance is complete. Thanks for your patience.'
hn_dev_maint_9-6_title 'Planned Maintenance'
hn_dev_navalConf_body '[c][FFAA33]Conflict Schedule[-][/c]\n• Conflicts run on all planets from 1/11 to 1/17, then again from 1/18 to 1/25.\n• Naval Data Fragments rewarded in Conflict Bronzium league or better.\n\n[c][FFAA33]Naval Assault Rewards[-][/c]\n•\xa0Rebel Alliance Starfighter Pilot / Imperial Starfighter Pilot (Unit)\n- Tatooine\n- All other planets for HQ 5 and below\n•\xa0[c][E40B18]Available to HQ 6+ only:[-][/c] Rebel Millennium Falcon Support / Empire Naval Officer (Hero Equipment) \n- 1/11 to 1/17: All planets besides Tatooine (relocate via Planetary Command structure)\n•\xa0[c][E40B18]Available to HQ 6+ only:[-][/c] Rebel Sullustan Recon Sharpshooter / Empire Rodian Recon Sniper (Equipment) \n- 1/18 to 1/25: All planets besides Tatooine (relocate via Planetary Command structure)'
hn_dev_navalConf_title '2-Week Conflict Outbreak: Naval Assault'
hn_dev_navalEvt_body '[c][FFAA33]Limited-Time Event: Naval Assault[-][/c]\n• Event Data Fragments can be earned until event ends on 10/25!\n• Event Data Fragments have a chance to drop in Naval Assault Crates, found in Objectives, Daily Crate, and the Shop. (Crates disappear when event ends.)\n• Event Conflicts also award event Data Fragments in Conflict Bronzium league or better.\n\n•\xa0Unlock a powerful new unit and two new equipment pieces, each with different naval assault capabilities!\n• Only unlockable/upgradeable during the event, see below for reward details.\n\n[c][FFAA33]Reward Highlights[-][/c]\n• New Rebel unit: Alliance Starfighter Pilot - Attacks resource generators and storage, while summoning X-wing Starfighters into the battle.\n\n• New Rebel equipment skins:\n- Millenium Falcon Support - Chewbacca hero unit health and damage are increased, and gains fire support from the Millennium Falcon. The Falcon will perform strafing runs on various enemy structures as long as Chewbacca is in play.\n- Sullustan Recon Sharpshooter - Sharpshooter units become Sullustan Recon Sharpshooters; health and damage are increased, and equipment enables unit to call in Y-wing Starfighter bombing runs.\n\n• New Empire unit: Imperial Starfighter Pilot - Attacks resource generators and storage, while summoning TIE fighters into the battle.\n\n• New Empire equipment skin:\n- Naval Officer - Royal Guard hero unit becomes Naval Officer; health and damage are increased, base attack changed from melee to ranged blaster, and gains orbital Star Destroyer fire support. Orbital attack will strike various enemy structures with turbolasers as long as the Naval Officer is in play.\n- Rodian Recon Sniper - Sniper units become Rodian Recon Snipers; health and damage are increased, and equipment enables unit to call in TIE bomber runs.\n\n• Only unlockable/upgradeable during the event! See below for full list of event rewards.\n\n[c][FFAA33]Naval Assault Event Rewards[-][/c]\n• Elite Data Fragments for Rebels:\n      Millenium Falcon Support (Eqp, [c][FFAA33]NEW[-][/c])\n      Sullustan Recon Sharpshooter (Eqp, [c][FFAA33]NEW[-][/c])\n      Senator Leia Organa (Eqp)\n      Captain Han Solo (Eqp)\n      Alliance Starfighter Pilot (Unit, [c][FFAA33]NEW[-][/c])\n      A-wing Starfighter (Starfighter)\n      HWK-290 (Starfighter)\n      \n• Elite Data Fragments for Empire:\n      Naval Officer (Eqp, [c][FFAA33]NEW[-][/c])\n      Rodian Recon Sniper (Eqp, [c][FFAA33]NEW[-][/c])\n      AT-ACT Walker (Eqp)\n      Cold Weather AT-MP Mark III (Eqp)\n      Imperial Starfighter Pilot (Unit, [c][FFAA33]NEW[-][/c])\n      TIE Advanced (Starfighter)\n      VT-49 Decimator (Starfighter)'
hn_dev_navalEvt_title 'Naval Assault Event'
hn_dev_newHeroEvent_body '[c][FFAA33]Limited-Time Event: Heavy Firepower[-][/c]\n• Event Data Fragments can be earned until event ends on 9/27!\n• Unlock the Death Trooper hero (Empire) or Elite AT-TE Walker hero (Rebel) during the event.\n• Fragments may be earned from Weapons Research Crates, available from Conflicts, Objectives and the Shop until the end of the event!\n\n[c][FFAA33]New Empire Hero: Death Trooper[-][/c]\n• The Death Trooper targets enemy turrets and traps!\n• Unlocked from Weapons Research Crates, available during the Heavy Firepower Event.\n\n[c][FFAA33]New Rebel Hero: Elite AT-TE Walker[-][/c]\n• The Elite AT-TE Walker targets enemy shield generators as it lumbers across the battlefield!\n• Unlocked from Weapons Research Crates, available during the Heavy Firepower Event.\n\n[c][FFAA33]Han Solo Update[-][/c]\n• Han Solo will now also target enemy traps when deployed.'
hn_dev_newHeroEvent_title 'Heavy Firepower Event'
hn_dev_sosw_body '[c][FFAA33]Summer of Squad Wars[-][/c]\n•\xa0Victory Crates now contain Data Fragments for classic units:\n\n• Empire elite Data Fragments:\n- VT-49 Decimator\n- TIE Advanced\n- Johhar Kessen\n- MTV-7\n- Shock Trooper\n\n• Rebel elite Data Fragments:\n- HWK-290\n- A-wing Starfighter\n- Johhar kessen\n- AT-RT Walker\n- Vanguard\n\n• Squad Wars that end in a Stalemate will now award both sides a new crate with better rewards.'
hn_dev_sosw_title 'Squad Wars Updates'
hn_dev_test_body 'PLACEHOLDER URL TEST BODY'
hn_dev_test_title 'PLACEHOLDER URL TEST'
hn_dev_verticalCrates_body '[c][FFAA33]Bronzium Data Fragment Crate Update[-][/c]\n• The Bronzium Data Fragment Crate has been updated with new fragments for recently added rewards, including Guard Reserve equipment.\n\n[c][FFAA33]Weekly Crate Rotation[-][/c]\n• Each week the Shop will feature a rotating crate dedicated to Data Fragments for specific types of units/equipment.\n•\xa0The first week features the [c][FFB74A]Infantry Data Fragment Crate[-][/c], including equipment skins for Desert, Forest, and Arctic troops!\n•\xa0Check back for new crates, dedicated to Data Fragments for infantry, heroes, and more.'
hn_dev_verticalCrates_title 'Data Fragment Crate Updates'
hn_devnotes_tab 'Developer Notes'
hn_dnotes_2018-03-07_body '[c][FFAA33]Shop Updates[-][/c]\n•\xa0Data Fragments category added:\n- Gain instant access to Unit and Equipment Data Fragments.\n- Fragment selection changes daily.\n•\xa0Shop button on main base view improved to more clearly indicate when new sales or special offers are available.\n• Consolidated non-turret structures into single "Structures" category.\n\n[c][FFAA33]Game Improvements[-][/c]\n•\xa0Updated Data Fragment colors to distinguish between units and Elite equipment skins:\n- [c][DBC0FF]Unit Data Fragments[-][/c] and corresponding units are now colored [c][DBC0FF]purple.[-][/c]\n- [c][FFC25B]Elite Equipment Data Fragments[-][/c] and corresponding equipment remain [c][FFB74A]gold.[-][/c]\n\n•\xa0Asset handling adjusted to reduce game startup load time.\n• Major performance improvements to improve UI and combat framerate, especially on older devices.'
hn_dnotes_2018-03-07_title 'Updates & Game Improvements'
hn_dnotes_20180523_body 'Notice: on Wednesday, 5/23, Commander will be undergoing planned downtime starting around 1:00pm PST. During this update, the game will be unavailable for several hours.\n\nWe are aware that this downtime falls during the Conflict prize redemption period, and apologize for any inconvenience.'
hn_dnotes_20180523_title 'Upcoming Maintenance'
hn_dnotes_20180604_body 'Notice: maintenance planned for Monday, 6/4, has been rescheduled for Monday, 6/11, starting around 11:00pm PST.\n\nFor several hours during this time, some players may experience instability or downtime.'
hn_dnotes_20180604_title 'Upcoming Maintenance Rescheduled'
hn_dnotes_20180621_body '[c][FFB74A]2-Week Conflict Outbreak: Guard Reserve[-][/c]\n• Conflict Bronzium league or better awards event Data Fragments\n\n• 6/21 to 6/27, conflict times vary by planet. All planets have the same reward:\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 5 and below[-][/c]\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Vanguard[-][/c] (Unit)\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]Shock Trooper[-][/c] (Unit)\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and above[-][/c]\n- Rebel/Empire [c][FFC25B]Guard Reserve: Melee Bruisers[-][/c] (Barracks Eqp)\n\n• 6/28 to 7/5, conflict times vary by planet. All planets have the same reward:\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 5 and below[-][/c]\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Iakaru Warrior[-][/c] (Unit)\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]IG-86 Assassin Droid[-][/c] (Unit)\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and above[-][/c]\n- Rebel/Empire [c][FFC25B]Guard Reserve: Anti-vehicle[-][/c] (Factory Eqp)\n\n[c][FFB74A]Balance Updates[-][/c]\n• Re-spawn times on Rebel and Empire [c][FFAA33]Guard Reserve: Melee Bruisers[-][/c] Barracks equipment have been slightly reduced.\n• Level of spawned units on Rebel and Empire [c][FFAA33]Guard Reserve: Melee Bruisers[-][/c] Barracks equipment has been slightly increased.\n\n• Level of spawned units on Rebel [c][FFAA33]Guard Reserve: Anti-vehicle[-][/c] Factory equipment has been slightly increased.\n\n• These changes are intended to bring the defensive power of this equipment more in line with that of other Guard Reserve items.'
hn_dnotes_20180621_title 'Conflict Outbreak & Game Updates'
hn_dnotes_20180627_body '• Fixed keyboard auto-completion not working in squad chat for certain users.\n•\xa0Minor bug fixes and improvements.'
hn_dnotes_20180627_title 'Game Improvements'
hn_dnotes_20180705_body '[c][FFAA33]Event Schedule[-][/c]\n• 4-part Event runs from 7/5 to 8/2. Replay the event series originally launched in celebration of [c][FFAA33]"Star Wars: The Last Jedi"[-][/c]\n• This classic event introduced the infamous pirate, Hondo Ohnaka, and several new units. Play to see the story, and earn Data Fragments for units such as the recently buffed Fathier Rider.\n• Completed an Event early? Bonus Supply Crates can always be earned an unlimited number of times before it ends.\n\n• 7/26 to 8/2, this week only Planetary Objectives refresh twice as fast, allowing you to earn EP from Planetary Objectives every 12 hours.\n\n[c][FFAA33]Event Details[-][/c]\n• 7/5 to 7/12\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]Ongidae Oppressor[-][/c] (Unit)\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Bufopel Protector[-][/c] (Unit)\n\n• 7/12 to 7/19\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]614-AvA Speeder Bike[-][/c] (Unit)\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]V-4X-D Ski Speeder[-][/c] (Unit)\n\n• 7/19 to 7/26\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 7 and above final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire/Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Fathier Rider[-][/c] (Mercenary Unit)\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and below final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]614-AvA Speeder Bike[-][/c] (Unit)\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]V-4X-D Ski Speeder[-][/c] (Unit)\n\n• 7/26 to 8/2\n•\xa02x Planetary Objectives, refresh every 12 hours this week.\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 7 and above final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire/Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Fathier Rider[-][/c] (Mercenary Unit)\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and below final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]Ongidae Oppressor[-][/c] (Unit)\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Bufopel Protector[-][/c] (Unit)\n\n[c][FFAA33]Balance Updates[-][/c]\n• Fathier Rider - Increased damage vs. all targets.\n\n• While the Fathier Rider already dealt high damage proportional to its unit capacity cost, players often don\'t get enough value from using it even with screening units and/or healers keeping the Fathier alive. This damage increase is intended to multiply the unit\'s strategic effectiveness without making it overpowered in all situations.'
hn_dnotes_20180705_title 'Classic Event & Balance Updates'
hn_dnotes_20180802_body "[c][FFB74A]2-Week Conflict Outbreak: New Vehicles and Equipment[-][/c]\n• Conflict Bronzium league or better awards event Data Fragments.\n•\xa0New rewards will not be available in Commander Events until Fall. Unlock and upgrade now to enjoy exclusive use until they return.\n\n• 8/2 to 8/8, all planets:\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]A-A5 Speeder Truck[-][/c] (Unit)\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]Imperial Troop Transport[-][/c] (Unit)\n\n• 8/9 to 8/15, conflict times vary by planet. All planets have the same reward:\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 5 and below[-][/c]\n- Rebel Enhanced T2-B Repulsor Tanks (Unit Samples)\n- Empire Enhanced AT-ST Walkers (Unit Samples)\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and above[-][/c]\n- Rebel [c][99B4FF]Enhanced T2-B Repulsor Tank[-][/c] (Eqp)\n- Empire [c][99B4FF]Enhanced AT-ST Walker[-][/c] (Eqp)\n\n[c][FFAA33]New Units & Equipment[-][/c]\n• The Rebel [c][DBC0FF]A-A5 Speeder Truck[-][/c] and Empire [c][DBC0FF]Imperial Troop Transport[-][/c] both have mid to low-firepower and speed. However, they have very high health and deploy bruiser reinforcements to the field.\n- Reinforcements: appear after 5 seconds, and every 24 seconds at Level 1 / every 15 seconds at Level 10\n- Rebel reinforcements: 2 Wookiee Warriors\n- Empire reinforcements: 2 Phase II Dark Troopers\n\n• Rebel [c][99B4FF]Enhanced T2-B Repulsor Tank[-][/c] / Empire [c][99B4FF]Enhanced AT-ST Walker[-][/c] equipment greatly increases damage and firing speed for the respective unit.\n- This [c][99B4FF]Advanced[-][/c] tier equipment costs 9 capacity to Activate, compared to 13 capacity of [c][FFC25B]Elite[-][/c] equipment.\n\n[c][FFAA33]Balance Updates[-][/c]\n• Health of Rebel T-T2-B Repulsor Tank has been increased starting at Level 2, with significant increases at higher levels.\n•\xa0Health of Empire AT-ST Walker has been significantly increased at all levels.\n\n•\xa0While useful early on, both of these units' health is clearly too low especially at higher levels. These changes are intended to bring these classic units back as competitive choices for all players, as well as create clear benefit for players who incorporate the new equipment for these units into their Armory loadout."
hn_dnotes_20180802_title 'Conflict Outbreak & Game Updates'
hn_dnotes_20180823_couchbase_body 'We will be performing system updates to improve game performance starting at 11 PM PST on 8/23 until 6AM PST on 8/24.\n\nDuring this time there may be intermittent issues while playing the game. Thank you for your patience.'
hn_dnotes_20180823_couchbase_title '[c][FFAA33]System Performance Update - 8/23[-][/c]'
hn_dnotes_20180913_body '[c][FFB74A]Reinforcement carrier vehicles & AT-ST Walker/T2-B tank Equipment[-][/c]\n• Conflict Bronzium league or better awards event Data Fragments.\n•\xa0New rewards will not be available in Commander Events until Fall. Unlock and upgrade now to enjoy exclusive use until they return.\n\n• 9/13 to 9/19, all planets:\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]A-A5 Speeder Truck[-][/c] (Unit)\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]Imperial Troop Transport[-][/c] (Unit)\n\n• 9/20 to 9/26, conflict times vary by planet. All planets have the same reward:\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 5 and below[-][/c]\n- Rebel Enhanced T2-B Repulsor Tanks (Unit Samples)\n- Empire Enhanced AT-ST Walkers (Unit Samples)\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and above[-][/c]\n- Rebel [c][99B4FF]Enhanced T2-B Repulsor Tank[-][/c] (Eqp)\n- Empire [c][99B4FF]Enhanced AT-ST Walker[-][/c] (Eqp)\n\n[c][FFAA33]Reward Details[-][/c]\n• The Rebel [c][DBC0FF]A-A5 Speeder Truck[-][/c] and Empire [c][DBC0FF]Imperial Troop Transport[-][/c] both have mid to low-firepower and speed. However, they have very high health and deploy bruiser reinforcements to the field.\n- Rebel reinforcements: 2 Wookiee Warriors\n- Empire reinforcements: 2 Phase II Dark Troopers\n\n• Rebel [c][99B4FF]Enhanced T2-B Repulsor Tank[-][/c] / Empire [c][99B4FF]Enhanced AT-ST Walker[-][/c] equipment greatly increases damage and firing speed for the respective unit.'
hn_dnotes_20180913_title '2-Week Conflict Outbreak'
hn_dnotes_20180927_body '[c][FFB74A]Rancor Unlocks & Samples[-][/c]\n• Conflict Bronzium league or better gives Rancor rewards.\n\n• 9/27 to 10/3, rewards vary by planet:\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 9 and below[-][/c]\n- Rancor (Unit Samples)\n- Shadow Rancor (Unit Samples)\n- Rage Rancor (Unit Samples)\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 10 and Prestige[-][/c]\n- [c][DBC0FF]Rancor[-][/c] (Strix Beacon Unit)\n- [c][DBC0FF]Shadow Rancor[-][/c] (Strix Beacon Unit)\n- [c][DBC0FF]Rage Rancor[-][/c] (Strix Beacon Unit)\n\n• 10/4 to 10/10, rewards vary by planet:\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 9 and below[-][/c]\n- Rancor (Unit Samples)\n- Shadow Rancor (Unit Samples)\n- Rage Rancor (Unit Samples)\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 10 and Prestige[-][/c]\n- [c][DBC0FF]Rancor[-][/c] (Strix Beacon Unit)\n- [c][DBC0FF]Shadow Rancor[-][/c] (Strix Beacon Unit)\n- [c][DBC0FF]Rage Rancor[-][/c] (Strix Beacon Unit)'
hn_dnotes_20180927_title '2-Week Conflict Outbreak'
hn_dnotes_20181011_body '[c][FFAA33]Conflict Schedule[-][/c]\n• Conflicts run on all planets from 10/11 to 10/17, then again from 10/18 to 10/24.\n• Naval Data Fragments rewarded in Conflict Bronzium league or better.\n\n[c][FFAA33]Naval Assault Rewards[-][/c]\n•\xa0Rebel Alliance Starfighter Pilot / Imperial Starfighter Pilot (Unit)\n- On Tatooine for all HQ levels.\n- On all other planets for HQ 5 and below.\n•\xa0[c][E40B18]Available to HQ 6+ only:[-][/c] Rebel Millennium Falcon Support / Empire Naval Officer (Hero Equipment) \n- 10/11 to 10/17: All planets besides Tatooine (relocate via Planetary Command structure)\n•\xa0[c][E40B18]Available to HQ 6+ only:[-][/c] Rebel Sullustan Recon Sharpshooter / Empire Rodian Recon Sniper (Equipment) \n- 10/18 to 10/24: All planets besides Tatooine (relocate via Planetary Command structure)'
hn_dnotes_20181011_title '2-Week Conflict Outbreak: Naval Assault'
hn_dnotes_20181012_body 'We will be performing system updates to improve game performance starting at 10 PM PST on 10/14 until 7AM PST on 10/15.\n\nDuring this time there may be intermittent issues while playing the game. Thank you for your patience.'
hn_dnotes_20181012_title '[c][FFAA33]System Performance Update - 10/14[-][/c]'
hn_dnotes_20181023_body 'Beginning after 12 PM PST on Wednesday 10/24, Commander will be unavailable for a a short time while we update the game.\n\nWe will also be performing system updates to improve game performance starting at 10 PM PST on 10/25 until 5AM PST on 10/26. There may be intermittent issues while playing the game during this time.\n\nThank you for your patience.'
hn_dnotes_20181023_title '[c][FFAA33]System Updates - 10/24 and 10/25[-][/c]'
hn_dnotes_20181025_body "[c][FFB74A]Conflict Schedule[-][/c]\n• Conflict Bronzium league or better awards event Data Fragments.\n•\xa0New rewards will not be available in Commander Events until Fall. Unlock and upgrade now to enjoy exclusive use until they return.\n\n• 10/25 to 10/31, all planets:\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Modified SD-K4[-][/c] assassin droid (Hero Unit)\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]SD-K4[-][/c] assassin droid (Hero Unit)\n\n- Empire/Rebel Undead Troopers (Unit Samples)\n- Empire/Rebel Heavy Undead Troopers (Unit Samples)\n\n• 11/1 to 11/7, all planets:\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Modified SD-K4[-][/c] assassin droid (Hero Unit)\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]SD-K4[-][/c] assassin droid (Hero Unit)\n\n- Empire/Rebel Undead Troopers (Unit Samples)\n- Empire/Rebel Heavy Undead Troopers (Unit Samples)\n\n[c][FFAA33]Balance Updates[-][/c]\n• Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Modified SD-K4[-][/c] / Empire [c][DBC0FF]SD-K4[-][/c]\n- Damage has been significantly increased across all levels.\n- Health has been significantly increased across all levels.\n- Damage of summoned probe killers has been significantly increased.\n\n- Since its initial release, this hero's utility has become too niche. Power increases across the board are intended to make this unit more relevant for a variety of strategies."
hn_dnotes_20181025_title '2-Week Conflict Outbreak: Undead Offensive'
hn_dnotes_20181108_body '[c][FFB74A]New Guard Reserve[-][/c]\n• Conflict Bronzium league or better awards event Data Fragments\n\n• 11/8 to 11/14, all planets:\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 5 and below[-][/c]\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Vanguard[-][/c] (Unit)\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]Shock Trooper[-][/c] (Unit)\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and above[-][/c]\n- Rebel [c][FFC25B]Guard Reserve: Anti-infantry[-][/c] (Barracks Eqp)\n- Empire [c][FFC25B]Guard Reserve: Anti-vehicle[-][/c] (Barracks Eqp)\n\n• 11/15 to 11/21, all planets:\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 5 and below[-][/c]\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Iakaru Warrior[-][/c] (Unit)\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]IG-86 Assassin Droid[-][/c] (Unit)\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and above[-][/c]\n- Rebel [c][FFC25B]Guard Reserve: Anti-infantry[-][/c] (Barracks Eqp)\n- Empire [c][FFC25B]Guard Reserve: Anti-vehicle[-][/c] (Barracks Eqp)\n\n\n[c][FFB74A]New Guard Reserve[-][/c]\n• Rebel Barracks:\n- [c][FFC25B]Guard Reserve: Anti-infantry[-][/c] - Each Barracks summons guard waves of 1 Marksman\n\n• Empire Barracks:\n- [c][FFC25B]Guard Reserve: Anti-vehicle[-][/c] - Each Barracks summons guard waves of 1 Shock Trooper'
hn_dnotes_20181108_title '2-Week Conflict Outbreak: New Guard Reserve'
hn_dnotes_20181119_body 'Notice: On Monday, Nov. 26, Commander will be undergoing planned maintenance starting at 11:30am Pacific Time. During this update, the game will be unavailable for several hours.\n\nTo avoid potential data loss:\n• No new Squad Wars can be initiated starting Wednesday, Nov. 21\n• In-App Purchases will be disabled on Monday, Nov. 26\n\nSquad War initiation and In-App Purchases will be re-enabled on Tuesday, Nov. 27. Thanks for your patience.'
hn_dnotes_20181122_body '[c][FFB74A]AT-MP Walker/AT-AP Walker Equipment[-][/c]\n• Conflict Bronzium league or better awards event Data Fragments.\n\n• 11/22 to 11/28, all planets:\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 5 and below[-][/c]\n- Rebel Enhanced AT-AP Walkers (Unit Samples)\n- Empire Enhanced AT-MP Walkers (Unit Samples)\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and above[-][/c]\n- Rebel [c][99B4FF]Enhanced AT-AP Walkers[-][/c] (Eqp)\n- Empire [c][99B4FF]Enhanced AT-MP Walkers[-][/c] (Eqp)\n\n• 11/29 to 12/5, all planets:\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 5 and below[-][/c]\n- Rebel Enhanced AT-AP Walkers (Unit Samples)\n- Empire Enhanced AT-MP Walkers (Unit Samples)\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and above[-][/c]\n- Rebel [c][99B4FF]Enhanced AT-AP Walkers[-][/c] (Eqp)\n- Empire [c][99B4FF]Enhanced AT-MP Walkers[-][/c] (Eqp)\n\n[c][FFAA33]Reward Details[-][/c]\n• Rebel [c][99B4FF]Enhanced AT-AP Walkers[-][/c] / Empire [c][99B4FF]AT-MP Walkers[-][/c] equipment greatly damage and adds a small AoE damage splash for the respective unit.'
hn_dnotes_20181122_title '2-Week Conflict Outbreak: Enhanced Walkers'
hn_dnotes_20181206_body '[c][FFB74A]Maintenance Schedule[-][/c]\nNotice: On Monday, Dec. 10, Commander will be undergoing planned maintenance starting at 1:30pm Pacific Time. During this update, the game will be unavailable for several hours.\n\nTo avoid potential data loss:\n• No new Squad Wars can be initiated starting Thursday, Dec. 6\n• In-App Purchases will be disabled on Monday, Dec. 10\n\nSquad War initiation and In-App Purchases will be re-enabled on Tuesday, Dec. 11. Thanks for your patience.\n\n[c][FFB74A]Rancor Unlocks & Samples[-][/c]\n• Conflict Bronzium league or better gives Rancor rewards.\n\n• 12/6 to 12/12, rewards vary by planet:\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 9 and below[-][/c]\n- Rancor (Unit Samples)\n- Shadow Rancor (Unit Samples)\n- Hunter Rancor (Unit Samples)\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 10 and Prestige[-][/c]\n- [c][DBC0FF]Rancor[-][/c] (Strix Beacon Unit)\n- [c][DBC0FF]Shadow Rancor[-][/c] (Strix Beacon Unit)\n- [c][DBC0FF]Hunter Rancor[-][/c] (Strix Beacon Unit)\n\n• 12/13 to 12/19, rewards vary by planet:\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 9 and below[-][/c]\n- Rancor (Unit Samples)\n- Shadow Rancor (Unit Samples)\n- Hunter Rancor (Unit Samples)\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 10 and Prestige[-][/c]\n- [c][DBC0FF]Rancor[-][/c] (Strix Beacon Unit)\n- [c][DBC0FF]Shadow Rancor[-][/c] (Strix Beacon Unit)\n- [c][DBC0FF]Hunter Rancor[-][/c] (Strix Beacon Unit)'
hn_dnotes_20181206_title '2-Week Conflict Outbreak: Rancors'
hn_dnotes_20181220_body '[c][FFB74A]Conflict Schedule[-][/c]\n• Conflict Bronzium league or better awards event Data Fragments\n\n• 12/20 to 12/26, all planets:\n• [c][E40B18]All HQs[-][/c]\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]WED Treadwell Repair Droid[-][/c] (Unit)\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]Imperial Astromedic[-][/c] (Unit)\n\n• 12/27 to 1/2, all planets:\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 5 and below[-][/c]\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Elite AT-TE Walker[-][/c] (Hero Unit)\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]Death Trooper[-][/c] (Hero Unit)\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and above[-][/c]\n- Rebel [c][FFC25B]Senator Leia Organa[-][/c] (Eqp)\n- Empire [c][FFC25B]Lord Vader[-][/c] (Eqp)'
hn_dnotes_20181220_title '2-Week Conflict Outbreak: Healers & Heroes'
hn_dnotes_20190103_body '[c][FFB74A]2-Week Conflict Outbreak: New Guard Reserve[-][/c]\n• Conflict Bronzium league or better awards event Data Fragments\n\n• 1/3 to 1/9, all planets:\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 5 and below[-][/c]\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Vanguard[-][/c] (Unit)\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]Shock Trooper[-][/c] (Unit)\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and above[-][/c]\n- Rebel [c][FFC25B]Guard Reserve: Anti-infantry[-][/c] (Barracks Eqp)\n- Empire [c][FFC25B]Guard Reserve: Anti-vehicle[-][/c] (Barracks Eqp)\n\n• 1/10 to 1/16, all planets:\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 5 and below[-][/c]\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Iakaru Warrior[-][/c] (Unit)\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]IG-86 Assassin Droid[-][/c] (Unit)\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and above[-][/c]\n- Rebel [c][FFC25B]Guard Reserve: Anti-infantry[-][/c] (Barracks Eqp)\n- Empire [c][FFC25B]Guard Reserve: Anti-vehicle[-][/c] (Barracks Eqp)\n\n\n[c][FFB74A]Guard Reserve Equipment[-][/c]\n• Rebel Barracks:\n- [c][FFC25B]Guard Reserve: Anti-infantry[-][/c] - Each Barracks summons guard waves of 1 Marksman\n\n• Empire Barracks:\n- [c][FFC25B]Guard Reserve: Anti-vehicle[-][/c] - Each Barracks summons guard waves of 1 Shock Trooper'
hn_dnotes_20190103_title '2-Week Conflict Outbreak: Guard Reserve Equipment'
hn_dnotes_20190117_body '[c][FFB74A]Conflict Schedule[-][/c]\n• Conflict Bronzium league or better awards event Data Fragments\n\n• 1/17 to 1/23, all planets:\n• [c][E40B18]All HQs[-][/c]\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Demolition Droid[-][/c] (Unit)\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]LIN Demolitionmech[-][/c] (Unit)\n\n• 1/24 to 1/30, all planets:\n• [c][E40B18]All HQs[-][/c]\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Demolition Droid[-][/c] (Unit)\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]LIN Demolitionmech[-][/c] (Unit)\n\n[c][FFB74A]Balance Updates[-][/c]\n• Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Demolition Droid[-][/c] / Empire [c][DBC0FF]LIN Demolitionmech[-][/c]\n- Damage has been significantly increased across all levels.\n- Health has been significantly increased across all levels.'
hn_dnotes_20190117_title '2-Week Conflict Outbreak: Demolition Droids'
hn_dnotes_20190131_body '[c][FFB74A]Reinforcement carrier vehicles & AT-ST Walker/T2-B tank Equipment[-][/c]\n• Conflict Bronzium league or better awards event Data Fragments.\n\n• 1/31 to 2/6, all planets:\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]A-A5 Speeder Truck[-][/c] (Unit)\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]Imperial Troop Transport[-][/c] (Unit)\n\n• 2/7 to 2/13, all planets:\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 5 and below[-][/c]\n- Rebel Enhanced T2-B Repulsor Tanks (Unit Samples)\n- Empire Enhanced AT-ST Walkers (Unit Samples)\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and above[-][/c]\n- Rebel [c][99B4FF]Enhanced T2-B Repulsor Tank[-][/c] (Eqp)\n- Empire [c][99B4FF]Enhanced AT-ST Walker[-][/c] (Eqp)'
hn_dnotes_20190131_title '2-Week Conflict Outbreak'
hn_dnotes_20190214_body '[c][FFB74A]AT-DT Walkers and AT-Hauler starships[-][/c]\n• Conflict Bronzium league or better awards event Data Fragments.\n\n• 2/14 to 2/20, all planets:\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]AT-DT Walker[-][/c] (Unit)\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Stolen AT-DT Walker[-][/c] (Unit)\n\n• 2/21 to 2/27, all planets:\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 5 and above final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]AT-Hauler[-][/c] (Starship)\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Salvaged AT-Hauler[-][/c] (Starship)\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 4 and below final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]AT-DT Walker[-][/c] (Unit)\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Stolen AT-DT Walker[-][/c] (Unit)'
hn_dnotes_20190214_title '2-Week Conflict Outbreak, inspired by "Solo: A Star Wars Story."'
hn_dnotes_20190228_body '[c][FFB74A]Conflict Schedule[-][/c]\n• Conflict Bronzium league or better awards event Data Fragments\n\n• 2/28 to 3/06, all planets:\n• [c][E40B18]All HQs[-][/c]\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]V-4X-D Ski Speeder[-][/c] (Unit)\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]614-AvA Speeder Bike[-][/c] (Unit)\n\n• 3/07 to 3/13, all planets:\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and below[-][/c]\n- Rebel [c][FFAA33]V-4X-D Ski Speeder[-][/c] (Unit)\n- Empire [c][FFB74A]614-AvA Speeder Bike[-][/c] (Unit)\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 7 and above[-][/c]\n- Empire/Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Fathier Rider[-][/c] (Mercenary Unit)'
hn_dnotes_20190228_title '[c][FFB74A]2-Week Conflict Outbreak: Speeders & Riders[-][/c]'
hn_dnotes_20190314_body '[c][FFAA33]Event Schedule[-][/c]\n• Runs in multiple parts from 3/14 to 4/04. Earn Data Fragments for units and equipment, each with different naval assault capabilities!\n• Completed the Event early? Bonus Supply Crates can always be earned an unlimited number of times before it ends.\n\n[c][FFAA33]Naval Assault Rewards[-][/c]\n• Rebel unit: [c][FFAA33]Alliance Starfighter Pilot[-][/c] - Attacks resource generators and storage, while summoning X-wing Starfighters into the battle.\n\n\n• Empire unit: [c][FFAA33]Imperial Starfighter Pilot[-][/c] - Attacks resource generators and storage, while summoning TIE fighters into the battle.\n\n• Rebel equipment skins [c][E40B18](Available to HQ 6 and above**)[-][/c]\n- [c][FFAA33]Millenium Falcon Support[-][/c] - Chewbacca hero unit health and damage are increased, and gains fire support from the Millennium Falcon. The Falcon will perform strafing runs on various enemy structures as long as Chewbacca is in play.\n- [c][FFAA33]Sullustan Recon Sharpshooter[-][/c] - Sharpshooter units become Sullustan Recon Sharpshooters; health and damage are increased, and equipment enables unit to call in Y-wing Starfighter bombing runs.\n\n• Empire equipment skins [c][E40B18](Available to HQ 6 and above**)[-][/c]\n- [c][FFAA33]Naval Officer[-][/c] - Royal Guard hero unit becomes Naval Officer; health and damage are increased, base attack changed from melee to ranged blaster, and gains orbital Star Destroyer fire support. Orbital attack will strike various enemy structures with turbolasers as long as the Naval Officer is in play.\n- [c][FFAA33]Rodian Recon Sniper[-][/c] - Sniper units become Rodian Recon Snipers; health and damage are increased, and equipment enables unit to call in TIE bomber runs.\n\n[c][E40B18]**[-][/c]Players HQ 5 and below will earn alternate rewards in place of Equipment Data Fragments.'
hn_dnotes_20190314_title 'Return of the Naval Assault Event'
hn_dnotes_20190404_body '[c][FFB74A]Guard Reserve: Anti-infantry[-][/c]\n• Conflict Bronzium league or better awards event Data Fragments\n\n• 4/4 to 4/10, all planets:\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 5 and below[-][/c]\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Vanguard[-][/c] (Unit)\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]Shock Trooper[-][/c] (Unit)\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and above[-][/c]\n- Rebel/Empire [c][FFC25B]Guard Reserve: Anti-infantry[-][/c] (Barracks Eqp)\n\n• 4/11 to 4/17, all planets:\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 5 and below[-][/c]\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Iakaru Warrior[-][/c] (Unit)\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]IG-86 Assassin Droid[-][/c] (Unit)\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and above[-][/c]\n- Rebel/Empire [c][FFC25B]Guard Reserve: Anti-infantry[-][/c] (Barracks Eqp)'
hn_dnotes_20190404_title '2-Week Conflict Outbreak: Guard Reserve'
hn_dnotes_20190418_body "[c][FFB74A]Conflict Outbreak: Jetpack & Jump Troopers[-][/c]\n• Conflict Bronzium league or better awards Elite Equipment Data Fragments - Increases Jetpack & Jump Trooper damage and health\n\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and above[-][/c]\n• 4/18 to 4/24; Tatooine & Er'Kit:\n- Rebel [c][FFC25B]Desert Jetpack Trooper[-][/c] (Eqp)\n- Empire [c][FFC25B]Desert Jump Trooper[-][/c] (Eqp)\n\n• 4/18 to 4/24; Hoth, Dandoran, Takodana & Yavin 4:\n- Rebel [c][FFC25B]Arctic Jetpack Trooper[-][/c] (Eqp)\n- Empire [c][FFC25B]Arctic Jump Trooper[-][/c] (Eqp)\n\n• 4/25 to 5/1; Tatooine & Er'Kit:\n- Rebel [c][FFC25B]Desert Jetpack Trooper[-][/c] (Eqp)\n- Empire [c][FFC25B]Desert Jump Trooper[-][/c] (Eqp)\n\n• 4/25 to 5/1; Hoth, Dandoran, Takodana & Yavin 4:\n- Rebel [c][FFC25B]Forest Jetpack Trooper[-][/c] (Eqp)\n- Empire [c][FFC25B]Forest Jump Trooper[-][/c] (Eqp)\n\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 5 and below[-][/c] can earn samples of Jetpack & Jump Trooper Units."
hn_dnotes_20190418_title '2-Week Conflict Outbreak: Jetpack & Jump Troopers'
hn_dnotes_20190502_body "[c][FFB74A]Conflict Outbreak: Salvaged Multi-Troop Transport[-][/c]\n• Conflict Bronzium league or better awards Unit Data Fragments - Unlock and Upgrade the Salvaged Multi-Troop Transport.\n\n• 5/2 to 5/8, All Planets:\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 7 and above[-][/c]\n- [c][FFC25B]Salvaged Multi-Troop Transport[-] Data Fragments[/c]\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and below[-][/c]\n- [c][FFC25B]Salvaged Multi-Troop Transport[-] Samples[/c]\n\n[c][FFAA33]New Unit[-][/c]\n• The Mercenary [c][DBC0FF]Salvaged Multi-Troop Transport[-][/c] has mid to low firepower and speed. However, it has very high health and deploys Dowutin Hunter reinforcements to the field.\n- Reinforcements: appear after 5 seconds, and every 24 seconds at Level 1 / every 14 seconds at Level 11\n\n[c][FFAA33]New Building[-][/c]\n• To celebrate Star Wars Day, we've added the [c][DBC0FF]Imperial Banner[-][/c] and [c][DBC0FF]Rebel Banner[-][/c] as cosmetic buildings. These are available from HQ3, and allow you to show your colors as you fly the flag of your faction!\n\n[c][FFAA33]Enhanced Engineering[-][/c]\n• 5/2 to 5/8:\n- Training Time for Vehicles at Factory reduced by 50%\n- Credit Cost to Upgrade Vehicles at Research Lab reduced by 50%\n\n[c][FFB74A]Balance Updates[-][/c]\n• Unit Capacity of the [c][FFAA33]Dowutin Hunter[-][/c] Mercenary Unit has been reduced.\n• This change is intended to make Dowutin Hunters more viable in battles."
hn_dnotes_20190502_title 'Star Wars Day - May The 4th Be With You!'
hn_dnotes_20190606_body "[c][E40B18]-∫- Player Notice -∫-[-][/c]\nStarting with this Conflict Outbreak, the regular schedule will change such that all future events will start and end at 15:00UTC on the days specified (5 hours earlier than current)\n\n[c][FFC25B]Conflict Outbreak : Krayt Dragons & Rancors[-][/c]\n• Conflict Obsidian League or better awards Krayt Dragon Data Fragments / Samples\n• Conflict Bronzium League or better awards Rancor Data Fragments / Samples\n\n• 6/6 to 6/12:\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 10 and above[-][/c]\n• Tatooine, Dandoran, Hoth:\n- Obsidian or better [c][FFC25B]Krayt Dragon[-][/c] (Creature) Data Fragments\n- Bronzium or better [c][FFC25B]Shadow Rancor[-][/c] (Creature) Data Fragments\n• Er'Kit, Takodana, Yavin IV:\n- Obsidian or better [c][FFC25B]Krayt Dragon[-][/c] (Creature) Data Fragments\n- Bronzium or better [c][FFC25B]Rancor[-][/c] (Creature) Data Fragments\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 9 and below[-][/c]\n• Tatooine, Dandoran, Hoth:\n- Obsidian or better [c][FFC25B]Krayt Dragon[-][/c] (Creature) Samples\n- Bronzium or better [c][FFC25B]Shadow Rancor[-][/c] (Creature) Samples\n• Er'Kit, Takodana, Yavin IV:\n- Obsidian or better [c][FFC25B]Krayt Dragon[-][/c] (Creature) Samples\n- Bronzium or better [c][FFC25B]Rancor[-][/c] (Creature) Samples\n\n• 6/13 to 6/19:\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 10 and above[-][/c]\n• Tatooine, Dandoran, Hoth:\n- Obsidian or better [c][FFC25B]Krayt Dragon[-][/c] (Creature) Data Fragments\n- Bronzium or better [c][FFC25B]Rage Rancor[-][/c] (Creature) Data Fragments\n• Er'Kit, Takodana, Yavin IV:\n- Obsidian or better [c][FFC25B]Krayt Dragon[-][/c] (Creature) Data Fragments\n- Bronzium or better [c][FFC25B]Giant Rancor[-][/c] (Creature) Data Fragments\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 9 and below[-][/c]\n• Tatooine, Dandoran, Hoth:\n- Obsidian or better [c][FFC25B]Krayt Dragon[-][/c] (Creature) Samples\n- Bronzium or better [c][FFC25B]Rage Rancor[-][/c] (Creature) Samples\n• Er'Kit, Takodana, Yavin IV:\n- Obsidian or better [c][FFC25B]Krayt Dragon[-][/c] (Creature) Samples\n- Bronzium or better [c][FFC25B]Giant Rancor[-][/c] (Creature) Samples"
hn_dnotes_20190606_title '2-Week Conflict Outbreak: '
hn_dnotes_20190620_body "[c][FFC25B]Event : Time of Heroes[-][/c]\nIn this two week Event, Hondo Ohnaka has tasks for you to earn Data Fragments & Samples for the re-balanced SD-K4, Modified SD-K4, Artoo & Threepio Equipment and Death Troopers.\nThe [c][FFC25B]SD-K4[-][/c] and [c][FFC25B]Modified SD-K4[-][/c] have both had their health buffed by 25%, whilst the [c][FFC25B]Artoo & Threepio[-][/c] Equipment now also increases R2-D2's movement speed by 100%.\nFinally, the [c][FFC25B]Death Trooper[-][/c] has become [c][FFC25B]Death Troopers[-][/c], where deploying them to the battlefield will now deploy a squad of 3.\n\n[c][FFC25B]Planetary Conflicts : Time of Heroes[-][/c]\n\n• 6/20 to 6/26:\n• Dandoran, Er'Kit, Yavin IV:\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and above[-][/c]\n- Empire [c][FFC25B]SD-K4[-][/c] (Hero) Data Fragments\n- Rebel [c][FFC25B]Modified SD-K4[-][/c] (Hero) Data Fragments\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 5 and below[-][/c]\n- Empire [c][FFC25B]SD-K4[-][/c] (Hero) Samples\n- Rebel [c][FFC25B]Modified SD-K4[-][/c] (Hero) Samples\n\n• 6/27 to 7/3:\n• Tatooine, Hoth, Takodana:\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and above[-][/c]\n- Empire [c][FFC25B]Death Troopers[-][/c] (Hero) Data Fragments\n- Rebel [c][FFC25B]Artoo & Threepio[-][/c] (Hero Equipment) Data Fragments\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 5 and below[-][/c]\n- Empire [c][FFC25B]Death Troopers[-][/c] (Hero) Samples\n- Rebel [c][FFC25B]Artoo & Threepio[-][/c] (Hero) Samples\n\n[c][FFC25B]Balancing Changes:[-][/c]\n• SD-K4 Spiderdroid Health increased by 25%\n• Death Troopers increased to a Squad of 3\n• Artoo & Threepio Equipment now also increases R2-D2's movement speed 100%"
hn_dnotes_20190620_title 'Time of Heroes'
hn_dnotes_20190704_body "[c][E40B18]-∫- Player Notice -∫-[-][/c]\nDuring the first scheduled week of this Planetary Conflict, we are required to perform some essential server maintenance.\nTo ensure the community is not negatively impacted by these improvements, we will be turning off Conflicts and Squad Wars.\nAs such, the Conflict beginning on Thursday July 4th will finish early at 10:00UTC on Monday July 8th.\nAdditionally, Squad Wars matchmaking will be unavailable from Saturday July 6th at 10:00UTC, until Thursday July 11th.\nDuring the maintenance period from July 9th through July 11th, there may be intermittent periods of downtime.\n\n[c][FFC25B]Conflict Outbreak : Lord Vader & Elite AT-TE[-][/c]\n• Conflict Bronzium League or better awards Data Fragments / Samples\n\n• 7/4 to 7/8:\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 7 and above[-][/c]\n• Tatooine, Er'Kit, Hoth:\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Elite AT-TE[-][/c] Data Fragments (Hero)\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]Lord Vader[-][/c] Data Fragments (Equipment)\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and below[-][/c]\n• Tatooine, Er'Kit, Hoth:\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Elite AT-TE[-][/c] Samples (Hero)\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]Lord Vader[-][/c] Samples (Equipment)\n\n• 7/11 to 7/17:\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 7 and above[-][/c]\n• Dandoran, Takodana, Yavin IV:\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Elite AT-TE[-][/c] Data Fragments (Hero)\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]Lord Vader[-][/c] Data Fragments (Equipment)\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and below[-][/c]\n• Dandoran, Takodana, Yavin IV:\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Elite AT-TE[-][/c] Samples (Hero)\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]Lord Vader[-][/c] Samples (Equipment)"
hn_dnotes_20190704_title '2-Week Conflict Outbreak: '
hn_dnotes_20190718_body "[c][FFB74A]Conflict Outbreak: Snipers & Sharpshooters[-][/c]\n • Conflict Bronzium league or better awards Equipment Data Fragments\n - Rodian Recon Sniper : In addition to increased damage and durability, Rodian Recon Snipers carry special targeting equipment to call in surgical TIE Bomber strikes in battle.\n - Sullustan Recon Sharpshooter : In addition to increased damage and durability, Sullustan Recon Sharpshooters carry special targeting equipment to call in surgical Y-Wing strikes in battle.\n \n • [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and above[-][/c]\n • 7/18 to 7/24; Tatooine, Hoth & Takodana:\n - Rebel [c][FFC25B]Sullustan Recon Sharpshooter[-][/c] (Equipment)\n - Empire [c][FFC25B]Rodian Recon Sniper[-][/c] (Equipment)\n \n • 7/25 to 7/31; Dandoran, Er'Kit & Yavin 4:\n - Rebel [c][FFC25B]Sullustan Recon Sharpshooter[-][/c] (Equipment)\n - Empire [c][FFC25B]Rodian Recon Sniper[-][/c] (Equipment)\n \n • [c][E40B18]HQ 5 and below[-][/c]\n • 7/18 to 7/24; Tatooine, Hoth & Takodana:\n - Rebel [c][FFC25B]Sullustan Recon Sharpshooters[-][/c] (Samples)\n - Empire [c][FFC25B]Rodian Recon Snipers[-][/c] (Samples)\n \n • 7/25 to 7/31; Dandoran, Er'Kit & Yavin 4:\n - Rebel [c][FFC25B]Sullustan Recon Sharpshooters[-][/c] (Samples)\n - Empire [c][FFC25B]Rodian Recon Snipers[-][/c] (Samples)"
hn_dnotes_20190718_title '2-Week Conflict Outbreak:'
hn_dnotes_20190801_body '[c][FFB74A]Guard Reserve: Anti-infantry[-][/c]\n• Conflict Bronzium league or better awards event Data Fragments\n\n• 8/1 to 8/7, all planets:\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 5 and below[-][/c]\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Vanguard[-][/c] (Unit)\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]Shock Trooper[-][/c] (Unit)\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and above[-][/c]\n- Rebel/Empire [c][FFC25B]Guard Reserve: Anti-infantry[-][/c] (Barracks Eqp)\n\n• 8/8 to 8/14, all planets:\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 5 and below[-][/c]\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Iakaru Warrior[-][/c] (Unit)\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]IG-86 Assassin Droid[-][/c] (Unit)\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and above[-][/c]\n- Rebel/Empire [c][FFC25B]Guard Reserve: Anti-infantry[-][/c] (Barracks Eqp)'
hn_dnotes_20190801_title '2-Week Conflict Outbreak: Guard Reserve'
hn_dnotes_20190815_body "[c][FFB74A]5th Anniversary Celebration![-][/c]\nFrom 8/22 to 8/28, join us in celebrating the 5th Anniversary of Star Wars: Commander!\nReturn daily to collect a [c][FFB74A]Daily Anniversary Crate[-][/c] and take advantage of the Crystal Bonus Sale with up to 30% bonus Crystals on select Packages!\n[c][FFB74A]New Cantina Equipment![-][/c]\n[c][FFC25B]Guard Reserve: Mercenaries[-][/c] spawns a wave of two Gamorrean Warriors and a Twi'lek Incinerator from the Cantina shortly after the battle starts. Whilst the Gamorrean Warriors draw the fire of the enemy, the Twi’Lek Incinerators are adept at dealing with groups of enemy troops, whether on ground or in the air!\n[c][FFC25B]Reinforced Cantina Bracing[-][/c] will keep your Cantina alive longer, spawning multiple waves of these fearsome mercenaries.\n\n[c][FFB74A]Conflict Outbreak: Cantina Equipment[-][/c]\n• Conflict Bronzium league or better awards All New Cantina Equipment Data Fragments\n- Guard Reserve: Mercenaries - A guard wave of [c][FFC25B]2 Gamorrean Warriors[-][/c] and [c][FFC25B]1 Twi'lek Incinerator[-][/c] will appear from the Cantina shortly after the battle starts. Additional guard waves will periodically appear during the battle. [c][FFC25B]Research higher levels of this Guard Reserve to make Mercenaries of higher levels appear more often.[-][/c]\n- Reinforced Cantina Bracing - Hardens the internal struts of the cantina structure, allowing the building to diffuse attacks across its surface more efficiently.\n\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 7 and above[-][/c]\n• 8/15 to 8/21; All Planets:\n- Empire/Rebel [c][FFC25B]Guard Reserve: Mercenaries[-][/c] (Equipment)\n• 8/22 to 8/28; All Planets:\n- Empire/Rebel [c][FFC25B]Reinforced Cantina Bracing[-][/c] (Equipment)\n\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and below[-][/c]\n• 8/15 to 8/21; All Planets:\n- Empire/Rebel [c][FFC25B]Johhar Kessen[-][/c] (Hero)\n• 8/22 to 8/28; All Planets:\n- Empire/Rebel [c][FFC25B]Johhar Kessen[-][/c] (Hero)"
hn_dnotes_20190815_title 'Special Anniversary Celebration!'
hn_dnotes_20190829_body '[c][FFAA33]Event Schedule[-][/c]\n • 4-part Event runs from 8/29 to 9/26. Replay the event series originally launched in celebration of [c][FFAA33]"Star Wars: The Last Jedi"[-][/c]\n • This classic event introduced the infamous pirate, Hondo Ohnaka, and several new units. Play to see the story, and earn Data Fragments for units such as the recently buffed Fathier Rider.\n • Completed an Event early? Bonus Supply Crates can always be earned an unlimited number of times before it ends.\n \n [c][FFAA33]Event Details[-][/c]\n • 8/29 to 9/5\n - Empire [c][DBC0FF]Ongidae Oppressor[-][/c] (Unit)\n - Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Bufopel Protector[-][/c] (Unit)\n \n • 9/5 to 9/12\n - Empire [c][DBC0FF]614-AvA Speeder Bike[-][/c] (Unit)\n - Rebel [c][DBC0FF]V-4X-D Ski Speeder[-][/c] (Unit)\n \n • 9/12 to 9/19\n • [c][E40B18]HQ 7 and above final reward:[-][/c]\n - Empire/Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Fathier Rider[-][/c] (Mercenary Unit)\n • [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and below final reward:[-][/c]\n - Empire [c][DBC0FF]614-AvA Speeder Bike[-][/c] (Unit)\n - Rebel [c][DBC0FF]V-4X-D Ski Speeder[-][/c] (Unit)\n \n • 9/19 to 9/26\n • [c][E40B18]HQ 7 and above final reward:[-][/c]\n - Empire/Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Fathier Rider[-][/c] (Mercenary Unit)\n • [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and below final reward:[-][/c]\n - Empire [c][DBC0FF]Ongidae Oppressor[-][/c] (Unit)\n - Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Bufopel Protector[-][/c] (Unit)\n \n [c][FFAA33]Balance Updates[-][/c]\n • Fathier Rider\n - Reduced Unit Capacity from 25 to 15\n - Increased Damage by 20%\n • Bufopel Protector and Ongidae Oppressor\n - Resilience buff additionally increases damage done the longer they remain in battle\n - 1st stack of Resilience buff applies 5 seconds after deployment (was 10 secs)'
hn_dnotes_20190829_title 'Classic Event & Balance Updates'
hn_dnotes_20190926_body '[c][FFB74A]AT-DT Walkers and AT-Hauler starships[-][/c]\n• Conflict Bronzium league or better awards event Data Fragments.\n\n• 9/26 to 10/2, all planets:\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]AT-DT Walker[-][/c] (Unit)\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Stolen AT-DT Walker[-][/c] (Unit)\n\n• 10/3 to 10/9, all planets:\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 5 and above final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]AT-Hauler[-][/c] (Starship)\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Salvaged AT-Hauler[-][/c] (Starship)\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 4 and below final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]AT-DT Walker[-][/c] (Unit)\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Stolen AT-DT Walker[-][/c] (Unit)'
hn_dnotes_20190926_title '2-Week Conflict Outbreak'
hn_dnotes_20191010_body "[c][FFC25B]Event : Under Fire[-][/c]\nIn this two week Event, Hondo Ohnaka has tasks for you to earn Data Fragments & Samples for the Salvaged Multi-Troop Transport, Enhanced AT-ST Walker, and Enhanced T2-B Repulsor Tank.\n\n[c][FFC25B]Planetary Conflicts : Under Fire[-][/c]\n\n• 10/10 to 10/16:\n• Dandoran, Er'Kit, Yavin IV:\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 7 and above[-][/c]\n- Empire & Rebel [c][FFC25B]Salvaged Multi-Troop Transport[-][/c] (Unit) Data Fragments\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and below[-][/c]\n- Empire & Rebel [c][FFC25B]Salvaged Multi-Troop Transport[-][/c] (Unit) Samples\n\n• 10/17 to 10/23:\n• Tatooine, Hoth, Takodana:\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and above[-][/c]\n- Empire [c][FFC25B]Enhanced AT-ST Walker[-][/c] (Equipment) Data Fragments\n- Rebel [c][FFC25B]Enhanced T2-B Repulsor Tank[-][/c] (Equipment) Data Fragments\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 5 and below[-][/c]\n- Empire [c][FFC25B] Enhanced AT-ST Walker[-][/c] (Equipment) Samples\n- Rebel [c][FFC25B]Enhanced T2-B Repulsor Tank[-][/c] (Equipment) Samples\n"
hn_dnotes_20191010_title 'Under Fire'
hn_dnotes_20191024_body '[c][FFB74A]Conflict Schedule[-][/c]\n• Conflict Bronzium league or better awards event Data Fragments.\n\n• 10/24 to 10/30, all planets:\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Modified SD-K4[-][/c] assassin droid (Hero Unit)\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]SD-K4[-][/c] assassin droid (Hero Unit)\n\n- Empire/Rebel Undead Troopers (Unit Samples)\n- Empire/Rebel Heavy Undead Troopers (Unit Samples)\n\n• 10/31 to 11/6, all planets:\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Modified SD-K4[-][/c] assassin droid (Hero Unit)\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]SD-K4[-][/c] assassin droid (Hero Unit)\n\n- Empire/Rebel Undead Troopers (Unit Samples)\n- Empire/Rebel Heavy Undead Troopers (Unit Samples)'
hn_dnotes_20191024_title '2-Week Conflict Outbreak: Undead Offensive'
hn_dnotes_20191107_body '[c][E40B18]-∫- Player Notice -∫-[-][/c]\nDuring the first scheduled week of this Planetary Conflict, we are required to perform some essential server maintenance.\nTo ensure the community is not negatively impacted by these improvements, we will be turning off Conflicts and Squad Wars.\nAs such, the Conflict beginning on Thursday November 7th will finish early at 10:00UTC on Monday November 11th.\nAdditionally, Squad Wars matchmaking will be unavailable from Saturday November 9th at 10:00UTC, until Thursday November 14th.\nDuring the maintenance period from November 12th through November 14th, there may be intermittent periods of downtime.\n\n[c][FFB74A]Reinforcement carrier vehicles & AT-ST Walker/T2-B tank Equipment[-][/c]\n• Conflict Bronzium league or better awards event Data Fragments.\n\n• 11/07 to 11/11, all planets:\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]A-A5 Speeder Truck[-][/c] (Unit)\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]Imperial Troop Transport[-][/c] (Unit)\n\n• 11/14 to 11/20, all planets:\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 5 and below[-][/c]\n- Rebel Enhanced T2-B Repulsor Tanks (Unit Samples)\n- Empire Enhanced AT-ST Walkers (Unit Samples)\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and above[-][/c]\n- Rebel [c][99B4FF]Enhanced T2-B Repulsor Tank[-][/c] (Eqp)\n- Empire [c][99B4FF]Enhanced AT-ST Walker[-][/c] (Eqp)'
hn_dnotes_20191107_title '2-Week Conflict Outbreak'
hn_dnotes_20191212_body "[c][FFB74A]Conflict Outbreak: Jetpack & Jump Troopers[-][/c]\n• Conflict Bronzium league or better awards Elite Equipment Data Fragments - Increases Jetpack & Jump Trooper damage and health\n\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and above[-][/c]\n• 12/12 to 12/18; Tatooine & Er'Kit:\n- Rebel [c][FFC25B]Desert Jetpack Trooper[-][/c] (Eqp)\n- Empire [c][FFC25B]Desert Jump Trooper[-][/c] (Eqp)\n\n• 12/12 to 12/18; Hoth:\n- Rebel [c][FFC25B]Arctic Jetpack Trooper[-][/c] (Eqp)\n- Empire [c][FFC25B]Arctic Jump Trooper[-][/c] (Eqp)\n\n• 12/12 to 12/18; Dandoran, Takodana & Yavin 4:\n- Rebel [c][FFC25B]Forest Jetpack Trooper[-][/c] (Eqp)\n- Empire [c][FFC25B]Forest Jump Trooper[-][/c] (Eqp)\n\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 5 and below[-][/c] can earn samples of Jetpack & Jump Trooper Units."
hn_dnotes_20191212_title 'Conflict Outbreak: Jetpack & Jump Troopers'
hn_dnotes_20191219_body "[c][FFC25B]New event celebrating Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker![-][/c]\nIn this four week Event, Maz Kanata has a mission for you! Complete the event to earn rewards, including Data Fragments & Equipment for the new Orbak Marauder Unit!\n\n[c][FFC25B]Planetary Conflicts during the Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker event[-][/c]\n\n• 12/19 to 12/25:\n• Tatooine, Hoth, Er'Kit:\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 7 and above[-][/c]\n- Empire & Rebel [c][FFC25B]Orbak Marauder[-][/c] (Unit) Data Fragments\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and below[-][/c]\n- Empire & Rebel [c][FFC25B]Orbak Marauder[-][/c] (Unit) Samples\n\n• 12/26 to 01/01:\n• Tatooine, Takodana, Yavin IV:\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 7 and above[-][/c]\n- Empire & Rebel [c][FFC25B]Orbak Marauder[-][/c] (Unit) Data Fragments\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and below[-][/c]\n- Empire & Rebel [c][FFC25B]Orbak Marauder[-][/c] (Unit) Samples\n\n• 01/02 to 01/08:\n• Tatooine, Dandoran, Er'Kit:\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 7 and above[-][/c]\n- Empire & Rebel [c][FFC25B]Elite Orbak Marauder[-][/c] (Equipment) Data Fragments\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and below[-][/c]\n- Empire & Rebel [c][FFC25B]Elite Orbak Marauder[-][/c] (Equipment) Samples\n\n• 01/09 to 01/15:\n• Tatooine, Dandoran, Hoth:\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 7 and above[-][/c]\n- Empire & Rebel [c][FFC25B]Elite Orbak Marauder[-][/c] (Equipment) Data Fragments\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and below[-][/c]\n- Empire & Rebel [c][FFC25B]Elite Orbak Marauder[-][/c] (Equipment) Samples"
hn_dnotes_20191219_title 'Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker'
hn_dnotes_20200116_body "[c][FFC25B]Conflict Outbreak : Krayt Dragons & Rancors[-][/c]\n• Conflict Obsidian League or better awards Krayt Dragon Data Fragments / Samples\n• Conflict Bronzium League or better awards Rancor Data Fragments / Samples\n\n• 1/16 to 1/22:\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 10 and above[-][/c]\n• Tatooine, Dandoran, Hoth:\n- Obsidian or better [c][FFC25B]Krayt Dragon[-][/c] (Creature) Data Fragments\n- Bronzium or better [c][FFC25B]Shadow Rancor[-][/c] (Creature) Data Fragments\n• Er'Kit, Takodana, Yavin IV:\n- Obsidian or better [c][FFC25B]Krayt Dragon[-][/c] (Creature) Data Fragments\n- Bronzium or better [c][FFC25B]Rancor[-][/c] (Creature) Data Fragments\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 9 and below[-][/c]\n• Tatooine, Dandoran, Hoth:\n- Obsidian or better [c][FFC25B]Krayt Dragon[-][/c] (Creature) Samples\n- Bronzium or better [c][FFC25B]Shadow Rancor[-][/c] (Creature) Samples\n• Er'Kit, Takodana, Yavin IV:\n- Obsidian or better [c][FFC25B]Krayt Dragon[-][/c] (Creature) Samples\n- Bronzium or better [c][FFC25B]Rancor[-][/c] (Creature) Samples\n\n• 1/23 to 1/29:\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 10 and above[-][/c]\n• Tatooine, Dandoran, Hoth:\n- Obsidian or better [c][FFC25B]Krayt Dragon[-][/c] (Creature) Data Fragments\n- Bronzium or better [c][FFC25B]Rage Rancor[-][/c] (Creature) Data Fragments\n• Er'Kit, Takodana, Yavin IV:\n- Obsidian or better [c][FFC25B]Krayt Dragon[-][/c] (Creature) Data Fragments\n- Bronzium or better [c][FFC25B]Giant Rancor[-][/c] (Creature) Data Fragments\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 9 and below[-][/c]\n• Tatooine, Dandoran, Hoth:\n- Obsidian or better [c][FFC25B]Krayt Dragon[-][/c] (Creature) Samples\n- Bronzium or better [c][FFC25B]Rage Rancor[-][/c] (Creature) Samples\n• Er'Kit, Takodana, Yavin IV:\n- Obsidian or better [c][FFC25B]Krayt Dragon[-][/c] (Creature) Samples\n- Bronzium or better [c][FFC25B]Giant Rancor[-][/c] (Creature) Samples"
hn_dnotes_20200313_body '[c][FFC25B]New Crates! Reduced timers and costs![-][/c]\n\n• New crates:\n• [c][E40B18]Rewards are still locked to HQ level, some rewards may require HQ7 and above to appear![-][/c]\n- Building Equipment Unlock Crate\n- Turret Equipment Unlock Crate\n- Guard Reserve Unlock Crate\n- Troops and Vehicles Unlock Crate\n- Cantina Mercenary Unlock Crate\n- Heroes and Creatures Unlock Crate\n- Heroes and Vehicles Equipment Unlock Crate\n- Troop Equipment Unlock Crate\n- Starships and Starship Equipment Unlock Crate\n\n• Timers and Costs:\n• Timers reduced to 10 seconds:\n- Training Troops/Vehicles/Starships/Heroes\n- Building Structures\n- Upgrade Structures\n- Research Upgrades\n- Strix Swap/Recapture\n- Droideka Repair\n• Costs reduced to 1 Credit/Alloy/Contraband:\n- Building Structures\n- Upgrade Structures\n- Research Upgrades\n- Perks\n\n• Reputation:\n- Number of units a player needs to donate daily to receive reputation is reduced to 1\n- The amount of reputation awarded to a player for donation is increased from 1 to 9\n\n• Perks:\n- Cool down duration reduced to 60 seconds'
hn_dnotes_20200313_title 'Timers, Costs & Crates Update'
hn_dnotes_4 'Url test!'
hn_dnotes_6-0_body '[c][FFB74A]Game Update[-][/c]\n• Major Unity version update.\n•\xa0Various bug fixes and improvements.'
hn_dnotes_6-0_title 'Version 6.0'
hn_dnotes_7-0_body "The most powerful HQ level is here! Upgrade your base to Prestige level and secure your rank as the top Commander in the galaxy.\n\n[c][FFAA33]Prestige Level[-][/c]\n• Upgrade your Level 10 HQ to Prestige to gain access to:\n- A one-of-a-kind builder droid, E5-PT2, and powerful new building upgrades.\n- The Strix Beacon, a new combination attack/defense structure that deploys Rancors!\n- One-tap resource collection.\n\n[c][FFAA33]Prestige Details[-][/c]\n• Prestige builder droid, E5-PT2, is unlocked by upgrading Level 10 HQ.\n• E5-PT2 can upgrade Level 10 buildings to Prestige, pushing their stats past the maximum.\n\n• Train Prestige level troops to deploy in battle:\n- Upgrade your Level 10 Research Lab to Prestige in order to research Prestige troops.\n- Upgrade your Level 10 Barracks, Factory, Hero Command, and Starship Command to Prestige in order to train troops that have been upgraded to Prestige.\n- You can still train Prestige-researched units in a non-Prestige level building. The troops will simply be produced at Level 10 until the building gets upgraded to Prestige.\n\n[c][FFAA33]Strix Beacon[-][/c]\n• New building unlocked at Prestige level, works for both attack and defense.\n• Once built, open the building to select a creature and initiate capturing it.\n- Capturing dangerous creatures takes time! Upgrade the Strix Beacon to reduce capture times.\n- By default, a standard Rancor is available. Acquire Data Fragments to unlock new and stronger creatures.\n\n• Defense: The Strix Beacon works like a combination trap/Droideka platform. It is invisible to the enemy until an enemy unit enters the beacon's activation radius. Once active, the Strix flies in and releases the captured creature onto the battlefield to fight on your side!\n\n• Attack: Select and deploy the Strix just like other starships. It will fly in and release the captured creature onto the battlefield to fight on your side!\n\n• If the creature is defeated, either on attack or defense, you must capture a new creature to replace it. The Strix will remain empty until a new creature is captured! (If the creature is not defeated, it will be returned to the Strix, ready for the next battle.)\n\n[c][FFAA33]Other Prestige Benefits[-][/c]\n• Tap any resource generator to have E5-PT2 collect all resources at once.\n• Prestige is marked by gold! Buildings upgraded to Prestige level are plated in gold, and your player rank icon will turn gold after upgrading your Level 10 HQ. Show off to your friends and foes alike!\n\n[c][FFAA33]Other Features & Improvements[-][/c]\n• Major improvements to unit training UI in Barracks, Factory, etc.:\n- View your complete army loadout, including starships, in a single view.\n- View and instantly redeem sample units from within training structures. (Sample units can still also be redeemed from HQ inventory.)\n- Remove units from your loadout.\n\n• New indicators show which structures are ready to upgrade, including a toggle for wall segments.\n• Added new Visual Effects controls in Settings to enable/disable time of day lighting, and enable/disable device tilt angle affecting Prestige building reflections.\n• Fixed certain crashes when trying to revenge attack in PvP.\n\n[c][FFAA33]Balance Updates[-][/c]\n• Fixed an error with Droidekas at Level 40 and above for both factions, which caused them to output lower damage than intended. Damage output has been fixed."
hn_dnotes_7-0_title 'New Features & Game Improvements'
hn_dnotes_RC31_body "We're proud and excited to announce that NaturalMotion is now overseeing the operation of Star Wars™: Commander."
hn_dnotes_RC31_title 'Game Update'
hn_dnotes_chatFix_body 'Improved message handling to speed up loading of squad chat. Active squad members will see improvement in load times for both squad chat and initial game load.'
hn_dnotes_chatFix_title 'Chat Lag Fix!'
hn_dnotes_confRedCup_20180510_body "[c][FFB74A]Conflicts Schedule[-][/c]\n• Two sets of Conflicts run from 5/10 to 5/16, and 5/17 to 5/23.\n•\xa0Conflict Bronzium league or better awards [c][DBC0FF]Unit Data Fragments[-][/c] for the brand new Empire AT-DT Walker / Rebel Stolen AT-DT Walker, inspired by Solo: A [i]Star Wars[/i]™ Story!\n\n[c][FFB74A]Conflicts Details[-][/c]\n•\xa05/10 to 5/16\n• [c][E40B18]All HQs[-][/c]\n- Tatooine, Dandoran, Er'Kit, Yavin IV\n-- Empire [c][DBC0FF]AT-DT Walker[-][/c] (Unit)\n-- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Stolen AT-DT Walker[-][/c] (Unit)\n\n• 5/17 to 5/23\n• [c][E40B18]All HQs[-][/c]\n- Tatooine, Hoth, Takodana\n-- Empire [c][DBC0FF]AT-DT Walker[-][/c] (Unit)\n-- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Stolen AT-DT Walker[-][/c] (Unit)"
hn_dnotes_confRedCup_20180510_title 'New Unit Data Fragments in Conflicts'
hn_dnotes_defRef_outbreak_body '[c][FFAA33]Conflict Outbreak Ends 11/29[-][/c]\n• Each week, conflicts on all planets reward Data Fragments for a specific type of Guard Reserve equipment.\n• Premium Tactical Defense Crates in the Shop have a chance to drop Data Fragments for any type of Guard Reserve. (Crates disappear when event ends.)\n•\xa0Check your HQ each day for a Daily Tactical Defense Crate.\n\n[c][FFAA33]Balance Updates[-][/c]\n• [c][FFFFFF]Guard Reserve: Anti-infantry[-][/c] equipment for Barracks has been updated to address game imbalance.\n\n[c][FFAA33]Guard Reserves[-][/c]\n• Guard Reserve equipment affects either the Barracks or the Factory.\n• Once activated in the Armory, the Guard Reserve the affected structures will automatically summon reinforcements to defend your base.\n• The first wave of guards is summoned shortly after the battle starts. Additional guards appear at timed intervals for the remainder of the battle.  \n• Research higher levels of Guard Reserve to make these guards appear more often.\n• Mix and match Guard Reserve equipment to form new base defense strategies. Guard Reserves that apply to the same building can be all be activated at the same time! See full list below:\n\n• Guard Reserves for Rebel Barracks:\n- [c][FFFFFF]Guard Reserve: Light Infantry[-][/c] - Each Barracks summons [c][FFFFFF]3 Soldiers[-][/c]\n- [c][FFFFFF]Guard Reserve: Melee Bruisers[-][/c] - Each Barracks summons [c][FFFFFF]2 Bantha Riders[-][/c]\n- [c][FFFFFF]Guard Reserve: Anti-vehicle[-][/c] - Each Barracks summons [c][FFFFFF]1 Vanguard[-][/c]\n\n• Guard Reserves for Rebel Factory:\n- [c][FFFFFF]Guard Reserve: Anti-infantry[-][/c] - Each Factory summons [c][FFFFFF]1 Rebel Speeder[-][/c]\n- [c][FFFFFF]Guard Reserve: Anti-vehicle[-][/c] - Each Factory summons [c][FFFFFF]1 Desert Skiff[-][/c]\n\n• Guard Reserves for Empire Barracks:\n- [c][FFFFFF]Guard Reserve: Light Infantry[-][/c] - Each Barracks summons [c][FFFFFF]3 Stormtroopers[-][/c]\n- [c][FFFFFF]Guard Reserve: Melee Bruisers[-][/c] - Each Barracks summons [c][FFFFFF]2 Dewbacks[-][/c]\n- [c][FFFFFF]Guard Reserve: Anti-infantry[-][/c] - Each Barracks summons [c][FFFFFF]1 Sniper[-][/c]\n\n• Guard Reserves for Empire Factory:\n- [c][FFFFFF]Guard Reserve: Anti-infantry[-][/c] - Each Factory summons [c][FFFFFF]1 Empire Speeder[-][/c]\n- [c][FFFFFF]Guard Reserve: Anti-vehicle[-][/c] - Each Factory summons [c][FFFFFF]1 MHC[-][/c]\n\n• Elite Data Fragments for Rebel:\n      Guard Reserve: Light Infantry - (Barracks Eqp)\n      Guard Reserve: Melee Bruisers - (Barracks Eqp)\n      Guard Reserve: Anti-vehicle - (Barracks Eqp)\n      Guard Reserve: Anti-infantry - (Factory Eqp)\n      Guard Reserve: Anti-vehicle - (Factory Eqp)\n      Johhar Kessen (Unit)\n      Iakaru Warrior (Unit)\n      Vanguard (Unit)\n\n• Elite Data Fragments for Empire:\n      Guard Reserve: Light Infantry - (Barracks Eqp)\n      Guard Reserve: Melee Bruisers - (Barracks Eqp)\n      Guard Reserve: Anti-infantry - (Barracks Eqp)[c][FFFFFF]**[-][/c]\n      Guard Reserve: Anti-infantry - (Factory Eqp)\n      Guard Reserve: Anti-vehicle - (Factory Eqp)[c][FFFFFF]**[-][/c]\n      Johhar Kessen (Unit)\n      IG-86 Assassin Droid (Unit)\n      Shocktrooper (Unit)'
hn_dnotes_defRef_outbreak_title 'Guard Reserve Conflict Outbreak'
hn_dnotes_epDemo_body '[c][FFAA33]Event Schedule[-][/c]\n• Runs in multiple parts from 1/25 to 2/14, with three chances to earn Data Fragments for the Rebel Demolition Droid / Empire LIN Demolitionmech.\n• Completed the Event early? Bonus Supply Crates can always be earned an unlimited number of times before the Event ends.\n\n[c][FFAA33]New Unit Unlock[-][/c]\n• Rebel Demolition Droid / Empire LIN Demolitionmech is trained in the Barracks once unlocked.\n•\xa0Prioritizes and deals extra damage versus non-turret and non-resource structures:\n- Barracks / Factory / Cantina\n- Squad Center\n- Armory\n- Starship Command / Hero Command / Planetary Command\n- Troop Transport\n- Research Lab\n- Scout Tower\n- Droid Hut'
hn_dnotes_epDemo_title 'New Event: Explosive Finish'
hn_dnotes_epNaval11212019_body '[c][FFAA33]Event Schedule[-][/c]\n• Runs in multiple parts from 11/21 to 12/11. Earn Data Fragments for units and equipment, each with different naval assault capabilities!\n• Completed the Event early? Bonus Supply Crates can always be earned an unlimited number of times before it ends.\n\n[c][FFAA33]Naval Assault Rewards[-][/c]\n• Rebel unit: [c][FFAA33]Alliance Starfighter Pilot[-][/c] - Attacks resource generators and storage, while summoning X-wing Starfighters into the battle.\n\n• Empire unit: [c][FFAA33]Imperial Starfighter Pilot[-][/c] - Attacks resource generators and storage, while summoning TIE fighters into the battle.\n\n• Rebel equipment skins [c][E40B18](Available to HQ 6 and above**)[-][/c]\n- [c][FFAA33]Millenium Falcon Support[-][/c] - Chewbacca hero unit health and damage are increased, and gains fire support from the Millennium Falcon. The Falcon will perform strafing runs on various enemy structures as long as Chewbacca is in play.\n\n• Empire equipment skins [c][E40B18](Available to HQ 6 and above**)[-][/c]\n- [c][FFAA33]Naval Officer[-][/c] - Royal Guard hero unit becomes Naval Officer; health and damage are increased, base attack changed from melee to ranged blaster, and gains orbital Star Destroyer fire support. Orbital attack will strike various enemy structures with turbolasers as long as the Naval Officer is in play.\n\n[c][E40B18]**[-][/c]Players HQ 5 and below will earn alternate rewards in place of Equipment Data Fragments.'
hn_dnotes_epNaval_body '[c][FFAA33]Event Schedule[-][/c]\n• Runs in multiple parts from 3/1 to 3/22. Earn Data Fragments for units and equipment, each with different naval assault capabilities!\n• Completed the Event early? Bonus Supply Crates can always be earned an unlimited number of times before it ends.\n\n[c][FFAA33]Naval Assault Rewards[-][/c]\n• Rebel unit: [c][FFAA33]Alliance Starfighter Pilot[-][/c] - Attacks resource generators and storage, while summoning X-wing Starfighters into the battle.\n\n• Empire unit: [c][FFAA33]Imperial Starfighter Pilot[-][/c] - Attacks resource generators and storage, while summoning TIE fighters into the battle.\n\n• Rebel equipment skins [c][E40B18](Available to HQ 6 and above**)[-][/c]\n- [c][FFAA33]Millenium Falcon Support[-][/c] - Chewbacca hero unit health and damage are increased, and gains fire support from the Millennium Falcon. The Falcon will perform strafing runs on various enemy structures as long as Chewbacca is in play.\n- [c][FFAA33]Sullustan Recon Sharpshooter[-][/c] - Sharpshooter units become Sullustan Recon Sharpshooters; health and damage are increased, and equipment enables unit to call in Y-wing Starfighter bombing runs.\n\n• Empire equipment skins [c][E40B18](Available to HQ 6 and above**)[-][/c]\n- [c][FFAA33]Naval Officer[-][/c] - Royal Guard hero unit becomes Naval Officer; health and damage are increased, base attack changed from melee to ranged blaster, and gains orbital Star Destroyer fire support. Orbital attack will strike various enemy structures with turbolasers as long as the Naval Officer is in play.\n- [c][FFAA33]Rodian Recon Sniper[-][/c] - Sniper units become Rodian Recon Snipers; health and damage are increased, and equipment enables unit to call in TIE bomber runs.\n\n[c][E40B18]**[-][/c]Players HQ 5 and below will earn alternate rewards in place of Equipment Data Fragments.'
hn_dnotes_epNaval_title 'Return of the Naval Assault Event'
hn_dnotes_epRedCupRedux_20180816_body '[c][FFAA33]Event Schedule[-][/c]\n• 4-part Event runs from 8/16 to 9/13. Replay the event series originally launched in celebration of [c][FFAA33]"Solo: A Star Wars Story"[-][/c]\n• This classic event links a moment in Lando Calrissian\'s past with the strange and suspicious gambler, Therm Scissorpunch, in the present. Play to see the story, and earn Data Fragments for units such as the newly buffed A-LT "Turret Slicer" mercenary.\n• Completed an Event early? Bonus Supply Crates can always be earned an unlimited number of times before it ends.\n\n[c][FFAA33]Event Details[-][/c]\n• 8/16 to 8/23\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]AT-DT Walker[-][/c] (Unit)\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Stolen AT-DT Walker[-][/c] (Unit)\n\n• 8/23 to 8/30\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 5 and above final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]AT-Hauler[-][/c] (Starship)\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Salvaged AT-Hauler[-][/c] (Starship)\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 4 and below final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]AT-DT Walker[-][/c] (Unit)\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Stolen AT-DT Walker[-][/c] (Unit)\n\n• 8/30 to 9/6\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 7 and above final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire/Rebel [c][DBC0FF]A-LT "Turret Slicer"[-][/c] (Mercenary Unit)\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and below final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire/Rebel A-LT "Turret Slicer" (Unit Samples)\n\n• 9/6 to 9/13\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and above final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire [c][FFC25B]TIE Brute[-][/c] (Starfighter Eqp)\n- Rebel [c][FFC25B]U-wing Starfighter[-][/c] (Starfighter Eqp)\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 5 and below final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]AT-DT Walker[-][/c] (Unit)\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Stolen AT-DT Walker[-][/c] (Unit)\n\n[c][FFAA33]Balance Updates[-][/c]\n• AT-DT Walker / Stolen AT-DT Walker - Health has been significantly increased at all levels.\n- The AT-DT Walker has some of the highest damage output of any regular unit, but needed a survivability boost to justify the capacity cost.\n\n•\xa0A-LT "Turret Slicer" - Health and overload burst area-of-effect damage has been significantly increased at all levels.\n- The A-LT "Turret Slicer" merc is unique in its ability to flip turrets to the attacker\'s side and cause a series of explosions that damage surrounding structures and defending units in the defender\'s base, but the merc doesn\'t quite give consistent value in combat. The health increase makes this unit less demanding for attackers to protect it as it approaches a turret, while the area-of-effect damage increase makes the unit more helpful in situations where the sliced turret is not within range of any targets.'
hn_dnotes_epRedCup_20180524_body '[c][FFAA33]Event Schedule[-][/c]\n• 4-part Event runs from 5/24 to 6/21. Earn Data Fragments for powerful new units and equipment, inspired by [c][FFAA33]"Solo: A Star Wars Story"[-][/c]\n• Completed the Event early? Bonus Supply Crates can always be earned an unlimited number of times before it ends.\n\nNotice: on Monday, 6/4, Commander will be undergoing planned maintenance. Some players may experience instability or downtime.\n\n[c][FFAA33]Event Details[-][/c]\n• 5/24 to 5/31\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 5 and above final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]AT-Hauler[-][/c] (Starship)\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Salvaged AT-Hauler[-][/c] (Starship)\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 4 and below final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]AT-DT Walker[-][/c] (Unit)\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Stolen AT-DT Walker[-][/c] (Unit)\n\n• 5/31 to 6/7\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 5 and above final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]AT-Hauler[-][/c] (Starship)\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Salvaged AT-Hauler[-][/c] (Starship)\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 4 and below final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]AT-DT Walker[-][/c] (Unit)\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Stolen AT-DT Walker[-][/c] (Unit)\n\n• 6/7 to 6/14\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 7 and above final reward:[-][/c]\n- [c][FFAA33](Brand new unit, to be announced with Event!)[-][/c]\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and below final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]VT-49 Decimator[-][/c] (Starfighter)\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]HWK-290[-][/c] (Starfighter)\n\n• 6/14 to 6/21\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and above final reward:[-][/c]\n- [c][FFAA33](Brand new equipment, to be announced with Event!)[-][/c]\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 5 and below final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]VT-49 Decimator[-][/c] (Starfighter)\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]HWK-290[-][/c] (Starfighter)\n\n[c][FFAA33]New Units & Equipment[-][/c]\n• The Empire [c][DBC0FF]AT-Hauler[-][/c] / Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Salvaged AT-Hauler[-][/c] is a specialized starship, used to deploy vehicles directly to the battlefield. Unlock and Commission in the [c][FFAA33]Starship Command[-][/c].\n\n• Other new units and equipment to be announced with Event!\n\n[c][FFAA33]Balance Updates[-][/c]\n• Rapid Fire Turrets - Slightly reduced damage for Empire; Equalized charge-up times vs. a newly acquired target for both factions.\n• Mortar Turrets - Slightly increased damage for Empire; Equalized charge-up times vs. a newly acquired target for both factions.\n• Burst Turrets - Slightly increased damage for Empire; Increased damage vs. Jetpack/Jumptroopers for all factions.\n\n• These changes are intended to create more viable counterplay vs. Jetpack/Jumptroopers which have become dominant in the PvP metagame, as well as remove differences between Rebel and Empire turret behavior that are too subtle.\n\n[c][FFAA33]Game Updates[-][/c]\n• Supply Crate UI has been completely overhauled to now show percentage odds of winning specific reward items, as well as odds of reward categories for each reward in the crate.\n• UI has been updated with optimizations for iPhone X.'
hn_dnotes_epRedCup_20180524_title 'New Event: Lucky Break'
hn_dnotes_epRedCup_20180607_body '[c][FFAA33]Event Schedule[-][/c]\n• 4-part Event runs from 5/24 to 6/21. Earn Data Fragments for powerful new units and equipment, inspired by [c][FFAA33]"Solo: A Star Wars Story"[-][/c]\n• Completed the Event early? Bonus Supply Crates can always be earned an unlimited number of times before it ends.\n\nNotice: on Monday, 6/4, Commander will be undergoing planned maintenance. Some players may experience instability or downtime.\n\n[c][FFAA33]Event Details[-][/c]\n• 5/24 to 5/31\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 5 and above final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]AT-Hauler[-][/c] (Starship)\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Salvaged AT-Hauler[-][/c] (Starship)\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 4 and below final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]AT-DT Walker[-][/c] (Unit)\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Stolen AT-DT Walker[-][/c] (Unit)\n\n• 5/31 to 6/7\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 5 and above final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]AT-Hauler[-][/c] (Starship)\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Salvaged AT-Hauler[-][/c] (Starship)\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 4 and below final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]AT-DT Walker[-][/c] (Unit)\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Stolen AT-DT Walker[-][/c] (Unit)\n\n• 6/7 to 6/14\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 7 and above final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire/Rebel [c][DBC0FF]A-LT "Turret Slicer"[-][/c] (Mercenary Unit)\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and below final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]VT-49 Decimator[-][/c] (Starfighter)\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]HWK-290[-][/c] (Starfighter)\n\n• 6/14 to 6/21\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and above final reward:[-][/c]\n- [c][FFAA33](Brand new equipment, to be announced with Event!)[-][/c]\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 5 and below final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]VT-49 Decimator[-][/c] (Starfighter)\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]HWK-290[-][/c] (Starfighter)\n\n[c][FFAA33]New Units & Equipment[-][/c]\n• The Empire [c][DBC0FF]AT-Hauler[-][/c] / Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Salvaged AT-Hauler[-][/c] is a specialized starship, used to deploy vehicles directly to the battlefield. Unlock and Commission in the [c][FFAA33]Starship Command[-][/c].\n• The [c][DBC0FF]A-LT "Turret Slicer"[-][/c] droid bypasses walls to overload the circuits of one enemy turret. The overloaded turret ignores enemy troops to shoot back at its own defender troops. The overload also triggers a series of small explosions, damaging surrounding structures and defender troops, until the turret is destroyed or eventually self-destructs. Unlock and Hire in the [c][FFAA33]Cantina[-][/c].\n\n• New equipment to be announced with Event!\n\n[c][FFAA33]Balance Updates[-][/c]\n• Rapid Fire Turrets - Slightly reduced damage for Empire; Equalized charge-up times vs. a newly acquired target for both factions.\n• Mortar Turrets - Slightly increased damage for Empire; Equalized charge-up times vs. a newly acquired target for both factions.\n• Burst Turrets - Slightly increased damage for Empire; Increased damage vs. Jetpack/Jumptroopers for all factions.\n\n• These changes are intended to create more viable counterplay vs. Jetpack/Jumptroopers which have become dominant in the PvP metagame, as well as remove differences between Rebel and Empire turret behavior that are too subtle.\n\n[c][FFAA33]Game Updates[-][/c]\n• Supply Crate UI has been completely overhauled to now show percentage odds of winning specific reward items, as well as odds of reward categories for each reward in the crate.\n• UI has been updated with optimizations for iPhone X.'
hn_dnotes_epRedCup_20180614_body '[c][FFAA33]Event Schedule[-][/c]\n• 4-part Event runs from 5/24 to 6/21. Earn Data Fragments for powerful new units and equipment, inspired by [c][FFAA33]"Solo: A Star Wars Story"[-][/c]\n• Completed the Event early? Bonus Supply Crates can always be earned an unlimited number of times before it ends.\n\nNotice: on Monday, 6/4, Commander will be undergoing planned maintenance. Some players may experience instability or downtime.\n\n[c][FFAA33]Event Details[-][/c]\n• 5/24 to 5/31\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 5 and above final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]AT-Hauler[-][/c] (Starship)\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Salvaged AT-Hauler[-][/c] (Starship)\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 4 and below final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]AT-DT Walker[-][/c] (Unit)\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Stolen AT-DT Walker[-][/c] (Unit)\n\n• 5/31 to 6/7\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 5 and above final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]AT-Hauler[-][/c] (Starship)\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Salvaged AT-Hauler[-][/c] (Starship)\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 4 and below final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]AT-DT Walker[-][/c] (Unit)\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Stolen AT-DT Walker[-][/c] (Unit)\n\n• 6/7 to 6/14\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 7 and above final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire/Rebel [c][DBC0FF]A-LT "Turret Slicer"[-][/c] (Mercenary Unit)\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and below final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]VT-49 Decimator[-][/c] (Starfighter)\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]HWK-290[-][/c] (Starfighter)\n\n• 6/14 to 6/21\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and above final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire [c][FFC25B]TIE Brute[-][/c] (Starfighter Eqp)\n- Rebel [c][FFC25B]U-wing Starfighter[-][/c] (Starfighter Eqp)\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 5 and below final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire [c][DBC0FF]VT-49 Decimator[-][/c] (Starfighter)\n- Rebel [c][DBC0FF]HWK-290[-][/c] (Starfighter)\n\n[c][FFAA33]New Units & Equipment[-][/c]\n• The Empire [c][DBC0FF]AT-Hauler[-][/c] / Rebel [c][DBC0FF]Salvaged AT-Hauler[-][/c] is a specialized starship, used to deploy vehicles directly to the battlefield. Unlock and Commission in the [c][FFAA33]Starship Command[-][/c].\n• The [c][DBC0FF]A-LT "Turret Slicer"[-][/c] droid bypasses walls to overload the circuits of one enemy turret. The overloaded turret ignores enemy troops to shoot back at its own defender troops. The overload also triggers a series of small explosions, damaging surrounding structures and defender troops, until the turret is destroyed or eventually self-destructs. Unlock and Hire in the [c][FFAA33]Cantina[-][/c].\n\n• Transform the Rebel X-wing Starfighter into the [c][FFC25B]U-wing Starfighter[-][/c], or the Empire TIE fighter into the [c][FFC25B]TIE/rb "Brute"[-][/c] heavy starfighter with new equipment. Unlock and Activate this Elite Equipment in the [c][FFAA33]Armory[-][/c]. (Keep an eye out for sample versions of these powerful starfighters in crates, which can be consumed to instantly add starships to your Starship Command loadout!)\n\n[c][FFAA33]Balance Updates[-][/c]\n• Rapid Fire Turrets - Slightly reduced damage for Empire; Equalized charge-up times vs. a newly acquired target for both factions.\n• Mortar Turrets - Slightly increased damage for Empire; Equalized charge-up times vs. a newly acquired target for both factions.\n• Burst Turrets - Slightly increased damage for Empire; Increased damage vs. Jetpack/Jumptroopers for all factions.\n\n• These changes are intended to create more viable counterplay vs. Jetpack/Jumptroopers which have become dominant in the PvP metagame, as well as remove differences between Rebel and Empire turret behavior that are too subtle.\n\n[c][FFAA33]Game Updates[-][/c]\n• Supply Crate UI has been completely overhauled to now show percentage odds of winning specific reward items, as well as odds of reward categories for each reward in the crate.\n• UI has been updated with optimizations for iPhone X.'
hn_dnotes_epRogue1_201804012_body '[c][FFB74A]Event Schedule[-][/c]\n• 4-part Event runs from 4/12 to 5/10. Earn Data Fragments for powerful units and equipment!\n• Completed the Event early? Bonus Supply Crates can always be earned an unlimited number of times before it ends.\n\nNotice: on Tuesday, 4/17, Commander will be undergoing planned downtime starting at 12:00pm PST. During this update, the game will be unavailable for several hours.\n\n[c][FFB74A]Event Details[-][/c]\n• 4/12 to 4/19\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and above final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire [c][FFB74A]TX-225 assault tank[-][/c] (Eqp)\n- Rebel [c][FFAA33]Stolen TX-225 assault tank[-][/c] (Eqp)\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 5 and below final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire [c][FFAA33]Shock Trooper[-][/c] (Unit)\n- Rebel [c][FFAA33]Vanguard[-][/c] (Unit)\n\n• 4/19 to 4/26\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and above final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire [c][FFB74A]TIE Striker[-][/c] (Starfighter)\n- Rebel [c][FFAA33]Fang Fighter[-][/c] (Starfighter)\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 5 and below final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire/Rebel [c][FFAA33]Johhar Kessen[-][/c] (Hero)\n\n• 4/26 to 5/3\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 7 and above final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire [c][FFB74A]Security Droid[-][/c] (Mercenary Unit)\n- Rebel [c][FFAA33]Drabatan Saboteur[-][/c] (Mercenary Unit)\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and below final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire/Rebel [c][FFAA33]Johhar Kessen[-][/c] (Hero)\n\n• 5/3 to 5/10\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and above final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire [c][FFB74A]TX-225 assault tank[-][/c] (Eqp)\n- Rebel [c][FFAA33]Stolen TX-225 assault tank[-][/c] (Eqp)\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 5 and below final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire [c][FFAA33]Shock Trooper[-][/c] (Unit)\n- Rebel [c][FFAA33]Vanguard[-][/c] (Unit)\n\n[c][FFB74A]Balance Updates[-][/c]\n• Health values on all [c][FFAA33]Reinforced Mounting[-][/c] turret equipment has been increased.\n• Damage values on all [c][FFAA33]Enhanced Heat Sink[-][/c] turret equipment has been increased.\n\n•\xa0This change is intended to increase the range of viable defense options, especially for mid-HQ players, without punishing any particular defensive strategy.'
hn_dnotes_epRogue1_201804012_title 'New Event: Questionable Cargo'
hn_dnotes_epRogue1_20190509_body '[c][FFAA33]Event Schedule[-][/c]\n• This 4-part Event runs from 5/9 to 6/5. Replay the event series originally launched in celebration of [c][FFAA33]"Rogue One: A Star Wars Story"[-][/c]\n• Play to see the story, and earn Data Fragments for units such as the TX-225 Assault Tank.\n• Completed an Event early? Bonus Supply Crates can always be earned an unlimited number of times before it ends.\n\n[c][FFB74A]Event Details[-][/c]\n• 5/9 to 5/15\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and above final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire [c][FFB74A]TX-225 assault tank[-][/c] (Eqp)\n- Rebel [c][FFAA33]Stolen TX-225 assault tank[-][/c] (Eqp)\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 5 and below final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire [c][FFAA33]Shock Trooper[-][/c] (Unit)\n- Rebel [c][FFAA33]Vanguard[-][/c] (Unit)\n\n• 5/16 to 5/22\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and above final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire [c][FFB74A]TIE Striker[-][/c] (Starfighter)\n- Rebel [c][FFAA33]Fang Fighter[-][/c] (Starfighter)\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 5 and below final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire/Rebel [c][FFAA33]Johhar Kessen[-][/c] (Hero)\n\n• 5/23 to 5/29\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 7 and above final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire [c][FFB74A]Security Droid[-][/c] (Mercenary Unit)\n- Rebel [c][FFAA33]Drabatan Saboteur[-][/c] (Mercenary Unit)\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and below final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire/Rebel [c][FFAA33]Johhar Kessen[-][/c] (Hero)\n\n• 5/30 to 6/5\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and above final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire [c][FFB74A]TX-225 assault tank[-][/c] (Eqp)\n- Rebel [c][FFAA33]Stolen TX-225 assault tank[-][/c] (Eqp)\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 5 and below final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire [c][FFAA33]Shock Trooper[-][/c] (Unit)\n- Rebel [c][FFAA33]Vanguard[-][/c] (Unit)'
hn_dnotes_epRogue1_20200130_body '[c][FFB74A]Event Schedule[-][/c]\n• 4-part Event runs from 1/30 to 2/26. Earn Data Fragments for powerful units and equipment!\n• Completed the Event early? Bonus Supply Crates can always be earned an unlimited number of times before it ends.\n\n[c][FFB74A]Event Details[-][/c]\n• 1/30 to 2/5\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and above final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire [c][FFB74A]TX-225 assault tank[-][/c] (Eqp)\n- Rebel [c][FFAA33]Stolen TX-225 assault tank[-][/c] (Eqp)\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 5 and below final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire [c][FFAA33]Shock Trooper[-][/c] (Unit)\n- Rebel [c][FFAA33]Vanguard[-][/c] (Unit)\n\n• 2/6 to 2/12\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and above final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire [c][FFB74A]TIE Striker[-][/c] (Starfighter)\n- Rebel [c][FFAA33]Fang Fighter[-][/c] (Starfighter)\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 5 and below final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire/Rebel [c][FFAA33]Johhar Kessen[-][/c] (Hero)\n\n• 2/13 to 2/19\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 7 and above final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire [c][FFB74A]Security Droid[-][/c] (Mercenary Unit)\n- Rebel [c][FFAA33]Drabatan Saboteur[-][/c] (Mercenary Unit)\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and below final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire/Rebel [c][FFAA33]Johhar Kessen[-][/c] (Hero)\n\n• 2/20 to 2/26\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and above final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire [c][FFB74A]TX-225 assault tank[-][/c] (Eqp)\n- Rebel [c][FFAA33]Stolen TX-225 assault tank[-][/c] (Eqp)\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 5 and below final reward:[-][/c]\n- Empire [c][FFAA33]Shock Trooper[-][/c] (Unit)\n- Rebel [c][FFAA33]Vanguard[-][/c] (Unit)'
hn_dnotes_epTimes_body '[c][FFAA33]Updates to Commander Events System[-][/c]\n•\xa0Extended the end time of all Events by 22 hours to allow more time to earn rewards.\n•\xa0Removed all "Loot Credits/Alloy/Contraband" Event Chapter Objectives until issue can be addressed where looted resources that exceed current storage capacity do not count toward Chapter Objective progress.'
hn_dnotes_epTimes_title 'Event System Updates'
hn_dnotes_genericdowntime_IAPS_Squadwars_body 'This week, Commander will be undergoing planned server maintenance. During this update, the game will be unavailable for several hours.\\n\\nTo avoid potential data loss:\\n• No new Squad Wars can be initiated starting 3 days before the day of maintenance.\\n• In-App Purchases will be disabled\\n\\nSquad War initiation and In-App Purchases will be re-enabled once maintenance is complete. Thanks for your patience.'
hn_dnotes_genericdowntime_IAPS_Squadwars_title 'Planned Maintenance: 25/4 - 28/4'
hn_dnotes_genericdowntime_IAPS_body 'This week, Commander will be undergoing planned server maintenance. During this update, the game will be unavailable for several hours.\\n\\nTo avoid potential data loss:\\n• In-App Purchases will be disabled\\n\\nIn-App Purchases will be re-enabled once maintenance is complete. Thanks for your patience.'
hn_dnotes_genericdowntime_IAPS_title 'Planned Maintenance on 28/4'
hn_dnotes_genericdowntime_Squadwars_body 'This week, Commander will be undergoing planned server maintenance. During this update, the game will be unavailable for several hours.\\n\\nTo avoid potential data loss:\\n• No new Squad Wars can be initiated starting 3 days before the day of maintenance.\\n\\nSquad War initiation will be re-enabled once maintenance is complete. Thanks for your patience.'
hn_dnotes_genericdowntime_Squadwars_title 'Planned Maintenance: 25/4 - 28/4'
hn_dnotes_genericdowntime_body 'This week, Commander will be undergoing planned server maintenance. During this update, the game will be unavailable for several hours. Thanks for your patience.'
hn_dnotes_genericdowntime_title 'Planned Maintenance on 28/4'
hn_dnotes_heroesConf_body '[c][FFB74A]2-Week Conflict Outbreak: Healers & Heroes[-][/c]\n• Conflict Bronzium league or better awards event Data Fragments\n\n• 2/15 to 2/21, all planets:\n• [c][E40B18]All HQs[-][/c]\n- Rebel [c][FFB74A]WED Treadwell Repair Droid[-][/c] (Unit)\n- Empire [c][FFB74A]Imperial Astromedic[-][/c] (Unit)\n\n• 2/22 to 2/28, all planets:\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 5 and below[-][/c]\n- Rebel [c][FFAA33]Elite AT-TE Walker[-][/c] (Hero Unit)\n- Empire [c][FFB74A]Death Trooper[-][/c] (Hero Unit)\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and above[-][/c]\n- Rebel [c][FFAA33]Senator Leia Organa[-][/c] (Eqp)\n- Empire [c][FFB74A]Lord Vader[-][/c] (Eqp)\n\n[c][FFB74A]Squad War Rewards[-][/c]\n•\xa0Victory Crate has been updated with additional variety of rewards, including more Equipment Data Fragments.'
hn_dnotes_heroesConf_title 'Conflict Outbreak & Game Updates'
hn_dnotes_jetpack_outbreak_201803022_body '[c][FFB74A]Conflict Outbreak: Jetpack & Jump Troopers[-][/c]\n• Conflict Bronzium league or better awards Elite Equipment Data Fragments\n\n• 3/22 to 3/26, all planets:\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and above[-][/c]\n- Rebel [c][FFC25B]Desert Jetpack Trooper[-][/c] (Eqp)\n- Empire [c][FFC25B]Desert Jump Trooper[-][/c] (Eqp)\n\n• 3/27 to 3/30, all planets:\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and above[-][/c]\n- Rebel [c][FFC25B]Arctic Jetpack Trooper[-][/c] (Eqp)\n- Empire [c][FFC25B]Arctic Jump Trooper[-][/c] (Eqp)\n\n• 3/31 to 4/4, all planets:\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and above[-][/c]\n- Rebel [c][FFC25B]Forest Jetpack Trooper[-][/c] (Eqp)\n- Empire [c][FFC25B]Forest Jump Trooper[-][/c] (Eqp)\n\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 5 and below[-][/c] will earn sample Jetpack Trooper / Jumptroopers which can be used to instantly train and add these units to the Troop Transport.'
hn_dnotes_jetpack_outbreak_201803022_title 'Conflict Outbreak'
hn_dnotes_jetpack_outbreak_20180405_body "[c][FFB74A]Conflict Outbreak: Jetpack & Jump Troopers[-][/c]\n•\xa0Unlock/upgrade specific Jetpack Trooper or Jump Trooper equipment by fighting on different planets.\n• Conflict Bronzium league or better awards Elite Equipment Data Fragments.\n\n• 4/5 to 4/11, [c][FFFFFF][EXTRA WEEK][-][/c]:\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 6 and above[-][/c]\n- Tatooine, Er'Kit\n-- Rebel [c][FFB74A]Desert Jetpack Trooper[-][/c] (Eqp)\n-- Empire [c][FFB74A]Desert Jump Trooper[-][/c] (Eqp)\n\n- Hoth\n-- Rebel [c][FFB74A]Arctic Jetpack Trooper[-][/c] (Eqp)\n-- Empire [c][FFB74A]Arctic Jump Trooper[-][/c] (Eqp)\n\n- Yavin 4, Dandoran, Takodana\n-- Rebel [c][FFB74A]Forest Jetpack Trooper[-][/c] (Eqp)\n-- Empire [c][FFB74A]Forest Jump Trooper[-][/c] (Eqp)\n\n\n• [c][E40B18]HQ 5 and below[-][/c] will earn sample Jetpack Trooper / Jumptroopers which can be used to instantly train and add these units to the Troop Transport."
hn_dnotes_jetpack_outbreak_20180405_title 'Conflict Outbreak - Extra Week!'
hn_dnotes_mt4_20180502_body 'Solo: A [i]Star Wars[/i]™ Story\n\n[c][FFB74A]New Unit Preview![-][/c]\n• The [c][FFB74A]AT-DT Walker[-][/c] fires a massive shot that explodes on impact, dealing heavy area damage and cutting down lighter targets.\n•\xa0Every day until 5/10, open the special [c][FFB74A]Star Wars Day Crate[-][/c] to get free samples of this vehicle unit, inspired by Solo: A [i]Star Wars[/i]™ Story!'
hn_dnotes_mt4_20180502_title 'Happy May the 4th!'
hn_dnotes_spacebear_body "[c][FFAA33]Brand New Commander Events System[-][/c]\n• New Events system lets you play Commander however you wish: win battles, complete Planetary Objectives, rank up in Conflicts, or complete Heroic Defenses.\n•\xa0Earn rewards along your way to guaranteed unlocks of powerful units, starting with new content from and inspired by Star Wars: The Last Jedi.\n•\xa0Completed the Event early? Bonus Supply Crates can be earned an unlimited number of times, right up to the end of the Event! No more waiting for tomorrow's Planetary Objectives!\n\n[c][FFAA33]New Unit Unlocks[-][/c]\n• New vehicle units can be built in the Factory once unlocked.\n\n•\xa0Rebel V-4X-D Ski Speeder\n• Empire 614-AvA Speeder Bike"
hn_dnotes_spacebear_title 'New Events System & Star Wars: The Last Jedi'
hn_dnotes_squadWarMaintenance_body 'Ongoing maintenance has prevented us from re-enabling Squad Wars. We are working on a resolution as quickly as possible to provide a stable game experience. Thank you for your patience.'
hn_dnotes_squadWarMaintenance_title 'Squad Wars Maintenance'
hn_dnotes_turretSwap_body '[c][FFAA33]Turret Swap Update[-][/c] \n• Tuning adjustments to turret swapping cost and time'
hn_dnotes_turretSwap_title 'Patch'
hn_dnotes_undeadEvt_body '[c][FFAA33]Limited-Time Event Ends 11/8[-][/c]\n• Event rewards have a chance to drop in Undead Offensive Crates, found in Objectives, Daily Crate, and the Shop. (Crates disappear when event ends.)\n• Event Conflicts also award event Data Fragments in Conflict Bronzium league or better.\n\n• [c][BB1313]Event Only:[-][/c] Fight off hordes of Undead Troopers in Heroic Defense and earn extra Undead Offensive Crates! Check your Scout Tower!\n\n• Collect Sample Undead Troopers, and Data Fragments for the terrifying new Empire SD-K4 or Rebel Modified SD-K4 assassin droid hero!\n• Only unlockable/upgradeable during the event, see below for reward details.\n\n[c][FFAA33]Reward Highlights[-][/c]\n• New hero unit: Rebel Modified SD-K4 / Empire SD-K4\n- Assassin droid that attacks at melee range with bladed forelimbs, dealing heavy damage. Prioritizes turrets.\n- Ability "Probe Killers" is player-controlled. When triggered, hero will deploy two smaller droids.\n- Smaller droids prioritize infantry targets, attacking at melee range for a duration until self-destructing. Explosion deals splash damage on nearby targets.\n\n• Sample Undead Troopers\n- Health and damage have been increased since Undead Troopers\' last appearance.\n- Redeem samples to add Undead Troopers to your army loadout.\n\n[c][FFAA33]Undead Offensive Event Rewards[-][/c]\n• Undead Trooper (Unit Samples)\n\n• Elite Data Fragments for Rebels:\n      Modified SD-K4 assassin droid (Hero Unit, [c][FFAA33]NEW[-][/c])\n      Artoo & Threepio (Eqp)\n      WED Treadwell Repair Droid (Unit)\n      Ithorian Infiltrator (Unit)\n      Tognath Marksman (Mercenary Unit)\n      \n• Elite Data Fragments for Empire:\n      SD-K4 assassin droid (Hero Unit, [c][FFAA33]NEW[-][/c])\n      Lord Vader (Eqp)\n      Imperial Astromedic (Unit)\n      Kubaz Invader (Unit)\n      Tognath Marksman (Mercenary Unit)'
hn_dnotes_undeadEvt_title '[c][FFAA33]Undead Offensive Event[-][/c]'
hn_done 'DONE'
hn_facebook_cta 'Facebook'
hn_faction_leader '{0} Faction Leader'
hn_faction_leaders '{0} Faction Leaders'
hn_force_friday_desc 'Join Star Wars: The Force Awakens Global Toy Unboxing Live Stream'
hn_force_friday_title ' '
hn_inc_trans_header 'Incoming Transmission {0} of {1}'
hn_iospromo_body_e 'A FREE selection of elite units - including 5 rancors - are yours to command.  Available exclusively on iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch!'
hn_iospromo_body_r 'A FREE selection of elite units - including 5 rancors - are yours to command.  Available exclusively on iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch!'
hn_iospromo_title 'App Store Exclusive Gift!'
hn_leaderboard_prompt 'Go To Leaderboards'
hn_makerloading_makernote 'This video was made by a Maker in the Maker Studios Network.'
hn_makerloading_title 'AD: The Star Wars: Commander team paid Makers to create some awesome gameplay videos for us to share with you!'
hn_more_info 'More Info'
hn_noPC 'You will need to complete your Planetary Command building before performing this action.'
hn_noPC_title 'Planetary Command Required!'
hn_noctatest_body "LOOK! THERE'S NO CTA HERE"
hn_noctatest_title 'NO CTA TEST'
hn_open_adcolony 'Offers'
hn_open_dan 'Go to Dandoran'
hn_open_devnotes 'Dev Notes'
hn_open_episode 'Go To Event'
hn_open_erk "Go to Er'Kit"
hn_open_facebook_connect 'Facebook Connect'
hn_open_galaxy 'Go to Galaxy'
hn_open_home 'Go to Base'
hn_open_hth 'Go to Hoth'
hn_open_offers 'Offers'
hn_open_planet 'Go to World'
hn_open_squad 'Go to Squad'
hn_open_store 'Go to Store'
hn_open_story 'Story'
hn_open_tapjoy 'Offers'
hn_open_tat 'Go to Tatooine'
hn_open_tfa 'Go to Takodana'
hn_open_transmissions 'Transmissions'
hn_open_url 'Go Now'
hn_open_video 'Watch'
hn_open_videos 'Videos'
hn_open_yav 'Go to Yavin'
hn_perks_squad_level_up_body 'Your squad has invested enough reputation to reach level {0}!'
hn_perks_squad_level_up_cta 'Go To Perks'
hn_perks_squad_level_up_cta_desc 'New items have been unlocked!'
hn_perks_squad_level_up_title 'Squad Level Increased'
hn_power_scaling_body "Veterans of the Clone Wars have agreed to consult in troop training. We'll begin seeing improvements to the power of specific units immediately!"
hn_power_scaling_title 'Veteran Unit Improvements'
hn_reward_been_claimed 'Claimed'
hn_reward_claim 'Claim'
hn_reward_claimed_desc '{0} added to your HQ Inventory.'
hn_reward_granted '{0} added to your HQ inventory.'
hn_reward_redeemed 'Rewards Granted!'
hn_socialmedia_body_e 'SOCIALMEDIA TEXT FOR EMPIRE'
hn_socialmedia_body_fb 'Follow Star Wars Games on Facebook and Twitter and stay up to date on all Star Wars video games!'
hn_socialmedia_body_r 'SOCIALMEDIA TEXT FOR REBEL'
hn_socialmedia_body_twit 'HEY - FOLLOW US ON TWITTER FOR SOME REASON'
hn_socialmedia_title 'SOCIALMEDIA TITLE'
hn_socialmedia_title_fb 'Join the Conversation!'
hn_socialmedia_title_twit 'TWITTER'
hn_squad_application_accepted_body 'Your applicaton has been accepted! You have left [F2D62F]{0}[-] and are now a member of [F2D62F]{1}[-].'
hn_squad_application_accepted_title 'Congratulations, you have been accepted into [F2D62F]{0}[-] squad!'
hn_transmission_conflict_body 'The Conflict on {0} has ended. You earned the {1} rank!'
hn_transmission_conflict_title 'Conflict Results'
hn_transmission_hqupgrade_body 'Headquarters Has Been Upgraded To Level {0}'
hn_transmission_hqupgrade_body_prestige 'Headquarters Has Been Upgraded To Prestige'
hn_transmission_hqupgrade_title 'Headquarters Upgraded'
hn_transmission_pcupgrade_body 'The Planetary Command Has Been Upgraded to Level {0}'
hn_transmission_pcupgrade_body_prestige 'The Planetary Command Has Been Upgraded to Prestige'
hn_transmission_pcupgrade_title 'Planetary Command Upgraded'
hn_transmission_research_body '{0} Has Been Upgraded To Level {1}'
hn_transmission_research_body_prestige '{0} Has Been Upgraded To Prestige'
hn_transmission_research_title '{0} Upgrade Complete'
hn_transmission_war_end_body 'The Squad War has ended. View the War Room for results.'
hn_transmission_war_end_title 'Squad War Ended'
hn_transmission_war_prepared_body 'Squad War preparation has begun. Request troops and edit your Defensive Outpost.'
hn_transmission_war_prepared_title 'Squad War Preparation'
hn_transmission_war_start_body 'A Squad War has begun. Capture Factory Outposts and disable enemy Uplinks.'
hn_transmission_war_start_title 'Squad War Started'
hn_transmissions_tab 'Transmissions'
hn_twitter_cta 'Twitter'
hn_ui_all 'All'
hn_ui_any 'Any'
hn_ui_any_source 'Any Source'
hn_ui_anytime 'Anytime'
hn_ui_author 'By: {0}'
hn_ui_author_linebreak 'By: \n{0}'
hn_ui_both 'Both'
hn_ui_daily_crate_available 'Daily Crate Available!'
hn_ui_daily_crate_next_available 'Next Daily Crate In:'
hn_ui_daily_crate_open_cta 'Open Now'
hn_ui_daily_crate_store_cta 'Buy Crates'
hn_ui_date 'Date'
hn_ui_display_error 'Sorry, video unavailable at this time. Please try again later.'
hn_ui_empire 'Empire'
hn_ui_faction 'Faction'
hn_ui_fan_made 'Maker'
hn_ui_featured_video 'Featured Video'
hn_ui_hq_level 'HQ Level'
hn_ui_most_recent 'Most Recent'
hn_ui_no_results 'No results found'
hn_ui_no_video 'No video currently available. Check back soon!'
hn_ui_official 'Official'
hn_ui_partner 'Maker'
hn_ui_past_month 'Past Month'
hn_ui_past_week 'Past Week'
hn_ui_rebel 'Rebel'
hn_ui_send 'Send'
hn_ui_share 'Share:'
hn_ui_share_text 'Check out this video!'
hn_ui_share_video_from_swc 'Check out this video from Star Wars Commander and Maker Studios!'
hn_ui_source 'Source'
hn_ui_squad_share 'Share Video to Squad'
hn_ui_uploaded 'Uploaded: {0}'
hn_ui_videos 'Videos'
hn_ui_views '{0} Views'
hn_ui_watch_again 'Watch Again'
hn_upgrade_required 'UPGRADE REQUIRED'
hn_view_devnotes 'View Details'
hn_view_objectives_btn 'View Objectives'
hn_watchnow_cta 'Watch Now'
hncc1_body_e 'This is empire text'
hncc1_body_r 'This is rebel text'
hncc1_title_e 'This is an empire title'
hncc1_title_r 'This is a rebel title'
hncc3_body 'This is rebel AND empire text'
hncc3_title 'This is a rebel AND empire title '
iap_desc_AmazonSPD01 'Promo Bundle 1'
iap_desc_AmazonSPD02 'Promo Bundle 2'
iap_desc_AmazonSPD03 'Promo Bundle 3'
iap_desc_AmazonSPD04 'Promo Bundle 4'
iap_desc_AmazonSPD05 'Promo Bundle 5'
iap_desc_AmazonSPD06 'Promo Bundle 6'
iap_desc_AmazonSPD07 'Promo Bundle 7'
iap_desc_AmazonSPD08 'Promo Bundle 8'
iap_desc_AmazonSPD09 'Promo Bundle 9'
iap_desc_AmazonSPD10 'Promo Bundle 10'
iap_desc_AmazonSPD11 'Promo Bundle 11'
iap_desc_AmazonSPD12 'Promo Bundle 12'
iap_desc_AmazonSPD13 'Promo Bundle 13'
iap_desc_AndroidCrystals02 'Purchase 500 Crystals'
iap_desc_AndroidCrystals03 'Purchase 1,200 Crystals'
iap_desc_AndroidCrystals04 'Purchase 2,500 Crystals'
iap_desc_AndroidCrystals05 'Purchase 6,500 Crystals'
iap_desc_AndroidCrystals06 'Purchase 14,000 Crystals'
iap_desc_AndroidSPD01 'Promo Bundle 1'
iap_desc_AndroidSPD02 'Promo Bundle 2'
iap_desc_AndroidSPD03 'Promo Bundle 3'
iap_desc_AndroidSPD04 'Promo Bundle 4'
iap_desc_AndroidSPD05 'Promo Bundle 5'
iap_desc_AndroidSPD06 'Promo Bundle 6'
iap_desc_AndroidSPD07 'Promo Bundle 7'
iap_desc_AndroidSPD08 'Promo Bundle 8'
iap_desc_AndroidSPD09 'Promo Bundle 9'
iap_desc_AndroidSPD10 'Promo Bundle 10'
iap_desc_AndroidSPD11 'Promo Bundle 11'
iap_desc_AndroidSPD12 'Promo Bundle 12'
iap_desc_AndroidSPD13 'Promo Bundle 13'
iap_desc_WindowsCrystal02 'Purchase 500 Crystals'
iap_desc_WindowsCrystal03 'Purchase 1,200 Crystals'
iap_desc_WindowsCrystal04 'Purchase 2,500 Crystals'
iap_desc_WindowsCrystal05 'Purchase 6,500 Crystals'
iap_desc_WindowsCrystal06 'Purchase 14,000 Crystals'
iap_desc_WindowsPhoneCrystal02 'Purchase 500 Crystals'
iap_desc_WindowsPhoneCrystal04 'Purchase 1,200 Crystals'
iap_desc_WindowsPhoneCrystal05 'Purchase 6,500 Crystals'
iap_desc_WindowsPhoneCrystal06 'Purchase 14,000 Crystals'
iap_desc_fbgrCrystals02 'Handful of Crystals'
iap_desc_fbgrCrystals03 'Bag of Crystals'
iap_desc_fbgrCrystals04 'Satchel of Crystals'
iap_desc_fbgrCrystals05 'Crate of Crystals'
iap_desc_fbgrCrystals06 'Shipment of Crystals'
iap_desc_fbgrSPD01 'Promo Bundle 1'
iap_desc_fbgrSPD02 'Promo Bundle 2'
iap_desc_fbgrSPD03 'Promo Bundle 3'
iap_desc_fbgrSPD04 'Promo Bundle 4'
iap_desc_fbgrSPD05 'Promo Bundle 5'
iap_desc_fbgrSPD06 'Promo Bundle 6'
iap_desc_fbgrSPD07 'Promo Bundle 7'
iap_desc_fbgrSPD08 'Promo Bundle 8'
iap_desc_fbgrSPD09 'Promo Bundle 9'
iap_desc_fbgrSPD10 'Promo Bundle 10'
iap_desc_fbgrSPD11 'Promo Bundle 11'
iap_desc_fbgrSPD12 'Promo Bundle 12'
iap_desc_fbgrSPD13 'Promo Bundle 13'
iap_desc_iosCrystals02 'Purchase 500 Crystals'
iap_desc_iosCrystals03 'Purchase 1,200 Crystals'
iap_desc_iosCrystals04 'Purchase 2,500 Crystals'
iap_desc_iosCrystals05 'Purchase 6,500 Crystals'
iap_desc_iosCrystals06 'Purchase 14,000 Crystals'
iap_desc_iosSPD01 'Promo Bundle 1'
iap_desc_iosSPD02 'Promo Bundle 2'
iap_desc_iosSPD03 'Promo Bundle 3'
iap_desc_iosSPD04 'Promo Bundle 4'
iap_desc_iosSPD05 'Promo Bundle 5'
iap_desc_iosSPD06 'Promo Bundle 6'
iap_desc_iosSPD07 'Promo Bundle 7'
iap_desc_iosSPD08 'Promo Bundle 8'
iap_desc_iosSPD09 'Promo Bundle 9'
iap_desc_iosSPD10 'Promo Bundle 10'
iap_desc_iosSPD11 'Promo Bundle 11'
iap_desc_iosSPD12 'Promo Bundle 12'
iap_desc_iosSPD13 'Promo Bundle 13'
iap_desc_testAndroid1 'Gives 100 Crystals'
iap_desc_testAndroid2 'Gives 2,300 Materials and 2,300 Credits'
iap_desc_testAndroid3 'Gives 2,300 Materials 2,300 Credits 500 Crystals'
iap_desc_testAndroid4 'Gives 150 Crystals'
iap_desc_testAndroid5 'Gives 150 Materials'
iap_desc_testAndroid6 'Gives 150 Credits'
iap_desc_testAndroid7 'Gives 500 Crystals'
iap_desc_testIOS1 'Gives 100 Crystals'
iap_desc_testIOS2 'Gives 500 Credits'
iap_title_AmazonCrystals02 'Handful of Crystals'
iap_title_AmazonCrystals03 'Bag of Crystals'
iap_title_AmazonCrystals04 'Satchel of Crystals'
iap_title_AmazonCrystals05 'Crate of Crystals'
iap_title_AmazonCrystals06 'Shipment of Crystals'
iap_title_AmazonSPD01 'Promo Bundle 1'
iap_title_AmazonSPD02 'Promo Bundle 2'
iap_title_AmazonSPD03 'Promo Bundle 3'
iap_title_AmazonSPD04 'Promo Bundle 4'
iap_title_AmazonSPD05 'Promo Bundle 5'
iap_title_AmazonSPD06 'Promo Bundle 6'
iap_title_AmazonSPD07 'Promo Bundle 7'
iap_title_AmazonSPD08 'Promo Bundle 8'
iap_title_AmazonSPD09 'Promo Bundle 9'
iap_title_AmazonSPD10 'Promo Bundle 10'
iap_title_AmazonSPD11 'Promo Bundle 11'
iap_title_AmazonSPD12 'Promo Bundle 12'
iap_title_AmazonSPD13 'Promo Bundle 13'
iap_title_AndroidCrystals02 'Handful of Crystals'
iap_title_AndroidCrystals03 'Bag of Crystals'
iap_title_AndroidCrystals04 'Satchel of Crystals'
iap_title_AndroidCrystals05 'Crate of Crystals'
iap_title_AndroidCrystals06 'Shipment of Crystals'
iap_title_AndroidSPD01 'Promo Bundle 1'
iap_title_AndroidSPD02 'Promo Bundle 2'
iap_title_AndroidSPD03 'Promo Bundle 3'
iap_title_AndroidSPD04 'Promo Bundle 4'
iap_title_AndroidSPD05 'Promo Bundle 5'
iap_title_AndroidSPD06 'Promo Bundle 6'
iap_title_AndroidSPD07 'Promo Bundle 7'
iap_title_AndroidSPD08 'Promo Bundle 8'
iap_title_AndroidSPD09 'Promo Bundle 9'
iap_title_AndroidSPD10 'Promo Bundle 10'
iap_title_AndroidSPD11 'Promo Bundle 11'
iap_title_AndroidSPD12 'Promo Bundle 12'
iap_title_AndroidSPD13 'Promo Bundle 13'
iap_title_WindowsCrystal02 'Handful of Crystals'
iap_title_WindowsCrystal03 'Bag of Crystals'
iap_title_WindowsCrystal04 'Satchel of Crystals'
iap_title_WindowsCrystal05 'Crate of Crystals'
iap_title_WindowsCrystal06 'Shipment of Crystals'
iap_title_WindowsPhoneCrystal02 'Handful of Crystals'
iap_title_WindowsPhoneCrystal03 'Bag of Crystals'
iap_title_WindowsPhoneCrystal04 'Satchel of Crystals'
iap_title_WindowsPhoneCrystal05 'Crate of Crystals'
iap_title_WindowsPhoneCrystal06 'Shipment of Crystals'
iap_title_fbgrCrystals02 'Handful of Crystals'
iap_title_fbgrCrystals03 'Bag of Crystals'
iap_title_fbgrCrystals04 'Satchel of Crystals'
iap_title_fbgrCrystals05 'Crate of Crystals'
iap_title_fbgrCrystals06 'Shipment of Crystals'
iap_title_fbgrSPD01 'Promo Bundle 1'
iap_title_fbgrSPD02 'Promo Bundle 2'
iap_title_fbgrSPD03 'Promo Bundle 3'
iap_title_fbgrSPD04 'Promo Bundle 4'
iap_title_fbgrSPD05 'Promo Bundle 5'
iap_title_fbgrSPD06 'Promo Bundle 6'
iap_title_fbgrSPD07 'Promo Bundle 7'
iap_title_fbgrSPD08 'Promo Bundle 8'
iap_title_fbgrSPD09 'Promo Bundle 9'
iap_title_fbgrSPD10 'Promo Bundle 10'
iap_title_fbgrSPD11 'Promo Bundle 11'
iap_title_fbgrSPD12 'Promo Bundle 12'
iap_title_fbgrSPD13 'Promo Bundle 13'
iap_title_iosCrystals02 'Handful of Crystals'
iap_title_iosCrystals03 'Bag of Crystals'
iap_title_iosCrystals04 'Satchel of Crystals'
iap_title_iosCrystals05 'Crate of Crystals'
iap_title_iosCrystals06 'Shipment of Crystals'
iap_title_iosSPD01 'Promo Bundle 1'
iap_title_iosSPD02 'Promo Bundle 2'
iap_title_iosSPD03 'Promo Bundle 3'
iap_title_iosSPD04 'Promo Bundle 4'
iap_title_iosSPD05 'Promo Bundle 5'
iap_title_iosSPD06 'Promo Bundle 6'
iap_title_iosSPD07 'Promo Bundle 7'
iap_title_iosSPD08 'Promo Bundle 8'
iap_title_iosSPD09 'Promo Bundle 9'
iap_title_iosSPD10 'Promo Bundle 10'
iap_title_iosSPD11 'Promo Bundle 11'
iap_title_iosSPD12 'Promo Bundle 12'
iap_title_iosSPD13 'Promo Bundle 13'
iap_title_testAndroid1 'Test Android IAP 1'
iap_title_testAndroid2 'Test Android IAP 2'
iap_title_testAndroid3 'Test Android IAP 3'
iap_title_testAndroid4 'Test Android IAP 4'
iap_title_testAndroid5 'Test Android IAP 5'
iap_title_testAndroid6 'Test Android IAP 6'
iap_title_testAndroid7 'Test Android IAP 7'
iap_title_testIOS1 'Test iOS IAP 1'
iap_title_testIOS2 'Test iOS IAP 2'
info_create_capture_time 'Capture Time'
instant_upgrade_confirm_desc 'Do you want to instantly upgrade the selected building for {0} Crystals?'
instant_upgrade_confirm_title 'Get Your Upgrade Now!'
lc_bronziumEqpStore_CRATE_CONFIRM_INFO 'Guaranteed [c][FFC25B]Elite[-][/c] Data Fragments.'
lc_carboniteEqpStore_CRATE_CONFIRM_INFO 'Guaranteed [c][B2B2A8]Basic[-][/c] Data Fragment. Chance to get [c][99B4FF]Advanced[-][/c] Data Fragment.'
lc_durasteelEqpStore_CRATE_CONFIRM_INFO 'Guaranteed [c][99B4FF]Advanced[-][/c] Data Fragment. Chance to get [c][FFC25B]Elite[-][/c] Data Fragment.'
lcfly_desc614AVA '[c][DBC0FF]614-AvA[-][/c]'
lcfly_desc614AVAFragments '[c][DBC0FF]614-AvA[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descATRT '[c][DBC0FF]AT-RT Walker[-][/c]'
lcfly_descATRTFragments '[c][DBC0FF]AT-RT Walker[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descATRTSample '[c][C8E8FF]AT-RT Walker Samples[-][/c]'
lcfly_descAWing '[c][DBC0FF]A-wing Starfighter[-][/c]'
lcfly_descAWingFragments '[c][DBC0FF]A-wing Starfighter[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descAWingSample '[c][C8E8FF]A-wing Starfighter Samples[-][/c]'
lcfly_descAdvancedDataFragments '[c][99B4FF]Advanced[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descAdvancedOrEliteDataFragments '[c][99B4FF]Advanced[-][/c] or [c][FFC25B]Elite[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descAnniversary_3yr 'Collect Crystals Everyday: [c][FFD74A]8/16 thru 8/22[-][/c]'
lcfly_descApeMan '[c][DBC0FF]Ongidae Oppressor[-][/c]'
lcfly_descApeManFragments '[c][DBC0FF]Ongidae Oppressor[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descAtmosMig '[c][DBC0FF]TIE Striker[-][/c]'
lcfly_descAtmosMigFragments '[c][DBC0FF]TIE Striker[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descAtmosMigSample '[c][C8E8FF]TIE Striker Samples[-][/c]'
lcfly_descAtmosMigUnlock '[c][DBC0FF]TIE Striker[-][/c] Starfighter Unlock'
lcfly_descBanthaSample '[c][C8E8FF]Bantha Rider'
lcfly_descBasicDataFragments '[c][B2B2A8]Basic[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descBasicOrAdvancedDataFragments '[c][B2B2A8]Basic[-][/c] or [c][99B4FF]Advanced[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descBigMouthAlien '[c][DBC0FF]Drabatan Saboteur[-][/c]'
lcfly_descBigMouthAlienFragments '[c][DBC0FF]Drabatan Saboteur[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descBigMouthAlienSample '[c][C8E8FF]Drabatan Saboteur Samples[-][/c]'
lcfly_descBonusAlloy 'Bonus Alloy'
lcfly_descBonusCredits 'Bonus Credits'
lcfly_descBonusEliteDataFragments 'Bonus [c][FFC25B]Elite[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descBonusEliteOrUnitDataFragments 'Bonus [c][FFC25B]Elite[-][/c] or [c][DBC0FF]Unit[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descBonusEqpEmpireHeavySandtrooperFragments 'Bonus [c][FFC25B]Heavy Sandtrooper[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descBonusEqpRebelSandHeavySoldierFragments 'Bonus [c][FFC25B]Heavy Desert Soldier[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descBonusUnitSamples 'Bonus Unit Samples'
lcfly_descContraband 'Contraband'
lcfly_descCreditsOrAlloy 'Credits or Alloy'
lcfly_descCrystals 'Crystals'
lcfly_descDewbackSample '[c][C8E8FF]Dewback Trooper'
lcfly_descEliteBarracksUnits '[c][FFC25B]Elite[-][/c] Barracks Unit Data Fragments'
lcfly_descEliteDataFragments '[c][FFC25B]Elite[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descEliteOrUnitDataFragments '[c][FFC25B]Elite[-][/c] or [c][DBC0FF]Unit[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descEmpireBruteSample '[c][C8E8FF]Dowutin Hunter Samples[-][/c]'
lcfly_descEmpireChicken '[c][DBC0FF]AT-DT Walker[-][/c]'
lcfly_descEmpireChickenFragments '[c][DBC0FF]AT-DT Walker[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descEmpireChickenSample '[c][C8E8FF]AT-DT Walker Samples[-][/c]'
lcfly_descEmpireDemoDroid '[c][DBC0FF]LIN Demolitionmech[-][/c]'
lcfly_descEmpireDemoDroidFragments '[c][DBC0FF]LIN Demolitionmech[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descEmpireDemoDroidSample '[c][C8E8FF]LIN Demolitionmech Samples[-][/c]'
lcfly_descEmpireGamorreanWarriorSample '[c][C8E8FF]Gamorrean Warrior Samples[-][/c]'
lcfly_descEmpireGoldenMileCreature '[c][DBC0FF]Fathier Rider[-][/c]'
lcfly_descEmpireGoldenMileCreatureFragments '[c][DBC0FF]Fathier Rider[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descEmpireHovertankSample '[c][C8E8FF]TX-225 Samples[-][/c]'
lcfly_descEmpireJumpTrooperSample '[c][C8E8FF]Jump Trooper Samples[-][/c]'
lcfly_descEmpireMortarTurretDamage '[c][99B4FF]Enhanced Heat Sink[-][/c]'
lcfly_descEmpirePentagonJumpTrooper '[c][FFC25B]Forest Jump Trooper[-][/c]'
lcfly_descEmpirePentagonJumpTrooperFragments '[c][FFC25B]Forest Jump Trooper[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descEmpireRapidFireTurretDamage '[c][99B4FF]Enhanced Heat Sink[-][/c]'
lcfly_descEmpireRiderSample '[c][C8E8FF]Luggabeast Munitioneer Samples[-][/c]'
lcfly_descEmpireSandJumpTrooper 'Desert Jump Trooper'
lcfly_descEmpireSandJumpTrooperFragments '[c][FFC25B]Desert Jump Trooper[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descEmpireSnowJumpTrooper '[c][FFC25B]Arctic Jump Trooper[-][/c]'
lcfly_descEmpireSnowJumpTrooperFragments '[c][FFC25B]Arctic Jump Trooper[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descEqpEmpireArcticATMP '[c][FFC25B]Cold Weather AT-MP Mark III[-][/c]'
lcfly_descEqpEmpireArcticATMPFragments '[c][FFC25B]Cold Weather AT-MP Mark III[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descEqpEmpireArcticINT4 '[c][FFC25B]Modified INT-4 Interceptor[-][/c]'
lcfly_descEqpEmpireArcticINT4Fragments '[c][FFC25B]Modified INT-4 Interceptor[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descEqpEmpireArcticMHC '[c][FFC25B]Cold-weather Mobile Heavy Cannon[-][/c]'
lcfly_descEqpEmpireArcticMHCFragments '[c][FFC25B]Cold-weather Mobile Heavy Cannon[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descEqpEmpireBarracksSummonHeavy 'Guard Reserve: Anti-infantry'
lcfly_descEqpEmpireBarracksSummonHeavyFragments '[c][FFC25B]Guard Reserve: Anti-infantry[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descEqpEmpireBarracksSummonLight 'Guard Reserve: Light Infantry'
lcfly_descEqpEmpireBarracksSummonLightFragments '[c][FFC25B]Guard Reserve: Light Infantry[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descEqpEmpireBarracksSummonMedium 'Guard Reserve: Melee Bruisers'
lcfly_descEqpEmpireBarracksSummonMediumFragments '[c][FFC25B]Guard Reserve: Melee Bruisers[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descEqpEmpireBurstTurretDamage '[c][99B4FF]Enhanced Heat Sink[-][/c]'
lcfly_descEqpEmpireCargoGreatDane '[c][FFC25B]AT-ACT[-][/c]'
lcfly_descEqpEmpireCargoGreatDaneFragments '[c][FFC25B]AT-ACT[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descEqpEmpireFactorySummonHeavy 'Guard Reserve: Anti-vehicle'
lcfly_descEqpEmpireFactorySummonHeavyFragments '[c][FFC25B]Guard Reserve: Anti-vehicle[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descEqpEmpireFactorySummonLight 'Guard Reserve: Anti-infantry'
lcfly_descEqpEmpireFactorySummonLightFragments '[c][FFC25B]Guard Reserve: Anti-infantry[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descEqpEmpireHQHealth '[c][B2B2A8]Reinforced HQ Bracing[-][/c]'
lcfly_descEqpEmpireHeavySandtrooper '[c][FFC25B]Heavy Sandtrooper[-][/c]'
lcfly_descEqpEmpireHeavySandtrooperFragments '[c][FFC25B]Heavy Sandtrooper[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descEqpEmpireHeavySnowtrooper '[c][FFC25B]Heavy Snowtrooper[-][/c]'
lcfly_descEqpEmpireHeavySnowtrooperFragments '[c][FFC25B]Heavy Snowtrooper[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descEqpEmpireHovertank '[c][FFC25B]TX-225[-][/c]'
lcfly_descEqpEmpireHovertankFragments '[c][FFC25B]TX-225[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descEqpEmpireLordVader '[c][FFC25B]Lord Vader[-][/c]'
lcfly_descEqpEmpireLordVaderFragments '[c][FFC25B]Lord Vader[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descEqpEmpireNavalOfficer '[c][FFC25B]Naval Officer[-][/c]'
lcfly_descEqpEmpireNavalOfficerFragments '[c][FFC25B]Naval Officer[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descEqpEmpirePentagonHeavyTrooper '[c][FFC25B]Heavy Shoretrooper[-][/c]'
lcfly_descEqpEmpirePentagonHeavyTrooperFragments '[c][FFC25B]Heavy Shoretrooper[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descEqpEmpirePentagonTrooper '[c][FFC25B]Shoretrooper[-][/c]'
lcfly_descEqpEmpirePentagonTrooperFragments '[c][FFC25B]Shoretrooper[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descEqpEmpireRapidFireTurretHealth '[c][99B4FF]Reinforced Mounting[-][/c]'
lcfly_descEqpEmpireRocketTurretDamage '[c][99B4FF]Enhanced Heat Sink[-][/c]'
lcfly_descEqpEmpireRodian '[c][FFC25B]Rodian Recon Sniper[-][/c]'
lcfly_descEqpEmpireRodianFragments '[c][FFC25B]Rodian Recon Sniper[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descEqpEmpireSandJumpTrooper '[c][FFC25B]Desert Jump Trooper[-][/c]'
lcfly_descEqpEmpireSandtrooper '[c][FFC25B]Sandtrooper[-][/c]'
lcfly_descEqpEmpireSandtrooperFragments '[c][FFC25B]Sandtrooper[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descEqpEmpireSnowtrooper '[c][FFC25B]Snowtrooper[-][/c]'
lcfly_descEqpEmpireSnowtrooperFragments '[c][FFC25B]Snowtrooper[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descEqpEmpireWallHealth '[c][B2B2A8]Reinforced Wall Bracing[-][/c]'
lcfly_descEqpRebelArcticHailfire '[c][FFC25B]Cold-weather Hailfire Droid[-][/c]'
lcfly_descEqpRebelArcticHailfireFragments '[c][FFC25B]Cold-weather Hailfire Droid[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descEqpRebelArtoo '[c][FFC25B]Artoo & Threepio[-][/c]'
lcfly_descEqpRebelArtooFragments '[c][FFC25B]Artoo & Threepio[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descEqpRebelBarracksSummonHeavy 'Guard Reserve: Anti-vehicle'
lcfly_descEqpRebelBarracksSummonHeavyFragments '[c][FFC25B]Guard Reserve: Anti-vehicle[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descEqpRebelBarracksSummonLight 'Guard Reserve: Light Infantry'
lcfly_descEqpRebelBarracksSummonLightFragments '[c][FFC25B]Guard Reserve: Light Infantry[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descEqpRebelBarracksSummonMedium 'Guard Reserve: Melee Bruisers'
lcfly_descEqpRebelBarracksSummonMediumFragments '[c][FFC25B]Guard Reserve: Melee Bruisers[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descEqpRebelBurstTurretDamage '[c][99B4FF]Enhanced Heat Sink[-][/c]'
lcfly_descEqpRebelCaptainSolo '[c][FFC25B]Captain Han Solo[-][/c]'
lcfly_descEqpRebelCaptainSoloFragments '[c][FFC25B]Captain Han Solo[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descEqpRebelChewie '[c][FFC25B]Millennium Falcon Support[-][/c]'
lcfly_descEqpRebelChewieFragments '[c][FFC25B]Millennium Falcon Support[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descEqpRebelDiplomat '[c][FFC25B]Senator Leia Organa[-][/c]'
lcfly_descEqpRebelDiplomatFragments '[c][FFC25B]Senator Leia Organa[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descEqpRebelEchoBaseHeavySoldier '[c][FFC25B]Cold-weather Heavy Soldier[-][/c]'
lcfly_descEqpRebelEchoBaseHeavySoldierFragments '[c][FFC25B]Cold-weather Heavy Soldier[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descEqpRebelEchoBaseSoldier '[c][FFC25B]Cold-weather Soldier[-][/c]'
lcfly_descEqpRebelEchoBaseSoldierFragments '[c][FFC25B]Cold-weather Soldier[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descEqpRebelFactorySummonHeavy 'Guard Reserve: Anti-vehicle'
lcfly_descEqpRebelFactorySummonHeavyFragments '[c][FFC25B]Guard Reserve: Anti-vehicle[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descEqpRebelFactorySummonLight 'Guard Reserve: Anti-infantry'
lcfly_descEqpRebelFactorySummonLightFragments '[c][FFC25B]Guard Reserve: Anti-infantry[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descEqpRebelHQHealth '[c][809596]Reinforced HQ Bracing[-][/c]'
lcfly_descEqpRebelHeavySandSoldier '[c][FFC25B]Heavy Desert Soldier[-][/c]'
lcfly_descEqpRebelHovertank '[c][FFC25B]Stolen TX-225[-][/c]'
lcfly_descEqpRebelHovertankFragments '[c][FFC25B]Stolen TX-225[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descEqpRebelPentagonSoldier '[c][FFC25B]Rebel Commando[-][/c]'
lcfly_descEqpRebelPentagonSoldierFragments '[c][FFC25B]Rebel Commando[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descEqpRebelRapidFireTurretHealth '[c][99B4FF]Reinforced Mounting[-][/c]'
lcfly_descEqpRebelRocketTurretDamage '[c][99B4FF]Enhanced Heat Sink[-][/c]'
lcfly_descEqpRebelSandHeavySoldierFragments '[c][FFC25B]Heavy Desert Soldier[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descEqpRebelSandJetpackTrooper '[c][FFC25B]Desert Jetpack Trooper[-][/c]'
lcfly_descEqpRebelSandSoldier '[c][FFC25B]Desert Soldier[-][/c]'
lcfly_descEqpRebelSandSoldierFragments '[c][FFC25B]Desert Soldier[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descEqpRebelShaggyAlien '[c][FFC25B]Gigoran Fighter[-][/c]'
lcfly_descEqpRebelShaggyAlienFragments '[c][FFC25B]Gigoran Fighter[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descEqpRebelSullustan '[c][FFC25B]Sullustan Recon Sharpshooter[-][/c]'
lcfly_descEqpRebelSullustanFragments '[c][FFC25B]Recon Sharpshooter[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descEqpRebelTauntaun '[c][FFC25B]Tauntaun Rider[-][/c]'
lcfly_descEqpRebelTauntaunFragments '[c][FFC25B]Tauntaun Rider[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descEqpRebelWallHealth '[c][B2B2A8]Reinforced Wall Bracing[-][/c]'
lcfly_descFangFighter '[c][DBC0FF]Fang Fighter[-][/c]'
lcfly_descFangFighterFragments '[c][DBC0FF]Fang Fighter[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descFangFighterSample '[c][C8E8FF]Fang Fighter Samples[-][/c]'
lcfly_descFangFighterUnlock '[c][DBC0FF]Fang Fighter[-][/c] Starfighter Unlock'
lcfly_descFurCoat '[c][DBC0FF]Bufopel Protector[-][/c]'
lcfly_descFurCoatFragments '[c][DBC0FF]Bufopel Protector[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descHWK290 '[c][DBC0FF]HWK-290[-][/c]'
lcfly_descHWK290Fragments '[c][DBC0FF]HWK-290[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descHailfireSample '[c][C8E8FF]Rebel Hailfire Droid Samples[-][/c]'
lcfly_descHeavyRebelSample '[c][C8E8FF]Heavy Stormtrooper Samples[-][/c]'
lcfly_descHeavyStormDeathSample '[c][C8E8FF]Heavy Undead Trooper Samples[-][/c]'
lcfly_descHeavyStormSample '[c][C8E8FF]Heavy Stormtrooper Samples[-][/c]'
lcfly_descHeroATATSample '[c][C8E8FF]Elite AT-AT'
lcfly_descHeroATTE '[c][DBC0FF]Elite AT-TE Walker[-][/c]'
lcfly_descHeroATTEFragments '[c][DBC0FF]Elite AT-TE Walker[-][/c] Fragments'
lcfly_descHeroATTESample 'Elite AT-TE Walker Sample'
lcfly_descHeroChewbaccaSample '[c][C8E8FF]Chewbacca'
lcfly_descHeroDeathTrooper '[c][DBC0FF]Death Trooper[-][/c]'
lcfly_descHeroDeathTrooperFragments '[c][DBC0FF]Death Trooper[-][/c] Fragments'
lcfly_descHeroDeathTrooperSample 'Death Trooper Sample'
lcfly_descHeroEmpireSpiderDroid '[c][DBC0FF]SD-K4[-][/c]'
lcfly_descHeroEmpireSpiderDroidFragments '[c][DBC0FF]SD-K4[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descHeroEmpireSpiderDroidSample '[c][C8E8FF]SD-K4 Samples[-][/c]'
lcfly_descHeroRebelSpiderDroid '[c][DBC0FF]Modified SD-K4[-][/c]'
lcfly_descHeroRebelSpiderDroidFragments '[c][DBC0FF]Modified SD-K4[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descHeroRebelSpiderDroidSample '[c][C8E8FF]Modified SD-K4 Starfighter Samples[-][/c]'
lcfly_descHunterRancorSample '[c][C8E8FF]Hunter Rancor Samples[-][/c]'
lcfly_descIG86Droid '[c][DBC0FF]IG-86 Assassin Droid[-][/c]'
lcfly_descIG86DroidFragments '[c][DBC0FF]IG-86 Assassin Droid[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descIG86DroidSample '[c][C8E8FF]IG-86 Assassin Droid Samples[-][/c]'
lcfly_descIakaruWarrior '[c][DBC0FF]Iakaru Warrior[-][/c]'
lcfly_descIakaruWarriorFragments '[c][DBC0FF]Iakaru Warrior[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descIakaruWarriorSample '[c][C8E8FF]Iakaru Warrior Samples[-][/c]'
lcfly_descIthorianFragments '[c][DBC0FF]Ithorian Infiltrator[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descIthorianInfiltrator '[c][DBC0FF]Ithorian Infiltrator[-][/c]'
lcfly_descIthorianInfiltratorFragments '[c][DBC0FF]Ithorian Infiltrator[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descJohhar '[c][DBC0FF]Johhar Kessen[-][/c]'
lcfly_descJohharFragments '[c][DBC0FF]Johhar Kessen[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descKraytDragonSample '[c][C8E8FF]Krayt Dragon Samples[-][/c]'
lcfly_descKubazFragments '[c][DBC0FF]Kubaz Invader[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descKubazInvader '[c][DBC0FF]Kubaz Invader[-][/c]'
lcfly_descKubazInvaderFragments '[c][DBC0FF]Kubaz Invader[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descMHCSample '[c][C8E8FF]Mobile Heavy Cannon Samples[-][/c]'
lcfly_descMTV7 '[c][DBC0FF]MTV-7[-][/c]'
lcfly_descMTV7Fragments '[c][DBC0FF]MTV-7[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descMTV7Sample '[c][C8E8FF]MTV-7 Samples[-][/c]'
lcfly_descMarksmanSample '[c][C8E8FF]Rebel Sharpshooter'
lcfly_descPolarShip '[c][DBC0FF]V-4X-D Ski Speeder[-][/c]'
lcfly_descPolarShipFragments '[c][DBC0FF]V-4X-D Ski Speeder[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descPromoRancorSample '[c][C8E8FF]Rancor Samples[-][/c]'
lcfly_descR5Medic '[c][DBC0FF]Imperial Astromedic[-][/c]'
lcfly_descR5MedicFragments '[c][DBC0FF]Imperial Astromedic[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descRageRancorSample '[c][C8E8FF]Rage Rancor Samples[-][/c]'
lcfly_descRancorSamples 'Rancor Unit Samples'
lcfly_descRebelBruteSample '[c][C8E8FF]Dowutin Hunter Samples[-][/c]'
lcfly_descRebelChicken '[c][DBC0FF]Stolen AT-DT Walker[-][/c]'
lcfly_descRebelChickenFragments '[c][DBC0FF]Stolen AT-DT Walker[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descRebelChickenSample '[c][C8E8FF]Stolen AT-DT Walker Samples[-][/c]'
lcfly_descRebelDemoDroid '[c][DBC0FF]Demolition Droid[-][/c]'
lcfly_descRebelDemoDroidFragments '[c][DBC0FF]Demolition Droid[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descRebelDemoDroidSample '[c][C8E8FF]Demolition Droid Samples[-][/c]'
lcfly_descRebelEchoBaseJetpackTrooper '[c][FFC25B]Arctic Jetpack Trooper[-][/c]'
lcfly_descRebelEchoBaseJetpackTrooperFragments '[c][FFC25B]Arctic Jetpack Trooper[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descRebelGamorreanWarriorSample '[c][C8E8FF]Gamorrean Warrior Samples[-][/c]'
lcfly_descRebelGoldenMileCreature '[c][DBC0FF]Fathier Rider[-][/c]'
lcfly_descRebelGoldenMileCreatureFragments '[c][DBC0FF]Fathier Rider[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descRebelHovertankSample '[c][C8E8FF]Stolen TX-225 Samples[-][/c]'
lcfly_descRebelJetpackTrooperSample '[c][C8E8FF]Jetpack Trooper Samples[-][/c]'
lcfly_descRebelMortarTurretDamage '[c][99B4FF]Enhanced Heat Sink[-][/c]'
lcfly_descRebelPentagonJetpackTrooper '[c][FFC25B]Forest Jetpack Trooper[-][/c]'
lcfly_descRebelPentagonJetpackTrooperFragments '[c][FFC25B]Forest Jetpack Trooper[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descRebelRapidFireTurretDamage '[c][99B4FF]Enhanced Heat Sink[-][/c]'
lcfly_descRebelRiderSample '[c][C8E8FF]Luggabeast Munitioneer Samples[-][/c]'
lcfly_descRebelSandJetpackTrooper 'Desert Jetpack Trooper'
lcfly_descRebelSandJetpackTrooperFragments '[c][FFC25B]Desert Jetpack Trooper[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descRodianSample '[c][C8E8FF]Rodian Recon Sniper Samples[-][/c]'
lcfly_descSecurityDroid '[c][DBC0FF]Security Droid[-][/c]'
lcfly_descSecurityDroidFragments '[c][DBC0FF]Security Droid[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descSecurityDroidSample '[c][C8E8FF]Security Droid Samples[-][/c]'
lcfly_descSeizedAAT1Sample 'Seized AAT-1 Hover Tank'
lcfly_descSeizedATTESample 'Seized AT-TE Walker'
lcfly_descSeizedAWingSample 'Seized A-Wing Starfighter'
lcfly_descSeizedHailfireSample 'Seized Hailfire Droid'
lcfly_descSeizedJuggernautSample 'Seized Juggernaut'
lcfly_descShadowRancorSample '[c][C8E8FF]Shadow Rancor Samples[-][/c]'
lcfly_descShock '[c][DBC0FF]Shock Trooper[-][/c]'
lcfly_descShockFragments '[c][DBC0FF]Shock Trooper[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descShockSample '[c][C8E8FF]Shock Trooper Samples[-][/c]'
lcfly_descSniperSample '[c][C8E8FF]Sniper Trooper'
lcfly_descStolenATATSample 'Stolen AT-AT Walker'
lcfly_descStolenATDPSample 'Stolen AT-DP Walker'
lcfly_descStolenATSTSample 'Stolen AT-ST Walker'
lcfly_descStolenMHCSample 'Stolen Mobile Heavy Cannon'
lcfly_descStolenTieAdvancedSample 'Stolen TIE Advanced'
lcfly_descStormDeathSample '[c][C8E8FF]Undead Trooper Samples[-][/c]'
lcfly_descSullustanSample '[c][C8E8FF]Recon Sharpshooter Samples[-][/c]'
lcfly_descTIEAdvanced '[c][DBC0FF]TIE Advanced[-][/c]'
lcfly_descTIEAdvancedFragments '[c][DBC0FF]TIE Advanced[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descTIEAdvancedSample '[c][C8E8FF]TIE Advanced Samples[-][/c]'
lcfly_descTiePilot '[c][DBC0FF]Imperial Starfighter Pilot[-][/c]'
lcfly_descTiePilotFragments '[c][DBC0FF]Imperial Starfighter Pilot[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descTiePilotSample '[c][C8E8FF]Imperial Starfighter Pilot Samples[-][/c]'
lcfly_descTognath '[c][DBC0FF]Tognath Marksman[-][/c]'
lcfly_descTognathFragments '[c][DBC0FF]Tognath Marksman[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descTognathSample '[c][C8E8FF]Tognath Marksman Samples[-][/c]'
lcfly_descTreadwell '[c][DBC0FF]WED Treadwell Repair Droid[-][/c]'
lcfly_descTreadwellFragments '[c][DBC0FF]WED Treadwell Repair Droid[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descTroopTiePilot '[c][DBC0FF]Imperial Starfighter Pilot[-][/c]'
lcfly_descTroopTiePilotFragments '[c][DBC0FF]Imperial Starfighter Pilot[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descTroopTiePilotSamples '[c][FFC25B]Imperial Starfighter Pilot[-][/c] Sample Units'
lcfly_descTroopXWingPilot '[c][DBC0FF]Alliance Starfighter Pilot[-][/c]'
lcfly_descTroopXWingPilotFragments '[c][DBC0FF]Alliance Starfighter Pilot[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descTroopXWingPilotSamples '[c][FFC25B]Alliance Starfighter Pilot[-][/c] Sample Units'
lcfly_descUnitDataFragments '[c][DBC0FF]Unit[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descUnitSamples 'Unit Samples'
lcfly_descUnitSamples_desBiome 'Desert Ops Unit Samples'
lcfly_descUnitSamples_forBiome 'Forest Ops Unit Samples'
lcfly_descVT49 '[c][DBC0FF]VT-49 Decimator[-][/c]'
lcfly_descVT49Fragments '[c][DBC0FF]VT-49 Decimator[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descVanguard '[c][DBC0FF]Rebel Vanguard[-][/c]'
lcfly_descVanguardFragments '[c][DBC0FF]Rebel Vanguard[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descVanguardSample '[c][C8E8FF]Rebel Vanguard Samples[-][/c]'
lcfly_descXWingPilot '[c][DBC0FF]Rebel Starfighter Pilot[-][/c]'
lcfly_descXWingPilotFragments '[c][DBC0FF]Rebel Starfighter Pilot[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_descXWingPilotSample '[c][C8E8FF]Alliance Starfighter Pilot Samples[-][/c]'
lcfly_desc_GREEN_guaranteed '[c][66D466]Guaranteed![-][/c]'
lcfly_desc_JohharKessenAndMore '[c][DBC0FF]Johhar Kessen[-][/c] and more!'
lcfly_desc_additionalEventRewards '[c][66D466]Additional Event Rewards[-][/c]'
lcfly_desc_anniversary 'Anniversary Celebration!'
lcfly_desc_arcticOpsConflictSamples_arcOps '[c][FFC25B]Arctic Ops[-][/c] Conflict Unit Samples'
lcfly_desc_arcticOpsDataFragments_arcOps '[c][FFC25B]Arctic Ops[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_desc_arcticOpsSamples_arcOps '[c][FFC25B]Arctic Ops[-][/c] Unit Samples'
lcfly_desc_celebratingLastJedi 'Celebrating [c][FFC25B]Star Wars: The Last Jedi[-][/c]'
lcfly_desc_chance_guarantee 'Guaranteed '
lcfly_desc_chance_guarantee_guardReserve 'Guaranteed Guard Reserve Fragments!'
lcfly_desc_chance_low 'Chance of'
lcfly_desc_chance_med 'Good Chance of'
lcfly_desc_chance_sneakPeek 'Happy Star Wars Day!'
lcfly_desc_chance_subset '      ∫  Possible'
lcfly_desc_classicUnit 'Classic Unit'
lcfly_desc_classicUnitDataFragments '[c][DBC0FF]Classic Units[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_desc_dataFragments_rogue1v3 '[c][FF6600]Rogue One[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_desc_dataFragments_subset_anh40 '[c][FFC25B]      ∫  40th Anniversary[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_desc_dataFragments_subset_rogue1v3 '[c][FF6600]      ∫  Rogue One[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_desc_desertOpsDataFragments_desBiome '[c][FFC25B]Desert Ops[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_desc_eventOnly '[c][C8E8FF]Event Only![-][/c]'
lcfly_desc_eventOnly_anh40 '[c][FFC25B]40th Anniversary Event Only![-][/c]'
lcfly_desc_eventOnly_arcOps '[c][00EDFF]Arctic Ops Event Only![-][/c]'
lcfly_desc_eventOnly_desBiome '[c][B6EC2E]Desert Ops Event Only![-][/c]'
lcfly_desc_eventOnly_forBiome '[c][00E600]Forest Ops Event Only![-][/c]'
lcfly_desc_eventOnly_rogue1v3 '[c][FF6600]Rogue One Event Only![-][/c]'
lcfly_desc_eventOnly_subset '[c][C8E8FF]      ∫  Event Only![-][/c]'
lcfly_desc_eventOnly_subset_1-11 '[c][B6EC2E]      Better Chance until 1/11[-][/c]'
lcfly_desc_eventOnly_subset_1-17 '[c][B6EC2E]      Better Chance until 1/17[-][/c]'
lcfly_desc_eventOnly_subset_1-4 '[c][B6EC2E]      Better Chance until 1/4[-][/c]'
lcfly_desc_eventOnly_subset_12-14 '[c][B6EC2E]      Better Chance until 12/14[-][/c]'
lcfly_desc_eventOnly_subset_12-28 '[c][B6EC2E]      Better Chance until 12/28[-][/c]'
lcfly_desc_eventOnly_subset_5-17 '[c][FFC25B]      ∫  Until 5/17![-][/c]'
lcfly_desc_eventOnly_subset_6-14 '[c][FF6600]      ∫  Until 6/14![-][/c]'
lcfly_desc_eventOnly_subset_7-12 '[c][66D466]      Better Chance until 7/12[-][/c]'
lcfly_desc_event_2-19 '[c][B6EC2E]Until 2/15![-][/c]'
lcfly_desc_event_3-15 '[c][00E600]Until 3/15![-][/c]'
lcfly_desc_event_4-12 '[c][00EDFF]Until 4/12![-][/c]'
lcfly_desc_event_5-17 '[c][FFC25B]Until 5/17![-][/c]'
lcfly_desc_event_6-14 '[c][FF6600]Until 6/14![-][/c]'
lcfly_desc_event_7-12 '[c][66D466]Until 7/12![-][/c]'
lcfly_desc_event_defRef '[c][66D466]Defensive Tactics Event![-][/c]'
lcfly_desc_event_navalEvtDataFragments '[c][DBC0FF]Naval Assault[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_desc_event_subset_betterChance '[c][B6EC2E]      Better Chance![-][/c]'
lcfly_desc_event_subset_betterChance_3-15 '[c][00E600]      Better Chance Until 3/15![-][/c]'
lcfly_desc_event_subset_betterChance_4-12 '[c][00EDFF]      Better Chance Until 4/12![-][/c]'
lcfly_desc_forestOpsDataFragments_forBiome '[c][FFC25B]Forest Ops[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_desc_guardReserveFragments '[c][FFC25B]Guard Reserve[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_desc_jetpackOutbreakEventOnly 'Event Only Until 4/4'
lcfly_desc_jetpackOutbreakGuarSamples_e 'Guaranteed: Jump Trooper Samples'
lcfly_desc_jetpackOutbreakGuarSamples_r 'Guaranteed: Jetpack Trooper Samples'
lcfly_desc_jetpackOutbreakUntil4-4 'Until 4/4!'
lcfly_desc_limitedTime 'Limited Time!'
lcfly_desc_newEquipmentType '[c][66D466]New Equipment Type![-][/c]'
lcfly_desc_newUnit 'New Unit!'
lcfly_desc_oneTimeOffer 'One-Time Offer!'
lcfly_desc_possibleDataFragments '[c][FFC25B]Possible Data Fragments:[-][/c]'
lcfly_desc_requiresArmory 'Requires Armory!'
lcfly_desc_specialPrize_arcOps '[c][00EDFF]Arctic Ops Special Prize![-][/c]'
lcfly_desc_specialPrize_rogue1 'Rogue One Special Reward!'
lcfly_desc_subset_arcticOpsDataFragments_arcOps '[c][FFC25B]      Arctic Ops[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_desc_subset_desertOpsDataFragments_desBiome '[c][FFC25B]      Desert Ops[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_desc_subset_forestOpsDataFragments_forBiome '[c][FFC25B]      Forest Ops[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_level 'Sample'
lcfly_playerCredit_accountIssuesFixed 'Account Issues Fixed!'
lcfly_playerCredit_lostMedals 'Lost Medals Compensation'
lcfly_quant 'x{0}'
lcfly_quant_1 'x1'
lcfly_quant_16 'x16'
lcfly_quant_2 'x2'
lcfly_quant_32 'x32'
lcfly_quant_4 'x4'
lcfly_quant_6 'x6'
lcfly_quant_8 'x8'
lcfly_quant_unknown 'x???'
lcfly_subset_desc614AVA '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  614-AvA[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_desc614AVAFragments '[c][DBC0FF]      ∫  614-AvA[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_subset_descATRT '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  AT-RT Walker[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descAWing '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  A-wing Starfighter[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descAWingFragments '[c][DBC0FF]      ∫  A-wing Starfighter[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_subset_descApeMan '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Ongidae Oppressor[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descApeManFragments '[c][DBC0FF]      ∫  Ongidae Oppressor[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_subset_descAtmosMig '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  TIE Striker[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descAtmosMigFragments '[c][DBC0FF]      ∫  TIE Striker[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_subset_descBigMouthAlien '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Drabatan Saboteur[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descBigMouthAlienFragments '[c][DBC0FF]      ∫  Drabatan Saboteur[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_subset_descEmpireDemoDroid '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  LIN Demolitionmech[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descEmpireDemoDroidFragments '[c][DBC0FF]      ∫  LIN Demolitionmech[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_subset_descEmpireGoldenMileCreatureFragments '[c][DBC0FF]      ∫  Fathier Rider[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_subset_descEmpireMortarTurretDamage '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Enhanced Heat Sink[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descEmpireRapidFireTurretDamage '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Enhanced Heat Sink[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descEmpireoldenMileCreature '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Fathier Rider[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descEqpEmpireArcticATMP '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Cold Weather AT-MP Mark III[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descEqpEmpireArcticINT4 '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Modified INT-4 Interceptor[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descEqpEmpireArcticMHC '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Cold-weather Mobile Heavy Cannon[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descEqpEmpireBarracksSummonHeavy '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Guard Reserve: Anti-infantry[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descEqpEmpireBarracksSummonLight '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Guard Reserve: Light Infantry[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descEqpEmpireBurstTurretDamage '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Enhanced Heat Sink[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descEqpEmpireCargoGreatDane '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  AT-ACT[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descEqpEmpireFactorySummonHeavy '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Guard Reserve: Anti-vehicle[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descEqpEmpireFactorySummonLight '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Guard Reserve: Anti-infantry[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descEqpEmpireHQHealth '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Reinforced HQ Bracing[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descEqpEmpireHeavySandtrooper '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Heavy Sandtrooper[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descEqpEmpireHeavySnowtrooper '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Heavy Snowtrooper[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descEqpEmpireHovertank '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  TX-225[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descEqpEmpireHovertankFragments '[c][FFC25B]      ∫  TX-225[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_subset_descEqpEmpireLordVader '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Lord Vader[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descEqpEmpireLordVaderFragments '[c][FFC25B]      ∫  Lord Vader[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_subset_descEqpEmpireNavalOfficer '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Naval Officer[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descEqpEmpireNavalOfficerFragments '[c][FFC25B]      ∫  Naval Officer[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_subset_descEqpEmpirePentagonHeavyTrooper '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Heavy Shoretrooper[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descEqpEmpirePentagonTrooper '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Shoretrooper[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descEqpEmpireRapidFireTurretHealth '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Reinforced Mounting[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descEqpEmpireRocketTurretDamage '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Enhanced Heat Sink[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descEqpEmpireRodian '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Rodian Recon Sniper[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descEqpEmpireRodianFragments '[c][FFC25B]      ∫  Rodian Recon Sniper[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_subset_descEqpEmpireSandJumpTrooper '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Desert Jump Trooper[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descEqpEmpireSandtrooper '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Sandtrooper[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descEqpEmpireSnowtrooper '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Snowtrooper[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descEqpEmpireWallHealth '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Reinforced Wall Bracing[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descEqpRebelArcticHailfire '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Cold-weather Hailfire Droid[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descEqpRebelArtoo '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Artoo & Threepio[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descEqpRebelArtooFragments '[c][FFC25B]      ∫  Artoo & Threepio[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_subset_descEqpRebelBarracksSummonHeavy '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Guard Reserve: Anti-vehicle[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descEqpRebelBarracksSummonLight '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Guard Reserve: Light Infantry[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descEqpRebelBurstTurretDamage '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Enhanced Heat Sink[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descEqpRebelCaptainSolo '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Captain Han Solo[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descEqpRebelChewie '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Millennium Falcon Support[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descEqpRebelChewieFragments '[c][FFC25B]      ∫  Millennium Falcon Support[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_subset_descEqpRebelDiplomat '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Senator Leia Organa[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descEqpRebelEchoBaseHeavySoldier '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Cold-weather Heavy Soldier[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descEqpRebelEchoBaseSoldier '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Cold-weather Soldier[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descEqpRebelFactorySummonHeavy '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Guard Reserve: Anti-vehicle[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descEqpRebelFactorySummonLight '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Guard Reserve: Anti-infantry[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descEqpRebelHQHealth '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Reinforced HQ Bracing[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descEqpRebelHeavySandSoldier '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Heavy Desert Soldier[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descEqpRebelHovertank '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Stolen TX-225[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descEqpRebelHovertankFragments '[c][FFC25B]      ∫  Stolen TX-225[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_subset_descEqpRebelPentagonSoldier '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Rebel Commando[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descEqpRebelRapidFireTurretHealth '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Reinforced Mounting[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descEqpRebelRocketTurretDamage '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Enhanced Heat Sink[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descEqpRebelSandJetpackTrooper '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Desert Jetpack Trooper[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descEqpRebelSandSoldier '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Desert Soldier[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descEqpRebelShaggyAlien '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Gigoran Fighter[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descEqpRebelSullustan '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Sullustan Recon Sharpshooter[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descEqpRebelSullustanFragments '[c][FFC25B]      ∫  Recon Sharpshooter[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_subset_descEqpRebelTauntaun '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Tauntaun Rider[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descEqpRebelWallHealth '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Reinforced Wall Bracing[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descFangFighter '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Fang Fighter[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descFangFighterFragments '[c][DBC0FF]      ∫  Fang Fighter[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_subset_descFurCoat '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Bufopel Protector[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descFurCoatFragments '[c][DBC0FF]      ∫  Bufopel Protector[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_subset_descHWK290 '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  HWK-290[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descHWK290Fragments '[c][DBC0FF]      ∫  HWK-290[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_subset_descHeroATTE '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Elite AT-TE Walker[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descHeroDeathTrooper '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Death Trooper[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descHeroEmpireSpiderDroid '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  SD-K4[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descHeroEmpireSpiderDroidFragments '[c][DBC0FF]      ∫  SD-K4[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_subset_descHeroRebelSpiderDroid '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Modified SD-K4[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descHeroRebelSpiderDroidFragments '[c][DBC0FF]      ∫  Modified SD-K4[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_subset_descIG86Droid '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  IG-86 Assassin Droid[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descIG86DroidFragments '[c][DBC0FF]      ∫  IG-86 Assassin Droid[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_subset_descIakaruWarrior '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Iakaru Warrior[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descIakaruWarriorFragments '[c][DBC0FF]      ∫  Iakaru Warrior[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_subset_descIthorianInfiltrator '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Ithorian Infiltrator[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descIthorianInfiltratorFragments '[c][DBC0FF]      ∫  Ithorian Infiltrator[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_subset_descJohhar '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Johhar Kessen[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descJohharFragments '[c][DBC0FF]      ∫  Johhar Kessen[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_subset_descKubazInvader '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Kubaz Invader[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descKubazInvaderFragments '[c][DBC0FF]      ∫  Kubaz Invader[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_subset_descMTV7 '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  MTV-7[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descPolarShip '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  V-4X-D Ski Speeder[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descPolarShipFragments '[c][DBC0FF]      ∫  V-4X-D Ski Speeder[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_subset_descR5MedicFragments '[c][DBC0FF]      ∫  Imperial Astromedic[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_subset_descRebelDemoDroid '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Demolition Droid[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descRebelDemoDroidFragments '[c][DBC0FF]      ∫  Demolition Droid[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_subset_descRebelGoldenMileCreature '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Fathier Rider[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descRebelGoldenMileCreatureFragments '[c][DBC0FF]      ∫  Fathier Rider[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_subset_descRebelMortarTurretDamage '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Enhanced Heat Sink[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descRebelRapidFireTurretDamage '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Enhanced Heat Sink[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descSecurityDroid '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Security Droid[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descSecurityDroidFragments '[c][DBC0FF]      ∫  Security Droid[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_subset_descShock '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Shock Trooper[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descShockFragments '[c][DBC0FF]      ∫  Shock Trooper[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_subset_descTIEAdvanced '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  TIE Advanced[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descTIEAdvancedFragments '[c][DBC0FF]      ∫  TIE Advanced[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_subset_descTiePilot '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Imperial Starfighter Pilot[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descTiePilotFragments '[c][DBC0FF]      ∫  Imperial Starfighter Pilot[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_subset_descTognath '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Tognath Marksman[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descTognathFragments '[c][DBC0FF]      ∫  Tognath Marksman[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_subset_descTreadwellFragments '[c][DBC0FF]      ∫  WED Treadwell Repair Droid[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_subset_descTroopHunterRancor '      ∫  Hunter Rancor Samples'
lcfly_subset_descTroopShadowRancor '      ∫  Shadow Rancor Samples'
lcfly_subset_descVT49 '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  VT-49 Decimator[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descVT49Fragments '[c][DBC0FF]      ∫  VT-49 Decimator[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_subset_descVanguard '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Rebel Vanguard[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descVanguardFragments '[c][DBC0FF]      ∫  Rebel Vanguard[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_subset_descXWingPilot '[c][FFFFFF]      ∫  Rebel Starfighter Pilot[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_descXWingPilotFragments '[c][DBC0FF]      ∫  Rebel Starfighter Pilot[-][/c] Data Fragments'
lcfly_subset_desc_celebratingLastJedi '      ∫  Celebrating [c][FFC25B]Star Wars: The Last Jedi[-][/c]'
lcfly_subset_desc_chance_low '      ∫  Chance of'
leaderboard_find_me 'Find Me'
leaderboard_top_50 'Top 50'
lei_title_le_5thAnniversaryGR_StoreCrate_e 'Premium Guard Reserve Crate'
lei_title_le_5thAnniversaryGR_StoreCrate_r 'Premium Guard Reserve Crate'
lei_title_le_5thAnniversaryRCB_StoreCrate_e 'Premium Reinforced Cantina Crate'
lei_title_le_5thAnniversaryRCB_StoreCrate_r 'Premium Reinforced Cantina Crate'
lei_title_le_JetpackJumpTrooper_StoreCrate_e 'Premium Jump Trooper Crate'
lei_title_le_JetpackJumpTrooper_StoreCrate_r 'Premium Jetpack Trooper Crate'
lei_title_le_RancorKraytDragonHQ10_StoreCrate_e 'Premium Krayt Dragons Crate'
lei_title_le_RancorKraytDragonHQ10_StoreCrate_r 'Premium Krayt Dragons Crate'
lei_title_le_RancorKraytDragon_StoreCrate_e 'Premium Rancors Crate'
lei_title_le_RancorKraytDragon_StoreCrate_r 'Premium Rancors Crate'
lei_title_le_SalvagedMTT_StoreCrate_e 'Mercenary Crate'
lei_title_le_SalvagedMTT_StoreCrate_r 'Mercenary Crate'
lei_title_le_SniperSkins_StoreCrate_e 'Premium Sniper Crate'
lei_title_le_SniperSkins_StoreCrate_r 'Premium Sharpshooter Crate'
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lei_title_le_anh40_StoreCrate_r 'Premium Death Star Crate'
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lei_title_le_anniversaryStore_r 'Premium Anniversary Crate'
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lei_title_le_arcOps_StoreCrate_r 'Premium Arctic Ops Crate'
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lei_title_le_crate_building_equipment_r 'Building Equipment Unlock Crate'
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lei_title_le_crate_guard_reserve_equipment_r 'Guard Reserve Unlock Crate'
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lei_title_le_crate_hero_vehicle_equipment_r 'Heroes and Vehicles Equipment Unlock Crate'
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lei_title_le_crate_heroes_creatures_r 'Heroes and Creatures Unlock Crate'
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lei_title_le_crate_mercenaries_r 'Cantina Mercenary Unlock Crate'
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lei_title_le_crate_starships_starshipsequipment_r 'Starships and Starship Equipment Unlock Crate'
lei_title_le_crate_troop_equipment_e 'Troop Equipment Unlock Crate'
lei_title_le_crate_troop_equipment_r 'Troop Equipment Unlock Crate'
lei_title_le_crate_troops_vehicles_e 'Troops and Vehicles Unlock Crate'
lei_title_le_crate_troops_vehicles_r 'Troops and Vehicles Unlock Crate'
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lei_title_le_crate_turret_equipment_r 'Turret Equipment Unlock Crate'
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lei_title_le_defRef_StoreCrate_r 'Premium Tactical Defenses Crate'
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lei_title_le_defRef_outbreakStore_r 'Premium Tactical Defenses Crate'
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lei_title_le_desBiome_StoreCrate_r 'Premium Desert Ops Crate'
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lei_title_le_epRogue1_StoreCrate_r 'Premium Weapons Research Crate'
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lei_title_le_epSpacebearStore_r 'Premium Event Crate '
lei_title_le_epSpacebearStore_wk1_e 'Premium Event Crate'
lei_title_le_epSpacebearStore_wk1_r 'Premium Event Crate'
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lei_title_le_forBiome_StoreCrate_r 'Premium Forest Ops Crate'
lei_title_le_navalEvt2_StoreCrate_e 'Naval Assault Crate'
lei_title_le_navalEvt2_StoreCrate_r 'Naval Assault Crate'
lei_title_le_navalEvt_StoreCrate_e 'Premium Naval Assault Crate'
lei_title_le_navalEvt_StoreCrate_r 'Premium Naval Assault Crate'
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lei_title_le_newHeroEvent_StoreCrate_r 'Premium Weapons Research Crate'
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lei_title_le_rogue1StoreCrate_bonus_r '2x Bonus! - Premium Weapons Research Crate'
lei_title_le_rogue1StoreCrate_e 'Premium Weapons Research Crate'
lei_title_le_rogue1StoreCrate_r 'Premium Weapons Research Crate'
lei_title_le_rogue1v3_StoreCrate_e 'Premium Weapons Research Crate'
lei_title_le_rogue1v3_StoreCrate_r 'Premium Weapons Research Crate'
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lei_title_le_speederConflict_r 'Premium Event Crate'
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lei_title_le_store_redcup_r 'Premium Event Crate '
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lei_title_le_timeofheroes_StoreCrate_r 'Premium Hero Crate'
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lei_title_le_trixie_eqp_StoreCrate_r 'Elite Orbak Crate'
lei_title_le_trixie_unit_StoreCrate_e 'Orbak Crate'
lei_title_le_trixie_unit_StoreCrate_r 'Orbak Crate'
lei_title_le_trooptransportstorecrate_e 'Premium Vehicle Crate'
lei_title_le_trooptransportstorecrate_r 'Premium Vehicle Crate'
lei_title_le_trooptransportstorecrate_redux_e 'Premium Vehicle Crate'
lei_title_le_trooptransportstorecrate_redux_r 'Premium Vehicle Crate'
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lei_title_le_undeadEvt_StoreCrate_r 'Premium Undead Offensive Crate'
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lei_title_le_underfire_StoreCrate_r 'Premium Vehicle Crate'
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lei_title_le_vertCrateHero_A2_r 'Heroic Data Fragment Crate'
lei_title_le_vertCrateHero_A_e 'Heroic Data Fragment Crate'
lei_title_le_vertCrateHero_A_r 'Heroic Data Fragment Crate'
lei_title_le_vertCrateHero_B_e 'Heroic Data Fragment Crate'
lei_title_le_vertCrateHero_B_r 'Heroic Data Fragment Crate'
lei_title_le_vertCrateHero_C_e 'Heroic Data Fragment Crate'
lei_title_le_vertCrateHero_C_r 'Heroic Data Fragment Crate'
lei_title_le_vertCrateInf_A_e 'Infantry Data Fragment Crate'
lei_title_le_vertCrateInf_A_r 'Infantry Data Fragment Crate'
lei_title_le_vertCrateInf_B_e 'Infantry Data Fragment Crate'
lei_title_le_vertCrateInf_B_r 'Infantry Data Fragment Crate'
lei_title_le_vertCrateInf_C_e 'Infantry Data Fragment Crate'
lei_title_le_vertCrateInf_C_r 'Infantry Data Fragment Crate'
lei_title_le_vertCrateSpec_A2_e 'Specialist Data Fragment Crate'
lei_title_le_vertCrateSpec_A2_r 'Specialist Data Fragment Crate'
lei_title_le_vertCrateSpec_A_e 'Specialist Data Fragment Crate'
lei_title_le_vertCrateSpec_A_r 'Specialist Data Fragment Crate'
lei_title_le_vertCrateSpec_B_e 'Specialist Data Fragment Crate'
lei_title_le_vertCrateSpec_B_r 'Specialist Data Fragment Crate'
lei_title_le_vertCrateSpec_C_e 'Specialist Data Fragment Crate'
lei_title_le_vertCrateSpec_C_r 'Specialist Data Fragment Crate'
lei_title_le_vertCrateVehicle_A_e 'Vehicle Data Fragment Crate'
lei_title_le_vertCrateVehicle_A_r 'Vehicle Data Fragment Crate'
lei_title_le_vertCrateVehicle_B_e 'Vehicle Data Fragment Crate'
lei_title_le_vertCrateVehicle_B_r 'Vehicle Data Fragment Crate'
lei_title_le_vertCrateVehicle_C_e 'Vehicle Data Fragment Crate'
lei_title_le_vertCrateVehicle_C_r 'Vehicle Data Fragment Crate'
lever_bonus_limited_time 'Limited Time'
lever_bonus_old_cost_strike_format '{0}'
lever_bonus_sale_tag 'SALE'
maySale_title 'May the 4th be with you for great deals!'
mis_aoc_1_r_intro1 "Agent, our equipment isn't designed for the harsh environment of Tatooine. We need some help from the locals if we're going to make headway here."
mis_aoc_1_r_intro2 "The [F2D62F]Jawa[-] clans have been on Tatooine for millennia. If anyone can keep our equipment working here, it's them."
mis_aoc_1_r_intro3 "While I work to secure an alliance, begin the process of upgrading your outpost's alloy production facilities. You'll need them for what's to come."
mis_aoc_1_r_outro1 'An alliance with Jawas? Jennica might be a little bit nuts to try that, but it just might work.'
mis_aoc_2_r_fail1 'Agent, troops deployed once defenders have emerged will typically attack defenders before buildings.'
mis_aoc_2_r_intro1 'I have had some success negotiating with a local Jawa leader named [F2D62F]Kekit[-].'
mis_aoc_2_r_intro2 'He tells me Tusken Raiders of this village have captured a Sandcrawler. If we defeat this village, his clan will help us.'
mis_aoc_2_r_outro1 "Agent, meet Kekit. He's the leader of a tribe that will be taking over this sandcrawler."
mis_aoc_2_r_outro2 '(You strong. Defeat bad yeller tribe! Good! You want Jawa help? Credit good. Jawa help you, you help Jawa!)'
mis_aoc_3_r_intro1 '(This bad hooman village. They attack Jawa, bad for trade! You defeat, help Jawa.)'
mis_aoc_3_r_outro1 '(Jawa continue trade. Speak again later.)'
mis_aoc_4_r_intro1 "Partner, I'm worried about our base. These walls may as well be paper for all the good they do now. We need to upgrade 'em."
mis_aoc_4_r_outro1 'Nice progress upgrading your walls, Agent. I have received word from Kekit that his Sandcrawler has come under attack from Tusken Raiders.'
mis_aoc_4_r_outro2 'Head out to rescue the Jawas as soon as you can.'
mis_aoc_5_r_fail1 "Partner those Tusken Raiders are a big problem for our tanks. If you can get them into one nice tight group I can take 'em out in the Strix."
mis_aoc_5_r_intro1 '(Bad yellers block way and attack us! Help!)'
mis_aoc_5_r_intro2 "Woah, Tuskens attackin' Jawas? I always heard they don't do that without good reason. What's Tatooine coming to?"
mis_aoc_5_r_outro1 '(Thank you, friend. Jawa grateful. Next we cross big sand. When ready, meet at sand edge.)'
mis_aoc_6_r_intro1 '(Hello again, friend. Strange to see big booms here. You clear path for Jawa, okay?)'
mis_aoc_6_r_intro2 'Agent, since none of our troops could survive long in the deep desert I have sent you a small detachment of [F2D62F]Repulsor Tanks[-].'
mis_aoc_6_r_intro3 '[1cdb2f]This is all you will be able to deploy on this mission, so use strategy and make each tank count.[-]'
mis_aoc_6_r_outro1 'Good strategy there, Agent. In the future when your outpost is sufficiently upgraded I will ensure you can manufacture those tanks on your own.'
mis_aoc_7_r_intro1 "Partner let's get our credit production up to snuff. Things are getting pricey."
mis_aoc_7_r_outro1 'Agent, I have received word that the Jawas have successfully crossed the desert and need help near a town called Mos Doba.'
mis_aoc_8_r_fail1 "Partner, if we deploy our guys right next to those Mortars they will be inside the minimum range and can't be shot at while they're destroying 'em. We can take out a lot of mortars at once that way."
mis_aoc_8_r_intro1 '(Trade trip almost finished. This town good for trade. But have boom towers and shiny bubble. Bad hoomans took over town.)'
mis_aoc_8_r_intro2 '(You clear way again, Jawa trade with town. Then trade complete for now, Jawa help you.)'
mis_aoc_8_r_intro3 "Partner, this is [F2D62F]Mos Doba[-]. I haven't been here in ages, but it looks like the town's been occupied by some unsavory sorts. Let's get to work."
mis_aoc_8_r_outro1 '(Jawa grateful. Will help friendly hooman people from Rebels.)'
mis_aoc_8_r_outro2 'Excellent work, Agent. With the aid and support of the Jawas we can begin to focus our efforts at freeing Tatooine from the grip of the Empire.'
mis_aoc_8_r_outro3 "And, of course, the people of Mos Doba are grateful for our help. You've done a good thing here today, Agent. Thank you."
mis_aoc_sandcrawler_destroyed_1 '(No! Why you destroy metal wheel hut? Jawa need that! Jawa not cross big sands on foot! Sand too hot! Think, hooman! Think of poor Jawa feet!)'
mis_aoc_sandcrawler_destroyed_2 "(House! Kekit's favourite collection of droid motivators was on shelf inside! This catastrophe! How Jawa trade now? This very bad!)"
mis_aoc_sandcrawler_destroyed_3 '(No! Jawa home go kaboom! Jawas sad. Oh well, luckily home go kaboom a lot. Jawa used to fixing, will make fixed and try again! Next time, not kaboom Jawa home, okay?)'
mis_aoc_sandcrawler_destroyed_4 '(Odd, Jawa sure home was not smoking crater before when Jawa last look. Wait! Maybe Jawa home drive away! Jawa go look.)'
mis_bgh_10_e_intro1 "What? Ur Ur, don't be preposterous. Of course I... a what? I see..."
mis_bgh_10_e_intro2 'My friends, it seems the rotting Womp Rat carcasses sitting around have attracted some undue attention. Manning the defenses might be a good idea...'
mis_bgh_10_e_outro1 "That was a [F2D62F]Krayt Dragon[-]! I've never seen one so close before. Johhar, are you crazy? Did you attract that on purpose?"
mis_bgh_10_e_outro2 "How could I resist? But, I didn't realize it would get here so quickly. Now, we follow the tracks and see if we can find any more!"
mis_bgh_10_e_outro3 "The ultimate trophy from this planet: A polished Krayt Dragon pearl paperweight. Mount up! Time's wasting!"
mis_bgh_10_r_intro1 "What? Ur Ur, don't be preposterous. Of course I... a what? I see..."
mis_bgh_10_r_intro2 'My friends, it seems the rotting Womp Rat carcasses sitting around have attracted some undue attention. Manning the defenses might be a good idea...'
mis_bgh_10_r_outro1 "That was a [F2D62F]Krayt Dragon[-]! I've never seen one so close before. Johhar, are you crazy? Did you attract that on purpose?"
mis_bgh_10_r_outro2 "How could I resist? But, I didn't realize it would get here so quickly. Now, we follow the tracks and see if we can find any more!"
mis_bgh_10_r_outro3 "The ultimate trophy from this planet: A polished Krayt Dragon pearl paperweight. Mount up! Time's wasting!"
mis_bgh_11_e_intro1 "Okay, this is it. A [F2D62F]Krayt graveyard[-]. There's bound to be one of the beasts here. Now all we need to do is bag it."
mis_bgh_11_e_intro2 "From what I hear, the beasts get good and irate when you get near the bones in the middle. Let's start with that and see what happens, eh? Ur Ur, get to it!"
mis_bgh_11_e_outro1 "My friends, this was just the sort of hunting trip [F2D62F]Karina[-] and I needed.Tell your superiors I'll help find the Rebel's new base. It's the least I can do..."
mis_bgh_11_e_outro2 '...right after you help me get all these pelts, skins, and trophies loaded onto my ship, that is.'
mis_bgh_11_e_tip1 "There it is! That's just what I've been waiting to see! What the... who invited these clowns?"
mis_bgh_11_e_tip2 'Glorious Jabba sends his regards! '
mis_bgh_11_r_intro1 "Okay, this is it. A [F2D62F]Krayt Graveyard[-]. There's bound to be one of the beasts here. Now all we need to do is bag it."
mis_bgh_11_r_intro2 "From what I hear, the beasts get good and irate when you get near the bones in the middle. Let's start with that and see what happens, eh? Ur Ur, get to it!"
mis_bgh_11_r_outro1 'My friends, this was just the sort of hunting trip [F2D62F]Karina[-] and I needed.Tell your bosses the Rebels will have whatever help Johhar Kessen can provide...'
mis_bgh_11_r_outro2 '...right after you help me get all these pelts, skins, and trophies loaded onto my ship, that is.'
mis_bgh_11_r_tip1 "There it is! That's just what I've been waiting to see! What the... who invited these clowns?"
mis_bgh_11_r_tip2 'Glorious Jabba sends his regards! '
mis_bgh_12_e_intro1 "With Johhar Kessen's connections and resources, the Rebels will have a much more difficult time keeping their base hidden from us."
mis_bgh_12_e_intro2 'There is one last task I have for you. But, before it can begin, you will need a sufficiently prepared [F2D62F]Starship Command[-].'
mis_bgh_12_e_outro1 'As you are aware, Operative, the Rebels recently destroyed our [F2D62F]Death Star[-] in the Yavin system.'
mis_bgh_12_e_outro2 'We lost many pilots in that battle. Our new recruits need target accuracy training, and you are going to assist them.'
mis_bgh_12_r_intro1 "Phenomenal work, Agent. With the addition of Johhar Kessen's connections and resources, the Alliance is stronger then ever."
mis_bgh_12_r_intro2 'There is one last task I have for you. But, before it can begin, you will need a sufficiently prepared [F2D62F]Starship Command[-].'
mis_bgh_12_r_outro1 'As you are aware, Agent, the Alliance recently struck a major blow to the Empire by destroying the [F2D62F]Death Star[-] in the Yavin system.'
mis_bgh_12_r_outro2 'We lost many brave pilots in that battle. [F2D62F]Commander Skywalker[-] has suggested that we train new pilots in precision targeting the way he learned: By "bullseyeing" Womp Rats, here on Tatooine.'
mis_bgh_13_e_intro1 'Operative, this is a Womp Rat breeding ground. You will paint targets for our pilot recruits to attack.'
mis_bgh_13_e_intro2 'This droid has been modified to create a sonic pulse which will drive the creatures from their nests so our ships can strafe them.'
mis_bgh_13_e_outro1 'Mission complete, Operative. Return to base and await further orders. Subsector command out.'
mis_bgh_13_r_intro1 'Agent, this is the Womp Rat breeding ground Commander Skywalker informed us of. You will paint targets for our pilot recruits to attack.'
mis_bgh_13_r_intro2 'This droid has been modified to create a sonic pulse which will drive the creatures from their nests so our ships can strafe them.'
mis_bgh_13_r_outro1 'Excellent work, Agent. Your actions have helped to shape the future of the Alliance, and with luck, the galaxy.'
mis_bgh_1_e_intro1 'Operative, recent successes and the "liberation" of Johhar Kessen have helped the standing of this garrison immensely.'
mis_bgh_1_e_intro2 'However, the Rebels are still out there, and you need to ensure your base is properly defended.'
mis_bgh_1_e_intro3 '[F2D62F]Rocket Turrets[-] are very effective against vehicles. Ensure the garrison has some.'
mis_bgh_1_e_outro1 'Operative, in exchange for [F2D62F]Senator Kessen\'s[-] "assistance", we have agreed to aid him in a hunting expedition here on Tatooine. He will explain further.'
mis_bgh_1_e_outro2 'Good to see ya again! I believe we can achieve a mutually beneficial arrangement here. '
mis_bgh_1_e_outro3 'The Empire needs my resources and contacts, and I need to find myself a hunting partner! You ready?'
mis_bgh_1_r_intro1 'Agent, our recent successes against the Empire, as well as the freeing of [F2D62F]Johhar Kessen[-], has put us at an advantage on Tatooine.'
mis_bgh_1_r_intro2 "The Alliance is still small, and our base is one of its largest. We'll need to make sure we are properly defended."
mis_bgh_1_r_intro3 '[F2D62F]Rocket Turrets[-] are very effective against Imperial vehicles. We should ensure the base is equipped with some.'
mis_bgh_1_r_outro1 "Agent, Rebel command has asked [F2D62F]Senator Kessen[-] to use his influence to help our cause. He's agreed, but has a request of his own."
mis_bgh_1_r_outro2 'Good to see ya again! Well, I believe we can achieve a mutually beneficial arrangement here. '
mis_bgh_1_r_outro3 'The Alliance needs my resources and contacts, and I need to find myself a hunting partner! You ready?'
mis_bgh_2_e_fail1 "We've got a lot of enemies out here and nests don't take much firepower to destroy. We should hold some troops in reserve to meet new threats as they come in, Partner."
mis_bgh_2_e_intro1 "Tatooine has a lot of interesting wildlife, for a barren sand-ball. Perfect for hunting. Let's start with a couple of those huge rats you've got here. "
mis_bgh_2_e_outro1 "Wow! You see the size of that one? I'll have him stuffed, and put in my reading room!"
mis_bgh_2_e_outro2 'That was a good warm-up for my sniper blaster, [F2D62F]Karina[-]. But now she needs to take down something larger.'
mis_bgh_2_e_outro3 " I have plans for all those rat corpses, though, so get 'em back to base."
mis_bgh_2_r_fail1 "We've got a lot of enemies out here and nests don't take much firepower to destroy. We should hold some troops in reserve to meet new threats as they come in, Partner."
mis_bgh_2_r_intro1 "Tatooine has a lot of interesting wildlife, for a barren sand-ball. Perfect for hunting. Let's start with a couple of those huge rats you've got here. "
mis_bgh_2_r_outro1 "Wow! You see the size of that one? I'll have him stuffed, and put in my reading room!"
mis_bgh_2_r_outro2 'That was a good warm-up for my sniper blaster, [F2D62F]Karina[-]. But now she needs to take down something larger.'
mis_bgh_2_r_outro3 " I have plans for all those rat corpses, though, so get 'em back to base."
mis_bgh_3_e_fail1 "Tusken villages rely on their warriors just as much as turrets, Partner. Make sure we're ready to handle them both when deciding what troops to bring."
mis_bgh_3_e_intro1 "Okay, so the locals are an unruly bunch you call [F2D62F]Tusken Raiders[-], or Sand People, depending on how riled they've got ya."
mis_bgh_3_e_intro2 "[F2D62F]Banthas[-] aren't really dangerous to hunt, but in a Tusken enclave... now, that gets the blood flowing!"
mis_bgh_3_e_outro1 "I could make ten sweaters out of all that Bantha wool. Not that I would, mind you. That's droid work. There's still hunting to be done."
mis_bgh_3_e_outro2 "Is this all we're going to be doing? I thought Kessen was a legendary big game hunter? Not some maniac who attacks Tusken villages."
mis_bgh_3_e_outro3 'I consider myself to be a gentleman who knows what he wants, Sappo.'
mis_bgh_3_e_outro4 'Sappo?! You got a lot of nerve, Kessen.'
mis_bgh_3_e_outro5 "No, I've got guts, leverage, and I like nicknames! And stop calling me Kessen. It's Johhar, to my friends."
mis_bgh_3_r_fail1 "Tusken villages rely on their warriors just as much as turrets, Partner. Make sure we're ready to handle them both when deciding what troops to bring."
mis_bgh_3_r_intro1 "Okay, so the locals are an unruly bunch you call [F2D62F]Tusken Raiders[-], or Sand People, depending on how riled they've got ya."
mis_bgh_3_r_intro2 "[F2D62F]Banthas[-] aren't really dangerous to hunt, but in a Tusken enclave... now, that gets the blood flowing!"
mis_bgh_3_r_outro1 "I could make ten sweaters out of all that Bantha wool. Not that I would, mind you. That's droid work. There's still hunting to be done."
mis_bgh_3_r_outro2 "Is this all we're going to be doing? I thought Kessen was a legendary big game hunter? Not some maniac who attacks Tusken villages."
mis_bgh_3_r_outro3 "Now now, Sappo. Why can't I be both?"
mis_bgh_3_r_outro4 'Sappo?! You got a lot of nerve, Kessen.'
mis_bgh_3_r_outro5 "No, I've got guts, leverage, and I like nicknames! And stop calling me Kessen. It's Johhar, to my friends."
mis_bgh_4_e_intro1 "Womp Rats and Tusken Banthas are sufficient for practice, but I need a more burly prey before I'm ready to tackle the really big game."
mis_bgh_4_e_intro2 "The Smugglers are holding [F2D62F]Dewbacks[-] somewhere around here. If we destroy the buildings, they should break free and I can bag 'em."
mis_bgh_4_e_outro1 "Exhilirating! I'm feeling it, and now the real hunt can begin. "
mis_bgh_4_e_outro2 "I'm going to start gathering info on the big game here on Tatooine. See you back at your base."
mis_bgh_4_r_intro1 "Womp Rats and Tusken Banthas are sufficient for practice, but I need a more burly prey before I'm ready to tackle the really big game."
mis_bgh_4_r_intro2 "The Smugglers are holding [F2D62F]Dewbacks[-] somewhere around here. If we destroy the buildings, they should break free and I can bag 'em."
mis_bgh_4_r_outro1 "Exhilirating! I'm feeling it, and now the real hunt can begin. "
mis_bgh_4_r_outro2 "I'm going to start gathering info on the big game here on Tatooine. See you back at your base."
mis_bgh_5_e_intro1 "Look at this place! Your [F2D62F]HQ[-] is so cramped. How can you relax without a trophy room? I think you'd better upgrade."
mis_bgh_5_e_intro2 'Senator Kessen is correct, Operative. Upgrading your [F2D62F]HQ[-] would be beneficial. See to it.'
mis_bgh_5_e_outro1 "Ahh, that's more like it! Okay, [F2D62F]Karina's[-] getting restless. Let's get back out there and see what we can find for her to take down."
mis_bgh_5_r_intro1 "Look at this place! Your [F2D62F]HQ[-] is so cramped. How can you relax without a trophy room? I think you'd better upgrade."
mis_bgh_5_r_intro2 'While a bit... off-mark. Senator Kessen is correct, Agent. Upgrading your [F2D62F]HQ[-] would be beneficial.'
mis_bgh_5_r_outro1 "Ahh, that's more like it! Okay, [F2D62F]Karina's[-] getting restless. Let's get back out there and see what we can find for her to take down."
mis_bgh_6_e_intro1 'So this armpit of a planet has a few secrets for the gentleman hunter to pursue, after all. Did you know [F2D62F]Jabba the Hutt[-] lives here?'
mis_bgh_6_e_intro2 'Turns out he has quite the menagerie, and a transport delivering some additions crashed last week. That, my friend, is what we call "serendipity".'
mis_bgh_6_e_outro1 "Hmm. You see these tracks here? If this is what I think it is, we've got some truly legendary prey to go after."
mis_bgh_6_e_outro2 'Legendary prey? What are you thinking, Johhar?'
mis_bgh_6_e_outro3 "It's just a hunter's intuition, but I've seen tracks like this before... on Dathomir. If I'm right, this will be fun."
mis_bgh_6_r_intro1 'So this armpit of a planet has a few secrets for the gentleman hunter to pursue, after all. Did you know [F2D62F]Jabba the Hutt[-] lives here?'
mis_bgh_6_r_intro2 'Turns out he has quite the menagerie, and a transport delivering some additions crashed last week. That, my friend, is what we call "serendipity".'
mis_bgh_6_r_outro1 "Hmm. You see these tracks here? If this is what I think it is, we've got some truly legendary prey to go after."
mis_bgh_6_r_outro2 'Legendary prey? What are you thinking, Johhar?'
mis_bgh_6_r_outro3 "It's just a hunter's intuition, but I've seen tracks like this before... on Dathomir. If I'm right, this will be fun."
mis_bgh_7_e_intro1 'The tracks lead here. Looks like this settlement got smashed pretty good.'
mis_bgh_7_e_intro2 "Let's interrogate these mercs and see if they know anything about what happened here."
mis_bgh_7_e_outro1 "My friends, what we're looking for is almost certainly a [F2D62F]Rancor[-]. While I track it down, you're going to need to make a detour to get me something from Jabba..."
mis_bgh_7_e_tip1 "The beast is emerging from its lair! I can't wait to mount it on my wall! Ur Ur, get in there man! Use your face!"
mis_bgh_7_r_intro1 'The tracks lead here. Looks like this settlement got smashed pretty good.'
mis_bgh_7_r_intro2 "Let's interrogate these mercs and see if they know anything about what happened here."
mis_bgh_7_r_outro1 "My friends, what we're looking for is almost certainly a [F2D62F]Rancor[-]. While I track it down, you're going to need to make a detour to get me something from Jabba..."
mis_bgh_7_r_tip1 "The beast is emerging from its lair! I can't wait to mount it on my wall! Ur Ur, get in there man! Use your face!"
mis_bgh_8_e_intro1 'Alright, partner. Johhar says this is where Jabba keeps his menagerie. We need to find a big blue crate and bring him the bags we find inside.'
mis_bgh_8_e_intro2 "Looks like they're waiting for us. Let's get to it."
mis_bgh_8_e_outro1 "Stealing from glorious Jabba again? You'll regret this, Imperials!"
mis_bgh_8_e_outro2 "Doesn't that guy ever get tired of empty threats? Let's go find Johhar."
mis_bgh_8_r_intro1 'Alright, partner. Johhar says this is where Jabba keeps his menagerie. We need to find a big blue crate and bring him the bags we find inside.'
mis_bgh_8_r_intro2 "Looks like they're waiting for us. Let's get to it."
mis_bgh_8_r_outro1 "Stealing from glorious Jabba again? You'll regret this, Rebels!"
mis_bgh_8_r_outro2 "Doesn't that guy ever get tired of empty threats? Let's go find Johhar."
mis_bgh_9_e_intro1 "Good timing. I've tracked the beast here, and brought my native guide, [F2D62F]Ur Ur[-] to help. He's surprisingly tough, for a Tusken. "
mis_bgh_9_e_intro2 "Jabba's goons got here first and put up a shield generator to keep the beast in, and turrets to keep us out."
mis_bgh_9_e_intro3 "Let's be smart about this, and we'll have a stuffed Rancor in your HQ in no time. Deploy when ready."
mis_bgh_9_e_outro1 "Ur Ur, get yourself to a medic, man! You look terrible. Oh wait... that's how you always look! Ha!"
mis_bgh_9_e_outro2 "Look at the size of this Rancor! Part of a mating pair, I'd think. I bet Jabba's got the other one. Who else could afford two of these things?"
mis_bgh_9_e_outro3 "I'll add this beast next to the pile of rats, banthas, and dewbacks sitting on your landing pad. Quite the kill, isn't it?"
mis_bgh_9_r_intro1 "Good timing. I've tracked the beast here, and brought my native guide, [F2D62F]Ur Ur[-] to help. He's surprisingly tough, for a Tusken. "
mis_bgh_9_r_intro2 "Jabba's goons got here first and put up a shield generator to keep the beast in, and turrets to keep us out."
mis_bgh_9_r_intro3 "Let's be smart about this, and we'll have a stuffed Rancor in your HQ in no time. Deploy when ready."
mis_bgh_9_r_outro1 "Ur Ur, get yourself to a medic, man! You look terrible. Oh wait... that's how you always look! Ha!"
mis_bgh_9_r_outro2 "Look at the size of this Rancor! Part of a mating pair, I'd think. I bet Jabba's got the other one. Who else could afford two of these things?"
mis_bgh_9_r_outro3 "I'll add this beast next to the pile of rats, banthas, and dewbacks sitting on your landing pad. Quite the kill, isn't it?"
mis_bs_10_e_intro1 'Sir, we found another Rebel outpost in the desert. Waiting on your orders to deploy.'
mis_bs_10_e_outro1 "Looks like we got a hit, partner. The troops tell me they recovered a lot of data from this base. It might contain the break we've been looking for."
mis_bs_11_e_intro1 'Incoming attack!'
mis_bs_11_e_outro1 'Operative, intelligence has begun decryption on the data you recovered. I am forced to acknowledge your... contributions. Subsector command out.'
mis_bs_12_e_intro1 'Operative, due to your recent successes I have been instructed to remind you to upgrade your forces.'
mis_bs_12_e_intro2 'Upgrade your [F2D62F]Research Lab[-], so that you may then continue to upgrade your forces.'
mis_bs_12_e_outro1 'Upgrading your forces can mean the difference between victory and adulation, or defeat and disgrace.'
mis_bs_13_e_intro1 'Hey partner, now that we got this fancy Hero Command, hows about we upgrade it and get on our way to having more available Heroes?'
mis_bs_13_e_outro1 "If I'm reading these Imperial specs right, it looks like upgrading the Hero Command will let us mobilize more then one hero at a time, eventually."
mis_bs_13_e_outro2 "Intelligence has finished decoding the data you recovered. I believe we have found the location of Obi-Wan Kenobi's home on Tatooine. Prepare to deploy immediately!"
mis_bs_14_e_fail1 'Partner, we can use those fancy AT-MP vehicles to destroy shields before sending in the troops.'
mis_bs_14_e_intro1 'Operative, this Rebel base appears to be guarding the nearby structures. Additionally, there is a large sandstorm on the horizon. Work quickly.'
mis_bs_14_e_outro1 "Sir, we've barely begun a search of the premises, and the sandstorm is almost on top of us. We have to evacuate."
mis_bs_14_e_outro2 'Understood.  Gather whatever you can and send it to me immediately. Kosh out.'
mis_bs_14_e_outro3 'Awfully odd that a sandstorm would come out of nowhere like that. The troops barely had time to search the place. Who knows what they could have missed?'
mis_bs_14_r_fail1 "Partner, we have vehicles that can take out shields. Might want to use 'em."
mis_bs_1_e_fail1 'Operative, consider holding some units back and deploying them once defenders appear.'
mis_bs_1_e_intro1 'Operative, I require your forces to level this native encampment. Get to it.'
mis_bs_1_e_intro2 'Get to it? No explanation? Just "do my bidding"? I\'m starting to think Kosh doesn\'t like us very much, partner.'
mis_bs_1_e_outro1 "Sir, we're searching the ruins per the captain's orders. We haven't seen any sign of the artifacts we're looking for. I will update you if we find anything, sir."
mis_bs_1_e_outro2 'Artifacts? I wonder what Kosh is looking for out in the desert?'
mis_bs_1_r_fail1 'Operative, consider holding some units back and deploying them once defenders appear.'
mis_bs_2_e_fail1 'Operative, consider holding some units back and deploying them once defenders appear.'
mis_bs_2_e_intro1 'Operative, I am instigating a planet wide search for... valuable artifacts and intelligence. Start by searching this wreckage.'
mis_bs_2_e_outro1 'Look at this registry, partner. This ship has been here... nearly twenty years. It crashed a long time ago for us to be investigating it now.'
mis_bs_2_e_outro2 "Or did it? Look at that. Only a lightsaber would make marks like that on the hull. This just keeps gettin' more strange."
mis_bs_2_r_fail1 'Operative, consider holding some units back and deploying them once defenders appear.'
mis_bs_3_e_intro1 "Sir, according to the transponder we recovered, the salvage from the ship's crash was brought here.  "
mis_bs_3_e_intro2 'Initiate a thorough search, Operative.'
mis_bs_3_e_outro1 "Captain, the mercenaries here seem to have been gathering scrap. There's no way to tell where the passengers may have ended up."
mis_bs_3_e_outro2 'A dead-end then... Operative, return to your base. We will have to expand the parameters of the search.'
mis_bs_4_e_intro1 'In order to undertake this search, you will require enhanced support. Therefore, you will first need upgrade your HQ to level four.'
mis_bs_4_e_outro1 'Keep in mind that what I am about to tell you is highly classified, Operative. Not long ago, Lord Vader visited Tatooine, searching for some droids.'
mis_bs_4_e_outro2 'Shortly after, a freighter called the [F2D62F]Millenium Falcon[-] escaped the blockade, and fled the planet.'
mis_bs_4_e_outro3 'I have reason to believe a Jedi named Obi-Wan Kenobi was on-board that ship. Meaning, he had been here on Tatooine. I will uncover his former hiding place.'
mis_bs_5_e_intro1 'Operative, I have requisitioned TIE Bombers for this mission. You will not be permitted to deploy anything else. Do not fail me.'
mis_bs_5_e_outro1 'Conducting a search over the whole of Tatooine will require you to have Heroes to support ground operations. Return to your base for further instructions.'
mis_bs_6_e_intro1 'Operative, to mobilize Heroes and elite units in combat, you will need a [F2D62F]Hero Command[-]. Construct one now.'
mis_bs_6_e_outro1 'Heroes and elites are powerful units, many times more effective than a single unit. Proper use of them can be the difference between victory or defeat.'
mis_bs_7_e_intro1 'Operative, the Rebels are launching an attack. Fortunately for you, the bomber crews are able to respond. Show the Rebels the error of their ways.'
mis_bs_7_e_outro1 "Operative, mobilized Heroes will be at your disposal [F2D62F]only when you attack a rival Rebel player's base[-], or when you are participating in a Campaign."
mis_bs_7_e_outro2 'When you are engaged in other activities, Heroes will be assigned to you if necessary. Now, back to the task at hand.'
mis_bs_8_e_intro1 'Ever since the... setback on Yavin 4, the Rebels have been emboldened. They often operate in the open, espousing their traitorous ideals.'
mis_bs_8_e_intro2 "So, you will combine the search for Kenobi's hideout with strikes against the Rebels. The two are bound to be linked."
mis_bs_8_e_outro1 'You know, I never did trust those Jedi when I was younger, partner. Always sitting in their temple and judging us regular people.'
mis_bs_8_e_outro2 "It'll be interesting to see where this Jedi was living all those years. It's a pretty big fall from grace to go from Coruscant to Tatooine."
mis_bs_9_e_intro1 'Hey partner, you see those shields? I bet we can use that Veteran AT-ST to make short work of them.'
mis_bs_9_e_outro1 'Sir, no useful intelligence in this Rebel outpost.'
mis_bs_9_e_outro2 "Okay, let's move on then."
mis_cw_10_e_intro1 'Operative, your progress so far is good. Continue to strike at the Rebels. Intelligence indicates many enemy installations remain.'
mis_cw_10_r_intro1 'Good work so far, Agent. There are many enemy bases remaining. Keep up the pressure.'
mis_cw_1_e_fail1 'Operative, the battles on Dandoran are going to be difficult. Ensure you take a full army and plan your attacks carefully. Tactics are the key to victory.'
mis_cw_1_e_intro1 'Operative, a unique opportunity has come about, and I intend to seize it. In a neighboring system lies the planet [F2D62F]Dandoran[-].'
mis_cw_1_e_intro2 "Haven't heard of it? I'm not surprised. Until very recently, the planet was an unimportant backwater, much like Tatooine continues to be."
mis_cw_1_e_intro3 'Rebel presence is suspected on the planet. Sector command has tasked me with sending someone to investigate. And I have decided to send you. '
mis_cw_1_e_intro4 'Since the Doran system neighbors the Tatoo system, you are the closest garrison able to undertake this mission.'
mis_cw_1_e_intro5 'Coordinates of targets on Dandoran will be transmitted to you. Do not fail me, Operative. Kosh out.'
mis_cw_1_r_fail1 'Agent, the battles on Dandoran are going to be difficult. Ensure you take a full army and plan your attacks carefully. Tactics are the key to victory.'
mis_cw_1_r_intro1 'Agent, have you ever heard of the planet [F2D62F]Dandoran[-]? It lies in the neighboring Doran system.'
mis_cw_1_r_intro2 "Until very recently, the planet wasn't on anyone's radar. But, for some reason, the Empire has dramatically increased their presence there."
mis_cw_1_r_intro3 "Rebel command wants to know why. They've asked me to investigate, so I'd like you to start harassing the Imperials there and see what you can uncover."
mis_cw_1_r_intro4 'Once you arrive in-system, I will transmit the coordinates of a number of Imperial garrisons. Work on destroying them while gathering intel.'
mis_cw_1_r_intro5 'May the Force be with you, Agent.'
mis_cw_20_e_outro1 'Excellent work pacifying the Rebel traitors, Operative. There are a few installations remaining; however, scans reveal them to be heavily fortified.'
mis_cw_20_e_outro2 'Choose your forces and deployment carefully. Phase one of the Dandoran Campaign is almost complete. Do not fail me, Operative.'
mis_cw_20_r_outro1 "Very impressive work, Agent. Only a few enemy bases remain, but they look heavily fortified. Looks like they're expecting an attack."
mis_cw_20_r_outro2 "Choose your forces and deployment carefully. We're making good progress; the western continent is almost clear of Imperials.  Jennica out."
mis_cw_2_e_intro1 "Operative, phase one of the [F2D62F]Dandoran Campaign[-] will focus on the elimination of several Rebel outposts on the planet's western continent."
mis_cw_2_e_intro2 'Destroy the Rebel traitors wherever you find them. Doing so will earn you [F2D62F]Event Points[-] which you can use to purchase resources from the Quartermaster.'
mis_cw_2_r_intro1 "Phase one of the [F2D62F]Dandoran Campaign[-] will focus on destroying several Imperial garrisons on the planet's western continent."
mis_cw_2_r_intro2 'As you defeat the Empire, you will earn [F2D62F]Event Points[-] which you can use to purchase resources from the Quartermaster.'
mis_cw_3_e_intro1 'I have decided to allocate to you some [F2D62F]Imperial Shock Troopers[-]. They are breacher infantry and excel at destroying walls from range.'
mis_cw_3_e_intro2 'Remember: if you are successful in the Campaign, you will earn [F2D62F]Event Points[-] you can use to acquire more specialized troops, or the ability to train them yourself.'
mis_cw_3_r_intro1 "Agent, I've called in some favors and gained you access to [F2D62F]Vanguard Soldiers[-]. They excel at demolishing walls from range and will be invaluable in defeating fortified bases."
mis_cw_3_r_intro2 'And remember: as you progress in this Campaign you will earn [F2D62F]Event Points[-]. You can spend these to get additional Vanguards, resources, or other benefits.'
mis_cw_5a_e_intro1 'Operative, intelligence section reports that a Rebel attack is incoming. This appears related to the Dandoran Campaign.'
mis_cw_5a_e_intro2 "Attacks are likely to be a problem until you crush the Rebels on Dandoran. Don't slack on base defense, Operative."
mis_cw_5a_r_intro1 'Agent, an Imperial attack is imminent! Prepare your defenses!'
mis_cw_5a_r_intro2 'Attacks are going to be a problem until you defeat the Empire on Dandoran. I have faith in you, Agent.'
mis_desc_camp_1_utts_e_1 'Recently, locals have come under attack by Womp Rats, a desert pest. Take some Stormtroopers to their nests and destroy them to prevent further attacks.'
mis_desc_camp_1_utts_e_10 "Given recent events, it's obvious Tatooine is a very dangerous place to operate. You can support 2 turrets per HQ tier. Have 4 total Turrets to complete this mission."
mis_desc_camp_1_utts_e_2 'The Womp Rats have been traced to a small outpost in a rock strewn canyon. Destroy 25% of buildings for 1 star, 50% for 2 stars, and 100% for all 3 stars!'
mis_desc_camp_1_utts_e_2a 'A well defended enemy base has been uncovered. Destroy 25% of buildings for 1 star, 50% for 2 stars, and 100% for all 3 stars!'
mis_desc_camp_1_utts_e_3 'Tatooine is a dangerous place and your base will need to be defended against inevitable attacks. Walls are a good defense, so have at least 25 total Walls in your base.'
mis_desc_camp_1_utts_e_4 'Your base is about to be attacked! Protect your HQ with strategic base layouts, and use the Strix to target large groups or particularly dangerous enemies.'
mis_desc_camp_1_utts_e_5 "You're going to need a larger deployable army size to take on stronger threats. Tap on your Unit Transport and select Upgrade. Have at least 1 Level 2 Unit Transport to complete this mission."
mis_desc_camp_1_utts_e_6 'The mercenaries who attacked you have been located! Take a force of troops and attack their base! Destroy the HQ for 1 star, 50% of the base for 2 stars, and 100% for all 3 stars!'
mis_desc_camp_1_utts_e_7 'Credits are essential for training troops, buying vehicles, and paying heroes. Have at least 2 Credit Markets in your base to complete this mission.'
mis_desc_camp_1_utts_e_8 'Some battles will be more difficult than others. For the next battle, you will need a force of at least 15 Stormtroopers. Have at least that many to complete this mission.'
mis_desc_camp_1_utts_e_9 'The mercenaries have a second, stronger base. Attack this base! Destroy the HQ for 1 star,  50% of the base for 2 stars, and 100% for all 3 stars!'
mis_desc_camp_1_utts_r_1 'Recently, locals have come under attack by Womp Rats, a desert pest. Take some Rebel soldiers to their nests and destroy them to prevent further attacks.'
mis_desc_camp_1_utts_r_10 "Given recent events, it's obvious Tatooine is a very dangerous place to operate. You can support 2 turrets per HQ tier. Have 4 total Turrets to complete this mission."
mis_desc_camp_1_utts_r_2 'The Womp Rats have been traced to a small outpost in a rock strewn canyon. Destroy 25% of buildings for 1 star, 50% for 2 stars, and 100% for all 3 stars!'
mis_desc_camp_1_utts_r_2a 'A well defended enemy base has been uncovered. Destroy 25% of buildings for 1 star, 50% for 2 stars, and 100% for all 3 stars!'
mis_desc_camp_1_utts_r_3 'Tatooine is a dangerous place and your base will need to be defended against inevitable attacks. Walls are a good defense, so have at least 25 total Walls in your base.'
mis_desc_camp_1_utts_r_4 'Your base is about to be attacked! Protect your HQ with strategic base layouts, and use the Strix to target large groups or particularly dangerous enemies.'
mis_desc_camp_1_utts_r_5 "You're going to need a larger deployable army size to take on stronger threats. Tap on your Unit Transport and select Upgrade. Have at least 1 Level 2 Unit Transport to complete this mission."
mis_desc_camp_1_utts_r_6 'The mercenaries who attacked you have been located! Take a force of troops and attack their base! Destroy the HQ for 1 star, 50% of the base for 2 stars, and 100% for all 3 stars!'
mis_desc_camp_1_utts_r_7 'Credits are essential for training troops, buying vehicles, and paying heroes. Have at least 2 Credit Markets in your base to complete this mission.'
mis_desc_camp_1_utts_r_8 'Some battles will be more difficult than others. For the next battle, you will need a force of at least 15 Rebel Soldiers. Have at least that many to complete this mission.'
mis_desc_camp_1_utts_r_9 'The mercenaries have a second, stronger base. Attack this base! Destroy the HQ for 1 star,  50% of the base for 2 stars, and 100% for all 3 stars!'
mis_desc_camp_2_tsw_e_1 'Scouts report an incoming attack! Remember: target large groups of enemies with the Strix, and it will strafe their location.'
mis_desc_camp_2_tsw_e_2 'Factories produce powerful Imperial war machines that can turn the tide of many battles. Have a Factory in your base to complete this mission.'
mis_desc_camp_2_tsw_e_2a '(This mission has been removed.)'
mis_desc_camp_2_tsw_e_3 'Moisture farms are a fixture of Tatooine, and a common target for the aggressive Tusken Raiders. Take some troops and defeat the Tuskens at the farm.'
mis_desc_camp_2_tsw_e_4 'For some buildings, like Credit Markets, upgrading increases the amount of resources they can generate. Have 2 Credit Markets at Level 2 to complete this mission.'
mis_desc_camp_2_tsw_e_5 'Tusken Raiders operate out of enclaves deep in the desert. The enclave responsible for the recent attacks has been found, and it falls to you to attack it and end this Tusken threat.'
mis_desc_camp_2_tsw_r_1 'Scouts report an incoming attack! Remember: target large groups of enemies with the Strix, and it will strafe their location.'
mis_desc_camp_2_tsw_r_2 'Heroes are powerful individual units; as strong as many weaker normal units. They are readied in the Hero Command. Have a Hero Command in your base to complete this mission.'
mis_desc_camp_2_tsw_r_2a '(This mission has been removed.)'
mis_desc_camp_2_tsw_r_3 'Moisture farms are a fixture of Tatooine, and a common target for the aggressive Tusken Raiders. Take some troops and defeat the Tuskens at the farm.'
mis_desc_camp_2_tsw_r_4 'For some buildings, like Credit Markets, upgrading increases the amount of resources they can generate. Have 2 Credit Markets at Level 2 to complete this mission.'
mis_desc_camp_2_tsw_r_5 'Tusken Raiders operate out of enclaves deep in the desert. The enclave responsible for the recent attacks has been found, and it falls to you to attack it and end this Tusken threat.'
mis_desc_camp_3_tjg_e_1 "Scouts report an incoming attack. Remember to always have a strong defensive layout of Turrets, and use the Strix when you're attacked!"
mis_desc_camp_3_tjg_e_10 'The main enclave of the Jundland General has been found at last. Defeat the Jundland General for 1 star, defeat 10 of his troops for 2 stars, and destroy 100% of the base for all 3 stars.'
mis_desc_camp_3_tjg_e_2 'Clearly the enclave you defeated before was not the main Tusken base. To begin dealing with this renewed threat have at least 2 Level 2 Barracks in your base.'
mis_desc_camp_3_tjg_e_2a '(This mission will be removed.)'
mis_desc_camp_3_tjg_e_3 'Scouts have located another Tusken enclave. However, its layout is odd for Tusken Raiders. Take troops and investigate the enclave.'
mis_desc_camp_3_tjg_e_4 'As your weary forces return to base, you are quickly attacked once again. The enemy is probing for weakness. Defend your HQ at all costs!'
mis_desc_camp_3_tjg_e_5 'Further base upgrades will be necessary, and to do that, upgraded Alloy facilities will be paramount. Have a Level 2 Alloy Depot to complete this mission.'
mis_desc_camp_3_tjg_e_6 'Another attack is incoming. Scouts report a pack of Banthas, which will tear through your walls. Use the Strix to stop them!'
mis_desc_camp_3_tjg_e_7 'Upgrading Turrets increases both their health and damage, and is a critical component of a successful defense. Have at least 2 Rapid Fire Turrets at Level 2 to complete this mission.'
mis_desc_camp_3_tjg_e_8 'Another Tusken enclave has been found. Take your troops and search for evidence of where the Jundland General is operating from.'
mis_desc_camp_3_tjg_e_9 'Upgrading your HQ unlocks new buildings, as well as new levels for your existing buildings. Have a Tier 3 HQ to complete this mission.'
mis_desc_camp_3_tjg_r_1 "Scouts report an incoming attack. Remember to always have a strong defensive layout of Turrets, and use the Strix when you're attacked!"
mis_desc_camp_3_tjg_r_10 'The main enclave of the Jundland General has been found at last. Defeat the Jundland General for 1 star, defeat 10 of his troops for 2 stars, and destroy 100% of the base for all 3 stars.'
mis_desc_camp_3_tjg_r_2 'Clearly the enclave you defeated before was not the main Tusken Base. To begin dealing with this renewed threat have at least 2 Level 2 Barracks in your base.'
mis_desc_camp_3_tjg_r_2a '(This mission will be removed.)'
mis_desc_camp_3_tjg_r_3 'Scouts have located another Tusken enclave. However, its layout is odd for Tusken Raiders. Take troops and investigate the enclave.'
mis_desc_camp_3_tjg_r_4 'As your weary forces return to base, you are quickly attacked once again. The enemy is probing for weakness. Defend your HQ at all costs!'
mis_desc_camp_3_tjg_r_5 'Further base upgrades will be necessary, and to do that, upgraded alloy facilities will be paramount. Have a Level 2 Alloy Depot to complete this mission.'
mis_desc_camp_3_tjg_r_6 'Another attack is incoming. Scouts report a pack of Banthas, which will tear through your walls. Use the Strix to stop them!'
mis_desc_camp_3_tjg_r_7 'Upgrading Turrets increases both their health and damage, and is a critical component of a successful defense. Have at least 2 Rapid Fire Turrets at Level 2 to complete this mission.'
mis_desc_camp_3_tjg_r_8 'Another Tusken enclave has been found. Take your troops and search for evidence of where the Jundland General is operating from.'
mis_desc_camp_3_tjg_r_9 'Upgrading your HQ unlocks new buildings, as well as new levels of your existing buildings. Have a Tier 3 HQ to complete this mission.'
mis_desc_camp_4_sotm_e_1 'Proton Mortars excel at defeating massed troops when you come under attack. Have at least one Proton Mortar in your base.'
mis_desc_camp_4_sotm_e_10 'Unit Transports are critical to deploy larger armies into battle. Have at least 2 Unit Transports at Level 2 in your base to complete this mission.'
mis_desc_camp_4_sotm_e_11 'The mercs fighting Jabba are also Rebel sympathizers, so Kosh has ordered you to keep attacking them. Destroy 50% of the base to earn 1 star, the HQ to earn 2 stars, and 100% for all 3 stars.'
mis_desc_camp_4_sotm_e_12 'The final mercenary base has been found! Destroy 50% of the base to earn 1 star, the HQ to earn 2 stars, and 100% for all 3 stars.'
mis_desc_camp_4_sotm_e_13 'Jabba the Hutt has double-crossed you and is sending mercenaries to attack! Defend your HQ. If it is destroyed, you will be defeated.'
mis_desc_camp_4_sotm_e_14 "Jabba must be taught a lesson, and Kosh's pockets must be lined. Destroy 50% of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and 100% for all 3 stars."
mis_desc_camp_4_sotm_e_2 'A Level 3 Barracks will allow you to build Scout Troopers, which excel at stealing resources and deal high damage to resource buildings. Have at least one Level 3 Barracks in your base.'
mis_desc_camp_4_sotm_e_3 'In need of intel Jabba has on Rebel activities, Kosh has ordered you to attack some mercenaries on behalf of Jabba the Hutt. Destroy 50% of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and 100% for all 3 stars.'
mis_desc_camp_4_sotm_e_4 'In need of intel Jabba has on Rebel activities, Kosh has ordered you to attack some mercenaries on behalf of Jabba the Hutt. Destroy 50% of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and 100% for all 3 stars.'
mis_desc_camp_4_sotm_e_5 'In need of intel Jabba has on Rebel activities, Kosh has ordered you to attack some mercenaries on behalf of Jabba the Hutt. Destroy 50% of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and 100% for all 3 stars.'
mis_desc_camp_4_sotm_e_6 "The mercenaries you've been attacking are striking back! Defend your HQ. If it is destroyed, you will be defeated."
mis_desc_camp_4_sotm_e_7 'Turrets are crucial for base defense, and you can build 2 per HQ level. Have at least 6 Turrets in your base to complete this mission.'
mis_desc_camp_4_sotm_e_8 'Walls are an effective form of base defense, and help to slow down attackers. Have at least 40 Walls in your base to complete this mission.'
mis_desc_camp_4_sotm_e_9 'The work for the Hutts is on hold, as Kosh has located a Rebel base. Initiate an attack on a rival player, and get at least 1 star to complete this mission.'
mis_desc_camp_4_sotm_r_1 'Proton Mortars excel at defeating massed troops when you come under attack. Have at least one Proton Mortar in your base.'
mis_desc_camp_4_sotm_r_10 'Unit Transports are critical to deploy larger armies into battle. Have at least 1 Unit Transport at Level 3 in your base to complete this mission.'
mis_desc_camp_4_sotm_r_11 "You've been drawn into a Hutt feud! There's no choice but to wipe out the mercs. Destroy 50% of the base to earn 1 star, the HQ to earn 2 stars, and 100% for all 3 stars."
mis_desc_camp_4_sotm_r_12 'The final mercenary base has been found! Destroy 50% of the base to earn 1 star, the HQ to earn 2 stars, and 100% for all 3 stars.'
mis_desc_camp_4_sotm_r_13 'Jabba the Hutt has double crossed you and is sending mercenaries to attack! Defend your HQ. If it is destroyed, you will be defeated.'
mis_desc_camp_4_sotm_r_14 'Jabba must be taught a lesson, and stealing his credits is just the way to do it. Destroy 50% of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and 100% for all 3 stars.'
mis_desc_camp_4_sotm_r_2 'A Level 3 Barracks will allow you to build Banthas, which seek out turrets and deal high damage to walls. Have at least one level 3 Barracks in your base.'
mis_desc_camp_4_sotm_r_3 'Jabba is blackmailing you! Unless you attack mercenaries hired by his rivals he will reveal your location to the Empire. Destroy 50% for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and 100% for all 3 stars.'
mis_desc_camp_4_sotm_r_4 'Jabba is blackmailing you! Unless you attack mercenaries hired by his rivals he will reveal your location to the Empire. Destroy 50% for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and 100% for all 3 stars.'
mis_desc_camp_4_sotm_r_5 'Jabba is blackmailing you! Unless you attack mercenaries hired by his rivals he will reveal your location to the Empire. Destroy 50% for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and 100% for all 3 stars.'
mis_desc_camp_4_sotm_r_6 "The mercenaries you've been attacking are striking back! Defend your HQ. If it is destroyed, you will be defeated."
mis_desc_camp_4_sotm_r_7 'Turrets are crucial for base defense and you can build two per HQ level. Have at least 6 in your base to complete this mission.'
mis_desc_camp_4_sotm_r_8 'Walls are an effective form of base defense, and help to slow down attackers. Have at least 40 walls in your base to complete this mission.'
mis_desc_camp_4_sotm_r_9 'Jennica has a plan to get you out of service to the Hutts, but it will require a daring raid on the Empire. Initiate an attack on a rival player, and get at least 1 star to complete this mission.'
mis_desc_camp_5_aoc_r_1 'Alloy is crucial to upgrading your infrastructure. Have at least 3 Alloy Refineries at level 3 in your base to complete this mission.'
mis_desc_camp_5_aoc_r_2 'Destroy 50% of the base to earn one star, the HQ to earn another, and 100% for all three stars.'
mis_desc_camp_5_aoc_r_3 'Destroy 50% of the base to earn one star, the HQ to earn another, and 100% for all three stars.'
mis_desc_camp_5_aoc_r_4 'Walls need to be continually upgraded to maximize their effectiveness. Have at least 12 walls of at least level 3 in your base to complete this mission.'
mis_desc_camp_5_aoc_r_5 'Destroy 50% of the base to earn one star, the HQ to earn another, and 100% for all three stars.'
mis_desc_camp_5_aoc_r_6 'Challenge Mission! Use the units provided to achieve victory. You only have access to the units provided.'
mis_desc_camp_5_aoc_r_7 'Stronger units and more powerful upgrades require even more credits. Have at least 3 Credit Markets of level 3 in your base to complete this mission.'
mis_desc_camp_5_aoc_r_8 'Destroy 50% of the base to earn one star, the HQ to earn another, and 100% for all three stars.'
mis_desc_camp_5_tih_e_1 'Alloy is crucial to upgrading your infrastructure. Have at least 3 Alloy Refineries at level 3 in your base to complete this mission.'
mis_desc_camp_5_tih_e_2 'Your units need to be improved to be effective against the enhanced defenses of your opponents. Build a Research Lab to upgrade your units.'
mis_desc_camp_5_tih_e_3 'Jawas are engaged in widespread unlicensed trade. End their Illegal operation by destroying the sandcrawlers for one star, 50% of the base for 2 stars, and the entire base for all 3 stars.'
mis_desc_camp_5_tih_e_4 'Walls need to be continually upgraded to maximize their effectiveness. Have at least 12 walls at level 3 in your base to complete this mission.'
mis_desc_camp_5_tih_e_5 'This is your first "Challenge Mission." You only have access to the units provided, and cannot bring units of your own. Use what is provided to achieve total victory!'
mis_desc_camp_5_tih_e_6 'Desert scum has launched an attack on your base with old refitted repulsor tanks. Prevent your HQ from being destroyed!'
mis_desc_camp_5_tih_e_7 'Stronger units and more powerful upgrades require even more credits. Have at least 3 Credit Markets at level 3 in your base to complete this mission.'
mis_desc_camp_5_tih_e_8 "The staging area for the smuggler's tank forces has been found. Destroy the tanks for one star, the mechanic's houses for the second star, and the HQ for the third star."
mis_desc_chapter_10_bgh_e_1 'Rocket Turrets excel at destroying vehicles and are a great counter to bruiser vehicles. Have two rocket turrets in your base to complete this mission.'
mis_desc_chapter_10_bgh_e_10 'Your base is under attack! You will lose 1 star if 50% of your base is destroyed, 1 if your HQ is destroyed, and you will completely fail if your entire base is destroyed!'
mis_desc_chapter_10_bgh_e_11 'Johhar has tracked the Krayt Dragon back to its lair in a great Krayt Graveyard. Use Johhar and Ur Ur to slay the dragon!'
mis_desc_chapter_10_bgh_e_12 'Starship strikes can turn the tide of any battle if carefully used. Have a level 2 Starship Command or higher in your base to complete this mission.'
mis_desc_chapter_10_bgh_e_13 'Challenge Mission! Pilots are in need of training! Deploy the droid to lure the rats out then Kill 40 smaller rats for 1 star, 5 big ones for the 2nd star, and bulls-eye the Womp Rat King for the 3rd star!'
mis_desc_chapter_10_bgh_e_2 'Johhar wants to undertake a big game hunting expedition on Tatooine. Start by killing Womp Rats. Destroy the nests and fight all enemies to earn stars.'
mis_desc_chapter_10_bgh_e_3 'Johhar wants to hunt Banthas inside a Tusken village. Destroy half buildings for 1 star, destroy the HQ for the 2nd star, and destroy all buildings to earn the 3rd star.'
mis_desc_chapter_10_bgh_e_4 'Johhar wants to hunt Dewbacks. You will earn 1 star for destroying half the buildings, the 2nd for destroying 50% of the base, and the 3rd star for destroying the entire base.'
mis_desc_chapter_10_bgh_e_5 'HQ level is vitally important for keeping up with your enemies. Have a level 5 HQ or higher in your base to complete this mission.'
mis_desc_chapter_10_bgh_e_6 "Johhar's contacts have led him to investigate a crashed ship bound for Jabba's palace. Destroy 25% of the buildings for 1 star, the shield generator for the 2nd star, and 100% of buildings for the 3rd star."
mis_desc_chapter_10_bgh_e_7 'Investigate the smuggler base and defeat the defenders. Defeat 10 defenders for 1 star, 20 for the 2nd star, and destroy all hostile buildings for the 3rd star.'
mis_desc_chapter_10_bgh_e_8 "Raid Jabba's Menagerie for a vital component of Johhar's hunt. Destroy 50% for 1 star, the HQ for the 2nd star, and 100% for the 3rd star."
mis_desc_chapter_10_bgh_e_9 'Lure the Rancor out of its lair and use Ur Ur and Johhar to defeat it! Kill the Rancor to earn all 3 stars!'
mis_desc_chapter_10_bgh_r_1 'Rocket Turrets excel at destroying vehicles and are a great counter to bruiser vehicles. Have two rocket turrets in your base to complete this mission.'
mis_desc_chapter_10_bgh_r_10 'Your base is under attack! You will lose 1 star if 50% of your base is destroyed, 1 if your HQ is destroyed, and you will completely fail if your entire base is destroyed!'
mis_desc_chapter_10_bgh_r_11 'Johhar has tracked the Krayt Dragon back to its lair in a great Krayt Graveyard. Use Johhar and Ur Ur to slay the dragon!'
mis_desc_chapter_10_bgh_r_12 'Starship strikes can turn the tide of any battle if carefully used. Have a level 2 Starship Command or higher in your base to complete this mission.'
mis_desc_chapter_10_bgh_r_13 'Challenge Mission! Pilots are in need of training! Deploy the droid to lure the rats out then Kill 40 smaller rats for 1 star, 5 big ones for the 2nd star, and bulls-eye the Womp Rat King for the 3rd star!'
mis_desc_chapter_10_bgh_r_2 'Johhar wants to undertake a big game hunting expedition on Tatooine. Start by killing Womp Rats. Destroy the nests and fight all enemies to earn stars.'
mis_desc_chapter_10_bgh_r_3 'Johhar wants to hunt Banthas inside a Tusken village. Destroy half buildings for 1 star, destroy the HQ for the 2nd star, and destroy all buildings to earn the 3rd star.'
mis_desc_chapter_10_bgh_r_4 'Johhar wants to hunt Dewbacks. You will earn 1 star for destroying half the buildings, the 2nd for destroying 50% of the base, and the 3rd star for destroying the entire base.'
mis_desc_chapter_10_bgh_r_5 'HQ level is vitally important for keeping up with your enemies. Have a level 5 HQ or higher in your base to complete this mission.'
mis_desc_chapter_10_bgh_r_6 "Johhar's contacts have led him to investigate a crashed ship bound for Jabba's palace. Destroy 25% of the buildings for 1 star, the shield generator for the 2nd star, and 100% of buildings for the 3rd star."
mis_desc_chapter_10_bgh_r_7 'Investigate the smuggler base and defeat the defenders. Defeat 10 defenders for 1 star, 20 for the 2nd star, and destroy all hostile buildings for the 3rd star.'
mis_desc_chapter_10_bgh_r_8 "Raid Jabba's Menagerie for a vital component of Johhar's hunt. Destroy 50% for 1 star, the HQ for the 2nd star, and 100% for the 3rd star."
mis_desc_chapter_10_bgh_r_9 'Lure the Rancor out of its lair and use Ur Ur and Johhar to defeat it! Kill the Rancor to earn all 3 stars!'
mis_desc_chapter_11_tbft_e_1 'Prepare your base to launch the final battles for control of Tatooine. Have 3 Barracks at Level 6 or higher in your base in order to complete this mission.'
mis_desc_chapter_11_tbft_e_10 'Destroy 50% of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and 100% for all 3 stars!'
mis_desc_chapter_11_tbft_e_2 'Destroy 50% of the base for 1 star, the Squad Center for 2 stars, and destroy 100% for all 3 stars!'
mis_desc_chapter_11_tbft_e_3 'Have a Contraband Safehouse in your base to complete this mission.'
mis_desc_chapter_11_tbft_e_4 'Destroy 50% of the base for 1 star, 100% for 2 stars, and destroy the HQ for the final star.'
mis_desc_chapter_11_tbft_e_5 'Prevent your HQ from being destroyed. Enemy forces will attack in successive waves.'
mis_desc_chapter_11_tbft_e_6 'Have a Hero Command at Level 7 or higher in your base to complete this mission.'
mis_desc_chapter_11_tbft_e_7 'Destroy 50% of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and 100% for all 3 stars!'
mis_desc_chapter_11_tbft_e_8 'Destroy 50% of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and 100% for all 3 stars!'
mis_desc_chapter_11_tbft_e_9 'Destroy 50% of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and 100% for all 3 stars!'
mis_desc_chapter_11_tbft_r_1 'Prepare your base to launch the final battles for control of Tatooine. Have 3 Barracks at Level 6 or higher in your base in order to complete this mission.'
mis_desc_chapter_11_tbft_r_10 'Destroy 50% of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and 100% for all 3 stars!'
mis_desc_chapter_11_tbft_r_2 'Destroy 50% of the base for 1 star, the Squad Center for 2 stars, and destroy 100% for all 3 stars!'
mis_desc_chapter_11_tbft_r_3 'Have a Contraband Safehouse in your base to complete this mission.'
mis_desc_chapter_11_tbft_r_4 'Destroy 50% of the base for 1 star, 100% for 2 stars, and destroy the HQ for the final star.'
mis_desc_chapter_11_tbft_r_5 'Prevent your HQ from being destroyed. Enemy forces will attack in successive waves.'
mis_desc_chapter_11_tbft_r_6 'Have a Hero Command at Level 7 or higher in your base to complete this mission.'
mis_desc_chapter_11_tbft_r_7 'Destroy 50% of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and 100% for all 3 stars!'
mis_desc_chapter_11_tbft_r_8 'Destroy 50% of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and 100% for all 3 stars!'
mis_desc_chapter_11_tbft_r_9 'Destroy 50% of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and 100% for all 3 stars!'
mis_desc_chapter_7_bs_e_1 'Defeat the Tusken encampment by defeating the Tusken Raiders and destroying the turrets and huts.'
mis_desc_chapter_7_bs_e_10 'Attack and defeat the Rebel supply post by destroying the HQ, Shield Generator, and Turrets.'
mis_desc_chapter_7_bs_e_11 'Protect your HQ from attacking Rebel forces. If your HQ is destroyed you will be defeated!'
mis_desc_chapter_7_bs_e_12 'Have a level 2 or higher Research Lab.'
mis_desc_chapter_7_bs_e_13 'Have a level 2 or higher Hero Command.'
mis_desc_chapter_7_bs_e_14 'Search the area and destroy any turrets and Rebel buildings.'
mis_desc_chapter_7_bs_e_2 'Deploy troops to search the wreckage of this old freighter. Defeat infantry for the first two stars, and destroy all hostile buildings for the final star.'
mis_desc_chapter_7_bs_e_3 'Search for the transponder by destroying the alloy warehouses, credit vaults, and HQ.'
mis_desc_chapter_7_bs_e_4 'Upgrade your HQ to level 4.'
mis_desc_chapter_7_bs_e_5 'Challenge Mission! Use the starship strikes provided to achieve victory!'
mis_desc_chapter_7_bs_e_6 'Have a level 1 or higher Hero Command.'
mis_desc_chapter_7_bs_e_7 'Protect your HQ from attacking Rebel forces. If your HQ is destroyed you will be defeated!'
mis_desc_chapter_7_bs_e_8 'Attack and defeat the Rebel supply post by destroying the HQ, Shield Generator, and Turrets.'
mis_desc_chapter_7_bs_e_9 'Attack and defeat the Rebel supply post by destroying the HQ, Shield Generator, and Turrets.'
mis_desc_chapter_7_wos_r_1 'Investigate the wreckage of the Atom Edge. Defeat 10 enemy troops for 1 star, 20 for 2 stars, and destroy the turrets for all 3 stars.'
mis_desc_chapter_7_wos_r_10 'Attack and defeat the Imperial supply post. Destroy 50% of the buildings for one star, the Hero command for another, and all buildings for the final star.'
mis_desc_chapter_7_wos_r_11 'Protect your HQ from attacking Empire forces. If your HQ is destroyed, you will be defeated!'
mis_desc_chapter_7_wos_r_12 'Have a Level 2 or higher Research Lab.'
mis_desc_chapter_7_wos_r_13 'Have a Level 2 or higher Factory.'
mis_desc_chapter_7_wos_r_14 'Attack a rival player, and get at least 1 star to complete this mission.'
mis_desc_chapter_7_wos_r_2 'Continue your investigation. Defeat 10 enemy troops for 1 star, destroy all turrets for 2 stars, and 100% of the buildings for all 3 stars.'
mis_desc_chapter_7_wos_r_3 'Search for the stolen cargo by destroying the alloy warehouses, credit vaults, and HQ.'
mis_desc_chapter_7_wos_r_4 'Upgrade your HQ to Level 4.'
mis_desc_chapter_7_wos_r_5 'Challenge Mission! Use the starship strikes provided to achieve victory!'
mis_desc_chapter_7_wos_r_6 'Have a Level 1 or higher Factory.'
mis_desc_chapter_7_wos_r_7 'Protect your HQ from attacking Empire forces. If your HQ is destroyed, you will be defeated!'
mis_desc_chapter_7_wos_r_8 'Attack and defeat the Imperial supply post. Destroy 50% of the buildings for one star, the Hero command for another, and all buildings for the final star.'
mis_desc_chapter_7_wos_r_9 'Attack and defeat the Imperial supply post. Destroy 50% of the buildings for one star, the Hero command for another, and all buildings for the final star.'
mis_desc_chapter_8_rsf_r_1 'An attack is incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed.'
mis_desc_chapter_8_rsf_r_10 'Attack the regional Imperial Base: Fort Sunfire. This battle will be very difficult! Destroy half buildings for 1 star, the Hero Command for 2 stars, and all buildings for the 3rd star!'
mis_desc_chapter_8_rsf_r_11 "Defend against the Empire's mechanical retaliation. If your HQ is destroyed you will be defeated!"
mis_desc_chapter_8_rsf_r_12 'A large force of Imperial infantry is inbound, defend your HQ!'
mis_desc_chapter_8_rsf_r_2 'The time has come to strike! Attack the Empire. Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for the 3rd star!'
mis_desc_chapter_8_rsf_r_3 'Have at least 2 level 4 or higher Unit Transports in your base to complete this mission.'
mis_desc_chapter_8_rsf_r_4 'Continue your assault on local Imperial installations by freeing a captured town. Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for the 3rd star!'
mis_desc_chapter_8_rsf_r_5 'Destroy an Imperial outpost in the desert. Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for the 3rd star!'
mis_desc_chapter_8_rsf_r_6 'Attack an Alloy processing facility by using pathfinders. Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for the 3rd star!'
mis_desc_chapter_8_rsf_r_7 'Have at least 1 level 4 or higher Barracks in your base to complete this mission.'
mis_desc_chapter_8_rsf_r_8 'Destroy another Alloy processing facility. Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for the 3rd star!'
mis_desc_chapter_8_rsf_r_9 'Cripple local Imperial activities by destroying this listening station. Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for the 3rd star!'
mis_desc_chapter_8_tat_e_1 'An attack is incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed.'
mis_desc_chapter_8_tat_e_10 "Continue your search for Lord Vader's missing shipment among the smuggler outposts on Dandoran."
mis_desc_chapter_8_tat_e_11 "Defeat Liana Kor's last remaining base and reclaim Lord Vader's missing shipment."
mis_desc_chapter_8_tat_e_12 'Liana Kor is launching an attack using stolen Imperial vehicles. Defend your base!'
mis_desc_chapter_8_tat_e_13 'Liana Kor is approaching in a modified AT-AT walker, along with some other forces. Defend your HQ!'
mis_desc_chapter_8_tat_e_2 'Follow the attacker back to her base. Destroy 50% for 1 star, the HQ for a 2 stars, and 100% for all 3 stars.'
mis_desc_chapter_8_tat_e_3 'Have at least 2 Level 4 or higher Unit Transports in your base to complete this mission.'
mis_desc_chapter_8_tat_e_4 'Defeat the traitor garrison. Destroy 50% for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and 100% for all 3 stars.'
mis_desc_chapter_8_tat_e_5 'The traitorous local commander has been selling Imperial weapons to mercenaries. Put an end to it by destroying the base.'
mis_desc_chapter_8_tat_e_6 'Use your forces and the provided Dewback Riders to destroy the enemy base.'
mis_desc_chapter_8_tat_e_7 'To train your own Dewbacks, you must upgrade at least one Barracks to Level 4.'
mis_desc_chapter_8_tat_e_8 "Continue your search for Lord Vader's missing shipment among the smuggler outposts on Dandoran."
mis_desc_chapter_8_tat_e_9 "Continue your search for Lord Vader's missing shipment among the smuggler outposts on Dandoran."
mis_desc_chapter_9_sas_e_1 'Have at least one Factory of level 4 or higher in your base to complete this mission.'
mis_desc_chapter_9_sas_e_10 "Attack a rival Rebel Agent's base and get at least one star to complete this mission."
mis_desc_chapter_9_sas_e_11 "The General's plan is almost ready, but first this Rebel facility needs to fall. Destroy 50% for 1 star, the HQ for another, and 100% for the 3rd star."
mis_desc_chapter_9_sas_e_12 'Challenge Mission! Use the forces provided to capture Johhar Kessen. Destroy the Shield Generator, defeat the enemy hero, and destroy the entire base to earn stars!'
mis_desc_chapter_9_sas_e_2 "Launch an attack on this Smuggler base to begin Veers' plan. Destroy 50% for 1 star, the HQ for another, and 100% for the 3rd star."
mis_desc_chapter_9_sas_e_3 "Attack a rival Rebel Agent's base in and get at least one star to complete this mission."
mis_desc_chapter_9_sas_e_4 'Rebel infantry force incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to win!'
mis_desc_chapter_9_sas_e_5 'Have at least 3 Barracks at level 4 or higher to complete this mission.'
mis_desc_chapter_9_sas_e_6 'Attack a heavily walled Rebel base to continue the plan. Destroy 50% for 1 star, the HQ for another, and 100% for the 3rd star.'
mis_desc_chapter_9_sas_e_7 'This Rebel staging area has a sizable contingent of vehicles and troops on defence. Destroy 50% for 1 star, the HQ for another, and 100% for the 3rd star.'
mis_desc_chapter_9_sas_e_8 'Rebel vehicle force incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to win!'
mis_desc_chapter_9_sas_e_9 'This Rebel garrison has a large infantry contingent. Destroy 50% for 1 star, the HQ for another, and 100% for the 3rd star.'
mis_desc_chapter_9_sas_r_1 'Have at least one Factory of level 4 or higher in your base to complete this mission.'
mis_desc_chapter_9_sas_r_10 "Attack a rival Empire Operative's base and get at least one star to complete this mission."
mis_desc_chapter_9_sas_r_11 'Han and his crew are almost ready to launch their raid, but first this Imperial facility needs to fall. Destroy 50% for 1 star, the HQ for another, and 100% for the 3rd star.'
mis_desc_chapter_9_sas_r_12 'Challenge Mission! Use Chewie, Han, and Leia to free Johhar. Destroy the Shield Generator, defeat the enemy hero, and destroy the entire base to earn stars!'
mis_desc_chapter_9_sas_r_2 "Launch an attack on this Imperial base to begin Han's plan. Destroy 50% for 1 star, the HQ for another, and 100% for the 3rd star."
mis_desc_chapter_9_sas_r_3 "Attack a rival Empire Operative's base and get at least one star to complete this mission."
mis_desc_chapter_9_sas_r_4 'Imperial infantry force incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to win!'
mis_desc_chapter_9_sas_r_5 'Have at least 3 Barracks at level 4 or higher to complete this mission.'
mis_desc_chapter_9_sas_r_6 "Attack a heavily walled Imperial base to continue Han's plan. Destroy 50% for 1 star, the HQ for another, and 100% for the 3rd star."
mis_desc_chapter_9_sas_r_7 'This Imperial staging area has a sizable contingent of vehicles and troops on defence. Destroy 50% for 1 star, the HQ for another, and 100% for the 3rd star.'
mis_desc_chapter_9_sas_r_8 'Imperial vehicle force incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to win!'
mis_desc_chapter_9_sas_r_9 'This Imperial garrison has a large infantry contingent. Destroy 50% for 1 star, the HQ for another, and 100% for the 3rd star.'
mis_desc_dg_1_10_e 'WARNING: LARGE ATTACK INCOMING! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_1_10_r 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_1_11_e 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 9[-]'
mis_desc_dg_1_11_r 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 9[-]'
mis_desc_dg_1_12_e 'WARNING: 3 WAVES DETECTED! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 9[-]'
mis_desc_dg_1_12_r 'WARNING: 3 WAVES DETECTED! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 9[-]'
mis_desc_dg_1_1_e 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_1_1_r 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_1_2_e 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_1_2_r 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_1_3_e 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_1_3_r 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_1_4_e 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_1_4_r 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_1_5_e 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_1_5_r 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_1_6_e 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_1_6_r 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_1_7_e 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_1_7_r 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_1_8_e 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_1_8_r 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_1_9_e 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_1_9_r 'WARNING: 3 WAVES DETECTED! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_1_e_1 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_1_e_10 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_1_e_11 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 9[-]'
mis_desc_dg_1_e_12 'WARNING: 3 WAVES DETECTED! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 9[-]'
mis_desc_dg_1_e_2 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_1_e_3 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_1_e_4 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_1_e_5 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_1_e_6 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_1_e_7 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_1_e_8 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_1_e_9 'WARNING: 3 WAVES DETECTED! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_1_r_1 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_1_r_10 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_1_r_11 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 9[-]'
mis_desc_dg_1_r_12 'WARNING: 3 WAVES DETECTED! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 9[-]'
mis_desc_dg_1_r_2 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_1_r_3 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_1_r_4 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_1_r_5 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_1_r_6 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_1_r_7 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_1_r_8 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_1_r_9 'WARNING: 3 WAVES DETECTED! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_10_e 'WARNING: 3 WAVES DETECTED! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 9[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_10_r 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_11_e 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 9[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_11_r 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 9[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_12_e 'WARNING: 3 WAVES DETECTED! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 9[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_12_r 'WARNING: 3 WAVES DETECTED! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 9[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_13_e 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 9[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_13_r 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 9[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_14_e 'WARNING: 3 WAVES DETECTED! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 9[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_14_r 'WARNING: 3 WAVES DETECTED! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 9[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_15_e 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 9[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_15_r 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 9[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_16_e 'WARNING: 3 WAVES DETECTED! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 9[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_16_r 'WARNING: 3 WAVES DETECTED! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 9[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_17_e 'WARNING: 3 WAVES DETECTED! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 9[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_17_r 'WARNING: 3 WAVES DETECTED! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 9[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_18_e 'WARNING: 3 WAVES DETECTED! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 9[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_18_r 'WARNING: 3 WAVES DETECTED! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 9[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_1_e 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_1_r 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_2_e 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_2_r 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_3_e 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_3_r 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_4_e 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_4_r 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_5_e 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_5_r 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_6_e 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_6_r 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_7_e 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_7_r 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_8_e 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_8_r 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_9_e 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_9_r 'WARNING: 3 WAVES DETECTED! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_e_1 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_e_10 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_e_11 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 9[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_e_12 'WARNING: 3 WAVES DETECTED! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 9[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_e_13 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 9[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_e_14 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 9[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_e_15 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 9[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_e_16 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 9[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_e_17 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 9[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_e_18 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 9[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_e_2 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_e_3 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_e_4 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_e_5 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_e_6 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_e_7 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_e_8 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_e_9 'WARNING: 3 WAVES DETECTED! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_r_1 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_r_10 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_r_11 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 9[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_r_12 'WARNING: 3 WAVES DETECTED! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 9[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_r_13 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 9[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_r_14 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 9[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_r_15 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 9[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_r_16 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 9[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_r_17 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 9[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_r_18 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 9[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_r_2 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_r_3 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_r_4 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_r_5 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_r_6 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_r_7 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_r_8 'Enemy attack incoming! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_dg_2_r_9 'WARNING: 3 WAVES DETECTED! Save your HQ for 1 star, at least 50% of your base for 2 stars, at least 70% of your base for 3 stars! [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8+[-]'
mis_desc_event_1_cw_e_0 'You have an incoming communication from Captain Kosh at subsector command...'
mis_desc_event_1_cw_e_1 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_1_cw_e_10 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_1_cw_e_10a 'Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars!'
mis_desc_event_1_cw_e_11 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_1_cw_e_12 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_1_cw_e_13 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_1_cw_e_14 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_1_cw_e_15 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_1_cw_e_16 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_1_cw_e_17 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_1_cw_e_18 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_1_cw_e_19 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_1_cw_e_2 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_1_cw_e_20 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_1_cw_e_21 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_1_cw_e_21a 'Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars!'
mis_desc_event_1_cw_e_22 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_1_cw_e_23 'The main Campaign is complete, but there are more Rebel bases out there. Continue attacking to gain more Event Points!'
mis_desc_event_1_cw_e_3 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_1_cw_e_4 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_1_cw_e_5 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_1_cw_e_5a 'Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars!'
mis_desc_event_1_cw_e_6 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_1_cw_e_7 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_1_cw_e_8 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_1_cw_e_9 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_1_cw_r_0 'You have an incoming communication from Jennica Pierce...'
mis_desc_event_1_cw_r_1 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_1_cw_r_10 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_1_cw_r_10a 'Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars!'
mis_desc_event_1_cw_r_11 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_1_cw_r_12 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_1_cw_r_13 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_1_cw_r_14 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_1_cw_r_15 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_1_cw_r_16 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_1_cw_r_17 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_1_cw_r_18 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_1_cw_r_19 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_1_cw_r_2 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_1_cw_r_20 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_1_cw_r_21 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_1_cw_r_21a 'Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars!'
mis_desc_event_1_cw_r_22 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_1_cw_r_23 'The main Campaign is complete, but there are more Empire bases out there. Continue attacking to gain more Event Points!'
mis_desc_event_1_cw_r_3 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_1_cw_r_4 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_1_cw_r_5 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_1_cw_r_5a 'Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars!'
mis_desc_event_1_cw_r_6 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_1_cw_r_7 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_1_cw_r_8 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_1_cw_r_9 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_1a_cw_e_0 'You have an incoming communication from Captain Kosh at subsector command...'
mis_desc_event_1a_cw_e_1 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1a_cw_e_10 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1a_cw_e_10a 'Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all three stars!'
mis_desc_event_1a_cw_e_11 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1a_cw_e_12 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1a_cw_e_13 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1a_cw_e_14 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1a_cw_e_15 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1a_cw_e_16 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1a_cw_e_17 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1a_cw_e_18 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1a_cw_e_19 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1a_cw_e_2 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1a_cw_e_20 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1a_cw_e_21 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1a_cw_e_21a 'Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all three stars!'
mis_desc_event_1a_cw_e_22 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1a_cw_e_23 'The main Campaign is complete, but there are more Rebel bases out there. Continue attacking to gain more Event Points!'
mis_desc_event_1a_cw_e_3 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1a_cw_e_4 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1a_cw_e_5 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1a_cw_e_5a 'Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all three stars!'
mis_desc_event_1a_cw_e_6 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1a_cw_e_7 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1a_cw_e_8 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1a_cw_e_9 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1a_cw_r_0 'You have an incoming communication from Jennica Pierce...'
mis_desc_event_1a_cw_r_1 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1a_cw_r_10 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1a_cw_r_10a 'Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all three stars!'
mis_desc_event_1a_cw_r_11 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1a_cw_r_12 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1a_cw_r_13 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1a_cw_r_14 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1a_cw_r_15 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1a_cw_r_16 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1a_cw_r_17 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1a_cw_r_18 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1a_cw_r_19 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1a_cw_r_2 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1a_cw_r_20 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1a_cw_r_21 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1a_cw_r_21a 'Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all three stars!'
mis_desc_event_1a_cw_r_22 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1a_cw_r_23 'The main Campaign is complete, but there are more Empire bases out there. Continue attacking to gain more Event Points!'
mis_desc_event_1a_cw_r_3 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1a_cw_r_4 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1a_cw_r_5 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1a_cw_r_5a 'Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all three stars!'
mis_desc_event_1a_cw_r_6 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1a_cw_r_7 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1a_cw_r_8 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1a_cw_r_9 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1b_cw_e_0 'You have an incoming communication from Captain Kosh at subsector command...'
mis_desc_event_1b_cw_e_1 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1b_cw_e_10 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1b_cw_e_10a 'Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all three stars!'
mis_desc_event_1b_cw_e_11 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1b_cw_e_12 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1b_cw_e_13 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1b_cw_e_14 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1b_cw_e_15 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1b_cw_e_16 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1b_cw_e_17 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1b_cw_e_18 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1b_cw_e_19 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1b_cw_e_2 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1b_cw_e_20 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1b_cw_e_21 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1b_cw_e_21a 'Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all three stars!'
mis_desc_event_1b_cw_e_22 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1b_cw_e_23 'Phase One of the Dandoran Conflict is over, but there are still enemy bases out there. You can replay this mission to continue to earn points and test yourself.'
mis_desc_event_1b_cw_e_3 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1b_cw_e_4 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1b_cw_e_5 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1b_cw_e_5a 'Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all three stars!'
mis_desc_event_1b_cw_e_6 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1b_cw_e_7 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1b_cw_e_8 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1b_cw_e_9 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1b_cw_r_0 'You have an incoming communication from Jennica Pierce...'
mis_desc_event_1b_cw_r_1 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1b_cw_r_10 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1b_cw_r_10a 'Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all three stars!'
mis_desc_event_1b_cw_r_11 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1b_cw_r_12 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1b_cw_r_13 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1b_cw_r_14 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1b_cw_r_15 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1b_cw_r_16 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1b_cw_r_17 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1b_cw_r_18 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1b_cw_r_19 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1b_cw_r_2 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1b_cw_r_20 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1b_cw_r_21 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1b_cw_r_21a 'Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all three stars!'
mis_desc_event_1b_cw_r_22 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1b_cw_r_23 'The main Campaign is complete, but there are more Empire bases out there. Continue attacking to gain more Campaign Points!'
mis_desc_event_1b_cw_r_3 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1b_cw_r_4 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1b_cw_r_5 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1b_cw_r_5a 'Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all three stars!'
mis_desc_event_1b_cw_r_6 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1b_cw_r_7 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1b_cw_r_8 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_1b_cw_r_9 'Destroy half of the base for one star, the HQ for another, and all buildings for three stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_1 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_10 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_11 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_12 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_13 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_14 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_15 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_16 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_16a 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars!'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_17 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_18 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_19 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_2 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_20 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_21 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_22 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_23 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_24 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_25 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_26 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars!'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_27 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_28 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_29 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_3 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_30 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_31 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_32 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_33 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_34 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_35 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars!'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_36 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_37 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_38 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_39 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_4 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_40 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_41 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_42 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_43 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_44 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_45 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_46 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_47 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_48 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_49 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_5 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_50 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_50a 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars!'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_51 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_52 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_53 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_54 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_6 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_7 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_8 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_e_9 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars!'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_1 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_10 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_11 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_12 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_13 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_14 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_15 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_16 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_16a 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars!'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_17 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_18 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_19 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_2 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_20 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_21 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_22 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_23 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_24 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_25 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_26 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars!'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_27 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_28 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_29 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_3 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_30 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_31 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_32 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_33 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_34 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_35 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars!'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_36 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_37 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_38 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_39 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_4 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_40 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_41 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_42 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_43 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_44 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_45 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_46 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_47 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_48 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_49 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_5 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_50 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_50a 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars!'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_51 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_52 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_53 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_54 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_6 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_7 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_8 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_2_itm_r_9 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars!'
mis_desc_event_3_ts_e_1 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_3_ts_e_10 'Undead Trooper attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars!'
mis_desc_event_3_ts_e_11 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_3_ts_e_12 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_3_ts_e_13 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_3_ts_e_14 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_3_ts_e_15 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_3_ts_e_16 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_3_ts_e_17 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_3_ts_e_18 'Undead Trooper attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars!'
mis_desc_event_3_ts_e_19 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_3_ts_e_2 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the infected Squad Building for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_3_ts_e_20 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_3_ts_e_21 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_3_ts_e_22 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_3_ts_e_23 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_3_ts_e_24 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_3_ts_e_25 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_3_ts_e_26 '[C11C1E]Repeatable Mission[-] - Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the Infected Lab for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_3_ts_e_3 'Undead Trooper attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars!'
mis_desc_event_3_ts_e_4 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_3_ts_e_5 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_3_ts_e_6 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_3_ts_e_7 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_3_ts_e_8 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_3_ts_e_9 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_3_ts_r_1 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_3_ts_r_10 'Undead Trooper attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars!'
mis_desc_event_3_ts_r_11 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_3_ts_r_12 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_3_ts_r_13 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_3_ts_r_14 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_3_ts_r_15 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_3_ts_r_16 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_3_ts_r_17 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_3_ts_r_18 'Undead Trooper attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars!'
mis_desc_event_3_ts_r_19 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_3_ts_r_2 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the infected Squad Building for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_3_ts_r_20 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_3_ts_r_21 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_3_ts_r_22 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_3_ts_r_23 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_3_ts_r_24 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_3_ts_r_25 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_3_ts_r_26 '[C11C1E]Repeatable Mission[-] - Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the Infected Lab for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_3_ts_r_3 'Undead Trooper attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars!'
mis_desc_event_3_ts_r_4 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_3_ts_r_5 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_3_ts_r_6 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_3_ts_r_7 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_3_ts_r_8 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_3_ts_r_9 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_e_1 'Challenge Mission! You can only use the units provided. Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_e_10 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_e_11 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_e_12 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_e_13 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_e_14 "Attack a Rebel Agent's base and get at least 1 star in your attack to complete this mission. "
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_e_15 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_e_16 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_e_17 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars! \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_e_18 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars! \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_e_19 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_e_2 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 2+[-]'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_e_20 'Challenge Mission! You can only use the units provided. Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_e_21 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars! \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_e_22 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_e_23 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_e_24 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_e_25 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_e_26 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_e_27 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_e_28 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_e_29 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_e_3 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 2+[-]'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_e_30 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_e_31 'Repeatable Mission: Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_e_4 'Challenge Mission! You can only use the units provided. Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_e_5 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars! \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 3+[-]'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_e_6 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 3+[-]'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_e_7 "Attack a Rebel Agent's base and get at least 1 star in your attack to complete this mission."
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_e_8 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars! \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 3+[-]'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_e_9 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_r_1 'Challenge Mission! You can only use the units provided. Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_r_10 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_r_11 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_r_12 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_r_13 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_r_14 "Attack a Rebel Agent's base and get at least 1 star in your attack to complete this mission. "
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_r_15 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_r_16 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_r_17 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars! \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_r_18 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars! \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_r_19 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_r_2 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 2+[-]'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_r_20 'Challenge Mission! You can only use the units provided. Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_r_21 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars! \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_r_22 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_r_23 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_r_24 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_r_25 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_r_26 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_r_27 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_r_28 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_r_29 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_r_3 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 2+[-]'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_r_30 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_r_31 'Repeatable Mission: Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_r_4 'Challenge Mission! You can only use the units provided. Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_r_5 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars! \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 3+[-]'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_r_6 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 3+[-]'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_r_7 "Attack a Rebel Agent's base and get at least 1 star in your attack to complete this mission."
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_r_8 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars! \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 3+[-]'
mis_desc_event_4_eotf_r_9 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_event_5_tbd_10_e 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_event_5_tbd_10_r 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_event_5_tbd_11_e 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_event_5_tbd_11_r 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_event_5_tbd_12_e "Attack a Rebel Agent's base and get at least 1 star in your attack to complete this mission."
mis_desc_event_5_tbd_12_r "Attack an Imperial Operative's base and get at least 1 star in your attack to complete this mission."
mis_desc_event_5_tbd_13_e 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_event_5_tbd_13_r 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_event_5_tbd_14_e 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars! \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_event_5_tbd_14_r 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars! \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_event_5_tbd_15_e 'Challenge Mission! You can only use the units provided. Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_5_tbd_15_r 'Challenge Mission! You can only use the units provided. Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_5_tbd_16_e 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_event_5_tbd_16_r 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_event_5_tbd_17_e 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_event_5_tbd_17_r 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_event_5_tbd_18_e 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_event_5_tbd_18_r 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_event_5_tbd_19_e 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_event_5_tbd_19_r 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_event_5_tbd_1_e 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 3+[-]'
mis_desc_event_5_tbd_1_r 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 3+[-]'
mis_desc_event_5_tbd_20_e 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars! \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_event_5_tbd_20_r 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars! \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_event_5_tbd_21_e 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_event_5_tbd_21_r 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_event_5_tbd_22_e 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_event_5_tbd_22_r 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_event_5_tbd_23_e 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_event_5_tbd_23_r 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_event_5_tbd_24_e 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_event_5_tbd_24_r 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_event_5_tbd_25_e 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_event_5_tbd_25_r 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_event_5_tbd_26_e 'Repeatable Mission: Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8[-]'
mis_desc_event_5_tbd_26_r 'Repeatable Mission: Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8[-]'
mis_desc_event_5_tbd_2_e 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 3+[-]'
mis_desc_event_5_tbd_2_r 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 3+[-]'
mis_desc_event_5_tbd_3_e 'Challenge Mission! You can only use the units provided. Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_5_tbd_3_r 'Challenge Mission! You can only use the units provided. Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_5_tbd_4_e 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 3+[-]'
mis_desc_event_5_tbd_4_r 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 3+[-]'
mis_desc_event_5_tbd_5_e 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars! \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_event_5_tbd_5_r 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars! \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_event_5_tbd_6_e 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_event_5_tbd_6_r 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_event_5_tbd_7_e 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_event_5_tbd_7_r 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_event_5_tbd_8_e 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars! \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_event_5_tbd_8_r 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars! \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_event_5_tbd_9_e 'Challenge Mission! You can only use the units provided. Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_event_5_tbd_9_r 'Challenge Mission! You can only use the units provided. Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_evt_6_sa_e_1 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars! \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_6_sa_e_10 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_6_sa_e_11 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_6_sa_e_12 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_6_sa_e_13 "Attack a Rebel Agent's base and get at least 1 star in your attack to complete this mission."
mis_desc_evt_6_sa_e_14 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_6_sa_e_15 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_6_sa_e_16 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_6_sa_e_17 'Challenge Mission! You can only use the units provided. Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_evt_6_sa_e_18 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_6_sa_e_19 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_6_sa_e_2 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_6_sa_e_20 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_6_sa_e_21 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8[-]'
mis_desc_evt_6_sa_e_22 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8[-]'
mis_desc_evt_6_sa_e_23 'Challenge Mission! You can only use the units provided. Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_evt_6_sa_e_24 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8[-]'
mis_desc_evt_6_sa_e_25 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8[-]'
mis_desc_evt_6_sa_e_26 'Repeatable Mission: Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8[-]'
mis_desc_evt_6_sa_e_3 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_6_sa_e_4 'Challenge Mission! You can only use the units provided. Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_evt_6_sa_e_5 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_6_sa_e_6 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_6_sa_e_7 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_6_sa_e_8 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_6_sa_e_9 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_6_sa_r_1 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars! \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_6_sa_r_10 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_6_sa_r_11 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_6_sa_r_12 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_6_sa_r_13 "Attack an Imperial Operative's base and get at least 1 star in your attack complete this mission."
mis_desc_evt_6_sa_r_14 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_6_sa_r_15 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_6_sa_r_16 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_6_sa_r_17 'Challenge Mission! You can only use the units provided. Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_evt_6_sa_r_18 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_6_sa_r_19 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_6_sa_r_2 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_6_sa_r_20 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_6_sa_r_21 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8[-]'
mis_desc_evt_6_sa_r_22 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8[-]'
mis_desc_evt_6_sa_r_23 'Challenge Mission! You can only use the units provided. Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_evt_6_sa_r_24 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8[-]'
mis_desc_evt_6_sa_r_25 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8[-]'
mis_desc_evt_6_sa_r_26 'Repeatable Mission: Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8[-]'
mis_desc_evt_6_sa_r_3 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_6_sa_r_4 'Challenge Mission! You can only use the units provided. Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_evt_6_sa_r_5 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_6_sa_r_6 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_6_sa_r_7 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_6_sa_r_8 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_6_sa_r_9 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_7_rw_e_1 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_7_rw_e_10 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_7_rw_e_11 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars! \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_7_rw_e_12 '[1CDB2F]Challenge Mission![-] You can only use the units provided. Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_evt_7_rw_e_13 "Attack a Rebel Agent's base and get at least 1 star in your attack complete this mission."
mis_desc_evt_7_rw_e_14 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_7_rw_e_15 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_7_rw_e_16 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars! \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_7_rw_e_17 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_7_rw_e_18 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_7_rw_e_19 "Attack a Rebel Agent's base and get at least 1 star in your attack complete this mission."
mis_desc_evt_7_rw_e_2 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_7_rw_e_20 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_7_rw_e_21 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars! \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8[-]'
mis_desc_evt_7_rw_e_22 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8[-]'
mis_desc_evt_7_rw_e_23 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8[-]'
mis_desc_evt_7_rw_e_24 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8[-]'
mis_desc_evt_7_rw_e_25 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8[-]'
mis_desc_evt_7_rw_e_26 'Repeatable Mission! Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8[-]'
mis_desc_evt_7_rw_e_3 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_7_rw_e_4 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_7_rw_e_5 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_7_rw_e_6 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars! \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_7_rw_e_7 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_7_rw_e_8 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_7_rw_e_9 '[1CDB2F]Challenge Mission![-] You can only use the units provided. Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_evt_7_rw_r_1 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_7_rw_r_10 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_7_rw_r_11 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars! \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_7_rw_r_12 '[1CDB2F]Challenge Mission![-] You can only use the units provided. Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_evt_7_rw_r_13 "Attack an Imperial Operative's base and get at least 1 star in your attack complete this mission."
mis_desc_evt_7_rw_r_14 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_7_rw_r_15 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_7_rw_r_16 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars! \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_7_rw_r_17 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_7_rw_r_18 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_7_rw_r_19 "Attack an Imperial Operative's base and get at least 1 star in your attack complete this mission."
mis_desc_evt_7_rw_r_2 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_7_rw_r_20 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_7_rw_r_21 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars! \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8[-]'
mis_desc_evt_7_rw_r_22 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8[-]'
mis_desc_evt_7_rw_r_23 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8[-]'
mis_desc_evt_7_rw_r_24 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8[-]'
mis_desc_evt_7_rw_r_25 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8[-]'
mis_desc_evt_7_rw_r_26 'Repeatable Mission! Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8[-]'
mis_desc_evt_7_rw_r_3 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_7_rw_r_4 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_7_rw_r_5 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_7_rw_r_6 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars! \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_7_rw_r_7 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_7_rw_r_8 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_7_rw_r_9 '[1CDB2F]Challenge Mission![-] You can only use the units provided. Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_evt_8_rs_e_1 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_8_rs_e_10 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars! \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_8_rs_e_11 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars! \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_8_rs_e_12 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_8_rs_e_13 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_8_rs_e_14 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_8_rs_e_15 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_8_rs_e_16 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_8_rs_e_17 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_8_rs_e_18 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars! \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_8_rs_e_19 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_8_rs_e_2 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_8_rs_e_20 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_8_rs_e_21 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_8_rs_e_22 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_8_rs_e_23 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_8_rs_e_24 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_8_rs_e_25 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_8_rs_e_26 'Repeatable Mission! Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_8_rs_e_3 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars! \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_8_rs_e_4 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_8_rs_e_5 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_8_rs_e_6 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_8_rs_e_7 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_8_rs_e_8 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_8_rs_e_9 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_8_rs_r_1 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_8_rs_r_10 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars! \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_8_rs_r_11 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars! \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_8_rs_r_12 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_8_rs_r_13 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_8_rs_r_14 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_8_rs_r_15 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_8_rs_r_16 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_8_rs_r_17 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_8_rs_r_18 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars! \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_8_rs_r_19 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_8_rs_r_2 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_8_rs_r_20 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 7+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_8_rs_r_21 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_8_rs_r_22 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_8_rs_r_23 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_8_rs_r_24 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_8_rs_r_25 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_8_rs_r_26 'Repeatable Mission! Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_8_rs_r_3 'Enemy attack incoming! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars! \n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_8_rs_r_4 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_8_rs_r_5 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_8_rs_r_6 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_8_rs_r_7 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_8_rs_r_8 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_8_rs_r_9 'Destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 5+[-]'
mis_desc_evt_9_epffa_e_1 'Prepare your troops for the next battle in the Novice Challenge series! Every star you earn in these challenge battles nets you more Event Points!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4-5[-]'
mis_desc_evt_9_epffa_e_2 'Prepare your troops for the next battle in the Initiate Challenge series! Every star you earn in these challenge battles nets you more Event Points!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6-7[-]'
mis_desc_evt_9_epffa_e_3 'Prepare your troops for the next battle in the Master Challenge series! Every star you earn in these challenge battles nets you more Event Points!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8-9[-]'
mis_desc_evt_9_epffa_r_1 'Prepare your troops for the next battle in the Novice Challenge series! Every star you earn in these challenge battles nets you more Event Points!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4-5[-]'
mis_desc_evt_9_epffa_r_2 'Prepare your troops for the next battle in the Initiate Challenge series! Every star you earn in these challenge battles nets you more Event Points!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 6-7[-]'
mis_desc_evt_9_epffa_r_3 'Prepare your troops for the next battle in the Master Challenge series! Every star you earn in these challenge battles nets you more Event Points!\n[1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8-9[-]'
mis_desc_sce_1_gwar_e_1 'Your base is under attack by mercenary forces! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars. [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_sce_1_gwar_e_2 'Challenge Mission! Use the provided troops to destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_sce_1_gwar_e_3 'Challenge Mission! Use the provided troops to destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_sce_1_gwar_e_4 'Repeatable Mission! Pair your troops with Gamorreans to destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8+[-]'
mis_desc_sce_1_gwar_r_1 'Your base is under attack by mercenary forces! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars. [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 4+[-]'
mis_desc_sce_1_gwar_r_2 'Challenge Mission! Use the provided troops to destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_sce_1_gwar_r_3 'Challenge Mission! Use the provided troops to destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars.'
mis_desc_sce_1_gwar_r_4 'Repeatable Mission! Pair your troops with Gamorreans to destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8+[-]'
mis_desc_sce_2_star_e_1 'Challenge Mission! Use TIE Bombers and the forces provided to destroy a smuggler outpost.'
mis_desc_sce_2_star_e_2 'Challenge Mission! Use the TIE Advanced to bring down the shields, then hit the mortars with TIE fighters so your forces can attack the base.'
mis_desc_sce_2_star_e_3 'Challenge Mission! Use the TIE Interceptor to break down the walls & then send in the ground forces to destroy the base.'
mis_desc_sce_2_star_e_4 'Challenge Mission! Use the TIE Defender to destroy the turret clusters & then send in the troops to destroy the base.'
mis_desc_sce_2_star_e_5 'Your base is under attack by mercenary forces! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars.'
mis_desc_sce_2_star_e_6 'Repeatable Mission! Pair your troops with starships to destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8+[-]'
mis_desc_sce_2_star_r_1 'Challenge Mission! Use Y-wing Bombers and the forces provided to destroy a smuggler outpost.'
mis_desc_sce_2_star_r_2 'Challenge Mission! Use the A-wing to bring down the shields, then hit the mortars with X-Wings so your forces can attack the base.'
mis_desc_sce_2_star_r_3 'Challenge Mission! Use the Z-95 to break down the walls & then send in the ground forces to destroy the base.'
mis_desc_sce_2_star_r_4 'Challenge Mission! Use the B-wings to destroy the turret clusters & then send in the troops to destroy the base.'
mis_desc_sce_2_star_r_5 'Your base is under attack by mercenary forces! Prevent your HQ from being destroyed to earn all 3 stars.'
mis_desc_sce_2_star_r_6 'Repeatable Mission! Pair your troops with starships to destroy half of the base for 1 star, the HQ for 2 stars, and all buildings for 3 stars. [1CDB2F]Recommended for HQ Level 8+[-]'
mis_generic_defeat_att_jennica_fail1 "Agent be careful with Rebel resources. Consider the strengths and weaknesses of your forces and your enemy's defenses and plan carefully next time you launch an attack."
mis_generic_defeat_att_kosh_fail1 "I find your lack of tactical planning disturbing. Consider the strengths and weaknesses of your forces and your enemy's defenses and strike back."
mis_generic_defeat_att_saponza_fail1 "Battle is like sabacc, partner. You got to know when to hold 'em, fold 'em, fly away, or reach for your gun. Take a look at the enemy here, think about how we can beat their hand, and play to win next time."
mis_generic_defeat_def_any_jennica_fail1 'Each failure is a learning moment, Agent. Protect vital buildings and plan your defenses carefully. The enemy will undoubtedly return, make sure next time they are the ones who are defeated.'
mis_generic_defeat_def_any_kosh_fail1 "Failure is unbecoming, Operative. Increase your garrison's defenses and do not fail the Empire again."
mis_generic_defeat_def_any_saponza_fail1 "Those guys did a number on our base. Let's strengthen our defenses before they come back to finish the job!"
mis_goal_evt_8_rs_e_1 'Destroy the Rebel base!'
mis_goal_evt_8_rs_e_10 'Defend your garrison from Rebel forces!'
mis_goal_evt_8_rs_e_11 'Destroy the Rebel base!'
mis_goal_evt_8_rs_e_12 'Destroy the Rebel base!'
mis_goal_evt_8_rs_e_13 'Destroy the Rebel base!'
mis_goal_evt_8_rs_e_14 'Destroy the Rebel base!'
mis_goal_evt_8_rs_e_15 'Destroy the Rebel base!'
mis_goal_evt_8_rs_e_16 'Destroy the Rebel base!'
mis_goal_evt_8_rs_e_17 'Destroy the Rebel base!'
mis_goal_evt_8_rs_e_18 'Defend your garrison from Rebel forces!'
mis_goal_evt_8_rs_e_19 'Destroy the Rebel base!'
mis_goal_evt_8_rs_e_2 'Destroy the Rebel base!'
mis_goal_evt_8_rs_e_20 'Destroy the Rebel base!'
mis_goal_evt_8_rs_e_21 'Destroy the Rebel base!'
mis_goal_evt_8_rs_e_22 'Destroy the Rebel base!'
mis_goal_evt_8_rs_e_23 'Destroy the Rebel base!'
mis_goal_evt_8_rs_e_24 'Destroy the Rebel base!'
mis_goal_evt_8_rs_e_25 'Destroy the Rebel base!'
mis_goal_evt_8_rs_e_26 'Destroy the Rebel base!'
mis_goal_evt_8_rs_e_3 'Defend your garrison from Rebel forces!'
mis_goal_evt_8_rs_e_4 'Destroy the Rebel base!'
mis_goal_evt_8_rs_e_5 'Destroy the Rebel base!'
mis_goal_evt_8_rs_e_6 'Destroy the Rebel base!'
mis_goal_evt_8_rs_e_7 'Destroy the Rebel base!'
mis_goal_evt_8_rs_e_8 'Destroy the Rebel base!'
mis_goal_evt_8_rs_e_9 'Destroy the Rebel base!'
mis_goal_evt_8_rs_r_1 'Destroy the Imperial garrison!'
mis_goal_evt_8_rs_r_10 'Defend your base from Imperial forces!'
mis_goal_evt_8_rs_r_11 'Destroy the Imperial garrison!'
mis_goal_evt_8_rs_r_12 'Destroy the Imperial garrison!'
mis_goal_evt_8_rs_r_13 'Destroy the Imperial garrison!'
mis_goal_evt_8_rs_r_14 'Destroy the Imperial garrison!'
mis_goal_evt_8_rs_r_15 'Destroy the Imperial garrison!'
mis_goal_evt_8_rs_r_16 'Destroy the Imperial garrison!'
mis_goal_evt_8_rs_r_17 'Destroy the Imperial garrison!'
mis_goal_evt_8_rs_r_18 'Defend your base from Imperial forces!'
mis_goal_evt_8_rs_r_19 'Destroy the Imperial garrison!'
mis_goal_evt_8_rs_r_2 'Destroy the Imperial garrison!'
mis_goal_evt_8_rs_r_20 'Destroy the Imperial garrison!'
mis_goal_evt_8_rs_r_21 'Destroy the Imperial garrison!'
mis_goal_evt_8_rs_r_22 'Destroy the Imperial garrison!'
mis_goal_evt_8_rs_r_23 'Destroy the Imperial garrison!'
mis_goal_evt_8_rs_r_24 'Destroy the Imperial garrison!'
mis_goal_evt_8_rs_r_25 'Destroy the Imperial garrison!'
mis_goal_evt_8_rs_r_26 'Destroy the Imperial garrison!'
mis_goal_evt_8_rs_r_3 'Defend your base from Imperial forces!'
mis_goal_evt_8_rs_r_4 'Destroy the Imperial garrison!'
mis_goal_evt_8_rs_r_5 'Destroy the Imperial garrison!'
mis_goal_evt_8_rs_r_6 'Destroy the Imperial garrison!'
mis_goal_evt_8_rs_r_7 'Destroy the Imperial garrison!'
mis_goal_evt_8_rs_r_8 'Destroy the Imperial garrison!'
mis_goal_evt_8_rs_r_9 'Destroy the Imperial garrison!'
mis_goal_sce_1_gwar_e_1 'Defend your base from the mercenary invasion!'
mis_goal_sce_1_gwar_e_2 'Use the provided units to destroy the base!'
mis_goal_sce_1_gwar_e_3 'Use the provided units to destroy the base!'
mis_goal_sce_1_gwar_e_4 'Develop your strategy with added mercenaries!'
mis_goal_sce_1_gwar_r_1 'Defend your base from the mercenary invasion!'
mis_goal_sce_1_gwar_r_2 'Use the provided units to destroy the base!'
mis_goal_sce_1_gwar_r_3 'Use the provided units to destroy the base!'
mis_goal_sce_1_gwar_r_4 'Develop your strategy with added mercenaries!'
mis_itm_10_e_intro1 'Continue to hammer on the Rebels, Operative. There are many outposts remaining, and Imperial command is anxious to remove the scum from this world.'
mis_itm_10_e_intro2 'This base appears to have an above-average defense of walls. If you have access to [F2D62F]Shock Troopers[-], I recommend using them.'
mis_itm_10_r_intro1 'Continue to attack the Empire, Agent. We are intercepting a wealth of Imperial communication that has Rebel Command... concerned.'
mis_itm_10_r_intro2 "This base has a lot of walls. If you have access to [F2D62F]Vanguards[-], I'd recommend using them."
mis_itm_16a_e_intro1 'The Rebel scum has launched an attack on your garrison, Operative. Show them the error of their ways.'
mis_itm_16a_r_intro1 'Imperial attack incoming!'
mis_itm_18_e_intro1 "Operative, don't forget to bring a [F2D62F]Hero[-] with you when you launch attacks. Failure to do so could lead to defeat. The Empire looks poorly upon defeat."
mis_itm_18_r_intro1 "Agent, many [F2D62F]Heroes[-] of the Rebellion await your call. If you find the Empire positions too difficult don't forget to mobilize help at the Hero Command."
mis_itm_1_e_fail1 'Rebel forces on Dandoran are dug in, Operative. Ensure your unit transports are full before launching an attack.'
mis_itm_1_e_intro1 'Operative, the battle on [F2D62F]Dandoran[-] is escalating. Your presence is required immediately!'
mis_itm_1_e_intro2 'Rebel presence is resurging across this world. We are receiving reports that they have uncovered valuable resources there.'
mis_itm_1_r_fail1 'The Empire is defending this world with dogged determination, Agent. Ensure you have full unit transports before launching any attacks.'
mis_itm_1_r_intro1 'Agent, the battle on [F2D62F]Dandoran[-] is escalating.'
mis_itm_1_r_intro2 'Command has identified a number of Imperial facilities, including what appears to be several mining camps. Your aid is urgently needed.'
mis_itm_20_e_intro1 'Excellent work thus far, Operative. Continue to hit the Rebels and deny those traitors any quarter or ground.'
mis_itm_20_r_intro1 'Excellent work so far, Agent. Keep hitting the Imperials. Our network of Bothan spies is hard at work, learning the true purpose for the Imperial presence on this world.'
mis_itm_25_e_intro1 'This would appear to be another well fortified Rebel base. I recommend [F2D62F]Shock Troopers[-], if you have access to them.'
mis_itm_25_r_intro1 'Another heavily fortified base. If you have [F2D62F]Vanguards[F2D62F], you should consider using them.'
mis_itm_28_e_intro1 'The Rebels are fortifying their bases the harder we push against them. Do not forget to commission [F2D62F]Starship Strikes[-] in your Starship Command to help in battle.'
mis_itm_28_r_intro1 'The harder we hit the Empire the harder they defend. [F2D62F]Starship Strikes[-] commissioned form your Starship Command can turn the tide of a battle when carefully used.'
mis_itm_2_e_intro1 'Operative, we have discovered what the Rebels are doing here: Mining starship fuel to power their A-wing attack crafts.'
mis_itm_2_e_intro2 'We can also use this fuel for our [F2D62F]TIE Advanced[-] fighter craft. I have made several of these fighters available to you for this mission.'
mis_itm_2_e_intro3 '[F2D62F]TIE Advanced[-] are equipped with powerful ion weapons which can damage shields. Teach this Rebel scum the price for betraying the Emperor.'
mis_itm_2_e_outro1 'Remember, Operative: You can use [F2D62F]Event Points[-] to gain the ability to commission [F2D62F]TIE Advanced[-] starship strikes of your own.'
mis_itm_2_r_intro1 'Agent, the Empire is mining minerals for starship fuel for their TIE Advanced fighters.'
mis_itm_2_r_intro2 'However, we can also use this same fuel for our own [F2D62F]A-wing[-] craft.'
mis_itm_2_r_intro3 '[F2D62F]A-wing Fighters[-] are equipped with powerful ion weapons which can damage shields. These will prove invaluable in defeating entrenched Imperial positions.'
mis_itm_2_r_outro1 'Remember, Agent: You can use [F2D62F]Event Points[-] to gain the ability to commission [F2D62F]A-wing[-] starship strikes of your own.'
mis_itm_32_e_intro1 'Fine job, Operative. The Rebels continue to lose their mining facilities, and they remain totally unaware of our research facilities on the southern continent. Keep at it.'
mis_itm_32_r_intro1 "Good work so far, Agent. We're denying the Empire their mining operations and stocking up on starfighter fuel. Keep at it."
mis_itm_40_e_intro1 'Commendable, Operative. The Rebels are losing ground. At this rate, [F2D62F]Dandoran[-] will be in the grip of the Empire soon, and our research facilities can continue their work in secret.'
mis_itm_40_r_intro1 "So far so good, Agent. We're receiving word of some Imperial facilities on the southern continent, hidden by a massive cloaking device. Continue to apply pressure here, so we can investigate."
mis_itm_50a_e_fail1 'Your garrison was defeated by beasts of burden? Unacceptable! Increase your defenses at once!'
mis_itm_50a_e_intro1 'Operative, intelligence section has identified what appears to be a... large herd of creatures inbound. Prepare your defenses.'
mis_itm_50a_e_outro1 'A most preposterous strategy on the part of the Rebels. Clearly they are becoming desperate. Push forward on Dandoran, Operative. Subsector Command, out.'
mis_itm_50a_r_fail1 "Make sure to upgrade your defenses, Agent. The Empire won't stop until we're wiped out. We are the galaxy's only hope!"
mis_itm_50a_r_intro1 "Agent, the Empire has sent a large force of Dewbacks to attack your base, drawn from their Er'Kit garrison, I'm told. Prepare your defenses."
mis_itm_50a_r_outro1 'While not necessarily a bad idea, without support from other units, an attack like that was destined to fail. Good work, Agent.'
mis_itm_52_e_outro1 'Excellent work, Operative. The enemy is on the run, and we have secured significant quantities of fuel. Continue to attack what bases you can.'
mis_itm_52_e_outro2 'In addition, the work being done in our research facility to the south may continue without interference. Well done.'
mis_itm_52_r_outro1 'Amazing work, Agent. The Imperial forces across most of Dandoran have fallen, and we are sifting through the intelligence windfall right now.'
mis_itm_52_r_outro2 'We are investigating disturbing rumors of Imperial biological research on the southern continent. It may be that the battle for Dandoran is not yet over, Agent.'
mis_itm_9_e_fail1 'Operative, you can expect the enemy to show you no mercy. Ensure your defenses are fully prepared for any attack, and defend your HQ at all costs.'
mis_itm_9_e_intro1 'Operative, reports indicate an enemy force inbound. This is likely related to your ongoing efforts in the Dandoran Campaign.'
mis_itm_9_r_fail1 "Agent, the Empire shows its foes no mercy. Make sure your base has upgraded turrets and other defenses, so you're able to fend off attacks."
mis_itm_9_r_intro1 'Agent, an enemy force is inbound. They are likely trying to stop you from continuing your activities on Dandoran.'
mis_rsf_10_r_intro1 'Look at this place. This is a real proper fortress.'
mis_rsf_10_r_intro2 'This is Fort Sunfire, Agent Saponza. One of two such fortifications on Tatooine. The other is Fort Ironhand, which is near Anchorhead.'
mis_rsf_10_r_intro3 'I have sent you Sergeant Oto Vans, and have a few X-wing fighters on standby to help you. May the Force be with you, Agent.'
mis_rsf_10_r_outro1 'Enjoy your meaningless victory while you can, Rebel trash. This attack shall be repaid in kind.'
mis_rsf_11_r_intro1 'Good work on the destruction of Fort Sunfire, Agent. That should buy us quite a lot of breathing room to...'
mis_rsf_11_r_intro2 "Ahh, there you are. I've read up on you. You're the mercenary Lord Vader hired so long ago to deal with a Tusken village."
mis_rsf_11_r_intro3 'Well, your time has come, Rebel scum! The might of the Empire bears down upon you. Mechanized forces, attack!'
mis_rsf_11_r_intro4 "I'm sure Lord Vader will reward me when I ship him your traitorous bones. Armor deployment, Attack!"
mis_rsf_11_r_outro1 'You survived my vehicles, did you? No matter... the 68th Legion will be here shortly.'
mis_rsf_11_r_outro2 "Sounds like infantry, partner. We'd better get ready."
mis_rsf_12_r_intro1 "That's a lot of ground forces, partner. Must be over half the entire Tatooine garrison marchin' on our walls."
mis_rsf_12_r_intro2 '68th Legion, advance! Leave nothing standing! Take no prisoners!'
mis_rsf_12_r_outro1 "Truly amazing work, Agent. By defeating the full brunt of Kosh's forces, you've just forced him to be on the defensive."
mis_rsf_12_r_outro2 "Even now that he knows where our base is, he won't be able to attack again for a while. And that gives us precious time."
mis_rsf_12_r_outro3 'The battle for Tatooine has truly begun now. Thanks to you and Saponza, we might just pull it off and kick the Empire off the planet.'
mis_rsf_1_r_intro1 'Rebel base sighted! All units attack!'
mis_rsf_1_r_intro1a "Hey partner, we're intercepting an Imperial comm signal... coming from real close, too."
mis_rsf_1_r_outro1 'That was a close call, Agent. Imperial patrols are increasing in frequency. They know we are on Tatooine.'
mis_rsf_1_r_outro2 "I don't think we can wait any longer. We will have to strike at the Empire now. Prepare an assault force."
mis_rsf_2_r_intro1 'What is this? Rebel scum! You will never defeat the Empire! Troopers, to your stations. Destroy these traitors!'
mis_rsf_2_r_intro2 'Sergeant Oto Vans reporting, sir. Jennica asked me to help you from now on. Awaiting orders...'
mis_rsf_2_r_outro1 "That was Captain Kosh. He's the officer in charge of the Empire's Tatooine garrison. Regroup at base."
mis_rsf_3_r_intro1 "Agent, the Empire's defenses are increasing. To keep pace, we will need to deploy larger forces into combat."
mis_rsf_3_r_intro2 'To ensure you can deploy the largest force possible, have two level four Unit Transports in your base.'
mis_rsf_3_r_outro1 'I have uploaded the coordinates of all the remaining minor Imperial bases we know about on Tatooine.'
mis_rsf_3_r_outro2 'You need to destroy them before we can make a run at the main regional base: Fort Sunfire.'
mis_rsf_4_r_intro1 "This village was forced to shelter the Empire's forces. Let's fix that, Agent."
mis_rsf_4_r_outro1 "Good work. The villagers will be grateful we've freed them. We've fired the first shot in the battle for Tatooine."
mis_rsf_5_r_intro1 "The Empire sure is putting a lot of effort into finding us, partner. I wonder if they're just trying to save face, or there's something else going on here."
mis_rsf_5_r_intro2 'Anyway, best if we level this outpost too.'
mis_rsf_5_r_outro1 "What's so important about Tatooine anyway? You remember when Darth Vader paid us to hit a Tusken village? Why would Vader even care about this backwater sandball?"
mis_rsf_5_r_outro2 'Something fishy about this if you ask me, partner. The Empire has more going on here than just a local garrison. Keep your eyes and ears open.'
mis_rsf_6_r_intro1 "My sources tell me this is an Imperial Alloy processing facility. In order to destroy it quickly, I'm sending you a large contingent of Pathfinders."
mis_rsf_6_r_intro2 'They are equipped with weapons attuned to deal heavy damage to resource buildings, and will make short work of this base.'
mis_rsf_6_r_intro3 'But be careful, as they are lightly armored. Without a stronger unit to distract the defenders, the Pathfinders may not survive long.'
mis_rsf_6_r_outro1 'Not bad, partner. I think we should consider using some of these Pathfinders when we attack those Imperial Operatives.'
mis_rsf_7_r_intro1 "Here we go, partner. Let's upgrade our Barracks to level four, so we can accommodate those Pathfinders we just saw in action!"
mis_rsf_7_r_outro1 "Looking good. Can't wait to try 'em out!"
mis_rsf_8_r_intro1 'Agent, this would appear to be another Alloy processing facility. You are, of course, free to choose your deployment, but I suggest sending in Pathfinders if you have them.'
mis_rsf_8_r_outro1 'Now that we have deprived the Empire of their alloy processing and shipments, we can attack more fortified targets. Be ready.'
mis_rsf_9_r_intro1 'We are nearly ready to strike at the main Imperial garrison on this side of Tatooine: Fort Sunfire. But first, we must take out this listening station.'
mis_rsf_9_r_outro1 'Good work Agent. Be prepared for a very difficult fight. Fort Sunfire is next and will not fall easily.'
mis_sas_10_e_intro1 'Our Mole has uncovered a large Rebel presence on Dandoran. Not surprising, given the lax security we last saw there, no?'
mis_sas_10_e_intro2 "This is the opportunity we've needed. Hit this base, and hit it hard. Veers out."
mis_sas_10_e_outro1 "By making the Rebels think we're going after their Dandoran base, we can cause them to leave Kessen undefended."
mis_sas_10_r_intro1 "There's a big Empire base on Dandoran. We're going to make them think we're going after it."
mis_sas_10_r_intro2 "Step one, hit an Imperial Operative's base, and make it hurt."
mis_sas_10_r_outro1 "Next, we take out the staging area on Dandoran where they're storing a division of AT-ATs."
mis_sas_11_e_intro1 'This is a staging area for the Rebel attacks. Destroy it, and make it flashy so they think the whole fleet is coming in after them.'
mis_sas_11_e_intro2 'Do not get too comfortable taking orders from General Veers, Operative. Remember, I am still your commanding officer.'
mis_sas_11_e_outro1 "Good. Our mole reports a lot of Rebel activity on Dandoran. The plan worked. They think we're going after their main base."
mis_sas_11_e_outro2 "Return to base. It's time to spring the trap."
mis_sas_11_r_intro1 "This base provides a lot of support to a larger base nearby. They'll think we're going after the main Dandoran garrison."
mis_sas_11_r_intro2 "But, while they're busy pulling in everything they've got for that, we're going after the real prize."
mis_sas_11_r_outro1 "Okay, partner. Get ready. I found Kessen, and it's time to spring him."
mis_sas_11_r_outro2 "Senator Kessen? Wait... I've heard of that guy. They say he killed a Rancor with a hunting knife on an expedition to Dathomir. Can't wait to meet him!"
mis_sas_12_e_intro1 'Johhar Kessen is a former senator, partner. Connected all over the galaxy, and a legendary hunter to boot, if you believe the stories.'
mis_sas_12_e_intro2 "I'd heard the Rebels were tryin' to woo him. Looks like that's about to go sideways."
mis_sas_12_e_intro3 'This is it, Agent. Deploy your forces and destroy the Shield generator. Our bombers will do the rest.'
mis_sas_12_e_outro1 'You could have just knocked, you know.'
mis_sas_12_e_outro2 'Johhar Kessen, under the authority of Lord Vader you are to come with us.'
mis_sas_12_e_outro3 "Oh? Sure, why not? I bet you can make me a better offer... can't you General?"
mis_sas_12_e_outro4 "Good work, Operative. By denying the traitorous Rebel Kessen's influence and connections, we've dealt them a stronger blow than any destroyed base or ship."
mis_sas_12_r_intro1 'Johhar Kessen is a former senator, partner. Connected all over the galaxy, and a legendary hunter to boot, if you believe the stories.'
mis_sas_12_r_intro2 "Empire locked him up to keep the people on his planet in line, but if we spring him, we can get him to side with the Alliance. Let's do this."
mis_sas_12_r_intro3 'This is it, Agent. Deploy Leia, Han Solo, and Chewbacca and destroy the shield generator so we can send in the bombers to level the prison.'
mis_sas_12_r_outro1 'Well, well, well. Rebel Alliance, eh? To what do I owe this timely jailbreak?'
mis_sas_12_r_outro2 "We'll talk about that in detail, Senator Kessen. Trust me. For now, let's get out of here."
mis_sas_12_r_outro3 "Good work, kid. It's been a pleasure."
mis_sas_12_r_outro4 'Indeed, Agent. If we can get Kessen to use his influence to help the Alliance, this will have been a major victory. Very well done.'
mis_sas_1_e_intro1 'Operative, I continue to hear good things about your performance under General Veers.'
mis_sas_1_e_intro2 'I have been told to expect new orders for us soon, in the meantime continue to upgrade your base.'
mis_sas_1_e_outro1 'We meet again, Operative. I have special orders from high command.'
mis_sas_1_e_outro2 'We are going to strike at a number of Rebel facilities across this subsector in order to locate and capture a high value target. Prep your forces for departure.'
mis_sas_1_r_intro1 'Agent, your recent success against Fort Sunfire and the depletion of the local Imperial forces leaves us with an advantage.'
mis_sas_1_r_intro2 'I am working with Rebel command concerning how to best exploit our situation. In the meantime, continue your base upgrades.'
mis_sas_1_r_outro1 "So, it's you Jennica speaks so highly of? Good to see you again. I'm glad you joined us."
mis_sas_1_r_outro2 "My friends and I have a plan to catch the Empire unprepared, and you're going to help us."
mis_sas_2_e_intro1 'Operative, the plan calls for us to place a mole within a smuggler group we know to be aiding the Rebels. Then, track their movements to identify Rebel bases.'
mis_sas_2_e_intro2 'Once we know where they are located, we will begin the second phase. '
mis_sas_2_e_intro3 "We'll need to cause significant damage to this Smuggler base in order to plant our mole. Get to it."
mis_sas_2_e_outro1 'Good work. The mole has infiltrated the Smuggler group, and strategically positioned himself as member of the crew.'
mis_sas_2_e_outro2 'We should soon begin to see the benefits of this plan. Return to base.'
mis_sas_2_r_intro1 'Hey there, good to see you two again.'
mis_sas_2_r_intro2 'Han Solo, right? I remember you from when we signed up.'
mis_sas_2_r_intro3 "Right. Saponza isn't it? You and your partner are going to help us run a con on the local Moff. First step: hit this base."
mis_sas_2_r_outro1 "What we're working on here is a little game I learned from a friend, called the Coruscant City Shuffle. It's a con game."
mis_sas_2_r_outro2 'One of our guys is going to be left behind at this base and "defect". This\'ll be fun. Trust me, kid.'
mis_sas_3_e_intro1 'Our mole has sent the signal. Our first target will be the base of a Rebel Agent.'
mis_sas_3_e_intro2 "Once we capture the Rebel Agent's base, we will make it appear as if we have a defector feeding us information on Rebel movements."
mis_sas_3_e_outro1 'Great work. We are looking to find a valuable former senator named Johhar Kessen. With his support, we should be able to find the location Rebel high command fled to after Yavin. '
mis_sas_3_e_outro2 "Operative, the mole reports there's a Rebel attack being launched on your base. Prepare your defenses to fight infantry."
mis_sas_3_r_intro1 'Our mole has sent the signal. The Empire bought his "defection", and we\'re going to target one of their Operatives for an attack.'
mis_sas_3_r_intro2 "Good. He'll tell them where we'll attack, but not soon enough for them to stop it. Once they trust his intel, we got 'em hooked."
mis_sas_3_r_outro1 "The Empire knows that attack came from this base. They'll have to send an attack in reply."
mis_sas_3_r_outro2 'All part of the plan, princess. All part of the plan.'
mis_sas_4_e_intro1 'Infantry incoming. Rebel attack!'
mis_sas_4_e_intro2 'Rebels favor sending large infantry forces. Mortars would be prudent.'
mis_sas_4_e_outro1 "It's a bit strange for the Empire to be doing this kind of thing, ain't it? Usually they like to bust in the front door, guns blazin'."
mis_sas_4_e_outro2 'Kind of a nice change of pace, if you ask me.'
mis_sas_4_r_intro1 "You called it, Solo. We've got a lot of infantry inbound."
mis_sas_4_r_intro2 'With their local garrison depleted of vehicles, this is all they have on hand. Mortars will make short work of them.'
mis_sas_4_r_outro1 'The plan is that the mole will feed the Empire intel to keep them guessing while we go after the real target.'
mis_sas_4_r_outro2 "We've got more misdirection to lay before we do that though, so let's get to it."
mis_sas_5_e_intro1 'Operative, we need to be able to field large forces rapidly. Your barracks is already upgraded to level 4.'
mis_sas_5_e_intro2 'You can support multiple barracks, and they can work simultaneously to train a large force quickly. Get to it.'
mis_sas_5_e_outro1 'The plan is taking shape. Our mole is feeding all kinds of disinformation to the Rebel forces. They will spread themselves thin trying to capitalize on "weaknesses".'
mis_sas_5_e_outro2 'While they do that, we shall locate Senator Kessen for capture. Clever plan, General.'
mis_sas_5_r_intro1 "I like working with this Solo character, partner. He's one smooth scoundrel."
mis_sas_5_r_intro2 "Saponza, I echo your sentiment. While the next phase of this operation is being planned, please make sure your barracks are fully upgraded and ready for what's coming."
mis_sas_5_r_outro1 "The plan's simple: by getting the Empire to spread their forces thinly in this subsector, we can hit something important."
mis_sas_5_r_outro2 "Something we wouldn't normally be able to risk."
mis_sas_6_e_intro1 'Intelligence section is searching all data records you capture from the Rebel facilities. This is very valuable work you are doing, Operative.'
mis_sas_6_e_intro2 'Destroy this Rebel base, Operative. They must be forced to keep guessing where we will strike.'
mis_sas_6_e_outro1 'Good work so far. Keep it up.'
mis_sas_6_r_intro1 "I like this plan, Mr. Solo. I'd never have thought you'd know so much about subterfuge."
mis_sas_6_r_intro2 "Lady, clearly you've never had to dodge Imperial blockades or bluff dockmasters. Trust me. We've got this."
mis_sas_6_r_outro1 'The plan appears to be working, Agent. I am getting reports of the Empire redistributing forces across the subsector.'
mis_sas_7_e_intro1 'Our mole has fed us the location of another Rebel base. Destroy it.'
mis_sas_7_e_outro1 'The mole reports that another attack is imminent.'
mis_sas_7_e_outro2 'Return to base and prepare to fight an armored engagement.'
mis_sas_7_r_intro1 "Keeping the Empire off-balance is critical now. If they don't know where we will hit, they will spread themselves too thin."
mis_sas_7_r_outro1 "The Empire is massing for another attack, well before they've replenished their strength."
mis_sas_7_r_outro2 "We're also keeping them busy in other parts of the outer rim, so they can't reinforce any one garrison to full strength."
mis_sas_8_e_intro1 "Incoming force! It's vehicles."
mis_sas_8_e_outro1 'Good. The Rebels appear disorganized and desperate. We have identified a high value target to go after.'
mis_sas_8_e_outro2 'Johhar Kessen was once an influential senator, but is now a "guest" of the Rebels while they try to earn his favor. We will put a stop to that.'
mis_sas_8_r_intro1 "Incoming force! Just a few vehicles. They're really getting low on forces."
mis_sas_8_r_outro1 "Great job. They should be pretty confused about what we're doing, and low enough on defenders that we can start looking for Senator Kessen."
mis_sas_8_r_outro2 "Yeah, but we've got to find that senator first. We can't spring him if we don't know where they're keeping him. I've got an idea though."
mis_sas_9_e_intro1 'Operative, we have discovered a large contingent of Rebel infantry at this location. Destroy them all.'
mis_sas_9_e_outro1 'Excellent. The Rebels are going to have to go into hiding at this rate. They will leave the base they are keeping the Senator at exposed.'
mis_sas_9_r_intro1 'A platoon of Stormtroopers are at this base awaiting transit to reinforce some smaller bases, Agent. Take them out.'
mis_sas_9_r_outro1 "Okay, good job there kid. Now it's time to make them look right, when we're about to go left."
mis_sotm_10_e_intro1 "Partner, something tells me we're going to need more men in future battles. Let's build another [F2D62F]Unit Transport[-] and upgrade it to level 2."
mis_sotm_10_e_outro1 'I like your... initiative, Operative. We have learned much, following your raid on that Rebel base.'
mis_sotm_10_e_outro2 'We now suspect several mercenary groups here on Tatooine of secretly aiding the Rebels. You will continue to work with the Hutt to identify and destroy them.'
mis_sotm_10_r_intro1 "Partner, something tells me we're going to need to be able to send more troops into battle. Let's upgrade the [F2D62F]Unit Transport[-]."
mis_sotm_10_r_outro1 'Prudent initiative on upgrading the Unit Transport. The data we got from the Empire base is decoded.'
mis_sotm_10_r_outro2 "Agent, I won't lie... This is bad news: Jabba got us mixed up in a feud between his cartel and other Hutts. We need to deal with the rest of the mercenaries before they can regroup and reinforce."
mis_sotm_11_e_intro1 'Ahh, good to see you again Imperial. I see you understand how to follow orders unquestioningly. A useful trait in your Empire.'
mis_sotm_11_e_intro2 "I look forward to watching you finish dealing with my master's enemies."
mis_sotm_11_e_outro1 'A most spectacular effort, Imperial. I will embellish it suitably with mighty Jabba.'
mis_sotm_11_r_intro1 'Ahh, good to see you again "Rebel Commander". I see you\'ve realized you have no choice but to defeat the remaining mercenaries that oppose my master.'
mis_sotm_11_r_intro2 "I look forward to watching you finish dealing with sublime Jabba's enemies."
mis_sotm_11_r_outro1 'A most spectacular effort, Rebel Commander. I will embellish it suitably with Mighty Jabba.'
mis_sotm_12_e_intro1 'Operative, this is the last base of the Rebel sympathizers. Destroy it.'
mis_sotm_12_e_intro2 "But maintain caution. Trusting a Hutt is a fool's undoing. Pay no attention to anything the scum might say that sounds... treasonous. "
mis_sotm_12_e_outro1 'It has been a... pleasure working with you, Imperial.'
mis_sotm_12_r_intro1 'Agent, this is the last of the mercenary bases. If we destroy it we should be able to feign ignorance if the Hutts try to find out who attacked their interests.'
mis_sotm_12_r_intro2 'Once that is done, we can put this business with Jabba behind us and concentrate on the real threat.'
mis_sotm_12_r_outro1 'It has been a pleasure working with you, Rebel Commander. Have a safe trip back to your tiny outpost.'
mis_sotm_13_e_intro1 "We're under attack!"
mis_sotm_13_e_outro1 'Intelligence section has identified these mercenaries, Operative. They belong to none other than Jabba the Hutt himself.'
mis_sotm_13_e_outro2 'Whatever madness compels the Hutt to believe he can get away with this matters not. I will brook no insolence from criminals. Ready your forces.'
mis_sotm_13_r_intro1 "We're under attack!"
mis_sotm_13_r_outro1 "More mercenaries? Wait... these aren't the ones we fought before. I'd bet a million credits Jabba sent them. He's probably trying to capture us and sell us to the Empire!"
mis_sotm_13_r_outro2 'We need to teach this Hutt a lesson on staying out of our business. Prepare your forces, I know how to hit Jabba, and make it hurt.'
mis_sotm_14_e_intro1 "Intelligence has identified this as a storage ground for the Hutt's Contraband."
mis_sotm_14_e_intro2 'You will confiscate all his Contraband and credits. The Empire is not to be trifled with, not even by Jabba the Hutt.'
mis_sotm_14_e_outro1 'What is the meaning of this?! My master paid your "protection" money, Kosh! You made assurances! The mercenaries were destroyed and we all profited!'
mis_sotm_14_e_outro2 'Silence, criminal scum! Your duplicity has been punished. Withhold from me again, and you will suffer even worse.'
mis_sotm_14_e_outro3 'Now, Operative, forget about this... unseemly affair and return to your duties.'
mis_sotm_14_e_outro4 'The all-powerful Jabba will hear of this, Kosh! Mark my words...'
mis_sotm_14_r_intro1 "Agent, this is one of the places Jabba's cartel uses to smuggle goods offworld. The defenses are strong, but there's Credits there for the taking."
mis_sotm_14_r_intro2 'If we take all these Credits, it will hit Jabba where it hurts and send a strong message.'
mis_sotm_14_r_outro1 'What is the meaning of this?! How dare you attack the interests of my master!'
mis_sotm_14_r_outro2 'Shut it, you sleazy nerf herder. This is what you get for trying to play us.'
mis_sotm_14_r_outro3 'Consider us even. And remember this the next time you think about trying to blackmail or attack the Rebellion.'
mis_sotm_14_r_outro4 'We will indeed remember. Nobody crosses Jabba the Hutt and lives. Nobody...'
mis_sotm_1_e_intro1 "Now that we have some breathing room, we should build a [F2D62F]Proton Mortar[-]. It's a turret that can decimate groups of enemies with every shot."
mis_sotm_1_e_outro1 "Great! I can't wait to see it in action. We can support two turrets per HQ level. I'll leave the decision of what to build to you."
mis_sotm_1_r_intro1 "Now that we have some breathing room we should build a [F2D62F]Proton Mortar[-]. It's a turret that can decimate groups of enemies with every shot."
mis_sotm_1_r_outro1 "Great! I can't wait to see it in action. We can support another turret as well, I'll leave the decision of what to build to you, partner."
mis_sotm_2_e_intro1 'Operative, I have been contacted by the local Hutt with a... proposition.'
mis_sotm_2_e_intro2 'In exchange for valuable intel on the Rebels, you will eliminate some mercenaries for him.'
mis_sotm_2_e_intro3 'Before the operation can begin, however, you must upgrade a  [F2D62F]Barracks[-].'
mis_sotm_2_e_outro1 "Working for a Hutt? Something's fishy about this, partner. Let's keep an eye on Kosh. I don't think he's telling us the whole story."
mis_sotm_2_r_intro1 'Ahh, the mercenary has taken up the righteous cause of the Rebels. How unfortunate that the Empire hates them so.'
mis_sotm_2_r_intro2 'It would be a shame if someone was to inform the Empire of a Rebel base on Tatooine. Perhaps we can come to an arrangement...'
mis_sotm_2_r_intro3 'To work for most sublime Jabba, you will need more options in battle. A stronger Barracks, perhaps.'
mis_sotm_2_r_outro1 "I don't like this, partner. Jennica ain't going to be too happy to see us using Rebel resources to help Hutts."
mis_sotm_3_e_intro1 "Operative, this is Jabba the Hutt's majordomo. He will be your point of contact for the following operations. Do as he says for the time being."
mis_sotm_3_e_intro2 'Ahh, we meet again. I am [F2D62F]Bib Fortuna[-], and as I serve my master, Jabba the Hutt. Now you serve me. Destroy this mercenary rabble and then we will speak again.'
mis_sotm_3_e_outro1 'The glorious Jabba is engaged in a... dispute with the duplicitous employers of this mercenary band, and several others on Tatooine.'
mis_sotm_3_e_outro2 'In our business, open aggression is unprofitable. The Empire, however, has a well known distaste for rabble such as these mercenaries. '
mis_sotm_3_r_intro1 "Okay, let's get this over with. What does Jabba want?"
mis_sotm_3_r_intro2 'Sublime Jabba wishes several mercenary camps... dealt with. Destroy this one, then we shall speak again.'
mis_sotm_3_r_outro1 'Glorious Jabba is engaged in a dispute with the duplicitous employers of this mercenary band, and several others on Tatooine.'
mis_sotm_3_r_outro2 'In our business, open aggression is unprofitable, so you shall deal with this rabble instead.'
mis_sotm_4_e_intro1 'These mercenaries, too, are enemies of mighty Jabba. Destroy them if you wish to receive the data on your Rebel enemies.'
mis_sotm_4_e_outro1 "These mercenaries work for a shadowy group with a long reach across the galaxy. They are arrayed against my master's interests, and therefore yours. "
mis_sotm_4_r_intro1 'These mercenaries, too, are enemies of Mighty Jabba. Destroy them.'
mis_sotm_4_r_outro1 "This mercenary rabble works for a shadowy group with a long reach across the galaxy. They are arrayed against my Master's interests, and therefore yours. "
mis_sotm_5_e_intro1 "This is another base belonging to the mercenaries sent to interfere with my master's operations. See it destroyed."
mis_sotm_5_e_outro1 'Operative, we no longer need to continue this arrangement. While you were engaged in that battle, intelligence section intercepted a transmission of great importance.'
mis_sotm_5_e_outro2 'We have identified the location of a Rebel base. You will begin immediate preparation for an assault.'
mis_sotm_5_r_intro1 'This is another base of the mercenary companies sent to interfere with my Master. See them destroyed.'
mis_sotm_5_r_outro1 'Agent, I am seeing reports of your forces attacking mercenaries in the desert. These mercenaries are connected.'
mis_sotm_5_r_outro2 "You've inserted us in the middle of a Hutt feud! I have an idea how to extricate us from this, but you're not going to like it."
mis_sotm_6_e_intro1 'Operative, the mercenary groups you targeted for the Hutt have foolishly mobilized an attack against your garrison. Prepare yourself.'
mis_sotm_6_e_outro1 "Something doesn't smell right about this, partner. Mercenaries attacking the Empire? That's crazy."
mis_sotm_6_r_intro1 "Agent, the mercenaries you've been attacking work for a very powerful and influential underworld group. We may have inadvertently... wait... what's that sound?"
mis_sotm_6_r_outro1 '"Rabble" indeed. We\'ve been played. I should have known better, partner. Never trust a Hutt.'
mis_sotm_7_e_intro1 "This fight is heating up, partner. Let's maximize our defenses with at least six [F2D62F]Turrets[-]."
mis_sotm_7_e_outro1 'Okay, that will help, but we can do more.'
mis_sotm_7_r_intro1 "Partner, we picked a fight with some bad people. Let's maximize our defenses by building at least six [F2D62F]Turrets[-], ASAP."
mis_sotm_7_r_outro1 'Okay, that will help, but we can do more.'
mis_sotm_8_e_intro1 "Let's build some more [F2D62F]Walls[-]. We can support forty right now, so that's a good number to go for."
mis_sotm_8_e_outro1 'Operative, your garrison is sufficiently stocked with walls for now. It is time to refocus your efforts on something more important.'
mis_sotm_8_e_outro2 'You will attack a well defended Rebel base in this next engagement. Be ready.'
mis_sotm_8_r_intro1 "Let's build some more [F2D62F]Walls[-]. We can support forty right now, so that's a good number to go for."
mis_sotm_8_r_outro1 'Agent, while you have been busy I have tracked down a lead that will be very valuable. '
mis_sotm_8_r_outro2 "But... we need to steal data from the [F2D62F]Empire[-]. Prepare your forces and set out when ready. I'll brief you when you get there."
mis_sotm_9_e_intro1 'Operative, Rebel bases hold valuable intelligence about their activity. Attack a Rebel base, destroy what you can, and retrieve the data.'
mis_sotm_9_e_outro1 'Adequate job, Operative. Intelligence section will immediately begin the analysis of recovered intelligence.'
mis_sotm_9_r_intro1 'Agent, most Imperial bases hide several intelligence relay mainframes. Attack an Imperial base and destroy what you can. We need that intel.'
mis_sotm_9_r_outro1 'Good work, Agent. I will begin analyzing the data you captured, immediately.'
mis_tat_10_e_intro1 'You again?! You must want that shipment I hijacked, eh? Whatever it is must be really valuable!'
mis_tat_10_e_intro2 'You have stolen a shipment meant for Lord Vader himself, smuggler. Lay down your arms and I will treat you and your men mercifully.'
mis_tat_10_e_intro3 'Pfft, you want it? Come and get it, bucket-head.'
mis_tat_10_e_outro1 'This smuggler is resilient, but she will eventually lose. The Empire cannot be beaten, regardless of the intentions of traitors and thieves.'
mis_tat_11_e_intro1 "This is your last base, Liana Kor. I'll give you one last chance to hand over the stolen shipment, and surrender."
mis_tat_11_e_intro2 'Go choke on your own blaster, fascist.'
mis_tat_11_e_intro3 'Very well. Operative, the shipment is here. Show these traitors and smugglers no mercy.'
mis_tat_11_e_outro1 "Sir, the smuggler woman appears to have escaped during the battle. We aren't sure how."
mis_tat_11_e_outro2 "It doesn't matter. We've done what we were ordered to do. I'll be returning to Lord Vader now."
mis_tat_11_e_outro3 'Operative, I am quite impressed. I foresee a bright future for you in the Empire. Return to Tatooine and continue your work there.'
mis_tat_12_e_intro1 "I'm back! You didn't think I spent all that money on Dandoran for nothing did you, Imperial?"
mis_tat_12_e_intro2 "Now you're going to know what it feels like when the iron jackboot comes after your home. Attack!"
mis_tat_12_e_outro1 "Operative, the battle isn't over yet. Intelligence has traced the source of the smuggler's transmission."
mis_tat_12_e_outro2 'She is in an approaching AT-AT. Likely stolen from the garrison on Dandoran. Prepare yourself, an AT-AT is a fearsome opponent.'
mis_tat_13_e_intro1 'Die, fascist! This is for everyone you killed! This is justice!'
mis_tat_13_e_intro2 'Heavy armor incoming! Protect the HQ!'
mis_tat_13_e_outro1 'Sir, we found the woman in the wreckage of the AT-AT. She is alive, though badly wounded. Orders?'
mis_tat_13_e_outro2 'We need to know who she was working with and how deep this corruption into our ranks runs.'
mis_tat_13_e_outro3 'Have her sent to the mines on Kessel. She will talk, or she will work.'
mis_tat_13_e_outro4 'Carry on, Operative.'
mis_tat_1_e_intro1 "That's the place, guys! Burn it down!"
mis_tat_1_e_outro1 "Imperial dogs! You'll get yours! Mark my words!"
mis_tat_1_e_outro2 "Who was that? The girl's got guts. A bit dim to be attacking an Imperial garrison, but still... gutsy."
mis_tat_1_e_outro3 'Sir, we were able to follow the speeder the girl was in, as it fled. Should we pursue?'
mis_tat_1_e_outro4 'I guess we should. Mount up.'
mis_tat_2_e_intro1 'Huh, not a bad little base. Cozy, even.'
mis_tat_2_e_intro2 "You followed me? Big mistake. They don't call me Iron Liana for nothing!"
mis_tat_2_e_outro1 'Sir, the smuggler captain and some of her crew escaped during the fight. I\'ve sent scouts to search for this "Iron Liana".'
mis_tat_2_e_outro2 "Iron Liana? I remember hearing about her once on Nar Shaddaa. Way I hear it, they call her that cos she's stubborn as a zakkeg, and twice as mean."
mis_tat_2_e_outro3 'Wonder why she decided to get all hot and bothered at us, of all people?'
mis_tat_3_e_intro1 "Captain Kosh, I have not yet received the shipment of Obi-Wan Kenobi's artifacts you promised me. I am... displeased."
mis_tat_3_e_intro2 'Lord Vader! I assure you, I shall immediately get to the bottom of this matter!'
mis_tat_3_e_intro3 "Operative, we're going to go find that shipment. Make sure you have sufficient Unit Transport capacity, immediately! Lord Vader must not be kept waiting."
mis_tat_3_e_outro1 'Luckily for you, Operative, I placed a homing beacon in that shipment. It looks to have been diverted to the planet of Dandoran.'
mis_tat_3_e_outro2 'Take your forces and retrieve the shipment immediately. To fail me is to fail Lord Vader himself!'
mis_tat_4_e_intro1 "Ahh, you must be the Operatives on Tatooine I've heard so much about. I am General Veers. Lord Vader has assigned me to locate his lost shipment."
mis_tat_4_e_intro2 "Dandoran's Governor has failed to respond to hails, and his base's automated defenses are still engaged. I see you have forces. Use them."
mis_tat_4_e_outro1 'It is as I thought. The Governor has betrayed the Empire. Since you are here, you will assist me.'
mis_tat_5_e_intro1 'Imperial technology sold to lowly smugglers and mercenaries? Unacceptable. Destroy it all.'
mis_tat_5_e_outro1 'I approve of your tactics, Operative. Kosh speaks poorly of you, but he is obviously feeling threatened by your skills as a commander.'
mis_tat_5_e_outro2 "I will see to it Lord Vader is informed of this... inconsistency in Kosh's reporting."
mis_tat_6_e_intro1 'The fortifications of this base could prove difficult to overcome. Providencially, I have a squadron of Dewbacks on-board my ship.'
mis_tat_6_e_intro2 'They will batter down the walls and distract turrets from your more lethal forces. Make wise use of them.'
mis_tat_6_e_outro1 'General Veers, report.'
mis_tat_6_e_outro2 'Ahh, Lord Vader. I am making progress on Dandoran, thanks to some unexpectedly competent assistance.'
mis_tat_6_e_outro3 'Operative, I must make a lengthy report to Lord Vader. Return to Tatooine and await further orders.'
mis_tat_7_e_intro1 'Dewbacks are native to Tatooine, partner. I bet if we upgrade the Barracks, we can accommodate the space for them.'
mis_tat_7_e_outro1 'Yep, I called it. We can train our own Dewbacks now.'
mis_tat_7_e_outro2 'Operative, General Veers has contacted me and requested you return to Dandoran to continue searching for the missing shipment.'
mis_tat_8_e_intro1 'Welcome back to Dandoran. Lord Vader commands we defeat the traitors here, and recover his missing shipment.'
mis_tat_8_e_intro2 'And whatever Lord Vader commands, we do. Get to it, Operative.'
mis_tat_8_e_outro1 'I continue to be impressed by your skills as a tactician. Keep up the good work.'
mis_tat_9_e_intro1 'What the... You followed me all the way to Dandoran?! Not satisfied with ruining me on Tatooine? Gotta do it here, too?'
mis_tat_9_e_outro1 "You won't get me that easy, fascist! "
mis_tih_1_e_intro1 'Operative, now that the Hutt situation is dealt with we must turn our attentions to more important matters. The Emperor wants the galaxy under heel.'
mis_tih_1_e_intro2 'And that includes worthless outer rim planets like Tatooine. I shall begin drawing the necessary plans for Operation Iron Hand.'
mis_tih_1_e_intro3 "While I do this begin the process of upgrading your outpost's alloy production facilities."
mis_tih_1_e_outro1 "I'll be a wookiee's uncle if Kosh actually thinks Tatooine can be conquered. It'll never work. And what about the Hutts?"
mis_tih_1_e_outro2 "Does Kosh think Jabba is just going to sit on the dais and wait for the Stormtroopers to come knocking? Watch Kosh, partner. He's not telling us everything."
mis_tih_2_e_intro1 'Operative, due to your recent successes I have been instructed to provide you with the ability to upgrade your forces.'
mis_tih_2_e_intro2 'The Research Lab will allow you to improve your fighting forces.'
mis_tih_2_e_outro1 'Acceptable job, Operative. Operation Iron Hand has begun, prepare to crush the enemies of the Empire.'
mis_tih_2_e_outro2 "Acceptable? I don't like this guy, partner. I signed up to bring law and order, not get talked down to. And what enemies could the Empire have out here anyway?"
mis_tih_3_e_intro1 'These local miscreants are known as [F2D62F]Jawas[-]. They engage in... unlicensed trade. Put a stop to their illegal operation permanently.'
mis_tih_3_e_outro1 '(Stop! Stop! Jawa pay! Jawa pay empee hooman! Stop shooting sandcrawler! Jawa surrender!)'
mis_tih_3_e_outro2 'Good work dealing with those desert vermin, Operative. Pay no mind to what that Jawa said. Return to base.'
mis_tih_4_e_fail1 "I don't see any [F2D62F]rocket turrets[-] here. We should hit this place with a vehicle force to overwhelm the mortars and burst turrets."
mis_tih_4_e_intro1 "Partner, I'm a bit worried about our base. We got all these walls but we ain't been upgrading 'em. We should get on that I think."
mis_tih_4_e_outro1 'Good initiative on upgrading your walls, Operative. For now intelligence has identified a moisture farm in the desert with ties to smugglers.'
mis_tih_4_e_outro2 'You will utilize a [F2D62F]veteran AT-ST[-] to show these criminals the price for smuggling.'
mis_tih_4_r_fail1 "I don't see any [F2D62F]rocket turrets[-] here. We should hit this place with a vehicle force to overwhelm the mortars and burst turrets."
mis_tih_5_e_fail1 "Mortars aren't a threat to a big bad AT-ST, but they hit the technicians behind them with their [F2D62F]splash damage[-]. We need to watch out for that."
mis_tih_5_e_intro1 'Operative, I have assigned you a [F2D62F]veteran AT-ST[-] for this mission and two repair droids.'
mis_tih_5_e_intro2 '[F2D62F]Repair droids[-] can fix vehicles. [1cdb2f]You will not be able to deploy any other forces.[-] Think strategically and do not fail me.'
mis_tih_5_e_outro1 "What a load of bantha poodoo. What's Kosh thinkin' giving us such a small force? Good thing that AT-ST and his wrench-jockeys were so useful."
mis_tih_5_r_fail1 "Mortars aren't a threat to a big bad AT-ST, but they hit the technicians behind them with their [F2D62F]splash damage[-]. We need to watch out for that."
mis_tih_6_e_intro1 'Operative, I am surprised by your... resilience. Well done dealing with the moisture farm.'
mis_tih_6_e_intro2 'Orbital surveillance indicated you have what appears to be an incoming series of repulsor tanks. They resemble older CIS models from the Clone Wars. This will hurt.'
mis_tih_6_e_outro1 'I remember seeing those on the holonet when I was younger during the war. I wonder who sent those and where they came from.'
mis_tih_7_e_intro1 "Partner let's get our credit production up to snuff. Things are getting pricey."
mis_tih_7_e_outro1 'Good work upgrading your credit production, Operative. Intelligence has identified the origin of the tanks that attacked you earlier. Prepare your forces and attack when ready.'
mis_tih_8_e_fail1 'Partner, this base is a big one. To take it all down we might want to split our forces and attack from multiple sides all at once.'
mis_tih_8_e_intro1 'Operative, this smuggler den has a number of [F2D62F]mechanics[-] living in those houses. This is obviously the source of the illegal tanks.'
mis_tih_8_e_intro2 'Destroy the houses, unit transports, and... "confiscate" all credits and Contraband. I have also apportioned a [F2D62F]2-M Tank[-] for you to show this criminal scum what true mechanical power is.'
mis_tih_8_e_intro3 "Confiscate? How much you want to bet this is all going straight into Kosh's pockets?"
mis_tih_8_e_outro1 'Passable work, Operative. Transfer all confiscated Contraband to sub-sector command immediately. You may keep the credits.'
mis_tih_8_e_outro2 "And if I were you, I'd keep a tighter leash on your partner Saponza. His personal feelings are unimportant next to following orders. Remember that."
mis_tih_8_e_outro3 'I will have a... special assignment for you shortly. Return to base and await further orders.'
mis_tih_8_r_fail1 'Partner, this base is a big one. To take it all down we might want to split our forces and attack from multiple sides all at once.'
mis_title_camp_1_utts_e_1 'Humble Beginnings I'
mis_title_camp_1_utts_e_10 'The Sacred Waters I'
mis_title_camp_1_utts_e_2 'Humble Beginnings II'
mis_title_camp_1_utts_e_2a 'Humble Beginnings III'
mis_title_camp_1_utts_e_3 'Under the Twin Suns I'
mis_title_camp_1_utts_e_4 'Under the Twin Suns II'
mis_title_camp_1_utts_e_5 'Under the Twin Suns III'
mis_title_camp_1_utts_e_6 'Under the Twin Suns IV'
mis_title_camp_1_utts_e_7 'Under the Twin Suns V'
mis_title_camp_1_utts_e_8 'Under the Twin Suns VI'
mis_title_camp_1_utts_e_9 'Under the Twin Suns VI'
mis_title_camp_1_utts_r_1 'Humble Beginnings I'
mis_title_camp_1_utts_r_10 'The Sacred Waters I'
mis_title_camp_1_utts_r_2 'Humble Beginnings II'
mis_title_camp_1_utts_r_2a 'Humble Beginnings III'
mis_title_camp_1_utts_r_3 'Under the Twin Suns I'
mis_title_camp_1_utts_r_4 'Under the Twin Suns II'
mis_title_camp_1_utts_r_5 'Under the Twin Suns III'
mis_title_camp_1_utts_r_6 'Under the Twin Suns IV'
mis_title_camp_1_utts_r_7 'Under the Twin Suns V'
mis_title_camp_1_utts_r_8 'Under the Twin Suns VI'
mis_title_camp_1_utts_r_9 'Under the Twin Suns VI'
mis_title_camp_2_tsw_e_1 'The Sacred Waters II'
mis_title_camp_2_tsw_e_2 'The Sacred Waters III'
mis_title_camp_2_tsw_e_2a 'The Sacred Waters III'
mis_title_camp_2_tsw_e_3 'The Sacred Waters IV'
mis_title_camp_2_tsw_e_4 'The Sacred Waters V'
mis_title_camp_2_tsw_e_5 'The Sacred Waters VI'
mis_title_camp_2_tsw_r_1 'The Sacred Waters II'
mis_title_camp_2_tsw_r_2 'The Sacred Waters III'
mis_title_camp_2_tsw_r_2a 'The Sacred Waters III'
mis_title_camp_2_tsw_r_3 'The Sacred Waters IV'
mis_title_camp_2_tsw_r_4 'The Sacred Waters V'
mis_title_camp_2_tsw_r_5 'The Sacred Waters VI'
mis_title_camp_3_tjg_e_1 'The Jundland General I'
mis_title_camp_3_tjg_e_10 'The Jundland General X'
mis_title_camp_3_tjg_e_2 'The Jundland General II'
mis_title_camp_3_tjg_e_2a 'The Jundland General III'
mis_title_camp_3_tjg_e_3 'The Jundland General III'
mis_title_camp_3_tjg_e_4 'The Jundland General IV'
mis_title_camp_3_tjg_e_5 'The Jundland General V'
mis_title_camp_3_tjg_e_6 'The Jundland General VI'
mis_title_camp_3_tjg_e_7 'The Jundland General VII'
mis_title_camp_3_tjg_e_8 'The Jundland General VIII'
mis_title_camp_3_tjg_e_9 'The Jundland General IX'
mis_title_camp_3_tjg_r_1 'The Jundland General I'
mis_title_camp_3_tjg_r_10 'The Jundland General X'
mis_title_camp_3_tjg_r_2 'The Jundland General II'
mis_title_camp_3_tjg_r_2a 'The Jundland General III'
mis_title_camp_3_tjg_r_3 'The Jundland General III'
mis_title_camp_3_tjg_r_4 'The Jundland General IV'
mis_title_camp_3_tjg_r_5 'The Jundland General V'
mis_title_camp_3_tjg_r_6 'The Jundland General VI'
mis_title_camp_3_tjg_r_7 'The Jundland General VII'
mis_title_camp_3_tjg_r_8 'The Jundland General VIII'
mis_title_camp_3_tjg_r_9 'The Jundland General IX'
mis_title_camp_4_sotm_e_1 'Servant of Two Masters I'
mis_title_camp_4_sotm_e_10 'Servant of Two Masters X'
mis_title_camp_4_sotm_e_11 'Servant of Two Masters XI'
mis_title_camp_4_sotm_e_12 'Servant of Two Masters XII'
mis_title_camp_4_sotm_e_13 'Servant of Two Masters XIII'
mis_title_camp_4_sotm_e_14 'Servant of Two Masters XIV'
mis_title_camp_4_sotm_e_2 'Servant of Two Masters II'
mis_title_camp_4_sotm_e_3 'Servant of Two Masters III'
mis_title_camp_4_sotm_e_4 'Servant of Two Masters IV'
mis_title_camp_4_sotm_e_5 'Servant of Two Masters V'
mis_title_camp_4_sotm_e_6 'Servant of Two Masters VI'
mis_title_camp_4_sotm_e_7 'Servant of Two Masters VII'
mis_title_camp_4_sotm_e_8 'Servant of Two Masters VIII'
mis_title_camp_4_sotm_e_9 'Servant of Two Masters IX'
mis_title_camp_4_sotm_r_1 'Servant of Two Masters I'
mis_title_camp_4_sotm_r_10 'Servant of Two Masters X'
mis_title_camp_4_sotm_r_11 'Servant of Two Masters XI'
mis_title_camp_4_sotm_r_12 'Servant of Two Masters XII'
mis_title_camp_4_sotm_r_13 'Servant of Two Masters XIII'
mis_title_camp_4_sotm_r_14 'Servant of Two Masters XIV'
mis_title_camp_4_sotm_r_2 'Servant of Two Masters II'
mis_title_camp_4_sotm_r_3 'Servant of Two Masters III'
mis_title_camp_4_sotm_r_4 'Servant of Two Masters IV'
mis_title_camp_4_sotm_r_5 'Servant of Two Masters V'
mis_title_camp_4_sotm_r_6 'Servant of Two Masters VII'
mis_title_camp_4_sotm_r_7 'Servant of Two Masters VI'
mis_title_camp_4_sotm_r_8 'Servant of Two Masters VIII'
mis_title_camp_4_sotm_r_9 'Servant of Two Masters IX'
mis_title_camp_5_aoc_r_1 'Alliance of Convenience I'
mis_title_camp_5_aoc_r_2 'Alliance of Convenience II'
mis_title_camp_5_aoc_r_3 'Alliance of Convenience III'
mis_title_camp_5_aoc_r_4 'Alliance of Convenience IV'
mis_title_camp_5_aoc_r_5 'Alliance of Convenience V'
mis_title_camp_5_aoc_r_6 'Alliance of Convenience VI'
mis_title_camp_5_aoc_r_7 'Alliance of Convenience VII'
mis_title_camp_5_aoc_r_8 'Alliance of Convenience VIII'
mis_title_camp_5_tih_e_1 'The Iron Hand I'
mis_title_camp_5_tih_e_2 'The Iron Hand II'
mis_title_camp_5_tih_e_3 'The Iron Hand III'
mis_title_camp_5_tih_e_4 'The Iron Hand IV'
mis_title_camp_5_tih_e_5 'The Iron Hand V'
mis_title_camp_5_tih_e_6 'The Iron Hand VI'
mis_title_camp_5_tih_e_7 'The Iron Hand VII'
mis_title_camp_5_tih_e_8 'The Iron Hand VIII'
mis_title_chapter_10_bgh_e_1 'Big Game Hunting I'
mis_title_chapter_10_bgh_e_10 'Big Game Hunting X'
mis_title_chapter_10_bgh_e_11 'Big Game Hunting XI'
mis_title_chapter_10_bgh_e_12 'Big Game Hunting XII'
mis_title_chapter_10_bgh_e_13 'Big Game Hunting XIII'
mis_title_chapter_10_bgh_e_2 'Big Game Hunting II'
mis_title_chapter_10_bgh_e_3 'Big Game Hunting III'
mis_title_chapter_10_bgh_e_4 'Big Game Hunting IV'
mis_title_chapter_10_bgh_e_5 'Big Game Hunting V'
mis_title_chapter_10_bgh_e_6 'Big Game Hunting VI'
mis_title_chapter_10_bgh_e_7 'Big Game Hunting VII'
mis_title_chapter_10_bgh_e_8 'Big Game Hunting VIII'
mis_title_chapter_10_bgh_e_9 'Big Game Hunting IX'
mis_title_chapter_10_bgh_r_1 'Big Game Hunting I'
mis_title_chapter_10_bgh_r_10 'Big Game Hunting X'
mis_title_chapter_10_bgh_r_11 'Big Game Hunting XI'
mis_title_chapter_10_bgh_r_12 'Big Game Hunting XII'
mis_title_chapter_10_bgh_r_13 'Big Game Hunting XIII'
mis_title_chapter_10_bgh_r_2 'Big Game Hunting II'
mis_title_chapter_10_bgh_r_3 'Big Game Hunting III'
mis_title_chapter_10_bgh_r_4 'Big Game Hunting IV'
mis_title_chapter_10_bgh_r_5 'Big Game Hunting V'
mis_title_chapter_10_bgh_r_6 'Big Game Hunting VI'
mis_title_chapter_10_bgh_r_7 'Big Game Hunting VII'
mis_title_chapter_10_bgh_r_8 'Big Game Hunting VIII'
mis_title_chapter_10_bgh_r_9 'Big Game Hunting IX'
mis_title_chapter_11_tbft_e_1 'The Battle for Tatooine I'
mis_title_chapter_11_tbft_e_10 'The Battle for Tatooine X'
mis_title_chapter_11_tbft_e_2 'The Battle for Tatooine II'
mis_title_chapter_11_tbft_e_3 'The Battle for Tatooine III'
mis_title_chapter_11_tbft_e_4 'The Battle for Tatooine IV'
mis_title_chapter_11_tbft_e_5 'The Battle for Tatooine V'
mis_title_chapter_11_tbft_e_6 'The Battle for Tatooine VI'
mis_title_chapter_11_tbft_e_7 'The Battle for Tatooine VII'
mis_title_chapter_11_tbft_e_8 'The Battle for Tatooine VIII'
mis_title_chapter_11_tbft_e_9 'The Battle for Tatooine IX'
mis_title_chapter_11_tbft_r_1 'The Battle for Tatooine I'
mis_title_chapter_11_tbft_r_10 'The Battle for Tatooine X'
mis_title_chapter_11_tbft_r_2 'The Battle for Tatooine II'
mis_title_chapter_11_tbft_r_3 'The Battle for Tatooine III'
mis_title_chapter_11_tbft_r_4 'The Battle for Tatooine IV'
mis_title_chapter_11_tbft_r_5 'The Battle for Tatooine V'
mis_title_chapter_11_tbft_r_6 'The Battle for Tatooine VI'
mis_title_chapter_11_tbft_r_7 'The Battle for Tatooine VII'
mis_title_chapter_11_tbft_r_8 'The Battle for Tatooine VIII'
mis_title_chapter_11_tbft_r_9 'The Battle for Tatooine IX'
mis_title_chapter_7_bs_e_1 'Buried Secrets I'
mis_title_chapter_7_bs_e_10 'Buried Secrets X'
mis_title_chapter_7_bs_e_11 'Buried Secrets XI'
mis_title_chapter_7_bs_e_12 'Buried Secrets XII'
mis_title_chapter_7_bs_e_13 'Buried Secrets XIII'
mis_title_chapter_7_bs_e_14 'Buried Secrets XIV'
mis_title_chapter_7_bs_e_2 'Buried Secrets II'
mis_title_chapter_7_bs_e_3 'Buried Secrets III'
mis_title_chapter_7_bs_e_4 'Buried Secrets IV'
mis_title_chapter_7_bs_e_5 'Buried Secrets V'
mis_title_chapter_7_bs_e_6 'Buried Secrets VI'
mis_title_chapter_7_bs_e_7 'Buried Secrets VII'
mis_title_chapter_7_bs_e_8 'Buried Secrets VIII'
mis_title_chapter_7_bs_e_9 'Buried Secrets IX'
mis_title_chapter_7_wos_r_1 'Wreckage of Secrets I'
mis_title_chapter_7_wos_r_10 'Wreckage of Secrets X'
mis_title_chapter_7_wos_r_11 'Wreckage of Secrets XI'
mis_title_chapter_7_wos_r_12 'Wreckage of Secrets XII'
mis_title_chapter_7_wos_r_13 'Wreckage of Secrets XIII'
mis_title_chapter_7_wos_r_14 'Wreckage of Secrets XIV'
mis_title_chapter_7_wos_r_2 'Wreckage of Secrets II'
mis_title_chapter_7_wos_r_3 'Wreckage of Secrets III'
mis_title_chapter_7_wos_r_4 'Wreckage of Secrets IV'
mis_title_chapter_7_wos_r_5 'Wreckage of Secrets V'
mis_title_chapter_7_wos_r_6 'Wreckage of Secrets VI'
mis_title_chapter_7_wos_r_7 'Wreckage of Secrets VII'
mis_title_chapter_7_wos_r_8 'Wreckage of Secrets VIII'
mis_title_chapter_7_wos_r_9 'Wreckage of Secrets IX'
mis_title_chapter_8_rsf_r_1 'Rebels Shoot First I'
mis_title_chapter_8_rsf_r_10 'Rebels Shoot First X'
mis_title_chapter_8_rsf_r_11 'Rebels Shoot First XI'
mis_title_chapter_8_rsf_r_12 'Rebels Shoot First XII'
mis_title_chapter_8_rsf_r_2 'Rebels Shoot First II'
mis_title_chapter_8_rsf_r_3 'Rebels Shoot First III'
mis_title_chapter_8_rsf_r_4 'Rebels Shoot First IV'
mis_title_chapter_8_rsf_r_5 'Rebels Shoot First V'
mis_title_chapter_8_rsf_r_6 'Rebels Shoot First VI'
mis_title_chapter_8_rsf_r_7 'Rebels Shoot First VII'
mis_title_chapter_8_rsf_r_8 'Rebels Shoot First VIII'
mis_title_chapter_8_rsf_r_9 'Rebels Shoot First IX'
mis_title_chapter_8_tat_e_1 'Traitors and Thieves I'
mis_title_chapter_8_tat_e_10 'Traitors and Thieves X'
mis_title_chapter_8_tat_e_11 'Traitors and Thieves XI'
mis_title_chapter_8_tat_e_12 'Traitors and Thieves XII'
mis_title_chapter_8_tat_e_13 'Traitors and Thieves XIII'
mis_title_chapter_8_tat_e_2 'Traitors and Thieves II'
mis_title_chapter_8_tat_e_3 'Traitors and Thieves III'
mis_title_chapter_8_tat_e_4 'Traitors and Thieves IV'
mis_title_chapter_8_tat_e_5 'Traitors and Thieves V'
mis_title_chapter_8_tat_e_6 'Traitors and Thieves VI'
mis_title_chapter_8_tat_e_7 'Traitors and Thieves VII'
mis_title_chapter_8_tat_e_8 'Traitors and Thieves VIII'
mis_title_chapter_8_tat_e_9 'Traitors and Thieves IX'
mis_title_chapter_9_sas_e_1 'Smugglers and Schemes I'
mis_title_chapter_9_sas_e_10 'Smugglers and Schemes X'
mis_title_chapter_9_sas_e_11 'Smugglers and Schemes XI'
mis_title_chapter_9_sas_e_12 'Smugglers and Schemes XII'
mis_title_chapter_9_sas_e_2 'Smugglers and Schemes II'
mis_title_chapter_9_sas_e_3 'Smugglers and Schemes III'
mis_title_chapter_9_sas_e_4 'Smugglers and Schemes IV'
mis_title_chapter_9_sas_e_5 'Smugglers and Schemes V'
mis_title_chapter_9_sas_e_6 'Smugglers and Schemes VI'
mis_title_chapter_9_sas_e_7 'Smugglers and Schemes VII'
mis_title_chapter_9_sas_e_8 'Smugglers and Schemes VIII'
mis_title_chapter_9_sas_e_9 'Smugglers and Schemes IX'
mis_title_chapter_9_sas_r_1 'Scoundrels and Schemes I'
mis_title_chapter_9_sas_r_10 'Scoundrels and Schemes X'
mis_title_chapter_9_sas_r_11 'Scoundrels and Schemes XI'
mis_title_chapter_9_sas_r_12 'Scoundrels and Schemes XII'
mis_title_chapter_9_sas_r_2 'Scoundrels and Schemes II'
mis_title_chapter_9_sas_r_3 'Scoundrels and Schemes III'
mis_title_chapter_9_sas_r_4 'Scoundrels and Schemes IV'
mis_title_chapter_9_sas_r_5 'Scoundrels and Schemes V'
mis_title_chapter_9_sas_r_6 'Scoundrels and Schemes VI'
mis_title_chapter_9_sas_r_7 'Scoundrels and Schemes VII'
mis_title_chapter_9_sas_r_8 'Scoundrels and Schemes VIII'
mis_title_chapter_9_sas_r_9 'Scoundrels and Schemes IX'
mis_title_dg_1_10_e 'Heroic Defense'
mis_title_dg_1_10_r 'Heroic Defense'
mis_title_dg_1_11_e 'Heroic Defense'
mis_title_dg_1_11_r 'Heroic Defense'
mis_title_dg_1_12_e 'Heroic Defense'
mis_title_dg_1_12_r 'Heroic Defense'
mis_title_dg_1_1_e 'Heroic Defense'
mis_title_dg_1_1_r 'Heroic Defense'
mis_title_dg_1_2_e 'Heroic Defense'
mis_title_dg_1_2_r 'Heroic Defense'
mis_title_dg_1_3_e 'Heroic Defense'
mis_title_dg_1_3_r 'Heroic Defense'
mis_title_dg_1_4_e 'Heroic Defense'
mis_title_dg_1_4_r 'Heroic Defense'
mis_title_dg_1_5_e 'Heroic Defense'
mis_title_dg_1_5_r 'Heroic Defense'
mis_title_dg_1_6_e 'Heroic Defense'
mis_title_dg_1_6_r 'Heroic Defense'
mis_title_dg_1_7_e 'Heroic Defense'
mis_title_dg_1_7_r 'Heroic Defense'
mis_title_dg_1_8_e 'Heroic Defense'
mis_title_dg_1_8_r 'Heroic Defense'
mis_title_dg_1_9_e 'Heroic Defense'
mis_title_dg_1_9_r 'Heroic Defense'
mis_title_dg_1_e_1 'Heroic Defense'
mis_title_dg_1_e_10 'Heroic Defense'
mis_title_dg_1_e_11 'Heroic Defense'
mis_title_dg_1_e_12 'Heroic Defense'
mis_title_dg_1_e_2 'Heroic Defense'
mis_title_dg_1_e_3 'Heroic Defense'
mis_title_dg_1_e_4 'Heroic Defense'
mis_title_dg_1_e_5 'Heroic Defense'
mis_title_dg_1_e_6 'Heroic Defense'
mis_title_dg_1_e_7 'Heroic Defense'
mis_title_dg_1_e_8 'Heroic Defense'
mis_title_dg_1_e_9 'Heroic Defense'
mis_title_dg_1_r_1 'Heroic Defense'
mis_title_dg_1_r_10 'Heroic Defense'
mis_title_dg_1_r_11 'Heroic Defense'
mis_title_dg_1_r_12 'Heroic Defense'
mis_title_dg_1_r_2 'Heroic Defense'
mis_title_dg_1_r_3 'Heroic Defense'
mis_title_dg_1_r_4 'Heroic Defense'
mis_title_dg_1_r_5 'Heroic Defense'
mis_title_dg_1_r_6 'Heroic Defense'
mis_title_dg_1_r_7 'Heroic Defense'
mis_title_dg_1_r_8 'Heroic Defense'
mis_title_dg_1_r_9 'Heroic Defense'
mis_title_dg_2_10_e 'Heroic Defense X'
mis_title_dg_2_10_r 'Heroic Defense X'
mis_title_dg_2_11_e 'Heroic Defense XI'
mis_title_dg_2_11_r 'Heroic Defense XI'
mis_title_dg_2_12_e 'Heroic Defense XII'
mis_title_dg_2_12_r 'Heroic Defense XII'
mis_title_dg_2_13_e 'Heroic Defense XIII'
mis_title_dg_2_13_r 'Heroic Defense XIII'
mis_title_dg_2_14_e 'Heroic Defense XIV'
mis_title_dg_2_14_r 'Heroic Defense XIV'
mis_title_dg_2_15_e 'Heroic Defense XV'
mis_title_dg_2_15_r 'Heroic Defense XV'
mis_title_dg_2_16_e 'Heroic Defense XVI'
mis_title_dg_2_16_r 'Heroic Defense XVI'
mis_title_dg_2_17_e 'Heroic Defense XVII'
mis_title_dg_2_17_r 'Heroic Defense XVII'
mis_title_dg_2_18_e 'Heroic Defense XVIII'
mis_title_dg_2_18_r 'Heroic Defense XVIII'
mis_title_dg_2_1_e 'Heroic Defense I'
mis_title_dg_2_1_r 'Heroic Defense I'
mis_title_dg_2_2_e 'Heroic Defense II'
mis_title_dg_2_2_r 'Heroic Defense II'
mis_title_dg_2_3_e 'Heroic Defense III'
mis_title_dg_2_3_r 'Heroic Defense III'
mis_title_dg_2_4_e 'Heroic Defense IV'
mis_title_dg_2_4_r 'Heroic Defense IV'
mis_title_dg_2_5_e 'Heroic Defense V'
mis_title_dg_2_5_r 'Heroic Defense V'
mis_title_dg_2_6_e 'Heroic Defense VI'
mis_title_dg_2_6_r 'Heroic Defense VI'
mis_title_dg_2_7_e 'Heroic Defense VII'
mis_title_dg_2_7_r 'Heroic Defense VII'
mis_title_dg_2_8_e 'Heroic Defense VIII'
mis_title_dg_2_8_r 'Heroic Defense VIII'
mis_title_dg_2_9_e 'Heroic Defense IX'
mis_title_dg_2_9_r 'Heroic Defense IX'
mis_title_event_1_cw_e_0 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1_cw_e_1 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1_cw_e_10 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1_cw_e_10a 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1_cw_e_11 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1_cw_e_12 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1_cw_e_13 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1_cw_e_14 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1_cw_e_15 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1_cw_e_16 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1_cw_e_17 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1_cw_e_18 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1_cw_e_19 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1_cw_e_2 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1_cw_e_20 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1_cw_e_21 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1_cw_e_21a 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1_cw_e_22 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1_cw_e_23 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1_cw_e_3 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1_cw_e_4 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1_cw_e_5 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1_cw_e_5a 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1_cw_e_6 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1_cw_e_7 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1_cw_e_8 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1_cw_e_9 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1_cw_r_0 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1_cw_r_1 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1_cw_r_10 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1_cw_r_10a 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1_cw_r_11 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1_cw_r_12 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1_cw_r_13 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1_cw_r_14 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1_cw_r_15 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1_cw_r_16 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1_cw_r_17 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1_cw_r_18 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1_cw_r_19 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1_cw_r_2 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1_cw_r_20 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1_cw_r_21 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1_cw_r_21a 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1_cw_r_22 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1_cw_r_23 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1_cw_r_3 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1_cw_r_4 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1_cw_r_5 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1_cw_r_5a 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1_cw_r_6 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1_cw_r_7 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1_cw_r_8 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1_cw_r_9 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1a_cw_e_0 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1a_cw_e_1 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1a_cw_e_10 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1a_cw_e_10a 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1a_cw_e_11 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1a_cw_e_12 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1a_cw_e_13 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1a_cw_e_14 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1a_cw_e_15 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1a_cw_e_16 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1a_cw_e_17 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1a_cw_e_18 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1a_cw_e_19 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1a_cw_e_2 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1a_cw_e_20 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1a_cw_e_21 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1a_cw_e_21a 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1a_cw_e_22 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1a_cw_e_23 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1a_cw_e_3 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1a_cw_e_4 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1a_cw_e_5 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1a_cw_e_5a 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1a_cw_e_6 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1a_cw_e_7 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1a_cw_e_8 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1a_cw_e_9 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1a_cw_r_0 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1a_cw_r_1 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1a_cw_r_10 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1a_cw_r_10a 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1a_cw_r_11 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1a_cw_r_12 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1a_cw_r_13 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1a_cw_r_14 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1a_cw_r_15 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1a_cw_r_16 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1a_cw_r_17 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1a_cw_r_18 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1a_cw_r_19 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1a_cw_r_2 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1a_cw_r_20 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1a_cw_r_21 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1a_cw_r_21a 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1a_cw_r_22 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1a_cw_r_23 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1a_cw_r_3 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1a_cw_r_4 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1a_cw_r_5 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1a_cw_r_5a 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1a_cw_r_6 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1a_cw_r_7 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1a_cw_r_8 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1a_cw_r_9 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1b_cw_e_0 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1b_cw_e_1 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1b_cw_e_10 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1b_cw_e_10a 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1b_cw_e_11 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1b_cw_e_12 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1b_cw_e_13 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1b_cw_e_14 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1b_cw_e_15 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1b_cw_e_16 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1b_cw_e_17 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1b_cw_e_18 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1b_cw_e_19 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1b_cw_e_2 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1b_cw_e_20 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1b_cw_e_21 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1b_cw_e_21a 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1b_cw_e_22 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1b_cw_e_23 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1b_cw_e_3 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1b_cw_e_4 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1b_cw_e_5 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1b_cw_e_5a 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1b_cw_e_6 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1b_cw_e_7 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1b_cw_e_8 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1b_cw_e_9 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1b_cw_r_0 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1b_cw_r_1 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1b_cw_r_10 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1b_cw_r_10a 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1b_cw_r_11 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1b_cw_r_12 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1b_cw_r_13 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1b_cw_r_14 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1b_cw_r_15 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1b_cw_r_16 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1b_cw_r_17 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1b_cw_r_18 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1b_cw_r_19 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1b_cw_r_2 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1b_cw_r_20 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1b_cw_r_21 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1b_cw_r_21a 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1b_cw_r_22 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1b_cw_r_23 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1b_cw_r_3 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1b_cw_r_4 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1b_cw_r_5 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1b_cw_r_5a 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1b_cw_r_6 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1b_cw_r_7 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1b_cw_r_8 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_1b_cw_r_9 'Campaign 1: The Dandoran Conflict'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_1 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_10 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_11 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_12 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_13 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_14 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_15 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_16 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_16a 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_17 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_18 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_19 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_2 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_20 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_21 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_22 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_23 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_24 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_25 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_26 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_27 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_28 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_29 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_3 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_30 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_31 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_32 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_33 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_34 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_35 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_36 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_37 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_38 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_39 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_4 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_40 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_41 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_42 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_43 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_44 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_45 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_46 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_47 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_48 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_49 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_5 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_50 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_50a 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_51 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_52 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_53 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_54 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_6 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_7 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_8 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_e_9 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_1 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_10 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_11 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_12 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_13 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_14 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_15 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_16 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_16a 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_17 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_18 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_19 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_2 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_20 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_21 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_22 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_23 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_24 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_25 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_26 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_27 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_28 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_29 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_3 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_30 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_31 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_32 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_33 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_34 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_35 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_36 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_37 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_38 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_39 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_4 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_40 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_41 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_42 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_43 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_44 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_45 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_46 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_47 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_48 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_49 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_5 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_50 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_50a 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_51 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_52 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_53 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_54 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_6 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_7 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_8 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_2_itm_r_9 'Campaign II: Escalation on Dandoran'
mis_title_event_3_ts_e_1 'Campaign III: The Sickness'
mis_title_event_3_ts_e_10 'Campaign III: The Sickness'
mis_title_event_3_ts_e_11 'Campaign III: The Sickness'
mis_title_event_3_ts_e_12 'Campaign III: The Sickness'
mis_title_event_3_ts_e_13 'Campaign III: The Sickness'
mis_title_event_3_ts_e_14 'Campaign III: The Sickness'
mis_title_event_3_ts_e_15 'Campaign III: The Sickness'
mis_title_event_3_ts_e_16 'Campaign III: The Sickness'
mis_title_event_3_ts_e_17 'Campaign III: The Sickness'
mis_title_event_3_ts_e_18 'Campaign III: The Sickness'
mis_title_event_3_ts_e_19 'Campaign III: The Sickness'
mis_title_event_3_ts_e_2 'Campaign III: The Sickness'
mis_title_event_3_ts_e_20 'Campaign III: The Sickness'
mis_title_event_3_ts_e_21 'Campaign III: The Sickness'
mis_title_event_3_ts_e_22 'Campaign III: The Sickness'
mis_title_event_3_ts_e_23 'Campaign III: The Sickness'
mis_title_event_3_ts_e_24 'Campaign III: The Sickness'
mis_title_event_3_ts_e_25 'Campaign III: The Sickness'
mis_title_event_3_ts_e_26 'Campaign III: The Sickness'
mis_title_event_3_ts_e_3 'Campaign III: The Sickness'
mis_title_event_3_ts_e_4 'Campaign III: The Sickness'
mis_title_event_3_ts_e_5 'Campaign III: The Sickness'
mis_title_event_3_ts_e_6 'Campaign III: The Sickness'
mis_title_event_3_ts_e_7 'Campaign III: The Sickness'
mis_title_event_3_ts_e_8 'Campaign III: The Sickness'
mis_title_event_3_ts_e_9 'Campaign III: The Sickness'
mis_title_event_3_ts_r_1 'Campaign III: The Sickness'
mis_title_event_3_ts_r_10 'Campaign III: The Sickness'
mis_title_event_3_ts_r_11 'Campaign III: The Sickness'
mis_title_event_3_ts_r_12 'Campaign III: The Sickness'
mis_title_event_3_ts_r_13 'Campaign III: The Sickness'
mis_title_event_3_ts_r_14 'Campaign III: The Sickness'
mis_title_event_3_ts_r_15 'Campaign III: The Sickness'
mis_title_event_3_ts_r_16 'Campaign III: The Sickness'
mis_title_event_3_ts_r_17 'Campaign III: The Sickness'
mis_title_event_3_ts_r_18 'Campaign III: The Sickness'
mis_title_event_3_ts_r_19 'Campaign III: The Sickness'
mis_title_event_3_ts_r_2 'Campaign III: The Sickness'
mis_title_event_3_ts_r_20 'Campaign III: The Sickness'
mis_title_event_3_ts_r_21 'Campaign III: The Sickness'
mis_title_event_3_ts_r_22 'Campaign III: The Sickness'
mis_title_event_3_ts_r_23 'Campaign III: The Sickness'
mis_title_event_3_ts_r_24 'Campaign III: The Sickness'
mis_title_event_3_ts_r_25 'Campaign III: The Sickness'
mis_title_event_3_ts_r_26 'Campaign III: The Sickness'
mis_title_event_3_ts_r_3 'Campaign III: The Sickness'
mis_title_event_3_ts_r_4 'Campaign III: The Sickness'
mis_title_event_3_ts_r_5 'Campaign III: The Sickness'
mis_title_event_3_ts_r_6 'Campaign III: The Sickness'
mis_title_event_3_ts_r_7 'Campaign III: The Sickness'
mis_title_event_3_ts_r_8 'Campaign III: The Sickness'
mis_title_event_3_ts_r_9 'Campaign III: The Sickness'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_e_1 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_e_10 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_e_11 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_e_12 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_e_13 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_e_14 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_e_15 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_e_16 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_e_17 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_e_18 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_e_19 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_e_2 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_e_20 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_e_21 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_e_22 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_e_23 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_e_24 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_e_25 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_e_26 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_e_27 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_e_28 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_e_29 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_e_3 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_e_30 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_e_31 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_e_4 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_e_5 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_e_6 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_e_7 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_e_8 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_e_9 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_r_1 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_r_10 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_r_11 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_r_12 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_r_13 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_r_14 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_r_15 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_r_16 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_r_17 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_r_18 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_r_19 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_r_2 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_r_20 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_r_21 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_r_22 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_r_23 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_r_24 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_r_25 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_r_26 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_r_27 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_r_28 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_r_29 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_r_3 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_r_30 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_r_31 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_r_4 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_r_5 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_r_6 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_r_7 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_r_8 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_4_eotf_r_9 'Echoes of the Force'
mis_title_event_5_tbd_10_e 'The Blood Dawn'
mis_title_event_5_tbd_10_r 'The Blood Dawn'
mis_title_event_5_tbd_11_e 'The Blood Dawn'
mis_title_event_5_tbd_11_r 'The Blood Dawn'
mis_title_event_5_tbd_12_e 'The Blood Dawn'
mis_title_event_5_tbd_12_r 'The Blood Dawn'
mis_title_event_5_tbd_13_e 'The Blood Dawn'
mis_title_event_5_tbd_13_r 'The Blood Dawn'
mis_title_event_5_tbd_14_e 'The Blood Dawn'
mis_title_event_5_tbd_14_r 'The Blood Dawn'
mis_title_event_5_tbd_15_e 'The Blood Dawn'
mis_title_event_5_tbd_15_r 'The Blood Dawn'
mis_title_event_5_tbd_16_e 'The Blood Dawn'
mis_title_event_5_tbd_16_r 'The Blood Dawn'
mis_title_event_5_tbd_17_e 'The Blood Dawn'
mis_title_event_5_tbd_17_r 'The Blood Dawn'
mis_title_event_5_tbd_18_e 'The Blood Dawn'
mis_title_event_5_tbd_18_r 'The Blood Dawn'
mis_title_event_5_tbd_19_e 'The Blood Dawn'
mis_title_event_5_tbd_19_r 'The Blood Dawn'
mis_title_event_5_tbd_1_e 'The Blood Dawn'
mis_title_event_5_tbd_1_r 'The Blood Dawn'
mis_title_event_5_tbd_20_e 'The Blood Dawn'
mis_title_event_5_tbd_20_r 'The Blood Dawn'
mis_title_event_5_tbd_21_e 'The Blood Dawn'
mis_title_event_5_tbd_21_r 'The Blood Dawn'
mis_title_event_5_tbd_22_e 'The Blood Dawn'
mis_title_event_5_tbd_22_r 'The Blood Dawn'
mis_title_event_5_tbd_23_e 'The Blood Dawn'
mis_title_event_5_tbd_23_r 'The Blood Dawn'
mis_title_event_5_tbd_24_e 'The Blood Dawn'
mis_title_event_5_tbd_24_r 'The Blood Dawn'
mis_title_event_5_tbd_25_e 'The Blood Dawn'
mis_title_event_5_tbd_25_r 'The Blood Dawn'
mis_title_event_5_tbd_26_e 'The Blood Dawn'
mis_title_event_5_tbd_26_r 'The Blood Dawn'
mis_title_event_5_tbd_2_e 'The Blood Dawn'
mis_title_event_5_tbd_2_r 'The Blood Dawn'
mis_title_event_5_tbd_3_e 'The Blood Dawn'
mis_title_event_5_tbd_3_r 'The Blood Dawn'
mis_title_event_5_tbd_4_e 'The Blood Dawn'
mis_title_event_5_tbd_4_r 'The Blood Dawn'
mis_title_event_5_tbd_5_e 'The Blood Dawn'
mis_title_event_5_tbd_5_r 'The Blood Dawn'
mis_title_event_5_tbd_6_e 'The Blood Dawn'
mis_title_event_5_tbd_6_r 'The Blood Dawn'
mis_title_event_5_tbd_7_e 'The Blood Dawn'
mis_title_event_5_tbd_7_r 'The Blood Dawn'
mis_title_event_5_tbd_8_e 'The Blood Dawn'
mis_title_event_5_tbd_8_r 'The Blood Dawn'
mis_title_event_5_tbd_9_e 'The Blood Dawn'
mis_title_event_5_tbd_9_r 'The Blood Dawn'
mis_title_evt_6_sa_e_1 'Secret Alliances'
mis_title_evt_6_sa_e_10 'Secret Alliances'
mis_title_evt_6_sa_e_11 'Secret Alliances'
mis_title_evt_6_sa_e_12 'Secret Alliances'
mis_title_evt_6_sa_e_13 'Secret Alliances'
mis_title_evt_6_sa_e_14 'Secret Alliances'
mis_title_evt_6_sa_e_15 'Secret Alliances'
mis_title_evt_6_sa_e_16 'Secret Alliances'
mis_title_evt_6_sa_e_17 'Secret Alliances'
mis_title_evt_6_sa_e_18 'Secret Alliances'
mis_title_evt_6_sa_e_19 'Secret Alliances'
mis_title_evt_6_sa_e_2 'Secret Alliances'
mis_title_evt_6_sa_e_20 'Secret Alliances'
mis_title_evt_6_sa_e_21 'Secret Alliances'
mis_title_evt_6_sa_e_22 'Secret Alliances'
mis_title_evt_6_sa_e_23 'Secret Alliances'
mis_title_evt_6_sa_e_24 'Secret Alliances'
mis_title_evt_6_sa_e_25 'Secret Alliances'
mis_title_evt_6_sa_e_26 'Secret Alliances Repeatable Mission'
mis_title_evt_6_sa_e_3 'Secret Alliances'
mis_title_evt_6_sa_e_4 'Secret Alliances'
mis_title_evt_6_sa_e_5 'Secret Alliances'
mis_title_evt_6_sa_e_6 'Secret Alliances'
mis_title_evt_6_sa_e_7 'Secret Alliances'
mis_title_evt_6_sa_e_8 'Secret Alliances'
mis_title_evt_6_sa_e_9 'Secret Alliances'
mis_title_evt_6_sa_r_1 'Secret Alliances'
mis_title_evt_6_sa_r_10 'Secret Alliances'
mis_title_evt_6_sa_r_11 'Secret Alliances'
mis_title_evt_6_sa_r_12 'Secret Alliances'
mis_title_evt_6_sa_r_13 'Secret Alliances'
mis_title_evt_6_sa_r_14 'Secret Alliances'
mis_title_evt_6_sa_r_15 'Secret Alliances'
mis_title_evt_6_sa_r_16 'Secret Alliances'
mis_title_evt_6_sa_r_17 'Secret Alliances'
mis_title_evt_6_sa_r_18 'Secret Alliances'
mis_title_evt_6_sa_r_19 'Secret Alliances'
mis_title_evt_6_sa_r_2 'Secret Alliances'
mis_title_evt_6_sa_r_20 'Secret Alliances'
mis_title_evt_6_sa_r_21 'Secret Alliances'
mis_title_evt_6_sa_r_22 'Secret Alliances'
mis_title_evt_6_sa_r_23 'Secret Alliances'
mis_title_evt_6_sa_r_24 'Secret Alliances'
mis_title_evt_6_sa_r_25 'Secret Alliances'
mis_title_evt_6_sa_r_26 'Secret Alliances Repeatable Mission'
mis_title_evt_6_sa_r_3 'Secret Alliances'
mis_title_evt_6_sa_r_4 'Secret Alliances'
mis_title_evt_6_sa_r_5 'Secret Alliances'
mis_title_evt_6_sa_r_6 'Secret Alliances'
mis_title_evt_6_sa_r_7 'Secret Alliances'
mis_title_evt_6_sa_r_8 'Secret Alliances'
mis_title_evt_6_sa_r_9 'Secret Alliances'
mis_title_evt_7_rw_e_1 'Roolan’s Wrath'
mis_title_evt_7_rw_e_10 'Roolan’s Wrath'
mis_title_evt_7_rw_e_11 'Roolan’s Wrath'
mis_title_evt_7_rw_e_12 'Roolan’s Wrath'
mis_title_evt_7_rw_e_13 'Roolan’s Wrath'
mis_title_evt_7_rw_e_14 'Roolan’s Wrath'
mis_title_evt_7_rw_e_15 'Roolan’s Wrath'
mis_title_evt_7_rw_e_16 'Roolan’s Wrath'
mis_title_evt_7_rw_e_17 'Roolan’s Wrath'
mis_title_evt_7_rw_e_18 'Roolan’s Wrath'
mis_title_evt_7_rw_e_19 'Roolan’s Wrath'
mis_title_evt_7_rw_e_2 'Roolan’s Wrath'
mis_title_evt_7_rw_e_20 'Roolan’s Wrath'
mis_title_evt_7_rw_e_21 'Roolan’s Wrath'
mis_title_evt_7_rw_e_22 'Roolan’s Wrath'
mis_title_evt_7_rw_e_23 'Roolan’s Wrath'
mis_title_evt_7_rw_e_24 'Roolan’s Wrath'
mis_title_evt_7_rw_e_25 'Roolan’s Wrath'
mis_title_evt_7_rw_e_26 'Roolan’s Wrath'
mis_title_evt_7_rw_e_3 'Roolan’s Wrath'
mis_title_evt_7_rw_e_4 'Roolan’s Wrath'
mis_title_evt_7_rw_e_5 'Roolan’s Wrath'
mis_title_evt_7_rw_e_6 'Roolan’s Wrath'
mis_title_evt_7_rw_e_7 'Roolan’s Wrath'
mis_title_evt_7_rw_e_8 'Roolan’s Wrath'
mis_title_evt_7_rw_e_9 'Roolan’s Wrath'
mis_title_evt_7_rw_r_1 'Roolan’s Wrath'
mis_title_evt_7_rw_r_10 'Roolan’s Wrath'
mis_title_evt_7_rw_r_11 'Roolan’s Wrath'
mis_title_evt_7_rw_r_12 'Roolan’s Wrath'
mis_title_evt_7_rw_r_13 'Roolan’s Wrath'
mis_title_evt_7_rw_r_14 'Roolan’s Wrath'
mis_title_evt_7_rw_r_15 'Roolan’s Wrath'
mis_title_evt_7_rw_r_16 'Roolan’s Wrath'
mis_title_evt_7_rw_r_17 'Roolan’s Wrath'
mis_title_evt_7_rw_r_18 'Roolan’s Wrath'
mis_title_evt_7_rw_r_19 'Roolan’s Wrath'
mis_title_evt_7_rw_r_2 'Roolan’s Wrath'
mis_title_evt_7_rw_r_20 'Roolan’s Wrath'
mis_title_evt_7_rw_r_21 'Roolan’s Wrath'
mis_title_evt_7_rw_r_22 'Roolan’s Wrath'
mis_title_evt_7_rw_r_23 'Roolan’s Wrath'
mis_title_evt_7_rw_r_24 'Roolan’s Wrath'
mis_title_evt_7_rw_r_25 'Roolan’s Wrath'
mis_title_evt_7_rw_r_26 'Roolan’s Wrath'
mis_title_evt_7_rw_r_3 'Roolan’s Wrath'
mis_title_evt_7_rw_r_4 'Roolan’s Wrath'
mis_title_evt_7_rw_r_5 'Roolan’s Wrath'
mis_title_evt_7_rw_r_6 'Roolan’s Wrath'
mis_title_evt_7_rw_r_7 'Roolan’s Wrath'
mis_title_evt_7_rw_r_8 'Roolan’s Wrath'
mis_title_evt_7_rw_r_9 'Roolan’s Wrath'
mis_title_evt_8_rs_e_1 'Rebel Secrets I'
mis_title_evt_8_rs_e_10 'Rebel Secrets X'
mis_title_evt_8_rs_e_11 'Rebel Secrets XI'
mis_title_evt_8_rs_e_12 'Rebel Secrets XII'
mis_title_evt_8_rs_e_13 'Rebel Secrets XIII'
mis_title_evt_8_rs_e_14 'Rebel Secrets XIV'
mis_title_evt_8_rs_e_15 'Rebel Secrets XV'
mis_title_evt_8_rs_e_16 'Rebel Secrets XVI'
mis_title_evt_8_rs_e_17 'Rebel Secrets XVII'
mis_title_evt_8_rs_e_18 'Rebel Secrets XVIII'
mis_title_evt_8_rs_e_19 'Rebel Secrets XIX'
mis_title_evt_8_rs_e_2 'Rebel Secrets II'
mis_title_evt_8_rs_e_20 'Rebel Secrets XX'
mis_title_evt_8_rs_e_21 'Rebel Secrets XXI'
mis_title_evt_8_rs_e_22 'Rebel Secrets XXII'
mis_title_evt_8_rs_e_23 'Rebel Secrets XXIII'
mis_title_evt_8_rs_e_24 'Rebel Secrets XXIV'
mis_title_evt_8_rs_e_25 'Rebel Secrets XXV'
mis_title_evt_8_rs_e_26 'Repeatable MIssion'
mis_title_evt_8_rs_e_3 'Rebel Secrets III'
mis_title_evt_8_rs_e_4 'Rebel Secrets IV'
mis_title_evt_8_rs_e_5 'Rebel Secrets V'
mis_title_evt_8_rs_e_6 'Rebel Secrets VI'
mis_title_evt_8_rs_e_7 'Rebel Secrets VII'
mis_title_evt_8_rs_e_8 'Rebel Secrets VIII'
mis_title_evt_8_rs_e_9 'Rebel Secrets IX'
mis_title_evt_8_rs_r_1 'Rebel Secrets I'
mis_title_evt_8_rs_r_10 'Rebel Secrets X'
mis_title_evt_8_rs_r_11 'Rebel Secrets XI'
mis_title_evt_8_rs_r_12 'Rebel Secrets XII'
mis_title_evt_8_rs_r_13 'Rebel Secrets XIII'
mis_title_evt_8_rs_r_14 'Rebel Secrets XIV'
mis_title_evt_8_rs_r_15 'Rebel Secrets XV'
mis_title_evt_8_rs_r_16 'Rebel Secrets XVI'
mis_title_evt_8_rs_r_17 'Rebel Secrets XVII'
mis_title_evt_8_rs_r_18 'Rebel Secrets XVIII'
mis_title_evt_8_rs_r_19 'Rebel Secrets XIX'
mis_title_evt_8_rs_r_2 'Rebel Secrets II'
mis_title_evt_8_rs_r_20 'Rebel Secrets XX'
mis_title_evt_8_rs_r_21 'Rebel Secrets XXI'
mis_title_evt_8_rs_r_22 'Rebel Secrets XXII'
mis_title_evt_8_rs_r_23 'Rebel Secrets XXIII'
mis_title_evt_8_rs_r_24 'Rebel Secrets XXIV'
mis_title_evt_8_rs_r_25 'Rebel Secrets XXV'
mis_title_evt_8_rs_r_26 'Repeatable MIssion'
mis_title_evt_8_rs_r_3 'Rebel Secrets III'
mis_title_evt_8_rs_r_4 'Rebel Secrets IV'
mis_title_evt_8_rs_r_5 'Rebel Secrets V'
mis_title_evt_8_rs_r_6 'Rebel Secrets VI'
mis_title_evt_8_rs_r_7 'Rebel Secrets VII'
mis_title_evt_8_rs_r_8 'Rebel Secrets VIII'
mis_title_evt_8_rs_r_9 'Rebel Secrets IX'
mis_title_evt_9_epffa_e_1 'Novice Challenge'
mis_title_evt_9_epffa_e_2 'Initiate Challenge'
mis_title_evt_9_epffa_e_3 'Master Challenge'
mis_title_evt_9_epffa_r_1 'Novice Challenge'
mis_title_evt_9_epffa_r_2 'Initiate Challenge'
mis_title_evt_9_epffa_r_3 'Master Challenge'
mis_title_sce_1_gwar_e_1 'Gamorrean Assault I'
mis_title_sce_1_gwar_e_2 'Gamorrean Assault II'
mis_title_sce_1_gwar_e_3 'Gamorrean Assault III'
mis_title_sce_1_gwar_e_4 'Gamorrean Assault IV'
mis_title_sce_1_gwar_r_1 'Gamorrean Assault I'
mis_title_sce_1_gwar_r_2 'Gamorrean Assault II'
mis_title_sce_1_gwar_r_3 'Gamorrean Assault III'
mis_title_sce_1_gwar_r_4 'Gamorrean Assault IV'
mis_title_sce_2_star_e_1 'Empire Airshow I'
mis_title_sce_2_star_e_2 'Empire Airshow II'
mis_title_sce_2_star_e_3 'Empire Airshow III'
mis_title_sce_2_star_e_4 'Empire Airshow IV'
mis_title_sce_2_star_e_5 'Empire Airshow V'
mis_title_sce_2_star_e_6 'Empire Airshow VI'
mis_title_sce_2_star_r_1 'Rebel Airshow I'
mis_title_sce_2_star_r_2 'Rebel Airshow II'
mis_title_sce_2_star_r_3 'Rebel Airshow III'
mis_title_sce_2_star_r_4 'Rebel Airshow IV'
mis_title_sce_2_star_r_5 'Rebel Airshow V'
mis_title_sce_2_star_r_6 'Rebel Airshow VI'
mis_tjg_10_e_intro1 "Look at this place. It's a deathtrap..."
mis_tjg_10_e_intro2 'Operative, finish this business with the locals quickly. There are more pressing concerns than some agitated savages.'
mis_tjg_10_e_outro1 "Wow, that battle reminded me of the old days, during the Clone Wars. Except for the lack of clones, droids, or Jedi. Still, it gets the blood going, doesn't it?"
mis_tjg_10_r_intro1 "Look at this place. It's a deathtrap..."
mis_tjg_10_r_intro2 'Agent, concentrate on the task at hand. If you defeat the Jundland General here and now, you will save the lives of countless innocents.'
mis_tjg_10_r_outro1 "Wow, that battle reminded me of the old days during the Clone Wars. Except for the lack of Clones, Droids, or Jedi. Still, it gets the blood going, doesn't it?"
mis_tjg_1_e_fail1 "We need more defenses to hold attackers at bay. Let's make sure we have plenty of [F2D62F]Walls[-] and [F2D62F]Turrets[-]."
mis_tjg_1_e_intro1 'Woah! We must have really bugged the bantha. More Tusken Raiders? They look angry, too.'
mis_tjg_1_e_outro1 'That was an unusually sound strategy for those savages. I wonder what their goal was with that attack?'
mis_tjg_1_r_fail1 "We need more defenses to hold attackers at bay. Let's make sure we have plenty of [F2D62F]Walls[-] and [F2D62F]Turrets[-]."
mis_tjg_1_r_intro1 'Woah! We must have really whacked the wampa. More Sand People? They look angry, too.'
mis_tjg_1_r_outro1 'That was an unusually sound strategy for simple sand people. I wonder what their goal was with that attack?'
mis_tjg_2_e_fail1 'Build two Level 2 Barracks immediately!'
mis_tjg_2_e_intro1 'Operative, it is clear that with the escalating native aggression, you will need access to more types of troops. [F2D62F]Build two Level 2 Barracks[-] immediately!'
mis_tjg_2_e_outro1 'Each time you improve a Barracks, you will gain access to a new type of troop. Each troop has a specialty. Learn well the strategies for victory, Operative.'
mis_tjg_2_r_fail1 'Build two Level 2 Barracks immediately!'
mis_tjg_2_r_intro1 'Agent, it is clear that with the escalating aggression of the Sand People, you will need access to more types of troops. Build two level 2 [F2D62F]Barracks[-] as soon as you can.'
mis_tjg_2_r_outro1 'Each time you improve a Barracks you will gain access to a new type of troop. Each troop has a specialty, so be sure to experiment with different deployments.'
mis_tjg_2a_e_intro1 'With an upgraded barracks you now have access to [F2D62F]Scout Troopers[-]. These  troops excel at stealing resources.'
mis_tjg_2a_e_intro2 '[F2D62F]Recruit 15 Scout Troopers[-] now to see this for yourself.'
mis_tjg_2a_e_outro1 'Remember, Operative: Each type of troop excels at a different role. [F2D62F]If a battle seems too difficult, try changing your deployment strategies.[-]'
mis_tjg_2a_r_intro1 'With an upgraded barracks you now have access to [F2D62F]Wookiee Warriors[-]. These fearsome troops excel at destroying turrets.'
mis_tjg_2a_r_intro2 'They also synergize very well with heroes such as Han Solo who attack turrets. [F2D62F]Recruit 3 Wookiee Warriors[-] now to see this for yourself.'
mis_tjg_2a_r_outro1 'Remember, Agent each type of troop excels at a different role. [F2D62F]If a battle seems too difficult, try changing your deployment strategies.[-]'
mis_tjg_3_e_intro1 'This is where they launched the attack from, all right. But look at that enclave layout. Sand People are never this... tactical.'
mis_tjg_3_e_intro2 "Make sure to deploy your troops carefully, partner. I'll be in the Strix on standby."
mis_tjg_3_e_intro3 'Operative, I have apportioned some experimental [F2D62F]Dark Troopers[-] to Tatooine for evaluation. I have dispatched them to you for this battle. Do not fail the Empire.'
mis_tjg_3_e_outro1 'The combat data you have provided with these units is invaluable, Operative. You will be permitted to train them locally, from your barracks.'
mis_tjg_3_r_intro1 'This is where they launched the attack from, all right. Look at the layout of that enclave. Sand People are never this... tactical.'
mis_tjg_3_r_intro2 "Make sure to deploy your soldiers carefully, partner. I'll be in the Strix on standby."
mis_tjg_3_r_intro3 'Agent, in addition to the ones you have trained, I have sent some additional [F2D62F]Wookiee Warriors[-] to aid you in this battle.'
mis_tjg_3_r_outro1 "The whole thing was a criss-cross of overlapping fire. Where'd the Sand People get the idea for that? Very strange, if you ask me."
mis_tjg_4_e_fail1 "We need more defenses to hold attackers at bay. Let's make sure we have plenty of [F2D62F]Walls[-] and [F2D62F]Turrets[-]."
mis_tjg_4_e_intro1 "What the... We just got back! How'd they get so close to the base without anyone noticing!"
mis_tjg_4_e_intro2 "Don't just stand there, you grunts! Man the turrets! Repel the attackers!"
mis_tjg_4_e_outro1 'That was intense. Sand People are never this smart. Stone headed, loud and persistent, sure. But strategic? Never.'
mis_tjg_4_e_outro2 "This worries me. I'm going to head to Mos Espa and see what the local chatter is in the cantina..."
mis_tjg_4_r_fail1 "We need more defenses to hold attackers at bay. Let's make sure we have plenty of [F2D62F]Walls[-] and [F2D62F]Turrets[-]."
mis_tjg_4_r_intro1 "What the... We just got back! How'd they get so close to the base without anyone noticing!"
mis_tjg_4_r_intro2 "Don't just stand there, you grunts! Man the turrets! Repel the attackers!"
mis_tjg_4_r_outro1 'That was intense. Sand People are never this smart. Stone headed, loud and persistent, sure. But strategic? Never.'
mis_tjg_4_r_outro2 "This worries me. I'm going to head to Mos Espa and see what the local chatter is in the cantina..."
mis_tjg_5_e_intro1 "Operative, while your partner is away, don't neglect your garrison. [F2D62F]Alloy[-] is critical for upgrading buildings. Upgrade your [F2D62F]Alloy Depot[-] to Level 2 to hold more of it in reserve."
mis_tjg_5_e_intro2 'Then, you can afford more expensive buildings and upgrades.'
mis_tjg_5_e_outro1 "Excellent work, Operative. Don't forget, you can also upgrade your [F2D62F]Credit Vault[-] to store additional Credits."
mis_tjg_5_r_intro1 "Agent, while Saponza is away, don't neglect your base. [F2D62F]Alloy[-] is critical for upgrading buildings. Upgrade your [F2D62F]Alloy Depot[-] to level 2 to hold more of it in reserve."
mis_tjg_5_r_intro2 'That way, you can afford more expensive buildings and upgrades.'
mis_tjg_5_r_outro1 "Excellent work, Agent. Don't forget, you can also upgrade your [F2D62F]Credit Vault[-] to store additional credits."
mis_tjg_6_e_fail1 "We need more defenses to hold attackers at bay. Let's make sure we have plenty of [F2D62F]Walls[-] and [F2D62F]Turrets[-]."
mis_tjg_6_e_intro1 'Hey, partner. I\'m back. I think we\'re running up against this local bogeyman called the [F2D62F]"Jundland General"[-]. He runs out of a village in the Jundland Wastes and...'
mis_tjg_6_e_intro2 'Wait... do you hear that? Why is it so quiet all of a sudden...'
mis_tjg_6_e_outro1 'Okay, this is getting out of hand. We need to do something about this Jundland General, and soon.'
mis_tjg_6_r_fail1 "We need more defenses to hold attackers at bay. Let's make sure we have plenty of [F2D62F]Walls[-] and [F2D62F]Turrets[-]."
mis_tjg_6_r_intro1 'Hey, partner. I\'m back. I think we\'re running up against this local bogeyman called the [F2D62F]"Jundland General"[-]. He runs out of a village in the Jundland Wastes and...'
mis_tjg_6_r_intro2 'Wait... do you hear that? Why is it so quiet all of a sudden...'
mis_tjg_6_r_outro1 'Okay, this is getting out of hand. We need to do something about this Jundland General, and soon.'
mis_tjg_7_e_intro1 "While we build up a force to take out this Jundland General's base, we should make sure that our own base is ready for more attacks."
mis_tjg_7_e_intro2 "Let's make sure we have at least two [F2D62F]Level 2 Rapid Fire Turrets[-] before we head out."
mis_tjg_7_e_outro1 'Ensuring our turrets are at max level and placed smartly is the key to a winning defense, partner. Be sure to experiment and find the best layout for them.'
mis_tjg_7_e_outro2 "The scouts tell me that they found another Tusken enclave. When you're ready let's take care of this."
mis_tjg_7_r_intro1 "Okay while we build up a force to take out this Jundland General's base we should make sure that our own base is ready for more attacks."
mis_tjg_7_r_intro2 "Let's make sure we have at least [F2D62F]2 Turrets at level 2[-] before we head out."
mis_tjg_7_r_outro1 'Making sure our turrets are at max level and placed smartly is the key to a winning defense, partner. Make sure to experiment to find the best layout for them.'
mis_tjg_7_r_outro2 "For now, the scouts tell me that they found another Tusken enclave. When you're ready let's take care of this."
mis_tjg_8_e_intro1 "Another heavily fortified Tusken enclave. This general is a crafty zakkeg, that's for sure."
mis_tjg_8_e_intro2 'Operative, concentrate on the task at hand. If you defeat the Jundland General here and now, you will end a minor threat before it can become a major one.'
mis_tjg_8_e_outro1 "All defenses. No women or younglings. Just another enclave meant to be a deathtrap. I'm getting tired of this, partner. We need to find this Tusken soon."
mis_tjg_8_r_intro1 "Another heavily fortified Tusken enclave. This general is a crafty zakkeg, that's for sure."
mis_tjg_8_r_intro2 "Agent, this does not appear to be the Jundland General's main enclave. Nevertheless, it is a threat to many peaceful settlers on Tatooine."
mis_tjg_8_r_outro1 "All defenses, no women or younglings. Just another enclave meant to be a deathtrap. I'm getting tired of this, partner. We need to find this Tusken soon."
mis_tjg_9_e_fail1 'Upgrade your HQ to Level 3 to continue.'
mis_tjg_9_e_intro1 'Operative, your progress on Tatooine is impressive. There are more difficult tasks to come however, as we strike at the true threat. [F2D62F]Upgrade your HQ to Level 3[-] before we begin.'
mis_tjg_9_e_outro1 "The true threat in the Outer Rim isn't locals or Hutts. No, the true threat is the terrorist group of scum called the [F2D62F]Rebel Alliance[-]!"
mis_tjg_9_e_outro2 'For now, they have no presence on Tatooine, and you will shortly begin to attack their "allies" and those who supply these terrorists with weapons and equipment.'
mis_tjg_9_r_fail1 'Upgrade your HQ to level 3 to continue.'
mis_tjg_9_r_intro1 'Agent, your progress on Tatooine is impressive. There are more difficult tasks to come however once we are ready to strike at the true threat. [F2D62F]Upgrade your HQ to level 3[-] before we begin.'
mis_tjg_9_r_outro1 "The true threat in the Outer Rim isn't Smugglers, Cartels, or Syndicates. It's the same threat as it is everywhere: the [F2D62F]Galactic Empire[-]."
mis_tjg_9_r_outro2 'The time will come very soon when your base on Tatooine is ready to begin going after the Imperial garrison there. Be ready, Agent.'
mis_tsw_1_e_fail1 "Tusken Raiders are dangerous enemies, partner. Let's make sure to [F2D62F]maximize the defense around our HQ[-] to prevent defeat in the future."
mis_tsw_1_e_intro1 "Well would you look at that? Sand People attackin'. Boy, that takes me back."
mis_tsw_1_e_intro2 "Good thing we built those extra turrets, eh? Let's see how our defenses hold up."
mis_tsw_1_e_outro1 "Slugthrowers! Wow, ain't heard that sound in ages! The Tuskens will be back, though... and in greater numbers. We better be ready."
mis_tsw_1_r_fail1 "Tusken Raiders are dangerous enemies, partner. Let's make sure to [F2D62F]maximize the defense around our HQ[-] to prevent defeat in the future."
mis_tsw_1_r_intro1 "Well would you look at that? Sand People attackin'. Boy, that takes me back."
mis_tsw_1_r_intro2 "Good thing we built those extra turrets, eh? Let's see how our defenses hold up."
mis_tsw_1_r_outro1 "Slugthrowers! Wow, ain't heard that sound in ages! The Tuskens will be back, though... and in greater numbers. We better be ready."
mis_tsw_2_e_intro1 'Operative, as part of the Empire you have access to some of the most advanced war machines in the galaxy. Build a [F2D62F]Factory[-] to construct [F2D62F]Vehicles[-].'
mis_tsw_2_e_outro1 'The [F2D62F]Factory[-] allows you to construct [F2D62F]Vehicles[-], if you have enough credits. Vehicles are typically better than infantry units, but require more space in your Unit Transport.'
mis_tsw_2_r_intro1 "Agent, we can't match the Empire's mechanical might, but the Rebel ranks include some of the galaxy's bravest. Build a [F2D62F]Hero Command[-] to recruit [F2D62F]Heroes[-]."
mis_tsw_2_r_outro1 'The [F2D62F]Hero Command[-] allows you to recruit [F2D62F]Heroes[-], if you can pay their fee. Heroes are much stronger than average troops. Use them wisely, Agent.'
mis_tsw_2a_e_intro1 'Operative, build some vehicles immediately.'
mis_tsw_2a_e_intro2 'You will need them for the battles to come.'
mis_tsw_2a_e_outro1 'The mechanized platoon is ready.'
mis_tsw_2a_r_intro1 'Agent, do you remember [F2D62F]Han Solo[-]? He is a talented scoundrel and is deeply in debt with Jabba the Hutt.'
mis_tsw_2a_r_intro2 'It behooves us to keep our true identity secret for now, but since you have a [F2D62F]Hero Command[-] you should recruit Solo and make use of his skills while you can.'
mis_tsw_2a_r_outro1 "Hey there, kid. I didn't get your name. I'm Han. If the credits are good just give the word and I'll be there."
mis_tsw_3_e_intro1 'A moisture farm? Poor locals never stood a chance. The Sand People think all water is sacred and was promised to them. I say nuts to that. Send in the troops!'
mis_tsw_3_e_outro1 "I hope those poor farmers can rest a little easier now. Let's head back."
mis_tsw_3_r_intro1 'A moisture farm? Poor locals never stood a chance. The Sand People think all water is sacred and was promised to them. I say nuts to that. Send in the troops!'
mis_tsw_3_r_outro1 "I hope those poor farmers can rest a little easier now. Let's head back."
mis_tsw_4_e_intro1 "Sand People can be tenacious enemies. To be prepared, we better work on improvin' our [F2D62F]Credit[-] and [F2D62F]Alloy[-] flow."
mis_tsw_4_e_intro2 "For now, let's upgrade both our [F2D62F]Credit Markets[-] to level two."
mis_tsw_4_e_outro1 "Scouts say they've found the village them Sand People are using as home base for their raids. Let's bring the long arm of the law down on 'em!"
mis_tsw_4_r_fail1 'Partner, make sure that we bring enough troops with us when we launch attacks and that they get deployed where they will be most effective.'
mis_tsw_4_r_intro1 "Sand People can be tenacious enemies. To be prepared, we better work on improvin' our [F2D62F]Credit[-] and [F2D62F]Alloy[-] flow."
mis_tsw_4_r_intro2 "For now, let's upgrade both our [F2D62F]Credit Markets[-] to level two."
mis_tsw_4_r_outro1 "The scouts are sayin' they've found the village them Sand People are usin' as home base for their raids. Let's go get a measure of justice for those farmers, eh?"
mis_tsw_5_e_intro1 "Tuskens can be a real menace. This is dirty work, but we've gotta send a message. Tatooine's endured these savages long enough."
mis_tsw_5_e_outro1 "Good work pacifying those savages, Operative. I approve of the initiative you're showing. Continue your work on Tatooine. Subsector Command, out."
mis_tsw_5_r_intro1 "Tuskens can be a real menace. This is dirty work, but we've gotta send a message. We've got to get justice for all those farmers and settlers!"
mis_tsw_5_r_outro1 'Good work, Agent. But we must be mindful of the enemies we make on Tatooine. The Sand People have long memories...'
mis_utts_0_r_intro1 "Partner, seismic sensors indicate an incoming Womp Rat swarm. I can strafe the battle once with the [F2D62F]Strix[-] before the old gal's laser cannon needs to recharge. Just gimme a target."
mis_utts_0_r_intro2 "Target a group of enemies, and I'll fly a strafing run. That should take care of a lot of the attackers if aimed well."
mis_utts_0_r_outro1 "Nothin' quite like bullseye'ing Womp Rats. I can help out in the [F2D62F]Strix[-] until we can convince our new friends to let us use X-wings."
mis_utts_10_e_intro1 "Kosh was right, you know. Tatooine is dangerous, and other locals will eventually come calling. Let's make sure we have at least four [F2D62F]Turrets[-] for now."
mis_utts_10_e_outro1 "Ahh, smell that dry air. It sure is good to be back under the twin suns, eh partner? I don't know what the future holds for us..."
mis_utts_10_e_outro2 "...but for the first time in forever, I feel like what we're doing will make a difference.  Who knew bringing law and order could feel so good?"
mis_utts_10_e_outro3 "But there will be time for sentiment later. We've got work to do. Eh, partner?"
mis_utts_10_r_intro1 "Jennica was right, you know. Tatooine is dangerous, and other locals will eventually come calling. Let's make sure we have at least four [F2D62F]Turrets[-] for now."
mis_utts_10_r_outro1 "Ahh, smell that dry air. It sure is good to be back under the twin suns, eh partner? I don't know what the future holds for us..."
mis_utts_10_r_outro2 "...but for the first time in forever, I feel like what we're doing is good and will make a difference. And you know what? It feels great!"
mis_utts_10_r_outro3 "But there will be time for sentiment later. We've got work to do. Eh, partner?"
mis_utts_1_e_fail1 "Womp Rats are big, but they're easy to shoot. All we need is a [1CDB2F]bit of infantry[-] and this should be a piece of cake. Let's try again, partner."
mis_utts_1_e_intro1 "Okay partner, we've been gettin' reports of locals being attacked by huge swarms of [F2D62F]Womp Rats[-]. An old friend asked me if we could investigate..."
mis_utts_1_e_intro2 "...which is why we're here. You see those [F2D62F]Womp Rat Nests[-]? There's bound to be [F2D62F]Womp Rats[-] around. Watch for an attack once the troops are deployed."
mis_utts_1_e_outro1 "Okay, that was a piece of cake. Let's get outta here, before the charred rat smell attracts a [F2D62F]Krayt Dragon[-]."
mis_utts_1_r_fail1 "[F2D62F]Womp Rats[-] are big, but they're easy to shoot. All we need is a bit of infantry and this should be a piece of cake. Let's try again, partner."
mis_utts_1_r_intro1 "Okay partner, we've been gettin' reports of locals being attacked by huge swarms of [F2D62F]Womp Rats[-]. Jennica's asked us to investigate..."
mis_utts_1_r_intro2 "...which is why we're here. You see those [F2D62F]Womp Rat Nests[-]? There's bound to be [F2D62F]Womp Rats[-] around. Watch for an attack once the troops are deployed."
mis_utts_1_r_outro1 "Okay, that was a piece of cake. Let's get outta here, before the charred rat smell attracts a [F2D62F]Krayt Dragon[-]."
mis_utts_2_e_fail1 "I said watch out for the turrets! Yer killin' me, partner. We need to train some more troops in the [F2D62F]Barracks[-] and try again."
mis_utts_2_e_intro1 "Look at that. It's a [F2D62F]Research Lab[-]. I bet that's the reason these rats are so aggressive lately. Some nut's been experimentin' on 'em. Let's take it out."
mis_utts_2_e_intro2 "I'm sittin' in the [F2D62F]Strix[-] on standby, partner. I can strafe the battle once, before the old gal's laser cannon needs to recharge. Just gimme a target."
mis_utts_2_e_outro1 "So, we've got a tiny merc base in the middle of nowhere, experimentin' on [F2D62F]Womp Rats[-]. How odd. I wonder what they were planning?"
mis_utts_2_r_fail1 "I said watch out for the turrets! Yer killin' me, partner. We need to train some more troops in the [F2D62F]Barracks[-] and try again."
mis_utts_2_r_intro1 "Look at that. It's a [F2D62F]Research Lab[-]. I bet that's the reason these rats are so aggressive lately. Some nut's been experimentin' on 'em. Let's take it out."
mis_utts_2_r_outro1 "A tiny merc base in the middle of nowhere, experimentin' on [F2D62F]Womp Rats[-]. Will wonders never cease? Let's get back to base, partner."
mis_utts_2_r_outro2 "I'm sittin' in the [F2D62F]Strix[-] on standby, partner. I can strafe the battle once, before the old gal's laser cannon needs to recharge. Just gimme a target."
mis_utts_2a_e_intro1 'Operative, this appears to be the true source of the recent spike in [F2D62F]Womp Rat[-] aggression. Undoubtedly, this mercenary scum is attempting to breed the vermin for their own ends.'
mis_utts_2a_e_intro2 'This base is too heavily fortified for your current strength, so I am assigning you an [F2D62F]AT-AT[-] and a squadron of [F2D62F]TIE fighters[-]. Do not get used to this. In the future, you will mostly be on your own.'
mis_utts_2a_e_outro1 "That was one mean machine, eh partner? I can't wait until we can build those ourselves! And did you see those [F2D62F]TIE fighters[-]? What crack shots! Looks like we picked some good allies."
mis_utts_2a_r_intro1 'Agent, this appears to be the true source of the recent spike in [F2D62F]Womp Rat[-] aggression.'
mis_utts_2a_r_intro2 ' This base is too heavily fortified for your current strength, so I am sending you a [F2D62F]Juggernaut[-] and a hero of the Rebellion named [F2D62F]Chewbacca[-] for battle support. Good luck.'
mis_utts_2a_r_outro1 "That was one mean machine, eh partner? I can't wait until we can build those ourselves. And did you see that [F2D62F]Wookiee[-]? What a crack shot! Looks like we picked some good allies."
mis_utts_3_e_intro1 'Operative, the recent attack on your base only proves that Tatooine is a dangerous place. Stronger enemies will emerge.'
mis_utts_3_e_intro2 '[F2D62F]Walls[-] are a basic, yet effective defense. Build more immediately.'
mis_utts_3_e_outro1 "Plan your garrison well, Operative. Do not squander the Empire's resources with a weak defense. No Imperial battle station would ever have a glaring weakness, and neither should yours."
mis_utts_3_r_intro1 'Agent, the recent attack on your base only proves that Tatooine is a dangerous place to operate. Stronger enemies will emerge.'
mis_utts_3_r_intro2 'To that end, you should build more of your most basic defense: [F2D62F]Walls[-].'
mis_utts_3_r_outro1 'Remember that walls are only effective when placed strategically. Try to defend your most important buildings like your [F2D62F]HQ[-] and [F2D62F]storage buildings[-].'
mis_utts_4_e_fail1 'Did you see that tough merc? That guy was a real [F2D62F]bruiser[-]. Next time, once he stops to attack the turrets, target him for a [F2D62F]Strix Strafing Run[-], and that will let the turrets deal with the other guys.'
mis_utts_4_e_intro1 'Operative, intelligence has intercepted a transmission between mercenary groups operating on Tatooine. They resent the presence of the Empire, and are massing for a sneak attack. '
mis_utts_4_e_intro2 'When your base is attacked, you can use your [F2D62F]Strix[-] or any ready starships such as a [F2D62F]TIE fighter[-] to strike the attackers. '
mis_utts_4_e_outro1 "That local rabble wasn't made up of the brightest lightsabers in the galaxy. Some of them ran off, and I bet they'll be back with a bigger force eventually."
mis_utts_4_e_outro2 "Our scouts are lookin' for their home base. When they find it, we'll need to deal with them. That's how it works here, under the twin suns."
mis_utts_4_r_fail1 'Did you see that tough merc? That guy was a real [F2D62F]bruiser[-]. Next time, once he stops to attack the turrets, target him for a [F2D62F]Strix Strafing Run[-], and that will let the turrets deal with the other guys.'
mis_utts_4_r_intro1 'Agent, I have intercepted a transmission between mercenary groups operating on Tatooine. They are the groups behind the attempts to breed and engineer [F2D62F]Womp Rats[-].'
mis_utts_4_r_intro2 "They're massing for a sneak attack against you. When your base is attacked, you can use your [F2D62F]Strix[-] or any readied starships to strike the attackers."
mis_utts_4_r_outro1 "That local rabble wasn't made up of the brightest lightsabers in the galaxy. Some of them ran off, and I bet they'll be back with a bigger force eventually."
mis_utts_4_r_outro2 "Our scouts are looking for their home base. When they find it we'll need to deal with them. That's how it works here, under the twin suns."
mis_utts_5_e_intro1 'Operative, scouts are searching for the mercenaries who attacked you. When they are located, you will need to deploy a sizable force.'
mis_utts_5_e_intro2 'Upgrade your [F2D62F]Unit Transport[-] to level two. This will allow you to have more units on standby for a battle.'
mis_utts_5_e_intro3 'Remember, Operative: If you need resources immediately you can use [3fdb4f]Crystals[-] to purchase resources and speed up construction.'
mis_utts_5_e_outro1 'Good timing, Operative. Intelligence has supplied coordinates for your first target. A base belonging to the mercenaries who attacked you earlier. Launch an attack when ready.'
mis_utts_5_r_intro1 'Agent, your scouts are searching for the mercenaries who attacked you. When they are located, you will need to deploy a sizable force.'
mis_utts_5_r_intro2 'To that end, upgrade your [F2D62F]Unit Transport[-] to level two. This will allow you to have more units on standby for a battle.'
mis_utts_5_r_intro3 'And remember: If you need resources immediately, you can use [3FDB4F]Crystals[-] to purchase resources and speed up construction.'
mis_utts_5_r_outro1 "Good timing on that [F2D62F]Unit Transport[-] upgrade, Agent. I've heard from my network that the mercenaries who attacked you have two bases. Launch an attack when ready."
mis_utts_6_e_fail1 "Look at the layout of their base carefully, partner. See that gap in the wall? Let's train some more troops, then come back and try [F2D62F]deploying them there[-]."
mis_utts_6_e_intro1 'The Outer Rim is a lawless place. It is a haven for smugglers, cartels, syndicates, and all kinds of scum and villainy.'
mis_utts_6_e_intro2 'You will be the extension of the Empire here on this lawless backwater, Operative. Crush the scum you find, and bring order and law to this world.'
mis_utts_6_e_intro3 "I'm sittin' in the [F2D62F]Strix[-], partner. Gimme a target, like a turret, and I'll blast it!"
mis_utts_6_e_outro1 'Good work, Operative. You and your partner Saponza are proving to be very... efficient. I will alert you when another target has been identified.'
mis_utts_6_r_fail1 "Look at the layout of their base carefully, partner. See that gap in the wall? Let's train some more troops, then come back and try [F2D62F]deploying them there[-]."
mis_utts_6_r_intro1 'The Outer Rim is a lawless place. It is a haven for smugglers, cartels, syndicates, and all kinds of scum and villainy.'
mis_utts_6_r_intro2 "This base belongs to the group that attacked you. While the Empire is the main threat, we can't leave our flanks exposed. Take this base out, Agent."
mis_utts_6_r_intro3 "I'm sittin' in the [F2D62F]Strix[-], partner. Gimme a target, like a turret, and I'll blast it!"
mis_utts_6_r_outro1 "Good work, Agent. You and your partner, Saponza are proving to be very competent. I will continue searching for the other base, and alert you when I've found it."
mis_utts_7_e_intro1 "Okay, partner. While Kosh and his people are searching for the other merc base, let's talk [F2D62F]Credits[-]."
mis_utts_7_e_intro2 "If we want troops, we gotta pay to keep 'em equipped and ready to go. We have one [F2D62F]Credit Market[-] already, but we can support another, so let's build one more."
mis_utts_7_e_outro1 "Great! This will give us the income we need to keep the troops comin'."
mis_utts_7_r_intro1 "Okay, partner. While Jennica and our scouts are looking for the other merc base, let's talk about [F2D62F]Credits[-]."
mis_utts_7_r_intro2 "If we want troops, we gotta pay to keep 'em equipped and ready to go. We have one [F2D62F]Credit Market[-] already, but we can support another, so let's build one more."
mis_utts_7_r_outro1 "Great! This will give us the income we need to keep the troops comin'."
mis_utts_8_e_intro1 'Operative, the Empire will pay you a [F2D62F]reward[-] for every mission you complete. You may have noticed this already.'
mis_utts_8_e_intro2 'Your reward is paid, even if you do not have the storage capacity for it. Ensure that you keep your storage buildings upgraded to claim your full rewards.'
mis_utts_8_e_intro3 'For now, prepare a sizable force of units. The final mercenary base has ben identified. Why you are ready, destroy it.'
mis_utts_8_e_outro1 'Operative, your next target has been identified. Take the troops you just recruited and destroy the entire base.'
mis_utts_8_r_intro1 'Agent, you may have noticed the Rebel Alliance will pay you a [F2D62F]reward[-] for every mission you complete.'
mis_utts_8_r_intro2 'Your reward is delivered, even if you do not have the storage capacity for it. Make sure to keep your storage buildings upgraded to claim your full rewards.'
mis_utts_8_r_intro3 "For now, ensure you have sufficient forces. Then, when you're ready, launch an attack on the final mercenary base."
mis_utts_8_r_outro1 "Agent, my network has located the last remaining base, belonging to the smugglers who attacked you. Use the troops you've just recruited, and strike when able."
mis_utts_9_e_fail1 'This is a tough one, partner. Make sure to use our troops skillfully, and aim for their [F2D62F]HQ[-]. [1CDB2F]Destroying the enemy HQ[-] almost always gives us a basic win.'
mis_utts_9_e_intro1 "Okay partner, this is going to be a real test. Watch out for that [F2D62F]Proton Mortar[-] in the middle of their base. Target it for me, and I'll blast it with the [F2D62F]Strix[-]!"
mis_utts_9_e_outro1 'Ha! That was fun. Feels great to finally be on the winning side. Good call on joining up, partner.'
mis_utts_9_e_outro2 'See to it that you remember that sentiment, Operative Saponza. The Empire does not tolerate failure. Continue your work on Tatooine.'
mis_utts_9_r_fail1 'This is a tough one, partner. Make sure to use our troops skillfully, and aim for their [F2D62F]HQ[-]. [1CDB2F]Destroying the enemy HQ[-] almost always gives us a basic win.'
mis_utts_9_r_intro1 "Okay, partner. This is going to be a real test. Watch out for that [F2D62F]Proton Mortar[-] in the middle of their base. Target it for me, and I'll blast it with the [F2D62F]Strix[-]!"
mis_utts_9_r_outro1 'Ha! That was fun. Glad to have these Rebel boys backing us up. Good call on joining up, partner.'
mis_utts_9_r_outro2 "Your enthusiasm is commendable, Saponza. But there's still a lot more work to do on Tatooine."
mis_wos_10_r_intro1 'Jennica, is that a Juggernaut I see, ready for us to deploy? I remember, you gave us one right after we signed up.'
mis_wos_10_r_intro2 'Indeed it is, Saponza. A Juggernaut is highly durable, and like the AT-AP, will aim itself at shield generators and other base defenses.'
mis_wos_10_r_outro1 'Okay back to base, partner.'
mis_wos_11_r_intro1 "Partner, you remember what I said about shooting a rancor? Cos I think we're seeing the result..."
mis_wos_11_r_outro1 'Looks like that was just a patrol. Agent, I will have the equipment from that force disposed of elsewhere.'
mis_wos_11_r_outro2 'Hopefully, we can make the Empire think something else happened while we finalize the plans to hit their major bases.'
mis_wos_12_r_intro1 'Agent, the Rebel Alliance has access to schematics and plans for all kinds of weapons and equipment.'
mis_wos_12_r_intro2 'You already have a Research Center, but you can also upgrade it to unlock even stronger units, vehicles, heroes, and other improvements.'
mis_wos_12_r_outro1 'Good job, Agent.'
mis_wos_13_r_intro1 'Hey partner, now that we got this fancy Factory, how about we upgrade it so we can build more of these machines ourselves?'
mis_wos_13_r_outro1 "Can't wait to take these upgraded vehicles out for a spin!"
mis_wos_13_r_outro2 "Agent, prepare your forces to attack a major Imperial target. Let's put all we've done into practice against a hardened target."
mis_wos_14_r_intro1 "Agent, use everything you've built and learned up to this point to do as much damage as you can to an Imperial operative's base."
mis_wos_14_r_outro1 "Good work, Agent. This was a very effective test of our capabilities. We can begin plotting the downfall of the Empire's main garrison here on Tatooine."
mis_wos_1_r_fail1 "Agent, it is sometimes wise to only deploy a small force at first to see what defenders appear. Once you know what you're up against you can counter deploy your own forces."
mis_wos_1_r_intro1 'Agent, my thanks for your prompt response to my beacon. This is part of the wreckage of the Atom Edge, a freighter that was to bring us vital supplies.'
mis_wos_1_r_intro2 "As you can see, it broke up in orbit and crashed. There's evidence we aren't the first ones to reach the wreckage, so approach with caution. It may be a trap."
mis_wos_1_r_outro1 "It worries me that the Empire got here so quickly. The cargo we need isn't here."
mis_wos_1_r_outro2 'The ship broke into two pieces when it hit the atmosphere. What we need must be in the other half. Sending you the coordinates now.'
mis_wos_1_r_tip1 'Rebel scum! Attack!'
mis_wos_1_r_tip2 "It's a trap!"
mis_wos_2_r_fail1 "Agent, it is sometimes wise to only deploy a small force at first to see what defenders appear. Once you know what you're up against you can counter deploy your own forces."
mis_wos_2_r_intro1 'Someone beat us to this half of the Atom Edge too.'
mis_wos_2_r_intro2 "They must have left those Auto-Turrets behind so they could come back and get whatever they didn't claim this time. We need to search that ship."
mis_wos_2_r_outro1 "Ma'am, we didn't find the crates you are looking for, but we did find evidence that smugglers or mercenaries were the ones who got here first."
mis_wos_2_r_outro2 'Well done, Soldier. Agent, track the stolen shipments and get us those cargo crates.'
mis_wos_3_r_intro1 'This is where the trail leads. Waiting on your orders to deploy.'
mis_wos_3_r_outro1 'Excellent work recovering the cargo, Agent. This will allow us to greatly expand the scope of our operations in this sector.'
mis_wos_4_r_intro1 'Agent, the cargo you recovered contains necessary components to construct our own Factory facility, and build our own vehicles locally.'
mis_wos_4_r_intro2 'First, you need to upgrade your HQ to level four. To accommodate the equipment, you will need to build a Factory.'
mis_wos_4_r_outro1 'Good work so far, Agent. Several vehicles survived the crash. I will instruct you in their use in the field.'
mis_wos_5_r_fail1 'Partner, these X-wings and Bombers can hit multiple targets if you aim right. Take your time and make sure you pick targets carefully.'
mis_wos_5_r_intro1 'Agent, a bomber squadron on patrol of the sector located this Empire listening post. They need you to give them targets.'
mis_wos_5_r_intro2 'Try to destroy everything if possible. And may the Force be with you, Agent.'
mis_wos_5_r_outro1 "Commendable work, Agent. I'll meet you back at your base."
mis_wos_6_r_intro1 'To construct vehicles, you will need a Factory. Build one as soon as you can.'
mis_wos_6_r_outro1 'Vehicles are stronger than the average infantryman, but also more expensive and take up more space in your Unit Transport.'
mis_wos_7_r_intro1 "We've got incoming! Imperial attack!"
mis_wos_7_r_outro1 'As you can see, Agent, vehicles can be very deadly when used effectively. The Empire has mastered this, and we must catch up.'
mis_wos_7_r_outro2 "Now... let's focus our attention on the Empire's desert outposts, shall we?"
mis_wos_8_r_intro1 "I have provided you with two types of tanks for this battle. T2-B tanks are lightly armed and suited to a general role. AAT-1's however are more durable, and go straight for defensive turrets."
mis_wos_8_r_intro2 'Deploy your forces with these targeting preferences and roles in mind, to achieve victory.'
mis_wos_8_r_outro1 "I love the sight of exploding Imperial turrets! Let's keep at it, partner."
mis_wos_9_r_intro1 "Speeder Bikes prefer to target enemy units. These big walkers, called AT-APs, go straight for shields and bring 'em down."
mis_wos_9_r_outro1 'Boom! Ha ha! This is like shooting rancors in a cage.'
mis_wos_9_r_outro2 'And by that I mean "easy, but sure to come back and bite you in the rear, later". Know what I mean?'
name_ '???'
name_ackbar 'Admiral Ackbar'
name_bib 'Bib Fortuna'
name_chance 'Lando Calrissian'
name_deathtrooper 'Undead Trooper'
name_dyro 'Dyro Felldor'
name_empty '[060A13].[-]'
name_foren 'Johhar Kessen'
name_han 'Han Solo'
name_hondo 'Hondo Ohnaka'
name_jawa 'Jawa'
name_jennica 'Jennica'
name_kada 'Kada Jahr'
name_kekit 'Kekit'
name_kosh 'Kosh'
name_leia 'Princess Leia'
name_liana 'Liana'
name_lobster 'Therm Scissorpunch'
name_luke 'Luke Skywalker'
name_maz 'Maz Kanata'
name_mothma 'Mon Mothma'
name_nhego 'Nhego Roolan'
name_oto 'Oto Vans'
name_ozzel 'Admiral Ozzel'
name_roolan 'Nhego Roolan'
name_saponza 'Saponza'
name_smuggler 'Smuggler'
name_soldier 'Soldier'
name_storm 'Stormtrooper'
name_vader 'Lord Vader'
name_vadersfiststorm '501st Legion Captain'
name_veers 'General Veers'
news_Dandoran1_Content 'Earn special rewards and unlock the new unit before time runs out!'
news_Dandoran1_Title 'New Campaign: Dandoran Conflict'
news_Dandoran2_Content 'Earn special rewards and unlock the new unit before time runs out!'
news_Dandoran2_Title 'New Campaign: Escalation on Dandoran'
news_button_buynow 'Buy Now!'
news_button_details 'Details'
news_button_visitForums 'Visit Forums'
news_c10_body 'Chapter 10: Big Game Hunting is now available! Join [F2D62F]Johhar Kessen[-] on his mission to bag the biggest game Tatooine has to offer. Earn all stars to get 30 Crystals!'
news_c10_title 'Chapter 10 Released!'
news_c11_body 'The [F2D62F]Battle for Tatooine[-] is ready to begin! Marshall your forces and prepare for the greatest challenge yet in the latest chapter! Earn all stars to get 30 Crystals!'
news_c11_title 'Chapter 11 Released!'
news_cmp_desc_evt_3_ts_e 'An army of [F2D62F]Undead Troopers[-] has been unleashed! Start the Campaign for a sample [F2D62F]VT-49 Decimator[-] Strike, earn points to recruit Undead Troopers, and finish to unlock the starship!'
news_cmp_desc_evt_3_ts_r 'An army of [F2D62F]Undead Troopers[-] has been unleashed! Start the Campaign for a sample [F2D62F]HWK-290[-] Strike, earn points to recruit your own Undead Troopers, and finish to unlock the starship!'
news_cmp_desc_evt_4_eotf_e "Lord Vader has been led to the world of Er'Kit by a strange feeling through the Force. Help him uncover the mysteries of Er'Kit in the latest Campaign!"
news_cmp_desc_evt_4_eotf_r "Commander Skywalker has been led to the world of Er'Kit by a strange feeling through the Force. Help him uncover the mysteries of Er'Kit in the latest Campaign!"
news_cmp_desc_evt_5_tbd_e "An extremist group of Thalassian slavers, known as the Blood Dawn refuses to pay homage to the Empire. Destroy their bases on Er'Kit and make an example of them!"
news_cmp_desc_evt_5_tbd_r "An extremist group of Thalassian slavers, known as the Blood Dawn has become a threat to the people of Er'Kit. Defeat them and gain the Alliance strategic ground!"
news_cmp_desc_evt_6_sa_e "Fight for the fate of Er'Kit in the latest Campaign! The mastermind behind the Blood Dawn's downfall plots to seize power and make an alliance with the Rebels. Stop them before it's too late!"
news_cmp_desc_evt_6_sa_r "Fight for the fate of Er'Kit in the latest Campaign! The mastermind behind the Blood Dawn's downfall plots to seize power and make an alliance with the Empire. Stop them before it's too late!"
news_cmp_desc_evt_7_rw_e "Tusken Raiders are attacking Jabba's Contraband shipments! Uncover the secrets behind these raids and steal the Contraband back for yourself in the latest Campaign: Roolan's Wrath!"
news_cmp_desc_evt_7_rw_r "Tusken Raiders are attacking Jabba's Contraband shipments! Uncover the secrets behind these raids and steal the Contraband back for yourself in the latest Campaign: Roolan's Wrath!"
news_cmp_desc_evt_8_rs_e 'The Rebels are protecting something that could be vital on Yavin 4. Get to the moon, destroy them and take it.'
news_cmp_desc_evt_8_rs_r 'Imperial forces have landed, and scour Yavin 4 for something. Get to the moon, find out what they seek, and stop them!'
news_cmp_desc_evt_9_epffa_e 'For a limited time, earn as many Event Points as you can during our Event Point Challenge!'
news_cmp_desc_evt_9_epffa_r 'For a limited time, earn as many Event Points as you can during our Event Point Challenge!'
news_cmp_desc_sce_1_gwar 'Learn the brutal power of [F2D62F]Gamorrean Warriors[-], and battle to earn some of your own in this special 48hr event!'
news_cmp_desc_sce_2_star 'Technicians have been hard at work upgrading the capabilities of your starfighter forces. Try out the changes in the latest Campaign!'
news_cmp_title_sce_1_gwar 'Gamorrean Warrior Showcase'
news_cmp_title_sce_2_star 'Air Show'
news_conflict_desc_dan_End_Lose_E 'Rebel warbands cower in the forests of Dandoran. Enlist now for Victory! For Security. For Peace.'
news_conflict_desc_dan_End_Lose_R 'Despite our loss, the Emperor has paid dearly for his oppression, and we will not stop until his grip is removed from all systems!'
news_conflict_desc_dan_End_Win_E "The uprising on Dandoran has been uprooted and crushed by the Emperor's finest legions! Another system, another step toward peace in the galaxy."
news_conflict_desc_dan_End_Win_R "The Imperial Fleet is repelled from Dandoran! Another system sees through the Emperor's curtain of fear. Press on to Er'kit!"
news_conflict_desc_erk_End_Lose_E "Er'kit remains a hotbed of treasonous activity, and will be dealt with. Report any and all suspicious activity to your local security forces."
news_conflict_desc_erk_End_Lose_R 'Despite atrocities, never give up the fight for every system in the galaxy. The resistence will not stop until the Republic is restored!'
news_conflict_desc_erk_End_Win_E "The uprising on Er'kit has been put down by the impervious Imperial Fleet. All hail the Emperor!"
news_conflict_desc_erk_End_Win_R "Er'kit is now free from Imperial oppression, for now. Fight on to spread freedom throughout the galaxy!"
news_conflict_desc_hth_End_Lose_E 'This little rebellion on Hoth has proven more elusive than expected. No matter.'
news_conflict_desc_hth_End_Lose_R 'The Empire marches  on Hoth. '
news_conflict_desc_hth_End_Win_E 'The Empire remains unchallenged on Hoth. '
news_conflict_desc_hth_End_Win_R 'The Alliance achieved victory on Hoth. '
news_conflict_desc_tat_End_Lose_E 'This little rebellion on Tatooine has proven more elusive than expected. No matter.'
news_conflict_desc_tat_End_Lose_R 'The Empire marches on Tatooine. '
news_conflict_desc_tat_End_Win_E 'The Empire remains unchallenged on Tatooine. '
news_conflict_desc_tat_End_Win_R 'The Alliance achieved victory on Tatooine. '
news_conflict_desc_yav_End_Lose_E 'The Emperor has ordered the immediate destruction of all traitors to peace! Report any suspicious activity to your local security forces.'
news_conflict_desc_yav_End_Lose_R "The Emperor's campaign of fear continues on Yavin 4. We must not be deterred by abject oppression. The Alliance will fight on!"
news_conflict_desc_yav_End_Win_E 'The cell of traitors have been flushed from their hideouts in the forests of Yavin 4. Treason will not be tolerated. Let Yavin 4 serve as an example.'
news_conflict_desc_yav_End_Win_R 'The Alliance has secured a resounding victory on Yavin 4! Press on - for freedom in the galaxy!'
news_conflict_title_dan_End_Lose_E '[F2D62F]Unrest on Dandoran[-]'
news_conflict_title_dan_End_Lose_R '[F2D62F]Tragedy at Dandoran[-]'
news_conflict_title_dan_End_Win_E '[F2D62F]Liberation of Dandoran[-]'
news_conflict_title_dan_End_Win_R '[F2D62F]Victory on Dandoran![-]'
news_conflict_title_erk_End_Lose_E "[F2D62F]Skirmish on Er'kit[-]"
news_conflict_title_erk_End_Lose_R "[F2D62F]For Er'kit![-]"
news_conflict_title_erk_End_Win_E "[F2D62F]Er'kit Uprising Crushed[-]"
news_conflict_title_erk_End_Win_R "[F2D62F]Success on Er'kit![-]"
news_conflict_title_hth_End_Lose_E '[F2D62F]Rebel Victory on Hoth[-]'
news_conflict_title_hth_End_Lose_R '[F2D62F]Empire Victory on Hoth[-]'
news_conflict_title_hth_End_Win_E '[F2D62F]Empire Victory on Hoth[-]'
news_conflict_title_hth_End_Win_R '[F2D62F]Rebel Victory on Hoth[-]'
news_conflict_title_tat_End_Lose_E '[F2D62F]Rebel Victory on Tatooine[-]'
news_conflict_title_tat_End_Lose_R '[F2D62F]Empire Victory on Tatooine[-]'
news_conflict_title_tat_End_Win_E '[F2D62F]Empire Victory on Tatooine[-]'
news_conflict_title_tat_End_Win_R '[F2D62F]Rebel Victory on Tatooine[-]'
news_conflict_title_yav_End_Lose_E '[F2D62F]Unrest on Yavin 4[-]'
news_conflict_title_yav_End_Lose_R '[F2D62F]Imperial Atrocities on Yavin 4[-]'
news_conflict_title_yav_End_Win_E '[F2D62F]Victory on Yavin 4[-]'
news_conflict_title_yav_End_Win_R '[F2D62F]Imperials Ousted at Yavin 4[-]'
news_desc_BackendSim 'Good news, Commander! Battles that you disconnect from now automatically resolve with the units in play at the time of disconnection.'
news_desc_adcolony2 'Watch sponsored video ads to earn free Crystals up to three times a day.'
news_desc_android_warning 'Soon, Android OS 4.0 will be the minimum supported version. Update your Android devices now!'
news_desc_anniversary "Celebrate the first anniversary of Star Wars: Commander with free Crystals! Here's to another great year ahead. May the Force be with you, always."
news_desc_announce_RC11 'Command the galaxy and more in our biggest update yet. Build a Planetary Command and relocate your base to new worlds today!'
news_desc_announce_celebration 'Coming up [F2D62F]April 16-19[-] at the [F2D62F]Anaheim Convention Center[-]. Join the development team for a special Star Wars University event on Friday, the 17th!'
news_desc_announce_hq8 'Unlock Hero Command Level 8 and unleash the Force. Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader make their debut as Hero units with awesome special abilities!'
news_desc_announce_hq9 'Great news partner! We can add a new Shield Generator, Turrets, Starship Strikes, and more just by upgrading to HQ9!'
news_desc_breacher_changes "Walls have been fortified, and are much stronger now. Use [F2D62F]Breachers[-] to crack open the enemy's defenses!"
news_desc_cantina 'Visit Kada Jahr at the Cantina and trade in Contraband to hire powerful mercenaries from her underground network. Their loyalty may be questionable, but their mastery in battle is unmatched!'
news_desc_contraband "Smuggle, steal, and safeguard Jabba's precious Contraband, then exchange it for an advantage in battle: The Droideka Sentinel! Level up to HQ6 and get your Contraband Safehouse now!"
news_desc_dg_1_e 'Your garrison is under attack by a massive force of enemies! [1CDB2F]Deploy heroes[-] and call down [1CDB2F]Starship Strikes[-] to defend your garrison. The Heroic Defense Challenge has begun!'
news_desc_dg_1_r 'Your base is under attack by a massive force of enemies! [1CDB2F]Deploy heroes[-] and call down [1CDB2F]Starship Strikes[-] to defend your base. The Heroic Defense Challenge has begun!'
news_desc_dg_2_e 'Your garrison is under attack by a massive force of enemies! [1CDB2F]Deploy heroes[-] and call down [1CDB2F]Starship Strikes[-] to defend your garrison. Another Heroic Defense Challenge has begun!'
news_desc_dg_2_r 'Your base is under attack by a massive force of enemies! [1CDB2F]Deploy heroes[-] and call down [1CDB2F]Starship Strikes[-] to defend your base. Another Heroic Defense Challenge has begun!'
news_desc_downtime_reward 'Thanks for your patience during our unexpected outage, Commander. We hope you enjoy the recent expansion!'
news_desc_ep7_teaser 'Just released! Watch the new teaser trailer for [F2D62F]Star Wars: The Force Awakens[-] and earn 5 free Crystals!'
news_desc_event_unit_warning 'The Event Store is going to be unavailable, soon. Make sure you take full advantage of the upcoming bonus point events!'
news_desc_eventrewards "Our next release features some changes to how you'll unlock and upgrade event reward units. For more info, visit: http://goo.gl/7wb0gk"
news_desc_iosdeprecation 'Beginning soon, iOS 7.0 and below will no longer be supported. Ensure your device is upgraded to iOS 7.1 or above to continue playing.'
news_desc_may4crystalbonus 'Limited-time only! Get up to 35% bonus Crystals when you purchase a Crystal pack.'
news_desc_medalcount "We're balancing our medal distribution rules to make the game better. For more info, visit: [F2D62F]http://goo.gl/rHKKWM[-]"
news_desc_mini_tournament_01 'Rank up by battling rival players, collect points and spend them on resources while the event lasts!'
news_desc_mounts_e 'Imperial forces have commandeered a herd of domesticated Dewbacks in a local raid on a Tusken enclave. Subsector Command advises increasing training and upgrading Dewback Troopers, as per their limited time cost effectiveness.'
news_desc_mounts_r 'A covert group of agents have "liberated" a herd of domesticated Banthas from a local Tusken enclave. All Rebel bases on Tatooine can train and upgrade Bantha Riders more efficiently and cost effectively for a limited time.'
news_desc_playtest_leaders 'Congrats to [F2D62F]Ram[-], [F2D62F]Andrew[-], and [F2D62F]Linda[-] who are currently the top competitors in our internal playtest!'
news_desc_pvpdiary2 "We've made some balance changes to units and vehicles to improve PvP battles. For more info, visit: http://goo.gl/fdyK2P"
news_desc_pvpupdate_072915 "We've made some updates directed at increasing the diversity of Striker unit options, as well as some minor bug fixes."
news_desc_pvpupdate_080515 "We've made some changes to the Juggernaut and the Gammorean Warrior for Rebel players this week. Tap the details button for more info."
news_desc_pvpupdate_617 'Enhancements to mercenaries and starships are now available! Defeat the enemy with elite mercenaries now!'
news_desc_pvpupdate_701_e 'Upgrades to Jump Troopers, AT-STs, Gammoreans and Darth Vader! Tap details for more information on the forums.'
news_desc_pvpupdate_701_r 'Upgrades to Jump Troopers, T2B Tanks, Gammoreans and Luke Skywalker! Tap details for more information on the forums.'
news_desc_release8_5_e 'The AT-AT and Elite AT-AT now have increased range against shields, and reduced range against other targets. Visit our forums for more detailed info.'
news_desc_release8_5_r "We've made some fixes for large unit pathing and targeting, as well as some important changes to shields. Visit our forums for more detailed info."
news_desc_starshipupdate 'Starship strikes have undergone a big overhaul! Tap details for more information on the forums.'
news_desc_theme_tournament2 'Earn [F2D62F]Double Event Points[-] this weekend! Take advantage of this opportunity to upgrade your specialized event units!'
news_desc_theme_tournament2a "Don't forget, we're offering [F2D62F]Double Event Points[-] this weekend!. Battle your way to the Ultra Chrome League to take full advantage!"
news_desc_theme_tournament3 'Gamorrean Warior mercenaries will be [F2D62F]50% off training time[-] throughout the tournament! Battle your way to the Ultra Chrome League using their brute force!'
news_desc_theme_tournament3a "Don't forget to hire those Gamorrean Warrior mercs to power your way to the Ultra Chrome League before it's too late!"
news_desc_theme_tournament_04 'All Starship Strikes will be [F2D62F]faster to upgrade[-] throughout the tournament. Battle your way to the Ultra Chrome League using air superiority!'
news_desc_theme_tournament_04a 'Battle your way to the Ultra Chrome League before the tournament ends, and spend your event points on half-off Starship Strike upgrades.'
news_desc_theme_tournament_05 "Hire-on Twi'Lek Incinerators in [F2D62F]double-time[-] throughout the tournament. Battle your way to the Ultra Chrome League using incendiary weaponry!"
news_desc_theme_tournament_05a "Don't forget to hire Twi'Lek Incinerator mercs to blaze your way to the Ultra Chrome League before it's too late!"
news_desc_theme_tournament_06 'Build a [1CDB2F]Cantina[-] for half price and hire mercenaries instantly throughout this event. Battle your way to the Ultra Chrome League using mercenaries!'
news_desc_theme_tournament_06a 'Battle your way to the Ultra Chrome League before the tournament ends, and spend your event points on more mercenaries!'
news_desc_theme_tournament_07 'Earn [F2D62F]Double Event Points[-] this event! Take advantage of this opportunity to upgrade your event reward units!'
news_desc_theme_tournament_07a 'Battle your way to the Ultra Chrome League before the tournament ends, and spend your double points on a host of rewards and upgrades.'
news_desc_tournament1a 'Battle your way to the Ultra Chrome League to earn points for the top rewards!'
news_desc_tournament2 'Rank up by battling rival players and fill your coffers with [F2D62F]Crystals[-] and other resources while the event lasts!'
news_desc_tournament3 'Rank up by battling rival players, collect points and spend them on unlocks and upgrades while the event lasts!'
news_desc_tournamentSpec 'Use enhanced mounted units to battle your way to the Ultra Chrome League to earn points for the top rewards!'
news_desc_tournament_10 'Earn [F2D62F]Triple Event Points[-] this event! Take advantage of this opportunity to upgrade your event reward units!'
news_desc_tournament_10a 'Battle your way to the Ultra Chrome League before the tournament ends, and spend your triple points on a host of rewards and upgrades.'
news_desc_trap_changes_e 'Our request for additional defensive air support has been granted. Fortify your garrison with more [F2D62F]Starship Traps[-] today!'
news_desc_trap_changes_r "We've scrounged together more defensive air support, Commander. Protect your base with additional [F2D62F]Starship Traps[-] today!"
news_desc_trapupdate 'Starship traps have been re-tuned to be more effective and easier to use.'
news_desc_tt5_fix 'To address a technical issue, players will be awarded event points for the Incineration Tournament and the store period has been extended.'
news_desc_turretupdate "We've made some changes to [F2D62F]Turrets[-] that more clearly define their roles. For more info, visit: [F2D62F]http://di.sn/bvl[-]"
news_desc_update235 "Great news! There's a new version available. Please update your version of Commander to get the latest improvements."
news_desc_windows_update_2351 'Commanders! Thanks for your patience with our newest update. We’re happy to announce that is fully operational. We’re also working on distributing some extra Crystals for the outage, which you can expect to see in your account over the next week. If you have questions about previous purchases, please contact our support team with your new and old Player IDs for assistance. Proof of purchase may be required.'
news_ios8_body 'To use the new [F2D62F]"Commander Today Widget,"[-] pull down Notification Center and scroll to the bottom. Tap Edit, and add the Star Wars: Commander Widget!'
news_ios8_title 'iOS 8 Star Wars: Commander Today Widget'
news_notitle_ep7_teaser '               '
news_offers_desc 'Watch videos to earn free Crystals!'
news_offers_title '[E3E65C]Free Crystals[-]'
news_title_BackendSim 'Battle Resolution System'
news_title_adcolony2 'Earn Free Crystals!'
news_title_android_warning 'Android 4.0 Minimum'
news_title_anniversary ' '
news_title_announce_RC11 'Worlds In Conflict Update'
news_title_announce_celebration 'Star Wars Celebration 2015!'
news_title_announce_hq8 'New Heroes!'
news_title_announce_hq9 'Headquarters 9!'
news_title_breacher_changes 'Walls of Durasteel'
news_title_cantina 'Drop by the Cantina'
news_title_contraband 'Contraband is Here!'
news_title_dg_1_e 'Heroic Defense Challenge'
news_title_dg_1_r 'Heroic Defense Challenge'
news_title_downtime_reward 'Sorry for the Downtime'
news_title_ep7_teaser 'The Force Awakens Teaser Trailer!'
news_title_event_unit_warning 'Event Prizes'
news_title_eventrewards 'Event Rewards Update'
news_title_iosdeprecation 'Apple iOS Support Announcement'
news_title_may4crystalbonus 'May the 4th Crystal Bonus'
news_title_medalcount 'Medal Count Update 10/15/2014'
news_title_mini_tournament_01 'New Special Tournament'
news_title_mini_tournament_01a 'Special Tournament Ending Soon!'
news_title_mounts_e 'Dewback Trooper Surplus'
news_title_mounts_r 'Bantha Rider Abundance'
news_title_playtest_leaders 'Current Playtest Leaders'
news_title_pvpdiary2 'Balance Updates 11/04/2014'
news_title_pvpupdate_072915 '7/29 Strikers Update'
news_title_pvpupdate_080515 '8/5 Bruisers Update'
news_title_pvpupdate_617 'Elite Mercenaries'
news_title_pvpupdate_701_e 'Unit Updates'
news_title_pvpupdate_701_r 'Unit Updates'
news_title_release8_5_e '02/25 Repairs'
news_title_release8_5_r '02/25 Repairs'
news_title_starshipupdate 'Starship Revamp'
news_title_theme_tournament2 'Double Event Point Tournament'
news_title_theme_tournament2a 'Tournament Ending Soon!'
news_title_theme_tournament3 '[F2D62F]50% Off[-] Gamorreans Tournament'
news_title_theme_tournament3a 'Tournament Ending Soon!'
news_title_theme_tournament_04 'Starships Tournament'
news_title_theme_tournament_04a 'Tournament Ending Soon!'
news_title_theme_tournament_05 "[F2D62F]50% Off[-] Twi'Leks Tournament"
news_title_theme_tournament_05a 'Tournament Ending Soon!'
news_title_theme_tournament_06 'Scoundrel Tournament'
news_title_theme_tournament_06a 'Tournament Ending Soon!'
news_title_theme_tournament_07 'Double Reward Tournament'
news_title_theme_tournament_07a 'Double Reward Tournament Ending!'
news_title_tournament1a 'Galactic War Tournament Ending Soon!'
news_title_tournament2 'New Galactic War Tournament!'
news_title_tournament_10 'Triple Reward Tournament'
news_title_tournament_10a 'Triple Reward Tournament Ending!'
news_title_trap_changes_e 'More Starship Traps'
news_title_trap_changes_r 'More Starship Traps'
news_title_trapupdate 'Enhanced Starship Traps'
news_title_tt5_fix 'Extended Event Store'
news_title_turretupdate 'Turret Updates 10/28/2014'
news_title_update235 'Update Available'
news_title_windows_update2351 'Windows Update News'
non_prestige_barracks_message 'Troop will be trained at Level 10 in this non-prestige Barracks.'
non_prestige_factory_message 'Vehicle will be built at Level 10 in this non-prestige Factory.'
non_prestige_hero_message 'Hero will be mobilized at Level 10 in this non-prestige Hero Command.'
non_prestige_starship_message 'Starship will be mobilized at Level 10 in this non-prestige Starship Command.'
notif_MT4_body 'Celebrate Star Wars Day with the new Salvaged Multi-Troop Transport, and daily crystal crates! May the 4th be with you!'
notif_MT4_title 'Star Wars Day - May the 4th'
notif_auth_alert_message "Field Reports will let you know when you've been attacked, when you will be vulnerable to an attack, and other vital information."
notif_auth_alert_no 'Not Right Now'
notif_auth_alert_title 'Enable Field Reports'
notif_auth_alert_yes 'Enable'
notif_crate_expiration_warning 'Commander, you have an unopened Supply Crate that expires soon! Open your Supply Crate soon!'
notif_crate_expiration_warning_progress 'Next Supply Crate expires in:'
notif_daily_crate_next 'Commander, your daily Supply Crate has been delivered. Open it now!'
notif_daily_crate_next_progress 'Next daily Supply Crate delivered in:'
notif_episode_research 'Research complete! Claim your Crate and begin the next Event Objective!'
notif_notif1 '{0} Level {1} is complete!'
notif_notif1_empire 'Your Empire {0} Level {1} is complete!'
notif_notif1_progress '{0} Level {1} will finish in:'
notif_notif1_rebel 'Your Rebel {0} Level {1} is complete!'
notif_notif2 'Your forces are ready for battle!'
notif_notif2_empire 'Your Empire forces are ready for battle!'
notif_notif2_progress 'New troops will finish training in:'
notif_notif2_rebel 'Your Rebel forces are ready for battle!'
notif_notif3 '{0} has been upgraded to Level {1}!'
notif_notif3_empire '{0} has been upgraded to Level {1}!'
notif_notif3_progress '{0} Level {1} upgrade complete in:'
notif_notif3_rebel '{0} has been upgraded to Level {1}!'
notif_notif4 'Commander, your forces need you!'
notif_notif4_empire 'Commander, your Empire forces need you!'
notif_notif4_rebel 'Commander, your Rebel forces need you!'
notif_notif5 'The fate of the galaxy is at stake! Lead your forces to victory!'
notif_notif5_empire 'Commander, your Empire forces need you!'
notif_notif5_rebel 'Commander, your Rebel forces need you!'
notif_notif6 'All resources are ready for collection!'
notif_notif6_empire "Your Empire base's resources are ready for collection!"
notif_notif6_progress 'Resource generators will be full in:'
notif_notif6_rebel "Your Rebel base's resources are ready for collection!"
notif_notif_tournament_ended 'Commander, tournament results are in. See where you placed and redeem your rewards.'
notif_notif_tournament_ended_progress 'Tournament ends in:'
notif_perk_all_slots_empty 'All perk slots are empty. Increase your production by activating some perks now!'
notif_perk_all_slots_empty_progress 'Last squad perk expires in:'
notif_perk_unlock 'New squad perk unlocked: {0}'
notif_perk_upgrade 'Your squad has upgraded {0} to Tier {1}!'
notif_protection_expire 'Your damage protection is about to expire!'
notif_protection_expire_progress 'Your damage protection expires in: '
notif_raid_start_next 'Engage the enemy! The next Heroic Defense is starting!'
notif_raid_start_next_progress 'The next Heroic Defense starts in:'
notif_squad_level_up 'Your squad has reached level {0}!'
notif_squadwars_action_phase_start 'The Squad War has begun! Secure outposts and engage the enemy squad!'
notif_squadwars_action_turns_reminder "You haven't taken any actions yet in the Squad War. Your squad is counting on you! Play now!"
notif_squadwars_no_opponent_found 'No squad war opponent found. Return to your squad and search again!'
notif_squadwars_opponent_captured_buffbase 'The enemy squad has captured the {0} on {1}!'
notif_squadwars_prep_phase_start 'Prepare for the Squad War! Perfect your Defensive Outpost and strategize with your squad.'
notif_squadwars_reward_defeat 'Your squad was defeated {0} : {1} Collect your reward now!'
notif_squadwars_reward_unknown 'The final blasts have been fired in the Squad War. Collect your reward now!'
notif_squadwars_reward_victory 'Your squad was victorious {0} : {1} Collect your reward now!'
notif_squadwars_squadmember_captured_buffbase 'Your squad has captured the {0} on {1}!'
numOwned 'Ready: {0}'
number_1 '1'
number_10 '10'
number_2 '2'
number_3 '3'
number_4 '4'
number_5 '5'
number_6 '6'
number_7 '7'
number_8 '8'
number_9 '9'
obj_donate_troops 'Donate {0} troops to your squad'
obj_loot_alloy 'Loot {0} Alloy'
obj_loot_contraband 'Loot {0} Contraband'
obj_loot_credits 'Loot {0} Credits'
obj_notif_end_dandoran 'You are running out of time to complete your Objectives on Dandoran. Hurry back and claim your Supply Crates!'
obj_notif_end_erkit "Objectives are expiring on Er'Kit! Make your mark in the red sands before it's too late to earn your Supply Crates!"
obj_notif_end_hoth 'Soon, your current Objectives on the frozen planet of Hoth will expire. Brave the elements and claim your Supply Crates!'
obj_notif_end_takodana 'Come back to Takodana - you must not fail! Time is running out for your Objectives there. Return to finish them and earn new Supply Crates!'
obj_notif_end_tatooine 'Time is running out for Objectives on Tatooine! Return to the desert under the twin suns to finish earning your Supply Crates.'
obj_notif_end_yavin 'Success is within your grasp on Yavin 4! Complete your Objectives soon on the jungle moon and earn Supply Crates!'
obj_receive_troops 'Receive {0} capacity of troops'
obj_str_deploy_2mtank 'Deploy {0} 2-M Repulsor Tanks'
obj_str_deploy_2mtanks 'Deploy {0} 2-M Repulsor Tanks'
obj_str_deploy_aat 'Deploy {0} AAT-1 Hover Tanks'
obj_str_deploy_aat1 'Deploy {0} AAT-1 Hover Tanks'
obj_str_deploy_atap 'Deploy {0} AT-AP Walkers'
obj_str_deploy_atat 'Deploy {0} AT-AT Walkers'
obj_str_deploy_atdp 'Deploy {0} AT-DP Walkers'
obj_str_deploy_atmp 'Deploy {0} AT-MP Walkers'
obj_str_deploy_atrt 'Deploy {0} AT-RT Walkers'
obj_str_deploy_atst 'Deploy {0} AT-ST Walkers'
obj_str_deploy_atte 'Deploy {0} AT-TE Walkers'
obj_str_deploy_awing 'Deploy {0} A-wing Starfighters'
obj_str_deploy_bantha 'Deploy {0} Bantha Riders'
obj_str_deploy_banthas 'Deploy {0} Bantha Riders'
obj_str_deploy_brute 'Deploy {0} Dowutin Hunters'
obj_str_deploy_bwing 'Deploy {0} B-wing Starfighters'
obj_str_deploy_chewbacca 'Deploy Chewbacca {0} times'
obj_str_deploy_clonewarsgunship 'Deploy {0} Low Altitude Assault Transports'
obj_str_deploy_dark 'Deploy {0} Dark Troopers'
obj_str_deploy_darktroopers 'Deploy {0} Dark Troopers'
obj_str_deploy_desertskiff 'Deploy {0} Anti-Vehicle Skiffs'
obj_str_deploy_dewback 'Deploy {0} Dewback Troopers'
obj_str_deploy_dewbacks 'Deploy {0} Dewback Riders'
obj_str_deploy_dropship_e 'Deploy {0} IDT Dropships'
obj_str_deploy_dropship_r 'Deploy {0} LAAT Dropships'
obj_str_deploy_empirebrute 'Deploy {0} Dowutin Hunters'
obj_str_deploy_empiregamorreanwarrior 'Deploy {0} Gamorrean Warriors'
obj_str_deploy_empirejumps 'Deploy {0} Jump Troopers'
obj_str_deploy_empirejumptrooper 'Deploy {0} Jump Troopers'
obj_str_deploy_empirerider 'Deploy {0} Luggabeast Munitioneers'
obj_str_deploy_empirespeeder 'Deploy {0} Speeder Bikes'
obj_str_deploy_empirespeeds 'Deploy {0} Speeder Bikes'
obj_str_deploy_empiretwilekincinerator "Deploy {0} Twi'lek Incinerators"
obj_str_deploy_gam 'Deploy {0} Gamorrean Warriors'
obj_str_deploy_hailfire 'Deploy {0} Hailfire Droids'
obj_str_deploy_han 'Deploy Han Solo {0} times'
obj_str_deploy_healship_e 'Deploy {0} T-5 Deliverance Starfighters'
obj_str_deploy_healship_r 'Deploy {0} E-50 Landseer Starfighters'
obj_str_deploy_heavyrebel 'Deploy {0} Heavy Rebel Soldiers'
obj_str_deploy_heavystorm 'Deploy {0} Heavy Stormtroopers'
obj_str_deploy_heroatat 'Deploy an Elite AT-AT Walker {0} times'
obj_str_deploy_heroatmp 'Deploy an AT-MP Mark III {0} times'
obj_str_deploy_heroatst 'Deploy the Veteran AT-ST {0} times'
obj_str_deploy_herochewbacca 'Deploy Chewbacca {0} times'
obj_str_deploy_herocrimson 'Deploy Crimson Guard {0} times'
obj_str_deploy_herocrimsonguard 'Deploy the Royal Guard {0} times'
obj_str_deploy_herodarthvader 'Deploy Darth Vader {0} times'
obj_str_deploy_heroempirejohhar 'Deploy Johhar Kessen {0} times'
obj_str_deploy_herohansolo 'Deploy Han Solo {0} times'
obj_str_deploy_heroleia 'Deploy Leia Organa {0} times'
obj_str_deploy_herolukeskywalker 'Deploy Luke Skywalker {0} times'
obj_str_deploy_heror2d2 'Deploy R2-D2 {0} times'
obj_str_deploy_herorebeljohhar 'Deploy Johhar Kessen {0} times'
obj_str_deploy_herovader 'Deploy Darth Vader {0} times'
obj_str_deploy_hwk290 'Deploy {0} HWK-290s'
obj_str_deploy_imperialdropship 'Deploy {0} Imperial Dropship Transports'
obj_str_deploy_infantry 'Deploy {0} Infantry Units of any type'
obj_str_deploy_johhar 'Deploy Johhar Kessen {0} times'
obj_str_deploy_juggernaut 'Deploy {0} Juggernauts'
obj_str_deploy_leia 'Deploy Princess Leia {0} times'
obj_str_deploy_luke 'Deploy Luke Skywalker {0} times'
obj_str_deploy_marksman 'Deploy {0} Sharpshooters'
obj_str_deploy_medic 'Deploy {0} Medic Droids'
obj_str_deploy_medics 'Deploy {0} Medic Droids'
obj_str_deploy_mhc 'Deploy {0} Mobile Heavy Cannons'
obj_str_deploy_mtv7 'Deploy {0} MTV-7s'
obj_str_deploy_pathfinder 'Deploy {0} Rebel Pathfinders'
obj_str_deploy_pathfinders 'Deploy {0} Pathfinders'
obj_str_deploy_probe 'Deploy {0} Probe Droids'
obj_str_deploy_probedroid 'Deploy {0} Probe Droids'
obj_str_deploy_r2 'Deploy R2D2 {0} times'
obj_str_deploy_rebelbrute 'Deploy {0} Dowutin Hunters'
obj_str_deploy_rebelgamorreanwarrior 'Deploy {0} Gamorrean Warriors'
obj_str_deploy_rebeljetpacktrooper 'Deploy {0} Jetpack Troopers'
obj_str_deploy_rebeljumps 'Deploy {0} Jetpack Troopers'
obj_str_deploy_rebelrider 'Deploy {0} Luggabeast Munitioneers'
obj_str_deploy_rebelspeeder 'Deploy {0} Speeder Bikes'
obj_str_deploy_rebelspeeds 'Deploy {0} Speeder Bikes'
obj_str_deploy_rebeltwilekincinerator "Deploy {0} Twi'lek Incinerators"
obj_str_deploy_rider 'Deploy {0} Luggabeast Munitioneers'
obj_str_deploy_scout 'Deploy {0} Scout Troopers'
obj_str_deploy_scouttroopers 'Deploy {0} Scout Troopers'
obj_str_deploy_shock 'Deploy {0} Shock Troopers'
obj_str_deploy_shocktroopers 'Deploy {0} Shock Troopers'
obj_str_deploy_skiff 'Deploy {0} Anti-Vehicle Skiffs'
obj_str_deploy_sniper 'Deploy {0} Sniper Troopers'
obj_str_deploy_snipers 'Deploy {0} Sniper Troopers'
obj_str_deploy_soldier 'Deploy {0} Rebel Soldiers'
obj_str_deploy_soldiers 'Deploy {0} Rebel Soldiers'
obj_str_deploy_storm 'Deploy {0} Stormtroopers'
obj_str_deploy_stormtroopers 'Deploy {0} Stormtroopers'
obj_str_deploy_t2b 'Deploy {0} T2B Repulsor Tanks'
obj_str_deploy_t2btank 'Deploy {0} T2-B Repulsor Tanks'
obj_str_deploy_technician 'Deploy {0} Repair Droids'
obj_str_deploy_technicians 'Deploy {0} Technicians'
obj_str_deploy_tieadvanced 'Deploy {0} TIE Advanced Starfighters'
obj_str_deploy_tiebomber 'Deploy {0} TIE Bombers'
obj_str_deploy_tiedefender 'Deploy {0} TIE Defenders'
obj_str_deploy_tiefighter 'Deploy {0} TIE Fighters'
obj_str_deploy_tieinterceptor 'Deploy {0} TIE Interceptors'
obj_str_deploy_twilek "Deploy {0} Twi'Lek Incinerators"
obj_str_deploy_type_hero 'Deploy {0} of any hero'
obj_str_deploy_type_infantry 'Deploy {0} of any infantry'
obj_str_deploy_type_starship 'Deploy {0} of any starfighter'
obj_str_deploy_type_vehicle 'Deploy {0} of any vehicle'
obj_str_deploy_vanguard 'Deploy {0} Vanguards'
obj_str_deploy_vehicles 'Deploy {0} Vehicles of any type'
obj_str_deploy_vt49 'Deploy {0} VT-49 Decimators'
obj_str_deploy_wookie 'Deploy {0} Wookiees'
obj_str_deploy_wookiees 'Deploy {0} Wookiees'
obj_str_deploy_xwing 'Deploy {0} X-wings'
obj_str_deploy_ywing 'Deploy {0} Y-wing Bombers'
obj_str_deploy_z95 'Deploy {0} Z-95 Starfighters'
obj_str_destroy_alloy 'Destroy {0} Alloy Generators'
obj_str_destroy_alloystorage 'Destroy {0} Alloy Depots'
obj_str_destroy_barracks 'Destroy {0} Barracks'
obj_str_destroy_burst 'Destroy {0} Burst Turrets'
obj_str_destroy_burstturret 'Destroy {0} Burst Turrets'
obj_str_destroy_cantina 'Destroy {0} Cantinas'
obj_str_destroy_contraband 'Destroy {0} Trade Ports'
obj_str_destroy_contrabandcantina 'Destroy {0} Cantinas'
obj_str_destroy_contrabandgenerator 'Destroy {0} Contraband Tradeports'
obj_str_destroy_contrabandstorage 'Destroy {0} Contraband Safehouses'
obj_str_destroy_creditgenerator 'Destroy {0} Credit Markets'
obj_str_destroy_credits 'Destroy {0} Credit Generators'
obj_str_destroy_creditstorage 'Destroy {0} Credit Vaults'
obj_str_destroy_credstorage 'Destroy {0} Credit Vaults'
obj_str_destroy_droideka 'Destroy {0} Droideka Sentinel Platforms'
obj_str_destroy_droideka_oppressor 'Destroy {0} Droideka Oppressor Platforms'
obj_str_destroy_droidhut 'Destroy {0} Droid Huts'
obj_str_destroy_factories 'Destroy {0} Factories'
obj_str_destroy_factory 'Destroy {0} Factories'
obj_str_destroy_fleetcom 'Destroy {0} Starship Commands'
obj_str_destroy_fleetcommand 'Destroy {0} Starship Command Buildings'
obj_str_destroy_materialsgenerator 'Destroy {0} Alloy Refineries'
obj_str_destroy_materialsstorage 'Destroy {0} Alloy Depots'
obj_str_destroy_mortar 'Destroy {0} Mortar Turrets'
obj_str_destroy_mortars 'Destroy {0} Mortar Turrets'
obj_str_destroy_navigationcenter 'Destroy {0} Planetary Command Buildings'
obj_str_destroy_offenselab 'Destroy {0} Research Labs'
obj_str_destroy_planetcomm 'Destroy {0} Planetary Command Buildings'
obj_str_destroy_platformdroideka 'Destroy {0} Droideka Sentinel Platforms'
obj_str_destroy_platformdroidekaoppressor 'Destroy {0} Droideka Oppressor Platforms'
obj_str_destroy_platformheavydroideka 'Destroy {0} Droideka Oppressor Platforms'
obj_str_destroy_rapidfire 'Destroy {0} Rapid Fire Turrets'
obj_str_destroy_rapidfireturret 'Destroy {0} Rapid Fire Turrets'
obj_str_destroy_research 'Destroy {0} Research Labs'
obj_str_destroy_resources 'Destroy {0} Resource Generators'
obj_str_destroy_rockets 'Destroy {0} Rocket Turrets'
obj_str_destroy_rocketturret 'Destroy {0} Rocket Turrets'
obj_str_destroy_shieldgenerator 'Destroy {0} Shield Generators'
obj_str_destroy_shields 'Destroy {0} Shield Generators'
obj_str_destroy_sonic_turret 'Destroy {0} Sonic Turrets'
obj_str_destroy_squadbuilding 'Destroy {0} Squad Centers'
obj_str_destroy_squadcenters 'Destroy {0} Squad Centers'
obj_str_destroy_starport 'Destroy {0} Unit Transports'
obj_str_destroy_starports 'Destroy {0} Unit Transports'
obj_str_destroy_storage 'Destroy {0} Resource Storage Buildings'
obj_str_destroy_tactcom 'Destroy {0} Hero Command Buildings'
obj_str_destroy_tacticalcommand 'Destroy {0} Hero Command Buildings'
obj_str_destroy_turrets 'Destroy {0} Turrets'
obj_str_destroy_type_resource 'Destroy {0} Resource Generator Buildings'
obj_str_destroy_type_storage 'Destroy {0} Resource Storage Buildings'
obj_str_destroy_type_turret 'Destroy {0} Turrets'
obj_str_destroy_type_wall 'Destroy {0} Walls'
obj_str_destroy_walls 'Destroy {0} Walls'
obj_str_donate 'Donate {0} capacity of troops to your squad'
obj_str_loot_contraband 'Loot {0} Contraband'
obj_str_loot_credits 'Loot {0} Credits'
obj_str_loot_materials 'Loot {0} Alloy'
obj_str_maz_deploy_aat 'Deploy {0} AAT-1 Hover Tanks'
obj_str_maz_deploy_aat1 'Deploy {0} AAT-1 Hover Tanks'
obj_str_maz_deploy_atap "Deploy {0} AT-AP's"
obj_str_maz_deploy_atat "Call in the big guys! Deploy {0} AT-AT's"
obj_str_maz_deploy_atst 'Keep them off guard! Deploy {0} AT-ST'
obj_str_maz_deploy_chewbacca 'Put my boyfriend to work! Deploy Chewbacca {0} times'
obj_str_maz_deploy_dark 'Deploy {0} Dark Troopers'
obj_str_maz_deploy_darktroopers 'Deploy {0} Dark Troopers'
obj_str_maz_deploy_empiregamorreanwarrior 'Deploy {0} Gamorrean Warriors'
obj_str_maz_deploy_gam 'Deploy {0} Gamorrean Warriors'
obj_str_maz_deploy_han 'Put that scoundrel to use! Deploy Han Solo {0} times'
obj_str_maz_deploy_heavyrebel 'This should throw them off! Deploy {0} Heavy Rebel Soldiers'
obj_str_maz_deploy_heavystorm 'This should throw them off! Deploy {0} Heavy Stormtroopers'
obj_str_maz_deploy_heroatmp 'Deploy the AT-MP Mark III {0} times'
obj_str_maz_deploy_heroatst 'Show them the value of experience. Deploy the Veteran AT-ST {0} times'
obj_str_maz_deploy_herochewbacca 'Put my boyfriend to work! Deploy Chewbacca {0} times'
obj_str_maz_deploy_herohansolo 'Put that scoundrel to use! Deploy Han Solo {0} times'
obj_str_maz_deploy_juggernaughts 'Call in the big guys! Deploy {0} Juggernauts'
obj_str_maz_deploy_juggernaut 'Call in the big guys! Deploy {0} Juggernauts'
obj_str_maz_deploy_pathfinder 'Employ diversionary tactics! Deploy {0} Pathfinders'
obj_str_maz_deploy_pathfinders 'Employ diversionary tactics! Deploy {0} Pathfinders'
obj_str_maz_deploy_rebelgamorreanwarrior 'Deploy {0} Gamorrean Warriors'
obj_str_maz_deploy_scout 'Employ diversionary tactics! Deploy {0} Scouts'
obj_str_maz_deploy_scouts 'Employ diversionary tactics! Deploy {0} Scouts'
obj_str_maz_deploy_wookie 'Deploy {0} Wookiees! They could use the exercise.'
obj_str_maz_deploy_wookiees 'Deploy {0} Wookiees! They could use the exercise.'
obj_str_maz_destroy_alloyrefinery 'Cut their production! Destroy {0} Alloy Refineries'
obj_str_maz_destroy_cantina 'Put {0} Cantinas out of business'
obj_str_maz_destroy_contrabandcantina 'Put {0} Cantinas out of business'
obj_str_maz_destroy_creditgenerator 'Cut their funding! Destroy {0} Credit Markets'
obj_str_maz_destroy_creditmarket 'Cut their funding! Destroy {0} Credit Markets'
obj_str_maz_destroy_factories 'Stop their machines! Destroy {0} Factories'
obj_str_maz_destroy_factory 'Stop their machines! Destroy {0} Factories'
obj_str_maz_destroy_fleetcommand 'Ground Starfighters! Destroy {0} Starship Commands'
obj_str_maz_destroy_hq 'Destroy the data stored in {0} HQs'
obj_str_maz_destroy_materialsgenerator 'Cut their production! Destroy {0} Alloy Refineries'
obj_str_maz_destroy_navigationcenter 'Disrupt communications! Destroy {0} Planetary Commands'
obj_str_maz_destroy_offenselab 'Disrupt R&D! Destroy {0} Research Labs'
obj_str_maz_destroy_planetarycommand 'Disrupt communications! Destroy {0} Planetary Commands'
obj_str_maz_destroy_researchlab 'Disrupt R&D! Destroy {0} Research Labs'
obj_str_maz_destroy_squadbuilding 'Take down {0} Squad Centers'
obj_str_maz_destroy_squadcenter 'Take down {0} Squad Centers'
obj_str_maz_destroy_starport 'Sabotage {0} Unit Transports'
obj_str_maz_destroy_starports 'Sabotage {0} Unit Transports'
obj_str_maz_destroy_starshipcommand 'Ground Starfighters! Destroy {0} Starship Commands'
obj_str_maz_destroy_storage 'Raid their coffers! Destroy {0} Storage Buildings'
obj_str_maz_destroy_tacticalcommand 'Weaken their leadership! Destroy {0} Hero Commands'
obj_str_maz_destroy_tatcom 'Weaken their leadership! Destroy {0} Hero Commands'
obj_str_maz_destroy_turrets 'Create a diversion! Destroy {0} Turrets'
obj_str_maz_destroy_type_storage 'Raid their coffers! Destroy {0} Storage Buildings'
obj_str_maz_destroy_type_turret 'Create a diversion! Destroy {0} Turrets'
obj_str_maz_donate 'Send reinforcements! Donate {0} capacity of units'
obj_str_maz_donate_troops 'Send reinforcements! Donate {0} units'
obj_str_maz_loot_alloy 'Slow their production! Loot {0} Alloy'
obj_str_maz_loot_contraband 'Confiscate ill-gotten goods! Loot {0} Contraband'
obj_str_maz_loot_credits 'Pillage their coffers! Loot {0} Credits'
obj_str_maz_loot_materials 'Slow their production! Loot {0} Alloy'
obj_str_maz_receive 'Call in reinforcements! Receive {0} capacity of units'
obj_str_maz_receive_troops 'Call in reinforcements! Receive {0} units'
obj_str_maz_train_2mtank 'Build {0} 2M Repulsor Tanks'
obj_str_maz_train_2mtanks 'Build {0} 2M Repulsor Tanks'
obj_str_maz_train_aat 'Build {0} AAT-1 Hover Tanks'
obj_str_maz_train_aat1 'Build {0} AAT-1 Hover Tanks'
obj_str_maz_train_atmp "Build {0} AT-MP's"
obj_str_maz_train_bantha 'Tear down the walls! Train {0} Banthas'
obj_str_maz_train_banthas 'Tear down the walls! Train {0} Banthas'
obj_str_maz_train_dark 'Train {0} Dark Troopers'
obj_str_maz_train_darktroopers 'Train {0} Dark Troopers'
obj_str_maz_train_dewback 'Tear down the walls! Train {0} Dewbacks'
obj_str_maz_train_dewbacks 'Tear down the walls! Train {0} Dewbacks'
obj_str_maz_train_empirespeeder 'Quickly! Build {0} Speeder Bikes'
obj_str_maz_train_hailfire 'Build {0} Hailfire Droids'
obj_str_maz_train_marksman 'Do not get too close! Train {0} Marksmen'
obj_str_maz_train_marksmen 'Do not get too close! Train {0} Marksmen'
obj_str_maz_train_medic 'Bolster your troops! Train {0} Medic Droids'
obj_str_maz_train_medics 'Bolster your troops! Train {0} Medic Droids'
obj_str_maz_train_mhc "Build {0} MHC's"
obj_str_maz_train_rebelspeeder 'Quickly! Build {0} Speeder Bikes'
obj_str_maz_train_sniper 'Do not get too close! Train {0} Snipers'
obj_str_maz_train_snipers 'Do not get too close! Train {0} Snipers'
obj_str_maz_train_soldier 'Strength in numbers! Train {0} Rebel Soldiers'
obj_str_maz_train_soldiers 'Strength in numbers! Train {0} Rebel Soldiers'
obj_str_maz_train_speeders 'Quickly! Deploy {0} Speeder Bikes'
obj_str_maz_train_storm 'Strength in numbers! Train {0} Stormtroopers'
obj_str_maz_train_stormtroopers 'Strength in numbers! Train {0} Stormtroopers'
obj_str_maz_train_technician 'Bolster your vehicles! Train {0} Technician Droids'
obj_str_maz_train_technicians 'Bolster your vehicles! Train {0} Technician Droids'
obj_str_receive 'Receive {0} capacity of donated troops'
obj_str_rogue1_deploy_aat1 'Collect laser cannon data. Deploy {0} AAT-1 Hover Tanks'
obj_str_rogue1_deploy_atat "I never refuse superior firepower. Deploy {0} AT-AT's"
obj_str_rogue1_deploy_atst "Collect walker mobility data. Deploy {0} AT-ST's"
obj_str_rogue1_deploy_empiregamorreanwarrior 'My mercs are restless. Deploy {0} Gamorrean Warriors'
obj_str_rogue1_deploy_heavyrebel 'This calls for firepower. Deploy {0} Heavy Rebel Soldiers'
obj_str_rogue1_deploy_heavystorm 'This calls for firepower. Deploy {0} Heavy Stormtroopers'
obj_str_rogue1_deploy_heroatmp 'Deploy the AT-MP Mark III {0} times'
obj_str_rogue1_deploy_herochewbacca 'Time to disarm them. Deploy Chewbacca {0} times'
obj_str_rogue1_deploy_herohansolo "Let's see that smuggler in action. Deploy Han Solo {0} times"
obj_str_rogue1_deploy_juggernaut 'I never refuse superior firepower. Deploy {0} Juggernauts'
obj_str_rogue1_deploy_pathfinder 'Attack the flank! Deploy {0} Pathfinders'
obj_str_rogue1_deploy_rebelgamorreanwarrior 'My mercs are restless. Deploy {0} Gamorrean Warriors'
obj_str_rogue1_deploy_scout 'Attack the flank! Deploy {0} Scouts'
obj_str_rogue1_deploy_wookie 'Collect bowcaster data. Deploy {0} Wookiees'
obj_str_rogue1_destroy_contrabandcantina "Let's eliminate the competition. Destroy {0} Cantinas"
obj_str_rogue1_destroy_creditgenerator 'Money is power. Destroy {0} Credit Markets'
obj_str_rogue1_destroy_factory 'I need a favor. Destroy {0} Factories'
obj_str_rogue1_destroy_fleetcommand 'Keep the skies clear. Destroy {0} Starship Commands'
obj_str_rogue1_destroy_hq 'Destroy the data stored in {0} HQs'
obj_str_rogue1_destroy_materialsgenerator 'Cut their production. Destroy {0} Alloy Refineries'
obj_str_rogue1_destroy_navigationcenter 'Cut off their retreat! Destroy {0} Planetary Commands'
obj_str_rogue1_destroy_offenselab "Destroy {0} Research Labs. Let's see what we find."
obj_str_rogue1_destroy_squadbuilding 'Isolate the enemy. Destroy {0} Squad Centers'
obj_str_rogue1_destroy_starport "Sabotage {0} Unit Transports, and don't ask questions."
obj_str_rogue1_destroy_tacticalcommand "I've no time for heroics. Destroy {0} Hero Commands"
obj_str_rogue1_destroy_type_storage 'Drain their resources. Destroy {0} Storage Buildings'
obj_str_rogue1_destroy_type_turret 'I need some cover. Destroy {0} Turrets'
obj_str_rogue1_donate 'Send reinforcements. Donate {0} capacity of units'
obj_str_rogue1_loot_contraband 'They call that security? Loot {0} Contraband'
obj_str_rogue1_loot_credits "It's just business. Loot {0} Credits"
obj_str_rogue1_loot_materials "Let's lighten their load. Loot {0} Alloy"
obj_str_rogue1_receive 'Call for reinforcements. Receive {0} capacity of units'
obj_str_rogue1_train_2mtank 'Build {0} 2M Repulsor Tanks'
obj_str_rogue1_train_bantha 'Tear down the walls. Train {0} Banthas'
obj_str_rogue1_train_marksman 'Collect long-range weapons data. Train {0} Marksmen'
obj_str_rogue1_train_medic 'Collect field medicine data. Train {0} Medic Droids'
obj_str_rogue1_train_mhc "Build {0} MHC's"
obj_str_rogue1_train_sniper 'Collect long-range weapons data. Train {0} Snipers'
obj_str_rogue1_train_soldier 'Outnumber the enemy. Train {0} Rebel Soldiers'
obj_str_rogue1_train_storm 'Outnumber the enemy. Train {0} Stormtroopers'
obj_str_rogue1_train_technician 'Collect field repair data. Train {0} Technician Droids'
obj_str_train_2mtank 'Build {0} 2-M Repulsor Tanks'
obj_str_train_2mtanks 'Build {0} 2M Repulsor Tanks'
obj_str_train_aat 'Build {0} AAT-1 Hover Tank'
obj_str_train_aat1 'Build {0} AAT-1 Hover Tanks'
obj_str_train_atap 'Build {0} AT-AP Walkers'
obj_str_train_atat 'Build {0} AT-AT Walkers'
obj_str_train_atdp 'Build {0} AT-DP Walkers'
obj_str_train_atmp 'Build {0} AT-MP Walkers'
obj_str_train_atrt 'Build {0} AT-RT Walkers'
obj_str_train_atst 'Build {0} AT-ST Walkers'
obj_str_train_atte 'Build {0} AT-TE Walkers'
obj_str_train_bantha 'Train {0} Bantha Riders'
obj_str_train_banthas 'Train {0} Bantha Riders'
obj_str_train_brute 'Train {0} Dowutin Hunters'
obj_str_train_bwing 'Commission {0} B-Wing Starfighters'
obj_str_train_chewbacca 'Train Chewbacca {0} times'
obj_str_train_clonewarsgunship 'Commission {0} Low Altitude Assault Transports'
obj_str_train_dark 'Train {0} Dark Troopers'
obj_str_train_darktroopers 'Train {0} Dark Troopers'
obj_str_train_desertskiff 'Build {0} Anti-Vehicle Skiffs'
obj_str_train_dewback 'Train {0} Dewback Troopers'
obj_str_train_dewbacks 'Train {0} Dewback Riders'
obj_str_train_empirebrute 'Hire {0} Dowutin Hunters'
obj_str_train_empiregamorreanwarrior 'Hire {0} Gamorrean Warriors'
obj_str_train_empirejumps 'Train {0} Jump Troopers'
obj_str_train_empirejumptrooper 'Train {0} Jump Troopers'
obj_str_train_empirerider 'Hire {0} Luggabeast Munitioneers'
obj_str_train_empirespeeder 'Build {0} Speeder Bikes'
obj_str_train_empirespeeds 'Build {0} Speeder Bikes'
obj_str_train_empiretwilekincinerator "Hire {0} Twi'lek Incinerators"
obj_str_train_gam 'Train {0} Gamorrean Warriors'
obj_str_train_hailfire 'Build {0} Hailfire Droids'
obj_str_train_han 'Mobilize Han Solo {0} times'
obj_str_train_healship_e 'Commission {0} T-5 Deliverance Starfighters'
obj_str_train_healship_r 'Commission {0} E-50 Landseer Starfighters'
obj_str_train_heavyrebel 'Train {0} Heavy Rebel Soldiers'
obj_str_train_heavystorm 'Train {0} Heavy Stormtroopers'
obj_str_train_heroatat 'Mobilize the Elite AT-AT {0} times'
obj_str_train_heroatmp 'Mobilize the AT-MP Mark III {0} times'
obj_str_train_heroatst 'Mobilize the Veteran AT-ST {0} times'
obj_str_train_herochewbacca 'Mobilize Chewbacca {0} times'
obj_str_train_herocrimson 'Mobilize the Crimson Guard {0} times'
obj_str_train_herocrimsonguard 'Mobilize the Royal Guard {0} times'
obj_str_train_herodarthvader 'Mobilize Darth Vader {0} times'
obj_str_train_heroempirejohhar 'Mobilize Johhar Kessen {0} times'
obj_str_train_herohansolo 'Mobilize Han Solo {0} times'
obj_str_train_heroleia 'Mobilize Leia Organa {0} times'
obj_str_train_herolukeskywalker 'Mobilize Luke Skywalker {0} times'
obj_str_train_heror2d2 'Mobilize R2-D2 {0} times'
obj_str_train_herorebeljohhar 'Mobilize Johhar Kessen {0} times'
obj_str_train_herovader 'Mobilize Darth Vader {0} times'
obj_str_train_hwk290 'Commission {0} HWK-290s'
obj_str_train_imperialdropship 'Commission {0} Imperial Dropship Transports'
obj_str_train_infantry 'Train {0} Infantry Units of any type'
obj_str_train_johhar 'Mobilize Johhar Kessen {0} times'
obj_str_train_juggernaut 'Build {0} Juggernauts'
obj_str_train_leia 'Mobilize Princess Leia {0} times'
obj_str_train_luke 'Mobilize Luke Skywalker {0} times'
obj_str_train_marksman 'Train {0} Sharpshooters'
obj_str_train_medic 'Train {0} Medic Droids'
obj_str_train_medics 'Build {0} Medic Droids'
obj_str_train_mhc 'Build {0} Mobile Heavy Cannons'
obj_str_train_mtv7 'Build {0} MTV-7s'
obj_str_train_pathfinder 'Train {0} Rebel Pathfinders'
obj_str_train_pathfinders 'Train {0} Pathfinders'
obj_str_train_probe 'Build {0} Probe Droids'
obj_str_train_probedroid 'Build {0} Probe Droids'
obj_str_train_r2 'Mobilize R2D2 {0} times'
obj_str_train_rebelbrute 'Hire {0} Dowutin Hunters'
obj_str_train_rebelgamorreanwarrior 'Hire {0} Gamorrean Warriors'
obj_str_train_rebeljetpacktrooper 'Train {0} Jetpack Troopers'
obj_str_train_rebeljumps 'Train {0} Jetpack Troopers'
obj_str_train_rebelrider 'Hire {0} Luggabeast Munitioneers'
obj_str_train_rebelspeeder 'Build {0} Speeder Bikes'
obj_str_train_rebelspeeds 'Build {0} Speeder Bikes'
obj_str_train_rebeltwilekincinerator "Hire {0} Twi'lek Incinerators"
obj_str_train_rider 'Hire {0} Luggabeast Munitioneers'
obj_str_train_scout 'Train {0} Scout Troopers'
obj_str_train_scouttroopers 'Train {0} Scout Troopers'
obj_str_train_shock 'Train {0} Shock Troopers'
obj_str_train_shocktroopers 'Train {0} Shock Troopers'
obj_str_train_skiff 'Build {0} Anti-Vehicle Skiffs'
obj_str_train_sniper 'Train {0} Sniper Troopers'
obj_str_train_snipers 'Train {0} Sniper Troopers'
obj_str_train_soldier 'Train {0} Rebel Soldiers'
obj_str_train_soldiers 'Train {0} Rebel Soldiers'
obj_str_train_storm 'Train {0} Stormtroopers'
obj_str_train_stormtroopers 'Train {0} Stormtroopers'
obj_str_train_t2b 'Build {0} T2B Repulsor Tanks'
obj_str_train_t2btank 'Build {0} T2-B Repulsor Tanks'
obj_str_train_technician 'Train {0} Repair Droids'
obj_str_train_technicians 'Build {0} Technicians'
obj_str_train_tieadvanced 'Commission {0} TIE Advanced'
obj_str_train_tiebomber 'Commission {0} TIE Bombers'
obj_str_train_tiedefender 'Commission {0} TIE Defenders'
obj_str_train_tiefighter 'Commission {0} TIE Fighters'
obj_str_train_tieinterceptor 'Commission {0} TIE Interceptors'
obj_str_train_twilek 'Hire {0} Twilek Incinerators'
obj_str_train_type_hero 'Mobilize {0} of any hero'
obj_str_train_type_infantry 'Train {0} of any infantry'
obj_str_train_type_starship 'Commission {0} of any starfighter'
obj_str_train_type_vehicle 'Build {0} of any vehicle'
obj_str_train_vanguard 'Train {0} Vanguards'
obj_str_train_vehicles 'Build {0} Vehicles of any type'
obj_str_train_vt49 'Commission {0} VT-49 Decimators'
obj_str_train_wookie 'Train {0} Wookiees'
obj_str_train_xwing 'Commission {0} X-Wing Starfighters'
obj_str_train_ywing 'Commission {0} Y-wing Bombers'
obj_str_train_z95 'Commission {0} Z-95 Headhunters'
objective_details 'View Progress'
objectives_expired '{0} Objectives Expired'
oct2015CrystalBonus_title 'Limited-Time Crystal Bonus!'
offers_adcolony_btn 'Get Free Crystals'
offers_desc 'Earn crystal rewards for completing these tasks.'
offers_noinventory_btn 'OK'
offers_noinventory_desc 'There are currently no videos available.'
offers_noinventory_title 'Special Offers'
offers_tapjoy_btn 'See Offers'
offers_title 'Special Offers'
perkEffect_descMod_DntAmt '+{0} troops'
perkEffect_descMod_DntT '-{0}'
perkEffect_descMod_NegPct '-{0}%'
perkEffect_descMod_PosPct '+{0}%'
perkEffect_descMod_Rlo '-{0} battle stars'
perkEffect_desc_CBar 'Troop training cost: '
perkEffect_desc_CCan 'Mercenary hiring cost: '
perkEffect_desc_CFac 'Vehicle building cost: '
perkEffect_desc_CHro 'Hero mobilization cost: '
perkEffect_desc_CStr 'Starfighter commission cost: '
perkEffect_desc_DntAmt 'Max troops receivable from each squadmate: '
perkEffect_desc_DntT 'Wait time before requesting troops: '
perkEffect_desc_GAll 'Alloy generation rate: '
perkEffect_desc_GCon 'Contraband generation rate: '
perkEffect_desc_GCrd 'Credit generation rate: '
perkEffect_desc_Rlo 'World relocation cost: '
perkEffect_desc_TDrd 'Droideka repair time: '
perkEffect_title_CBar 'Barracks Discount'
perkEffect_title_CCan 'Cantina Merc Discount'
perkEffect_title_CFac 'Factory Discount'
perkEffect_title_CHro 'Discounted Hero Mobilization'
perkEffect_title_CStr 'Starfighter Discount'
perkEffect_title_DntAmt 'Increased Troops per Squadmate Donation'
perkEffect_title_DntT 'Reduced Troop Request Wait Time'
perkEffect_title_GAll 'Faster Alloy Generation'
perkEffect_title_GCon 'Faster Contraband Generation'
perkEffect_title_GCrd 'Faster Credit Generation'
perkEffect_title_Rlo 'Reduced World Relocation Cost'
perkEffect_title_TDrd 'Faster Droideka Repair'
perkEffect_upgrade_descMod_DntAmt '+{0} to +{1} troops'
perkEffect_upgrade_descMod_DntT '-{0} to -{1}'
perkEffect_upgrade_descMod_NegPct '-{0}% to -{1}%'
perkEffect_upgrade_descMod_PosPct '+{0}% to +{1}%'
perkEffect_upgrade_descMod_Rlo '-{0} to -{1} battle stars'
perk_desc_CBar_CCan 'Soldiers are the shepherds of victory, and the victors write the history. Even if your triumph involved some unseemly mercenaries on the front line, who would ever know?'
perk_desc_CBar_CFac "In war, there's always a need for armaments. Smuggled munitions cost less and avoid the hassle of things like tariffs and treaties."
perk_desc_CBar_Rlo 'Mobility and superior numbers are a formula for success. Land before your enemy, and outnumber them when they arrive.'
perk_desc_CCan_GAll 'Some join the cause for personal gain. Profit can be found on and off the battlefield, and the promise of a payout makes these individuals fight that much harder.'
perk_desc_CCan_TDrd 'Sometimes the only option is to hide in plain sight. Transporting illegal military hardware and personnel is no small task. Subterfuge can make all the difference.'
perk_desc_CFac_CCan 'The proudest Commanders may look down on mercenaries, but the smart ones know how to combine their unconventional tactics with the brute force of vehicles.'
perk_desc_CFac_Rlo 'There is no more secure a route for supplies and military transport than one that is unknown to your enemy.'
perk_desc_CHro_DntT 'Some join the cause for selfless reasons. These individuals don’t ask for recognition, but they are more willing to fight when they get it.'
perk_desc_CHro_GAll 'Sometimes the right words are all it takes to secure the best soldiers and equipment. Other times, it takes a little more than that.'
perk_desc_CStr_CHro 'Putting the wrong person in charge of a squadron will result in a smoking crater where your troops used to be. Never underestimate the value of properly trained officers.'
perk_desc_CStr_DntAmt 'New threats can appear at any time, anywhere. Battle station readiness means faster off-world and aerial counter attacks.'
perk_desc_CStr_Rlo 'Bombard your enemy from the skies then slip away before they even understand what happened.'
perk_desc_DntAmt_DntT 'True conviction inspires everyone, from Admirals to new recruits. Prove the power of your beliefs to your squad, and make their strengths yours.'
perk_desc_GAll_GCon 'Space is vast and fraught with uncertainty. Valuable shipments go missing all the time. How those shipments ended up in your hands is a mystery that will probably never be solved.'
perk_desc_GCon_DntT 'Help sometimes comes from unlikely individuals. Even the oddest pairings can set aside their differences when they share mutual goals.'
perk_desc_GCon_TDrd 'The hardest part of acquiring illegal goods is not locating a seller. Rather, it is acquiring them without half the galaxy finding out. Discretion is often more valuable than the biggest gun.'
perk_desc_GCrd_DntAmt 'Credits come in, troops roll out. It sounds simple, but a seasoned Commander knows that every little improvement makes a difference.'
perk_desc_GCrd_DntT 'The economics of warfare make it difficult to play by the rules. The other side never seems to play fair. Why should you?'
perk_desc_GCrd_GCon 'Battlefield maneuvers and corporate takeovers have much in common. Both demand perfect timing, and successful execution spells disaster for the enemy.'
perk_desc_TDrd 'Any break in the fighting is only temporary. Use the reprieve to get your forces back in fighting shape as quickly as possible.'
perk_title_CBar_CCan 'Extra Muscle'
perk_title_CBar_CFac 'Smuggled Munitions'
perk_title_CBar_Rlo 'Military Logistics'
perk_title_CCan_GAll 'In It For The Money'
perk_title_CCan_TDrd 'Parts & Technical Group'
perk_title_CFac_CCan 'Hired Guns'
perk_title_CFac_Rlo 'Hidden Trade Route'
perk_title_CHro_DntT 'In It For The Fame'
perk_title_CHro_GAll 'Expert Negotiation'
perk_title_CStr_CHro 'Advanced Officer Training'
perk_title_CStr_DntAmt 'To Battle Stations!'
perk_title_CStr_Rlo 'Orbital Reckoning'
perk_title_DntAmt_DntT 'Steadfast Conviction'
perk_title_GAll_GCon 'Missing Shipments'
perk_title_GCon_DntT 'Black Market Buyer'
perk_title_GCon_TDrd 'Illicit Dealings'
perk_title_GCrd_DntAmt 'Hyperspace Shortcut'
perk_title_GCrd_DntT 'Insider Trading'
perk_title_GCrd_GCon 'Hostile Takeover'
perk_title_TDrd 'Situation Normal'
planet1_desc 'A desert world and the first planet in the binary Tatoo star system, Tatooine is part of the Arkanis sector in the Outer Rim Territories. Inhabited by poor locals who mostly farm moisture for a living.'
planet21_desc "The icy and desolate sixth planet in the Hoth System, this Outer Rim planet's snowy surface provides excellent cover for covert operations."
planet22_desc '<Kashyyyk Description>'
planet23_desc 'A planet abundant with dense forests and vast bodies of water, Takodana is known as the long-time home of a pirate den that serves as an open port to spies and dubious travelers alike.'
planet3_desc 'A forested planet in the heart of the Doran system, this lush and watery planet has often been used to conceal cartel smuggling operations.'
planet6_desc "A desert planet with a climate similar to Tatooine, Er'Kit offers unique culture intermingled with danger. This planet has a history of slave trade, political scandal and violent militant groups such as the Blood Dawn."
planet8_desc 'One of three habitable moons orbiting the gas giant Yavin. It is mainly covered in jungle and rainforest, and despite being remote and unheard of, it has played an important role in galactic events.'
planet_name_planet1 'Tatooine'
planet_name_planet21 'Hoth'
planet_name_planet22 'Kashyyyk'
planet_name_planet23 'Takodana'
planet_name_planet3 'Dandoran'
planet_name_planet6 "Er'Kit"
planet_name_planet8 'Yavin 4'
prestige_disclaimer_research_upgrade 'Upgrade the Research Center to research Prestige units.'
prestige_disclaimer_train_hero 'Upgrade to mobilize Prestige Heroes.'
prestige_disclaimer_train_starship 'Upgrade to mobilize Prestige Starships.'
prestige_disclaimer_train_troop 'Upgrade to train Prestige Troops.'
prestige_disclaimer_train_vehicle 'Upgrade to build Prestige Vehicles.'
prestige_droid_desc_busy 'Finish a building to free up the Prestige Droid?'
prestige_droid_desc_required 'Prestige Droid is required to begin this upgrade.'
prestige_droid_title_busy 'The Prestige Droid is busy!'
prestige_droid_title_required 'Prestige Droid is required!'
prestige_level_long 'Prestige'
prestige_screen_l3_desc 'Upgrade your Level 10 Barracks, Hero, and Starship Command structures to Prestige to train Prestige units.\n\n[c][E2C374]Prestige units may only be trained in Prestige buildings[-][/c].'
prestige_screen_t1_caption 'Prestige Droid'
prestige_screen_t1_desc "This is your new Prestige Droid. This speedy droid can upgrade Level 10 structures beyond their max, to Prestige.\n\nAdditionally this droid will collect from all asset generators at once.\n\nThe Prestige Droid can only upgrade one Level 10 building at a time. It can't upgrade buildings below Level 10, repair Droideka platforms, or clear debris."
prestige_screen_t1_title 'Prestige Droid'
prestige_screen_t2_desc 'You can upgrade Level 10 structures in any order, but consider starting with the Research Lab.\n\nYou must have a Prestige Research Lab to research Prestige troops, heroes, and starships.'
prestige_screen_t2_title 'Prestige Units'
prestige_screen_t3_title 'Training Prestige Units'
prestige_screen_t4_desc 'Prestige builder droid is now unlocked. It can upgrade Level 10 buildings past max level to Prestige.\n\nTap any resource generator to have Prestige droid collect all available resources at once.\n\nUpgrade your Research Lab to Prestige in order to research Prestige troops, heroes, and starships.\n\nPrestige units can only be trained in Prestige structures. (Prestige-researched units trained in a non-Prestige level building will be produced at Level 10.)\n\nYour leaderboard rank icon is now gold played to match your Prestige buildings. Show off to your friends and foes alike!'
prestige_screen_t4_title 'Summary'
prestige_screen_title 'Prestige Info'
prize_desc_gamorrean_five 'Gamorrean Warrior x5'
prize_desc_gamorrean_single 'Gamorrean Warrior x1'
prize_desc_twilek_five "Twi'Lek Incinerator x5"
prize_desc_twilek_single "Twi'Lek Incinerator x1"
progress_ATST '{0} / {1} AT-STs Manufactured'
progress_attack '{0} / {1} Attack Won'
progress_barracks_t3 '{0} / {1} Level 3 Barracks'
progress_build 'New construction required...'
progress_credit_generators '{0} / {1} Credit Markets Built'
progress_default '{0} / {1}'
progress_defend_hq 'Prevent your HQ from being destroyed...'
progress_factory '{0} / {1} Factory Built'
progress_hero_command '{0} / {1} Hero Command Built'
progress_proton_mortar '{0} / {1} Proton Mortar'
progress_pvp '{0} / {1} Rival Player Battles Won'
progress_pvp_started '{0} / {1} Rival Player Battles Initiated'
progress_simple 'In Progress...'
progress_starport_t2 '{0} / {1} Level 2 Unit Transport'
progress_t1_contrabandsafehouse '{0} / {1} Level 1 Contraband Safehouse'
progress_t1_research_lab '{0} / {1} Level 1 Research Lab Constructed'
progress_t2_RFTurret '{0} / {1} Level 2 Rapid Fire Turrets Built'
progress_t2_alloy_depot '{0} / {1} Level 2 Alloy Depot Built'
progress_t2_barracks '{0} / {1} Level 2 Barracks Built'
progress_t2_credit_generator '{0} / {1} Level 2 Credit Markets'
progress_t2_walls '{0} / {1} Level 3 Walls'
progress_t3_hq '{0} / {1} Level 3 HQ Built'
progress_t4_barracks '{0} / {1} Level 4 Barracks'
progress_t4_factory '{0} / {1} Level 4 Factory'
progress_t5_barracks '{0} / {1} Level 5 Barracks'
progress_t6_barracks '{0} / {1} Level 6 Barracks'
progress_t7_herocommand '{0} / {1} Level 7 Hero Command'
progress_training_infantry '{0} / {1} Total Troops'
progress_turrets '{0} / {1} Turrets Constructed'
progress_upgrade 'Awaiting upgrade...'
progress_walls '{0} / {1} walls constructed'
promo_confirm_cantina_lvl1 'Congratulations on building a new Cantina! Gammorrean Warriors are ready to be hired!'
promo_confirm_cantina_lvl3 "Cantina upgraded to level 3! Twi'lek Incinerators are ready to be hired."
promo_confirm_cantina_lvl5 'Cantina upgraded to level 5! Luggabeast Munitioneers are ready to be hired.'
promo_confirm_cantina_lvl7 'Cantina upgraded to level 7! Dowutin Hunters are ready to be hired.'
promo_confirm_converter_1 'Congratulations! Your new Builder Droid is ready for action!'
promo_confirm_droidekao_1 'Congratulations! Your new Droideka Oppressor is ready for battle!'
promo_confirm_droidekao_2 'Congratulations! Your upgraded Droideka Oppressor is ready for battle!'
promo_confirm_droidekas_1 'Congratulations! Your new Droideka Sentinel is ready for battle!'
promo_confirm_droidekas_2 'Congratulations! Your upgraded Droideka Sentinel is ready for battle!'
promo_confirm_mt4_converter 'Congratulations! Your shipment of crystals has been added to your inventory!'
promo_confirm_onetime_3 'Congratulations! Your shipment of resources has been added to your inventory!'
promo_confirm_onetime_4 'Congratulations! Your shipment of resources has been added to your inventory!'
promo_confirm_onetime_5 'Congratulations! Your shipment of resources has been added to your inventory!'
promo_confirm_test 'Special Promo Deal Test Case –\xa0Processed'
promo_confirm_upgradespecial_droid 'Congratulations! Your shipment of resources has been added to your inventory and your new Builder Droid is ready for action!'
promo_desc_cantina_e_1 'Awesome promotional bundle just for you!'
promo_desc_cantina_e_10 'Awesome promotional bundle just for you!'
promo_desc_cantina_e_2 'Awesome promotional bundle just for you!'
promo_desc_cantina_e_3 'Awesome promotional bundle just for you!'
promo_desc_cantina_e_4 'Awesome promotional bundle just for you!'
promo_desc_cantina_e_5 'Awesome promotional bundle just for you!'
promo_desc_cantina_e_6 'Awesome promotional bundle just for you!'
promo_desc_cantina_e_7 'Awesome promotional bundle just for you!'
promo_desc_cantina_e_8 'Awesome promotional bundle just for you!'
promo_desc_cantina_e_9 'Awesome promotional bundle just for you!'
promo_desc_cantina_lvl1 'Building a Cantina lets you hire Gamorreans. Secure your Cantina and a sample of these lethally effective mercenaries now!'
promo_desc_cantina_lvl3 "Upgrading your Cantina lets you hire Twi'lek Incinerators.  Secure your level 3 Cantina and a sample of these devastating mercenaries now!"
promo_desc_cantina_lvl5 'Upgrading your Cantina lets you hire Luggabeasts.  Secure your level 5 Cantina and a sample of these powerful mercenaries now!'
promo_desc_cantina_lvl7 'Upgrading your Cantina lets you hire Dowutins.  Secure your level 7 Cantina and a sample of these devastating mercenaries now!'
promo_desc_cantina_r_1 'Awesome promotional bundle just for you!'
promo_desc_cantina_r_10 'Awesome promotional bundle just for you!'
promo_desc_cantina_r_2 'Awesome promotional bundle just for you!'
promo_desc_cantina_r_3 'Awesome promotional bundle just for you!'
promo_desc_cantina_r_4 'Awesome promotional bundle just for you!'
promo_desc_cantina_r_5 'Awesome promotional bundle just for you!'
promo_desc_cantina_r_6 'Awesome promotional bundle just for you!'
promo_desc_cantina_r_7 'Awesome promotional bundle just for you!'
promo_desc_cantina_r_8 'Awesome promotional bundle just for you!'
promo_desc_cantina_r_9 'Awesome promotional bundle just for you!'
promo_desc_confirm 'hey! you got a thing! (placeholder)'
promo_desc_converter_1 'A lump sum of Credits and an extra Droid is just what you need to get your base up to snuff!'
promo_desc_converter_n_1 'Awesome promotional bundle just for you!'
promo_desc_converter_n_2 'Awesome promotional bundle just for you!'
promo_desc_droidekao_1 'The Droideka Oppressor is a powerful champion that can be used for both defense and offense! Secure yours now!'
promo_desc_droidekao_2 'The Droideka Oppressor is a powerful champion that can be used for both defense and offense! Secure your upgrade kit now!'
promo_desc_droidekao_e_1 'Awesome promotional bundle just for you!'
promo_desc_droidekao_e_2 'Awesome promotional bundle just for you!'
promo_desc_droidekao_e_3 'Awesome promotional bundle just for you!'
promo_desc_droidekao_e_4 'Awesome promotional bundle just for you!'
promo_desc_droidekao_r_1 'Awesome promotional bundle just for you!'
promo_desc_droidekao_r_2 'Awesome promotional bundle just for you!'
promo_desc_droidekao_r_3 'Awesome promotional bundle just for you!'
promo_desc_droidekao_r_4 'Awesome promotional bundle just for you!'
promo_desc_droidekas_1 'The Droideka Sentinel is a powerful champion that can be used for both defense and offense! Secure yours now!'
promo_desc_droidekas_2 'The Droideka Sentinel is a powerful champion that can be used for both defense and offense! Secure your upgrade kit now!'
promo_desc_droidekas_e_1 'Awesome promotional bundle just for you!'
promo_desc_droidekas_e_2 'Awesome promotional bundle just for you!'
promo_desc_droidekas_e_3 'Awesome promotional bundle just for you!'
promo_desc_droidekas_e_4 'Awesome promotional bundle just for you!'
promo_desc_droidekas_r_1 'Awesome promotional bundle just for you!'
promo_desc_droidekas_r_2 'Awesome promotional bundle just for you!'
promo_desc_droidekas_r_3 'Awesome promotional bundle just for you!'
promo_desc_droidekas_r_4 'Awesome promotional bundle just for you!'
promo_desc_mt4_converter '200 Extra Crystals! May the Fourth Be With You!'
promo_desc_onetime_3 'Use this shipment of resources to upgrade your base!'
promo_desc_onetime_4 'Use this shipment of resources to upgrade your base!'
promo_desc_onetime_5 'Use this shipment of resources to upgrade your base!'
promo_desc_test 'Special Promo Deal Test Case'
promo_desc_upgradespecial_droid 'Upgrade your base today with a new Builder Droid and a massive shipment of resources! Resources will be added to your inventory.'
promo_desc_upgradespecial_resources 'Limited-time deal! Upgrade your base today with a special shipment of resources! Resources will be added to your inventory.'
promo_error_nospace_desc 'There is not enough space in your base layout to place this new building.'
promo_error_nospace_title 'Not enough space'
promo_icon_01 'Sale!'
promo_icon_02 'New Sale!'
promo_redeem_brute_desc 'Congratulations Commander! {0} Dowutin Hunters have been hired on your behalf. Find them in your HQ.'
promo_redeem_bundle_desc 'Congratulations Commander! You have successfully .purchased a promotional bundle.'
promo_redeem_desc 'Congratulations! {0} Crystals have been credited to your account.'
promo_redeem_rider_desc 'Congratulations Commander! {0} Luggabeast Munitioneers have been hired on your behalf. Find them in your HQ.'
promo_redeem_title 'Congratulations!'
promo_title_anh40_bogo 'Double Premium Death Star Crate Rewards!'
promo_title_cantina_1 'Cantina Blueprints Bundle!'
promo_title_cantina_2 'Cantina Upgrade Bundle!'
promo_title_cantina_e_1 'Special Promotion'
promo_title_cantina_e_10 'Special Promotion'
promo_title_cantina_e_2 'Special Promotion'
promo_title_cantina_e_3 'Special Promotion'
promo_title_cantina_e_4 'Special Promotion'
promo_title_cantina_e_5 'Special Promotion'
promo_title_cantina_e_6 'Special Promotion'
promo_title_cantina_e_7 'Special Promotion'
promo_title_cantina_e_8 'Special Promotion'
promo_title_cantina_e_9 'Special Promotion'
promo_title_cantina_r_1 'Special Promotion'
promo_title_cantina_r_10 'Special Promotion'
promo_title_cantina_r_2 'Special Promotion'
promo_title_cantina_r_3 'Special Promotion'
promo_title_cantina_r_4 'Special Promotion'
promo_title_cantina_r_5 'Special Promotion'
promo_title_cantina_r_6 'Special Promotion'
promo_title_cantina_r_7 'Special Promotion'
promo_title_cantina_r_8 'Special Promotion'
promo_title_cantina_r_9 'Special Promotion'
promo_title_converter_1 'Refurbished Droid!'
promo_title_converter_n_1 'Special Promotion'
promo_title_converter_n_2 'Special Promotion'
promo_title_crate_2 'Double Durasteel Crate'
promo_title_crate_3 'Triple Carbonite Crate'
promo_title_droidekao_1 'Droideka Oppressor Blueprints Bundle!'
promo_title_droidekao_2 'Droideka Oppressor Upgrade Bundle!'
promo_title_droidekao_e_1 'Special Promotion'
promo_title_droidekao_e_2 'Special Promotion'
promo_title_droidekao_e_3 'Special Promotion'
promo_title_droidekao_e_4 'Special Promotion'
promo_title_droidekao_r_1 'Special Promotion'
promo_title_droidekao_r_2 'Special Promotion'
promo_title_droidekao_r_3 'Special Promotion'
promo_title_droidekao_r_4 'Special Promotion'
promo_title_droidekas_1 'Droideka Sentinel Blueprints Bundle!'
promo_title_droidekas_2 'Droideka Sentinel Upgrade Bundle!'
promo_title_droidekas_e_1 'Special Promotion'
promo_title_droidekas_e_2 'Special Promotion'
promo_title_droidekas_e_3 'Special Promotion'
promo_title_droidekas_e_4 'Special Promotion'
promo_title_droidekas_r_1 'Special Promotion'
promo_title_droidekas_r_2 'Special Promotion'
promo_title_droidekas_r_3 'Special Promotion'
promo_title_droidekas_r_4 'Special Promotion'
promo_title_google_sale_v1 'Google Play Exclusive Bundle'
promo_title_mt4_converter 'Star Wars Day Sale'
promo_title_onetime_3 'Level 3 Headquarters Resource Bundle!'
promo_title_onetime_4 'Level 4 Headquarters Resource Bundle!'
promo_title_onetime_5 'Level 5 Headquarters Resource Bundle!'
promo_title_onetime_6 'Bronzium Crystal Crate'
promo_title_rogue1v3_unlock 'Guaranteed Starfighter Unlock!'
promo_title_rogue1v3_v1 'More Elite Fragments Than Ever!'
promo_title_rogue1v3_v2 'Exclusive Elite Promotion!'
promo_title_test 'Special Promo Test Bundle'
promo_title_upgradespecial 'Premium Upgrade Pack'
raid_request_reprompt "Field Reports will let you know when enemies are nearby, when you've been attacked, and other vital information."
rebel 'Rebel'
replay_ends_in 'Replay ends in:'
replay_playback_speed '{0}x'
reward_hn_anh40_unitsample_title_e 'Imperial Astromedics'
reward_hn_anh40_unitsample_title_r 'WED Treadwell Repair Droids'
reward_hn_anniversary_title 'Free Krayt Dragons and Droidekas '
reward_hn_arcOps_unitsample_title_e 'IG-86 Assassin Droids'
reward_hn_arcOps_unitsample_title_r 'Iakaru Warriors'
reward_hn_dnotes_crystals_title 'Crystals'
reward_hn_forestOps_unitsample_title_e 'Tognath Marksmen'
reward_hn_forestOps_unitsample_title_r 'Tognath Marksmen'
reward_hn_iospromo_title 'App Store Exclusive Gift'
reward_hn_jetpackTrooper_title 'Jetpack Troopers'
reward_hn_jumpTrooper_title 'Jump Troopers'
reward_hn_merc_title 'Free mercenaries'
reward_hn_promo_title 'Free resources and mercenaries'
reward_hn_rancor_title 'Free rancors'
reward_hn_undead_title 'Undead Troops'
reward_hn_unit_title 'Unit samples'
reward_hn_unitsample_title_e 'Kubaz Invaders'
reward_hn_unitsample_title_r 'Ithorian Infiltrators'
s_Achievements 'Achievements'
s_ActiveDaysAgo 'Active {0}d ago'
s_ActiveHoursAgo 'Active {0}h ago'
s_ActiveMinsAgo 'Active {0}m ago'
s_And_More '...and more!'
s_AttackRival 'Attack a Rival'
s_Attacker 'Attacker'
s_Attacker_Earned 'Attacker Earned'
s_AttacksWon 'Attacks Won'
s_Available 'Available'
s_AvailableLoot 'Available Loot:'
s_Back 'Back'
s_Battle 'Play'
s_BattleLog 'Battle Log'
s_Both 'Both'
s_BuildVehicles 'Build Vehicles'
s_CampaignProgress 'Campaign Progress'
s_CampaignRewards 'Campaign Rewards'
s_Cancel 'Cancel'
s_ChapterComplete 'Chapter Complete!'
s_ChargeTime 'Charge Time:'
s_Chat 'Type here to chat'
s_ChoiceLeft 'JOIN THE EMPIRE'
s_ChoiceRight 'JOIN THE REBELS'
s_Clans 'Squad'
s_Class 'Class:'
s_Collect 'Collect'
s_Confirm 'Confirm'
s_Conflicts 'Conflict'
s_Continue 'Continue'
s_Cost 'Cost:'
s_Current 'Current'
s_CurrentTier 'Current League'
s_Damage 'Damage:'
s_DamageBuff 'Damage Boost %:'
s_Day 'D'
s_DaysAgo '{0}d'
s_Defeat 'Defeat:'
s_Defender 'Defender'
s_Defense 'Defense'
s_DefensesWon 'Defenses Won'
s_Demote 'Demote'
s_Dismiss 'Dismiss'
s_Donated 'Donated'
s_Edit 'Edit'
s_Effects 'Effects:'
s_Empire 'Empire'
s_EmpireFriends 'Empire Friends'
s_EndBattle 'End Battle'
s_ExitEdit 'Exit'
s_Expired 'Expired'
s_Featured 'Featured'
s_FilterBy 'Show:'
s_FindMatch 'Find a Match'
s_Finish 'Finish'
s_FinishTraining 'Finish'
s_Friends 'Friends'
s_FriendsHere 'Friends'
s_Gained 'Gained'
s_HealerPercent 'Healing %:'
s_HeroLocked 'Coming Soon'
s_HeroPower 'Hero Ability:'
s_HeroTraining 'Hero Mobilization'
s_Home 'Done'
s_Hour 'h'
s_HoursAgo '{0}h'
s_Housing 'Housing:'
s_HowToPlay 'How To Play'
s_Invites 'Invites'
s_LabelTitlePrimaryFactionIcon 'Faction Badge'
s_LabelTitleSecondaryFactionIcon 'Next Faction Badge'
s_LastActive 'Last Active'
s_Leaderboard 'Leaders'
s_Leaders 'Players'
s_Leave 'Leave'
s_Loading 'Loading'
s_Locked 'LOCKED'
s_Mastery 'Mastery: '
s_MasteryProgress 'Mastery Progress'
s_MasteryReward 'Mastery Reward'
s_Medals 'Medals'
s_MedalsWonLost 'Medals Lost/Gained'
s_Members 'Members'
s_Messages 'Messages'
s_MinsAgo '{0}m'
s_Minute 'm'
s_MissionComplete 'Mission Complete'
s_MissionLocked 'LOCKED'
s_MissionProgress 'Mission Progress'
s_MissionReward 'Mission Reward'
s_Missions 'Missions'
s_MissionsProgress 'Mission Progress'
s_MobilizeTime 'Mobilize Time:'
s_Month 'M'
s_MostRecentBattle 'Most Recent Battle'
s_MovementSpeed 'Movement Speed:'
s_New 'New!'
s_Next 'Next'
s_NextBattle 'Next Battle'
s_NextChapter 'Next Chapter'
s_NextChapter_colon 'Next Chapter'
s_None 'None'
s_Ok 'OK'
s_OpenAnother 'FREE'
s_Overview 'Overview'
s_PlanetStats 'Forces'
s_PlanetsScouted 'Worlds Unlocked'
s_Potential_Reward 'Possible Rewards Include:'
s_PrevChapter 'Previous Chapter'
s_Profile 'Profile'
s_Promote 'Promote'
s_Rebel 'Rebel'
s_RebelFriends 'Rebel Friends'
s_Received 'Received'
s_RelocateToAttack 'Relocate here to attack rivals'
s_Remove 'Remove'
s_RepairTime 'Repair Time'
s_ReplayBattle 'Watch Replay'
s_Replays 'Replays'
s_RequestNow 'Request Now'
s_RequestTroops 'Request Troops'
s_Requests 'Requests'
s_Requirements 'Requirements'
s_Return 'Return'
s_Revenge 'Revenge'
s_Rewarded 'Rewarded'
s_Rewards 'Rewards'
s_Rewards_colon 'Rewards:'
s_Search 'Search'
s_Second 's'
s_SeeDeals 'See Deals'
s_Seized 'Seized:'
s_SelectHeroBody 'Select up to three heroes to mobilize. Swipe the screen to see all the heroes you have available.'
s_SelectHeroTitle 'Select a Hero to Mobilize'
s_SelectMission 'Select Mission'
s_Send 'Send'
s_Set 'Set'
s_Settings 'Settings'
s_Share 'Share Replay'
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s_SlotsFullBody 'Use your heroes in battle to open up your queue.'
s_SlotsFullMercenaryDesc 'Your Mercenary Hiring Queue is Full'
s_SlotsFullShipsDesc 'Your Starship Mobilization Queue is Full'
s_SlotsFullTroopsDesc 'Your Troop Training Queue is Full'
s_SlotsFullVehicleDesc 'Your Vehicle Construction Queue is Full'
s_SortBy 'Sort By:'
s_Special 'Special:'
s_SpecialAbility 'Special Ability:'
s_Squad 'Squad'
s_SquadOverview 'Squad Overview'
s_SquadUpgradeRequestText 'Can now accept additional donations.'
s_SquadWar 'Squad War'
s_SquadmatesHere 'Squadmates'
s_Squads 'Squads'
s_Store 'Shop'
s_Swap 'Swap'
s_Target 'Target:'
s_TimeLeft 'Time Left:'
s_TimeRemaining 'Estimated Time Remaining:'
s_Tournaments 'Tournament'
s_TrainTroops 'Train Troops'
s_TrainingCost 'Training Cost:'
s_TrainingTime 'Training Time:'
s_TroopCapacity 'Unit Capacity:'
s_Troops 'Troops'
s_UnitCapacity 'Unit Capacity:'
s_Updates 'Updates'
s_Victories 'Victories'
s_Videos 'Videos'
s_View 'Visit'
s_ViewAllChapters 'Replay Chapters'
s_ViewDetails 'More Details'
s_ViewGalaxyMap 'View Galaxy Map'
s_ViewRewards 'View Rewards'
s_ViewTiers 'View Leagues'
s_Visit 'Visit'
s_Warlog 'Squad War Log'
s_WatchToOpen 'Watch Ad to Open'
s_Week 'W'
s_WhatsNextButton 'Continue'
s_WhatsNextDescription_Empire '[F2D62F]Build and upgrade[-] your base defenses.\n\n\n[F2D62F]Train troops[-] to attack and defeat the Rebel Alliance.\n\n\n[F2D62F]Join a Squad[-] to team up with other players.\n\n'
s_WhatsNextDescription_Rebel '[F2D62F]Build and upgrade[-] your base defenses.\n\n\n[F2D62F]Train troops[-] to attack and defeat the Galactic Empire.\n\n\n[F2D62F]Join a Squad[-] to team up with other players.\n\n'
s_WhatsNextTitle "What's Next?"
s_YourTier 'Your Ranking:'
s_army 'Army'
s_charName_bib 'Bib Fortuna'
s_charName_deathtrooper 'Undead Trooper'
s_charName_han 'Han Solo'
s_charName_jennica 'Jennica Pierce'
s_charName_kosh 'Captain Kosh'
s_charName_leia 'Princess Leia'
s_charName_prestigeDroid 'E5-PT2'
s_charName_saponza 'Saponza'
s_charName_vader 'Lord Vader'
s_crystals 'Crystals'
s_damage 'Damage:'
s_decorations 'Turrets'
s_defenses 'Defenses'
s_fragments 'Data Fragments'
s_fue_05_bldBarrack_00 'We need [F2D62F]Barracks[-] to train troops.'
s_fue_05_bldDepot_00 "Let's get that [F2D62F]Alloy Depot[-] started."
s_fue_05_callSign_00 'You made the right choice, partner. Our new allies want to know your [F2D62F]Call Sign[-].'
s_fue_05_choice_00 "The mighty [F2D62F]Jabba's forces[-] have destroyed your base. My master will continue to make you pay for your foolishness."
s_fue_05_choice_01 "There's no way we can fight Jabba alone. Time to pick a side. The mechanical might of the [F2D62F]Galactic Empire[-] or the heroic freedom fighters of the [F2D62F]Rebel Alliance[-]?"
s_fue_05_credit_00 'We can use my old homestead as a base and collect [F2D62F]credits[-] from it to help us expand our operation.'
s_fue_05_droid_00 "If we buy another [F2D62F]Droid[-] we can construct two buildings at once. Just make sure that new Droid doesn't have a bad motivator."
s_fue_05_infoATST 'All Terrain Scout Transport'
s_fue_05_infoATSTTitle 'AT-ST'
s_fue_05_infoAlloy 'Used to build your base'
s_fue_05_infoAlloyTitle 'Alloy'
s_fue_05_infoCredit 'Used to fund your army'
s_fue_05_infoCreditTitle 'Credits'
s_fue_05_infoDroid 'Droids construct all the buildings on your base'
s_fue_05_infoDroidTitle 'Droids'
s_fue_05_infoHan 'Hero of the Rebel Alliance'
s_fue_05_infoHanTitle 'Han Solo'
s_fue_05_infoTurret 'Very effective against ground troops'
s_fue_05_infoTurretTitle 'Turrets'
s_fue_05_instructDeploy 'Tap an empty area to deploy your units'
s_fue_05_instructHan 'Deploy [F2D62F]Han Solo[-] to destroy the Shield Generator'
s_fue_05_intro_00 "Been awhile since you've been on [F2D62F]Tatooine[-] with your old partner [F2D62F]Saponza[-]. It actually feels good to be back under the twin suns."
s_fue_05_startMission_00 'Looks like our new allies have a [F2D62F]mission[-] for us. You ready for this, partner?'
s_fue_05_threat_00 'I am Bib Fortuna. Those men worked for my master, the mighty [F2D62F]Jabba the Hutt[-]. He is most displeased with your hostility.'
s_fue_05_upgrdHQ_00 "If we upgrade our new [F2D62F]Headquarters[-] we'll have access to more buildings."
s_fue_06_bldAlloy_00 "Jabba's a dangerous enemy. We need to build this base up, fast. Alloy is needed for most buildings. Let's build an [F2D62F]Alloy Refinery[-]."
s_fue_06_bldTurret_00 'There are a lot of outlaws out here. We should build up our [F2D62F]defenses[-].'
s_fue_06_choice_empire_00 "I am [F2D62F]Captain Kosh[-]. I've been instructed by Lord Vader to repair your base and treat you as a special operative. It seems you have friends in high places."
s_fue_06_choice_empire_01 "We're also presenting you with a Squad Center. It can be used to [F2D62F]join a Squad[-] and team with others to create a unified Imperial force."
s_fue_06_choice_rebel_00 "I'm [F2D62F]Jennica Pierce[-]. Princess Leia told us to expect you. The Rebellion will restore your base."
s_fue_06_choice_rebel_01 "As thanks for joining us, we're giving you a Rebellion Squad Center. You can use it to [F2D62F]join a Squad[-] and team up with others. May the Force be with you."
s_fue_06_defend_00 "I called it. Those outlaws are mountin' an attack!"
s_fue_06_leia_00 "I am [F2D62F]Princess Leia Organa[-] of the Rebel Alliance. I do hope you haven't been fooled by the Empire's propaganda."
s_fue_06_leia_01 'Vital medical supplies are being hoarded [F2D62F]off-world[-] at a [F2D62F]Cartel Den[-]. For this mission, and some others, heroes of the Rebellion will assist you.'
s_fue_06_leia_02 "The name's [F2D62F]Han Solo[-], maybe you've heard of me? Looks like they've got a [F2D62F]shield generator[-]. Get me into the fight and I'll handle it."
s_fue_06_leia_03 "The Rebellion thanks you. I hope you'll join us in our battle against the Empire."
s_fue_06_leia_04 'Deploy more [F2D62F]troops[-] to aid Han Solo'
s_fue_06_trainTroop_00 'Train some [F2D62F]troops[-] so we can be ready for action!'
s_fue_06_vader_00 "I'm picking up an Imperial transmission. It's [F2D62F]Darth Vader[-]! What would the Emperor's champion want on Tatooine?"
s_fue_06_vader_01 'Attention: The Imperial garrison on Tatooine requires local assistance in dealing with a Tusken Raider camp.'
s_fue_06_vader_02 "I've mobilized several [F2D62F]AT-ST's[-] for this mission. In light of that, failure will not be tolerated."
s_fue_06_vader_03 "With Jabba on our tail, we could use some friends. Let's take those walkers for a spin and see what they can do."
s_fue_06_vader_04 'Your actions were noted, mercenary. The Empire would find your skills useful.'
s_fue_06_vader_05 "Those walkers were pretty convincing, partner. Maybe we should join the Imperials. Hold on, we've got another transmission incoming."
s_infoDesc_614AVA_e 'Very fast unit deals heavy damage to infantry.'
s_infoDesc_ApeMan 'Damage resistance increases the longer it remains in battle.'
s_infoDesc_EmpireDemoDroid 'Heavy armor, attacks structures such as Barracks'
s_infoDesc_EnhancedATST_unit 'This walker has been outfitted with enhanced power couplings, allowing its weapons to fire at a faster than normal rate.'
s_infoDesc_EnhancedT2B_unit 'This T2-B tank has been outfitted with enhanced power couplings, allowing its weapons to fire at a faster than normal rate.'
s_infoDesc_FurCoat 'Damage resistance increases the longer it remains in battle.'
s_infoDesc_GMC 'Races around the battlefield, attacking various targets.'
s_infoDesc_RebelDemoDroid 'Heavy armor, attacks structures such as Barracks'
s_infoDesc_SalvagedMTT_unit 'Heavily armored vehicle, deploys Dowutin Hunters'
s_infoDesc_anh40_crate 'Contains Data Fragments for elite equipment and troops'
s_infoDesc_anh40_eqp_e 'Lord Vader is accompanied by stormtroopers'
s_infoDesc_anh40_eqp_r 'R2-D2 disables enemy turrets, with C-3P0 at his side'
s_infoDesc_anh40rr_unit_e 'Heals injuries with bacta-based technology'
s_infoDesc_anh40rr_unit_r 'Repairs vehicles in the heat of combat'
s_infoDesc_arcBiome_Jetpack_eqp_e 'Increases damage and move speed on arctic worlds'
s_infoDesc_arcBiome_Jetpack_eqp_r 'Increases damage and move speed on arctic worlds'
s_infoDesc_arcOps_crate 'Contains Data Fragments for arctic equipment and troops'
s_infoDesc_arcOps_eqp 'Use on Hoth; very high damage and health'
s_infoDesc_armory 'Provides access to advantageous equipment.'
s_infoDesc_atmostie_eqp_e 'Proton bombs devastate vehicle units'
s_infoDesc_bigmouthsecuritydroid_eqp "Sonic grenade weakens enemy structures' armor"
s_infoDesc_bubba_eqp_e 'Greatly increases damage dealt'
s_infoDesc_chicken 'Fires explosive, high-damage shots'
s_infoDesc_dataFragment 'Collect via Supply Crates to unlock and upgrade equipment'
s_infoDesc_defRef_crate 'Contains Data Fragments for elite Guard Reserve equipment'
s_infoDesc_defRef_eqp 'Summons guards to defend your base'
s_infoDesc_desBiome_Jetpack_crate_e 'Increases damage and move speed on desert worlds'
s_infoDesc_desBiome_Jetpack_eqp_r 'Increases damage and move speed on desert worlds'
s_infoDesc_desBiome_crate 'Contains Data Fragments for desert equipment and troops'
s_infoDesc_desBiome_eqp "Use on Tatooine and Er'Kit, very high damage and health"
s_infoDesc_epBonusCrate 'Earn for each time you complete the Bonus Event Objective'
s_infoDesc_epCrate 'Earn a crate every time you complete an Event Objective.'
s_infoDesc_fangfighter_eqp_r 'Proton torpedoes devastate vehicle units'
s_infoDesc_forBiome_Jetpack_eqp_e 'Increases damage and move speed on forest worlds'
s_infoDesc_forBiome_Jetpack_eqp_r 'Increases damage and move speed on forest worlds'
s_infoDesc_forBiome_crate 'Contains Data Fragments for forest equipment and troops'
s_infoDesc_forBiome_eqp 'Use on Dandoran, Yavin 4, Takodana; high damage and health'
s_infoDesc_hauler_e 'Deploys vehicles directly to the battlefield'
s_infoDesc_hauler_r 'Deploys vehicles directly to the battlefield'
s_infoDesc_hovertank_eqp_e 'TX-225 assault tank, crushes walls'
s_infoDesc_hovertank_eqp_r 'Stolen TX-225 assault tank, crushes walls'
s_infoDesc_limitedCrate 'Acquired in Objectives, Heroic Defense, and Store'
s_infoDesc_navalEvt_crate 'Contains Data Fragments for naval equipment and troops'
s_infoDesc_navalEvt_eqp_e 'Royal Guard equipment, wields blaster & calls in orbital strikes'
s_infoDesc_navalEvt_eqp_r 'Health & damage up, calls in Millennium Falcon strafing'
s_infoDesc_navalEvt_unit_e 'Targets resources and calls in TIE fighters'
s_infoDesc_navalEvt_unit_r 'Targets resources and calls in X-wing Starfighters'
s_infoDesc_newHeroEvent_e 'Hero unit, targets turrets and traps'
s_infoDesc_newHeroEvent_r 'Hero unit, targets shields from long range'
s_infoDesc_p006 'Captures enemy turret, which later self-destructs'
s_infoDesc_polarShip_r 'Very fast unit deals heavy damage to infantry.'
s_infoDesc_prestige 'Unlock the new Prestige Level by upgrading your HQ past Level 10'
s_infoDesc_prestigeChampion 'Saponza’s newest business venture - Exotic Animals.'
s_infoDesc_prestigeDroid 'Experimental construction droid, used to build Prestige structures.'
s_infoDesc_rc21merc 'Throws an EMP Grenade to disable enemy electronics.'
s_infoDesc_rogue1v3_crate 'Contains Data Fragments for Rogue One equipment and troops'
s_infoDesc_rogue1v3_eqp_e 'TX-225 assault tank, now crushes walls'
s_infoDesc_rogue1v3_eqp_r 'Stolen TX-225 assault tank, now crushes walls'
s_infoDesc_supplyCrate 'Earned from Objectives, Raids and Squad Wars.'
s_infoDesc_undeadEvt_crate_e 'Good chance to drop fragments for the Modified SD-K4'
s_infoDesc_undeadEvt_crate_r 'Good chance to drop fragments for SD-K4'
s_infoDesc_undeadEvt_sample 'Twisted by the Blackwing virus, attacks mindlessly'
s_infoDesc_undeadEvt_unit 'Powerful melee attacks, deploys self-destructing probe killers'
s_infoDesc_uwing_eqp_r 'Greatly increases damage dealt'
s_infoTitle_614AVA_e '614-AvA Speeder Bike'
s_infoTitle_ApeMan 'Ongidae Oppressor'
s_infoTitle_EmpireDemoDroid 'LIN Demolitionmech'
s_infoTitle_EnhancedATST_unit 'Enhanced AT-ST Walker'
s_infoTitle_EnhancedT2B_unit 'Enhanced T2-B Repulsor Tank'
s_infoTitle_FurCoat 'Bufopel Protector'
s_infoTitle_GMC 'Fathier Rider'
s_infoTitle_RebelDemoDroid 'Demolition Droid'
s_infoTitle_SalvagedMTT_unit 'Salvaged Multi-Troop Transport'
s_infoTitle_anh40_crate 'Death Star Crate'
s_infoTitle_anh40_eqp_e 'Equipment for Darth Vader'
s_infoTitle_anh40_eqp_r 'Equipment for R2-D2'
s_infoTitle_anh40rr_unit_e 'Imperial Astromedic'
s_infoTitle_anh40rr_unit_r 'WED Treadwell Repair Droid'
s_infoTitle_arcBiome_Jetpack_eqp_e 'Arctic Jump Trooper Equipment'
s_infoTitle_arcBiome_Jetpack_eqp_r 'Arctic Jetpack Trooper Equipment'
s_infoTitle_arcOps_crate 'Arctic Ops Crate'
s_infoTitle_arcOps_eqp 'Arctic Equipment'
s_infoTitle_armoryEmp 'Armory'
s_infoTitle_armoryReb 'Armory'
s_infoTitle_bigMouthAlien 'Drabatan Saboteur'
s_infoTitle_bubba_eqp_e 'Equipment for TIE fighter'
s_infoTitle_dataFragment 'Data Fragment'
s_infoTitle_defRef_crate 'Tactical Defenses Crate'
s_infoTitle_defRef_eqp 'Guard Reserve'
s_infoTitle_desBiome_Jetpack_crate_e 'Desert Jump Trooper Equipment'
s_infoTitle_desBiome_Jetpack_eqp_r 'Desert Jetpack Trooper Equipment'
s_infoTitle_desBiome_crate 'Desert Ops Crate'
s_infoTitle_desBiome_eqp 'Desert Equipment'
s_infoTitle_epBonusCrate 'Bonus Event Crate'
s_infoTitle_epCrate 'Event Crates'
s_infoTitle_forBiome_Jetpack_eqp_e 'Forest Jump Trooper Equipment'
s_infoTitle_forBiome_Jetpack_eqp_r 'Forest Jetpack Trooper Equipment'
s_infoTitle_forBiome_crate 'Forest Ops Crate'
s_infoTitle_forBiome_eqp 'Forest Equipment'
s_infoTitle_hovertank_eqp_e 'Equipment for 2-M Hover Tank'
s_infoTitle_hovertank_eqp_r 'Equipment for AAT-1 Hover Tank'
s_infoTitle_limitedCrate 'Weapons Research Crate'
s_infoTitle_navalEvt_crate 'Naval Assault Crate'
s_infoTitle_newHeroEvent_e 'Death Trooper'
s_infoTitle_newHeroEvent_r 'Elite AT-TE Walker'
s_infoTitle_polarShip_r 'V-4X-D Ski Speeder'
s_infoTitle_prestigeChampion 'Strix Beacon'
s_infoTitle_prestigeDroid 'E5-PT2'
s_infoTitle_prestigeEmp 'Imperial Prestige HQ'
s_infoTitle_prestigeReb 'Rebellion Prestige HQ'
s_infoTitle_rogue1v3_crate 'Weapons Research Crate'
s_infoTitle_rogue1v3_eqp_e 'Equipment for 2-M Hover Tank'
s_infoTitle_rogue1v3_eqp_r 'Equipment for AAT-1 Hover Tank'
s_infoTitle_securityDroid 'Security Droid'
s_infoTitle_supplyCrate 'Supply Crates'
s_infoTitle_undeadEvt_crate 'Undead Offensive Crate'
s_infoTitle_undeadEvt_sample 'Undead Trooper'
s_infoTitle_undeadEvt_unit_e 'SD-K4'
s_infoTitle_undeadEvt_unit_r 'Modified SD-K4'
s_infoTitle_uwing_eqp_r 'Equipment for X-wing starfighter'
s_noSquadmatesToDonate 'You need Squadmates to request troops. Recruit some now, Commander!'
s_protection 'Protection'
s_raid_cnd1_raidpool_gen 'Save HQ'
s_raid_cnd2_raidpool_gen 'Save HQ and at least 50% of base'
s_raid_cnd3_raidpool_gen 'Save HQ and at least 70% of base'
s_raid_mis_default 'Scouts report a diversified force of [c][E50000]vehicles and infantry[-][/c] nearby. Use turret swapping to build a varied array of turret types. Enemy waves: [c][E50000]2[-][/c]'
s_raid_mis_default_1wave 'Scouts report a diversified force of [c][E50000]vehicles and infantry[-][/c] nearby. Use turret swapping to build a varied array of turret types. Enemy waves: [c][E50000]1[-][/c]'
s_raid_mis_hero 'Scouts report several high-ranking enemy officers in the area. Be prepared for anything!'
s_raid_mis_infantry 'Scouts report a large force nearby, consisting mainly of [c][E50000]infantry[-][/c]. Use turret swapping to set up [c][E50000]Mortars[-][/c] and wipe them out! Enemy waves: [c][E50000]2[-][/c]'
s_raid_mis_infantry_1wave 'Scouts report a large force nearby, consisting mainly of [c][E50000]infantry[-][/c]. Use turret swapping to set up [c][E50000]Mortars[-][/c] and wipe them out! Enemy waves: [c][E50000]1[-][/c]'
s_raid_mis_monster 'Scouts are delivering strange reports of large creatures in the area. Be prepared for anything!'
s_raid_mis_undead 'Scouts have reported a horde of undead troopers gathering outside of your walls. Prepare to defend your base Commander!'
s_raid_mis_vehicle 'Scouts report a column of [c][E50000]vehicles[-][/c] passing through the area. Maximize defenses by swapping to [c][E50000]Rocket Turrets[-][/c]. Enemy waves: [c][E50000]2[-][/c]'
s_raid_mis_vehicle_1wave 'Scouts report a column of [c][E50000]vehicles[-][/c] passing through the area. Maximize defenses by swapping to [c][E50000]Rocket Turrets[-][/c]. Enemy waves: [c][E50000]1[-][/c]'
s_resources 'Resources'
s_shopCrystals 'Crystals'
s_shopDataFragments 'Data Fragments'
s_shopStructures 'Structures'
s_shopTreasure 'Treasure'
s_shopTurrets 'Turrets'
s_sqd_Rejected "Rejected {0}'s request to join!"
s_sqd_Welcome 'Accepted {0} to the squad!'
s_structures 'Structures'
s_timespan_days '{0}d {1}h {2}m {3}s'
s_timespan_hours '{0}h {1}m {2}s'
s_timespan_minutes '{0}m {1}s'
s_timespan_seconds '{0}s'
s_treasure 'Treasure'
s_turrets 'Turrets'
s_upgradeTime 'Upgrade Time:'
s_youOwn 'You have:'
settings_visual_fx_button 'Visual Effects'
settings_visual_fx_daynight 'Day/Night Lighting'
settings_visual_fx_daynight_desc 'Toggle to enable/disable time of day lighting effects. Defaults to daytime when disabled.'
settings_visual_fx_prestige_flair 'Prestige Tilt Reflection'
settings_visual_fx_prestige_flair_desc 'Toggle to enable/disable reflections on gold Prestige buildings being affected by device tilt angle. '
settings_visual_fx_title 'Visual Effects'
shardShopMinHqMessage 'Data Fragment shop unlocks at HQ {0}'
shard_shop_armory_req 'Build Armory to unlock'
shard_shop_buy_all 'Purchase All'
shard_shop_buy_equipment_shards 'Equipment Data Fragments'
shard_shop_buy_single 'Purchase 1'
shard_shop_buy_unit_shards 'Unit Data Fragments'
shard_shop_cantina_req 'Build Cantina to unlock'
shard_shop_crystal_warning_body 'Do you want to purchase this fragment for {0} crystals?'
shard_shop_crystal_warning_title 'Purchase Fragments'
shard_shop_holo_deals_of_the_day 'Daily Data Fragments'
shard_shop_holo_go_to_store 'Go to Shop'
shard_shop_holo_offer_expires 'Deals refresh in {0}'
shard_shop_maxed_out 'MAXED OUT'
shard_shop_no_items 'There are no Data Fragments available at this time'
shard_shop_offer_expires 'Deals refresh in {0}'
shard_shop_shards_remaining '{0} fragments remaining'
shard_shop_sold_out 'SOLD OUT'
shp_desc_AWing 'The Rebel Alliance uses A-wing starfighters to support ground forces. Their powerful weaponry employs an advanced targeting system, concentrating firepower to dispatch particle shields of equal level.'
shp_desc_AtmosMig "A streamlined version of the TIE fighter, the TIE Striker is primarily designed for operations within a planet's atmosphere. The attached proton bomb launcher is particularly effective against vehicle units, dealing heavy damage over a large area."
shp_desc_BWing 'The B-wing is among the largest starfighters in the Rebel fleet. Bombs deployed from this ship explode over a moderate area, causing high damage to clustered turrets.'
shp_desc_BubbaTieSample 'An improvement over the TIE starfighter, the TIE/rb heavy starfighter has much more powerful laser cannons.'
shp_desc_CloneWarsGunship 'Developed during the Clone Wars, this tried and true dropship is the bane of even well-fortified Imperial garrisons. This ship can drop troops in places normally unreachable, so use it wisely.'
shp_desc_EmpireHauler "The Empire employs AT-haulers to swiftly deploy heavy armor to the field. This specialized starship can deliver anywhere, except under shields. Deploys two [c][FFB74A]2-M Hover Tanks[-][/c] at Level 1, upgrades to one [c][FFB74A]AT-AT Walker[-][/c] at Level 6. [c][FFB74A](Research AT-hauler further to increase deployed vehicles' level.)[-][/c]"
shp_desc_EmpireSupplyDrop 'Offering both protection and maneuverability, this Lambda-class shuttle was repurposed to swiftly dispatch medical and repair payloads in the field. Each deployment provides a lasting sustain to nearby allied units.'
shp_desc_FangFighter 'Originally used by the Mandalorian Protectors, these ships have recently been acquired for use by the Rebellion. Using swivel-mounted wings to provide vectored-thrust control, the attached proton torpedo launcher is devastating to vehicle units.'
shp_desc_FreighterEmpire 'A heavily-modified freighter owned by Saponza, that he "accidentally won" in a duel on Nar Shaddaa. Its twin laser cannons deal moderate direct-target and area of effect damage.'
shp_desc_FreighterRebel 'A heavily-modified freighter owned by Saponza, that he "accidentally won" in a duel on Nar Shaddaa. Its twin laser cannons deal moderate direct-target and area of effect damage.'
shp_desc_HWK290 'Originally manufactured without weapons, this HWK-290 freighter was outfitted to drop incendiary bombs. The bomb blast affects a moderate area, making it most effective against infantry.'
shp_desc_ImperialDropship 'Not much inspires fear in Rebel troops more than the sight of a fleet of IDTs on the horizon, chock full of Stormtroopers. This ship can sway the tide of battle by inserting troops within an enemy base.'
shp_desc_RebelHauler "The Alliance puts salvaged AT-haulers to work on the battlefield, dropping heavy armor payloads at any unshielded location. Deploys two [c][FFB74A]AAT-1 Hover Tanks[-][/c] at Level 1, upgrades to one [c][FFB74A]Juggernaut[-][/c] at Level 6. [c][FFB74A](Research AT-hauler further to increase deployed vehicles' level.)[-][/c]"
shp_desc_RebelSupplyDrop 'The Rebel Alliance repurposed these Corellian shuttles for quick conveyance of medical and repair payloads directly into battle. Each drop provides a lasting sustain to nearby allied units. '
shp_desc_SeizedAwing 'The Rebel Alliance uses A-wing starfighters to support ground forces. Their powerful weaponry employs an advanced targeting system, concentrating firepower to dispatch particle shields of equal level.'
shp_desc_SeizedXwing 'X-wing fighters are powerful multi-role superiority fighters used by the Rebel Alliance. Their laser cannons deal high damage to a single target.'
shp_desc_StolenTieAdvanced 'A newly developed advanced prototype of the TIE Starfighter line, these starships are equipped with a highly sophisticated target tracking system, making them extremely useful against shields of equal level.'
shp_desc_StolenTieFighter 'TIE fighters are fast disposable fighters meant to operate in large numbers to overwhelm enemies. They deal high damage to a single target.'
shp_desc_TieAdvanced 'A newly developed advanced prototype of the TIE Starfighter line, these starships are equipped with a highly sophisticated target tracking system, making them extremely useful against shields of equal level.'
shp_desc_TieBomber 'TIE Bombers are a main source of anti-emplacement, anti-trap air support for the Empire. They deal heavy area of effect damage over a moderate area.'
shp_desc_TieDefender 'The TIE/D Defender is a capable fighter-bomber. This ship fires missiles that detonate over a moderate area, causing high damage to clustered turrets in particular.'
shp_desc_TieFighter 'TIE fighters are fast disposable fighters meant to operate in large numbers to overwhelm enemies. They deal high damage to a single target.'
shp_desc_TieInterceptor 'With a more menacing and smaller profile than its predecessors, the TIE Interceptor boasts four wingtip-mounted laser cannons that easily penetrate shields and decimate walls.'
shp_desc_UWingSample "Compared to the standard X-wing starfighter, the U-wing's side-mounted cannon provides much greater firepower during planetary engagements."
shp_desc_VT49 'Receiving command of a VT-49 Decimator is considered an honor in the Imperial Navy. Used as a raiding vessel, this ship drops firebombs which burn a moderate area. It is most effective against infantry.'
shp_desc_XWing 'X-wing fighters are powerful multi-role superiority fighters used by the Rebel Alliance. Their laser cannons deal high damage to a single target.'
shp_desc_YWing 'In service since the Clone Wars, Y-wing Bombers are a main source of heavy, anti-trap air support for the Rebel Alliance. They deal heavy area of effect damage over a moderate area.'
shp_desc_Z95 "Although slightly slower and less maneuverable than its successors, this venerable craft is a support staple of Rebel squadrons. This model's center-mounted ion cannon can penetrate shields and take out walls."
shp_title_AWing 'A-wing Starfighter'
shp_title_AtmosMig 'TIE Striker'
shp_title_BWing 'B-wing Starfighter'
shp_title_BubbaTieSample 'TIE Brute'
shp_title_CloneWarsGunship 'Low Altitude Assault Transport'
shp_title_CloneWarsGunshipTrap 'Low Altitude Assault Transport'
shp_title_EmpireHauler 'AT-Hauler'
shp_title_EmpireSupplyDrop 'T-5 Deliverance'
shp_title_FangFighter 'Fang Fighter'
shp_title_FreighterEmpire 'Strix Strafing Run'
shp_title_FreighterRebel 'Strix Strafing Run'
shp_title_HWK290 'HWK-290'
shp_title_ImperialDropship 'Imperial Dropship Transport'
shp_title_ImperialDropshipTrap 'Imperial Dropship Transport'
shp_title_RebelHauler 'Salvaged AT-Hauler'
shp_title_RebelSupplyDrop 'E-50 Landseer'
shp_title_SeizedAwing 'Seized A-wing Starfighter'
shp_title_SeizedXwing 'Seized X-wing Starfighter'
shp_title_StolenTieAdvanced 'Stolen TIE Advanced'
shp_title_StolenTieFighter 'Stolen TIE fighter'
shp_title_TieAdvanced 'TIE Advanced'
shp_title_TieBomber 'TIE Bomber'
shp_title_TieDefender 'TIE Defender'
shp_title_TieFighter 'TIE fighter'
shp_title_TieInterceptor 'TIE Interceptor'
shp_title_UWingSample 'U-wing Starfighter'
shp_title_VT49 'VT-49 Decimator'
shp_title_XWing 'X-wing Starfighter'
shp_title_YWing 'Y-wing Bomber'
shp_title_Z95 'Z-95 Headhunter'
skn_title_sknArcticATMP 'Cold Weather AT-MP Mark III'
skn_title_sknArcticHailfire 'Cold-weather Hailfire Droid'
skn_title_sknArticMHC 'Cold-weather Mobile Heavy Cannon'
skn_title_sknArtoo1 'Artoo & Threepio'
skn_title_sknArtoo10 'Artoo & Threepio'
skn_title_sknArtoo2 'Artoo & Threepio'
skn_title_sknArtoo3 'Artoo & Threepio'
skn_title_sknArtoo4 'Artoo & Threepio'
skn_title_sknArtoo5 'Artoo & Threepio'
skn_title_sknArtoo6 'Artoo & Threepio'
skn_title_sknArtoo7 'Artoo & Threepio'
skn_title_sknArtoo8 'Artoo & Threepio'
skn_title_sknArtoo9 'Artoo & Threepio'
skn_title_sknBubbaTieFighter1 'TIE Brute'
skn_title_sknBubbaTieFighter10 'TIE Brute'
skn_title_sknBubbaTieFighter2 'TIE Brute'
skn_title_sknBubbaTieFighter3 'TIE Brute'
skn_title_sknBubbaTieFighter4 'TIE Brute'
skn_title_sknBubbaTieFighter5 'TIE Brute'
skn_title_sknBubbaTieFighter6 'TIE Brute'
skn_title_sknBubbaTieFighter7 'TIE Brute'
skn_title_sknBubbaTieFighter8 'TIE Brute'
skn_title_sknBubbaTieFighter9 'TIE Brute'
skn_title_sknBubbaTieFighterTrap 'TIE Brute'
skn_title_sknCaptainSolo 'Captain Han Solo'
skn_title_sknCargoGreatDane 'AT-ACT'
skn_title_sknChewie 'Millennium Falcon Support'
skn_title_sknDiplomat 'Senator Leia Organa'
skn_title_sknEchoBaseHeavySoldier 'Cold-weather Heavy Soldier'
skn_title_sknEchoBaseSoldier 'Cold-weather Soldier'
skn_title_sknEmpireATMPHalfSkin 'Enhanced AT-MP Walker'
skn_title_sknEmpireATSTHalfSkin 'Enhanced AT-ST Walker'
skn_title_sknEmpireHovertank 'TX-225'
skn_title_sknEmpirePentagonJumpTrooper 'Forest Jump Trooper'
skn_title_sknEmpireSandJumpTrooper 'Desert Jump Trooper'
skn_title_sknEmpireSnowJumpTrooper 'Arctic Jump Trooper'
skn_title_sknHeavySandtrooper 'Heavy Sandtrooper'
skn_title_sknHeavySnowtrooper 'Heavy Snowtrooper'
skn_title_sknINT41 'Modified INT-4 Interceptor'
skn_title_sknINT410 'Modified INT-4 Interceptor'
skn_title_sknINT42 'Modified INT-4 Interceptor'
skn_title_sknINT43 'Modified INT-4 Interceptor'
skn_title_sknINT44 'Modified INT-4 Interceptor'
skn_title_sknINT45 'Modified INT-4 Interceptor'
skn_title_sknINT46 'Modified INT-4 Interceptor'
skn_title_sknINT47 'Modified INT-4 Interceptor'
skn_title_sknINT48 'Modified INT-4 Interceptor'
skn_title_sknINT49 'Modified INT-4 Interceptor'
skn_title_sknLordVader 'Lord Vader'
skn_title_sknNavalOfficer 'Naval Officer'
skn_title_sknPentagonHeavyTrooper 'Heavy Shoretrooper'
skn_title_sknPentagonSoldier 'Rebel Commando'
skn_title_sknPentagonTrooper 'Shoretrooper'
skn_title_sknRebelATAPHalfSkin 'Enhanced AT-AP Walker'
skn_title_sknRebelEchoBaseJetpackTrooper 'Arctic Jetpack Trooper'
skn_title_sknRebelHovertank 'Stolen TX-225'
skn_title_sknRebelPentagonJetpackTrooper 'Forest Jetpack Trooper'
skn_title_sknRebelSandJetpackTrooper 'Desert Jetpack Trooper'
skn_title_sknRebelT2BTankHalfSkin 'Enhanced T2-B Repulsor Tank'
skn_title_sknRodian 'Rodian Recon Sniper'
skn_title_sknSandHeavySoldier 'Heavy Desert Soldier'
skn_title_sknSandSoldier 'Desert Soldier'
skn_title_sknSandtrooper 'Sandtrooper'
skn_title_sknShaggyAlien 'Gigoran Fighter'
skn_title_sknSnowtrooper 'Snowtrooper'
skn_title_sknSullustan 'Sullustan Recon Sharpshooter'
skn_title_sknTauntaun1 'Tauntaun Rider'
skn_title_sknTauntaun10 'Tauntaun Rider'
skn_title_sknTauntaun2 'Tauntaun Rider'
skn_title_sknTauntaun3 'Tauntaun Rider'
skn_title_sknTauntaun4 'Tauntaun Rider'
skn_title_sknTauntaun5 'Tauntaun Rider'
skn_title_sknTauntaun6 'Tauntaun Rider'
skn_title_sknTauntaun7 'Tauntaun Rider'
skn_title_sknTauntaun8 'Tauntaun Rider'
skn_title_sknTauntaun9 'Tauntaun Rider'
skn_title_sknUWing1 'U-wing Starfighter'
skn_title_sknUWing10 'U-wing Starfighter'
skn_title_sknUWing2 'U-wing Starfighter'
skn_title_sknUWing3 'U-wing Starfighter'
skn_title_sknUWing4 'U-wing Starfighter'
skn_title_sknUWing5 'U-wing Starfighter'
skn_title_sknUWing6 'U-wing Starfighter'
skn_title_sknUWing7 'U-wing Starfighter'
skn_title_sknUWing8 'U-wing Starfighter'
skn_title_sknUWing9 'U-wing Starfighter'
skn_title_sknUWingTrap 'U-wing Starfighter'
skn_title_skneqpBetaUnitE1 'Elite Orbak Marauder'
skn_title_skneqpBetaUnitE10 'Elite Orbak Marauder'
skn_title_skneqpBetaUnitE2 'Elite Orbak Marauder'
skn_title_skneqpBetaUnitE3 'Elite Orbak Marauder'
skn_title_skneqpBetaUnitE4 'Elite Orbak Marauder'
skn_title_skneqpBetaUnitE5 'Elite Orbak Marauder'
skn_title_skneqpBetaUnitE6 'Elite Orbak Marauder'
skn_title_skneqpBetaUnitE7 'Elite Orbak Marauder'
skn_title_skneqpBetaUnitE8 'Elite Orbak Marauder'
skn_title_skneqpBetaUnitE9 'Elite Orbak Marauder'
skn_title_skneqpBetaUnitR1 'Elite Orbak Marauder'
skn_title_skneqpBetaUnitR10 'Elite Orbak Marauder'
skn_title_skneqpBetaUnitR2 'Elite Orbak Marauder'
skn_title_skneqpBetaUnitR3 'Elite Orbak Marauder'
skn_title_skneqpBetaUnitR4 'Elite Orbak Marauder'
skn_title_skneqpBetaUnitR5 'Elite Orbak Marauder'
skn_title_skneqpBetaUnitR6 'Elite Orbak Marauder'
skn_title_skneqpBetaUnitR7 'Elite Orbak Marauder'
skn_title_skneqpBetaUnitR8 'Elite Orbak Marauder'
skn_title_skneqpBetaUnitR9 'Elite Orbak Marauder'
smuggler 'Smuggler'
squad_join_reprompt "Field Reports will let you receive communication notifications from your squad, will let you know when you've been attacked, and other vital information. (Crystal reward may require reload)"
standardCrystalBonus_title 'Limited-Time Crystal Bonus!'
sticker_title_sale_alloy 'Alloy Sale'
sticker_title_sale_contraband 'Contraband Sale'
sticker_title_sale_credits 'Credits Sale'
sticker_title_sale_generic 'SALE'
tact_desc_deploySpecialAttackID_specialAttackTieFighter 'Deploy {0} TIE fighters'
tact_desc_deploySpecialAttackID_specialAttackXWing 'Deploy {0} X-wing Starfighter'
tact_desc_deployTroopType_hero 'Deploy {0} Hero Units'
tact_desc_deployTroopType_infantry 'Deploy {0} Infantry Units'
tact_desc_deployTroopType_vehicle 'Deploy {0} Vehicle Units'
tact_desc_destroyBuilding 'Destroy {0} Buildings'
tact_desc_destroyBuildingID_burstTurret 'Destroy {0} Burst Turrets'
tact_desc_destroyBuildingID_creditGenerator 'Destroy {0} Credit Markets'
tact_desc_destroyBuildingID_mortarTurret 'Destroy {0} Mortar Turrets'
tact_desc_destroyBuildingID_rapidFireTurret 'Destroy {0} Rapid Fire Turrets'
tact_desc_destroyBuildingID_rocketTurret 'Destroy {0} Rocket Turrets'
tact_desc_destroyBuildingID_sonicTurret 'Destroy {0} Sonic Turrets'
tact_desc_destroyBuildingType_HQ 'Destroy {0} HQs'
tact_desc_destroyBuildingType_barracks 'Destroy {0} Barracks'
tact_desc_destroyBuildingType_resource 'Destroy {0} Resource Buildings'
tact_desc_destroyBuildingType_turret 'Destroy {0} Turrets'
tact_desc_destroyBuildings 'Destroy {0} Buildings'
tact_desc_epts 'Earn {0} @ec¢ec:ec=current'
tact_desc_loot_contraband 'Loot {0} Contraband'
tact_desc_loot_credits 'Loot {0} Credits'
tact_desc_loot_material 'Loot {0} Alloy'
tact_desc_trainSpecialAttackID_specialAttackTieBomber 'Train {0} TIE Bombers'
tact_desc_trainSpecialAttackID_specialAttackYWing 'Train {0} Y-wing Bombers'
tact_desc_trainTroopID_troopBantha 'Train {0} Bantha Riders'
tact_desc_trainTroopID_troopDark 'Train {0} Phase II Dark Troopers'
tact_desc_trainTroopID_troopDewback 'Train {0} Dewback Troopers'
tact_desc_trainTroopID_troopEmpSpeeder 'Train {0} Speeder Bikes'
tact_desc_trainTroopID_troopHeavyRebel 'Train {0} Heavy Soldiers'
tact_desc_trainTroopID_troopHeavyStorm 'Train {0} Heavy Stormtrooper'
tact_desc_trainTroopID_troopJetpackTrooper 'Train {0} Jetpack Troopers'
tact_desc_trainTroopID_troopJumpTrooper 'Train {0} Jump Troopers'
tact_desc_trainTroopID_troopMarksman 'Train {0} Rebel Sharpshooters'
tact_desc_trainTroopID_troopMedic 'Train {0} Medic Droids'
tact_desc_trainTroopID_troopPathfinder 'Train {0} Rebel Pathfinders'
tact_desc_trainTroopID_troopRebSpeeder 'Train {0} Speeder Bikes'
tact_desc_trainTroopID_troopScout 'Train {0} Scout Troopers'
tact_desc_trainTroopID_troopSniper 'Train {0} Sniper Troopers'
tact_desc_trainTroopID_troopSoldier 'Train {0} Soldiers'
tact_desc_trainTroopID_troopStorm 'Train {0} Stormtroopers'
tact_desc_trainTroopID_troopTechnician 'Train {0} Repair Droids'
tact_desc_trainTroopID_troopWookiee 'Train {0} Wookiee Warriors'
tact_name_epts 'Event Objective'
tact_name_milestone 'Chapter Objective'
tapjoy_cost 'Free'
tapjoy_desc 'Earn Crystals'
tapjoy_title 'Special Offers'
target_pref_HQ 'HQ'
target_pref_aircraft 'Aircraft'
target_pref_barracksfactorycantina 'Barracks, Factory and Cantina'
target_pref_bruiserInfantry 'Bruiser Infantry'
target_pref_bruiserVehicle 'Bruiser Vehicle'
target_pref_building 'Building'
target_pref_champion 'Droidekas'
target_pref_closest 'Closest'
target_pref_heavyVehicle 'Heavy Vehicle'
target_pref_heroes 'Hero'
target_pref_infantry 'Infantry'
target_pref_lightVehicle 'Light Vehicle'
target_pref_mountedInfantry 'Mounted Infantry'
target_pref_none 'No Preference'
target_pref_resource 'Resources'
target_pref_shieldGenerator 'Shield Generator'
target_pref_starship 'Starship'
target_pref_trap 'Traps'
target_pref_turret 'Turret'
target_pref_turrets 'Turrets'
target_pref_vehicles 'Vehicle'
target_pref_wall 'Wall'
tip_IncomingFighters 'Enemy fighters detected on approach!'
tip_empirepatrol 'An Empire Patrol has discovered your forces!'
tip_incomingAirstrike 'Incoming enemy airstrike!'
tip_incomingBombers 'Inbound enemy bombing run!'
tip_kill_krayt 'Use Ur Ur and Johhar to kill the Krayt Dragon!'
tip_kill_rancor 'Use Ur Ur and Johhar to kill the Rancor!'
tip_rebelambush 'Rebel soldiers are ambushing your forces!'
tip_tuskenpatrol 'Tusken Raiders are attacking!'
tip_tut_dg_1_DeployMultipleHeroes 'You can deploy [1CDB2F]multiple Heroes[-] to defend your base! Deploy wisely!'
tip_tut_dg_DeployATMPHero 'You can deploy all the heroes you have mobilized! Deploy the [F2D62F]AT-MP Mark III[-]!'
tip_tut_dg_DeployATSTHero 'Deploy the [F2D62F]Veteran AT-ST[-] to fight back against the attackers!'
tip_tut_dg_DeployChewbacca 'You can deploy all the heroes you have mobilized! Deploy [F2D62F]Chewbacca[-]!'
tip_tut_dg_DeployHan 'Deploy [F2D62F]Han Solo[-] to fight back against the attackers!'
tip_wompratking "An Alpha Womp Rat has answered Johhar's challenge!"
title_prize_alloy_10000_e '10,000 Alloy Pack'
title_prize_alloy_10000_r '10,000 Alloy Pack'
title_prize_alloy_1000_e '1,000 Alloy Pack'
title_prize_alloy_1000_r '1,000 Alloy Pack'
title_prize_alloy_2000 '2,000 Alloy Pack'
title_prize_alloy_20000 '20,000 Alloy Pack'
title_prize_alloy_25000 '25,000 Alloy Pack'
title_prize_alloy_50000 '50,000 Alloy Pack'
title_prize_alloy_5000_e '5,000 Alloy Pack'
title_prize_alloy_5000_r '5,000 Alloy Pack'
title_prize_atap_01_r 'AT-AP x1'
title_prize_atap_03_r 'AT-AP x3'
title_prize_atap_05_r 'AT-AP x5'
title_prize_atap_10_r 'AT-AP x10'
title_prize_atmp_01_e 'AT-MP x1'
title_prize_atmp_03_e 'AT-MP x3'
title_prize_atmp_05_e 'AT-MP x5'
title_prize_atmp_10_e 'AT-MP x10'
title_prize_atrt_01_r '1 Use ATRT - Level 5'
title_prize_atrt_03_r '3 Uses ATRT - Level 5'
title_prize_atrt_05_r '5 Uses ATRT - Level 5'
title_prize_atrt_unlock 'Unlock AT-RT'
title_prize_atrt_upgrade10 'Upgrade AT-RT to Level 10'
title_prize_atrt_upgrade2 'Upgrade AT-RT to Level 2'
title_prize_atrt_upgrade3 'Upgrade AT-RT to Level 3'
title_prize_atrt_upgrade4 'Upgrade AT-RT to Level 4'
title_prize_atrt_upgrade5 'Upgrade AT-RT to Level 5'
title_prize_atrt_upgrade6 'Upgrade AT-RT to Level 6'
title_prize_atrt_upgrade7 'Upgrade AT-RT to Level 7'
title_prize_atrt_upgrade8 'Upgrade AT-RT to Level 8'
title_prize_atrt_upgrade9 'Upgrade AT-RT to Level 9'
title_prize_awing_04_r 'Single Use A-wing Strike - Level 4'
title_prize_awing_05_r 'Single Use A-wing Strike - Level 5'
title_prize_awing_06_r 'Single Use A-wing Strike - Level 6'
title_prize_awing_consumable_1 'A-wing Starfighter Single Use'
title_prize_awing_consumable_3 'A-wing Starfighter 3 Pack'
title_prize_awing_unlock 'Unlock A-wing Strike'
title_prize_awing_upgrade10 'Upgrade A-wing to Level 10'
title_prize_awing_upgrade2 'Upgrade A-wing to Level 2'
title_prize_awing_upgrade3 'Upgrade A-wing to Level 3'
title_prize_awing_upgrade4 'Upgrade A-wing to Level 4'
title_prize_awing_upgrade5 'Upgrade A-wing to Level 5'
title_prize_awing_upgrade6 'Upgrade A-wing to Level 6'
title_prize_awing_upgrade7 'Upgrade A-wing to Level 7'
title_prize_awing_upgrade8 'Upgrade A-wing to Level 8'
title_prize_awing_upgrade9 'Upgrade A-wing to Level 9'
title_prize_bwing_consumable_1 'B-wing Starfighter Single Use'
title_prize_bwing_consumable_3 'B-wing Starfighter 3 Pack'
title_prize_contraband_100 '100 Contraband Pack'
title_prize_contraband_1000 '1,000 Contraband Pack'
title_prize_contraband_2000 '2,000 Contraband Pack'
title_prize_contraband_250 '250 Contraband Pack'
title_prize_contraband_50 '50 Contraband Pack'
title_prize_contraband_500 '500 Contraband Pack'
title_prize_credits_10000_e '10,000 Credit Pack'
title_prize_credits_10000_r '10,000 Credit Pack'
title_prize_credits_1000_e '1,000 Credit Pack'
title_prize_credits_1000_r '1,000 Credit Pack'
title_prize_credits_2000 '2,000 Credits Pack'
title_prize_credits_20000 '20,000 Credit Pack'
title_prize_credits_25000 '25,000 Credit Pack'
title_prize_credits_50000 '50,000 Credit Pack'
title_prize_credits_5000_e '5,000 Credit Pack'
title_prize_credits_5000_r '5,000 Credit Pack'
title_prize_crystal_1000 '1,000 Crystals'
title_prize_crystal_100_e '100 Crystals'
title_prize_crystal_100_r '100 Crystals'
title_prize_crystal_2000 '2,000 Crystals'
title_prize_crystal_25_e '25 Crystals'
title_prize_crystal_25_r '25 Crystals'
title_prize_crystal_5000 '5,000 Crystals'
title_prize_crystal_50_e '50 Crystals'
title_prize_crystal_50_r '50 Crystals'
title_prize_crystal_5_e '5 Crystals'
title_prize_crystal_5_r '5 Crystals'
title_prize_evt_3_ts_2hdt5 'Pack of 2 Heavy Undead Troopers - Level 5'
title_prize_evt_3_ts_5dt5 'Pack of 5 Undead Troopers - Level 5'
title_prize_evt_3_ts_5sdt5 'Pack of 5 Scout Undead Troopers - Level 5'
title_prize_evt_3_ts_e_1 'Unlock VT-49 Decimator Strike'
title_prize_evt_3_ts_e_11 'Single Use Undead Trooper - Level 4'
title_prize_evt_3_ts_e_12 '[F2D62F]LIMITED DEMO[-] VT-49 Decimator Strike - Level 3'
title_prize_evt_3_ts_e_13 'Single Use Undead Trooper - Level 6'
title_prize_evt_3_ts_e_14 'Single Use Heavy Undead Trooper - Level 4'
title_prize_evt_3_ts_e_15 'Single Use Heavy Undead Trooper - Level 5'
title_prize_evt_3_ts_e_16 'Single Use Heavy Undead Trooper - Level 6'
title_prize_evt_3_ts_e_2 'Single Use VT-49 Decimator Strike - Level 4'
title_prize_evt_3_ts_e_3 'Single Use VT-49 Decimator Strike - Level 5'
title_prize_evt_3_ts_e_4 'Single Use VT-49 Decimator Strike - Level 6'
title_prize_evt_3_ts_r_1 'Unlock HWK-290 Strike'
title_prize_evt_3_ts_r_11 'Single Use Undead Trooper - Level 4'
title_prize_evt_3_ts_r_12 '[F2D62F]LIMITED DEMO[-] HWK-290 Strike - Level 3'
title_prize_evt_3_ts_r_13 'Single Use Undead Trooper - Level 6'
title_prize_evt_3_ts_r_14 'Single Use Heavy Undead Trooper - Level 4'
title_prize_evt_3_ts_r_15 'Single Use Heavy Undead Trooper - Level 5'
title_prize_evt_3_ts_r_16 'Single Use Heavy Undead Trooper - Level 6'
title_prize_evt_3_ts_r_2 'Single Use HWK-290 Strike - Level 4'
title_prize_evt_3_ts_r_3 'Single Use HWK-290 Strike - Level 5'
title_prize_evt_3_ts_r_4 'Single Use HWK-290 Strike - Level 6'
title_prize_hero_luke 'Single Use Luke Skywalker'
title_prize_hero_luke_demo '[F2D62F]LIMITED DEMO[-] Single Use Luke Skywalker Hero'
title_prize_hero_vader 'Single Use Darth Vader'
title_prize_hero_vader_demo '[F2D62F]LIMITED DEMO[-] Single Use Darth Vader Hero'
title_prize_hwk290_consumable_1 'HWK-290 Firebomb Strike Single Use'
title_prize_hwk290_consumable_3 'HWK-290 Firebomb Strike 3 Pack'
title_prize_hwk290_unlock 'Unlock HWK-290 Strike'
title_prize_hwk290_upgrade10 'Upgrade HWK-290 to Level 10'
title_prize_hwk290_upgrade2 'Upgrade HWK-290 to Level 2'
title_prize_hwk290_upgrade3 'Upgrade HWK-290 to Level 3'
title_prize_hwk290_upgrade4 'Upgrade HWK-290 to Level 4'
title_prize_hwk290_upgrade5 'Upgrade HWK-290 to Level 5'
title_prize_hwk290_upgrade6 'Upgrade HWK-290 to Level 6'
title_prize_hwk290_upgrade7 'Upgrade HWK-290 to Level 7'
title_prize_hwk290_upgrade8 'Upgrade HWK-290 to Level 8'
title_prize_hwk290_upgrade9 'Upgrade HWK-290 to Level 9'
title_prize_johhar_10_e 'Upgrade Johhar Kessen to Level 10'
title_prize_johhar_10_r 'Upgrade Johhar Kessen to Level 10'
title_prize_johhar_1_e 'Unlock Johhar Kessen'
title_prize_johhar_1_r 'Unlock Johhar Kessen'
title_prize_johhar_2_e 'Upgrade Johhar Kessen to Level 2'
title_prize_johhar_2_r 'Upgrade Johhar Kessen to Level 2'
title_prize_johhar_3_e 'Upgrade Johhar Kessen to Level 3'
title_prize_johhar_3_r 'Upgrade Johhar Kessen to Level 3'
title_prize_johhar_4_e 'Upgrade Johhar Kessen to Level 4'
title_prize_johhar_4_r 'Upgrade Johhar Kessen to Level 4'
title_prize_johhar_5_e 'Upgrade Johhar Kessen to Level 5'
title_prize_johhar_5_r 'Upgrade Johhar Kessen to Level 5'
title_prize_johhar_6_e 'Upgrade Johhar Kessen to Level 6'
title_prize_johhar_6_r 'Upgrade Johhar Kessen to Level 6'
title_prize_johhar_7_e 'Upgrade Johhar Kessen to Level 7'
title_prize_johhar_7_r 'Upgrade Johhar Kessen to Level 7'
title_prize_johhar_8_e 'Upgrade Johhar Kessen to Level 8'
title_prize_johhar_8_r 'Upgrade Johhar Kessen to Level 8'
title_prize_johhar_9_e 'Upgrade Johhar Kessen to Level 9'
title_prize_johhar_9_r 'Upgrade Johhar Kessen to Level 9'
title_prize_marksman_04_r 'Single Use Rebel Marksman - Level 4'
title_prize_marksman_05_r 'Single Use Rebel Marksman - Level 5'
title_prize_marksman_06_r 'Single Use Rebel Marksman - Level 6'
title_prize_mtv7_01_e '1 Use MTV-7 - Level 5'
title_prize_mtv7_03_e '3 Uses MTV-7  - Level 5'
title_prize_mtv7_05_e '5 Uses MTV-7  - Level 5'
title_prize_mtv7_unlock 'Unlock MTV-7'
title_prize_mtv7_upgrade10 'Upgrade MTV-7 to Level 10'
title_prize_mtv7_upgrade2 'Upgrade MTV-7 to Level 2'
title_prize_mtv7_upgrade3 'Upgrade MTV-7 to Level 3'
title_prize_mtv7_upgrade4 'Upgrade MTV-7 to Level 4'
title_prize_mtv7_upgrade5 'Upgrade MTV-7 to Level 5'
title_prize_mtv7_upgrade6 'Upgrade MTV-7 to Level 6'
title_prize_mtv7_upgrade7 'Upgrade MTV-7 to Level 7'
title_prize_mtv7_upgrade8 'Upgrade MTV-7 to Level 8'
title_prize_mtv7_upgrade9 'Upgrade MTV-7 to Level 9'
title_prize_shock_01_e 'Shock Trooper x1'
title_prize_shock_01_r '1 Use Shock Troopers - Level 5'
title_prize_shock_03_e 'Shock Trooper x3'
title_prize_shock_03_r '3 Uses Shock Troopers - Level 5'
title_prize_shock_05_e 'Shock Trooper x5'
title_prize_shock_05_r '5 Uses Shock Troopers - Level 5'
title_prize_shock_10_e 'Shock Trooper x10'
title_prize_shock_3_e 'Shock Trooper x3'
title_prize_shock_unlock 'Unlock Shock Trooper'
title_prize_shock_upgrade10 'Upgrade Shock Trooper to Level 10'
title_prize_shock_upgrade2 'Upgrade Shock Trooper to Level 2'
title_prize_shock_upgrade3 'Upgrade Shock Trooper to Level 3'
title_prize_shock_upgrade4 'Upgrade Shock Trooper to Level 4'
title_prize_shock_upgrade5 'Upgrade Shock Trooper to Level 5'
title_prize_shock_upgrade6 'Upgrade Shock Trooper to Level 6'
title_prize_shock_upgrade7 'Upgrade Shock Trooper to Level 7'
title_prize_shock_upgrade8 'Upgrade Shock Trooper to Level 8'
title_prize_shock_upgrade9 'Upgrade Shock Trooper to Level 9'
title_prize_sniper_04_e 'Single Use Imperial Sniper - Level 4'
title_prize_sniper_05_e 'Single Use Imperial Sniper - Level 5'
title_prize_sniper_06_e 'Single Use Imperial Sniper - Level 6'
title_prize_tieadv_04_e 'Single Use TIE Advanced Strike - Level 4'
title_prize_tieadv_05_e 'Single Use TIE Advanced Strike - Level 5'
title_prize_tieadv_06_e 'Single Use TIE Advanced Strike - Level 6'
title_prize_tieadv_consumable_1 'TIE Advanced Single Use'
title_prize_tieadv_consumable_3 'TIE Advanced 3 Pack'
title_prize_tieadv_unlock 'Unlock TIE Advanced Strike'
title_prize_tieadv_upgrade10 'Upgrade TIE Advanced to Level 10'
title_prize_tieadv_upgrade2 'Upgrade TIE Advanced to Level 2'
title_prize_tieadv_upgrade3 'Upgrade TIE Advanced to Level 3'
title_prize_tieadv_upgrade4 'Upgrade TIE Advanced to Level 4'
title_prize_tieadv_upgrade5 'Upgrade TIE Advanced to Level 5'
title_prize_tieadv_upgrade6 'Upgrade TIE Advanced to Level 6'
title_prize_tieadv_upgrade7 'Upgrade TIE Advanced to Level 7'
title_prize_tieadv_upgrade8 'Upgrade TIE Advanced to Level 8'
title_prize_tieadv_upgrade9 'Upgrade TIE Advanced to Level 9'
title_prize_tiebomber_consumable_1 'TIE Bomber Single Use'
title_prize_tiebomber_consumable_3 'TIE Bomber 3 Pack'
title_prize_tiedef_consumable_1 'TIE Defender Single Use'
title_prize_tiedef_consumable_3 'TIE Defender 3 Pack'
title_prize_tieinterceptor_consumable_1 'TIE Interceptor Single Use'
title_prize_tieinterceptor_consumable_3 'TIE Interceptor 3 Pack'
title_prize_vanguard_01_e '1 Use Vanguard Troopers - Level 5'
title_prize_vanguard_01_r 'Vanguard x1'
title_prize_vanguard_03_e '3 Uses Vanguard Troopers - Level 5'
title_prize_vanguard_03_r 'Vanguard x3'
title_prize_vanguard_05_e '5 Uses Vanguard Troopers - Level 5'
title_prize_vanguard_05_r 'Vanguard x5'
title_prize_vanguard_10_r 'Vanguard x10'
title_prize_vanguard_3_r 'Vanguard x3'
title_prize_vanguard_unlock 'Unlock Vanguard'
title_prize_vanguard_upgrade10 'Upgrade Vanguard to Level 10'
title_prize_vanguard_upgrade2 'Upgrade Vanguard to Level 2'
title_prize_vanguard_upgrade3 'Upgrade Vanguard to Level 3'
title_prize_vanguard_upgrade4 'Upgrade Vanguard to Level 4'
title_prize_vanguard_upgrade5 'Upgrade Vanguard to Level 5'
title_prize_vanguard_upgrade6 'Upgrade Vanguard to Level 6'
title_prize_vanguard_upgrade7 'Upgrade Vanguard to Level 7'
title_prize_vanguard_upgrade8 'Upgrade Vanguard to Level 8'
title_prize_vanguard_upgrade9 'Upgrade Vanguard to Level 9'
title_prize_vt49_consumable_1 'VT49 Starfighter Single Use'
title_prize_vt49_consumable_3 'VT49 Starfighter 3 Pack'
title_prize_vt49_unlock 'Unlock VT-49 Strike'
title_prize_vt49_upgrade10 'Upgrade VT-49 to Level 10'
title_prize_vt49_upgrade2 'Upgrade VT-49 to Level 2'
title_prize_vt49_upgrade3 'Upgrade VT-49 to Level 3'
title_prize_vt49_upgrade4 'Upgrade VT-49 to Level 4'
title_prize_vt49_upgrade5 'Upgrade VT-49 to Level 5'
title_prize_vt49_upgrade6 'Upgrade VT-49 to Level 6'
title_prize_vt49_upgrade7 'Upgrade VT-49 to Level 7'
title_prize_vt49_upgrade8 'Upgrade VT-49 to Level 8'
title_prize_vt49_upgrade9 'Upgrade VT-49 to Level 9'
title_prize_ywing_consumable_1 'Y-wing Bomber Single Use'
title_prize_ywing_consumable_3 'Y-wing Bomber 3 Pack'
title_prize_z95_consumable_1 'Z-95 Starfighter Single Use'
title_prize_z95_consumable_3 'Z-95 Starfighter 3 Pack'
tournament_title_conf_dan_20170909 'Conflict on Dandoran'
tournament_title_conf_dan_20170917 'Conflict on Dandoran'
tournament_title_conf_dan_20170923 'Conflict on Dandoran'
tournament_title_conf_erk_20170911 "Conflict on Er'Kit"
tournament_title_conf_erk_20170921 "Conflict on Er'Kit"
tournament_title_conf_hth_20170913 'Conflict on Hoth'
tournament_title_conf_tak_20170915 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conf_tat_20170907 'Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conf_tat_20170914 'Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conf_tat_20170921 'Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conf_yav_20170919 'Conflict on Yavin 4'
tournament_title_conflict_anh40_dan_02 'Conflict on Dandoran'
tournament_title_conflict_anh40_dan_03 'Conflict on Dandoran'
tournament_title_conflict_anh40_dan_04 'Conflict on Dandoran'
tournament_title_conflict_anh40_erk_02 "Conflict on Er'Kit"
tournament_title_conflict_anh40_erk_04 "Conflict on Er'Kit"
tournament_title_conflict_anh40_hth_01 'Conflict on Hoth'
tournament_title_conflict_anh40_hth_02 'Conflict on Hoth'
tournament_title_conflict_anh40_hth_04 'Conflict on Hoth'
tournament_title_conflict_anh40_tak_01 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_anh40_tak_03 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_anh40_tak_04 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_anh40_tat_01 'Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_anh40_tat_02 'Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_anh40_tat_03 'Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_anh40_tat_04 'Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_anh40_yav_03 'Conflict on Yavin 4'
tournament_title_conflict_arcOps_dan_01 'Arctic Ops Conflict on Dandoran'
tournament_title_conflict_arcOps_dan_02 'Arctic Ops Conflict on Dandoran'
tournament_title_conflict_arcOps_dan_03 'Arctic Ops Conflict on Dandoran'
tournament_title_conflict_arcOps_dan_04 'Arctic Ops Conflict on Dandoran'
tournament_title_conflict_arcOps_erk_01 "Arctic Ops Conflict on Er'Kit"
tournament_title_conflict_arcOps_erk_02 "Arctic Ops Conflict on Er'Kit"
tournament_title_conflict_arcOps_erk_03 "Arctic Ops Conflict on Er'Kit"
tournament_title_conflict_arcOps_erk_04 "Arctic Ops Conflict on Er'Kit"
tournament_title_conflict_arcOps_hth_01 'Arctic Ops Conflict on Hoth'
tournament_title_conflict_arcOps_hth_02 'Arctic Ops Conflict on Hoth'
tournament_title_conflict_arcOps_hth_03 'Arctic Ops Conflict on Hoth'
tournament_title_conflict_arcOps_hth_04 'Arctic Ops Conflict on Hoth'
tournament_title_conflict_arcOps_tak_02 'Arctic Ops Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_arcOps_tak_04 'Arctic Ops Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_arcOps_tat_01 'Arctic Ops Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_arcOps_tat_02 'Arctic Ops Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_arcOps_tat_03 'Arctic Ops Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_arcOps_tat_04 'Arctic Ops Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_arcOps_yav_03 'Arctic Ops Conflict on Yavin 4'
tournament_title_conflict_bioBoOps_dan_01 'Conflict on Dandoran'
tournament_title_conflict_bioBoOps_tak_01 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_bioBoOps_yav_01 'Conflict on Yavin 4'
tournament_title_conflict_bioBo_erk_01 "Conflict on Er'Kit"
tournament_title_conflict_bioBo_hth_01 'Conflict on Hoth'
tournament_title_conflict_bioBo_tat_01 'Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_00 '[3fdb4f]Crystals[-] Conflict on Dandoran'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_01 'Conflict at Mynock Grottos'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_02 "Conflict at Smuggler's Basin"
tournament_title_conflict_dan_03 'Conflict at Varsa Meadows'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_04 'Conflict at Mynock Grottos'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_05 "Conflict at Smuggler's Basin"
tournament_title_conflict_dan_06 'Conflict at Mynock Grottos'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_07 'Conflict at Mynock Grottos'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_08 'Conflict at Mynock Grottos'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_09 "Conflict at Smuggler's Basin"
tournament_title_conflict_dan_10 'Conflict at Mynock Grottos'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_11 "Conflict at Smuggler's Basin"
tournament_title_conflict_dan_12 'Conflict at Mynock Grottos'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_13 "Conflict at Smuggler's Basin"
tournament_title_conflict_dan_14 'Conflict at Varsa Meadows'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_15 'Conflict at Mynock Grottos'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_16 "Conflict at Smuggler's Basin"
tournament_title_conflict_dan_17 'Conflict at Mynock Grottos'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_18 'Conflict at Varsa Meadows'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_19 'Conflict at Mynock Grottos'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_20 "Conflict at Smuggler's Basin"
tournament_title_conflict_dan_20170714 'Conflict on Dandoran'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_20170721 'Conflict on Dandoran'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_20170728 'Conflict on Dandoran'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_20170803 'Conflict on Dandoran'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_20170809 'Conflict on Dandoran'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_20170815 'Conflict on Dandoran'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_20170831 'Conflict on Dandoran'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_20170928 'Conflict on Dandoran'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_20171008 'Conflict on Dandoran'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_20171015 'Conflict on Dandoran'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_20171022 'Conflict on Dandoran'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_20171028 'Conflict on Dandoran'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_20171101 'Conflict on Dandoran'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_20171105 'Conflict on Dandoran'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_20171109 'Conflict on Dandoran'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_20171116 'Conflict on Dandoran'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_20171123 'Conflict on Dandoran'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_20171130 'Conflict on Dandoran'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_20171207 'Conflict on Dandoran'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_20171214 'Conflict on Dandoran'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_20171228 'Conflict on Dandoran'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_20180104 'Conflict on Dandoran'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_20180111 'Conflict on Dandoran'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_20180118 'Conflict on Dandoran'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_20180125 'Conflict on Dandoran'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_20180201 'Conflict on Dandoran'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_20180208 'Conflict on Dandoran'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_20180215 'Conflict on Dandoran'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_20180222 'Conflict on Dandoran'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_20180301 'Conflict on Dandoran'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_20180315 'Conflict on Dandoran'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_21 'Conflict at Varsa Meadows'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_22 'Conflict at Mynock Grottos'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_23 "Conflict at Smuggler's Basin"
tournament_title_conflict_dan_24 'Conflict at Varsa Meadows'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_25 'Conflict at Mynock Grottos'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_26 "Conflict at Smuggler's Basin"
tournament_title_conflict_dan_27 'Conflict at Mynock Grottos'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_28 'Conflict at Varsa Meadows'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_29 'Conflict at Mynock Grottos'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_30 "Conflict at Smuggler's Basin"
tournament_title_conflict_dan_31 'Conflict at Mynock Grottos'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_32 "Conflict at Smuggler's Basin"
tournament_title_conflict_dan_33 'Conflict at Varsa Meadows'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_34 'Conflict at Mynock Grottos'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_35 "Conflict at Smuggler's Basin"
tournament_title_conflict_dan_36 'Conflict at Mynock Grottos'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_37 'Conflict at Varsa Meadows'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_38 'Conflict at Mynock Grottos'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_39 "Conflict at Smuggler's Basin"
tournament_title_conflict_dan_40 'Conflict at Mynock Grottos'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_41 'Conflict at Mynock Grottos'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_42 'Conflict at Varsa Meadows'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_43 'Conflict at Mynock Grottos'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_44 "Conflict at Smuggler's Basin"
tournament_title_conflict_dan_45 'Conflict at Mynock Grottos'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_46 "Conflict at Smuggler's Basin"
tournament_title_conflict_dan_47 'Conflict at Varsa Meadows'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_48 'Conflict at Mynock Grottos'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_49 "Conflict at Smuggler's Basin"
tournament_title_conflict_dan_50 'Conflict at Mynock Grottos'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_51 'Conflict at Varsa Meadows'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_52 'Conflict at Mynock Grottos'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_53 "Conflict at Smuggler's Basin"
tournament_title_conflict_dan_54 'Conflict at Mynock Grottos'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_55 'Conflict at Varsa Meadows'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_56 "Conflict at Smuggler's Basin"
tournament_title_conflict_dan_57 'Conflict at Mynock Grottos'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_58 'Conflict at Varsa Meadows'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_59 "Conflict at Smuggler's Basin"
tournament_title_conflict_dan_60 'Conflict at Mynock Grottos'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_defRef_wk1 'Conflict on Dandoran'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_defRef_wk2 'Conflict on Dandoran'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_defRef_wk3 'Conflict on Dandoran'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_rogue1v3_wk1 'Conflict on Dandoran'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_rogue1v3_wk2 'Conflict on Dandoran'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_rogue1v3_wk3 'Conflict on Dandoran'
tournament_title_conflict_dan_rogue1v3_wk4 'Conflict on Dandoran'
tournament_title_conflict_desert_dan_01 'Desert Ops\xa0Conflict on Dandoran'
tournament_title_conflict_desert_erk_01 "Desert Ops\xa0Conflict on Er'Kit"
tournament_title_conflict_desert_hth_01 'Desert Ops\xa0Conflict on Hoth'
tournament_title_conflict_desert_tak_01 'Desert Ops\xa0Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_desert_tat_01 'Desert Ops Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_desert_tat_02 'Desert Ops\xa0Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_desert_tat_03 'Desert Ops\xa0Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_desert_tat_04 'Desert Ops\xa0Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_desert_yav_01 'Desert Ops\xa0Conflict on Yavin IV'
tournament_title_conflict_erk_00 "Johhar Kessen spotted on Er'Kit"
tournament_title_conflict_erk_01 'Conflict at Luun Heights'
tournament_title_conflict_erk_02 'Conflict at Gundark Pass'
tournament_title_conflict_erk_03 'Conflict at Crimson Gultch'
tournament_title_conflict_erk_04 'Conflict at Luun Heights'
tournament_title_conflict_erk_05 'Conflict at Gundark Pass'
tournament_title_conflict_erk_06 'Conflict at Luun Heights'
tournament_title_conflict_erk_07 'Conflict at Gundark Pass'
tournament_title_conflict_erk_08 'Conflict at Gundark Pass'
tournament_title_conflict_erk_09 'Conflict at Luun Heights'
tournament_title_conflict_erk_10 'Conflict at Gundark Pass'
tournament_title_conflict_erk_11 'Conflict at Luun Heights'
tournament_title_conflict_erk_12 'Conflict at Gundark Pass'
tournament_title_conflict_erk_13 'Conflict at Luun Heights'
tournament_title_conflict_erk_14 'Conflict at Gundark Pass'
tournament_title_conflict_erk_15 'Conflict at Crimson Gultch'
tournament_title_conflict_erk_16 'Conflict at Luun Heights'
tournament_title_conflict_erk_17 'Conflict at Luun Heights'
tournament_title_conflict_erk_18 'Conflict at Gundark Pass'
tournament_title_conflict_erk_19 'Conflict at Crimson Gultch'
tournament_title_conflict_erk_20 'Conflict at Luun Heights'
tournament_title_conflict_erk_20170614 "Conflict on Er'Kit"
tournament_title_conflict_erk_20170713 "Conflict on Er'Kit"
tournament_title_conflict_erk_20170720 "Conflict on Er'Kit"
tournament_title_conflict_erk_20170727 "Conflict on Er'Kit"
tournament_title_conflict_erk_20170805 "Conflict on Er'Kit"
tournament_title_conflict_erk_20170811 "Conflict on Er'Kit"
tournament_title_conflict_erk_20170817 "Conflict on Er'Kit"
tournament_title_conflict_erk_20170831 "Conflict on Er'Kit"
tournament_title_conflict_erk_20170928 "Conflict on Er'Kit"
tournament_title_conflict_erk_20171006 "Conflict on Er'Kit"
tournament_title_conflict_erk_20171013 "Conflict on Er'Kit"
tournament_title_conflict_erk_20171020 "Conflict on Er'Kit"
tournament_title_conflict_erk_20171027 "Conflict on Er'Kit"
tournament_title_conflict_erk_20171031 "Conflict on Er'Kit"
tournament_title_conflict_erk_20171104 "Conflict on Er'Kit"
tournament_title_conflict_erk_20171110 "Conflict on Er'Kit"
tournament_title_conflict_erk_20171117 "Conflict on Er'Kit"
tournament_title_conflict_erk_20171124 "Conflict on Er'Kit"
tournament_title_conflict_erk_20171130 "Conflict on Er'Kit"
tournament_title_conflict_erk_20171214 "Conflict on Er'Kit"
tournament_title_conflict_erk_20171221 "Conflict on Er'Kit"
tournament_title_conflict_erk_20171228 "Conflict on Er'Kit"
tournament_title_conflict_erk_20180104 "Conflict on Er'Kit"
tournament_title_conflict_erk_20180111 "Conflict on Er'Kit"
tournament_title_conflict_erk_20180118 "Conflict on Er'Kit"
tournament_title_conflict_erk_20180125 "Conflict on Er'Kit"
tournament_title_conflict_erk_20180201 "Conflict on Er'Kit"
tournament_title_conflict_erk_20180208 "Conflict on Er'Kit"
tournament_title_conflict_erk_20180215 "Conflict on Er'Kit"
tournament_title_conflict_erk_20180222 "Conflict on Er'Kit"
tournament_title_conflict_erk_20180308 "Conflict on Er'Kit"
tournament_title_conflict_erk_21 "Johhar Kessen spotted on Er'Kit"
tournament_title_conflict_erk_22 'Conflict at Luun Heights'
tournament_title_conflict_erk_23 'Conflict at Gundark Pass'
tournament_title_conflict_erk_24 'Conflict at Crimson Gultch'
tournament_title_conflict_erk_25 'Conflict at Luun Heights'
tournament_title_conflict_erk_26 'Conflict at Gundark Pass'
tournament_title_conflict_erk_27 'Conflict at Luun Heights'
tournament_title_conflict_erk_28 'Conflict at Gundark Pass'
tournament_title_conflict_erk_29 'Conflict at Gundark Pass'
tournament_title_conflict_erk_30 'Conflict at Luun Heights'
tournament_title_conflict_erk_31 "Johhar Kessen spotted on Er'Kit"
tournament_title_conflict_erk_32 'Conflict at Luun Heights'
tournament_title_conflict_erk_33 'Conflict at Gundark Pass'
tournament_title_conflict_erk_34 'Conflict at Crimson Gultch'
tournament_title_conflict_erk_35 'Conflict at Luun Heights'
tournament_title_conflict_erk_36 'Conflict at Gundark Pass'
tournament_title_conflict_erk_37 'Conflict at Luun Heights'
tournament_title_conflict_erk_38 'Conflict at Gundark Pass'
tournament_title_conflict_erk_39 'Conflict at Gundark Pass'
tournament_title_conflict_erk_40 'Conflict at Luun Heights'
tournament_title_conflict_erk_defRef_wk1 "Conflict on Er'Kit"
tournament_title_conflict_erk_defRef_wk2 "Conflict on Er'Kit"
tournament_title_conflict_erk_defRef_wk3 "Conflict on Er'Kit"
tournament_title_conflict_erk_rogue1v3_wk1 "Conflict on Er'Kit"
tournament_title_conflict_erk_rogue1v3_wk2 "Conflict on Er'Kit"
tournament_title_conflict_erk_rogue1v3_wk3 "Conflict on Er'Kit"
tournament_title_conflict_erk_rogue1v3_wk4 "Conflict on Er'Kit"
tournament_title_conflict_forestOps_dan_01 'Forest Ops Conflict on Dandoran'
tournament_title_conflict_forestOps_dan_02 'Forest Ops Conflict on Dandoran'
tournament_title_conflict_forestOps_erk_01 "Forest Ops Conflict on Er'Kit"
tournament_title_conflict_forestOps_hth_01 'Forest Ops Conflict on Hoth'
tournament_title_conflict_forestOps_hth_02 'Forest Ops Conflict on Hoth'
tournament_title_conflict_forestOps_tak_01 'Forest Ops Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_forestOps_tak_02 'Forest Ops Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_forestOps_tat_01 'Forest Ops Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_forestOps_tat_02 'Forest Ops Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_forestOps_tat_03 'Forest Ops Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_forestOps_tat_04 'Forest Ops Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_forestOps_yav_01 'Forest Ops Conflict on Yavin IV'
tournament_title_conflict_forestOps_yav_02 'Forest Ops Conflict on Yavin IV'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_00 'Looter Vehicles at Icefall Plains'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_01 "Conflict at Shyloah's Crest"
tournament_title_conflict_hth_02 'Conflict at Wampa Mountain'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_03 'Conflict at Icefall Plains'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_04 "Conflict at Shyloah's Crest"
tournament_title_conflict_hth_05 'Conflict at Wampa Mountain'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_06 "Conflict at Shyloah's Crest"
tournament_title_conflict_hth_07 'Conflict at Wampa Mountain'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_08 'Conflict at Icefall Plains'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_09 "Conflict at Shyloah's Crest"
tournament_title_conflict_hth_10 'Conflict at Icefall Plains'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_11 "Conflict at Shyloah's Crest"
tournament_title_conflict_hth_12 'Conflict at Icefall Plains'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_13 'Conflict at Wampa Mountain'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_14 "Conflict at Shyloah's Crest"
tournament_title_conflict_hth_15 'Conflict at Wampa Mountain'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_16 'Conflict at Icefall Plains'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_17 'Conflict at Wampa Mountain'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_18 "Conflict at Shyloah's Crest"
tournament_title_conflict_hth_19 'Conflict at Wampa Mountain'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_20 'Conflict at Icefall Plains'
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tournament_title_conflict_hth_20170715 'Conflict on Hoth'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_20170722 'Conflict on Hoth'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_20170729 'Conflict on Hoth'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_20170806 'Conflict on Hoth'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_20170812 'Conflict on Hoth'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_20170818 'Conflict on Hoth'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_20170831 'Conflict on Hoth'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_20170928 'Conflict on Hoth'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_20171006 'Conflict on Hoth'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_20171013 'Conflict on Hoth'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_20171020 'Conflict on Hoth'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_20171029 'Conflict on Hoth'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_20171102 'Conflict on Hoth'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_20171110 'Conflict on Hoth'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_20171117 'Conflict on Hoth'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_20171124 'Conflict on Hoth'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_20171130 'Conflict on Hoth'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_20171207 'Conflict on Hoth'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_20171221 'Conflict on Hoth'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_20180104 'Conflict on Hoth'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_20180111 'Conflict on Hoth'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_20180118 'Conflict on Hoth'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_20180125 'Conflict on Hoth'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_20180201 'Conflict on Hoth'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_20180208 'Conflict on Hoth'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_20180215 'Conflict on Hoth'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_20180222 'Conflict on Hoth'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_20180301 'Conflict on Hoth'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_21 'Looter Vehicles at Icefall Plains'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_22 "Conflict at Shyloah's Crest"
tournament_title_conflict_hth_23 'Conflict at Wampa Mountain'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_24 'Conflict at Icefall Plains'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_25 "Conflict at Shyloah's Crest"
tournament_title_conflict_hth_26 'Conflict at Wampa Mountain'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_27 "Conflict at Shyloah's Crest"
tournament_title_conflict_hth_28 'Conflict at Wampa Mountain'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_29 'Conflict at Icefall Plains'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_30 "Conflict at Shyloah's Crest"
tournament_title_conflict_hth_31 'Looter Vehicles at Icefall Plains'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_32 "Conflict at Shyloah's Crest"
tournament_title_conflict_hth_33 'Conflict at Wampa Mountain'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_34 'Conflict at Icefall Plains'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_35 "Conflict at Shyloah's Crest"
tournament_title_conflict_hth_36 'Conflict at Wampa Mountain'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_37 "Conflict at Shyloah's Crest"
tournament_title_conflict_hth_38 'Conflict at Wampa Mountain'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_39 'Conflict at Icefall Plains'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_40 "Conflict at Shyloah's Crest"
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tournament_title_conflict_hth_defRef_wk2 'Conflict on Hoth'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_defRef_wk3 'Conflict on Hoth'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_rogue1v3_wk1 'Conflict on Hoth'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_rogue1v3_wk2 'Conflict on Hoth'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_rogue1v3_wk3 'Conflict on Hoth'
tournament_title_conflict_hth_rogue1v3_wk4 'Conflict on Hoth'
tournament_title_conflict_tak_20170714 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tak_20170721 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tak_20170728 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tak_20170803 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tak_20170809 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tak_20170815 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tak_20170831 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tak_20170928 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tak_20171007 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tak_20171014 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tak_20171021 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tak_20171029 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tak_20171103 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tak_20171207 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tak_20171214 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tak_20171221 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tak_20171228 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tak_20180111 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tak_20180118 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tak_20180125 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tak_20180201 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tak_20180208 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tak_20180215 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tak_20180222 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tak_20180308 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_00 '[3fdb4f]Crystals[-] Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_01 'Conflict at Boonta Eve'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_02 'Conflict at Anchorhead Pass'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_03 'Conflict at Jundland Chasm'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_04 'Conflict at Boonta Eve'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_05 'Conflict at Anchorhead Pass'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_06 'Conflict at Boonta Eve'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_07 'Conflict at Anchorhead Pass'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_08 'Conflict at Jundland Chasm'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_09 'Conflict at Boonta Eve'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_10 'Conflict at Jundland Chasm'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_11 'Conflict at Boonta Eve'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_12 'Conflict at Jundland Chasm'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_13 'Conflict at Jundland Chasm'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_14 'Conflict at Boonta Eve'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_15 'Conflict at Anchorhead Pass'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_16 'Conflict at Boonta Eve'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_17 'Conflict at Jundland Chasm'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_18 'Conflict at Boonta Eve'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_19 'Conflict at Anchorhead Pass'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_20 'Conflict at Boonta Eve'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_20170614 'Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_20170713 'Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_20170720 'Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_20170727 'Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_20170803 'Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_20170810 'Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_20170817 'Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_20170831 'Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_20170928 'Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_20171005 'Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_20171012 'Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_20171019 'Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_20171026 'Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_20171102 'Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_20171109 'Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_20171116 'Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_20171123 'Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_20171130 'Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_20171207 'Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_20171214 'Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_20171221 'Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_20171228 'Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_20180104 'Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_20180111 'Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_20180118 'Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_20180125 'Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_20180201 'Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_20180208 'Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_20180215 'Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_20180222 'Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_20180301 'Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_20180308 'Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_20180315 'Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_21 'Conflict at Jundland Chasm'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_22 'Conflict at Boonta Eve'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_23 'Conflict at Anchorhead Pass'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_24 'Conflict at Jundland Chasm'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_25 'Conflict at Boonta Eve'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_26 'Conflict at Anchorhead Pass'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_27 'Conflict at Boonta Eve'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_28 '[3fdb4f]Crystals[-] Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_29 '[3fdb4f]Crystals[-] Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_30 'Conflict at Boonta Eve'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_31 'Conflict at Jundland Chasm'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_32 'Conflict at Boonta Eve'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_33 'Conflict at Anchorhead Pass'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_34 'Conflict at Jundland Chasm'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_35 'Conflict at Boonta Eve'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_36 'Conflict at Anchorhead Pass'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_37 'Conflict at Boonta Eve'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_38 'Conflict at Anchorhead Pass'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_39 'Conflict at Jundland Chasm'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_40 'Conflict at Boonta Eve'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_41 'Conflict at Anchorhead Pass'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_42 '[3fdb4f]Crystals[-] Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_43 'Conflict at Boonta Eve'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_44 'Conflict at Anchorhead Pass'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_45 'Conflict at Jundland Chasm'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_46 'Conflict at Boonta Eve'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_47 'Conflict at Anchorhead Pass'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_48 'Conflict at Jundland Chasm'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_49 'Conflict at Boonta Eve'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_50 'Conflict at Anchorhead Pass'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_51 'Conflict at Jundland Chasm'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_52 'Conflict at Boonta Eve'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_53 'Conflict at Anchorhead Pass'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_54 'Conflict at Jundland Chasm'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_55 'Conflict at Boonta Eve'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_56 'Conflict at Anchorhead Pass'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_57 'Conflict at Jundland Chasm'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_58 'Conflict at Boonta Eve'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_59 'Conflict at Anchorhead Pass'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_60 'Conflict at Jundland Chasm'
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tournament_title_conflict_tat_defRef_wk2 'Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_defRef_wk3 'Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_rc15_brute 'Conflict at Boonta Eve'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_rc15_rider 'Conflict at Anchorhead Pass'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_rogue1v3_wk1 'Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_rogue1v3_wk2 'Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_rogue1v3_wk3 'Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_tat_rogue1v3_wk4 'Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_conflict_tfa_08 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tfa_09 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tfa_10 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tfa_11 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tfa_12 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tfa_13 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tfa_14 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tfa_15 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tfa_16 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tfa_17 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tfa_18 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tfa_19 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tfa_20 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tfa_20171111 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tfa_20171118 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tfa_20171125 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tfa_21 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tfa_22 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tfa_23 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tfa_24 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tfa_25 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tfa_26 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tfa_27 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tfa_28 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tfa_29 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tfa_30 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tfa_31 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tfa_32 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tfa_33 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tfa_34 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tfa_35 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tfa_36 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tfa_37 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tfa_38 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tfa_39 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tfa_40 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tfa_defRef_wk1 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tfa_defRef_wk2 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tfa_defRef_wk3 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tfa_rc15_brute 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tfa_rc15_rider 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tfa_rogue1v3_wk1 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tfa_rogue1v3_wk2 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tfa_rogue1v3_wk3 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_tfa_rogue1v3_wk4 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_00 '[3fdb4f]Crystals[-] Conflict on Yavin 4'
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tournament_title_conflict_yav_02 'Conflict at Skygazer Hill'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_03 'Conflict at Ferra Groves'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_04 'Conflict at Massassi Valley'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_05 'Conflict at Skygazer Hill'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_06 'Conflict at Massassi Valley'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_07 'Conflict at Skygazer Hill'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_08 'Conflict at Massassi Valley'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_09 'Conflict at Skygazer Hill'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_10 'Conflict at Massassi Valley'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_11 'Conflict at Skygazer Hill'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_12 'Conflict at Massassi Valley'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_13 'Conflict at Massassi Valley'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_14 'Conflict at Skygazer Hill'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_15 'Conflict at Ferra Groves'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_16 'Conflict at Massassi Valley'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_17 'Conflict at Massassi Valley'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_18 'Conflict at Skygazer Hill'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_19 'Conflict at Ferra Groves'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_20 'Conflict at Massassi Valley'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_20170715 'Conflict on Yavin 4'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_20170722 'Conflict on Yavin 4'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_20170729 'Conflict on Yavin 4'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_20170807 'Conflict on Yavin 4'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_20170812 'Conflict on Yavin 4'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_20170818 'Conflict on Yavin 4'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_20170831 'Conflict on Yavin 4'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_20170928 'Conflict on Yavin 4'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_20171005 'Conflict on Yavin 4'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_20171012 'Conflict on Yavin 4'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_20171019 'Conflict on Yavin 4'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_20171028 'Conflict on Yavin 4'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_20171101 'Conflict on Yavin 4'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_20171111 'Conflict on Yavin 4'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_20171118 'Conflict on Yavin 4'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_20171125 'Conflict on Yavin 4'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_20171130 'Conflict on Yavin 4'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_20171207 'Conflict on Yavin 4'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_20171214 'Conflict on Yavin 4'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_20171221 'Conflict on Yavin 4'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_20171228 'Conflict on Yavin 4'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_20180104 'Conflict on Yavin 4'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_20180111 'Conflict on Yavin 4'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_20180118 'Conflict on Yavin 4'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_20180125 'Conflict on Yavin 4'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_20180201 'Conflict on Yavin 4'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_20180208 'Conflict on Yavin 4'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_20180215 'Conflict on Yavin 4'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_20180222 'Conflict on Yavin 4'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_20180315 'Conflict on Yavin 4'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_21 'Conflict at Skygazer Hill'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_22 'Conflict at Massassi Valley'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_23 'Conflict at Skygazer Hill'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_24 'Conflict at Ferra Groves'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_25 'Conflict at Massassi Valley'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_26 'Conflict at Skygazer Hill'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_27 'Conflict at Massassi Valley'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_28 'Conflict at Skygazer Hill'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_29 'Conflict at Massassi Valley'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_30 'Conflict at Skygazer Hill'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_31 'Conflict at Skygazer Hill'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_32 'Conflict at Massassi Valley'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_33 'Conflict at Skygazer Hill'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_34 'Conflict at Ferra Groves'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_35 'Conflict at Massassi Valley'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_36 'Conflict at Skygazer Hill'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_37 'Conflict at Massassi Valley'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_38 'Conflict at Skygazer Hill'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_39 'Conflict at Massassi Valley'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_40 'Conflict at Skygazer Hill'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_defRef_wk1 'Conflict on Yavin 4'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_defRef_wk2 'Conflict on Yavin 4'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_defRef_wk3 'Conflict on Yavin 4'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_rogue1v3_wk1 'Conflict on Yavin 4'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_rogue1v3_wk2 'Conflict on Yavin 4'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_rogue1v3_wk3 'Conflict on Yavin 4'
tournament_title_conflict_yav_rogue1v3_wk4 'Conflict on Yavin 4'
tournament_title_dan 'Conflict on Dandoran'
tournament_title_erk "Conflict on Er'Kit"
tournament_title_hth 'Conflict on Hoth'
tournament_title_mini_tournament_01 'Special Tournament: Mounted Units'
tournament_title_tak 'Conflict on Takodana'
tournament_title_tat 'Conflict on Tatooine'
tournament_title_theme_tournament_02 'Double Event Points!'
tournament_title_theme_tournament_03 'Gamorrean Warriors Tournament!'
tournament_title_theme_tournament_04 'Starship Tournament'
tournament_title_theme_tournament_05 'Incineration Tournament'
tournament_title_theme_tournament_06 'Scoundrels Tournament'
tournament_title_theme_tournament_07 'Double Reward Tournament'
tournament_title_tournament_02 'Galactic War: Tournament 2'
tournament_title_tournament_03 'Galactic War: Tournament 3'
tournament_title_tournament_04 'Galactic War: Tournament 4'
tournament_title_tournament_05 'Galactic War: Tournament 5'
tournament_title_tournament_06 'Galactic War: Tournament 6'
tournament_title_tournament_07 'Galactic War: Tournament 7'
tournament_title_tournament_08 'Galactic War: Tournament 8'
tournament_title_tournament_09 'Galactic War: Tournament 9'
tournament_title_tournament_0d 'Galactic War: Tournament 1'
tournament_title_tournament_0m 'Galactic War: Tournament 1'
tournament_title_tournament_10 'Triple Reward Tournament'
tournament_title_tournament_1d 'Galactic War: Tournament 2'
tournament_title_yav 'Conflict on Yavin 4'
training_barracks_capacity 'Barracks Capacity:'
training_cantina_capacity 'Cantina Capacity:'
training_capacity_total '{0} / {1}'
training_current_army 'Current Army:'
training_empty_army 'Army Is Empty'
training_factory_capacity 'Factory Capacity:'
training_hero_capacity 'Hero capacity after mobilizing:'
training_infantry_capacity 'Unit capacity after training:'
training_mercenary_capacity 'Unit capacity after hiring:'
training_out_of_samples_error 'No Samples Remaining'
training_remove_troops 'Remove Troops'
training_special_submenu 'Special Units'
training_starship_capacity 'Starship capacity after commissions:'
training_starship_command_capacity 'Starship Command:'
training_vehicle_capacity 'Unit capacity after building:'
transm_body_dandoran_end_e 'The Rebel surge on Dandoran has been quelled, Operative. Your involvement in the conflict has been noted on your permanent record.'
transm_body_dandoran_end_r 'The forests of Dandoran are quiet - a little too quiet. It looks like the Empire is turning their attention elsewhere for now.'
transm_body_erkit_end_e "The recent uptick in Rebel activity on Er'Kit seems to have run its course. You performed admirably, Agent. I begin to see now why Lord Vader has taken notice of your skill."
transm_body_erkit_end_r "It's been a while since we've seen fighting like that on Er'Kit! We've got the bucket heads on the run - thanks for your help Commander!"
transm_body_hoth_end_e 'The Rebel scum scatters throughout the Outer Rim. The Emperor will not stop until all traitors are brought to justice!'
transm_body_hoth_end_r 'Nothing warms a cold night on Hoth more than smoldering Imperial Walkers. Great work Commander!'
transm_body_intro_e 'From now on, communications will be centralized here. Receive special transmissions from the Galactic Empire, and receive any other updates and news from this single source.'
transm_body_intro_r 'From now on, communications will be centralized here. Receive special transmissions from the Rebel Alliance, and receive any other updates and news from this single source.'
transm_body_maz "I've heard a lot about your ability to get things done, Commander. If any of it is true, then I have some work for you."
transm_body_monster_raid "Rancors are rampaging all across the galaxy. If you're prepared, you might be able to capture a few of them."
transm_body_monster_raid2 "Look to your Scout Tower and rally your squadmates, we'll have a fight on our hands."
transm_body_nocta "LOOK! THERE'S NO CTA HERE"
transm_body_tatooine_end_e 'Intelligence is reporting a massive Rebel retreat on Tatooine. Continue your efforts, Commander!'
transm_body_tatooine_end_r 'In many ways, Tatooine is the birthplace of the modern Rebel Alliance. The Tusken Raiders and Jawas will never thank us, but our victory here is turning the tide in the Galactic War!'
transm_body_yavin_end_e 'The Rebel traitors have been flushed from their hideouts in the jungles of Yavin 4. Treason will not be tolerated. Let Yavin 4 serve as an example.'
transm_body_yavin_end_r 'We are getting reports from Yavin 4. It looks like the bulk of the Imperial surge is in retreat!'
transm_hqupgrade_body_e 'Agent, the upgrades you requisitioned for your Headquarters has completed on schedule.'
transm_hqupgrade_body_r 'Congratulations, Commander - your Headquarters upgrade is complete!'
transm_hqupgrade_title 'Headquarters Upgraded!'
transm_objstart_dandoran_body_1 'There are now Objectives on Dandoran. Earn Supply Crates for Objectives completed before the time runs out! '
transm_objstart_dandoran_body_2 'There are now Objectives on Dandoran. Earn Supply Crates for Objectives completed before the time runs out! '
transm_objstart_dandoran_title 'Objectives on Dandoran'
transm_objstart_erkit_body_1 "Objectives are now available on Er'Kit. Earn Supply Crates for Objectives completed before the time runs out! "
transm_objstart_erkit_body_2 "Objectives are now available on Er'Kit. Earn Supply Crates for Objectives completed before the time runs out! "
transm_objstart_erkit_title "Objectives on Er'Kit"
transm_objstart_hoth_body_1 'Objectives are now available on Hoth. Proceed to the icy planet for more detailed orders. Complete these orders quickly and earn Supply Crates.'
transm_objstart_hoth_body_2 'Objectives are now available on Hoth. Proceed to the icy planet for more detailed orders. Complete these orders quickly, and earn Supply Crates.'
transm_objstart_hoth_title 'Objectives on Hoth'
transm_objstart_tatooine_body_1 'Objectives are now available on Tatooine. Collect up to three Supply Crates when Objectives are completed within the time limit.'
transm_objstart_tatooine_body_2 'Objectives are now available on Tatooine. Collect up to three Supply Crates when Objectives are completed within the time limit.'
transm_objstart_tatooine_title 'Objectives on Tatooine'
transm_objstart_yavin_body_1 'Objectives are now available on Yavin 4. Relocate to the moon to receive your orders. Finish them before the time runs out, and earn Supply Crates.'
transm_objstart_yavin_body_2 'Objectives are now available on Yavin 4. Relocate to the moon to receive your orders. Finish them before the time runs out, and earn Supply Crates.'
transm_objstart_yavin_title 'Objectives on Yavin 4'
transm_pcupgrade_body_e 'Planetary Command Center upgrade complete! You are now free to relocate your base to {planetName}.'
transm_pcupgrade_body_r 'Planetary Command Center upgrade complete! You are now free to relocate your base to {planetName}.'
transm_pcupgrade_title 'Planetary Command Upgraded!'
transm_researched_body_e 'Agent, Research is complete for the {0} upgrades. You may proceed to deploy them at will.'
transm_researched_body_r "Commander, the Research for the {0} upgrades have been completed. They're ready for action!"
transm_researched_title 'New Research Level!'
transm_title_dandoran 'Conflict on Dandoran has begun!'
transm_title_dandoran_end 'Conflict on Dandoran is Ending Soon!'
transm_title_erkit "Conflict on Er'Kit has begun!"
transm_title_erkit_end "Conflict on Er'Kit is Ending Soon!"
transm_title_hoth 'Conflict on Hoth has Begun! '
transm_title_hoth_end 'Conflict on Hoth is Ending Soon!'
transm_title_intro 'Commander Info Network Online!'
transm_title_maz 'A message from Maz Kanata'
transm_title_monster_raid 'Hello, Commander!'
transm_title_nocta 'NO CTA TEST'
transm_title_tatooine 'Conflict on Tatooine has begun!'
transm_title_tatooine_end 'Conflict on Tatooine is Ending Soon!'
transm_title_yavin 'Conflict on Yavin 4 has begun!'
transm_title_yavin_end 'Conflict on Yavin is Ending Soon!'
transm_war_end_body_e "Operative, your squad's battle with the enemy squad on Sullust has concluded. Proceed to the war room for a briefing."
transm_war_end_body_r "Agent, your squad's battle with the enemy squad on Sullust has ended. Head to the war room for a results overview."
transm_war_end_title_e 'Squad War Concluded'
transm_war_end_title_r 'Squad War Concluded'
transm_war_prep_body_e 'Operative, while we prepare to take on the enemy squad, I suggest you request troops and optimize the design of your defensive outpost on Sullust.'
transm_war_prep_body_r "Agent, while the squad prepares to battle the enemies, I'd advise you to request troops and make any adjustments to your defensive outpost on Sullust."
transm_war_prep_title_e 'Squad War Preparation'
transm_war_prep_title_r 'Squad War Preparation'
transm_war_start_body_e "Operative, your battle with the enemy squad begins now! Capturing factory outposts will aid in disabling the enemy's uplinks."
transm_war_start_body_r 'Agent, your skirmish with the enemy squad on Sullust has started! I recommend capturing factory outposts before going for the enemy uplinks.'
transm_war_start_title_e 'Squad War Started'
transm_war_start_title_r 'Squad War Started'
traps_error_all_rearmed 'All traps are armed'
troop_request_reprompt "Field Reports will let you know when your squadmates have filled your troop request, when you've been attacked, and other vital information. (Crystal reward may require reload)"
trp_class_Breacher 'Breacher'
trp_class_Bruiser 'Bruiser'
trp_class_Destroyer 'Destroyer'
trp_class_Generic 'Generalist'
trp_class_Healer 'Support'
trp_class_Looter 'Looter'
trp_class_Medic 'Support'
trp_class_Striker 'Striker'
trp_class_Technician 'Support'
trp_class_hint_Breacher 'Specialize in seige tactics by leveling walls'
trp_class_hint_Bruiser 'Withstand severe punishment on the front lines'
trp_class_hint_Destroyer 'Neutralize enemy shield generators quickly'
trp_class_hint_Generic 'Attack their nearest target'
trp_class_hint_Healer 'Enhance nearby units through healing and repair'
trp_class_hint_Looter 'Smash and grab from resource buildings'
trp_class_hint_Striker 'Single out and dispatch defending ground units'
trp_desc_2MTank '2M Repulsor Tanks boast powerful laser cannons capable of heavy damage. They excel against heavily fortified defenses, but are slow and vulnerable to Rocket Turrets.'
trp_desc_614AVA 'The 614-AvA Speeder Bike is an upgrade over the basic Empire Speeder Bike, providing better handling and faster speeds. This unit is more fragile, but has higher damage output, making it an effective infantry hunter.'
trp_desc_AAT1 'Rebel engineers adapted these Clone Wars-era tanks for organic crews. AAT-1 tanks are heavily armored and excel at targeting strong defenses, but are slow and vulnerable to Rocket Turrets.'
trp_desc_ATAP 'AT-AP walkers are armed with formidable laser cannons and excel at demolishing buildings, but are lightly armored and are easily overwhelmed by massed heavy infantry or fast vehicles.'
trp_desc_ATAT 'The ultimate symbol of Imperial mechanized power, the AT-AT provides incredible firepower to the battlefield. Being large and slow, it is vulnerable to starship strikes and Rocket Turrets.'
trp_desc_ATDP 'Originally intended to safeguard Imperial assets on occupied worlds, the AT-DP is now deployed into battle to subdue Rebel infantry. This walker is well armored, but still susceptible to anti-vehicle fire.'
trp_desc_ATMP 'Recently entered into service, The AT-MP walker fires devastating salvos of missiles, but the machine itself is clumsy to move and easily overwhelmed by infantry and volley of fire tactics.'
trp_desc_ATRT "Rebel tinkering has allowed these Clone Wars era walkers to keep pace with Imperial advancements. They'll quickly make their way to resource buildings. [ffb300]Upon deployment, the pilot targets the closest turret with an ion blast, greatly reducing its damage for 15 seconds.[-]"
trp_desc_ATST 'These stilt-legged scout vehicles are workhorses, useful for a wide variety of missions.'
trp_desc_ATTE 'Rebel mechanics have made special modifications to keep these Clone Wars era AT-TE walkers running. They are equipped to take on infantry and vehicles alike, but slow and vulnerable to anti-vehicle fire.'
trp_desc_ApeMan 'The Empire rarely enlists non-human species in its military. However, the Ongidae are strong and disciplined, making them an ideal foot-soldier unit. [CC3366]Resilience: The longer this unit remains in battle, the less damage it takes from attacks, and the more damage it deals.[-]'
trp_desc_Bantha 'Banthas are indigenous to Tatooine and are used by the Rebel alliance as a sturdy beast of war, trained to ram walls and knock them down.'
trp_desc_BetaTroop 'A mercenary mounted atop a powerful Orbak. Targeting Barracks, Factories and Cantinas, they close in quickly and devastate anything caught in the blast of their SX-21 Scatter Blaster.'
trp_desc_BetaTroopEqp 'Riding a hardier breed of Orbak and equipped with more powerful ordanance, the Elite Orbak Marauder takes to the battlefield with increased health and damage.'
trp_desc_BigMouthAlien 'The amphibious Drabatan Saboteurs are fierce commandos on the battlefield, charging into combat with full-throated war cries. The Drabatan Saboteur employs a sonic grenade to create micro-fractures in enemy defenses, temporarily increasing the damage taken.'
trp_desc_ChampionEmpireDroideka 'This Clone Wars era Droideka was refurbished by smugglers to protect Contraband. Combat improvements have made it highly lethal, but maintenance heavy. Shielded and highly mobile, the Droideka Sentinel excels against troops.'
trp_desc_ChampionEmpireDroidekaSample 'This Clone Wars era Droideka was refurbished by smugglers to protect Contraband. Combat improvements have made it highly lethal, but maintenance heavy. Shielded and highly mobile, the Droideka Sentinel excels against troops.'
trp_desc_ChampionEmpireHeavyDroideka "The Droideka Oppressor was developed so late that it never saw use in the Clone Wars, but that doesn't stop resourceful smugglers. This heavy battle droid delivers artillery ordnance that levels anything without the protection of a shield."
trp_desc_ChampionEmpireHeavyDroidekaSample "The Droideka Oppressor was developed so late that it never saw use in the Clone Wars, but that doesn't stop resourceful smugglers. This heavy battle droid delivers artillery ordnance that levels anything without the protection of a shield."
trp_desc_ChampionRebelDroideka 'This Clone Wars era Droideka was refurbished by smugglers to protect Contraband. Combat improvements have made it highly lethal, but maintenance heavy. Shielded and highly mobile, the Droideka Sentinel excels against troops.'
trp_desc_ChampionRebelDroidekaSample 'This Clone Wars era Droideka was refurbished by smugglers to protect Contraband. Combat improvements have made it highly lethal, but maintenance heavy. Shielded and highly mobile, the Droideka Sentinel excels against troops.'
trp_desc_ChampionRebelHeavyDroideka "The Droideka Oppressor was developed so late that it never saw use in the Clone Wars, but that doesn't stop resourceful smugglers. This heavy battle droid delivers artillery ordnance that levels anything without the protection of a shield."
trp_desc_ChampionRebelHeavyDroidekaSample "The Droideka Oppressor was developed so late that it never saw use in the Clone Wars, but that doesn't stop resourceful smugglers. This heavy battle droid delivers artillery ordnance that levels anything without the protection of a shield."
trp_desc_Dark 'Experimental Imperial units, Phase II Dark Troopers are heavily armored and storm enemy defenses with assault cannons.'
trp_desc_DeathHeavyStorm 'This Heavy Trooper is the product of a lethal virus known to most as "The Sickness". Studies have revealed that infection of this host causes slower movement but improved ability to sustain damage.'
trp_desc_DeathScoutStorm 'Exposure to an infectious viral agent has twisted the body and mind of this Scout Trooper. Even in its undead state, this trooper scuttles quickly across the ground to prey on troops and resource buildings.'
trp_desc_DeathStorm 'Infected by an Imperial bioweapons project gone horribly awry, this Stormtrooper died a painful death and is now a nearly-mindless, cannibalistic monster with a blaster.'
trp_desc_DesertSkiff 'The Rebels have outfitted these fast moving but lightly armored Bantha class skiffs with weapons specifically designed to defeat the more heavily armored Imperial vehicles.'
trp_desc_Dewback 'These Stormtroopers control their dewback mounts through jolts of electricity, driving the maddened beasts to batter down any walls that stand between them and their target.'
trp_desc_EchoBaseHeavySoldier 'Trained for operations in sub-zero conditions, these soldiers wield rapid fire blasters to inflict devastating damage. To maintain their mobility, they wear lighter armor, requiring protection from more durable units.'
trp_desc_EchoBaseSoldier 'Cold-weather Soldiers have been specially trained and field-tested to operate in arctic conditions. Their determination and focus continues to be the restoration of freedom in the galaxy and are best used in large numbers.'
trp_desc_EmpireATMPHalfSkinSample 'This walker has been outfitted with enhanced munition firing systems, capable of delivering heavier and more explosive payloads. These modifications are built around existing systems, visibly altering the appearance of this AT-MP.'
trp_desc_EmpireATSTHalfSkinSample 'This walker has been outfitted with enhanced power couplings and sub-systems, allowing its weapons to fire high power blasts at a faster than normal rate. The modifications needed for this performance are built around existing systems, visibly altering the appearance of this AT-ST.'
trp_desc_EmpireAlphaVehicle 'The Multi-Troop Transport was a heavily armored vehicle used during the Clone Wars. Mercenary Dowutin have salvaged and converted them to serve their needs. Periodically in battle, a [c][FFC25B]Dowutin Hunter[-][/c] will emerge from the vehicle and join the battle. [c][FFC25B]Research higher levels of this vehicle to make Dowutin Hunters appear more often.[-][/c]'
trp_desc_EmpireBetaTroop 'A mercenary mounted atop a powerful Orbak. Targeting Barracks, Factories and Cantinas, they close in quickly and devastate anything caught in the blast of their SX-21 Scatter Blaster.'
trp_desc_EmpireBetaTroopEqp 'Riding a hardier breed of Orbak and equipped with more powerful ordanance, the Elite Orbak Marauder takes to the battlefield with increased health and damage.'
trp_desc_EmpireBetaTroopSample 'Riding a hardier breed of Orbak and equipped with more powerful ordanance, the Elite Orbak Marauder takes to the battlefield with increased health and damage.'
trp_desc_EmpireBrute 'With uncanny strength and a taste for havoc, this Dowutin mercenary specializes in bringing enemies to their knees. He carries a grip of thermal detonators and a modified starfighter blaster to ensure that the job gets done.\n[CC3366]Flushing Frag: Upon deploy, seeks to clear the field of troops and vehicles with his thermal detonators.[-]'
trp_desc_EmpireChicken 'The AT-DT Walker moves slowly under the weight of its main cannon. It fires a massive shot that explodes on impact, dealing area damage and cutting down lighter targets. Only lightly armored, this unit is vulnerable to anti-vehicle weapons.'
trp_desc_EmpireDemoDroid 'This mine-laying droid has been programmed to ignore turrets and resources, deploying explosive charges point-blank against soft targets such as the Squad Center, Barracks, and Armory. Special armor protects the droid from its own attack, but it is still vulnerable to enemy fire.'
trp_desc_EmpireGamorreanWarrior "A fiercely tough Gamorrean boar mercenary, armed with an Arg'garok vibro-ax. His sheer strength and anger allow him to always get in the last blow. [CC3366]Final Thunder: Upon defeat, hurls his ax forward in a last-ditch effort to ensure mass destruction.[-]"
trp_desc_EmpireGoldenMileCreature "The Fathier Rider is a Tognath mercenary mounted atop a graceful steed, known as a fathier. The fathier's natural speed is ideal for hit-and-run combat, attacking enemy troops and buildings."
trp_desc_EmpireHeavyStormDeath 'This Heavy Trooper is the product of a lethal virus known to most as "The Sickness". Studies have revealed that infection of this host causes slower movement but improved ability to sustain damage.'
trp_desc_EmpireHovertankSample 'Designed for heavy transport, the TX-225 assault tank is slow but devastating versus defensive structures. Thick armor plates offer greater protection, but are still vulnerable to Rocket Turrets.'
trp_desc_EmpireHunterRancor 'Their unique physiology imbues these creatures with greater speed and a keen sense of smell. In captivity these traits are re-trained for the battlefield, to track and destroy enemy soldiers with terrifying force.'
trp_desc_EmpireHunterRancorCreature 'Their unique physiology imbues these creatures with greater speed and a keen sense of smell. In captivity these traits are re-trained for the battlefield, to track and destroy enemy soldiers with terrifying force.'
trp_desc_EmpireJohhar 'Johhar Kessen was once an influential senator, but his underworld activities proved more enjoyable so he quit. [ffb300]Using a Magnetic Pulse Cannon attached to his rifle, he fires a powerful shot that passes through multiple targets at once, dealing extreme damage to enemy ground units.[-]'
trp_desc_EmpireJumptrooper 'Imperial Jump Troopers use Clone Wars era jetpack tactics to bound over walls and assault targets directly. Hovering prevents damage from Mortar Turrets, but they are susceptible to direct-fire weapons.'
trp_desc_EmpireKraytDragonCreature "The Krayt Dragon is Tatooine's legendary apex predator. Renowned for its fierce nature, this massive beast excels at taking down living prey."
trp_desc_EmpireP006Droid 'These A-LT Utility Droids have been modified to bypass walls and overload the circuits of one turret. This disables the droid, while forcing the turret to ignore enemy troops and shoot at defenders instead. The overload triggers a series of small explosions, finally destroying the turret.'
trp_desc_EmpireRageRancor 'This rare sub-species of rancor towers over its cousins, with extreme strength and toughness to match. While difficult to capture, these creatures respond well to battlefield training. Though slow moving, their double-fisted slam deals heavy splash damage to any nearby enemy.'
trp_desc_EmpireRageRancorCreature 'This rare sub-species of rancor towers over its cousins, with extreme strength and toughness to match. While difficult to capture, these creatures respond well to battlefield training. Though slow moving, their double-fisted slam deals heavy splash damage to any nearby enemy.'
trp_desc_EmpireRancorCreature 'Walking upright, with a hide thick enough to resist blaster fire, the Rancor is truly a sight to behold. This captive creature is driven into a frenzy and released into battle, where it will mercilessly attack with crushing blows.'
trp_desc_EmpireRider "A clan of enterprising yet foolhardy Er'Kit have taken to using this cybernetically-enhanced beast of burden as a mobile armory. For the right price, the Munitioneer escorts allied units on the battlefield, boosting damage output.\n[CC3366]Yard Sale: Upon defeat, expends all his supplies, initiating a widespread damage boost to all active allied units.[-]"
trp_desc_EmpireScoutDeath 'Exposure to an infectious viral agent has twisted the body and mind of this Scout Trooper. Even in its undead state, this trooper scuttles quickly across the ground to prey on troops and resource buildings.'
trp_desc_EmpireShadowRancor "This creature's nearly-black hide, marked with distinctive red stripes, is highly resilient even compared to most other rancors. In captivity, this creature has been trained to ignore most incoming fire and attack enemy structures directly."
trp_desc_EmpireShadowRancorCreature "This creature's nearly-black hide, marked with distinctive red stripes, is highly resilient even compared to most other rancors. In captivity, this creature has been trained to ignore most incoming fire and attack enemy structures directly."
trp_desc_EmpireSpeeder "Speeder Bikes are very fast and see widespread deployment in ground forces. Because of their light armor, they're an easy target when stationary, making them best suited to anti-infantry operations."
trp_desc_EmpireStormDeath 'Infected by an Imperial bioweapons project gone horribly awry, this Stormtrooper died a painful death and is now a nearly-mindless, cannibalistic monster with a blaster.'
trp_desc_EmpireTognath 'Each and every Tognath Marksman carries a hand-tuned sniper blaster rifle, light enough to carry yet capable of firing powerful charged blasts. They have lower health and mobility, but deal heavy damage to Droidekas.'
trp_desc_EmpireTransportVehicle 'Though primarily used as a means of conveyance, the Imperial Troop Transport is a practical combat vehicle thanks to forward-facing laser guns and durable armor plating. Periodically in battle, [c][FFC25B]2 Phase II Dark Trooper[-][/c] reinforcements will emerge from the vehicle and join the battle. [c][FFC25B]Research higher levels of this vehicle to make Dark Troopers appear more often.[-][/c]'
trp_desc_EmpireTwilekIncinerator 'This dangerous lady wields a deadly flamethrower that envelops enemies and structures in lasting fire. Hire with extreme caution.\n[CC3366]Nova Blaze: A finishing strike detonates her flamethrower, dealing massive area damage to all nearby enemies.[-]'
trp_desc_ErkitBruiser "Bruisers are armored Er'Kit militia members who draw fire from enemy turrets to screen for the less durable units."
trp_desc_ErkitGeneralist 'Conscripted into the "Militia" on Er\'Kit, these units are generalists who attack the closest target. They are vulnerable to mortar fire.'
trp_desc_ErkitSniper "Snipers represent the few members of the Er'Kit militia who have actual combat training or experience, and use it to focus enemy troops. They are slow, lightly armored, and susceptible to starship strikes while firing."
trp_desc_ErkitTank 'Salvaged from Clone Wars battlefields across the outer rim and sold as scrap by junkers, the venerable AAT1 continues to be refurbished and used in smaller scale conflicts across the galaxy.It prefers to target turrets.'
trp_desc_FurCoat 'While the Bufopel normally prefer peace, they will unite in conflict to defend themselves. Their immense strength makes them fearsome opponents able to take large amounts of damage. [CC3366]Resilience: The longer this unit remains in battle, the less damage it takes from attacks, and the more damage it deals.[-]'
trp_desc_Hailfire 'Developed by the CIS during the Clone Wars, the IG-227 Hailfire droid has been adapted by the Rebels with weaponry capable of destroying turrets as well as vehicles. Their light armor makes them fast, but vulnerable to infantry.'
trp_desc_HeavyRebel 'Heavy Soldiers carry rapid fire blasters, capable of inflicting devastating damage, particularly to shields. In order to maintain mobility, they wear lighter armor, so screen them with more durable units.'
trp_desc_HeavySandSoldier 'These elite soldiers have the training and grit needed to carry large rapid-fire blasters into battle in desert environments. They are stronger and deal higher damage than their all-weather counterparts.'
trp_desc_HeavySandtrooper 'These Heavy Sandtroopers endure rigorous training to carry large rapid-fire blasters into desert combat operations. They are stronger than their standard stormtrooper counterparts, and deal more damage.'
trp_desc_HeavySnowtrooper 'These heavy ordnance troops undergo elite cold weather training and specialize in using large rapid-fire blasters to destroy their targets. Similar to their stormtrooper counterparts, this increased offense comes at the cost of defensive capabilities.'
trp_desc_HeavyStorm 'Heavy Weapons Stormtroopers carry large rapid-fire blasters, designed to level whatever they encounter. This higher offense comes with lower defense, however, so screen them with more durable units.'
trp_desc_HeroATAP 'Heavier armor gives this walker the independence in battle its predecessor lacked. The "Domewrecker", earned its nickname in battle due to its heavy front-mounted cannons that can take shields down with ease.'
trp_desc_HeroATAT 'A modified AT-AT with thicker armor plating and heavier laser cannons, this AT-AT is piloted by an elite vehicle crew pulled from the best in the Empire. Unlocks at Hero Command Level 5.'
trp_desc_HeroATMP 'This specialized modification of the standard AT-MP was designed to take out shields with a devastating volley of missiles. It differs from the standard unit in that it will target turrets in its way, but unfortunately, has similarly light armor, so protect it well. '
trp_desc_HeroATST "The AT-ST Mark III's experimental armor provides more speed and durability than a standard AT-ST. Mounted with twin heavy laser cannons, piloted by a veteran crew, it excels against most targets."
trp_desc_HeroATTE 'A modified AT-TE with thicker armor plating and heavier laser cannons, this AT-TE is piloted by an elite vehicle crew pulled from the best in the Rebellion. The Elite AT-TE targets enemy shield generators as it lumbers across the battlefield.'
trp_desc_HeroBossk '<Placeholder Description for Bossk>'
trp_desc_HeroChewbacca 'Best friend of Han Solo and crack shot with a bowcaster, Chewbacca is an effective force in any engagement, but excels at weathering turret fire.'
trp_desc_HeroCrimsonGuard 'This elite assassin troop wields a powerful Force Pike against melee-range targets. The Royal Guard handles infantry with ease, and matches well against turrets.'
trp_desc_HeroDarthVader 'Perhaps the most feared being in the galaxy, Darth Vader rules with both intimidation and ruthlessness. [ffb300]Using the power of the Force, he can unleash deadly bursts of close-range attacks while protecting himself from incoming fire.[-]'
trp_desc_HeroDeathTrooper 'A squad of 3 Elite Stormtroopers, Death Troopers serve mainly as bodyguards for important Imperial officials, but on the battlefield they specialize in commando missions. Death Troopers will target enemy defensive installations, including turrets and traps.'
trp_desc_HeroEmpireSpiderDroid 'The SD-K4 exists solely to infiltrate and destroy, closing in and slashing at enemy turrets with armor-piercing forelimb blades. [c][FFB300]Smaller probe killers deployed from this droid will split off and hunt infantry, before self-destructing.[/c][-]'
trp_desc_HeroForen 'Former senator Kessen\'s custom sniper blaster, "Karina," deals extreme damage to soft targets. While he can out-range many static defenses, his ability to damage them is low.'
trp_desc_HeroHanSolo 'A smuggler with skill and swagger to spare, Han Solo is in deep debt to Jabba the Hutt. He will take on almost any mission if the credits are good enough. Han goes after turrets, and can take out shield generators with ease.'
trp_desc_HeroLeia "Hero of the Rebellion, renowned freedom fighter, princess of the destroyed world of Alderaan: Leia is a combat generalist, but will take any opportunity to strike at the Empire's infantry or vehicles."
trp_desc_HeroLukeSkywalker "Raised as a farm boy on Tatooine, Luke had no idea that he would become the Rebellion's greatest hero. [ffb300]He fights with his blaster, but can wield the power of the Force to deftly deflect blaster fire and deal close range damage.[-]"
trp_desc_HeroR2D2 'Thought by most to be a simple astromech droid, R2-D2 has borne witness to many events that have shaped recent galactic history. In combat, he follows allied vehicles and performs combat repairs.'
trp_desc_HeroRebelSpiderDroid 'Salvaged and re-programmed for Alliance use, the Modified SD-K4 exists solely to infiltrate and destroy: closing in and slashing at enemy turrets with armor-piercing forelimb blades. [c][FFB300]Smaller probe killers deployed from this droid will split off and hunt infantry, before self-destructing.[/c][-]'
trp_desc_HeroUrur 'Johhar Kessen recruited this Tusken Raider to be his local guide to hunting big game on Tatooine. He can take incredible amounts of damage, but dishes out very little.'
trp_desc_IG86Droid 'Manufactured exclusively for military use by Holowan Laboratories, the IG-86 assassin droid is a popular choice for governments and independent groups alike. They excel at targeting and destroying enemy turrets, even faster than their Dark Trooper counterparts.'
trp_desc_IakaruWarrior 'Life in the jungles of Iakar has imbued Iakaru Warriors with keen eyesight and strong spatial awareness. They excel at targeting and destroying enemy turrets, even faster than their Wookiee counterparts.'
trp_desc_IthorianInfiltrator 'These "Hammerhead" saboteur mercs are particularly effective at infiltration tactics. Using a temporary personal energy shield, they\'ll quickly get up close to shield generators to disable them with a modified ion blaster.'
trp_desc_Juggernaut 'Juggernauts are wheeled tanks with a lethal top-mounted laser cannon. Highly durable, they can punch through strong defenses, but are slow and vulnerable to Rocket Turrets and massed heavy infantry.'
trp_desc_KraytDragon "The Krayt Dragon is Tatooine's legendary apex predator. Renowned for its fierce nature, this massive beast excels at taking down living prey."
trp_desc_KubazInvader "These Kubaz saboteurs, recognized by their prehensile snouts, are particularly effective at infiltration tactics. Using a temporary personal energy shield, they'll quickly get up close to shield generators and disable them with a modified ion blaster."
trp_desc_MHC '"Appropriated" from the Umbaran militia, these advanced weapons platforms have recently entered field testing. The UMHC takes on turrets, is powerful against vehicles and turrets, but very slow due to its massive size.'
trp_desc_MTV7 'More stable but less protected than an AT-ST, the MTV-7 is quick and well suited to attack resource buildings. Upon deployment, the pilot targets the closest turret with an ion blast, greatly reducing its damage for 15 seconds.'
trp_desc_Marksman 'Sharpshooters are elite Rebel soldiers equipped with a long-range A280 longblaster and trained for sniper duties. They have low health, but deal extreme damage to vehicles, units, and heroes.'
trp_desc_Medic 'Medic Droids heal injuries with advanced bacta-based technologies. They are programmed to follow and provide aid to infantrymen closest to them, and are most effective at healing members of the Rebel Alliance.'
trp_desc_Pathfinder 'These commandos excel at infiltration, rushing past fortifications to attack valuable resource buildings. While fast, Pathfinders are lightly armored, and vulnerable to turrets and starship strikes.'
trp_desc_PentagonHeavyTrooper 'Along with the special training assigned to standard Shoretroopers, these troops have undergone specialized training in the use of heavy ordnance which they use to decimate enemy forces. This increased offense comes at the cost of their defensive capabilities.'
trp_desc_PentagonSoldier "Elite members of the Rebellion's SpecForces, Rebel Commandos are trained in guerilla combat tactics for tropical environments. By working together in large numbers these troops are able to counter overwhelming odds."
trp_desc_PentagonTrooper 'Shoretroopers are specially trained at a top secret Imperial military headquarters on an unknown planet. They are equipped for combat in tropical environments and use stormtrooper tactics of strength in numbers.'
trp_desc_PolarShip 'The unsteady configuration of the V-4X-D Ski Speeder requires the usage of a ventral halofoil for stabilization. Their light armoring is vulnerable to heavy fire but allows them to obtain high speeds on the battlefield, making them ideal for anti-infantry usage.'
trp_desc_ProbeDroid 'Used widely by the Empire, these fast moving droids carry an array of terrifying weaponry and specialize in defeating infantry. However, they suffer in vehicular engagements due to their light armor.'
trp_desc_R5Medic 'Medic Droids heal injuries with advanced bacta-based technologies. They are programmed to follow and provide aid to infantry closest to them.'
trp_desc_RebelATAPHalfSkinSample "This AT-AP has been outfitted with enhanced power couplings and sub-systems, allowing its weapons to fire higher energy blasts without overloading. The modifications needed for this performance are built around existing systems, visibly altering the walker's appearance."
trp_desc_RebelAlphaVehicle 'The Multi-Troop Transport was a heavily armored vehicle used during the Clone Wars. Mercenary Dowutin have salvaged and converted them to serve their needs. Periodically in battle, a [c][FFC25B]Dowutin Hunter[-][/c] will emerge from the vehicle and join the battle. [c][FFC25B]Research higher levels of this vehicle to make Dowutin Hunters appear more often.[-][/c]'
trp_desc_RebelBetaTroop 'A mercenary mounted atop a powerful Orbak. Targeting Barracks, Factories and Cantinas, they close in quickly and devastate anything caught in the blast of their SX-21 Scatter Blaster.'
trp_desc_RebelBetaTroopEqp 'Riding a hardier breed of Orbak and equipped with more powerful ordanance, the Elite Orbak Marauder takes to the battlefield with increased health and damage.'
trp_desc_RebelBetaTroopSample 'Riding a hardier breed of Orbak and equipped with more powerful ordanance, the Elite Orbak Marauder takes to the battlefield with increased health and damage.'
trp_desc_RebelBrute 'With uncanny strength and a taste for havoc, this Dowutin mercenary specializes in bringing enemies to their knees. He carries a grip of thermal detonators and a modified starfighter blaster to ensure that the job gets done.\n[CC3366]Flushing Frag: Upon deploy, seeks to clear the field of troops and vehicles with his thermal detonators.[-]'
trp_desc_RebelChicken 'Stolen and re-purposed by the Alliance, this walker moves slowly under the weight of its main cannon. It fires a massive shot that explodes on impact, dealing area damage and cutting down lighter targets. Only lightly armored, this unit is vulnerable to anti-vehicle weapons.'
trp_desc_RebelDemoDroid 'This droid is reprogrammed to ignore turrets and resources, engaging targets such as the Squad Center, Barracks, and Armory at point-blank range with explosives. Special armoring protects the droid from its own attack, though it cannot transform and is still vulnerable to enemy fire.'
trp_desc_RebelGamorreanWarrior "A fiercely tough Gamorrean boar mercenary, armed with an Arg'garok vibro-ax. His sheer strength and anger allow him to always get in the last blow. [CC3366]Final Thunder: Upon defeat, hurls his ax forward in a last-ditch effort to ensure mass destruction.[-]"
trp_desc_RebelGoldenMileCreature "The Fathier Rider is a Tognath mercenary mounted atop a graceful steed, known as a fathier. The fathier's natural speed is ideal for hit-and-run combat, attacking enemy troops and buildings."
trp_desc_RebelHeavyStormDeath 'This Heavy Trooper is the product of a lethal virus known to most as "The Sickness". Studies have revealed that infection of this host causes slower movement but improved ability to sustain damage.'
trp_desc_RebelHovertankSample 'Designed for heavy transport, the TX-225 assault tank is slow but devastating versus defensive structures. Thick armor plates offer greater protection, but are still vulnerable to Rocket Turrets.'
trp_desc_RebelHunterRancor 'Their unique physiology imbues these creatures with greater speed and a keen sense of smell. In captivity these traits are re-trained for the battlefield, to track and destroy enemy soldiers with terrifying force.'
trp_desc_RebelHunterRancorCreature 'Their unique physiology imbues these creatures with greater speed and a keen sense of smell. In captivity these traits are re-trained for the battlefield, to track and destroy enemy soldiers with terrifying force.'
trp_desc_RebelJetpackTrooper 'Only Rebel soldiers who laugh at danger may join the Jetpack Troopers. They hurtle over walls and attack targets head-on. Hovering mid-air, they are safe from Mortar Turrets but vulnerable to direct-fire weapons.'
trp_desc_RebelJohhar 'Johhar Kessen was once an influential senator, but his underworld activities proved more enjoyable so he quit. [ffb300]Using a Magnetic Pulse Cannon attached to his rifle, he fires a powerful shot that passes through multiple targets at once, dealing extreme damage to enemy ground units.[-]'
trp_desc_RebelKraytDragonCreature "The Krayt Dragon is Tatooine's legendary apex predator. Renowned for its fierce nature, this massive beast excels at taking down living prey."
trp_desc_RebelP006Droid 'These A-LT Utility Droids have been modified to bypass walls and overload the circuits of one turret. This disables the droid, while forcing the turret to ignore enemy troops and shoot at defenders instead. The overload triggers a series of small explosions, finally destroying the turret.'
trp_desc_RebelRageRancor 'This rare sub-species of rancor towers over its cousins, with extreme strength and toughness to match. While difficult to capture, these creatures respond well to battlefield training. Though slow moving, their double-fisted slam deals heavy splash damage to any nearby enemy.'
trp_desc_RebelRageRancorCreature 'This rare sub-species of rancor towers over its cousins, with extreme strength and toughness to match. While difficult to capture, these creatures respond well to battlefield training. Though slow moving, their double-fisted slam deals heavy splash damage to any nearby enemy.'
trp_desc_RebelRancorCreature 'Walking upright, with a hide thick enough to resist blaster fire, the Rancor is truly a sight to behold. This captive creature is driven into a frenzy and released into battle, where it will mercilessly attack with crushing blows.'
trp_desc_RebelRider "A clan of enterprising yet foolhardy Er'Kit have taken to using this cybernetically-enhanced beast of burden as a mobile armory. For the right price, the Munitioneer escorts allied units on the battlefield, boosting damage output.\n[CC3366]Yard Sale: Upon defeat, expends all his supplies, initiating a widespread damage boost to all active allied units.[-]"
trp_desc_RebelScoutDeath 'Exposure to an infectious viral agent has twisted the body and mind of this Scout Trooper. Even in its undead state, this trooper scuttles quickly across the ground to prey on troops and resource buildings.'
trp_desc_RebelShadowRancor "This creature's nearly-black hide, marked with distinctive red stripes, is highly resilient even compared to most other rancors. In captivity, this creature has been trained to ignore most incoming fire and attack enemy structures directly."
trp_desc_RebelShadowRancorCreature "This creature's nearly-black hide, marked with distinctive red stripes, is highly resilient even compared to most other rancors. In captivity, this creature has been trained to ignore most incoming fire and attack enemy structures directly."
trp_desc_RebelSpeeder "Speeder Bikes are very fast and see widespread deployment in ground forces. Because of their light armor, they're an easy target when stationary, making them best suited to anti-infantry operations."
trp_desc_RebelStormDeath 'Infected by an Imperial bioweapons project gone horribly awry, this Stormtrooper died a painful death and is now a nearly-mindless, cannibalistic monster with a blaster.'
trp_desc_RebelT2BTankHalfSkinSample "This T2-B tank has been outfitted with enhanced power couplings and sub-systems, allowing its weapons to fire high power blasts at a faster than normal rate. The modifications needed for this performance are built around existing systems, visibly altering the tank's appearance."
trp_desc_RebelTognath 'Each and every Tognath Marksman carries a hand-tuned sniper blaster rifle, light enough to carry yet capable of firing powerful charged blasts. They have lower health and mobility, but deal heavy damage to Droidekas.'
trp_desc_RebelTransportVehicle 'Though not ordinarily a heavy combat vehicle, this A-A5 Speeder Truck possesses some firepower as well as heavy armor augmentations. Periodically in battle, [c][FFC25B]2 Wookiee Warrior[-][/c] reinforcements will emerge from the vehicle and join the battle. [c][FFC25B]Research higher levels of this vehicle to make Wookiee Warriors appear more often.[-][/c]'
trp_desc_RebelTwilekIncinerator 'This dangerous lady wields a deadly flamethrower that envelops enemies and structures in lasting fire. Hire with extreme caution.\n[CC3366]Nova Blaze: A finishing strike detonates her flamethrower, dealing massive area damage to all nearby enemies.[-]'
trp_desc_RodianSample 'In addition to increased damage and durability, Rodian Recon Snipers carry special targeting equipment to call in surgical TIE Bomber strikes in battle.'
trp_desc_SandSoldier 'These soldiers have trained in all manner of desert combat, making them far more effective than their standard counterparts. They fight best in large numbers, seeking to restore freedom even in inhospitably hot places.'
trp_desc_Sandtrooper 'These desert trained stormtroopers operate in extremely hot and dry conditions, with specialized gear that can absorb and deal out extra damage. They employ standard stormtrooper tactics – strength in numbers.'
trp_desc_Scout 'These lightly armored scout troopers are expert marksmen, trained in reconnaissance and infiltration. They are most effective at attacking resource buildings. '
trp_desc_SecurityDroid 'Developed by Arakyd Industries, the Security Droid has built-in exceptions to the hard-coded restriction against harming organics. Utilizing a standard issue sonic grenade, Security Droids can create micro-fractures in enemy defenses for a short period of time, increasing the amount of damage taken.'
trp_desc_SeizedAAT1 'Rebel engineers adapted these Clone Wars-era tanks for organic crews. AAT-1 tanks are heavily armored and excel at targeting strong defenses, but are slow and vulnerable to Rocket Turrets.'
trp_desc_SeizedATTE 'Rebel mechanics have made special modifications to keep these Clone Wars era AT-TE walkers running. They are equipped to take on infantry and vehicles alike, but slow and vulnerable to anti-vehicle fire.'
trp_desc_SeizedHailfire 'Developed by the CIS during the Clone Wars, the IG-227 Hailfire droid has been adapted by the Rebels as an anti-vehicle platform. Their light armor makes them fast, but vulnerable to infantry.'
trp_desc_SeizedJuggernaut 'Juggernauts are wheeled tanks with a lethal top-mounted laser cannon. Highly durable, they can punch through strong defenses, but are slow and vulnerable to Rocket Turrets and massed heavy infantry.'
trp_desc_SeizedMedic 'Medic Droids heal injuries with advanced bacta-based technologies. They are programmed to follow and provide aid to infantrymen closest to them, and are most effective at healing members of the Rebel Alliance.'
trp_desc_ShaggyAlien 'Gigoran Fighter are towering figures on the battlefield, wielding fearsome blasters to mow down opposing forces. With their ability to soak up punishment, they excel at the destruction of enemy turrets.'
trp_desc_Shock 'Pulled from the Stormtrooper corps and equipped with powerful, shield-piercing rocket launchers, these specially trained elite troops destroy traps and walls, clearing the way to the enemy HQ.'
trp_desc_Smuggler '.'
trp_desc_SmugglerBruiser "Bruisers are tough mercenaries who attack enemy turrets and work to bring down a base's defences for other less durable units to sweep in and cause damage."
trp_desc_SmugglerPistoleer 'Pistoleers are general purpose mercenaries who excel at nothing but also have no pronounced weaknesses. They attack the nearest thing and sweep through bases attacking whatever is in range.'
trp_desc_SmugglerSaboteur 'Some unscrupulous Jawa clan members take part in open sabotage to ensure a fresh supply of scrap and parts for trade. Jawa Saboteurs are specialists when it comes to disabling shields, and make quick work of shield generators.'
trp_desc_SmugglerSpeeder 'Renegades are mercenaries on speeder bikes who head straight for enemy troops and work to take them out with their speed and vehicle mounted heavy blasters. In the absence of enemy ground forces, they attack whatever is closest.'
trp_desc_SmugglerThief 'Thieves are opportunistic mercenaries who go directly after stores of credits, alloy, and contraband when deployed. Their expertise in pillaging allows them to do extra damage to resource buildings.'
trp_desc_Sniper 'Sniper Troopers are specialists taken from the Scout Trooper ranks and trained to use an E-11s long-range blaster. They excel against infantry, vehicles, and heroes, but have low health and mobility.'
trp_desc_Snowtrooper 'Cold weather assault stormtroopers undergo elite training for combat conditions in arctic environments. While specially trained, their tactics are similar to standard stormtroopers – strength in numbers.'
trp_desc_Soldier 'These Alliance foot soldiers are armed only with a standard blaster rifle and their fierce determination to restore freedom to the galaxy. In combat they are generalists, best used in large numbers.'
trp_desc_SoldierDropship 'These Alliance volunteers bravely leap from commandeered assault craft deep behind enemy lines to neutralize key emplacements to give their comrades the best chance of reaching their objectives.'
trp_desc_StolenATAT 'The ultimate symbol of Imperial mechanized power, the AT-AT provides incredible firepower to the battlefield. Being large and slow, it is vulnerable to starship strikes and Rocket Turrets.'
trp_desc_StolenATDP 'Originally intended to safeguard Imperial assets on occupied worlds, the AT-DP is now deployed into battle to subdue Rebel infantry and vehicles. This walker is well armored, but still susceptible to anti-vehicle fire.'
trp_desc_StolenATST 'These stilt-legged scout vehicles are workhorses, useful for a wide variety of missions.'
trp_desc_StolenMHC '"Appropriated" from the Umbaran militia, these advanced weapons platforms have recently entered field testing. The UMHC is extremely powerful against vehicles and turrets, but very slow due to its massive size.'
trp_desc_StolenTechnician 'Repair droids are highly specialized probes used to make field repairs to vehicles in the heat of combat. They are programmed to follow and provide aid to the vehicle that is closest to them.'
trp_desc_Storm 'The standard Imperial troop, Stormtroopers emerge from military academies with unthinking loyalty to the Empire. As combat generalists, they are best used in large numbers to overwhelm foes.'
trp_desc_StormDropship 'These fiercely loyal, hardened soldiers deploy behind enemy defenses to wreak havok in advance of primary assault elements.'
trp_desc_SullustanSample 'In addition to increased damage and durability, Sullustan Recon Sharpshooters carry special targeting equipment to call in surgical Y-Wing strikes in battle.'
trp_desc_T2BTank "Delivered to the Rebellion by treasonous military contractors, T2-Bs' armor and repulsorlifts make up for a lack of heavy weapons."
trp_desc_Technician 'Repair droids are highly specialized probes used to make field repairs to vehicles in the heat of combat. They are programmed to follow and provide aid to the vehicle that is closest to them.'
trp_desc_TiePilot 'Imperial pilots are capable fighters even on the ground, applying their rigorous academy training to the task of destroying enemy resource generators and storage. Thanks to their fleet connections, these units call in TIE fighter strafing runs that inflict damage across Rebel bases.'
trp_desc_Treadwell 'Treadwell droids are used to make field repairs to vehicles in the heat of combat. They are programmed to follow and provide aid to the vehicle that is closest to them.'
trp_desc_Tusken '.'
trp_desc_Vanguard 'Vanguards field powerful PLEX rocket launchers, designed to bypass shields and destroy from a distance. These path-clearing troops are specially trained to seek out and destroy traps.'
trp_desc_Wookie 'Tough warriors with a cunning feel for tactics, Wookiees can soak up punishment and inflict it on enemies with their bowcasters. They excel at targeting and destroying enemy turrets.'
trp_desc_XWingPilot 'Alliance pilots quickly learn to adapt, making them just as useful on the ground as in the air. While attacking enemy resource generators and storage on foot, these units also call in X-wing strafing runs that inflict damage across Empire garrisons.'
trp_desc_promoRancorEmpire 'Walking upright, with a hide thick enough to resist blaster fire, the Rancor is truly a sight to behold. This captive creature is driven into a frenzy and released into battle, where it will mercilessly attack with crushing blows.'
trp_desc_promoRancorRebel 'Walking upright, with a hide thick enough to resist blaster fire, the Rancor is truly a sight to behold. This captive creature is driven into a frenzy and released into battle, where it will mercilessly attack with crushing blows.'
trp_info_shield 'Shield:'
trp_title_2MTank '2-M Hover Tank'
trp_title_614AVA '614-AvA'
trp_title_AAT1 'AAT-1 Hover Tank'
trp_title_ATAP 'AT-AP Walker'
trp_title_ATAT 'AT-AT'
trp_title_ATDP 'AT-DP'
trp_title_ATMP 'AT-MP'
trp_title_ATRT 'AT-RT Walker'
trp_title_ATST 'AT-ST Walker'
trp_title_ATTE 'AT-TE'
trp_title_ApeMan 'Ongidae Oppressor'
trp_title_Bantha 'Bantha Rider'
trp_title_BetaTroop 'Orbak Marauder'
trp_title_BetaTroopEqp 'Elite Orbak Marauder'
trp_title_BigMouthAlien 'Drabatan Saboteur'
trp_title_ChampionEmpireDroideka 'Droideka Sentinel'
trp_title_ChampionEmpireDroidekaSample 'Droideka Sentinal'
trp_title_ChampionEmpireHeavyDroideka 'Droideka Oppressor'
trp_title_ChampionEmpireHeavyDroidekaSample 'Droideka Oppressor'
trp_title_ChampionRebelDroideka 'Droideka Sentinel'
trp_title_ChampionRebelDroidekaSample 'Droideka Sentinal'
trp_title_ChampionRebelHeavyDroideka 'Droideka Oppressor'
trp_title_ChampionRebelHeavyDroidekaSample 'Droideka Oppressor'
trp_title_Dark 'Phase II Dark Trooper'
trp_title_DesertSkiff 'Anti-Vehicle Skiff'
trp_title_Dewback 'Dewback Trooper'
trp_title_EchoBaseHeavySoldier 'Cold-weather Heavy Soldier'
trp_title_EchoBaseSoldier 'Cold-weather Soldier'
trp_title_EmpireATMPHalfSkinSample 'Enhanced AT-MP Walker'
trp_title_EmpireATSTHalfSkinSample 'Enhanced AT-ST Walker'
trp_title_EmpireAlphaVehicle 'Salvaged Multi-Troop Transport'
trp_title_EmpireBetaTroop 'Orbak Marauder'
trp_title_EmpireBetaTroopSample 'Elite Orbak Marauder'
trp_title_EmpireBrute 'Dowutin Hunter'
trp_title_EmpireChicken 'AT-DT Walker'
trp_title_EmpireDemoDroid 'LIN Demolitionmech'
trp_title_EmpireGamorreanWarrior 'Gamorrean Warrior'
trp_title_EmpireGoldenMileCreature 'Fathier Rider'
trp_title_EmpireHeavyStormDeath 'Heavy Undead Trooper'
trp_title_EmpireHovertankSample 'TX-225'
trp_title_EmpireHunterRancor 'Hunter Rancor'
trp_title_EmpireHunterRancorCreature 'Hunter Rancor'
trp_title_EmpireJohhar 'Johhar Kessen'
trp_title_EmpireJumptrooper 'Jump Trooper'
trp_title_EmpireKraytDragonCreature 'Krayt Dragon'
trp_title_EmpireP006Droid 'A-LT "Turret Slicer"'
trp_title_EmpireRageRancor 'Rage Rancor'
trp_title_EmpireRageRancorCreature 'Rage Rancor'
trp_title_EmpireRancorCreature 'Rancor'
trp_title_EmpireRider 'Luggabeast Munitioneer'
trp_title_EmpireScoutDeath 'Scout Undead Trooper'
trp_title_EmpireShadowRancor 'Shadow Rancor'
trp_title_EmpireShadowRancorCreature 'Shadow Rancor'
trp_title_EmpireSpeeder 'Speeder Bike'
trp_title_EmpireStormDeath 'Undead Trooper'
trp_title_EmpireTognath 'Tognath Marksman'
trp_title_EmpireTransportVehicle 'Imperial Troop Transport'
trp_title_EmpireTwilekIncinerator "Twi'lek Incinerator"
trp_title_ErkitBruiser "Er'Kit Militia Bruiser"
trp_title_ErkitGeneralist "Er'Kit Militia Conscript"
trp_title_ErkitSniper "Er'Kit Militia Sniper"
trp_title_ErkitSniper_e "Er'Kit Sniper"
trp_title_ErkitSniper_r "Er'Kit Sniper"
trp_title_ErkitTank 'Salvaged AAT1'
trp_title_FUETroopHeroHanSolo 'Han Solo'
trp_title_FUETroopTuskenWeak 'Tusken'
trp_title_FueATST 'AT-ST'
trp_title_FueHeroHanSolo 'Han Solo'
trp_title_FurCoat 'Bufopel Protector'
trp_title_Hailfire 'Rebel Hailfire Droid'
trp_title_HeavyRebel 'Heavy Soldier'
trp_title_HeavySandSoldier 'Heavy Desert Soldier'
trp_title_HeavySandtrooper 'Heavy Sandtrooper'
trp_title_HeavySnowtrooper 'Heavy Snowtrooper'
trp_title_HeavyStorm 'Heavy Stormtrooper'
trp_title_HeroATAP 'AT-AP Veteran'
trp_title_HeroATAT 'Elite AT-AT'
trp_title_HeroATMP 'AT-MP Mark III'
trp_title_HeroATST 'Veteran AT-ST'
trp_title_HeroATTE 'Elite AT-TE Walker'
trp_title_HeroBossk 'Bossk'
trp_title_HeroChewbacca 'Chewbacca'
trp_title_HeroCrimsonGuard 'Royal Guard'
trp_title_HeroDarthVader 'Darth Vader'
trp_title_HeroDeathTrooper 'Death Trooper'
trp_title_HeroEmpireSpiderDroid 'SD-K4'
trp_title_HeroForen 'Johhar Kessen'
trp_title_HeroHanSolo 'Han Solo'
trp_title_HeroLeia 'Leia Organa'
trp_title_HeroLukeSkywalker 'Luke Skywalker'
trp_title_HeroR2D2 'R2-D2'
trp_title_HeroRebelSpiderDroid 'Modified SD-K4'
trp_title_HeroSoldier 'Oto Vans'
trp_title_HeroUrur 'Ur Ur'
trp_title_IG86Droid 'IG-86 Assassin Droid'
trp_title_IakaruWarrior 'Iakaru Warrior'
trp_title_IthorianInfiltrator 'Ithorian Infiltrator'
trp_title_Juggernaut 'Juggernaut'
trp_title_KraytDragon 'Krayt Dragon'
trp_title_KubazInvader 'Kubaz Invader'
trp_title_MHC 'Mobile Heavy Cannon'
trp_title_MTV7 'MTV-7'
trp_title_Marksman 'Rebel Sharpshooter'
trp_title_Medic 'Medic Droid'
trp_title_NativeDewback 'Dewback'
trp_title_Pathfinder 'Rebel Pathfinder'
trp_title_PentagonHeavyTrooper 'Heavy Shoretrooper'
trp_title_PentagonSoldier 'Rebel Commando'
trp_title_PentagonTrooper 'Shoretrooper'
trp_title_PolarShip 'V-4X-D Ski Speeder'
trp_title_ProbeDroid 'Probe Droid'
trp_title_R5Medic 'Imperial Astromedic'
trp_title_Rancor 'Rancor'
trp_title_RebelATAPHalfSkinSample 'Enhanced AT-AP Walker'
trp_title_RebelAlphaVehicle 'Salvaged Multi-Troop Transport'
trp_title_RebelBetaTroop 'Orbak Marauder'
trp_title_RebelBetaTroopSample 'Elite Orbak Marauder'
trp_title_RebelBrute 'Dowutin Hunter'
trp_title_RebelChicken 'Stolen AT-DT Walker'
trp_title_RebelDemoDroid 'Demolition Droid'
trp_title_RebelGamorreanWarrior 'Gamorrean Warrior'
trp_title_RebelGoldenMileCreature 'Fathier Rider'
trp_title_RebelHeavyStormDeath 'Heavy Undead Trooper'
trp_title_RebelHovertankSample 'Stolen TX-225'
trp_title_RebelHunterRancor 'Hunter Rancor'
trp_title_RebelHunterRancorCreature 'Hunter Rancor'
trp_title_RebelJetpackTrooper 'Jetpack Trooper'
trp_title_RebelJohhar 'Johhar Kessen'
trp_title_RebelKraytDragonCreature 'Krayt Dragon'
trp_title_RebelP006Droid 'A-LT "Turret Slicer"'
trp_title_RebelRageRancor 'Rage Rancor'
trp_title_RebelRageRancorCreature 'Rage Rancor'
trp_title_RebelRancorCreature 'Rancor'
trp_title_RebelRider 'Luggabeast Munitioneer'
trp_title_RebelScoutDeath 'Scout Undead Trooper'
trp_title_RebelShadowRancor 'Shadow Rancor'
trp_title_RebelShadowRancorCreature 'Shadow Rancor'
trp_title_RebelSpeeder 'Speeder Bike'
trp_title_RebelStormDeath 'Undead Trooper'
trp_title_RebelT2BTankHalfSkinSample 'Enhanced T2-B Repulsor Tank'
trp_title_RebelTognath 'Tognath Marksman'
trp_title_RebelTransportVehicle 'A-A5 Speeder Truck'
trp_title_RebelTwilekIncinerator "Twi'lek Incinerator"
trp_title_RodianSample 'Rodian Recon Sniper'
trp_title_SandSoldier 'Desert Soldier'
trp_title_Sandtrooper 'Sandtrooper'
trp_title_Scout 'Scout Trooper'
trp_title_SecurityDroid 'Security Droid'
trp_title_SeizedAAT1 'Seized AAT-1 Hover Tank'
trp_title_SeizedATTE 'Seized AT-TE Walker'
trp_title_SeizedHailfire 'Seized Hailfire Droid'
trp_title_SeizedJuggernaut 'Seized Juggernaut'
trp_title_SeizedMedic 'Seized Medic Droid'
trp_title_ShaggyAlien 'Gigoran Fighter'
trp_title_Shock 'Shock Trooper'
trp_title_Smuggler 'Mercenary'
trp_title_SmugglerBruiser 'Mercenary Bruiser'
trp_title_SmugglerDroid 'Worker Droid'
trp_title_SmugglerDroideka 'Smuggler Droideka'
trp_title_SmugglerGuardian 'Smuggler Guardian'
trp_title_SmugglerGuardian_e 'Smuggler Guardian'
trp_title_SmugglerGuardian_r 'Smuggler Guardian'
trp_title_SmugglerHeavyStormDeath 'Heavy Undead Trooper'
trp_title_SmugglerJawa 'Mercenary Saboteur'
trp_title_SmugglerLooter 'Smuggler Looter'
trp_title_SmugglerPistoleer 'Mercenary Pistoleer'
trp_title_SmugglerPistoleer_e 'Chiss Pistoleer'
trp_title_SmugglerPistoleer_r 'Chiss Pistoleer'
trp_title_SmugglerRenegade 'Smuggler Renegade'
trp_title_SmugglerSaboteur 'Jawa Saboteur'
trp_title_SmugglerScoutDeath 'Scout Undead Trooper'
trp_title_SmugglerSpeeder 'Mercenary Renegade'
trp_title_SmugglerStormDeath 'Undead Trooper'
trp_title_SmugglerTank 'Smuggler Bruiser'
trp_title_SmugglerThief 'Mercenary Thief'
trp_title_Sniper 'Sniper Trooper'
trp_title_Snowtrooper 'Snowtrooper'
trp_title_Soldier 'Rebel Soldier'
trp_title_SoldierDropship 'Rebel Soldier'
trp_title_StolenATAT 'Stolen AT-AT Walker'
trp_title_StolenATDP 'Stolen AT-DP Walker'
trp_title_StolenATST 'Stolen AT-ST Walker'
trp_title_StolenMHC 'Stolen Mobile Heavy Cannon'
trp_title_StolenTechnician 'Stolen Repair Droid'
trp_title_Storm 'Stormtrooper'
trp_title_StormDropship 'Stormtrooper'
trp_title_SullustanSample 'Sullustan Recon Sharpshooter'
trp_title_T2BTank 'T2-B Repulsor Tank'
trp_title_Technician 'Repair Droid'
trp_title_TiePilot 'Imperial Starfighter Pilot'
trp_title_Treadwell 'WED Treadwell Repair Droid'
trp_title_Tusken 'Tusken Raider'
trp_title_TuskenBantha 'Tusken Bantha Rider'
trp_title_TuskenHero 'Tusken Chieftain'
trp_title_TuskenMelee 'Tusken Raider'
trp_title_UrUr 'UrUr'
trp_title_Vanguard 'Rebel Vanguard'
trp_title_WompRat 'Womp Rat'
trp_title_WompRatAlpha 'Alpha Womp Rat'
trp_title_WompRatBruiser 'Heavy Womp Rat'
trp_title_WompRatGeneralist 'Womp Rat'
trp_title_Wookie 'Wookiee Warrior'
trp_title_XWingPilot 'Alliance Starfighter Pilot'
trp_title_fueTroopSmuggler 'Smuggler'
trp_title_fueTroopTusken 'Tusken Warrior'
trp_title_fue_ATST 'AT-ST'
trp_title_fue_troop_attackingSmuggler 'Smuggler'
trp_title_fue_troop_smuggler 'Smuggler'
trp_title_promoRancorEmpire 'Rancor'
trp_title_promoRancorRebel 'Rancor'
tut_perk_infoActivateCost 'Perks cost resources to activate. This activation is free.'
tut_perk_infoActivateCostTitle 'Free Perk Activation'
tut_perk_infoReputation 'Used to unlock and upgrade Perks'
tut_perk_infoReputationTitle 'Reputation'
tut_perk_infoSquadLevel 'Increases as squad members contribute Reputation'
tut_perk_infoSquadLevelTitle 'Squad Level'
tut_planetLoot_infoItemInfo 'Tap to see where you can find unit Data Fragments'
tut_planetLoot_infoItemInfoTitle 'Unit Info'
tut_raid_infoScoutTower 'Lets you spot and defend against enemy raids'
tut_raid_infoScoutTowerTitle 'Scout Tower'
upgrade_all_walls_confirm_title 'Upgrade All?'
upgrade_all_walls_conifrm_desc 'Upgrade {0} Wall Segments to Level {1} for {2} Crystals?'
upgrade_creature_capture_time '{0} (After Upgrade)'
upgrade_desc_FinishNow 'Upgrade finishes in:\n{0}\nDo you want to instantly upgrade\nyour {1} for {2} Crystals?'
upgrade_desc_FinishNow_units 'Upgrade finishes in:\n{0}\nDo you want to instantly upgrade {1} for {2} Crystals?'
upgrade_flag_wall_hide 'Hide'
upgrade_flag_wall_show 'Show'
upgrade_title_FinishNow 'Finish Now?'
war_troop_request_reprompt "Field Reports will let you receive communication notifications from your squad, notify you when you've been attacked, and other vital information. (Crystal reward may require reload)"